Tag Archives: weekly horoscope

Friend to Friend: A Bit of Quaker Astrology

Dear Friend and Reader:

Today is Christmas Eve, so I thought I would do something borrowing from an old Christian tradition. I’ve only mentioned being Quaker a few times on these pages, though it’s a significant piece of my philosophical heritage. I made this discovery as a kid, after attending Friends summer camps for five years (Quaker is old-fashioned shorthand for The Religious Society of Friends).

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

You can think of Quakerism as a form of Zen Christianity. It’s a religion without dogma, without hierarchy and with few words spoken. Each person is encouraged to develop his or her own relationship to God, the Creator or existence. There is no minister (rather, a committee, called Ministry and Counsel); each person speaks, if moved to do so, in the midst of silent meeting.

There are no set rules or doctrines, only flexible guidelines for living. We’re so used to religions telling us that this is how it’s supposed to be, and this is the law, and you have to do that or God doesn’t love you, that we may lack any concept that something else is possible. Friends’ guidelines for living include being dedicated to peace, doing business with integrity, not swearing oaths, and seeking divinity or the voice of spirit within. Quakers call this the ‘inner light’. It is considered a natural part of the human psyche, not something we have to earn.

One of the notable things about Friends is that we do not go to war, we so not advocate war, and we don’t advocate the cause of war in any form, for any reason. It is that simple. Warfare is unnecessary, immoral and stupid (besides being waged by businessmen and based entirely on deception and greed). We’re the people you come to if you don’t want to get drafted. Quakers saved the lives of a lot of young men who would have otherwise ended up in Vietnam. We know how to make the case against war on ethical grounds.

One of the modes of Quaker discourse is in the form of ‘advices and queries’. This is one of the basic models I use in writing my horoscopes, which I view as an ongoing inquiry about the nature of existence. In this last weekly horoscope of 2010, I thought I would borrow from the Quaker style and present queries based on the recent experience of astrology for each of the Sun signs. By recent, I mean going back as far as seven years for one of the signs, five years for another, and a bit less for the others.

Here is some of the language from the ‘advices and queries’ section of Faith and Practice, in a modern British edition. Notice the open-ended approach to religious concepts.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

“The Religious Society of Friends is rooted in Christianity and has always found inspiration in the life and teachings of Jesus. How do you interpret your faith in the light of this heritage? How does Jesus speak to you today? Are you following Jesus’ example of love in action? Are you learning from his life the reality and cost of obedience to God? How does his relationship with God challenge and inspire you?”

Note, not all Quakers use this kind of language, but it’s there for reference, in minimalist form. If you’re looking for a copy of the Bible in a meeting house you probably have to go find it in the office or up in the library, where it belongs. Most literature published by Friends is about ethics, or commenting on what it’s like to live faithfully on our weird planet. It’s more like practical advice rather than the word from on high. Here is an example:

“Are you honest and truthful in all you say and do? Do you maintain strict integrity in business transactions and in your dealings with individuals and organisations? Do you use money and information entrusted to you with discretion and responsibility? Taking oaths implies a double standard of truth; in choosing to affirm instead, be aware of the claim to integrity that you are making.”

One of the Quaker founders was a guy named George Fox, the one with his “old leather breeches and shaggy, shaggy locks.” In 1656, he suggested:

“Be patterns, be examples in all countries, places, islands, nations, wherever you come, that your carriage and life may preach among all sorts of people, and to them; then you will come to walk cheerfully over the world, answering that of God in every one.”

In that spirit, I wish you a blessed Christmas.


Eric Francis

(who never quite makes it to New Paltz Friends Meeting)


Planet Waves

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, December 24, 2010, #844 – BY ERIC FRANCIS

Aries (March 20-April 19)

What is the role of technology in your relationships? Has Facebook replaced the sight of someone’s face, or texting the sound of someone’s voice? Digital devices are rapidly infiltrating the realm of human interaction, threatening to take over entirely. There is a reminder in your solar chart to check in with the influence this is having, and to look in subtle ways. Plenty else has been stirring in your interpersonal life; you seem to need a lot more space — both emotional and physical — than you have any time in recent memory. You’re finally recognizing that what does not work for you cannot be made to work. You are entering a time when the old structures of your life will feel the strain and birth contractions of your rapidly increasing self-awareness. What adjustments to your life patterns have you made to respond to these needs or desires? How have these adjustments affected your relationships? Do you crave human companionship more or less than you did one year ago?

Light Bridge is the 2011 annual edition of Planet Waves. Each of the signs gets an extended reading presented in both writing and in audio. To learn more, please go to this link.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Pluto in Capricorn raises questions about the role that religion has played in shaping your worldview. Remember, like many things, that role could be invisible — till you look. Religion is more than ‘about itself’. Far from being a closed system, it’s about all of existence, not merely taught in a house of worship. Its effects reach into every aspect of life, most particularly, how we are supposed to feel about ourselves, and how we feel about sex. Its ideas are, to this day, defended with guns, armor and constitutional amendments. Have you investigated this topic lately, on the most personal level? Have you questioned the extent to which any of the psychological patterns you would love to change are connected to the religious beliefs and practices of your parents? In what ways are your values shaped by religious concepts, among them the supposed necessity of guilt, the ‘institution of marriage’, faux conservatism, or the notion that God is powerless or vengeful? These days you seem determined to embrace life with your own philosophy. Do you give yourself the freedom to be who you are, nd who you want to be at your best?

Light Bridge is the 2011 annual edition of Planet Waves. Each of the signs gets an extended reading presented in both writing and in audio. To learn more, please go to this link.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Anything giving you feedback does so in a language of some kind. The poet Adrienne Rich described relationships as the dream of a common language. If you were to consider your relationship experiences specifically in the context of the words that are spoken, what would you learn? Do you feel that the words and ideas you express in your partnerships are mutually understood? Do you and the people around you speak the same language? If not, by what means do you overcome the differences? Do you enjoy learning new words and concepts, or do you find the process frustrating? One thing to consider are the potential differences in perspective between you and those close to you. Do the people you attract tend to have a wider or narrower worldview than your own? Where are they from, geographically? How does their spiritual perspective differ from your own? Most significantly, how do you respond to these differences?

Light Bridge is the 2011 annual edition of Planet Waves. Each of the signs gets an extended reading presented in both writing and in audio. To learn more, please go to this link.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Do you feel like the world is making room for you, or more like it’s closing in on you? And, whatever is happening, would you say you’re responding more with presenting your vulnerable side, or by thickening your skin? Your charts for 2011 suggest that you’re going to be a lot more visible, and have the potential to challenge outdated ideas of ‘success’ and ‘achievement’ with an invention or creation of your own. If you take your current relationships as an indicator, how would people respond to your having a much more prominent role in the world? There are some who say that success breeds contempt. Others say that everyone likes to bet on a winner. What is your theory? You are a deeply emotional person and some of your transits describe developing authentic emotional independence. How does that feel to you? Have you found ways to be more independent, while not isolating yourself at the same time?

Light Bridge is the 2011 annual edition of Planet Waves. Each of the signs gets an extended reading presented in both writing and in audio. To learn more, please go to this link.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

How long does it take to get to know a cat? Mysterious as they are, you get the basics right away. The more significant question for you is, how long does it take for you to get to know the people in your life? Thee years have been a gradual process of seeing through your projections, peeling back layers, looking through the image that people project, though it seems you’ve been persistent. Your love has been steady, despite many twists and turns. So too has your process of gaining awareness of who the people you care about the most really are. Think back five or 10 years and consider your impressions of the people who have been in your life continually. What was your sense of who they were then, and what is it today? How have you changed in that time, including your philosophy of relationships? Finally, there is a group relationship angle. You have learned a lot about connecting with groups, and how to be yourself in them — but what, exactly?

