This week’s edition of Planet Waves TV covers the old-religion holiday of Beltane, one of the cross-quarter days. I also look at the double inner planet retrograde, of Mars at one end of the zodiac (in Scorpio) and Mercury at the other end (in Taurus). Please subscribe to our YouTube channel.
Dear Friend and Reader:
This week ushers in the astrological Beltane, which is the moment the Sun reaches the midpoint of Taurus, on May 4 at 9:42 pm EDT (01:41 UTC May 5). The Taurus New Moon takes place shortly after that, on May 6 at 3:29 pm EDT (19:29:27 UTC). The last days before the New Moon, coupled with two inner planet retrogrades, make the first few days of this week the ideal slow-down-and-review moment.
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Beltane maypole antics. Photo by Paxus.
Eric has written plenty about the cross-quarter days and their relationship to the Aries Point (see here and here for example).
The astrology of this week treads the intersection between the personal and the collective in a decidedly Taurean way. It does so by emphasizing the logical path of our values.
What I mean by this is that when we subscribe to a particular set of morals, this can have consequences wider than ourselves. Note the effect of Christian morality imposed on, for example, sex education and birth control in public schools.
For you, this week, there is a calling to review your own values — to ask yourself searching questions about what you truly believe. The time to do this is when you find yourself in some sort of quandary or issue over what is important, or what decision to make. Values are not abstract. They are connected to choices and to action.
It helps to be real with yourself, and to not play games when it comes to admitting what you want. Yes, this is a process, though it’s true that well begun is halfway done. Give it a go. When you’re asked something, experiment with giving the real answer and see what happens.
You might not get the result you were expecting; you might get a better one, and you’re likely to shift the dialog. These kinds of changes in direction are part of what Mercury and Mars retrograde are about.
With love,
Amy Elliott
Planet Waves Client Services
With Eric Francis
Hi Taurus — Eric will soon be recording your 2016-17 video-audio birthday reading. New to Eric’s excellent birthday narratives? You can now check out last year’s reading here at no cost, or read his inspiring love letter to Taurus natives. Eric and Planet Waves will show you the beauty in you and how to let it shine.
Integrity, Conviction and Heart: Your Spring Reading
Dear Friend and Reader:
Eric’s experiment with video for the 2016 Spring Readings is proving to be a great hit. I’ve already watched my Taurus Spring Reading and took notes, and I look forward to watching my rising sign soon. But I’m going to let our clients tell you what they think of it all.
Hey, guess what? It’s still spring (or autumn if you’re down under), and Mars is still retrograde! Don’t wait for it to be over and then wonder what happened. Order your individual signs now (or order all 12) and figure out what you want, how to get it and what to do with it. (And don’t you want to know what Eric is saying here?)
And wow Eric again… This reading has given me a lot of insights. Thank you. — Hillary, on the Spring Reading for Aquarius
Brilliant reading, Fire Breathing Fish. Love your maverick personal style too! Onwards, Inwards, Upwards and Outwards! — Linda/”watersnake” commenting on the Spring Reading for Libra
“I loved the video format — seeing you in your lovely studio, with chart in hand. Everything, as always, was totally spot on. And I truly enjoyed watching you, instead of just hearing a disembodied voice.” — Liz Glanville
Excellent Spring Reading, Eric! You are a lifesaver. And this Sun sign or whole sign stuff is just as relevant as a natal reading. I loved your cute little dogs in the background — they looked so cozy and adorable and peaceful. You speak with such integrity and conviction and heart in your work. That’s so rare. — Joel Jodrey
By the way: did you know that you can also call Planet Waves to speak to a real, live person and order this reading by phone? Call toll-free within the U.S. at (877) 453-8265, or call toll-free from overseas at (206) 567-4455 to speak with Amy or Victoria.
You also have options for how many signs to buy: If you’re a super astrology fan, consider ordering all 12 signs for the surprisingly low price of $57. You can also order signs individually for $19.97 for the first one, and $9.97 for each additional.
