The Day of the Cultivator: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is April 26
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Start preparing to sprint for the finish line on a current project or ambition. Keep your focus, and move on to a new task each time one is completed, as soon as is practicable. Make sure you’re thorough, however; this is more about organized action than speed, and not at all about haste. Once you catch a glimpse of what’s next on the horizon, you will have more than enough drive for what’s needed now.
— By Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

You may notice a brief boost in your emotional energy today — though it could come in the form of some semi-conscious inspiration or insight, so notice your dreams and any moments of synchronicity. This is described by the Moon entering Aquarius to square Uranus in Taurus, and then squaring the Taurus Sun for the last quarter Moon. As eccentric as the prompting might feel, you may be able to use it to move some kind of process or project forward — possibly in a rather inventive way that still feels true to your values. Deviating from typical routines should additionally offer support, in the form of extending the effects more than you might otherwise expect.

That said, the square between Mars in Gemini and Neptune in Pisces is calling the day’s tune (it’s ‘precisely exact’ tomorrow, but functionally exact today). If you’re feeling low in physical energy — or like you can’t quite move decisively between one option or desire and another — it’s okay to take things at a slower speed. The thing to be wary of, however, is the temptation to be dishonest or evasive as a result. Facing adversity, or the unpleasant consequences of past actions, could make that option especially easy to slide into.

If that describes your situation, can you receive the lesson you’re being offered and see the silver lining, without sliding into denial about what has happened and how you can do better in the future? In other words, can you acknowledge and integrate all facets of the truth, and use it to fuel actions that align better with your ideals? A trine between Mercury in Aries and Ceres in Sagittarius suggests that your more impulsive ideas could actually be harmonizing with your sense of spiritual nourishment. Even so, check your facts and stay sensitive to any group dynamics that you’re currently part of. Be sincere above all else.
— By Amanda Painter

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