Light Bridge is the 2011 annual edition of Planet Waves. Each of the signs gets an extended reading presented in both writing and in audio. To learn more, please go to this link.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Your sign draws much of its energy from the planet Mercury, which is retrograde three times a year. One of the properties of Mercury retrograde is how swiftly, after turning direct, it moves from going one apparent direction to coming up to full speed in the other direction. That suggests a life where you are constantly reconsidering just about everything. Yet some elements of your existence proceed on an entirely different cycle. That involves Chiron, which is in the process of changing signs. For the past five years, Chiron has been your solar 6th house, suggesting you’ve learned a lot about how to take care of your health. Aquarius, which is in that house for you, is excellent with theory and needs a little help putting things into practice. My question for you is, what have you learned, and what have you applied on the topic of taking care of your health — both mental and physical? If you had to choose one longterm goal for your wellbeing, what would that be? What about your relationships? The two are related.

Light Bridge is the 2011 annual edition of Planet Waves. Each of the signs gets an extended reading presented in both writing and in audio. To learn more, please go to this link.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Most people would say that Saturn in their sign put them under pressure and slowed down the pace of their lives. I have a feeling you’re responding differently to Saturn in Libra. The influence of this planet tends to be about guiding us to mature. (In that respect, everyone is feeling it in a slightly different way.) I’m wondering what messages you’re getting, and whether Saturn seems to be working as a force for change, or a force that appears to be slowing things down. Some of the most sage words an astrologer ever said to me about Saturn near or conjunct one’s Sun (as it is for you in these couple of years) is that it represents coming to terms with yourself. That can at times represent a loss — such as a loss of what was not truly your own. As another astrologer (a Libra) once said, Saturn always gives more than he takes away. Be mindful of the exchange. Participate consciously.

Light Bridge is the 2011 annual edition of Planet Waves. Each of the signs gets an extended reading presented in both writing and in audio. To learn more, please go to this link.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

The year began with a series of professional or employment-related upheavals that seem to have rewritten the script you thought you were following. They also had an interesting effect of revealing what happens when you’re not really taking authority over your life; and you got some clues as to what you can do to get your grip back. How is that coming? Have you made any progress in bringing your personal identity and values closer to the work that you do? Much of what you’re experiencing involves old thought-forms, mental patterns and factors of your environment giving way to something new, as if their time has finally come. This will — of necessity — change your work patterns, how you think about yourself and how you relate to the people around you. Yet more than ever, you need to choose the direction of your life. You are in a position to choose what you think of as your destiny. And what would that be?

Light Bridge is the 2011 annual edition of Planet Waves. Each of the signs gets an extended reading presented in both writing and in audio. To learn more, please go to this link.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

One theme I have not emphasized but which is pervasive in your astrology involves financial independence. This is a big theme nowadays, as the dog of capitalism tries to cast off the fleas of humanity. Yet at the same time, many are becoming weary of being so invested in the system, dependent on one source of income, or one concept of abundance. Pluto in Capricorn is, for you, a story about developing your personal resources in such a way that you have greater personal responsibility over your financial affairs. This includes your methods of acquiring wealth in its many forms, and how you invest them in yourself. Considering the many potential facets to this project, from developing accounting methods to recognizing the many ways that your money represents your power, how is that going? What have you learned about the relationship between standing on your feet financially and emotional independence from your parents?

Light Bridge is the 2011 annual edition of Planet Waves. Each of the signs gets an extended reading presented in both writing and in audio. To learn more, please go to this link.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

I’ve made a number of references this year to your leadership calling. That’s a story about Saturn, the planet of Capricorn, making its way across Libra, your solar 10th house — the house connected with authority, reputation, fame and acclaim. Even if you’re not famous by the standards of People magazine, we are all ‘famous in our own worlds’, and people look up to you as an example of grounded, purposeful living. Your mission seems to far exceed that, as you may be in a position of leadership in your profession, or even pioneering a new way of doing things. How do you feel when you are called to take a prominent role in the world around you? Does the example you set live up to the theories you hold? Are there any double standards in your life that you would like to resolve? Most important, what are the top items on your agenda, in terms of what you came here to achieve?

Light Bridge is the 2011 annual edition of Planet Waves. Each of the signs gets an extended reading presented in both writing and in audio. To learn more, please go to this link.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Five years of Chiron in your sign has come with its share of everything from recognizing your ‘imperfections’ to embracing your talents. In these years, the things that have happened to you, and that you have initiated, had the mark of not only setting you more firmly on your life course, but also in helping you recognize and embrace who you are from the inside out. If you had to list a few of these events and how they have changed you, what would they be? How have developments in seemingly unrelated aspects of your life taught you the same thing, or revealed the same basic truth? In what ways have your ideas about life grown closer to the life you live every day? Last and certainly not least, there is something about Chiron that relates to standing out and being as different as you are. Are you any more at peace with yourself about this than you were, say, in 2005?

Light Bridge is the 2011 annual edition of Planet Waves. Each of the signs gets an extended reading presented in both writing and in audio. To learn more, please go to this link.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

You’re about to reach the conclusion of Uranus in your birth sign. This visit, by one of the most restless, revolutionary, inventive and disruptive planets, goes back seven years, and in many ways you’re a different person today than you were then. This is a good time for a review of where you were at the beginning of that stretch, which goes back to March 2004, where you are today by contrast, and the considerable territory you’ve crossed along the way. In what ways have you experienced personal reinventions during that time? What ‘radical’ elements of yourself have you developed and brought to the forefront of your life (remembering that radical means coming from your roots)? What have you done to adapt to a condition of constant change, both inner and outer? If you view these seven years as a time of preparation, what do you think you were preparing for?

Light Bridge is the 2011 annual edition of Planet Waves. Each of the signs gets an extended reading presented in both writing and in audio. To learn more, please go to this link.

A Homeopathic Moment: Mercury Retrograde

Dear Planet Waves Reader:

Earlier this morning, Mercury stationed retrograde in Capricorn, conjunct Pluto. Mercury will be retrograde until Dec. 30, a span of time covering an eclipse of the Moon and the Northern Hemisphere winter solstice, as well as the holiday travel season. Mercury will dip back into late Sagittarius, treading in reverse over the Galactic Core, then after stationing direct make another conjunction to the core early next year. Before I get into a few other details of this astrology and what it may say about our most personal lives, I have several points of follow up on last week’s article about WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange.

Planet Waves
Image from the video calling card of the activist group Anonymous, which has declared war “against all enemies of Julian Assange.” The group this week took out the websites of MasterCard, Visa and the Swiss bank that froze Assange’s funds. The full video is a masterpiece of zeitgeist, capturing the spirit of global chaos mingled with technology. Other videos on the YouTube channel provide a closer look at the organization’s philosophy.

The two are closely related, as I will describe in a moment, though I would state straight out that Mercury retrograde is often a tipping point when it comes to the truth of some underlying matter being revealed. If that pattern holds up, we ain’t seen a thing compared to what we’re about to discover during the next few turbocharged weeks. Though this involves certain factors that are local to this moment (eclipses and Mercury retrograde), in the biggest sense, the world as it is becoming now is in the full throes of the Uranus-Pluto square that is the centerpiece of 2012-era astrology.

