Author Archives: Amanda Painter

A High-Voltage New Moon, with Options

Editor’s note: this is the full PW members’ edition, featuring your weekly horoscopes, the Create feature, and more.

Dear Friend and Reader:

Today there’s a New Moon in Libra that’s just loaded with energy. Chances are you’ve already been feeling it this week. Despite the fact that a Moon waning to its new phase tends to be lower-energy, this one is plugged into a high-voltage outlet.

Photo by Amanda Painter.

That outlet’s name is “Uranus”: the planet of revolution, surprise and invention. Uranus is in late Aries. And at 3:12 pm EDT today (19:12 UTC), the Sun and Moon will make a conjunction to each other (the New Moon) exactly opposite Uranus.

Depending on where Libra is located in your personal chart, you might have already felt some unexpected disruptions in recent days as the Sun has been moving into position. And you may not have felt like you’ve had the energy to deal well with everything that’s coming your way — thanks in part to the Moon winding down its current cycle.

If that’s been the case, consider cutting yourself some slack. Give yourself a hug (real or metaphorical), take a few breaths, and remember that being a conscious, caring human being in our current world takes a lot of energy, awareness and flexibility. Sometimes, due to a confluence of circumstances, our emotional resources run thin; and that makes it incredibly difficult to roll with unexpected disruptions, curveballs and the needs of loved ones.

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A High-Voltage New Moon, with Options

By Amanda Painter

Today there’s a New Moon in Libra that’s just loaded with energy. Chances are you’ve already been feeling it this week. Despite the fact that a Moon waning to its new phase tends to be lower-energy, this one is plugged into a high-voltage outlet.

Photo by Amanda Painter.

Photo by Amanda Painter.

That outlet’s name is “Uranus”: the planet of revolution, surprise and invention. Uranus is in late Aries. And at 3:12 pm EDT today (19:12 UTC), the Sun and Moon will make a conjunction to each other (the New Moon) exactly opposite Uranus.

Depending on where Libra is located in your personal chart, you might have already felt some unexpected disruptions in recent days as the Sun has been moving into position. And you may not have felt like you’ve had the energy to deal well with everything that’s coming your way — thanks in part to the Moon winding down its current cycle.

If that’s been the case, consider cutting yourself some slack. Give yourself a hug (real or metaphorical), take a few breaths, and remember that being a conscious, caring human being in our current world takes a lot of energy, awareness and flexibility. Sometimes, due to a confluence of circumstances, our emotional resources run thin; and that makes it incredibly difficult to roll with unexpected disruptions, curveballs and the needs of loved ones.

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Photo by Amanda Painter

Saucy Transformation, Harmony and You

By Amanda Painter

If you’ve been feeling a need for some energy to shift, you’re in luck. This week sees two major planets changing signs: Jupiter left Libra and entered Scorpio on Tuesday; and on Saturday, Venus will exit Virgo and enter one of its ‘home’ signs, Libra.

The Kennebec River, between Waterville and Winslow, Maine. Photo by Amanda Painter.

View from above the Kennebec River, between Waterville and Winslow, Maine. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Jupiter spends about a year in each sign. So if you think back about 12 years, you may get a sense of how this planet’s expansiveness influenced your life.

What grew? What became so magnified that you could no longer ignore it? What benefits (even if they appeared in disguise at the time) came your way? Although the area of your life where this occurred will depend on where Scorpio falls in your natal chart, you can also get more clues by thinking thematically.

For example, astrologer Debbi Kempton-Smith begins her section on having natal Jupiter in Scorpio by writing, “You’re as horny as a three-balled tomcat — people can just tell you’re brilliant in bed.” She adds later, “You love excess in business, religion or love.” Does that ring any bells?

Astrologers Frances Sakoian and Louis S. Acker initially note that things like “joint or corporate finances, taxes, insurance, and legacies” relate to Jupiter in Scorpio. But they also mention interest in “the occult, mystical aspects of religion, in life after death, and in telepathic communication with those of the unseen realms” — as well as acquiring “secret information regarding the private affairs of others.”

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What’s Underneath It All

By Amanda Painter

Recent news events have a lot of people either feeling activated to fight for change, or overwhelmed and seeking emotional refuge. It may seem like there’s not a lot of room in the middle for things like connecting with others, making art, making love or integrating everything that’s rushing at us. And yet, today’s astrology is suggesting some of these very things through two major aspects.

The February 2015 conjunction of Venus and Mars, with a crescent Moon mimicking this week's Full Moon thanks to a phenomenon known as "Earthshine." Photo by Amanda Painter.

The February 2015 conjunction of Venus and Mars, with a crescent Moon mimicking this week’s Full Moon thanks to a phenomenon known as “Earthshine.” Photo by Amanda Painter.

