The Cardinal Grand Cross — and Moonshine Horoscopes

Eric Francis will be appearing on the Beyond the Ordinary Show with John Burgos Wednesday, April 23, at 8 pm EDT (the day of the grand cross). This event is free but it requires pre-registration (more info at that link). This is Eric’s first appearance on the program — we would love to have you there.

Dear Friend and Reader:

Today into tomorrow the astrological moment we’ve all been anticipating peaks: the cardinal grand cross, as retrograde Mars exactly aspects Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto. We’ve been tracking this alignment for weeks, noting the tremendous energy it signifies, yet not quite venturing into the realm of prediction; its potential in your life is wide open.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

Eric got things rolling yesterday with his Daily Astrology column, titled Grand Cross: In the Eye of the Storm. He describes the different ways to take this astrology, noting that whatever the process means, it begins with you — but most certainly will not end there. (Note: if you are feeling anxious, consider revisiting Friday’s issue and the horoscopes for your Sun and rising signs.)

Eric will continue his investigation of the grand cross in an episode of Planet Waves FM called “Meltdown of Hypocrisy.” He answers a listener question about the “wounded healer” aspect of Chiron and reads the chart of Dr. Rubin Carter, who was cleared of a triple murder and set free after serving 19 years in prison. Carter, who died Sunday, was the subject of the Bob Dylan song “Hurricane,” which Dylan has kindly given us permission to play on tonight’s Planet Waves FM. The episode goes up at about 8 pm EDT.

This week’s Music Appreciation Hour, which Eric hosts with his guitar teacher Dan Sternstein, focused on guitar gear. This program is a must-hear for anyone getting started on guitar, or who wants to get their kid started on the right track as they learn to play. The program always starts with an original musical composition by Eric and Dan, with Eric on guitar this week and Dan on keyboards.

We also have Genevieve Hathaway’s Moonshine horoscopes for the Taurus New Moon for you. Next week’s New Moon is also a solar eclipse — the companion to last week’s lunar eclipse; together they are part of this cardinal grand cross moment.

Finally, remember to check back with the Planet Waves blog at noon today for Len Wallick’s column. He’ll be covering Mercury’s move into Taurus tomorrow: a positive time to change your thinking about how you think.

Yours and truly,

Amanda Painter


Is the shit hitting the fan in your life? Are you trying to figure out how to handle the intense energies that have been coming at everyone? Do you want to make the most of this moment? My Spring Reading may be just the thing you’re looking for. Each reading is a 40- to 45-minute astrology session that is part analysis, part motivation and part personal growth seminar. The theme is trust, and the subject matter is personal relationships and doing the work you love. They are all about taking advantage of this moment. The readings are cross-referenced so that you can cover many facets of your life. I think these are some of the clearest, most helpful readings I’ve ever done. One listener wrote, “I’m listening to the Spring Readings. My husband is Capricorn and it is so accurate it gives me ‘chicken skin’.” You can listen to samples from three signs, and the welcome message, or you can get instant access here. –ef


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