For astro-historians, this is part of the same cycle that gave us the 1960s, which were sparked by the Uranus-Pluto conjunction in Virgo.*

So far as I can tell, the WikiLeaks revelations are the most significant historical event since whatever happened on Sept. 11, 2001. Though the effect is subtler (so far), what has happened the past two weeks has taken government, the media and the public over a threshold of confronting actual truth. We are seeing confirmation of things that politically alert people have known for many years — but it’s finally coming up now, being brought to much wider awareness. You might even say coming up for healing. This is a homeopathic moment for world managers and media gatekeepers, who are now being given a dose of their own medicine. The concept of homeopathy is that ‘like cures like’. WikiLeaks is delivering, in potentized form, what they have been holding onto and not letting go of. The result of a successful remedy is often a healing crisis, and this is precisely what we are seeing.

The public is discovering what our ‘leaders’ have been up to, as the media is being compelled to report stories that it has systematically ignored or obscured for decades. I cover this and related topics Wednesday in my weekly podcast, where I describe how actual documents are the only thing that ever advance an important news story.

As a result, a new kind of war has broken out on the Internet — the first ever — between entities that would seek to censor WikiLeaks and a diversity of hackers, free speech advocates and legal experts who are coming to its defense.

The Mercury connection involves its current contact with Capricorn, Mars and Pluto: could we have a more fitting image of this situation than the combination of these energies? Mars and Pluto in Capricorn are taking us to the depths of what governments and corporations are really about. We get the picture as the foreclosure crisis grows and the rich try to write themselves a check for half a trillion dollars in the form of renewed tax cuts that they plan to borrow from China. Mercury is telling us a few things, such as: there is power in knowledge; strength in awareness; community in communication. There is power in knowing some history — illustrated by the retrograde (past emphasis) in Capricorn (where we find information about the goings-on of the past, and about corporate entities). This is blended with the compelling lunar North Node (dharma, true calling, current life challenges), also in early Capricorn. This, in turn, picks up the Aries Point because it’s early in one of the cardinal signs, drawing in millions of people who are affected around the globe. Mars so closely in the mix adds passion, and we are certainly seeing some of that.

Seemingly unstoppable forces are being revealed for what they are, how they think and how they work, all with the force of Pluto that is digging into the soil of existence and turning it over — particularly in the sphere of government and corporations. Looking at this another way, we see that the personal is indeed political (Aries Point theme) as Assange, an elemental force on the global political stage, is being held prisoner in relation to subjects emanating from his most private life. I cover that subject closely in this blog comment.

Assange turned himself in to a London court Tuesday morning, was denied bail and is still in custody, pending a hearing on extradition to Sweden. He was wanted for questioning in connection with two relationships he had over the summer, and in an unusual move, a high-level Interpol warrant was issued last week.

Notably, he hasn’t been charged with a crime by any country; given that his role is political, it would be fair to call him a political prisoner. From what we can tell after analyzing many accounts of the charges, these were consensual incidents that were later recast as something else, with the two separate ‘victims’ acting in collusion with one another to ‘seek advice’ from the police. This is a maneuver in Sweden that allows someone to implicate a person without actually making a false complaint. One involves the allegation of a condom breaking or sex without a condom, in a country where in such a case the male partner can be charged with a crime. The details of these allegations are so wrought with issues — both personal and legal — as to be an embarrassment. While it seems that Assange was not a perfect gentleman, it also seems that the prosecutor is testing out some new ‘feminist’ legal theories. There is a discussion of this subject matter at this blog post on Planet Waves.

Assange will be represented by the renowned Australian/British human rights attorney Geoffrey Robertson, who will begin by helping him fight extradition to Sweden. Robertson, considered one of the brightest legal minds in the world, is said to be one of the few attorneys who is both a specialist in free speech cases in England and in extradition cases involving Scandinavian nations.

Even as it scrambles to recover from the damage caused by the leaked documents, the U.S. government has gone to war against WikiLeaks, though neither Assange nor his organization has been charged with any crimes associated with the release of the cables. WikiLeaks, under pressure from the U.S., has had its .org domain taken away, it’s been kicked off of its American servers under pressure from Sen. Joe Lieberman, and has lost access to cash flow through MasterCard, Visa and PayPal. The Swiss, who served as the central bank for the Nazis, for innumerable members of the Mafia and other notorious international outlaws, have closed Assange’s bank account there. That is remarkable in itself.

There were protests in London and Sydney on Thursday supporting Assange and WikiLeaks (plus massive demonstrations in London related to education budget cuts and increasing fees, wherein students reclaimed Parliament Square as a protest space for the first time in a generation).

About 1,000 websites around the world posted mirrors of WikiLeaks, making sure that the site is impenetrable against censorship. The collective Anonymous vowed revenge “against all enemies of Julian Assange” and its many hackers this week began in earnest, taking down the websites of MasterCard, Visa and the Swiss bank that froze WikiLeaks’ funds.

Speaking of hacking, a purported birth time for Assange has been found, or rather a few of them all close to 2:05 pm. The sources range from “a close family friend” to an informant in the bureau of records or hospital where Assange was born. The data, published by The Mountain Astrologer magazine, seems solid. The chart gives Scorpio rising and a 12th house Scorpio Moon (illustrating the ‘secret dossier’ and one who might find it) and places his powerful Chiron/Eris conjunction in the 6th house — he is a revolutionary who has aimed his arrow at the military itself. I cover this chart in my current podcast.

Meanwhile, the leaked cables are continuing to emerge, though the central issue — the content of the cables — has lost some steam in the mainstream press. The Guardian in the UK continues to be the leading voice, with the latest revelations involving the fiasco surrounding the Venezuelan oil business. And we are learning more about how the United States’ presumed closest Arab ally, the Saudis, are providing money for Iranian terrorists and promoting extremism in their children, while goading the United States to bomb Iran.

Speaking as one who has covered many scandals and has followed world events night and day for more than 20 years, here is how this feels. Time after time, we have seen world leaders, particularly Americans, act with impunity against nations and their people. Bucking the overwhelming majority of world opinion, Iraq was blamed for Sept. 11 and invaded and disastrous war was begun. By modest estimates, the war in Iraq has killed more than 100,000 Iraqi civilians (some estimates go 10 times that high; in either case it is tantamount to genocide). More than 5,000 American families have suffered the loss of a loved one in the military, and tens of thousands of vets are returning with severe brain trauma, only to find inadequate, underfunded or nonexistent support services.

Billions of dollars have been stolen from the federal treasury, from banks and from millions of people whose homes are being foreclosed. The world economy is faltering, and the wealthiest people, many of whom made their fortunes profiting from war, feel they are entitled to lavish tax breaks, with no plan to pay for them.

I’ve been waiting for the other shoe to fall, for someone or something to resist this onslaught — and for the first time, this feels like it. WikiLeaks has sparked not just an antiwar movement, but wide-scale exposure of the crimes of war — and this arrives not a moment too soon. What we are seeing is an actual consequence of the crimes that have been committed against the people and the Earth. I don’t suggest anyone look for a neat and clean ‘outcome’ to these events. Though you’re unlikely to see anyone say this on cable news, I believe that this moment of radical honesty has inaugurated a new era in world history. It’s the first real penetration of the seemingly insurmountable wall of deception that we know has characterized awareness for so long.

Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn

Let’s focus in on the astrology. To sum up, this Mercury retrograde is going to do for our personal lives what WikiLeaks is doing for the world. If the government and corporations keep secrets from us, we do a fine job of keeping secrets from ourselves, and creating family systems that are based on deceit and its inevitable power dramas. This retrograde phase can be a refreshing change of pace.