Yours & truly,
Amanda Painter
Planet Waves Astrology Editor
Aries (March 20-April 19) — Once you know what matters to you, everything else falls into place. Therefore, consider your priorities carefully. If having more money is on your list, I suggest you take that a step or two further and ask yourself what you would do with it. Money is a symbol, and it always represents something else. The question is what, and why. If having a certain kind of relationship is on your list, ask yourself what you would do with that experience. You’ve noticed there’s pressure to emphasize the structure of relationships (marriage, for instance) rather than the content or purpose. From many different angles, your solar chart is illustrating the need to get under the surface image or seeming idea and figure out what’s going on a few levels down. This kind of process might take a while. I suggest giving yourself three weeks of daily self-inquiry, taking notes so you know where you’ve been.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You seem to be facing a contradiction: feeling some unusual new potential, yet also being pulled in the direction of some unresolved experience or desire. The two are not at odds, but rather can work well together. For example, the sense of something unresolved might be an instinct to retrieve something you left behind: an idea, a goal, a person. You might need some time to yourself to consider carefully what this might be. I recognize that ‘quiet time’ is starting to become something you might look for in a vintage shop or museum, though it will help you considerably. As for that sense of potential: ask yourself whether you believe what you want is possible. It may seem too good to be true, or more than you deserve. Don’t let that get in the way of your vision. Yes, you must always bring your integrity to whatever you do. That is good news.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Have you ever had one of those experiences of thinking about something, but not realizing you’re doing it? Or that sensation of remembering a dream, in little pieces, throughout the day? And then you stop and consciously remember what you experienced? Your chart is describing you having what I call ‘parallel world’ experiences. These might include the feeling of deja-vu, or the sensation of being two places at once. In case you’re wondering, I consider these to be not just normal but also helpful; they are indications that your consciousness is expanding. Think of it this way: there is much more of you than is typically invited into the circumstances of your life. There are feelings, thoughts and visions that don’t fit into the usual day-to-day, and those are the places you’re growing into. Let them seep into your mind, and remember to set aside some quiet space to consider what they’re telling you.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Here’s an idea: write one personal ad a day for a week. Change it up every day: what you’re seeking, how you describe yourself, what your specific needs are. You don’t need to post these anywhere, though of course you have the option of sharing them. Really, this is between you and you. It’s clear that you’re looking for some new adventures in your social life, though it’s not always easy to know what you want. And usually, that’s a discovery that comes in layers. The idea of writing something new every day is to help you remove some of those surface notions and go deeper, get clearer and perhaps make a discovery. One thing to monitor is your idea of ‘how people might respond’ — that is, the people you know and think might judge you. The ideas that you think are the most taboo are likely to be the ones that will make you the happiest.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You seem to be reshuffling career goals, with an aim of setting your sights on something more meaningful and more profitable — in that order. I suggest you start with what would be meaningful and leave out the financial end. That’s really a separate project, and a lower priority. Getting a real idea of what you want is the more challenging thing. I suggest you take your time, and stoke your imagination. It’s easy to walk along a city street, or for that matter, through a small town, and think that there are limited opportunities for you. You want to go to the other side of the spectrum: let yourself believe, for as long as you can, that anything is possible. Worry not if you ‘don’t think you can make a living at it’. Nearly everything that people thrive on economically today was considered impossible or nonexistent just 10 or 20 years ago, and with this experiment, you are pointing the ship of your life toward the future.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Who do you see yourself becoming? One effect of contemporary life is the seeming disappearance of both the past and the future. In some odd Buddhist style, we appear to live perpetually in the moment. Yet what’s really going on in ‘the moment’? Are you trying to stay the same, or are you embracing the truth that everything forever changes? Think of your life as a process of ‘becoming’ rather than ‘being’. Right now becoming has two elements: unraveling something that seems stuck (likely to be the residue of the forgotten past) and seeing the potential of what might be (having a vision for your life, and stretching into it every day). You have material you need to resolve, and you will feel better for even making the most basic effort. And you have a life that you want to live. But to even consider that possibility you must open up an idea of the future — and face it with an open heart.
