By now, you’ve likely read all kinds of damning and exciting tidbits from the new book that exposes the inner dysfunction of the Trump White House. The current astrology indicates the fallout from it will likely develop this week, and that should make for fascinating news; but here’s the thing: you’re going to want to tear yourself away from social media and your TV to use this week’s astrology yourself.
We have an absolutely astonishing, beautiful and useful aspect pattern in effect right now. Eric has tailored interpretations of it for all the signs in the horoscopes below. I’m going to offer an overview of what’s going on, and look ahead to later in the week.

A photo of Eric’s chart for the ‘super-sextile’ in effect this week, with additional points. From left to right: the lunar South Node and Juno in Aquarius; the Part of Fortune, Pluto, the Sun, Venus, Black Moon Lilith, and Saturn in Capricorn; Pholus and Mercury in Sagittarius; Vesta, Mars and Jupiter in Scorpio. Note that Mercury is conjunct the Galactic Core.
From now through midweek, there’s a kind of ‘super-sextile’ in the sky. It involves Mars and Jupiter in Scorpio making contact with the Sun, Venus and Pluto in Capricorn.
The overarching theme of this aspect pattern is traction. As in, you should be able to get some traction on just about anything you need to work on, investigate, pursue or develop. The key to enjoying that traction, however, is to take some intentional, active steps toward what you desire. It’s like having really good treads on a pair of hiking boots: those shoes can take you great places if you get out on the trail, map in hand, water bottle and snack in your backpack, and get moving.
Yet the best treads in the world won’t do a damn thing for you if you wear them while streaming Netflix, or if you leave the shoes in the box they came in and never get further than reading the trail guidebook.
This doesn’t mean you have to push yourself harder than you’re physically able to sustain. But both the sextile aspect itself and the presence of Mars indicate that tangible, physical effort or action will likely pay the greatest rewards.
Here are a few notes on some of the individual parts of the ‘super-sextile’:
A Sun-Jupiter sextile is good for just about any activity or goal, and can be great for social pursuits. Sun sextile Mars is likewise great for accomplishing all kinds of work, solo or socially, especially anything physical.
Venus in the mix emphasizes relationships. Granted, Venus can be a little cool or withdrawn in Capricorn, but Mars in its ‘home sign’ Scorpio potentially brings just enough juice and heat to draw her out (or in, as the case may be). There’s a lovely image of balance between Mars and Venus here, one that supports giving and receiving in friendships as well as in intimate relationships (and in financial activity, too).
Conjunct the Sun, Venus facilitates creative expression; conjunct Pluto, she wants to get beneath the surface, and may seek unusual or intense experiences in love and/or sex.
Mars sextile Pluto is another indicator that this is a good time to work toward goals, though you may find you need to make some changes to your original plan as you proceed. Indeed, getting clearer on your objectives before plowing ahead could be your first action.
Amidst all of this, Mercury, the planet of mind, is wrapping up its final days in its post-retrograde shadowlands. On Monday, it makes its last of three conjunctions to centaur Ixion and the Galactic Core (with centaur Pholus nearby). Do you remember any sublime insights from a few weeks ago? Did you take notes that you can check? Are you clear on what it means to use those insights ethically?
On Wednesday, Mercury clears the segment of the zodiac where its retrograde took place; and on Thursday, it enters Capricorn. That may help with concentration, attention to details and memory.
As the week winds down, the Sun and Venus move into a square with Uranus and Eris in Aries. We’ll have more about that later in the week. This appears to bring whatever you set in motion now into contact somehow with the longer-term forces shaping the cultural environment, especially as it expresses in the digital sphere — or, rather, as you express yourself. As for that book I mentioned in the first paragraph, this may be where the rubber starts to meet the road.
Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Africa any more.
Interesting times, Amanda.
Haha — Geoff, I love that song! 😉
(Ah, you faked me out! I was referring to the Toto song, but that jazz number you linked to is pretty damn sweet.)
Too much, too clever. Sorry, Amanda. That Yusef Lateef track comes from 1968. Wow! So cool. I hope we might be about to traverse the 60s again; there’d be nothing wrong with that, IMO.
Thank you, Linda May. I certainly did enjoy that.