That Was the Craziest Mercury Retrograde Ever

Dear Friend and Reader:

The year began with Mercury retrograde in Aquarius. I have my ear to the ground, listening to my clients, my readers and everyone else I know — and this was one of the most challenging retrogrades I ever remember.

I’ve been tracking these things since before I was an astrologer, in the mid-1980s. This one just threw one curve after the next.

My concern is that with such a chaotic bout of astrology early in the year, you may have lost your focus on your most important New Year goals. You may not even recognize that this has happened.

When you’re addressing a crisis of some kind and you drop a goal or an idea, you don’t always know it. Then you might forget to pick up that goal again.

Do you remember what you were thinking two months ago on New Year’s, about what an awesome year 2015 would be? That’s all still true — if you remember, and if you go to work for your own cause.

I’ve got something that I am certain can help you. Whether you want to align with your plans and your goals, sort out your personal affairs or re-ground in your creative life, my 2015 annual reading offers just what you’re looking for — astrology so good you’ll feel like you discovered something amazing.

For six months — between July and January — I researched and developed an astrology reading for 2015 designed to help you understand yourself, focus your life and harness your power. Each is really three readings — two segments of audio (downloadable and playable on any device), which are an extended meditation on your life. Then there’s a clear, well-organized written interpretation that you will get something more out of each time you read it.

These are readings that will speak to you directly, using the miracle of astrology to discern what you need to hear right now. I cover all the major astrological events that you’ve been hearing about, though these readings will work for someone even if they’ve never heard of astrology before.

Your astrologer — Eric Francis. Photo by Darcy.

It’s difficult to find high quality astrology — astrology that’s technically competent, that’s fully applicable to your life, and easy to understand.

That’s what I am offering in my 2015 annual readings: astrology that you can relate to, and that works for you. Astrology worth your money and more importantly, worth your precious time.

My intent is for you to remember what you were already planning, and get a chance to think that through and re-focus on what’s most important to you.

You can get instant access to one or more signs here (for your Sun sign and rising sign) or you can access all 12 signs here (to read for yourself as well as children, partners and friends). If you choose the all-12 option, you’re invited to share the readings with others.

I am confident that this the kind of artfully done, positive, self-affirming astrology you’ve always been looking for, which will come to you at the perfect time. Check it out — you will be very happy you did.


PS — You can read and listen to a free preview of your 2015 reading here. You’ll get a feeling for how much love, care and attention went into your astrology reading.

6 thoughts on “That Was the Craziest Mercury Retrograde Ever

  1. Kathleen Judd

    I love this site and all the articles. I’m just curious when my reading will be ready….ordered on the 21St of February and no word!! Probably not the place to post this, just anxious to get the info! Thanks. : )

  2. Amanda Painter

    As if to underscore the point that it’s not *quite* out of echo/shadow phase yet (sometime tomorrow, I believe), Mercury and I just locked my keys in the house just now when I left to take a walk. That is, I take some comfort in including Mercury in some of the blame, even though *I* was the one thinking more about my camera than my house keys as I put on my boots and opened the door.

    Even those of us who read just about everything PW produces are not immune to The Trickster’s effects…

  3. sojourn

    Crazy for sure! And I can’t begin to tell you how many times I went back to listen/read through the readings just to inspire me to, HANG ON! Thank you… xo

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