The Day of Steadfastness: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is April 28
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Cultivate your vision of the ideal; you can sort out the specific practicalities as you go. Your innate sense of beauty is a powerful driver that can really propel you along when touched and awakened, and allowed to blossom. Make room for this part of yourself, and recognize it as such; it merits a place in your life just as surely as does your down-to-earth, competent side. If existence were cake, this would be the frosting.

Written in the Planets

If you’ve been feeling somewhat highly strung over the past few days, you may find you’re able to relax at least a little. For one thing, the Moon enters Pisces; for another, the Mars-Neptune square is now dissipating (though it would still be advisable to keep an eye on your state of mind, stay away from any potential destabilizing influences, and take things slowly). Now that the aspect is no longer exact, consider any interesting information you’ve gained. What did you learn? What became clear? What did you figure out?

Also today, Juno in Cancer forms a square to Chiron and Salacia in Aries, which are themselves part of a larger pattern in the early degrees of the cardinal signs. Juno and Salacia especially provide an intriguing juxtaposition between marriage and sex. How do those two concepts interplay in your worldview? How far do you consider sex to be connected with marriage, or suppose that one must necessarily follow the other? Chiron is prompting you to re-examine your thoughts and feelings.

This aspect pattern additionally suggests a reminder to keep your mind open, and not to make yourself narrower than you really are for the sake of having the guardrails of certainty and easy answers. Cultivate trust — in yourself, in others, and in the bright wide cosmos.

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