The Long and Short of It — Sagittarius New Moon

The Sagittarius New Moon on Saturday at 7:32 am EST (12:32 UT) will NOT also be a solar eclipse. That’s the short of it. Even so, the New Moon this weekend will have a highly unusual correlation with the Scorpio New Moon and solar eclipse of last month, and also with the next two New Moons (of December and January), all of which is a slightly longer story.


Begin the story with what defines a New Moon, and in part what it represents. All New Moons are by definition a conjunction of the luminaries: the Sun and Moon. A conjunction by definition is any two celestial objects occupying the exact same degree of the same sign on the zodiac, and the same degree of celestial longitude in the sky.

As with any conjunction of two celestial bodies, a New Moon represents in part the beginning of a new cycle. In this case a cycle (called a lunation) that lasts about four weeks until the next New Moon.

One of the practical doctrines of astrology is that there is important information in how a cycle begins. It so happens that the Scorpio New Moon and solar eclipse of Oct. 23, the Sagittarius New Moon on Saturday, and the lunations initiating both next month and in January (which will also NOT be eclipses) all begin the same way.

In each case, the luminaries are conjoining just hours after the Sun enters a new sign and literally minutes after the Moon follows the Sun into the same sign to catch up and merge. In other words, four New Moons in a row in the first degree of four consecutive signs. That’s a highly unusual correlation with practical information you can use.

To make practical use of the lunation initiating this weekend, please consider another doctrine of astrology: that what you do on the day of a New Moon will have an influence lasting for as long as the Sun is in the sign where it conjoined with the Moon.

You read that right. The most valuable information Saturday’s luminary conjunction will have to offer will come from you, not from a chart or an astrologer.

Instead, your perceptions, your responses, your choices, your decisions, and your actions this weekend will in all probability have significant influence over the next four weeks until the Sun enters Capricorn to begin a new season, followed by a New Moon just a few hours later.

Four weeks is a long time for the consequences of one day to resonate, but also a relatively short term compared to many other cycles. Fortunately, what you perceive, how you respond, what you choose, how you decide, and the actions you take are all significantly under your influence to control.

That’s good news for both the short and long term. First, the Scorpio New Moon and solar eclipse last month is giving you a reference point and subsequent timeframe of about four weeks. Contained there is information about what you did back on Oct. 23, and what happened as result.

Next, for the comparatively short term, the Sagittarius New Moon on Saturday is giving you a new start to put information from the previous four weeks to use, and get a sense of what happens differently when an eclipse is no longer part of the picture.

Finally, the Capricorn New Moon on Dec. 21 (or Dec. 22, depending on your time zone) and the Aquarius New Moon of Jan. 20 will provide a chance for practice to make more perfect, and more of a difference over an even longer term.

So that’s the long and short of the Sagittarius New Moon this weekend. Not an eclipse, but rather an opportunity to put astrology to practical and influential use in the world through the only thing in the world you can truly, consistently and significantly exercise control over — your own self. How cool is that?

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

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About Len Wallick

Besides endeavoring to be of service to all of you here at Planet Waves, Len strives to live in Seattle while working as a professional astrologer. To contact him for an astrology reading you can send an e-mail to: His telephone number is 206-356-5467. In addition to his profession, Len contributes to the Seattle community without monetary compensation by serving as a Reiki practitioner and teacher through classes and outreach offered by the Seattle Reiki Mastery Series modality.

15 thoughts on “The Long and Short of It — Sagittarius New Moon

  1. chief niwot's son

    Thanks Len, that is interesting about this string of New Moons being in the first degree of signs, and good advice for aligning with the energy of the lunation. The morning the last bit of waning crescent was sitting low in the East before the Sun brightened the sky, morning moons are always a gift.

  2. Len Wallick Post author

    Chief Niwot’s Son: It is for me to thank you. With the possible exception of “morning moons”, there is no gift more gratefully received than your wise perception and kind words.

  3. sojourn

    Excellent! This is truly a fantastic piece of knowledge to have. I guess what we do on Saturday morning will be a little like planting the seeds for what’s to come. I love reading your articles, Len. Always very informative… thank you!

