Virgo Full Moon: Live Call-In Edition of Planet Waves FM

Here is the mp3 of Wednesday night’s live edition of PW FM

Scan 90 - sketch during live PWFM on 3/4/15.

Scan 90 – sketch during live PWFM on 3/4/15.

Dear Planet Waves Readers and Listeners:

In honor of the Virgo Full Moon, I will be hosting a live, 90-minute call-in edition of Planet Waves FM at 8 pm EST / 5 pm PST on Wednesday, March 4, 2015. Bring your thoughts, your questions, your ideas, your dreams and your visions.

Photo by Jeff Bisti.

We can talk about the Virgo Full Moon or any other aspect of astrology, the end of the Uranus-Pluto Square, the impact of the digital age, sex, relationships, astrology, mysticism, politics, music or art. There, that covers everything except geology. But if you’re a geologist, I’ve got a question for you, that I will state when the program is live.

To participate by phone, call (425) 440-5100. The alternate number is (904) 900-6992. Then enter guest pin code: 472091# 

Callers may enter the conversation late. It will be recorded and made available as a replay, so you may also listen later.

Or use this link for the full list of dial-in numbers.

You may also listen live via Internet at this link.

Please spread the word to your social media accounts and email contacts. You can find this letter as a webpage here, which you may then post.

Looking forward to speaking with you!


Last chance to purchase your Pisces reading with the pre-order discount! Click the picture below.

Planet Waves

4 thoughts on “Virgo Full Moon: Live Call-In Edition of Planet Waves FM

  1. Aiyana

    I couldn’t participate in real time, so I listened to the show afterwards and it was really cool. I liked hearing the call ins and their questions. Listening to what others have been going through the past several years helped me feel a sense of community and feeling less isolated in these crazy times. I look forward to a future live call-in show and I hope that next time I can participate!

  2. goatwool

    I listened to it this am just before the exact moon on the west coast.
    such interesting energy … those planet waves coming down !!!
    very smooth production. wide range of topics from the participants.
    I like the sketch …. Is that a “grey”. 🙂

  3. Barbara

    I listened in……very interesting mix …resonating story lines for sure….thought provoking energy……I’m curious about the sketch……..Glad I found my way here…Thank You All.

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