Monthly Archives: July 2012

Working up to Sun Square Saturn; Venus square Chiron

Posted by Eric Francis


When I was a cub newspaper reporter who whose editor happened to be an astrologer, we were involuntarily instructed in the cosmic science. Flo Higgins, editor of the Echoes-Sentinel (infamous for moonlighting as an astrologer) would stamp around the office in her high heels, informing us of the impending astrology as we wrote our missives about the goings-on in various government agencies in central New Jersey.

Moonshine Horoscope, Full Moon & Ind. (Day)

Posted by Eric Francis


Today we have the Moonshine horoscope by Genevieve Hathaway, written in Cairo. Moonshine is based on your Moon sign, which is a good thing to know if you find astrology helpful. It will open up a new dimension of your astrological consciousness (and there are many more after that). Though they’re written based on the qualities and properties of the Moon sign, I’ve found them useful for both the Sun and rising sign as well. Try them on and see what resonates with you.