The Day of Worldly Challenge: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is April 20
The Day of Worldly Challenge | Pre-order Your 2019-20 Taurus Reading | All Other Signs

Take note of any dreams or visions you might have, along with other messages you receive of that sort. There’s already a gathering of energy at your back, and you only need to steer in the direction you want. Your connections with the divine (or your higher self) and with the collective unconscious may prove invaluable guides. Listen carefully, and take in all the information offered you. What you make of it remains your prerogative.
— By Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

It’s a busy day astrologically; can you feel it? Three significant objects changing signs in one day is a signal to feel for a distinct change in tone — in this case, your relationships and your body (or how you feel about both, as they intersect) could to be a focus. Sex, sexual expression and sexual secrets are also on the agenda.

Here’s what’s up: The Sun enters Taurus today, moving us into the heart of the season — and urging you to feel your body and express its needs and sensations, in according to your core values. With Uranus nearby, surprising new directions in these areas become likely. Can you roll with it? Later in the day, Venus — the planet ruling Taurus — itself moves into Aries. This may assist you in being more direct with your passion, though take note: Venus is also moving into aspect with planets that describe awareness of ‘old material’. Sex is a classic repository for repression, projection and generational secrets, so tread lightly, especially if you’re feeling fired up.

Mercury is in the mix, too, getting your head into the game with your heart and body. Pay attention to where your thoughts are directed. Finally, the asteroid Juno enters Cancer today. This looks like an enhanced need for emotional intimacy and attention. Can you offer that as much as you need to receive it from someone? With Juno also in contact with Venus, Mercury and their compatriots, be alert for any feelings of co-dependency. Stating your emotional needs directly should help to circumvent any temptation to slide into unintentional manipulation.
— By Amanda Painter

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