The Day of Tradition: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is April 14
The Day of Tradition | Order Your 2019-20 Aries Reading | All Other Signs

Take advantage of opportunities offered to you; it would seem that most doors you approach will tend to yield more easily just now. Whatever good fortune you receive is likely to have been long since earned, so you need experience few qualms if any in accepting it. As you enjoy your blessings, though, remember to keep your word and stick to your principles, including honoring any promises you’ve made in the past.
— By Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

No matter how divided your desire, motivation or general energy level feels now, it looks like there may be one specific promise you’ve made that requires you to follow through on it. The question is: is this an oath or commitment you’ve made to someone else or to yourself? It may be time to bring your considerable mental energy into more tangible form in some way. There’s some help at present, in the form of a trine between the Aries Sun and Jupiter in Sagittarius. At the very least, this should bring a sense of harmony, peace and overall good feelings into your day — which may come as a relief, given recent tension in other facets of life.

Consider how you can expand your experience or understanding of the world today; with Jupiter retrograde, that could include seeking to increase your self-understanding. While that’s a more introspective approach, it need not be completely passive. If you’re feeling good, why not put it to actual use and see what you learn in the process — or at least share the good vibes?
— By Amanda Painter

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