Tuesday Letter: We Are In a Thick Brew

Dear Friend and Reader:

Consider the current astrology for a moment — Mercury retrograde, one eclipse just passed and another on the horizon, and today’s Mars-Pholus-Ixion conjunction (free registration necessary to view that link).

Water and stone. Photo by Eric Francis.

This is a thick brew, which is having a diversity of expressions — whether feeling mired, frustrated, volatile or like change is absolutely necessary but wondering how, exactly, to go about it.

I think that for the duration of Mercury retrograde (which ends Oct. 25), the message of the planets is to go deeper. We are in a time to understand the need for change and to prepare for change, rather than to plunge ahead.

This takes patience, but something more. What is necessary is going deep. And in addition, going closer to the root of resistance to change. What is not often said is that improvement is change, and that to improve our lives it’s necessary to let go of resistance to change.

It’s easy to look out at the world and say, “Oh, that has to change! Then the world will get better. It could be so simple.” Now for a reality check, focus closer to home and consider the challenges you face when you strive to make any minor changes or improvements at all, or if you want to shift even the simplest pattern.

Consider how, when the local deli moves the magazine rack, someone might say, “I don’t handle change so well.” Clearly if we want improvement, we’re going to need to get accustomed to change — and one change leads to another.

One thing I don’t talk about much is the Age of Aquarius. It takes a little energy to cut through the misunderstanding about what this is. It is not, unfortunately, a groovy era with a fantastic bass line going all the time.

Planet Waves
Water web. Photo by Eric Francis.

We are clearly entering the Age of Aquarius based on two key pieces of evidence: one is the overwhelming presence of technology — to which we are intermingled with something verging on a clairvoyant blood-bond. This situation has crept up on us, and it’s going largely unnoticed as people queue up for the iPhone 6.

The other is how everything we touch seems to crystallize into a pattern that’s nearly impossible to change — one’s schedule, for example.

Think of how challenging it is to schedule lunch with two other people. You practically need a computer program to handle all the variables, and come up with the correct answer of 10:30 pm on June 31, 2015.

So as we swim around in the thick brew of our current weather pattern, remember the background. Remember the way that patterns settle in, and what it takes to get out of them (usually a shock, jolt, mishap or disaster — that is, something involuntary). Consider whether that’s really progress, or what Patric Walker used to call “enforced changes.”

Something to think about — and I’ll continue the discussion on tonight’s edition of Planet Waves FM, which these days posts at about 6 pm ET. I will be looking at the chart and the music of Paul Simon, taking up the connection between ebola and rattlesnakes (through the eyes of homeopathy), and of course going over the current astrology.

While we’re on the subject of audio, the rescheduled Virgo birthday conversation is 7 pm ET Wednesday, Oct. 15. If you have purchased that report or hold an All Access Pass, please check your email today and tomorrow.

Planet Waves
Meeting area, Planet Waves FM studio. Photo by Eric Francis.

There will be a Core Community edition of Planet Waves FM on the eve of the solar eclipse in Scorpio. All subscribers will be invited — so check your email for that announcement. That event is scheduled for 7 pm ET on Wednesday, Oct. 22. These are brilliantly fun, mind-opening events where you can hear from, and speak to, others in the Planet Waves community.

Speaking of Core Community, upgrades are still cheap. In one gesture, you can extend your subscription, convert to the new website and receive a number of useful services — SMS messages, direct email of my astrology diaries, Core Community meetings, The Oracle and other helpful, meaningful ways to connect with astrology.

We’ve been so busy that we have not had time to properly promote the Libra birthday reading, which is a work of astrological art, so it’s still available at the pre-order price. You don’t need to wonder how a recorded reading could possibly be meaningful to you as an individual — just give it a listen, and feel the possibilities open.

I think that’s it for now. I will see you over at Planet Waves FM.

With love,

Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon in Kingston, New York by Planet Waves, Inc. Annual basic subscription rate: $99/year. Core community membership: $199/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Business Manager: Chelsea Bottinelli. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Astrology Editor: Amanda Painter. Copy Editor: Jessica Keet. Research, Writing and Editing: Planet Waves is produced by a team consisting of Fe Bongolan, Brendan Merritt, Amy Elliott, Judith Gayle, Kelly Janes, Amanda Moreno, Casey Smith, Carol van Strum, Len Wallick, Lizanne Webb and Chad Woodward.

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6 thoughts on “Tuesday Letter: We Are In a Thick Brew

  1. Len Wallick

    Thank you, Eric, for the concept of “a thick brew” to work with, as well as for your timely reiteration to “go deeper” in order to balance Patric Walker’s “enforced” changes with intentional participation. Most of all, thank you for refreshing how Planet Waves Core Community membership is both widely accessible and amenable to the dynamics of participatory interaction and exchange., modeling the astrology in actual practice without resorting to the compromising presence of advertisements in this community supported endeavor.

  2. Amanda Moreno

    Just the acknowledgement of the “thick brew” is helpful. Seems many of us are going deep, whether by choice or not. I’ve been thinking a lot about ways to go deep without associating it with crisis. Simple, deep, full body healing and unlocking of patterns. Seems that stepping away from the known, into new patterns, creates such anxiety… Here’s hoping everyone is finding some space to take deep breaths.

  3. beths

    I have involuntarily been going deeper. Thoughts engulf me as I take a deep breath, dive down into the abyss and swim away from solid land. I think the thoughts from the depths are coming quickly because I have already made a significant change, I am in the midst of adjusting to it, and discovering how to navigate the new relationships. It’s interesting because it is something I have done before in a different capacity. But the sun is shining it’s light into the water, the dappling sunlight viewed from below draws me to the surface and the warmth of the sun. I feel good about this change, a whole new adventure has opened up and I am ready to dive in and work hard and have some fun. But I am also trying to keep my eyes on the deeper calling, to utilize this change to prepare for the next. And I’m sure this new phase will be fluctuating and fluid. But I view it all as part of the healing process, part of the unfolding gently opening instead of a forced opening, though this change was a surprising turn, completing a circle. Hopefully the upcoming eclipse won’t push me into an enforced change, especially since I have been working with the energy. But with Uranus involved, there could still be some sudden movement. Looking forward to November to see how this all falls into place.

  4. Amy Elliott

    When I was reading the paras about the Age of Aquarius, the two concepts you mentioned got mixed up in my head, and I somehow envisioned “everything we touch crystallises into a new piece of technology”. That was a weird moment.

  5. Mary

    With Sun, Moon, and Mercury all in Aquarius, I can definitely relate to the crystallization of patterns. Friends comment on how consistent I am, and while that has it’s positive attributes, at times it just feels like I’m stuck. The current astrology has me in flux, settling in deeper thru meditation and the grounding of gardening has helped make the current energy more bearable.

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