Taking a Ride on the Grand Fire Trine

The Sun is in Sagittarius, along with Mercury, Ceres, Venus, Pholus, Vesta and a whole bunch of other minor planets. Jupiter is in Leo. And the Moon is about to enter Aries (at about 8:30 pm EST Sunday (01:14 UTC Monday), where it will join Uranus, Eris and the Moon’s South Node. Monday we will have a werry werry fiery day — the Moon will emphasize the grand fire trine.

Very cool stock image purchased for a nickel from Dreamstime.com.

Very cool stock image initially found in Google, then purchased for a nickel from Dreamstime.com.

You can expect people to be reactive. You don’t have to be. You can expect them to be more passionate than usual. You can do so on your own terms.

There will be plenty of enthusiasm to focus — and it will indeed benefit from focus, which you may be the one to provide. Note, it may not be easy, as your mind may want to run in every direction at once. But you can do it.

Take a breath and set a goal, then go there.

This story could use a little background. Right now Mercury in Sagittarius is exactly square Neptune in Pisces. That is exact at about 11:26 pm EST (04:26 UTC), then it will begin to separate. This has been an interesting aspect, all about sorting out truth from lies, sorting through layers of image, and investigating self-deception.

Those themes don’t end after the aspect begins separating; the really interesting thoughts and ideas may come out in the wash of Neptune.

I suggest keeping a focus on the theme of ‘what is real and what is not’. Mercury square Neptune asks, especially, what is real for you, and why. Mercury is just at the beginning of a trek across Sagittarius, where it will make conjunctions to the many planets there. Over the next couple of weeks you may experience something new being true every day or even more often than that.

Don’t worry if they seem to conflict — we’re talking about ideas here, which need to be as mobile and as fluid as you think they can be in Sagittarius. As the days progress, they may seem to get bigger, take on more significance or be more influential.

Venus, a bit more than halfway through its journey through Sagittarius, will be making many observations as well. This is a great time to keep a dialog going with yourself. Listen to yourself, and listen to what you say — to yourself and to others.

The Moon, meanwhile, works its way toward a conjunction with Uranus all day, which is exact at 6:12 pm EST (23:12 UTC). Just prior to that, the Moon will make a square to Pluto. Said another way, the Moon is passing through the Uranus-Pluto square.

It’s been a slow few news days, with U.S. politicians all at home for the holidays, government offices closed, and no election brewing. But we may be in for a few surprises Monday and into Tuesday, and the grand fire trine energy may get things rolling in a way that seems difficult to stop.

In your personal world, you can put this energy to use for you. Now is the time to pick up momentum, if you need it for a specific purpose, such as to get something done before the end of the year. This week’s astrology could pick you up and carry you right to completion. Just pace yourself; don’t burn out. Take as much time as you need. You have more than you think.

14 thoughts on “Taking a Ride on the Grand Fire Trine

  1. Amy Elliott

    Thanks very much, Eric. I’ve been at risk of doing some pretty stupid stuff, so will make a conscious effort to avoid this.

    The planets involved seem to imply a lot of benefit in practising tolerance, love and generosity, to others or to ourselves. The latter is as important as the former.

    1. Rockhound

      I had to chuckle at myself Amy when I read your comment! My compulsion this morning to send a snotty email to a late paying client was curbed successfully with a few deep breaths and a conscious consideration of the pressure they are under right now. Thank you for the reminder; tolerance, love and generosity to others will not lead me astray.

  2. Sunny Jarrod-West

    Eric writes above: “Right now Mercury in Sagittarius is exactly square Neptune in Pisces. That is exact at about 11:26 pm EST (04:26 UTC), then it will begin to separate. This has been an interesting aspect, all about sorting out truth from lies, sorting through layers of image, and investigating self-deception.”

    One example of this seems to have been revealed over the weekend and frankly caused quite a stir:

  3. beths

    Thanks for this, I was spinning in all directions and starting to succumb to the overload until I read this article. It helped me to focus and I have gotten a lot of work done this afternoon as a result.

    My natal SN/Moon conjunction (at 3-30 and 4-14 Sagittarius) was just recently having a meeting with the Sun and now with Mercury, and has been square transiting Neptune for awhile. I feel like I keep slipping off into a dreamland and have to really focus to ground myself. It’s been good for thinking through and communicating about sticky topics, but the negotiating has been a bit slippery. Many things from my past have come up, and it’s hard to tell what is real, and what is just a false memory. I’ve been sorting through this and it’s good.

