The Day of Solid Control: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is April 19
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Consider how far you’ve come at least in the past few months, and let that serve as a strong encouragement for your onward journey. A long phase of your growth is reaching its culmination, and the fruits of your work are likely to show themselves in short order. You have the power to bring about the changes you seek, especially in terms of asserting your independence and gaining influence in the world.
— By Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

Depending on when you read this, today’s Libra Full Moon may already be separating (it’s exact at 7:12 am EDT / 11:12:03 UTC). If that’s the case, hopefully you’re beginning to feel a little relief if a situation got tense or confrontational; things should start to resolve themselves. If you’re trying to figure out what the heck has been going on in that regard, the aspects featured in yesterday’s Written in the Planets are still in force and worth a review; you can also find more detailed information about this Libra Full Moon here.

The Moon enters Scorpio about an hour and a half after its opposition to the Sun peaks; it then opposes Uranus in Taurus almost immediately. If you encounter some kind of surprise or disruption to your routine today — especially one that seems to come from someone else — you’re right on schedule. Scorpio Moons can be known for their ability to respond with strength and energy when circumstances require it. Can you add ‘flexibility’ and ‘curiosity’ to that skillset? Those could be just what you need to investigate whatever pops up today (or to get beneath reactions that accompanied the Full Moon). You may even uncover some inner power that was previously hidden from your full recognition.
— By Amanda Painter

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