By Sarah Taylor
The three cards in front of you together offer a simple, potent, and deeply transformative reading, with the figure in the central card, the Seven of Disks, as the initial point of focus.
The Seven of Disks speaks of Failure. But in this case this is failure from a limiting point of view — the view of the person sitting under the seven disks, arms resting on his knees, shoulders hunched, head lowered. Despondent.
He is sitting facing towards the card on the left, which he has come from: the Death card. He is dwarfed by it; it is writ full in his current experience, sitting as he is at the level of the skull that emerges from the shadows in the lower half of the picture. This is what he is associated with — an ending; the falling away of something whose time had come to an end, like the dried leaves that are blown from the bough of a now-invisible tree.
The Death card is a major arcana card, which means that the shift that accompanies it has a depth to it that indicates a shift in the Soul’s journey. The death may be an ending in the day-to-day world, but it is also the transition from one inner state to another. Like the shedding of the leaves, it is the shedding of a skin. However, what the figure seems to be identified with is that old skin, and not what the skin makes way for.
Look back at the Death card and to what emerges from the skull. It is the figure of a woman, holding to herself, young, the harvest of wheat giving a golden shine to her hair and dress. Note this: what was harvested is the bringer of light and life. She is in a protective position, though, which suggests there is something that is not yet ready to emerge fully, because it needs time to strengthen and to grow into itself. It needs time to adapt to its new surroundings, to become fledged.
And so back to the card at centre. Are you able to see it differently now? You, who might be that figure who sits, pressed down upon by the weight of something that felt too much to carry. Was it yours to carry in the first place?
Can you now look up and see what that burden was concealing: a source of light that lies at the level of the woman in the Death card, in much the same way that you, the seated figure, are at the level of the skull. See how a shift in perspective can reveal more than you might at first have thought?
Notice, too, that the sky behind the disks is clear for the most part, the clouds dissipating as the eye moves towards the darkness along the top of the card. The figure is alone, but there is an atmosphere of beauty, and a place of space. There is a depth to this card that confers a feeling of grace if you are able to look past — with your mind’s eye, your intuition — the oppressive opacity of the disks.
And what if you were to change your position completely, to see what is opening up at your back? The final card brings the nascent light in the Seven, that was birthed in the Death card, into the centre of the picture. Now, it is a Sun. And here, right in front of you, is a road, the ‘wall’ of rock before you blasted open to reveal something that is calling to you. It is compelling, impelling — the energy of wands quickening the atmosphere, calling you onwards, fuelling you for your journey.
“Victory,” “Success,” “Clear breakthrough,” “Combination of power.”
I’m intrigued by the word “combination.” A combination of — what? Maybe that is part of the journey too.
What’s clear is that there is a turnaround here, and it may be one that you feel quite palpably because it has at its foundations a major arcana card. And if the hints weren’t enough to look at what you’re not seeing in your situation, then the face hewn from the rock to the left of the road in the Six of Wands is perhaps the final sign you need to know that there is a route leading you somewhere. It is there. You don’t need to find it immediately. In fact, it may well be that it finds you.
What you will feel, though, when you see it, is that quickening of the wands; a stirring in your body; a fire ignited; a job well done!
Astrology/Elemental correspondences: Death (Scorpio), Seven of Disks (Saturn in Taurus), Six of Wands (Jupiter in Leo)
If you want to experiment with tarot cards and don’t have any, we provide a free tarot spread generator using the Celtic Wings spread, which is based on the traditional Celtic Cross spread. This article explains how to use the spread.