Tag Archives: Weekly Update

Mars Direct, Sun in Gemini, and a Live Global Conversation

Dear Friend and Client:

There are occasionally moments that open up a new phase of Planet Waves community history, and this past Sunday night we experienced one of them. I want to extend my thanks to everyone who participated in the first worldwide call-in edition of Planet Waves FM, providing our first chance to listen to one another in a kind of town meeting.

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Me in the Planet Waves FM studio during Sunday’s program. This was my first time hosting a live call-in program since I was host of Radio Navigator on Radio Woodstock in 1998. Photo by Daniel Sternstein.

Going from pre-recorded programming to a live format was like stepping into another dimension. It’s been a while since I did my late-night program on Radio Woodstock. I was nervous for about the first five minutes, then found my bearings and the program went beautifully.

At its peak there were more than 300 listeners, and about 100 more who passed through. We heard many different points of view, and the emails I’ve received have mostly been on the theme of how reassuring it is for my listeners to discover that they are not alone in their experiences of life or astrology.

That is one of the central purposes of Planet Waves. You may listen to the recording here. This links to my studio side of the recording.

The next community call-in will be June 1, on the subject of the Mercury retrograde that begins a week later. I’ll also be announcing a special class called Introduction to Your Natal Chart. Check your email for both of those announcements.

During Sunday night’s conference we introduced a new, expanded concept of Planet Waves membership that includes daily updates, text message service and a diversity of other resources. You’re invited to check that out, and get on board with early renewal.

In Astrology News

At long last, Mars has stationed direct. Now Mars will proceed forward infused with the energy of Venus. Mars will slowly trek forward through Libra, for the third time repeating its square to Pluto and its opposition to Uranus in a slightly different pattern. Then in late July Mars will ingress Scorpio, and on Aug. 1 it will meet up with Jupiter, newly in Leo — bringing the grand cross officially to a close. I will have coverage of this in Friday’s SKY section.

Planet Waves
For gearheads or the curious, audio for Planet Waves FM is run through a PreSonus USB interface into a Macintosh, and a headphone mixer for in-studio guests (both behind the mason jar of green tea). Musical instruments, when present, are integrated through an 8-channel Mackie mixer, as are studio monitors. The mic is an Electrovoice RE20 dynamic broadcasting mic run through a Cloudlifter preamp. I called in via Skype on one Mac and organized the caller queue through another Mac. I use the same system to record your birthday readings and projects like the Spring Report. Photo by Dan.

Tuesday at 10:59 pm EDT, the Sun ingresses Gemini. Before that happens, the Sun remains void of course. Sun square hypothetical point Transpluto says be on the lookout for self-critical attitudes that threaten your peace of mind.

I’ve introduced the topic in today’s edition of Daily Astrology, though I will be going much deeper in your Book of Life chapter with Friday’s edition. Alice A. Bailey describes Gemini as being one of the most important signs of the zodiac at this time in history — influencing every other sign of the zodiac. I’ve been planning this article for a while, and I’m excited about sharing it with you.

For those born under the sign Gemini or Gemini rising, I am about to do your birthday reading. You may listen to the preview here, complete with a new composition by Daniel Sternstein. You can get the lowest pre-order price on that now, just $19.95 through Thursday night, when it’ll go up to $24.95. The reading includes a live question and response section where you can get some personal attention to your astrology. This is an amazing package and I would encourage you to take advantage of it.

Finally, tonight’s edition of Planet Waves FM is a magnificent one — featuring an in-studio interview with Blair Glaser, a relationship and organizational consultant. We talk about the theme of leadership skills in relationships, and the need for relationships to have a defined and agreed-upon purpose.

My musical guest is the incomparable Upgrade, a hip-hop artist who has described in intimate detail his bout with mental illness and his struggle to fit into society — and how music basically saved his life. This will post to Planet Waves FM by 5 pm EDT; meanwhile there is plenty to listen to there.

I’ll see you Friday, though you’re invited to check in at Daily Astrology as well.


Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Tuesday and Friday morning in Kingston, New York by Planet Waves, Inc. Annual subscription rate: $99/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Business Manager: Chelsea Bottinelli. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Copy Editor: Jessica Keet. Research, Writing and Editing: Planet Waves is produced by a team consisting of Hillary Ghee, Elizabeth Michaud, Amanda Painter, Amy Silver, Carol van Strum, Len Wallick and Chad Woodward. Special thanks to the Fact Checkers List, which goes over each edition on Thursday night — and to our main astrology fact-checker Alex Miller, and Amanda, who goes over all their suggestions.


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Mars Direct: A Planet Waves Community Forum

Dear Friend and Reader:

At long last, Mars stations direct Monday, after being retrograde since March 1. This is a turning point event in our astrological year, and what promises to be a revealing moment of the 2012-era (which we are still in — the energy shift associated with 12/21/12 is still taking hold). What makes this moment so meaningful are the gender-related themes, and relationship themes, of Mars retrograde in Libra, which have emerged repeatedly during the retrograde.

Planet Waves

In honor of Mars direct, I will be hosting the first-ever Planet Waves community forum at 8 pm EDT on Sunday, May 18. This 90-minute event, available by phone, Skype and web, will morph a teleseminar and a live, call-in edition of Planet Waves FM.

Chelsea and I have been setting up and testing the technology, and are verging on giddy about opening up the airwaves and getting a chance to listen to one another. Bring your thoughts and your questions.
Live radio is one of the great pleasures of my life, and I look forward to meeting you there.

This event is free, though it requires pre-registration at this link. After you sign up, you will receive an email with instructions for participating by telephone, Skype or Internet a day or two before the event. Note, it is easy. Despite most appearances I have a technophobe streak, and this is certified friendly.

We’ll be experimenting with open forums in a number of ways, including tonight’s event that is open to all Taurus birthday reading purchasers. The live, one-hour question and answer session about 2014 Taurus astrology will be tonight, at 8 pm EDT on Tuesday, May 13.

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Dr. Eric Berne will be featured on tonight’s edition of Planet Waves FM.

In the near future, watch for other live conference events, including a beginners’ astrology class and an introduction to the minor planets.

Speaking of Planet Waves FM, tonight’s edition covers three topics — the first is the Scorpio Full Moon, and Venus passing through the grand cross.

In the second section I look at the work and the astrology of Dr. Eric Berne, innovator of transactional analysis.
This is the 50th anniversary of the book Games People Play, and Dr. Berne’s 114th birth anniversary was this past weekend on May 10.

In the third section I look at the astrology of the millennial generation, in particular people born between 1983 and 1999. I anticipate having that posted to Planet Waves FM by 5 pm EDT.

Today we also have the Moonshine horoscope by Genevieve Hathaway, focused on the Scorpio Full Moon.

I am tracking events day-by-day in the new-format daily astrology feature, which will always reside at the top of the Planet Waves main website or at this category tag.

I think that about covers it, except for this fantastic interview with Jaclyn Friedman that I would call to your attention.


Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Tuesday and Friday morning in Kingston, New York by Planet Waves, Inc. Annual subscription rate: $88/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Business Manager: Chelsea Bottinelli. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Research, Writing and Editing: Planet Waves is produced by a team consisting of Hillary Ghee, Elizabeth Michaud, Amanda Painter, Amy Silver, Carol van Strum, Len Wallick and Chad Woodward. Special thanks to the Fact Checkers List, which goes over each edition on Thursday night — and to our main astrology fact-checker Alex Miller, and Amanda, who goes over all their suggestions. Our editions are also proofread and fact-checked by Jessica Keet.

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Weekend Aspects, and Get Ready for Mars Direct

Dear Friend and Client:

As mentioned, the horoscope and full-length article will return next week. After many weeks of high-intensity coverage of Mars retrograde, the grand cross and the eclipses, I needed a moment to cool down and catch up.

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Photo by Eric Francis.

I plan to be back this coming Friday, May 16, with full coverage of Mars stationing direct, which happens Sunday, May 19.

That is soon. Mars stations direct one week from Sunday. Mars is already in the degree where it turns around and begins apparent forward motion; that would be 9+ Libra. Mars will move just two-thirds of a degree over the next nine days — movement comparable to Saturn. That is an invitation to really reflect on what this Mars retrograde has been about.

