The Day of Undying Loyalty: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is March 2

Order Your 2019-20 Pisces Reading | All Other Signs
Consider that you likely have more options than you realize in terms of shaping your reality. Thinking outside the choices immediately before you can offer a wider perspective, but when was the last time you truly did that? This is one of those instances when your intuition, synchronicity or dreams could offer the most useful insights. What would the ideal scenario look like to you? Ask yourself, then play with the metaphorical Crayola box of 64 crayons in your mind to envision the answer. This may do more to show what is possible than anything else.
— By Amy Elliott

Written In The Planets

Mercury stations retrograde in Pisces in three days. Have you backed up your computer yet? Even with this event happening in a watery sign like Pisces, which indicates some review of — and possible confusion in — more emotional facets of communication and creativity, it’s never a bad idea to begin following basic retrograde tech protocols, just in case, a few days ahead of time. Note that Mercury is in a square to Ixion in Sagittarius, and will still be so when it stations. How are your fantasy versions of a particular scenario matching up to the actual ethics involved? If you’re facing a second chance to behave with clear boundaries, are you taking it? Or can you already feel certain lines getting blurry? If ever there was a time to mean what you say and only say what you mean, this appears to be it.

— By Amanda Painter

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