The Day of Conscience: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is April 8
The Day of Conscience | Order Your 2019-20 Aries Reading | All Other Signs

Be yourself openly and without apology. We all have responsibilities toward others, and a duty to consider them with compassion and empathy. However, you need not allow this to stifle your self-expression. In fact, more than anything just now, the world could do with people who have the courage to be honest about themselves, regardless of how others respond. In any case, it is simply your right to live freely, make your decisions and keep on growing and evolving.
— By Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

Although the conjunction of Venus and Neptune in Pisces is not exact until Wednesday, it has been building these last few days. Chances are it’s being reflected in subtly increasing ways through your general mood, your ability to focus, and your feelings toward those you care about most. At its best, you might notice this as a sense of selflessness toward, or soulful union with, someone you care about. But everything in astrology can also describe a less constructive dynamic, too; in this case, you may wish to check the expectations you have of loved ones. Setting them unrealistically high could lead to disappointment — since, after all, we are mere mortals. If you have the time and space to linger in daydreams, go for it; just stay aware that they are, in fact, fantasy and not reality. Using this energy for some inspired creativity could be ideal, since art tends to flourish where we suspend or soften our judgment. Things like finances and the nuts-and-bolts of relationships tend to require a little more discernment.
— By Amanda Painter

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