The Day of the Idealist: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is April 2
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Be bold about showing who you really are. You have intrinsic power and depth in abundance, and you are also full of unique ideas, which deserve to see the light of day. You are under no obligation to conceal these qualities for the comfort or convenience of others; you have a right to express the fundamental essence of your being. Those around you might also learn a thing or two from your courage.
— By Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

What holds more influence in your life: your drive to evolve as a person (such as on a deep or soul level), or your need for attention, recognition or power? That might be one way to think of today’s square between Pluto in Capricorn and Eris in Aries. Squares represent energy that needs to be expressed — preferably consciously. When we try to suppress square energy — such as by ignoring our frustration or tension, or through the denial of the urge to take action — it can come back to bite us in some way.

With Pluto and Eris also in contact with the lunar nodes (in Cancer and Capricorn) and the asteroid Pallas (in Libra), you may even be at some kind of karmic/dharmic tipping point. Which of your options to take action feels like a step into real growth, and which one has the markings of feeding your ego or insecurities? Although refusing to choose is a form of choice, it’s not the choice that’s likely to express this energy constructively.

Bear in mind that also exact today is Mercury’s conjunction to Neptune in Pisces, the third conjunction in a series related to its recent retrograde. The Pisces Moon will join them (and a couple other objects that are making contact) briefly today, amping up the emotional and/or unconscious ripples. There’s some potential here to overreact to what you’re perceiving, making it extra important to hang loose with whatever it is you think you know. A sense of clarity might not be fully trustworthy right now.

Can you trace a path between what you were thinking about (and how you were thinking about it) on or around Feb. 19, March 24 and now? What seemed to get confirmed, and what has been disproved? If you wiggle around to consider it from a new vantage point, does everything still line up clearly, or does the shape or emphasis change? If information is still missing, what have you learned about how you tend to account for that, process it, or move ahead without it? By all means listen to your higher guidance, but perhaps save final conclusions for down the road.
— By Amanda Painter

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