Weather Advisory: Mercury Square Neptune

Dominick’s Cafe in Kingston, early this morning. Photo by Eric.

Dominick’s Cafe in Kingston, early this morning. Photo by Eric.

A friend just wrote to remind me that these days, Mercury is square Neptune. This can be stressful, particularly with Mercury conjunct the Great Attractor, the focal point in Sagittarius. You might say that the tension is centered around sincerity, which can be compromised when Mercury and Neptune meet up in a tense aspect, as if they are bending off of one another (a physical property of squares), or even clashing.

Under this astrology, it can be difficult to discern what’s true from what is not. You may feel like your energy is sapped (a property of any square aspect to Neptune).

The effect may be similar to Mercury retrograde, when it can seem like figures don’t add up to the same sum when you calculate the column from the top or the bottom. Plans may slip and slide. People may be flaky, and change their minds. Leave extra time to get where you’re going, and designate a driver who drinks **absolutely no alcohol whatsoever,** like a professional driver or pilot.

Another way to describe the difference is where core spiritual seeking meets with idealistic notions about what life should be. The easiest way to resolve the tension is to go with the idealism for the sake of discussion and not try to convince anyone of anything. You can ascribe this to journalistic objectivity rather than lying. You’re under no obligation to state your beliefs. The important thing is that you be honest with yourself, and not accept what you know isn’t true.

Safe travels and happy holidays. When in doubt, hang out with cats, dogs and kids.

4 thoughts on “Weather Advisory: Mercury Square Neptune

  1. Amanda Painter

    I can totally attest to the Mercury-Rx feel of the Merc-Nep square yesterday. Hahaha! We had a few communication and thought slips, but nothing major. Pretty amusing overall. Ooops! I was just thinking that Mercury’s post-shadow phase was going out with a bang much like the pre-Rx shadow phase did (and that might have been part of it, since the Rx seemed far less tricky than the beginning ad ending of those two shadows), but having a square to Neptune in there certainly increased the effect. I suppose that might have been a factor in the pre-Rx shadow’s commencement, too, now that I think about it!

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