This process has stirred up some profound questions for many people and has ushered in what seems like a time of total transformation. Much of this involves the nuances of the inner relationship — a person’s sense of contact with himself or herself. This in turn has extended into relational dynamics between people, in the form of long overdue questions coming into focus.

One factor in all of this involves the nuances of sexual nature, something so rarely spoken of that words barely exist to describe it. Put simply, regarding intimacy, many are now discovering what they want, or that they don’t have what they want.

As a society, what we’re experiencing is the result of the commodification of desire and intimacy. Then there is desire, mingled with guilt. Then there is receiving, mingled with resentment.

Much of what we’re experiencing is having our own desire sold back to us — not as satisfaction but as hunger. Porno is just one example of this. Victoria’s Secret is another. Much of what passes for entertainment is yet another. How these commodities have taken over consciousness is the real issue. I cover the results of this in one of the best-ever editions of Planet Waves FM, called The Walk of Shame.

I would propose that Mars, in retrograde in Libra, is currently in revolt, and is demanding authentic contact. That’s described in two aspects this weekend.

Venus Opposite Mars; Mercury Square Neptune

Two aspects happen nearly simultaneously Sunday. Venus and Mars reach full polarity in an opposition from Aries to Libra. The two are placed in one another’s signs, with Mars retrograde.

One of our blog participants, Barbara Koehler, is an astute astrologer, and she described this aspect as “part of a stretching process; testing the elasticity of our souls as well as our bodies. It most certainly is associated with all the recent cardinal cross and eclipse stuff. We need to be as pliable as possible for the ensuing energy and the activity it will manifest as. Mutable signs facilitate that and so do oppositions. Call it growth.” This is discussed in a post called Planetary Yoga and the Quest for Integrity.

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Photo by Eric Francis.

I give more detail in this short post on the concept of an opposition.

The second aspect to be aware of this weekend is Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces. There is a strong need for integrity, discernment and correct speech under this aspect, which I describe in this short post about evaluating what you hear and what you say.

These are from our new shorter-format daily, which will now post five nights a week and be available several hours earlier than before, for the benefit of those in Australia and New Zealand. Here are all posts so far in that category. They post to our main website Sunday through Thursday at about 8 pm EDT.

Note: Direct email of the new format daily post will soon be available to our subscribers only. We will be sending an opt-in next week.

One other thing — as Mars retrograde draws to a close, I suggest you review my most complete coverage of the grand cross we all experienced. That came out March 21 — ages ago. The article is called Cardinal Grand Cross: A Matter of Trust.

We will see you next with the Tuesday morning letter.


Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Tuesday and Friday morning in Kingston, New York by Planet Waves, Inc. Annual subscription rate: $88/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Business Manager: Chelsea Bottinelli. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Research, Writing and Editing: Planet Waves is produced by a team consisting of Hillary Ghee, Elizabeth Michaud, Amanda Painter, Amy Silver, Carol van Strum, Len Wallick and Chad Woodward. Special thanks to the Fact Checkers List, which goes over each edition on Thursday night — and to our main astrology fact-checker Alex Miller, and Amanda, who goes over all their suggestions. Our editions are also proofread and fact-checked by Jessica Keet.

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Taurus Live Q&A Seminar; New Format for Daily Astrology; The Walk of Shame and Other Tales from Youth Sex Culture

Dear Friend and Reader:

If you’re up in the morning before dawn, don’t miss the spectacular view of Venus in her incarnation as the morning star. Seeing bright objects like that looming on the horizon has inspired many people to understand the movements and meanings of the planets.

Readers please note a schedule change — there will not be an edition Friday morning. I am taking a week to catch up with myself after coordinating nonstop coverage of the eclipses and grand cross. I will be back on Friday, May 16, with full coverage of Mars stationing direct. All other services will remain on schedule.

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Photo by Jurgen Schmoll.

Developing the discussion of relationships and consent, tonight’s edition of Planet Waves FM enters strange territory — the world of youth sex culture, beginning with an explanation of something called ‘The Walk of Shame’. It will post Tuesday at 6 pm EDT.