To recap: Friday morning, Mercury stationed retrograde in early Capricorn, in a close conjunction to Pluto, and quite close to Mars and the North Node. This counts as an Aries Point event because everything is in the early degrees of a cardinal sign, talking directly to the first degree of Aries — the one that emphasizes the connection between what is private and what is public, going in both directions. Private matters are having an influence on global events, and the changes of the world are having a direct influence on our individual lives. This often comes with the sensation of the world crashing into the living room, or being subjected to vast forces of which we have no control.

Planet Waves

Chart sample for the moment Mercury stationed retrograde, at 7:04:26 am EST. The chart, set for New York, features yet another appearance by the Pholus-Great Attractor alignment in Sagittarius (marked by the little pink flag). The Sun is approaching the Galactic Center (not shown in chart, but close to 27 Sagg), as is the asteroid Pallas (which represents political and legal affairs that are dominating the news). Four points are shown in Capricorn: Mars, the North Node, Pluto and Mercury. Mercury will now retrograde over each of the planets shown with the exception of Pholus, before stationing direct on Dec. 30.

Consider the combination of energies: the background energy field is Capricorn (corporations, government, family and the lingering influences of religion, such as guilt). This is connected to the world stage via the Aries Point. The North Node is right there, inching its way toward 00 Capricorn, with a total lunar eclipse about to fully energize both nodes. The North Node pulls us into unfamiliar territory and has a feeling of confronting the unknown. The South Node, where the eclipse happens, grants a release point from the past and a break in continuty. Mars, meanwhile, has just arrived in Capricorn, it’s about to make a conjunction to Pluto, and Mercury is about to retrograde over the whole arrangement.

Setting aside all the mythology connected to Mercury retrograde, such as lost keys and electronic gadgets acting strangely, let’s remember that Mercury is a planet associated with messages, communication and the mind. It is a personal planet (close to the Sun), so it speaks directly to/from us; and its influence is now being combined with a variety of forces — from the very personal energy of Mars (desire, will, anger, aggression) to that of Pluto (soul energy, evolution, world karma) and the North Node (which can also be described as dharma — or acting as if to hold the world together).

Mercury is giving a voice to this diversity of themes, and it may be confusing and personally overwhelming as all this new information pours in.

That is to say, inner material is arising rapidly. With Mercury, Mars and Pluto involved, you can be sure that some of this subject matter is sexual. Indeed, you may find yourself wanting to admit to yourself or state out loud what you have never before been willing to reveal. Using the life of Julian Assange as an example, we have a window into how unresolved material in one’s personal life can create a disproportionately large effect in a public life — and we all have a public life. The message of this Mercury retrograde is: clean closets.

You may finally be willing to make inquiries on subjects you’ve avoided for decades. This may involve family secrets (a domain of Capricorn) that you’ve wondered about or dragged around for years. And, what you learn will have the power to change your life, or said another way, you can take this as power to make changes. Looking at this in the most intimately personal way, the overriding theme is the paradox of guilt and desire. Where sex is concerned, many feel ‘damned either way’, or live in some form of a no-win, double bind or paradox.

We are now heading into an eclipse of the Moon on Dec. 21 that stretches from the last degree of Gemini to the last degree of Sagittarius. It’s a total lunar eclipse that happens right on the solstice, which multiplies (rather than adds together) the effects of the Aries Point, the eclipse and all the high-voltage planets loaded there.

About two weeks ago, just prior to the WikiLeaks revelations, I commented on a New Moon in the last degrees of Taurus/Scorpio: “This sequence of events has the feeling of something coming out of the background. It’s as if the Moon-Sun opposition happens in the wings off to the side of the stage, just out of sight — then suddenly it becomes obvious what’s going on.”

Well, what happens next may not be entirely obvious to everyone — but what we are witnessing and experiencing are the birth contractions of personal and global change that are the defining theme of what we call 2012. Part of that change is the raising of awareness about what we have so blithely denied about the world, about ourselves and about the place where the two meet.

Yours & truly,

Eric Francis

*This is covered in my earlier series Born in the Sixties, as well as by Richard Tarnas in his article Epochs of Revolution, posted in Cosmic Confidential.

PS: For homeopaths in the audience, if this is a homeopathic moment, what remedy is described? I have a guess. Write to me with yours (dreams@planetwaves.net) and I’ll reply.

Judith Gayle’s Political Waves will now appear Saturdays on Daily Astrology & Adventure — the Planet Waves blog. She also has her own blog, called Political Waves.


Planet Waves

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, December 10, 2010, #843 – BY ERIC FRANCIS

Aries (March 20-April 19)
I suggest you call it a year on working toward any sort of professional advances or job searching, and shift the focus of your energy inward. The light is shining in your inner world and it’s rather complicated in the angles of your chart where you have to relate to society in a responsible way — so complex as to be counterproductive. Therefore with Mercury retrograde in that sector of your chart, devote your energy to closing up the business of the year and tying up any loose ends. Your inward focus will be far more productive toward anything you’re striving for than what amounts to pointless busy work. Yes, check your email and your voicemail and respond selectively to what is important. Yet the juicy fruit is in your stoking your imagination, creating your vision and nourishing your dreams. If you’re getting sick of hearing about the recession, unplug the television and turn on the Beatles.
Aries Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)
Now is the time to start a fire and burn any beliefs that you don’t want as a joyful year-end, decade-end sacrifice. By now you know what most of those beliefs are. You also know that most of the time, it seems difficult to change what seem like your fundamental ideas. It won’t be difficult now, on many accounts; what is usually hidden from view is now out in the open, for one thing. For another, you’ve seen the negative effects of believing what is not true or what doesn’t really apply to you. One problem with getting rid of old beliefs is that it really helps to have something to replace them with. Usually the new beliefs displace the old ones, though at the moment your mind is a dynamo of invention — that’s all the restless energy. In case you need guidance, here is how I would sum it up. Replace guilt with the absolute freedom to feel. Replace expectation with what you want to offer the world or those you love. Replace the concept of “God” with the reality of Self.
Taurus Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)
Keep it simple, and beware what you commit to. The usual advice of Mercury retrograde is “don’t sign, don’t buy.” With Mercury retrograde in your 8th solar house (contracts, investments, taxes) then, it would be prudent to back off from all such business until it stations direct, or preferably, after the solar eclipse in early January. You will know more then than you do now. You will know more about the people you are dealing with — which brings me to the ways that the current series of aspects may be reflected in your personal relationships. The theme translates to commitment in that zone where sexual relationships overlap with financial ones. That usually translates to marriage-like relationships. You will need to be an excellent listener through this phase, so that you really have a grasp where the people close to you are coming from. It may not be easy to avoid taking things personally, but a little detachment will go a long way.
Gemini Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Cancer (June 21- July 22)
There are times when fast communication works, and times to let discussions go on for weeks. Now would be an excellent moment for the latter approach. I suggest you make no attempt to finalize arrangements, opinions or intentions; rather, observe and deduce. Mercury retrograde is an interesting phase for people with Cancer or Cancer rising because it engages you with so much of what you’ve tucked away in the hidden corners of your mind (that’s the natural relationship between Cancer and Mercury). As you discuss anything with another person, you’re getting a window into either what you believe, or what you don’t want to believe. As the conversation evolves, move slowly, as if you’re moving underwater. Remember that you’re relating to some of your deepest material. Be gentle with everyone and you will learn a lot — and open the door to a hidden dimension of pleasure.

