By Amanda Painter
Tonight is the Virgo Full Moon. This is the Moon in Virgo opposite the Sun in Pisces, exact at 7:51 pm EST tonight (00:51 UTC) — with some company. Along with the usual Full Moon effects that you might be noticing, Neptune’s presence (conjunct the Sun) is likely making things just a little more slippery than usual.

Earth Under a Full Moon; collage by Stacy Bergener.
In one way, that might be helpful. Full Moons often signify interpersonal confrontations, seemingly stuck situations, or a pressurized feeling like ‘something’s gotta give’. With Neptune adding extra softness and lubrication, you might find it easier to sidestep blowups or shift perspective in a way that opens up your options.
In fact, you might even find that heightened intuition and sensitivity to how others feel enables you to care a little more about their benefit and wellbeing, rather than getting stuck in defending your ego. Mercury and Venus in Pisces are currently in a trine to Jupiter in Scorpio, and appear to be playing supporting roles in the goodwill-and-good-feelings department, including for relationship conversations and sex.
On the other hand, Neptune so intimately involved in a Full Moon — especially involving Pisces — could also heighten a kind of psychological weariness with the world and the desire to escape it. Daydreaming the day away is not the worst thing in the world, and might actually offer just the psychic break needed, if this is how you’re feeling. The place where things can get dicey is if you try to make a full-on effort to evade reality. Modern culture is already playing fast and loose with things like facts, identity, social function and so on, thanks to the internet. Watch out for digital rabbit holes from now through the weekend.