The Day of the Policy Makers: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is April 11
The Day of the Policy Makers | Order Your 2019-20 Aries Reading | All Other Signs

Spend some time forging a manageable balance between work and play. The optimal arrangement is different for everyone, and generally depends on the nature of your vocation, as well as your various ambitions, desires and needs. It has less to do with social expectations, relationship escalators or what you think anyone else wants from you. Start with what you consider to be the ideal picture, and work out the details from there.
— By Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

Keep checking everything from different viewpoints today. That may go double for things like beliefs, which have a habit of resting on emotion and inherited narratives more than on facts. The more flexible you can be in this, the more likely you are to catch any gaps in your understanding — or in an otherwise decent plan or business transaction. Mercury may be direct, but it’s still in its post-retrograde ‘shadow’ phase in impressionistic Pisces.

Today Mercury makes a conjunction to an object called Borasisi (named after a fictional god in Kurt Vonnegut’s Cat’s Cradle), and also squares Jupiter, which just stationed retrograde in Sagittarius. Mercury-Jupiter squares tend to offer useful optimism for ambitious goals and big-picture ideas, but details can be elusive. To guard against rash or poor judgments, it may be helpful to be very methodical — no matter how sure you are that everything happens for a reason, and that everything will be fine. After all, sometimes the ‘reason’ something goes awry is to bring our attention to what we overlooked and could have easily caught. Why not be proactive?
— By Amanda Painter

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