Cancer Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)
Put a little extra emphasis on your health. That includes getting enough movement to stay flexible, and making sure you don’t over-exert yourself, say, shoveling snow if you live in Buffalo and you don’t exercise regularly. Get enough rest. Make sure that the floor stays dry and that you not only drive with caution, but also get in and out of the car with caution. As for your mind, the thing that runs the body: any stress management, or reduction, techniques you can put to work these days would be a good idea to warm up now. Remember, you can only do so much work, and only so much work is necessary. There is a long list of things that can wait till after January 2nd, and I suggest you keep that list current. Focus on what needs attention now, and when you’re not focused on something, let your unconscious work on it quietly in the background.

Leo Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)
Sexual adventures have a way of becoming something else. We know this, whether they morph into friendships, enemy-ships, love affairs, entanglements, scandals or actual loving relationships. But the thing to remember is that they tend to transform, and there is an old expression that ‘sex changes everything’. It transforms us. All of that said, I suggest you focus on observing and participating consciously in that process of transformation. Part of that is going to involve monitoring your language. Are you speaking the language of peace or of power? Are you hearing words that invite or repel? In an odd way, your reality will follow the words you choose. I suggest you choose carefully, and listen just as thoughtfully. Ultimately this is the test: are your experiences creative? If so, that is where you want to be. If not, then gradually guide yourself to a new place, remembering as Adrienne Rich suggested: words are images; words are maps.

Virgo Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)
Whatever may be going on with you now, look for the emotional roots of the matter. Everything physical, spiritual or mental will — for now — come back to an emotional state that is influencing the rest of your reality. Your feelings will likely be grounded in your domestic situation, which may in turn be magnified by any encounter with your family of origin that is imminent as the holidays draw near. How does this translate, in practical terms? I suggest you spend plenty of time alone, getting a sense of your interior weather. Adjust your commitments according to how you actually feel rather than how you think you should feel. Take extra measures to take care of yourself, and follow the healer’s guide, ‘take care of yourself before you take care of anyone else’. This goes against the conditioning of our culture, especially for many women. If there is a ‘lesson’ in what you’re experiencing, this may be it.

Libra Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)
Beware of head-trips — the kind you inflict on yourself, and the kind that others inflict on you. In fact I suggest you do your best to avoid all conversations of ‘issues’ with anyone you think has issues. If it sounds like I’m saying make nice and keep things superficial, you’re correct, and it’s probably the first time you’ve ever heard me say anything to that tune. Yet with the energy you save, I suggest you carefully investigate the inner ties that are binding you to your situation. This is likely to be a matter of your mental outlook, though that has many constituents, which include believing things that were perhaps true at one time but are not true today. Or, they were true for someone else but are not true for you. Be aware that you may be feeling particularly sensitive to what others are feeling, which could qualify as empathy or which could coax you into codependency. You’re your own person — live that way.

The Scorpio Audio Report is now done. This reading includes more than an hour of astrology and 20 minutes of tarot custom created for those with Scorpio Sun, Moon or rising. Priced at $14.95, it makes a useful and economical gift. Use this link for instant access.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
Make some fast decisions to slow down your outward flow of cash, and quickly return to more creative matters. Your chart is full of mixed signals at the moment, and if you listen to them, you’ll get in the way of your ability to manifest the abundance you know is on its way. Therefore, I am suggesting you focus on something else, on something that feels good and creative and that leaves you with a sense of belonging and participation. While you’re doing this, a deep level of instincts will take care of your survival, instincts that are likely to be confused when you translate them into concepts. Mozart is said to have asked his wife to read to him while he composed music, so as to distract the ‘word’ part of his brain and leave the rest of it free to create music. In a similar way I suggest you distract yourself from facts and figures, and spend your time in the abundantly lush territory of your creative life.

Sagittarius audio coming soon!

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)
By the way, in case you haven’t noticed, there’s a really interesting alignment in your chart right now. Capricorn plays by different rules, though this still may be playing a tad of havoc with your head. Yet somehow you’re in your element. You don’t need to work harder or think deeper — you’re looking for the key idea that’s going to unlock a puzzle and set your energy free. The way this is likely to work is in layers, and each layer will have its access point. Unlike most humans do these days, I suggest you remember the phases of this journey, because as you collect these revelations, they will add up to more than the sum of the parts; or said another way, you add up to more than the sum of your talents, your ideas and your good deeds. A lot more. Happy discovering that fact.

Capricorn Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)
As you know, you’re not the cool, logical person that the world perceives you to be, and that you love to be when you can. Particularly lately, you’re an intricate, complex and inwardly focused critter, always preparing to leap off the next psychic cliff. What is really interesting, and exciting, is that you’re losing your intimidation about exploring your own labyrinth. You’re fully aware that there is a vast dimension to you that has no adherence to logic, no loyalty to being rational, no need to make sense all the time. What you would benefit from is clarifying your relationship to the past. It still seems more solid to you than it really is. I suggest you consider the idea that the past is an interpretation. And as you look at it differently, that interpretation will change — and as you see the past in an original way, you will create an interpretation that favors you.

Aquarius Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)
Focus on who you are — not who others think you are, or who you think others think you are. That is entirely their business. It would, of course, be a triumph in the life of a fish to not take personally what others seem to think of you personally, but it’s a huge distraction, and besides, you would be surprised how little many others think of anyone besides themselves. I say this because you’re visible at the moment — it’s that time of year. If what you do in life is designed to reach out, trust that you’re doing just that. Yet remind yourself that you’re not really reaching — you’re emanating a vibration. I suggest you focus your awareness on tuning that vibe like a guitar. Harmonize with your desire, and very quietly be who you are and nobody else. That is your point of influence and indeed of power.
Pisces Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

The Most Wanted Man in the World

Dear Planet Waves Reader:

When I was teaching English 101 at SUNY New Paltz, I assigned my classes a book called Reading the News. In its clear-headed approach to understanding how journalism works, its first chapter was titled, “Who Makes the News.” That’s a statement, not a question: who makes the news — before what, where, when and why. We want to know about people. We want to know what they do, and we crave a window into their psyches, perhaps in search of ourselves.

Planet Waves
Julian Assange, the most wanted man in the world. He evokes the archetype of the hero-outlaw, or a character from a graphic novel — but he’s a real person, doing real work. Photo: Agence France-Presse.

Currently, that ‘who’ would be a man named Julian Assange. In 2007, the native of Australia created an organization called WikiLeaks, an online clearinghouse for people who want to reveal injustice. Whistleblowers can upload classified or confidential documents into the WikiLeaks system from anywhere. WikiLeaks authenticates the documents, then working with news organizations, selectively makes them public. You may recall reading about WikiLeaks in this space a few months ago, when the organization published the Afghan War Diary, a collection of internal memos and field reports from the U.S. military’s database [see Clearing the Smog of War].

At the time, I described this as a manifestation of Chiron conjunct Neptune in Aquarius — a moment of clarity and revelation for a country that has been huffing the shoe polish of denial for many decades, particularly when it comes to the conduct of the military. That conjunction, which gradually started gathering steam in 2005, is now working at full strength, and it seems to be getting results.

