Photos by Danielle Voirin, for Planet Waves, Inc, who writes: “Was at Place de la Republique. Everyone is out. It’s a very special vibe. I felt like I saw all the characters in my neighborhood, everyone seemed familiar, in a soft wave of people going towards the square. They chanted, ‘nous sommes tous charlie!’ and ‘liberté d’expression!’ mostly. And there’s the ‘not afraid’ signs, which were incredible.”
More photos below. Check back for more.

Protests tonight in Paris, Place de la Republique. Photo by Danielle Voirin for Planet Waves.

Protests tonight in Paris, Place de la Republique. Photo by Danielle Voirin for Planet Waves.

Protests tonight in Paris, Place de la Republique. Photo by Danielle Voirin for Planet Waves.

Protests tonight in Paris, Place de la Republique. Photo by Danielle Voirin for Planet Waves.

Protests tonight in Paris, Place de la Republique. Photo by Danielle Voirin for Planet Waves.

Protests tonight in Paris, Place de la Republique. Photo by Danielle Voirin for Planet Waves.

Protests tonight in Paris, Place de la Republique. Photo by Danielle Voirin for Planet Waves.
Many thanks to Danielle, Eric and others a Planet Waves for getting this tragic event posted promptly and uniquely. Let us not forget that individual people have had their lives taken from them even as we consider how this could be a watershed (or at least indicative) event for the collective.
The pulitzer-worthy photograph from Danielle, stirring as it is, has a chilly shadow behind it.
We have to stop being afraid – This end of the world scenario is, at its base level, Ego terror. It does not want to wake up and if we keep trying it threatens to blowup the world. The response in Paris feels like we are becoming pretty damn determined to awaken from this collective nightmare. Everyone of us has this internal struggle.
I want to stop being afraid but I know, first hand, how much there is to lose. Its hard to walk beyond current prejudice – it will scar us – but the freedom of spirit on the other side is just too damn delicious to ignore. Its like we know that consciousness is nudging us out of slumber but the dreamer doesn’t want to leave the place it knows. So the tyranny of the pretense of belief fights for its reality. Its viciousness’ proves its fear. Yet we must awaken!
There is a beautiful reality being born into expression. No woman looks forward without fear to the delivery but all the drama is soon forgotten when the little one is held in her arms. I chose to believe that society has the capacity to achieve a healthy consciousness, but its a bloody experience. We have to hold each others hands and breathe when we can.
Man these are great photos.
Dani…a beam in the foundation of Planet Waves history.
The power of LOVE!
Just beautiful…thank you so much! United we stand!
Seeing these pictures brings back powerful memories of 9/11; my daughter and I had gone to a vigil in Laguna Beach. There were so many of us standing there at Main Beach with our candles lit and huddled together, having to acknowledge the unthinkable and singing the songs of our country we had been taught in grade school. The innocence and reverence we had known, remembered, and for myself, I determined that night that it was sacred and that no one would take it from me, especially not so brutally. Only the outer shell, not the heart of me. Prayers for the lives lost and for their families – for the homeland of my ancestors.
Yes – amazing photos. Thank you so very much for this, Danielle and Eric – went straight to this page this morning, knowing I would find comfort, and I did. As an (expat) Londoner, I know how it feels when ones hometown is hit by terrible violence – and my heart goes out to all the Parisian/French PW readersship – and my thoughts and prayers are with those who have suffered unspeakable loss. ((()))
“The response in Paris feels like we are becoming pretty damn determined to awaken from this collective nightmare.” Yes – Cowboyiam!
As a PW French subscriber, thank you, Danielle and Eric, I shared those pics yesterday evening as soon as Eric posted them. I wish indeed this awful assassination could lead to an awakening. These people were family,
Cabu and Wolinski had been well-known cartoonists since the sixties, some of us grew up with them.
Cowboy, I feel that stating in the prevailing levels of prejudice is scarring us horribly as a society…just my perspective. (Its hard to walk beyond current prejudice – it will scar us – but the freedom of spirit on the other side is just too damn delicious to ignore. )
As an American ex-pat living in France I can assure you that the demonstrations last night were everywhere, in every small town. Check any local paper in France. 😉
I’m wondering about the connection to the 60s…these cartoonists and Charlie Hebdo were so part of all the movement in Paris (May 68) and the rest of France.
Feeling sad.
Oops, *staying* in the levels of prejudice.
I expect we will see more of this horrifying news in the coming days as Juno forms a yod with the sextile between Chiron and Pluto. This will happen simultaneously with Neptune’s semi-square to Eris in Aries and his semi-square to the Sun in Capricorn, as Sun squares Eris on the 12th. When Juno completes her yod, Venus and Mercury will oppose her and form a Boomerang pattern. This will happen on the 14th. The period between January 11th and January 14th could prove to be quite volatile.
This volatile energy stems from the solar eclipse in Scorpio last October. The Sun-Moon at 0+ Scorpio was conjunct Pallas and Venus, and when Venus and Mercury entered Aquarius last weekend they squared that Eclipse degree. Saturn (Restrict) and Pallas (Plan) were conjunct in Sagittarius (Publish).
Venus and Mercury will reach 11+ Aquarius on the 12th, the same degree that Venus was in when Uranus entered into Aries, and where Mercury was when Neptune entered into Pisces, and where the North Node was when Pluto entered into Capricorn. So, the Sun will square Eris at the same time Venus and Mercury reach this unifying degree of Pluto, Uranus, Neptune energies.
The outer planets, working through the personal planets, are guiding humanity through steps designed to increase consciousness on mass levels. In due time there will be enough of us who understand the uselessness of destructive action to achieve happy endings. Some people in countries who are willing to fight to maintain freedom of expression currently are polarized with some people in religions who will fight and kill to maintain respect for their leaders. This is one of those problems that can’t be solved on the same level where it began.
If Venus and Mercury can bring down the powers of Uranus and Neptune by transiting the same degree they held in the outer planets’ ingress charts, then maybe they can also lead us to the North Node – the path to evolved consciousness – as it was shown in Pluto’s ingress chart. Venus and Mercury will each sextile Uranus by the 14th so expect surprises. We are living in interesting times.
Very grateful for your comment, dear Be. Thank you.
Wouldn’t it be refreshing if the mainstream 24 hour media coverage was not already being hijacked by the western ideologues? This is why Danielle’s photographs capture something pristine. Those images require no interpretation. Thank you for them. And let us hope sanity and real humanity prevails, over against the imperialism that will undoubtedly ensue.. <3
Just.. WOW. Thank you
gorgeous, immediate, moving. thank you, danielle, for bringing us into that moment.
Thank you for sharing these photos of people coming together to show their desire to stand against ignorance, prejudice, fundamentalism and violence. My first feeling was gratitude that the people there had the courage to listen to their hearts and move their bodies to come to union with others. Profoundly powerful and heartening. And, also a deep knowing that there is fear in the face of barbarism and authoritarian control being exerted upon our natural creativity. I am writing this post mostly to say that rather than fighting fear or saying we don’t feel it, it might be more useful to recognize that fear will always be present in the face of the unknown and expanding cosmic consciousness. Courage – heart.