These aspects happen nearly simultaneously, essentially making them one event: Venus conjunct Mars in Virgo at 12:53 pm EDT (16:53 UTC); and the Aries Full Moon, exact at 2:40 pm EDT (18:40 UTC).

Eric, in covering this week’s astrology, wrote on Monday about the ways that conjunctions (two planets coming together in the same degree of a sign) differ from oppositions (the Full Moon being an opposition between the Moon in one sign and the Sun in the opposite sign). For example, he notes that Full Moons not only represent a peak of heightened emotional energy, but also ” distinguish between the energies of the signs involved, in this case Aries and Libra. They pull the picture into high contrast.” With Aries and Libra, that can mean the contrast between individual needs and balance in a relationship.

He also writes, “Conjunctions guide us to blend, morph and merge the energies involved; in this case Mars, which rules Aries, and Venus, which rules Libra.” There’s the idea here of integrating female and male, receptive and active. And since this conjunction occurs in Virgo, that integration would seem to be mental and yet manifesting physically somehow.

Yet, you might be reading this and thinking, “Ok, but what do I do with all of that?” The Venus-Mars conjunction and the Aries Full Moon seem to have opposite agendas — at least on the surface. And while the Full Moon might be more obviously palpable, Venus and Mars are not exactly background players; our inner female and male are core energies that directly influence how we see ourselves and how we move through our daily lives.

Interestingly, one of the heavyweights of the solar system is in contact with both aspects: Pluto in Capricorn. Although the contact is not exact, Pluto is definitely involved: making a T-square with the Sun and Moon (tension), and making a trine to Venus and Mars (harmony).

Pluto seems to be suggesting you go deeper with everything that is coming up for you this week. Be willing to look beneath the surface of any apparent conflict, disagreement or stalemate you’re caught up in. How deep are those roots, and what’s truly at stake? Perhaps go beyond how you dress and what pronouns you use for yourself to allow your receptive and active sides to work in clearer harmony in everything you do. That is, regardless of what society says ‘gender balance’ is, what feels balanced, integrated and aligned to you?

In other words, I think Pluto’s contact with both the Aries Full Moon and the Venus-Mars conjunction is about intensifying the transformational power of these two aspects in tandem. Do you feel like some kind of subterranean pressure is pushing you from within to release what’s not working in your relationships (specifically how you are in your relationships) and to create something better? Is the desire to merge disparate facets of yourself (or even to merge with another person, or with your creative process) compelling to the point of almost feeling like lust?

Pluto is a strong force; handled well, it can be an incredible catalyst for growth — though that growth is rarely simple, and is not a one-way process. It asks you to listen to your deeper needs honestly; and those deeper needs might not look much like the needs you’re used to articulating, if you’ve gotten too focused on symptoms and surface reactions. Particularly with this Full Moon, Pluto seems to be a reminder to be accountable for your actions, and to beware of falling into any kind of victim/perpetrator dynamic or compulsive behavior.

Trine the Venus-Mars conjunction in Virgo, Pluto would seem to add extra body (and all that physical bodies imply) to what might otherwise be a fairly intellectual or detached exercise in gender integration. I’m talking about: meaningful emotional expression (especially of love or lust); making emotionally deep art (especially if your preferred forms of creativity are physically active — think sculpture, dance, acting, etc.); the ambition to walk your talk in terms of how your own aims and the social good align.

Finally, today’s astrology is a reminder that there are conscious and subconscious (or unconscious, or semi-conscious) facets to just about everything that we do and feel. Sometimes we’re more aware of those dynamics than others. When we are, it opens us up to a whole new set of tools, a whole new level of being present in the world. With that deeper presence, your choices have more potential influence. Use it well, and use it consciously.



In the Shadow of the Moon, the exciting 2017 Midyear Reading by Eric Francis, is now published. Although the video readings for all 12 signs use the Great American Eclipse of Aug. 21 as a starting point, Eric develops the themes through some of the most important astrological events you’ll encounter in the remainder of 2017 and beyond.

We’ll be increasing the price again very soon, so don’t hesitate to order your copy here. You can also now choose your individual signs here.

Countering Rose-Colored Glasses with Good Communication

Editor’s note: this is the full PW members’ edition, featuring your weekly horoscopes, the Create feature, and more.

Dear Friend and Reader:

We’ve been experiencing a week of highly charged, transformational astrology. And whether you’ve been experiencing it in acutely personal, direct ways or mainly watching it play out on the nightly news in frightening and heartbreaking events, chances are you’ve noticed the universe inviting you to pay attention and investigate with your full awareness.

Photo by Amanda Painter.

But first things first: take a deep, slow breath; and another one. Take one more. There. I don’t know about you, but it’s been that kind of week for me.

Looking at the (hopefully) more manageable personal level of astrology, two main events catch my eye as we head toward the weekend. Both speak in one way or another about relationships and the act of relating.

