The Day of the Experimenter: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is April 6
The Day of the Experimenter | Order Your 2019-20 Aries Reading | All Other Signs

Prepare to follow through on an idea, or a project you’ve recently begun. This would seem to be an optimal moment for keeping a steady rhythm and focusing on getting things done. That said, a few touches of imaginative flair will do much to enliven your regular routines and weave a golden thread of joy into the process. Consider yourself free to take the initiative when it comes to thinking outside the box.
— By Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

As the Moon leaves Aries and enters Taurus today, you may find you’re better able to channel some energy into more steady efforts toward a new project or goal. The day could come with a surprise or two, as the first major aspect the Moon makes in Taurus is a brief conjunction to Uranus (exact at 12:09 in the afternoon EDT / 4:09 pm UTC for those who like to track these things). Where are you being called to exercise some extra flexibility today? Emotional resiliency in particular may come in handy — as in, not camping out in your initial reaction if you experience a disruption. Finances, use or acquisition of material objects, your sense of security, your body and senses, and the enjoyment of art are a few areas that stand out as a potential focus. If you have yet to file your taxes, today looks particularly suited for making tangible, consistent progress toward completing them.
— By Amanda Painter

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