Author Archives: Amanda Painter

Street art in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.* Photo by Amanda Painter

Neptune on My Mind

By Amanda Painter

What’s on your mind? Or, perhaps a better question might be: how is your mind behaving this week, especially in response to the unexpected or the unclear? I ask because Mercury in Virgo (a sign it rules) is making some aspects that could well be affecting your thought processes and perception.

Street art in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.*  Photo by Amanda Painter

Street art in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.* Photo by Amanda Painter

The primary aspect in question is Mercury’s opposition to Neptune in Pisces — exact today, though it’s been in effect for several days and will continue to be so for several more.

Mercury is also in a square to the rather mysterious Great Attractor (a deep-space phenomenon in mid-Sagittarius), exact today. And between now and Sunday, Mercury is making a trine to Pluto in Capricorn and a sextile to Jupiter in Scorpio.

But first: Mercury and Neptune. At its best, this can be an aspect of heightened spiritual sensitivity and awareness. With Pluto offering assistance with investigating deep issues and mysteries, and Jupiter lending a hand with seeing how things fit the underlying patterns in your life, you may very well uncover some profound truths with this astrology.

Here’s the thing, though: in our mainstream culture and everyday life, it’s relatively rare to witness or experience Neptune in its higher manifestations. More often, we encounter Neptune’s glamour, cloudiness, slipperiness, confusion and outright deception.

One look at all the clickbait online, glossy magazine ads, the proliferation of ‘fake news’, Brett Kavanaugh’s SCOTUS confirmation hearing, and the escapist nature of most of our entertainment options will tell you where we, collectively, stand with Neptune — not to mention the many forms of mundane denial so many people live in, covering everything from the truth of our desires and most intimate relationships, to things like climate change and the abuses of the Catholic church. Which is to say, Neptune is great at obscuring where one really stands in relation to almost anything, including in relationship to oneself.

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From Neptune to the New Moon

Editor’s note: this is the full PW members’ edition, featuring your weekly horoscope by Amy Elliott, Create; and Eric’s Planet Waves FM program.

Dear Friend and Reader:

Are you looking around this week wondering if you can believe what you’re seeing? I know, I know: for many, this has become the expectation, not the surprise. Yet as we wind down toward the Virgo New Moon on Sunday, your perception of the environment — and how that influences your direct interactions and immediate relationships — could use some attention and discretion.

Protesters with the group Demand Justice, dressed in The Handmaid’s Tale costumes, send a silent message on Tuesday above the entrance to the Senate room where Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing is taking place. Photo by Win McNamee.

I say that because one of the most important aspects between now and the weekend (and even beyond) is the Sun in Virgo making its yearly opposition to Neptune (which itself is taking a leisurely stroll through Pisces).

This is an aspect of slippery perception: one that warns us to be wary of deception, both intentional and the accidental kind that comes with being distracted by surface impressions and glamour.

This week’s social media brouhaha over Nike’s choice to feature Colin Kaepernick as the face of its latest “Just Do It” ad campaign is one example. Kaepernick, you may recall, is the NFL quarterback who began the trend in 2016 of kneeling during the national anthem as a silent racial justice protest.

Now, on one side of the Nike ‘controversy’, there are people posting images of themselves burning their Nike gear or cutting the logo from it to protest Nike and Kaepernick on ‘patriotic’ grounds — seemingly oblivious to the fact that Nike already has their money. On the other side are people proclaiming their admiration and support for Nike (and Kaepernick, by extension) for their allegedly ‘courageous’ stand on racial justice and free speech.

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From Neptune to the New Moon

By Amanda Painter

Are you looking around this week wondering if you can believe what you’re seeing? I know, I know: for many, this has become the expectation, not the surprise. Yet as we wind down toward the Virgo New Moon on Sunday, your perception of the environment — and how that influences your direct interactions and immediate relationships — could use some attention and discretion.

Caterpillar mimicking the edges of the leaves it's feeding on; photo by Amanda Painter.

Ridges on a caterpillar’s back mimicking the edges of the leaves it’s feeding on, making it hard to discern; photo by Amanda Painter.

I say that because one of the most important aspects between now and the weekend (and even beyond) is the Sun in Virgo making its yearly opposition to Neptune (which itself is taking a leisurely stroll through Pisces).

This is an aspect of slippery perception: one that warns us to be wary of deception, both intentional and the accidental kind that comes with being distracted by surface impressions and glamour.