Assange is back in the news, along with dozens of stories the media has been ignoring forever and seven Sundays. WikiLeaks this week made public 250,000 pages of memos from the United States diplomatic community. The latest revelation is that the United States is propping up a government in Afghanistan where most of the money goes to graft. To date, we have spent $371 billion in Afghanistan only to learn that Hamid Karzai, the president, is personally facilitating the drug trade. “Mr. Karzai pardoned five border police officers caught with 124 kilograms (about 273 pounds) of heroin and intervened in a drug case involving the son of a wealthy supporter,” one cable revealed, according to Friday’s New York Times. U.S. diplomats said they believe that every cabinet minister except the minister of agriculture is involved in graft and bribery. The war has now been going on for nine years and two months. We’re reading about this today?

Earlier in the week we learned from the leaked cables that U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ordered her diplomatic corps to serve as a spy ring on the United Nations (including the secretary general) and foreign diplomats, telling them to collect everything from credit card numbers to computer passwords to DNA samples from saliva left on teacups.

“She [Clinton] should resign, if it can be shown that she was responsible for ordering U.S. diplomatic figures to engage in espionage in the United Nations, in violation of the international covenants to which the U.S. has signed up,” Assange said to Time magazine this week.

Planet Waves
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reads up on Iraq. As a senator, she gave an impassioned speech supporting the invasion.

The cables also reveal that the Obama administration worked to protect Cheney-Bush administration officials from their conduct interrogating detained terrorist suspects. One cable details how “the Obama administration, working with Republicans, leaned on Spain to derail this potential prosecution,” AlterNet reported Thursday. And on his program Thursday night, Dylan Ratigan discussed cables involving Saudi Arabia that reveal how the country both funds terrorism based in Iran, and was or is trying to manipulate the United States government to bomb Iran at the same time.

How does a computer hacker get himself into the position of being able to call for the secretary of state to resign — and all the major media are writing about it? How is he getting his way with those who so recently believed they had total power, secrecy and impunity? Well, with courage, conscience and talent. And timing; all year I’ve been writing about the high-impact astrology (such as the Aries Point alignment of Saturn, Uranus and Pluto) that looked, long in advance, like it would rearrange world politics. Plus we are currently under a potent alignment in Sagittarius (the sign of international relationships) focused specifically on that theme [see And What Are We Attracting?]. This alignment peaks Sunday with the Sagittarius New Moon [related article below].

It’s a plain fact that the United States has gotten away with murder for decades, manipulating governments around the world, staging coups, starting wars and lying about all of it. Now one man comes along and opens up a floodgate of evidence of what has happened, and what is happening, and he cannot be ignored. So far as I know, Assange is the first person in two generations to openly take an actual stand against the United States in actions rather than words. Nothing against Code Pink protesting the war outside George W. Bush’s ranch, but Assange is personally rearranging the chess board with nonviolent direct action.

Who makes the news. Because we have a name and a face, the mainstream media propaganda machine has to actually report on many of the international issues it loves to pretend does not exist. Anything Assange does is news — and then they mention that he happens to have proof of conspiracies and war crimes. And the more public officials such as Clinton point to Assange as the problem, the more it begs the question what his documents say.

Top-Secret Chart Reveals a Real-Life Revolutionary

Assange till now had been concealing his birthdate, and thus any information about his chart. In my last article, I used the data for WikiLeaks itself, which is available through the website’s registration information. We now have Assange’s personal data because INTERPOL posted his birthday earlier this week, listing him as one of its most wanted international criminals.

Planet Waves
Julian Assange has until now concealed his birthdate. This chart is based on the data published Monday night by INTERPOL. The blue planet on the left — shaped like an H — is Uranus, which is square the Sun — the yellow circle planet at the very top of the chart. Two features in this chart that I haven’t mentioned in the article are a complex square between Venus and Ceres (in Gemini) and Pluto in Virgo. Another interesting feature is that he has an exact conjunction between Mercury and the asteroid Psyche in the sign Cancer. This suggests that while he obviously has a powerful intellect, he does as much feeling with his mind as he does thinking; and that his thought process is guided by what may to him feel like a flaw or sense of weakness. That sensation draws in the soul quality of Psyche.

Is he being hunted for espionage, cyber-terrorism or revealing state secrets? No, they say he’s wanted for rape, in Sweden, and European authorities have launched a sweeping manhunt across the continent and into the UK to find him. In case you’re wondering whether he actually committed sex crimes, when was the last time you heard of an international dragnet for an alleged rapist? Notably, Sweden’s laws don’t require physical evidence of rape, only testimony. The case actually seems to involve whether condoms were used during consensual sex with two different women he met at a political conference. Note, he has not been charged with any crime, and a new warrant had to be issued Thursday because the old one was defective.

Since Assange had succeeded at keeping even his birthdate secret, this is something of an astrological coup, apparently first published Monday night to the astrological community by Lynn Hayes. Our chart for Assange is set for noon, because we don’t know the birth time. However, it’s a noon chart that goes straight to the point.

The first thing that catapults out of this chart is Sun square Uranus. Uranus disrupts, transforms, up-ends and blazes forward. This combination (through the influence of Uranus) brings in the revolutionary, rebellious and moreover inventive principle, expressed at full strength by the Sun. This aspect is in the DNA of Uranus — the Sun was square Uranus on the day that the planet was discovered. Many inventors and scientists have this or a similar aspect, and it contains Assange’s gift for technology. When you think of the Sun square Uranus, remember Nathan Hale: “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.” Sun-Uranus is the full embodiment of the forward-thinking Uranian principle, which is associated with Prometheus; that’s the guy who ‘stole the fire of the gods’ — a fitting image of what Assange is doing.

Planet Waves
These are the planets and points conjunct, square or opposite Assange’s Sun in Cancer. Isis is closely conjunct Uranus; this is a gift for assembling many small parts. Minerva is opposite Chiron/Eris, which brings in the theme of politics and serves like a guardian angel. Persephone opposite the Sun is a nice image of his affinity for the underworld, and Borasisi says, ‘Something is true if we believe it’s true’. It’s how belief activates perception. Sauer, an asteroid, is named for a river in central Europe; I’ve never used it in a chart, but it’s exactly conjunct his Sun.

(Others with this aspect include Joseph Campbell, Bono, Galileo, Bill Gates, Marconi, and those visionary birds of a feather, Barbara and George Bush.)

Casting his chart for noon, Uranus is exactly rising, as if to emphasize the point, giving the aspect emphasis and an extra means of expression. Notably, this square is hanging out at about 10 degrees of the cardinal signs — close enough to the Aries Point to count, and currently aspected by the approach of transiting Pluto. (Pluto is opposing Assange’s Sun, and square his Uranus.) And it’s in line with the Uranus-Pluto square of 2012, an aspect that will last for years and is gradually turning the revolutionary power of Uranus and the evolutionary mojo of Pluto loose on the world. This will come with Assange’s Uranian opposition — which represents attaining a new intellectual peak. Let’s say he’s just getting warmed up.

So, his chart is right in line with whatever 2012 is about — and make no mistake, what he’s doing is part of the story. When we think of the kinds of social progress we might associate with 2012, and the ‘paradigm shift’ and ‘people waking up’, how exactly might that look? Part of what is keeping the world situation so intractable, and so resistant to change, is that so few people know the deeper truth about many of the things that affect them, or even have access to it.

Many who do insist on denial as a means of persisting in their ways. This is an opening. It’s like the press is playing catch-up on what we missed during decades of fixation on Madonna, Michael Jackson and Paris Hilton. When the truth is revealed, there’s a release of energy — and the effect is unpredictable. But when we wonder just how it is that one would begin to dismantle the out-of-control military and espionage machine referred to in cables as USG, it could easily begin with an event like this, that pierces the deception that it is 100% necessary to maintain a condition of nonstop war.

