The outstanding aspect today is Mars square Chiron. This aspect happens just once a year in some form, and it’s about your relationship to the idea of integrity. We could say that about all Mars-Chiron meetings, though the square is one of the more significant aspects describing structure and strength.
In the case of the Mars-Chiron square, that strength is often used against itself, in the form of a mentally rigid quality.

Detail from a false-color view of Mars’ Marathon Valley, taken March 13, 2015. Photo courtesy of NASA and Mars Rover Opportunity.
Mars is about desire and self-assertion. Chiron is about awareness and healing.
The two combine in many forms to describe how one expresses the energy of the “spiritual warrior.” That’s one who uses the male energy for the purpose of growth and leading events in the direction of the right thing happening. Yet when Mars and Chiron are in a square, there can be an obsession with integrity: with doing things right, with not making mistakes, and with not expressing sexual desire because it’s supposedly not spiritual to do so.
This manifests as blocks, hesitancy, refusal to assert oneself, and backing off from what one wants, due to self-doubts, or the desire to maintain an image. It can represent a fixed viewpoint; and thinking you know everything and therefore not being open-minded and finding out more.
This also manifests as making your mind up in advance (such thoughts as, “I will never do that”; “I will never have sex with that person”; “I will always be this certain way”). There can be difficulty flexing and bending one’s views, or seeing other possibilities.
Fortunately, both elements are in the mutable signs Sagittarius and Pisces (respectively), which implies the ability to change. Being honest helps, such as admitting what you really want. This may come through a dialog between the Mars side of the square, and the Chiron side.
Mars is conjunct the Galactic Core, and Chiron is square it. The Galactic Core offers not just the idea of spirituality but the real thing; not just the concept of the mystical, but an actual source of mystery. How about this: let every day be different from the previous one. Make friends with the unknown.
Chiron is at the end of its journey in Pisces. Today’s Mars-Chiron square is the last of about 14 that have occurred between 2010 and today. When next they make this aspect in May 2019, Mars will be in Cancer and Chiron will be in Aries.
Look to Thursday’s weekly edition, and the daily Four Winds Report, for information about Saturday’s Pisces New Moon conjunct Chiron.