This week’s social media brouhaha over Nike’s choice to feature Colin Kaepernick as the face of its latest “Just Do It” ad campaign is one example. Kaepernick, you may recall, is the NFL quarterback who began the trend in 2016 of kneeling during the national anthem as a silent racial justice protest.

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Back to School with a Handful of Aspects

Editor’s note: this is the full PW members’ edition, featuring the Create segment; Planet Waves FM is still on hiatus; there is no weekly horoscope in this issue.

Dear Friend and Reader:

Now that Mars is finally direct as of Monday, what have you been able to put in motion? Is there anything you actually feel more uncertain about or stymied by than you did last week? Hopefully you’re enjoying a sense of energy freeing up for use, though it’s possible that this week’s aspects are raising some new questions.

Handfuls of school supplies; photo by Nick Amoscato under CC 2.0.

I’m not going to try to recap all of the week’s news. However, there is one story that caught my attention as having some resonance with certain facets of the astrology and themes I describe below. That would be almost the full caucus of U.S. House Democrats calling for Education Secretary Betsy DeVos to state unequivocally that federal funds may not be used to arm teachers in the name of ‘protecting’ students.

As reported by The Hill, at issue is a federal grant program, created by the 2015 Every Student Succeeds Act, which provides funding “for states and local education departments with the broad goal of improving ‘school conditions for student learning.'” At least two states, Texas and Oklahoma, have requested permission to use these grants — which are focused on promoting “digital literacy” and “technology readiness” in low-income schools — to arm and train school employees as a line of defense against school shootings. (Unsurprisingly, the NRA has long supported such initiatives, as does Pres. Trump.)

“Based on the program’s authorizing statute, recent Congressional action, and precedent, you have the authority to deny such use of funds,” the Democrats wrote in a letter to DeVos on Tuesday. “Therefore, we urge you to swiftly exercise your authority to clarify to State and Local Education Agencies that [the funding provided under the law] may not be used to arm teachers and other school staff.”

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Back to School with a Handful of Aspects

By Amanda Painter

Now that Mars is finally direct as of Monday, what have you been able to put in motion? Is there anything you actually feel more uncertain about or stymied by than you did last week? Hopefully you’re enjoying a sense of energy freeing up for use, though it’s possible that this week’s aspects are raising some new questions.

A fellow student in the lounge of the Kristin Linklater Voice Center. Photo by Amanda Painter

A fellow student in the lounge of the Kristin Linklater Voice Center. Photo by Amanda Painter

For example, two aspects that have caught my eye are: the asteroid Vesta conjunct the centaur Ixion in Sagittarius; and the asteroid Ceres square the centaur Pholus and the Galactic Core (GC) in Sagittarius.

In general, that Sadge energy might be lending a sense of restlessness — though the tension of these aspects could also be seen as questions.

For example, are you finding this week that your approach to nurturing your ‘higher purpose’ is to get critical of the ways you’ve often strayed from it? That could be one way Ceres-GC might manifest.

Yet, when we add in Pholus, another thread emerges: the idea that, just as a small act of selfless service can go a long way, so can a little self-criticism take on a life of its own. Which of those would you rather send rippling out into the world? Because even if you keep your fault-finding of yourself to yourself, there’s an excellent chance it could hinder your ability or willingness to offer your gifts fully to those around you — thereby shortchanging the world of your light. What might happen if you pushed aside any thoughts of ‘not good enough yet’ and just offered what you can do?

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At Last: Mars Stations Direct

By the time you read this, the Pisces Full Moon will have already peaked earlier in the day. Yet even if you can feel a situation resolving or softening in one regard, you might still be experiencing a little agitation: tomorrow, at 10:05 am EDT (14:04:52 UTC), Mars finally stations direct after having been retrograde for two full months.


This May 11, 2016, self-portrait of NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover shows the vehicle at the “Okoruso” drilling site on lower Mount Sharp’s “Naukluft Plateau” in a mosaic of multiple images. Photo by NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS.

Only you can say whether you felt this dramatically or barely at all; whether you felt thwarted at every turn, or just a little less gung-ho than usual. And of course, with three eclipses and Mercury’s own retrograde mixed in, it can be hard to tease out the themes specific to Mars.