Eruption of Self-Awareness: Chiron and Eris

In a similar vein, we see an exact conjunction of Chiron and Eris, two relatively new planets. Chiron (the maverick, healer, bringer of awareness) was discovered in 1977 and Eris (associated with identity crisis, disruptions and the castaway feminine aspect of both men and women) was anointed in 2006 (revamping the system of planetary categorization in the process — including the ‘demotion’ of Pluto). Chiron and Eris were conjunct through the late 1960s and early 1970s, and the conjunction is exact to the degree in Assange’s chart. In past articles I’ve associated this aspect with the revolutionary nature of the ‘second wave’ feminist movement that was thriving at the time.

Planet Waves
Seventies-styled feminism may look kitsch today, and in many ways it sent a mixed signal. But it also brought a breakthrough in awareness and social progress, messy and incomplete though it was.

Chiron and Eris together in Aries (the sign of self and initiative) sparks an evolutionary impulse for self-actualization. It is about healing the fragmented sense of self that afflicts so many. There were many innovative therapy movements thriving at the time, which are all but forgotten today — gestalt, transactional analysis, primal, EST and others. The ’70s were said to be the ‘me generation’, and though this had many selfish and destructive results, there was overall a breakthrough in self-awareness and consciousness. The anti-Vietnam movement was thriving and Nixon was about to be busted for Watergate. Be Here Now was published, along with Rules for Radicals and The Anarchist Cookbook.

For those curious about the degree symbol of the conjunction, the degree is 14 Aries, and the image is, “A serpent coiling near a man and a woman.” Dane Rudhyar explains: “Identification in bipolar relationship with the impersonal rhythm of natural energy,” or in a short phrase, “ritualization of relationship.” Assange likens what he does to playing chess — a ritualized game with very few rules.

In his chart, the Sun, Chiron, Uranus and Eris are all in aspect — they are all working together, though the tension is rather incredible. It’s nothing less than you would expect in the chart of someone who would dare to take on such a massive issue, and succeed at getting noticed.

Saturn Opposite Neptune: The Shapeshifter

Assange also has Saturn opposite Neptune. Saturn contains and solidifies; Neptune dissolves. This is an illustration of tension, but it’s subtle, and it’s a picture of his quality of invisibility and ubiquitous presence. This aspect is one of his power sources as a hacker and his best camouflage as kind of hero-outlaw.

Planet Waves
Sacha Baron Cohen as Borat. He has Saturn opposite Neptune in his natal chart, and is a kind of shapeshifter.

Assange started his career as a prodigy teenage hacker. He was arrested, but the prosecutor in the case said, “There is just no evidence that there was anything other than sort of intelligent inquisitiveness and the pleasure of being able to — what’s the expression — surf through these various computers.” The charges were dropped. His hacker name was ‘Mendax’, derived from a phrase of Horace: splendide mendax, or ‘nobly untruthful’ — a fine description of Saturn-Neptune in one of its more evolved manifestations.

Let’s consider how this works. Saturn and Neptune mirror one another in his chart. Looked at one way, Assange plays the role of Neptune the dissolver, and the power structure plays the role of Saturn, whose barriers are being melted away. Or as Tracy Delaney suggested while we were brainstorming this aspect Thursday, Saturn (in Gemini) is like a cold wind blowing on the cloud of Neptune, freezing and crystallizing the pattern of deception, so we can see what it is.

Saturn-Neptune is an illustration of his shape-shifting power — Sasha Baron Cohen, the actor who created the Borat character and Ali G, has this one as well. His mind has penetrating power: he’s a mindf*cker, and we love him for it. Just as Cohen’s characters penetrate the minds of the people he’s pranking, Assange soaks through the previously impermeable walls of power. Both work with a combination of discipline and illusion. Both, in Tracy’s words, “have a kind of congenital inability to be intimidated. No point throwing rocks at a cloud.”

Notably, Assange has a centaur planet conjunct Saturn — it’s called Amycus. In some earlier research, Tracy and I deduced that this planet is prominent in people who have a knack for getting the word out — including the Yes Men.

Logos and Atlantis: The Word Abused, and Revealed

Let’s check in with one last telling detail — an aspect between two minor planets. The first is Atlantis (an asteroid discovered in 1931). Atlantis is associated with the abuse of technology and its power, and the sense of ‘imminent demise’ of civilization due to the unbridled use of that power. Then there’s Logos (a small planet right beyond Neptune’s orbit, discovered in 1997). Logos is actually a binary, with a co-planet of comparable size, called Zoe. (Technically the pair is now referred to as Logos | Zoe.) Research by Kirsti Melto indicates that Logos | Zoe is prominent in the charts of breakthroughs in computers and programming. Zoe means ‘life’. I think of Logos as the framework of technology (it means ‘the word’) and Zoe as being the spiritual content, when present — the life inside the machine.

In Julian’s chart these two are in a perfect square aspect. This is happening late in the cardinal signs, from Atlantis in Libra to Logos | Zoe in Cancer. He takes this personally; technology for Assange is a relationship, and he is personally embodying the ethical struggle suggested by Atlantis. We have all long suspected that our addiction to, and abuse of, technology has the power to take down our civilization.

Assange is aware of this, and he is a kind of personal intervention in the process of a society that is committing suicide. And I do mean personal. With that Scorpio Moon and Cancer Sun, he feels what he is doing. He is acting on a combination of instinct, intuition and intellect — but make no mistake, he is not detached from his work. This is personal; it’s a matter of heart and soul, and he is aware the influence that he can have by using technology to reveal the truth.

“To radically shift regime behavior we must think clearly and boldly, for if we have learned anything, it is that regimes do not want to be changed. We must think beyond those who have gone before us and discover technological changes that embolden us with ways to act in which our forebears could not,” he once posted to his blog, explaining the WikiLeaks philosophy.

The regimes’ resistance to change is their worst weakness. They become utterly brittle, and creative activity ceases. That makes them vulnerable — as we can plainly see.

Yours & truly,

Eric Francis

Additional research: Tracy Delaney, Amanda Painter, Carol van Strum.


And for our next act…the Sagittarius New Moon

When you look at a conventional astrology chart, you’re only seeing a small part of the picture. This is little comfort to those who stare at the page (of a normal chart) wondering what the holy heck it all means — and if you’re trying to learn, give it time and pay attention to your experience of existence. Let’s have a go at the Sagittarius New Moon.

Planet Waves
Sagittarius New Moon set for Washington, DC. Appropriately, Pallas — the planet of politics — is the highest point in the chart.

Here is a conventional chart, okay, a little more than conventional — it has a few extra points. It’s set for Washington, DC, since that is where the action seems to be these days. And I do mean action — with the WikiLeaks revelations erupting on five different fronts, 42 members of the Senate (I won’t name their political party affiliation) signed a letter saying they won’t let anything happen till we charge the national credit card and give $700 billion more to the wealthiest Americans while the government supports a heroin trader in Afghanistan to the tune of a million dollars per soldier, per year. A new banking crisis is looming — that would be Subprime Part Two. And though nobody has mentioned it this week, despite the chilly weather in most of North America, the ice caps are still melting.

The Sagittarius New Moon is conjunct Pholus, a centaur (a little Chiron-like planet) that opens the jar and lets stuff out that’s not coming back in. My favorite key phrase is “small cause, big effect,” which I learned from my old friend and teacher in Munich, astrologer and classical guitarist Robert von Heeren. The Sun-Moon-Pholus conjunction is sitting on the Great Attractor, the biggest thing known in the universe. So it’s fitting that, this very week, every issue that has been suppressed for a decade is coming out all at once.

