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By Matt Bors.

By Matt Bors
Visit the garden of delights that is the Planet Waves Boutique, and find the top-quality reading, class or membership that you need, or that special gift for a loved one.
By Matt Bors.
By Matt Bors
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Slightly bewildered by the second comic. I wonder if perhaps it could be somewhat better expressed.
The second ‘toon expressed my own bewilderment perfectly, Amy. Without getting into nuance on this topic, which would burn holes in the brain of any homophobe, all this anxiety is based on the gay = pederast bullshit, stalking our children in public restrooms. I recently had an (on line) smackdown when I posted some common sense about this and got a reply that read, in part, ” … SOMEONE has to protect the children!!!”
From WHAT, is my question — from inadvertently seeing a penis? Or catching sight of lady-parts? Really? Can’t tell you how many ladies rooms I took my son into when he was a little boy and there was not one scene where the women ran screaming.
There is NO common sense being used in this issue. Someone who has committed themselves to a gender change, gone through the angst, expense and body changes to do so identifies completely with that sexual signature. When SC declared its bathroom law, one guy sent his picture to the governor — full beard and all — and said, “You want me in the ladies room? Fine!”
I understand that these people think that trans issues, even gay issues, are a matter of choice — and that means that those who seek change aren’t REALLY changing, they’re still whatever their chromosomes assigned them, and that’s what’s wrong with this picture.
I swear, these conservative/fundy/homophobe folks are genitalia-obsessed … and the majority of them seem to be thinking from their nether-regions as well. And while I really don’t like stereotypes, too many legislators that stand firmly on this issue turn out to be closet cases to suit me.
Look at House Speaker Denny Hastart, brought in to replace Newt Gingrich (he of three wives, having married two affairs) during the Monica Lewinski days, to establish a clear sense of decency and ‘family values.’ Good pick, guys — our family dysfunction is legion!
Good lord. I had no idea things were that bad. I could sort of see the point Matt was trying to make, but it came across to me somehow that he was inadvertently and unnecessarily equating trans people with child molesters. I’m stunned that anyone has the stupid to do that for real.
Amy and Jude: I might have had an advantage in interpreting Matt’s second cartoon since I’d read this essay on FB that spells out the hypocrisy at play with the “protect our daughters from pedophiles” argument:
Wow, that’s brilliant.
Yes, brilliant. I’d read it before, as it made it on to Huffington Post, and got a lot of attention. Thanks for the link, Amanda.
The thought of some armed goon guarding the ladies room door at Target gives me chills. What a sick joke!