The Day of the Labyrinth: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is March 20
The Day of the Labyrinth | Order Pisces Reading | Pre-order Aries Reading | All Other Signs

Aim straight at whatever life goals you most want to fulfill this year, and keep going until you reach them; then move on to the next. You have some powerful forces behind you, and can likely accomplish just about anything you could desire. This is partly because you seem to have a sharpened understanding in terms of what needs doing. You pretty much only need to ensure you choose what’s right and meaningful for you.
— By Amy Elliott

Written for the Planets

Today at 5:58 pm EDT (21:58:18 UTC), the Sun enters Aries for the equinox. This is the first day of northern hemisphere spring, the first day of the new astrological year, and one of two times in the year when all places on Earth receive equal daylight and night. After today, the days in the Northern Hemisphere start to become longer than the nights, and vice versa in the Southern Hemisphere.

This is always a very activated and activating time of year; Aries energy is all about initiative. So, what do you feel called to begin? It’s also a reminder that personal energy and initiative are often intertwined with collective issues. The first degree of Aries, called the Aries Point, has a way of highlighting or seeming to provoke this interconnection. Consider for a moment what news events or social issues feel especially relevant to your personal life right now. What has you fired up, and why? What can you do about it?

Yet, this is no ordinary equinox. About three and a half hours after the Sun enters Aries, the Moon enters Libra. And then at 9:43 pm EDT tonight (1:42:45 UTC Thursday), the Moon and Sun oppose for the Libra Full Moon. This is looking like a highly charged Full Moon for several reasons, its location in the first degree of Aries being just one. Other factors are describing the possibility for actions taken today and the next couple days to carry more weight or momentum than usual, resulting in unexpectedly far-reaching effects.

This could be especially true in matters of romantic or creative partnership, sex (especially the lustier or more ‘taboo’ facets of sex), the way family patterns are playing out in your life, and anything or anyone that feels especially inscrutable — or whose motivations are unclear (particularly your own). Note that a building Venus-Mars square is asking you to figure out how to handle sexual tension constructively. But if that tension is not being acknowledged (long-term relationships or allegedly platonic friendships being of particular focus), things could get a little choppy.

Do your best to express your desires and intentions as clearly as possible, owning what is yours (including your hurts). With a charged Full Moon amping up today, the potential for projecting your ‘stuff’ onto another person increases. It’s possible that the more you can lean on retrograde Mercury in Pisces (in a sextile to Saturn in Capricorn) to help you see what needs to be cleaned up or corrected in your inner emotional or psychic environment, the better you’ll be able to move through this Full Moon without major confrontations. Remember that the Full Moon reflects the light of the Sun: whatever others are showing to or directing at you could very well be a reflection of something you’ve been expressing. Tread with maximum awareness today and tonight.
— By Amanda Painter

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