The Day of Vigorous Defense: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is April 18
The Day of Vigorous Defense | Order Your 2019-20 Aries Reading | All Other Signs

Remember that you have control over your actions, especially those you take over a longer period of time. Taken in some lights, this is encouraging: however strong or compelling your impulses, you ultimately possess the hand that steers the chariot. The very energy pressing you to act in a specific way can be channeled deliberately and consciously into the work you intend to do. It may help you to pause and think before you make each move.
— By Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

Tomorrow morning’s Full Moon in Libra is coming into full strength today, and you’ve probably noticed it. Stretching across the axis of ‘fired-up individualist’ Aries and ‘relationship harmony above all’ Libra, this one has real potential to provoke some strong reactions in people. Is that person you, or someone you’re dealing with? Or both? With the Sun and Moon opposing each other in the very last degrees of their respective signs, there could be an added edginess.

Consider it your mission to watch for that sensation, and then breathe into it — or, maybe even better, dance with it — to minimize sharpness (or going a little too far) in your reactions. Remember that while oppositions often represent confrontations, they can just as easily describe the kind of meeting and negotiation of movement illustrated by two people ballroom dancing. It’s all just energy looking for an outlet; you get to be as creative and aware in that process as you’d like. When in doubt, or if feeling especially pressured, consider leaving any major decisions or conversations until after the Full Moon peaks (at 7:12 am EDT Friday), when you may feel things begin to relax some.

Note that today we also have Venus in Pisces squaring the Galactic Core in Sagittarius. Ixion, an awareness-raising centaur associated with amoral behavior and how we do (or do not) make good on second chances — is also in that pattern. Are you willing to express your most empathetic, agape-style love via your higher calling? Do you feel haunted or intimidated by how easily aspirations can detour into less-than-ethical choices? Consider noticing what is pushing to come out via your most idealistic or sensitive leanings today. Trust your instincts and intuition — without losing sight of things like the Golden Rule and the laws of cause/effect and consequences. They always matter, and they matter most at times like this.
— By Amanda Painter

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