The Day of Daring: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is April 10
The Day of Daring | Order Your 2019-20 Aries Reading | All Other Signs

Follow your ambitions steadily, though be sure to have a breather from time to time when you need it. With perseverance and discipline you can move forward at relatively rapid speed, gaining confidence as you go. Keep an eye on your decision-making process; you would generally benefit from verifying an intuitive guess before acting on it in a committed way. You can treat any point at which you need to retrace your steps as a learning experience.
— By Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

Sometimes life hands us a glimpse of the sacred. Other times, we must deal in the mundane choices of everyday existence. Then again, perhaps the two are more closely entwined than we like to think? In any case, this week’s astrology appears to offer a bit of each.

On the one hand, Ceres just stationed retrograde in Sagittarius yesterday, near one of that sign’s signature deep-space phenomena; and today, Jupiter stations retrograde in Sagittarius, near the Galactic Center. Is it time for a spiritual review — such as a refresher in your cosmic instructions? What actually counts as ‘soul food’ for you (or substitute ‘mentoring’, or ‘spiritual nourishment and nurturing’)? What’s been missing from your soul-level, big-picture diet? How have you become dogmatic, and do you need to reassess a guiding philosophy?

On the other hand, today the Aries Sun makes an exact square to Saturn in Capricorn (which is also in close proximity to Pluto and the lunar South Node). If you’ve been feeling some strain between your duties to others and your desire for self-gratification, this aspect describes that. It also brings in the question of what changes you’ve been going through to bring you to this point — and whether you still have more to clear from your path.

You might also find it helpful to check whether people — especially authority figures — actually require of you what you think they do. If you’re projecting your own negative assumptions onto others, that’s going to mess with your attitudes toward the people you feel responsible to — in ways that don’t facilitate clear working relationships. Notice where you need to cultivate greater confidence in yourself, and keep the lines of communication open. Discipline is not an innate skill for everybody; often, it must be developed consciously. We all know, however, the effects of all work and no play. Find your personal balance.
— By Amanda Painter

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