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Planet Waves custom journals have arrived. We are offering these to people who renew or extend their Core Community membership for one year. They’re available in red, purple, blue and black, while supplies last. I’ve also made hand-painted ones for those who renew or extend their Backstage Pass. To learn more, write to or call (206) 567-4455.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — How much effort must you exert to get what you need? Do you find that people respond to you, or do you constantly have to push them? Before you can find a meeting place between your needs and those of someone close to you, it would help if you find your own center first. That means understanding yourself well enough to make a few clear, simple statements about which you do not feel guilty. You seem to be under the influence of someone with whom you’re not sure you see eye to eye. You can get to a clear meeting, though understanding yourself is the first step. I recognize how complicated this self-understanding thing is. But it doesn’t need to be that way. If you run into some internal contradiction, consider the two sides of the equation. How exactly did you end up with two values or desires that conflict? Where did you get the idea that you can have one of them, or neither, but not both? You did not make that one up on your own.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You may be wondering what relationship partners are up to, and why you might not be able to get your signals clear. Here is a clue: have the discussion in person. Skip all the electronica, the social media, the SMS messages, the emails and even the telephone. Get together in a quiet place (preferably private rather than public) and have a conversation. I suggest you begin the discussion with physical needs: have you both eaten recently, and what do you want to eat? Then, with food present, listen to one another. One additional clue I can offer is that any question you have for another person (whomever it might be) is the very thing that would be helpful to ask yourself. You might try a method that has proven to be useful in therapy: treat whomever you’re speaking to, and listening to, as yourself. Or, without changing anything, consider that how you treat them is how you treat yourself. When you look from that angle, what do you notice?
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — It would blow the minds of most people how much of what ails them involves unresolved relationships with their parents. To see this is to see the invisible, though it’s easier than spotting molecules of air floating by. The lack of resolve takes many forms: loyalty to parents that subverts your own needs; having their troublesome emotional habits; being subject to manipulation. With these things in place, the energy can spread, to the point where many people around you seem to have a kind of parental power. This can affect people of any age, including those who are considerably older. Here’s a simple test: When you want to do something merely because you want to do it, how quickly do you experience guilt? And on what particular topics? The presence of guilt is a little like getting snagged in the invisible fence. Suddenly you discover that it’s there. Perhaps cut the power, or just walk on through and don’t look back.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Your solar chart is describing you trying to remember something. The feeling is similar to when you’ve had a dream you cannot quite recall, and you’re struggling to get the image and the feeling back. Yet it never comes back to you that way — you need to relax and let your mind flow; in a sense, you need to forget in order to remember. Then when it comes back to you, it’s subtle, and easy to dismiss — instead, that’s when you would invite a full recall, and scribble down the central image and the feeling. The feeling is more important than anything; give that some time and space to come back to you; five minutes of quiet reflection might be enough. If you’re at home, get off the Internet for a moment; if you’re at work, disappear into the supply closet and meditate. The message wants to come through — though it’s sublime, a distant memory of something relevant now.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — There are beautiful treasures to be found right in your home: emotional, creative, aesthetic. I suggest you devote the next few days of your life to appreciating the space you’ve created for yourself. You probably put more thought and effort into your home than you have time to enjoy it, and I suggest you reverse that process. Actually feel what you’ve assembled, and allow yourself to soak in the quality of life that you’ve given yourself. Home space includes the immediate surroundings of where you live, your neighborhood and your neighbors. Much of the world is in crisis and turmoil; chances are if you’re reading this, you’re somewhere safe, warm and dry. This fact deserves more attention than you typically give it. Make sure you add the food you love to your appreciation, dining in rather than going out. If for some reason what I’m saying contradicts the facts, consider that it’s time for a new setting for your life.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You have accomplished a lot in recent months, which is likely to be the result of a year or more of concentrated effort. It’s time to slow down, catch your breath, and reflect on what you’ve done. Though comparisons to others are rarely helpful, consider what you were doing, and how you were feeling, exactly one year ago, and note the contrast. Remember that your thought, your intentions, your actions and your investment in yourself have gotten you to where you are today. You have great things to accomplish, though to make the most of your future investment of resources, you need perspective. That means a clear survey of your life, and real consideration of what your most important priorities are. As for relationships, I suggest reaching out to people you’ve lost contact with in the recent past. Say hello, find out what they’re up to, and perhaps make plans to meet up. Listen to what you hear — and to what you say.
If you don’t yet have your 2016-17 birthday reading, now is a great time to get acquainted with the beauty of you. You may order your reading