  4. Cowboyiam

    Eric, Could it be that these days are showing us the plastic/moldable form of reality? I’m starting to believe that nothing changes because I want it to – but that maybe – nothing exists until I believe it does. Seems lately (the past few months for sure) that reality is shifting constantly from extremes too distant to not notice, flip-flopping from grim despair to immense joy and hopeful optimism. Somehow this point in time seems to be offering me a choice of what is. If that is the offer?? then there must be a way for me to chose a beautiful expression. I’m working on it.

  5. catherine pape

    Mercury in Sag square Neptune: lots of talk about petroleum these days and how the fall of the price of the oil barrel is affecting some economies like Russia and Venezuela, for instance. The question is: who’s pulling the strings now, the US or Saudi Arabia, or both? I guess there’s a lot to be uncovered there for those interested in mundane astrology.
    Thanks for your insight, Eric, which has helped me become aware of my not-so-wonderful Neptune conjunct to Mercury and Venus…

  6. VgoSal

    It seems I forgot to focus. I got overwhelmed and caught a bad cold from my 2 year old granddaughter. Now have to cancel/reschedule previously made appointments.

  7. Rockhound

    Spot on ‘Cowboyiam’! Play-Doh reality it absolutely is and I’ve found myself, for the last 10 days or so, using a repeating caveat of “…but I’m open to being wrong about everything I think I know right now!” These current extremes of ‘grim despair to immense joy’ seem worthy of attracting that hideous label ‘manic’ and it makes me wonder about all the loving souls who came before me and how they experienced such extremes of life without the wisdom we share today. I too am flip-flopping and needing to find my center again and again. For me, smaller bites is the only way to get through this crazy, changing time. Forget the bigger picture and focus on what needs to be done right now, then do that and move on; lather, rinse, repeat.

    1. Cowboyiam

      Thanks Rockhound, if helps me to see through other eyes. I agree that smaller bits work best. Still
      I am grasping for clarity in my daily outlook but it seems illusive. I get quick taste’s but as I try to define the flavor and texture it fads away – like a dream. You say “Needing to find my center” and I think that is truly what we are discovering, that neither extreme is real, either the ugly horror of us or the awesome childlike innocence – Both are reflective of the other. Life is “maybe” like navigating between these extremes – but there is nothing that is absolute here – so we are starting to see the illusory quality of what we perceive. Are we learning to relax into a state of never taking anything too seriously? Is the fight almost over? Am I preparing for a completely different experiential platform? I hope so. But I have to accept that I have no concept of what or how that might be.

  8. Shelley Stearns

    Sunny, wow, that story takes a couple reads and a moment of contemplation. I am feeling very cloudy about it. If I understand correctly, LaBeouf’s experience is a great example of sexual assault with the victim playing an active role by just letting it happen. I’ve acted before and I understand the power that drives one to stay in character or stick to the artistic piece at all odds, but, then, for me at least, there is self-preservation.

    I am understanding correctly, right? If not, someone please clarify.

    It reminds me of the discussion on Planet Waves this June and Eric’s writing on Nessus.

    1. Amy Elliott

      I understand a lot of people would conclude it was all bunkum, but the more I think about it, the more easily I can conceive how it might happen. It’s possible he felt constrained to keep to the script, but I suspect it is more likely that he simply had no idea what she was going to do next, or how far she might go. In our ordinary lives we find it difficult to imagine being in situations like that, perhaps not really sure what to do or whether to trust in the assailant’s better nature; in other words, that they will stop before being even more horrible.

      As far as I know, he hasn’t publicly declared any sentiment of wishing to make a point or to do this as a performance. Until he does, or further information emerges, I feel I should believe him on principle. It may be naive, but I think it is nonetheless appropriate.

  9. Felirene Bongolan

    ‘Right now Mercury in Sagittarius is exactly square Neptune in Pisces. That is exact at about 11:26 pm EST (04:26 UTC), then it will begin to separate. This has been an interesting aspect, all about sorting out truth from lies, sorting through layers of image, and investigating self-deception. Those themes don’t end after the aspect begins separating; the really interesting thoughts and ideas may come out in the wash of Neptune. I suggest keeping a focus on the theme of ‘what is real and what is not’. Mercury square Neptune asks, especially, what is real for you, and why. ‘

    I’d say that as for Monday and the aftermath, that you and I pretty much experienced the entire spectrum of the square and the separation!!

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