  4. Barbara Koehler

    I too appreciate how you show that astrology isn’t just a momentary event Len. By seeing it as a continuum of past, present and future we do less fearing and are more able to consciously utilize the knowledge; see how our thoughts and actions (or lack of) produce outcomes. I’ve been piecing together an astrological event I was fascinated with six years ago, the triple conjunction of Jupiter to Neptune and Chiron as all three made a conjunction to the U.S. Moon and Pallas. This July, Jupiter will reach the half-way mark of his cycle that began with Chiron and Neptune in Aquarius during May 2009.

    The way I see it, The People (U.S. Moon) began their move toward increased (Jupiter) health coverage (Neptune, Chiron) while also understanding (Jupiter) through loss and suffering (Chiron) of homes, jobs, and belief in their government, and how they had been deceived (Neptune). I’d hoped the triple conjunction to the U.S. Moon and Pallas would lead to exposing how the health care industry, particularly the pharmaceutical wing, had deceived people and made them fearful in order to sell more products. There’s still time.

    Jupiter will reach 26+ Leo – that half-way point in his cycle – just as Pluto leaves his square to U.S. Saturn and returns to his opposition to U.S. Sun, and as Uranus, conjunct the U.S Chiron, stations retrograde. Jupiter then squares Saturn (something he is almost doing now) who will have just stationed direct, and Neptune returns to his square of U.S. Uranus and conjunction to U.S. Ceres. It looks to be a long hot summer.

  5. Bette

    There is much for me to reflect upon here. Saturday’s new moon will occur quite precisely on the cusp of my 6th, the house where my sun & Mercury are natally. Time to review the 6th in Rudhyar’s book on the houses. Also, all these new moons around the first degree of a sign are aspecting in various ways my 1-degree Cancer-Cap nodal axis.

    Well, I have been working on some major decisions & projects which I am hoping will carry me forward & make it possible to more easily pursue some long-term goals & purposes. Perhaps that’s appropriate at this time. The next four weeks can be reasonably expected to bring some outcomes, though what they will look like is not yet clear.

    Be, I’m thinking it could be a long, hot summer in Canada also, as the XL & other pipeline battles heat up, & political news emerges such as a recent report that while our veterans are suffering funding cutbacks & untreated PTSD, over a billion in funding intended for Veterans Affairs was returned to general revenue, unspent. There does seem to be some awakening happening. Yay!

    Len, thank-you for offering us insights to assist us in our various journeys. I’m not sure what I’ll be doing Saturday, but it will be done with consideration of the weeks to come as I count down to Solstice.

  6. aWord

    The New Moon/Eclipse of October was upon my IC/Jupiter/NN/Neptune and next month the Moon and Sun will meet upon natal Narcissus (lately in the PW news) and then meet up again in January upon natal Venus. When they meet again in late AQ they will be just shy of making it to my solar return (trine that eclipse where this dance began) or perhaps they will just be a little bit early to the celebration.
    Thanks, Len. Always insightful!

  7. Len Wallick Post author

    sojurn: Precisely. For as thousands of years, farmers planted seeds at the New Moon as a matter of course. Even as recently as my maternal grandfather – a farmer in Nebraska. Thank you for your cogent observation.

    Barbara: Thank you once again for sharing one of your amazing astrological explorations. i remember that triple conjunction, but (until your erudite observation today) i did not make the correlation to the USA natal Moon and Pallas. A great analysis. i’m in agreement with you that the “Big Pharma” industry is long overdue for comeuppance , but their economic momentum and diversification have made the medicine-makers more like a pervasive and persistent disease than a cure. Finally, thank for the look ahead to the Summer separation of the Uranus-Pluto square. Reminds me of another Summer long ago.

    Bette: Thanks to as well for your own cogent correlations to current events (especially those in Canada). Please feel free to share your perspectives on Rudhyar’s 6th-house considerations. Until then, may your “countdown” go smoothly and productively.