If you’re a parent of a teen or twenty-something and want to know what they’re going through, listen to this edition — and please pass it along to them. Next week I will be back with a look at the astrology of that generation. Also, stay tuned for an upcoming special edition on urban farmers.

Next week I’ll be offering my first live Q&A session associated with the Taurus birthday reading. Everyone who purchased that reading may participate, and the recording will be made available to all other Taurus purchasers. This has been our bestselling Taurus reading ever, available for instant access — and you can listen to a free preview.

We plan to develop the live teleseminar medium in the coming weeks — look for announcements. Planet Waves readings are an affordable way to enhance your emotional and spiritual health, with motivational ideas for living, ideas about relationships and astrology that goes deeper than you’ve ever experienced.

Tonight we will be distributing the newest edition of our Monsanto Eco newsletter, offering excellent (and free) coverage of environmental issues. This is where most of our news coverage energy is going these days. You or anyone can sign up for that newsletter. It will publish Tuesday at about 6 pm EDT.

Planet Waves Daily Astrology now has a new, shorter format, designed for a two-minute read while you’re on the way out the door to work. Today’s column covers the bold Beltane sky still in full force, the first quarter Moon and Mercury ingressing Gemini.

Waiting for the stars to align is a passive approach to luck; this week’s astrology, however, is basically a step-by-step action plan for How to Make Your Own Luck, written by Amanda for Monday’s edition.

At noon today on the Planet Waves blog, Len Wallick considers Mercury entering Gemini, and how that relates to the cardinal grand cross.

Coming Soon: Housekeeping and Service Additions

Check your email for a letter from me outlining some service additions, including early renewal, news about our SMS (text message) service, our RSS feed and new guidelines about how to handle forwarding Planet Waves to your friends.

See you tonight at Planet Waves FM.


Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Tuesday and Friday morning in Kingston, New York by Planet Waves, Inc. Annual subscription rate: $88/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Business Manager: Chelsea Bottinelli. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Research, Writing and Editing: Planet Waves is produced by a team consisting of Hillary Ghee, Elizabeth Michaud, Amanda Painter, Amy Silver, Carol van Strum, Len Wallick and Chad Woodward. Special thanks to the Fact Checkers List, which goes over each edition on Thursday night — and to our main astrology fact-checker Alex Miller, and Amanda, who goes over all their suggestions. Our editions are also proofread and fact-checked by Jessica Keet.

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This Week on Planet Waves: Taurus New Moon Eclipse

Dear Friend and Reader:

Overnight yesterday into today was the Taurus New Moon and solar eclipse — the event that, together with the lunar eclipse two weeks ago, has bookended two weeks of this season’s incredible astrology. Exactly on cue, Eric is recording the Taurus Birthday Reading  today — right in the slipstream of this energy.

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Photo by Amanda Painter.

Eric’s birthday readings are ideal for anyone with a Taurus Sun or Taurus rising, and make a wonderful birthday gift for your Taurus loved ones. You can still get access to it for $10 off the published price if you pre-order now.

In today’s Planet Waves FM  program, Eric leaps into the Taurus New Moon and solar eclipse with a message about getting closer to yourself, which serves as a preparation for the sex-and-fertility holiday of Beltane later this week. He also reads the chart of musician, poet and visionary Loreena McKennitt.

In this week’s Music Appreciation Hour, Eric and co-host Dan Sternstein have fun demonstrating the difference between rhythm and lead guitar.

Also note that the Planet Waves blog featured breaking coverage of Pope Francis’s decision to canonize the J.R.R. Tolkien character Gollum into sainthood — the first such honor for a fictional character.

In Monday’s Daily Astrology column, Eric called us to recognize how our increasingly digital lives impact our physical experience of each other, and invites us to embody the transformational experience around attachment, jealousy and control in relationships indicated by the Taurus New Moon and eclipse.

We’ll be following the story arc of the New Moon and eclipse through Beltane and the Friday issue, and plan to have new Daily Astrology posts Wednesday and Thursday. How people are experiencing and working with the energy has been as varied as each individual person, and yet we are all in this fertile, uncanny moment of transition together.