Yet, for the last week, Mercury has been direct in Leo; the eclipses finished up just over two weeks ago. It’s possible you’ve been able to discern a little better the meaning of this particular Mars retrograde in your own life during the last week or two. You might ponder these questions if you need a hand tapping into it:

Has this past season helped you to understand certain desires better?

Do you have a sharper grasp of the ways you stand out from — or even oppose outright — a particular group or social trend?

Have you reached deeper insights about particular past actions, and how they’ve gotten you to where you are now?

It could help to consider the Sabian symbol for the degree where Mars is stationing direct, 29 Capricorn. (The Sabian symbols are a set of images that were channeled to correspond to each degree of the zodiac; Dane Rudhyar’s version is perhaps the most popular.) The Sabian symbol for 29 Capricorn reads: “A woman reading tea leaves.” It comes with the keynote: “The ability to see the Signature of hidden meaning in every occurrence drawing one’s attention.”

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Sun in Virgo, Pisces Full Moon, and Mars Direct

Editor’s note: this is the full PW members’ edition, featuring your weekly horoscope by Amy Elliott, and Create; Planet Waves FM is on a brief hiatus.

Dear Friend and Reader:

Today the Sun entered Virgo, the last sign of the season, at 12:08 am EDT (4:08:27 UTC). It does so as we approach a Full Moon in Pisces (on Sunday) and Mars stationing direct in Capricorn (on Monday). If you’re feeling a little bit in flux, or like you’re not quite sure if you’re coming or going, or like your impulses keep switching, these combined events might describe that.

With no cell phones or other devices allowed in the Albert V. Bryan United States Courthouse in Alexandria, Virginia, for Paul Manafort’s trial verdict Tuesday, journalists had to take notes the old-fashioned way, and then race to file their copy. The result was a truly amusing spectacle. Is breaking news really that urgent? Photo by Chip Somodevilla.

Think about it: right now we have a combination of energy loosening (the season winding down), energy peaking (the Full Moon), and energy that’s waiting in potential, like a charged battery (Mars stationary).

We also seem to be seeing this mix of energetic dynamics in the news. Topping the list of items are the conviction of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort on eight (out of eighteen) criminal charges on Tuesday, including tax evasion, bank fraud and failure to disclose a foreign bank account; and Trump’s former personal attorney and ‘fixer’, Michael Cohen, pleading guilty on Wednesday to eight criminal charges — including two campaign finance violations that appear to implicate Trump as an unindicted co-conspirator (for arranging illegally to pay out affair hush-money to two women during the 2016 election).

These latest developments in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election certainly describe a loosening or unraveling (of Trump’s previous claims and denials), and yet there’s also a sense of energy gathering. It feels like a peak in the process — yet still not ‘the’ peak.

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Sun in Virgo, Pisces Full Moon, Mars Direct: Let’s Get On with It

By Amanda Painter

Today the Sun enters Virgo, the last sign of the season, at 12:08 am EDT (4:08:27 UTC). It does so as we approach a Full Moon in Pisces (on Sunday) and Mars stationing direct in Capricorn (on Monday). If you’re feeling a little bit in flux, or like you’re not quite sure if you’re coming or going, or like your impulses keep switching, these combined events might describe that.

A seagull photobombs the 2015 Pisces Full Moon. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Unexpected action: a seagull photobombs the 2015 Pisces Full Moon over Casco Bay, Maine. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Think about it: right now we have a combination of energy loosening (the season winding down), energy peaking (the Full Moon), and energy that’s waiting in potential, like a charged battery (Mars stationary).

I am writing this with the Sun in the last degree of Leo, and must confess that the storied ‘edginess’ of the last degree of signs is feeling very real to me. The frustration and stuck-ness of stationary Mars is feeling all-too-real to me today (hello, writer’s block — really, more like ‘writer’s rebellion’: I just don’t wanna!). And while the Virgo-Pisces axis about to be lit up by this weekend’s Full Moon is a very creative axis of manifestation, I’m not feeling tapped into it yet.

I usually try to keep this column less personal and just about the astrology, but damn: this whole summer of retrogrades and eclipses and whatnot has been an interesting trip. I’m still processing and plotting and questioning and dreaming and scheming and trying not to back away from the possibilities that are being pointed to by what I’m discovering. Some days, like this one as I write, it’s taken a lot of effort to get my head out of my own navel and do my job. So I hope you’ll bear with me — even more, I hope that if you’ve had any moments like what I’m describing, you can take heart in knowing that you’re not alone.

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