    Tug: You are most welcome!

    aword: Natal Narcissus on the Capricorn solstice point? Wow! Ever the bellwether your personal astrology is – and worthy of celebration you are! Thank you so much again for sharing of your prescient nativity.

  8. Leilani Curry

    Thanks so much for this, Len!

    Very illuminating information – new moons in the first or 0 degree of a sign is the most powerful time to plant your seeds and wishes for the next month. To get four in a row is indeed a cosmic gift! The universe is surely giving us the opportunity to make our wishes come true!

    Dream big people!!


  9. Catherine

    Thank you Len. You provided me with a roadmap; I’ve been studying for a state exam scheduled in january. I’ll make good use of these new moon energies by harnessing the power of my noggin 🙂

  10. Len Wallick Post author

    Leilani: You are very welcome. Please accept my thanks in turn for your sharing your own expansive vision for the astrology.

    Catherine: Best of luck on your state exam. By harnessing these cosmic energies may the skies be the for you! Thank you so very much for sharing your efforts so that we can express out support for you.

  11. Barbara Koehler

    It IS overwhelming Len, the power of the pill-makers over our psyches is just a evil as what Bette reports from Canada’s decision-makers. I suppose those of us who are relatively powerless are being led to Uranian awareness bit by bit, person to person, each of us supplying a “dose” of Awakening to our fellow travelers. In that way we are changing reality the way Saturn does it, very slowly. These discoveries are shocking, even in small amounts, but we don’t get as easily overwhelmed when the dosage is over a lengthy period. There will come a time though when enough is enough. Then what?

    The U.S Moon and Pallas are in the U.S Sibly chart’s 3rd house of communication so when Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron met in 2009, new initiatives began, just as they do at a New Moon. Being non-personal planets we, as individuals did not sense the importance of those conjunctions the way we would personally feel a New Moon start. As a society though, we began to share our thoughts and experiences on cell phones as well as computers; recall those devastating pictures from Tunisia and Algeria, then Egypt as the Arab Spring took hold. Now we in the U.S. have also shared pictures and data from Boston and Ferguson with the rest of the world.

    Also in the 3rd house of the U.S chart, transiting Neptune (as well as Chiron) has been dissolving borders and barriers, even as he also blurs reality, allowing for deceptive practices to receive more and more air-time. Gullible and naïve, children and their parents too are exposed to cons hawking their goods just as the snake-oil salesman did in the wild west. That would include politicians as well as pill makers, car salesmen and insurance companies. It is enough to make you sick.

    Perhaps the time will come when – one way or another – the People will demand changes in the content and the way information is delivered to them. Even now we see the relatively new idea of shopping on Thanksgiving Day being challenged. Not every store will be open for business on Thanksgiving this year. Is transiting Jupiter’s role in the triple conjunction to the U.S. Moon and Pallas providing Understanding to the Masses through this incremental change? He transits the U.S. 8th house of shared resources (and values) approaching the 9th house cusp. A desire for more respect of traditional family time and a little less crass materialism is being observed among the masses.

    Transiting Jupiter will reach his opposition to the 2009 triple conjunction and the U.S Moon and Pallas next July-August as transiting Neptune (dissolve) conjuncts U.S. Ceres (nurture) and squares U.S. Uranus (breakthrough). Who knows for sure what the People might seek. Maybe this New Moon that’s not an eclipse (in which Eris trines Jupiter and is quincunx U.S. Neptune) might just initiate a new wave of thinking about People Power.

  12. Len Wallick Post author

    Gwen: My thanks to you in turn. May your own seedings sprout abundantly.

    Barbara: Thank you for your further (and appropriate) analogies and interpretations. Along that line, i do believe we will continue on our own to read between the lines and (as Eric put it in the “Sky” portion of the weekly edition yesterday, and carrying over to the horoscopes for this next week) exercise both discernment and intuition to sort the nourishment from the corporate chaff.

  13. Nicolas Salinas

    Awesome article, thank you. I couldn’t help but laugh and smile when I read “You read that right”. That was genius. Very rich article, thank you.

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