Carlos Cedillo will be back on the blog Wednesday at noon, suggesting that it’s ok if you need to go easy on yourself this week before building on the incremental changes that are surely at work within you. And of course, Len Wallick’s column will publish today at noon. He suggests we follow Mercury’s example by redirecting our thoughts into the future — away from the past two weeks, and on to greater things.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter


You are invited to the meditation room of astrology

Eric created 2014 Spring Readings for each of the signs and rising signs. You might think of these readings as astrological meditations; they will help you go deep into your own awareness, and help you clarify your thoughts. They are also motivating and will leave you feeling stronger and more aware, and Eric offers tangible ideas for how to proceed.

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My readings are like an astrological meditation room.

Response to the Spring Reading has been amazing. Mary LaSelva wrote:

“The Spring Reports are, by far, the most insightful astrology I have heard. Your ability to apply what is happening in the heavens to understand various ways in which we may be affected, and provide objective guidance of how one may use it to wake up, grow, develop, and recognize opportunities, is truly unsurpassed. I am thoroughly impressed and grateful. Taking the time to listen to several signs, more than once, was well worth it.”

The current astrology describes a pivotal time in our lives. When we look back in a year or in five years, that will be obvious.

Eric’s role as an astrologer is to weave the threads of time. His intent is to help you see your options, see the resources that you have available, and to consider any obstacles in a different way.

Learn more in this letter from Eric Francis.


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The Cardinal Grand Cross — and Moonshine Horoscopes

Eric Francis will be appearing on the Beyond the Ordinary Show with John Burgos Wednesday, April 23, at 8 pm EDT (the day of the grand cross). This event is free but it requires pre-registration (more info at that link). This is Eric’s first appearance on the program — we would love to have you there.

Dear Friend and Reader:

Today into tomorrow the astrological moment we’ve all been anticipating peaks: the cardinal grand cross, as retrograde Mars exactly aspects Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto. We’ve been tracking this alignment for weeks, noting the tremendous energy it signifies, yet not quite venturing into the realm of prediction; its potential in your life is wide open.

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Photo by Eric Francis.

Eric got things rolling yesterday with his Daily Astrology column, titled Grand Cross: In the Eye of the Storm. He describes the different ways to take this astrology, noting that whatever the process means, it begins with you — but most certainly will not end there. (Note: if you are feeling anxious, consider revisiting Friday’s issue and the horoscopes for your Sun and rising signs.)

Eric will continue his investigation of the grand cross in an episode of Planet Waves FM called “Meltdown of Hypocrisy.” He answers a listener question about the “wounded healer” aspect of Chiron and reads the chart of Dr. Rubin Carter, who was cleared of a triple murder and set free after serving 19 years in prison. Carter, who died Sunday, was the subject of the Bob Dylan song “Hurricane,” which Dylan has kindly given us permission to play on tonight’s Planet Waves FM. The episode goes up at about 8 pm EDT.

This week’s Music Appreciation Hour, which Eric hosts with his guitar teacher Dan Sternstein, focused on guitar gear. This program is a must-hear for anyone getting started on guitar, or who wants to get their kid started on the right track as they learn to play. The program always starts with an original musical composition by Eric and Dan, with Eric on guitar this week and Dan on keyboards.

We also have Genevieve Hathaway’s Moonshine horoscopes for the Taurus New Moon for you. Next week’s New Moon is also a solar eclipse — the companion to last week’s lunar eclipse; together they are part of this cardinal grand cross moment.

Finally, remember to check back with the Planet Waves blog at noon today for Len Wallick’s column. He’ll be covering Mercury’s move into Taurus tomorrow: a positive time to change your thinking about how you think.