The first is an opposition between Venus in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces, which is exact Friday but has been in effect for a while. This is just the latest in a series of oppositions to Neptune since about mid-August (Vesta, the Sun, Mercury, Mars and now Venus) that have perhaps contributed to peaks of confusion or uncertainty.

In the case of Venus-Neptune, that confusion plays out in the realm of relationships — particularly those involving ‘romantic’ love or sexual energy (or both, of course). This is the ‘beware of rose-colored glasses’ aspect. Neptune can make it incredibly difficult to see the object of your desire clearly — and that can contribute to setting expectations the other person cannot hope to fulfill (and likely are oblivious to).

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Countering Rose-Colored Glasses with Good Communication

By Amanda Painter

We’ve been experiencing a week of highly charged, transformational astrology. And whether you’ve been experiencing it in acutely personal, direct ways or mainly watching it play out on the nightly news in frightening and heartbreaking events, chances are you’ve noticed the universe inviting you to pay attention and investigate with your full awareness.

Photo by Amanda Painter

Photo by Amanda Painter

But first things first: take a deep, slow breath; and another one. Take one more. There. I don’t know about you, but it’s been that kind of week for me.

Looking at the (hopefully) more manageable personal level of astrology, two main events catch my eye as we head toward the weekend. Both speak in one way or another about relationships and the act of relating.

The first is an opposition between Venus in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces, exact Friday. This is just the latest in a series of oppositions to Neptune since about mid-August (Vesta, the Sun, Mercury, Mars and now Venus) that have perhaps contributed to peaks of confusion or uncertainty.

In the case of Venus-Neptune, that confusion plays out in the realm of relationships — particularly those involving ‘romantic’ love or sexual energy (or both, of course). This is the ‘beware of rose-colored glasses’ aspect. Neptune can make it incredibly difficulty to see the object of your desire clearly — and that can contribute to setting expectations the other person cannot hope to fulfill (and likely are oblivious to).

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Breathing Room

By Amanda Painter

Do you feel ready for a breath of fresh air — or any kind of air, for that matter? Between hurricanes, forest fires, earthquakes and a U.S. president who seems to be pushing for nuclear war, I wouldn’t be surprised if your breathing has gown increasingly shallow over recent weeks. Collectively, we’re under a lot of pressure; personally, you might be facing your own stressors on top of everything else, and be looking for some release.

Photo by Amanda Painter

Photo by Amanda Painter

Astrologically, we’re about to get that breath of air.

On Friday, Sept. 22, the Sun enters the cardinal air sign Libra just before 4:02 pm EDT (20:02 UTC), signaling the autumnal equinox: one of two points in the year when everyone on the planet experiences equal amounts of day and night. This begins a new season. Given all the mental-level activity involving Virgo lately, the equinox also begins to shift the emphasis of the sky toward a different form of doing. Taking physical action, even in small or subtle ways, can feel like a tremendous relief when the world feels overwhelming.

But what would you take action on? Well, waiting just inside the Libra doorway is the asteroid Vesta. Vesta relates to devotion, service and dedication. So one way to pick a direction would be to notice where you already feel called to help out in some way. Not where you feel guilt-tripped into lending a hand; and not where you feel like you’d have to sacrifice what’s most meaningful to you. (Vesta can relate to sacrifice; but in Libra, the emphasis is on balance — happily giving something up can still be considered ‘in balance’.)

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Tending New Ground, in a New Way

Editor’s note: this is the full PW members’ edition, featuring your weekly horoscopes, the Create feature, and more.

Dear Friend and Reader:

With each new natural disaster that has swept through the news recently (hurricanes, floods, fires, earthquakes…) it feels as though the planet is trying to get our attention: no matter how much technological ‘progress’ we make, it won’t matter until we face the damage we do to the Earth, commit to changing harmful behavior patterns, and act to heal the environment — our home. By healing the environment we can heal ourselves; and the process can also work in reverse.

Photo by Amanda Painter.

Interestingly, the astrology now and through the weekend speaks to this dynamic.

And although it may seem to be speaking on an entirely personal level, extrapolating the message to the macro level and applying it to the planet (both environmentally and socially) makes sense. But let’s start with the personal.

Tomorrow (Friday), Mercury in Virgo opposes the centaur planet Nessus in Pisces. I wrote this week on Planet Waves that this aspect “looks like a reminder: no matter how logical and rational you think you are, emotionally dysfunctional patterns from the past (including those you’ve inherited from your parents or grandparents) need to be faced and seen for what they are, and for what they to do to you. Once you can see them, you can begin addressing and disarming them.”

It’s worth noting that just yesterday, on Wednesday, Mars in Virgo made its own opposition to Nessus. And on Saturday, Mercury and Mars form a conjunction. So this Mercury-Nessus conjunction also has the firepower of Mars behind it.

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