By Amanda Painter
As we emerge from yesterday’s Gemini New Moon and whatever you experienced with it, the theme of “new” appears to be carrying forward. Questions you might ask yourself include “Where in my life do I need something new?” and “What am I willing and able to do to seek, cause or attract it?”

Crescent Moon two days after last month’s Taurus New Moon (and Uranus ingressing Taurus), viewed from the Kristin Linklater Voice Center in Orkney, Scotland. Photo by Amanda Painter.
Note that since this astrology is happening as Mars prepares to station retrograde in Aquarius on June 26, those questions could have a background quality of feeling like you’re standing in contrast to everyone around you. You may want to track that over the next few weeks.
Since the Gemini New Moon made contact with a variety of objects around the zodiac, notice whether you feel like you had to juggle or synthesize several very different encounters, influences or perspectives. How is that process going for you? Do you feel closer to clarity on a particular issue or further from it?
With Mercury — the planet of the mind — in Cancer as of Tuesday, and Venus — the planet of receptivity and relationships — in Leo as of yesterday evening, you might be noticing a slight shift in how you’re perceiving and responding to those around you. Mercury in Cancer could be enhancing sensitivity (both empathetic and reactive); Venus in Leo tends to be compassionate, but with an inclination toward drama and a little more willfulness than is usually associated with Venus. Both of these planets are involved in aspects today and tomorrow that will likely emphasize these shifts in mental and emotional tone — as well as how you’re thinking and feeling about what kind of newness you need.
Venus in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus tonight into early tomorrow. This is a reminder to seek new experiences in relationships as consciously and intentionally as possible. The better you can do that, the less likely you are to push back against habits and routines in ways that provoke a fight.
Yet this idea of trying to be flexible and seeking excitement is always a curious prospect in the fixed signs (Taurus and Leo in this case; Scorpio and Aquarius are the other two). It’s a bit of an oxymoron on its surface, but it doesn’t have to be.
One key would seem to be speaking up sooner rather than later. It’s possible to stay committed to a routine simply because it’s the routine, while chafing inwardly, until you finally explode and burn your bridges — but it’s not necessary. A Venus-Uranus square can also be useful for getting an issue (such as what you need that is not being addressed) out into the open. That in itself can feel daring and like a new way of relating; as an added bonus, you might even find that the other person is excited to work things out with you, and the whole process could unfold into something new and unexpectedly satisfying.
Another option could be trying familiar things in new ways — like doing something you know you enjoy in a new place or at an atypical time. I suspect the more you can focus on pleasure and creativity, the more likely you are to find enjoyable ways to be flexible — rather than getting drawn into sudden upsets. That said, sometimes push really does come to shove. In which case, taking action with empathy, compassion and a desire for the highest good of all concerned may help you to move forward in constructive ways.
Mercury, for its part, is in an opposition to Saturn in Capricorn (exact Friday night into Saturday). Mercury-Saturn oppositions can be tricky, because they tend to highlight the theme of ‘separation’ that is inherent in any opposition: two bodies on opposite sides (of a circle, of an issue, of a relationship, of a conversation). And with Mercury in Cancer, the emotional component of that separateness could feel more present (as in, loneliness or similar).
That seems to be something especially worth watching for given our reliance these days on digital media to connect with others. It has separation built into its mode of connecting — unlike, say, walking to your favorite café and chatting with the baristas. Our cultural habits necessitate making a little more effort to connect face-to-face (or even voice-to-voice), but it’s not insurmountable. Often the only thing standing in our way is the inertia of habit.
Luckily, Venus square Uranus is offering some impetus to get over that inertia of habit. And if you feel mentally preoccupied, or you have a specific project you need to focus on, Mercury opposite Saturn could be quite useful for serious, practical, disciplined thinking. If you see something that needs correcting (especially in your immediate or domestic environment), this astrology is great for that. Make the correction — and then remember to move on to the next thing.
Remember, as mentioned, that all of this is happening with Mars barely moving in Aquarius as it prepares to station retrograde in less than two weeks. That makes it powerful right now. As you think about what it is you want and need to be ‘new’, consider the ways you can interact with others to achieve that in more effective ways (and in less effective ways, so you can see the contrast). I suspect you’ll come up with something.

Eric has now completed all 12 signs of The Sacred Space of Self, the 2018 Spring Reading on Chiron’s transition into Aries, and Mars retrograde in Aquarius over the summer. Order today and get all 12 signs for just $99. Check out our brand new sample video here, and the full Guide to Chiron Transits here.
“How is that process going for you? Do you feel closer to clarity on a particular issue or further from it?”
*rofl* Thank You for that delight, Amanda. I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time.
For me, the Venus-Uranus square comes AFTER Venus has already conjunct my Asc. and natal Uranus. I haven’t gotten to the end of my week, yet. I can share how it started, though (still laughing).
Monday I went for the pre-surgical evaluation for my cataract surgery scheduled for next Monday. The Dr. there ended up rushing me to Tacoma for emergency retina surgery. A matter far more serious than a cataract was discovered and fixed before it had a chance to cause damage and blindness. Walked in at 4:30 PM and walked out at 6:00 PM having undergone laser surgery. After being temporarily blinded by bright light shining directly in my eye while fully dilated, beginning Tuesday, I have experienced more Clarity, at least in the one eye that i didn’t know needed any. Sure fooled me. More to come next Monday.
At the full moon and in passing into Leo, synchronicity keyed me into a path to follow in a Desire that I had not expressed. Losing my cat, Rascal hit me hard. Yes, I have other pets that shower me with their Gifts of Love & Compassion everyday. What I felt for Rascal was just on a very deep level and I don’t have that type of bond with the other cats who belong to my children.
I needed to care for a baby animal, like I had with Rascal since the day he was born. So now I am fostering a momma cat and her five 2-day old kittens. I *coincidentally* had room and space for them, since I’m in the middle of sorting, purging and packing to move.
I came home on Monday to discover my son was taken to the emergency room from work. A pipe that sprung a leak sprayed sulfuric acid all over his face and hands. He went back to work, after being checked out with something along the lines of a minor sunburn. After investigation, it was determined my son had followed all procedures. Nothing like this accident had occurred before. Now there are new procedures in place, including checking all lines and pipes for cracks immediately and all working in areas of them to now wear Hazmat suits.
Positive and beneficial changes are happening, although circumstances might not look that way while going through the experiences of them.
WOW, Sue! I can see why you laughed at that question about “clarity.” 🙂 I am glad the emergency situation with that retina was caught, and wish you luck with the cataract surgery and recovery (and the kittens! Yay!).
As for your son: damn, it sounds like he had a very close call! I’m glad to know his burns were not more serious, and that the incident resulted in immediately restructuring the protocols. I wish him an easy recovery, too.