The Day of Enthusiastic Belief: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is April 7
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Plan ahead and think strategically for best success in the coming months. It would probably be worth staying as organized as possible, and checking in routinely, and thoughtfully, with your progress. You have the power to forge the developments you want to see, and direct much of the course of events with little interference. Your endeavors can create something of lasting impact in the world, and give it running shoes.
— By Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

You may find it easier to see what needs to be corrected today — but not in a hypercritical way; more like being able to see the good in a situation and understanding how to bring errors and obstacles into alignment. Mercury in Pisces is offering your mind access to the ideal vision, and is in a sextile to Saturn in Capricorn, which should help you to ground those ideas in reality. (If you’re still working on your taxes, make sure you check your instincts against the details and rules — especially since another building aspect speaks of a rather dreamy approach to life.) Mercury-Saturn could also represent a formal or informal teaching situation, or seeking an older person’s wisdom.

Venus in Pisces in a square to Ceres in Sagittarius brings to that theme a mentoring-as-nurturing element. Yet it does so in a way that could feel at odds with how you’d like to share your love (or receive love) right now. What would help you find that sweet spot between having freedom and your more romantic and intimate desires or offerings? One thought is to be clear with yourself (and with anyone else involved) that ‘mothering’ behavior and being a lover are not the same thing. Sometimes compassion blurs the line between the two, and sometimes that can work. But if that blending of roles is feeling at all stifling, it might be time to carve out a little time for yourself, solo, and then see how that spaciousness can open the way back to intimacy.
— By Amanda Painter

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