Eclipses were the first topic that got my attention in astrology. Even before discovering Pluto and Chiron, I figured out that these unusually precise alignments of the Sun and Moon described the contours of the psychic landscape — and I made a point of studying them, learning from them, experiencing them and writing about them.
Eclipses are challenging — and they are amazing. It would be all too easy in today’s overwhelming environment — especially if you feel like you’re struggling — to be fearful of these events. After all, the ancients did not regard them favorably. Yet now we understand how engaging with eclipses through awareness and intentional action can be a key way to harness their potential for our personal growth and wellbeing.

Eric Francis.
They are multidimensional events that connect the solar, lunar and nodal cycles. The lunar nodes are directly involved — the nodes and eclipses are best understood as one thing. And now the lunar nodes are making their way through Cancer and Capricorn. We’re about to have the first eclipse pair in these signs since 2009.
Soon, I’ll be releasing Astrology Studio for Cancer. This will be an in-depth professional astrology reading in two parts.
First is the Cancer birthday reading, a solid, one-hour assessment of your astrology. By assessment, I mean creative ideas, problem solving and strategy for work, home and personal matters. I view the eclipses as a moment of realignment — a rare opportunity to bring together mind, emotions, body and spirit.
I am the world master of the solar chart — giving me the ability to read astrology and make it personally relevant without the natal chart. This comes from decades of reading for clients, while writing my advanced horoscope columns. Transits speak to me in ways they speak to few other astrologers — maybe because I’m listening, and have the ability to translate into language you will understand and benefit from.
Treat yourself to professional astrology today. This reading is for Cancer, Cancer rising, Cancer Moon, and will serve those with strong Capricorn signatures in their chart.
Pre-order price is $44; pre-order for Core Community members $33; the reading is included for Backstage Pass and Galaxy Pass. Final retail price is $55.
In-person or telephone consultation is $555. See details here.
Included: The 2019-2020 Eclipse Reading
For those who order during the pre-order phase or while the Sun is in Cancer, your reading will include the 2019-2020 Eclipse Reading. This will look at eclipse patterns out through late 2020, the full duration of Cancer/Capricorn eclipses.
The reading will explain and educate you about why eclipses are so powerful, and track the eclipse pattern as it moves through the current Capricorn configuration. This is an easy to follow, one-hour reading that will prepare you for energy movements for the next two years.
This reading is for everyone, and it will add special depth to your understanding of astrology for those born in the signs Cancer and Capricorn.
Thank you for being a Planet Waves customer, and for trusting me as your astrologer.
With love,
If you’re a Core Community Member, please write to us at cs@planetwaves.net and we’ll send you your purchase link.