Yours and truly,

Amanda Painter


Is the shit hitting the fan in your life? Are you trying to figure out how to handle the intense energies that have been coming at everyone? Do you want to make the most of this moment? My Spring Reading may be just the thing you’re looking for. Each reading is a 40- to 45-minute astrology session that is part analysis, part motivation and part personal growth seminar. The theme is trust, and the subject matter is personal relationships and doing the work you love. They are all about taking advantage of this moment. The readings are cross-referenced so that you can cover many facets of your life. I think these are some of the clearest, most helpful readings I’ve ever done. One listener wrote, “I’m listening to the Spring Readings. My husband is Capricorn and it is so accurate it gives me ‘chicken skin’.” You can listen to samples from three signs, and the welcome message, or you can get instant access here. –ef


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Libra Lunar Eclipse, Conjunct Vesta and Ceres

Dear Friend and Reader:

Last night’s total eclipse of the Moon in Libra passed by with the energy of a thunderstorm, stirring up a fuss and then leaving a moment of reflective quiet behind it. Full Moons always release tension, and lunar eclipses can enhance that effect. I covered this eclipse in a detailed article published Monday morning called The Goddess Reveals Herself: Bursts of Aries and Libra.

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The Moon glows orange during this morning’s total lunar eclipse, the first of 2014, as seen from Milwaukee. Photo by Mike De Sisti.

I also explained the eclipses a different way in a special edition of Planet Waves FM that focuses on the Moon’s double conjunction to Vesta and Ceres.

The Moon is now waning toward an annular solar eclipse in Taurus on Tuesday, April 29. An annular eclipse is similar to a total eclipse, but the Moon is too close to the Earth to block out the Sun completely. Where the event is visible there can be unusual visual effects, like double shadows or the Sun wearing sunglasses.

Before that happens, Mars in Libra will retrograde into the cardinal grand cross pattern, forming a perfect alignment on Wednesday, April 23. In case you want to review that, I covered it with the April horoscope in an article called Cardinal Grand Cross: A Matter of Trust.

Last week as you may know, I just finished a project that explains this astrology for the individual signs and rising signs. This is the 2014 Spring Reading, and the response has been phenomenal. Each reading, 40 to 45 minutes long, focuses on a different theme; the readings are cross-referenced so that you can cover many facets of your life. I think these are some of the clearest, most helpful readings I’ve ever done. You can listen to samples from three signs, and the welcome message.

Len Wallick’s column publishes at noon today on the blog. He looks at how this morning’s eclipse is closely liked to an Aries-Libra eclipse last October, and invites you to consider how your intuitive body has been processing something your waking consciousness was aware of six months ago.

We’ll be back with another Daily Astrology column tonight at midnight EDT.



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Your Spring Reading, Sun Opposite Mars, Moonshine Horoscope

Dear Friend and Reader:

I am blazing along on your Spring Reading, a 12-sign tour of inner space connected to the events of late April. Those events include a lunar eclipse on April 15, the grand cross on April 23, an eclipse of the Sun on April 29 and Mars stationing direct on May 19. I anticipate the reading will be available late this week.

Planet Waves

The Spring Reading includes a generous audio reading for each of the 12 signs and rising signs that takes a new look at the events I’ve described above. I cross-reference the readings so you can make the most out of the whole package. It is still available to our clients and readers at the pre-order discount, which is one-third off the after-publication price.

Today the Sun is opposite Mars. This is the midpoint of Mars retrograde, which began on March 1 and which ends May 19. The past two nights on the Planet Waves daily, I’ve taken a look at the Sun opposite Mars aspect, in the posts Sun opposite Mars: Let’s Get Real, and The Universal Solvent. Amanda added the post Be Real With Others, And Yourself.

I have also taken a close look at Sun opposite Mars in a fun edition of Planet Waves FM that explores the charts and the creative work of Anne Rice, George Carlin and David Lynch, all of whom embody this aspect. This is an awesome edition of PW FM that you’ll want to set aside a free moment to listen to. Note, it has been updated to iTunes and should appear soon.

On Sunday night, Dan and I recorded our Music Appreciation Hour — a fantastic program on scales and music theory. You never would have guessed that an hour-long discussion (and demonstration) of scales and melody patterns could be so much fun, but it really is.

Finally, here is your Moonshine Horoscope by Genevieve Hathaway, which covers the Libra Full Moon of April, which is also an eclipse of the Moon. A new horoscope by me will be in Friday’s member edition.

Thanks for tuning in.

With love,

PS, Oh! One other thing. We are back with Monsanto Watch, which will publish each Monday night. Here is the new edition and here is the link to sign up for the free weekly mailings. I am inviting all environmentally conscious people to participate in this community service journalism project.

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