Have you noticed that some weeks feel more clearly than others like a car shifting into a higher gear? This looks like one of those weeks, though you might not notice the full effect until we’re closer to the weekend.
This guy’s in gear. Photo of the Portland, Maine, Climate Strike by Amanda Painter.
According to our astrological road map, we have two major planets changing sign this week, and a third that’s stationing direct. The Moon is also waxing again, after Saturday’s New Moon, adding another — gentler — layer to the sense of picking up speed or directing more power to your engine.
Of these events, the first is Pluto stationing direct in Capricorn on Thursday. I can’t say I’ve ever really noticed a particular sensation or event associated with Pluto stationing; not the way I have with Mercury or Mars, for example, though perhaps you have. What makes this station direct of Pluto notable is that it’s the final change of apparent direction either it or Saturn will make before they meet for their conjunction in January.
Pluto is a ‘take no prisoners’ agent of change and surrender in astrology. Even though Saturn is associated with structures, it has its own way of compelling change and growth. Much has been written about these two planets and their upcoming conjunction; suffice it to say here that Pluto stationing direct signals a new phase where any shifting undercurrents that have gone unnoticed thus far should begin surfacing. It’ll likely become increasingly harder to deny that they’re real.
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