Meanwhile, Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, is conjunct Uranus — that’s big news all by itself; and Chiron and Neptune are in a near-perfect conjunction in Aquarius. All of this amplifies and features into the dynamic of this rather potent and unpredictable New Moon.

Yet there is much more going on behind the scenes. I present this information at a slight risk of overwhelm, but I want to show you what it’s possible to see and work with. I’ll give a couple of examples and leave you to your weekly horoscope.  This little table tells us what, from about 100 points that Tracy Delaney (the programmer) and I have tossed into the box, shows up in mid-Sagittarius. Amycus speaks of getting the word out. Icarus is about peak experiences.

Planet Waves
Points in mid-Sagittarius, at the Sagittarius New Moon.

Sun and Moon are precisely, to the degree, conjunct one of the earlier centaurs — Hylonome. This is about the cry of the poor (key phrase from Juan Revilla) and it addresses collective grief and ‘senseless’ loss. Note, of the points I routinely use, this is the only one occupying the degree of the New Moon, and it’s a potent one. Hylonome made a stunning appearance conjunct the Scorpio New Moon precisely during the funeral of Yasser Arafat in late 2004 — a jaw-dropping astrological synchronicity.

Switching methods for a moment, the degree symbol (also called Sabian Symbol) for 14 Sagittarius (anything numbered higher than 13 is occupying the 14th degree) is: The Great Pyramid and the Sphinx. Dane Rudhyar interprets this as, “The enduring power of occult knowledge and of its quasi-divine Custodians, ‘seed men’ of a previous cycle of existence.” Well doesn’t that just illustrate WikiLeaks and its editor magnificently.

We see that Pholus is exactly conjunct the Great Attractor. This is a long and slow aspect and it’s precise right now; what comes out now is not going back, and it’s going to get bigger. Good Morning America — the truth is out.

This is conjunct Narcissus, who sees his own reflection in the pond. You could say he ‘falls in love’ or you could say that this is about self-awareness; and it’s about the effect of narcissism on the global political process. Close by is Ixion (anyone is capable of anything; amorality; what we do with our second chance) — we’re seeing plenty of that. Next is a really interesting pair of very different points: the first is Cupido (a hypothetical; it doesn’t exist, but it’s there to work with) which Martha Wescott delineates as: “issues in the family history; group unity or dynamics” followed by Quaoar, an actual planet beyond Pluto that says exactly the same thing. Quaoar adds the theme of our creation myth. Who are we and how did we get here? That is the mystery of The Pyramid and the Sphinx.

This New Moon is about the family of humanity. Welcome to it. The rest of the minor planets are listed here, at Serennu.com.


Planet Waves

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, December 3, 2010, #842 – BY ERIC FRANCIS

Aries (March 20-April 19)
You have seen the power of negotiation, and you’ve seen what happens when you disregard certain communication protocols. Yet your quest is to be a sincere person, and you may be reviled by the notion that you have to be two-faced as a means of social lubrication. Circumstances of your life, particularly of your professional life, are calling on you to be direct and to take authority. I would suggest the following: be direct with yourself first. If you know the lay of the land, and have a sense of who is playing what game, you will feel less defensive; that means you’ll be more receptive to information. Second, you don’t actually have to say much. One technique is to ask people what they know rather than telling them what you know. You will learn something along the way, people you’re working with will have the sense that you’re listening, and then you will be in a better position to have your knowledge be your point of authority. So gather your information, assemble the pieces and make sure you use your power judiciously.
Aries Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)
Be aware of a tendency to think that your faith rules the world. It may rule your world, and that would be enough, though I suggest you back away from any possibility of being an evangelist. Faith teaches in silence, through actions and through the passage of time. Your mere awareness of something is an influence. The thoughts you think have potency beyond what you have ever imagined. This is particularly true for how they influence your own state of mind, emotions and sense of the future. Obsession is not certainty, though you may be riveted on a particular subject that you cannot let go of. That represents energy, and it may represent ideas, and an appropriate and useful response is to focus your mind in a creative and constructive way. Remember that you cannot control the future, but you can certainly influence it. One gift of the present moment is that you have enough experience to not make the same mistakes again, particularly in a relationship.
Taurus Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)
You may feel like you’re in over your head with a situation that, at the moment, seems to have total power over your life. It may be a sexual obsession, it may be a fear that you have no choice but to encounter, or it may be coming to the realization that someone has tremendous influence over you. I suggest you think of the situation in terms of an agreement or a contract. This will be a way of processing your emotions through a rational filter. What have you actually agreed to? What has someone else committed to? And how does the current situation reflect these facts? You may determine that the facts and your emotional state have no apparent relationship; that your intensity is not grounded in reality. No matter how powerful someone may seem, or a situation may appear to be, the person you need to negotiate your freedom with is yourself.
Gemini Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)
You have boundless energy at your disposal, and it’s yours to direct toward healing, productivity or pleasure. The three have more in common than you may realize; anything that nourishes one of these concepts in truth feeds all three. We’re trained to think that anything meaningful has to be done in a big way; that at any moment of decision, you must ‘figure out what to do with the rest of your life’. What you do these weeks may indeed influence the rest of your life, and it may resolve something you’ve carried around for a long time. Yet the way that will happen is a supreme focus on the present moment. What you want is a state of wellbeing now, rather than something deferred to the future. That is nothing more or less than being present in your experience. It’s about recognizing that your whole life has led to this moment, and that this moment is the portal to your future. Stand in that doorway and feel the energy move through you and around you.

Cancer Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)
This weekend’s New Moon in your fellow fire sign Sagittarius is designed to open up your sense of what is possible, if you apply your creativity. I suggest you let your curiosity lead the way to direct experience, rather than theory. You do not need to exert much in the way of effort, or think of this as requiring anything special; curiosity is powerful and it’s inherently creative. Remember that all creative energy is connected to sexual energy. I recognize that not everyone ‘agrees’ with this, but for evidence I would merely point to existence itself. A little of this energy can go a long way; the small choices you make now have an extra potent ability to help you create your life, experimenting and experiencing and feeling your way through existence. I suggest you keep in mind what it is you want to create; hold a vision for yourself and the life that you want.

Leo Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)
Subtle adjustments you make to your emotional patterning may result in significant progress toward healing. We typically want to ‘fix everything’ about ourselves, without recognizing that patterns develop and evolve over time; the most meaningful part of the process is initiating them and gradually maintaining them into existence. This is particularly meaningful where improving your health and wellbeing are concerned. For you that comes down to courting an inner sense of safety. I recognize that we are under the constant influence to not feel safe. We are given reasons to feel threatened nearly all the time. It would help if you removed those external influences, so that this way you can tune into the ones in your mind: those messages are the ones you need to respond to specifically by wanting something else, something better; a safe place within your own thoughts.

Virgo Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)
Consider yourself on the verge of a decision, which involves whether you will embrace yourself fully; whether you will give (to yourself) or withhold (from yourself) the love that you seek. This is the question that lurks inside the drama of what we call love. Here, the phrasing is clear and the choice is simple: and it depends on no other person. I recognize this presents a kind of metaphysical problem. If ‘how we feel about ourselves creates our experience of relationships’, does that mean we control them? Obviously not: there are other options. When we resonate with ourselves in a way that is true or loving, we create a resonance field, and we draw or repel appropriate people. The message of the current charts is simple — how you feel about yourself is the most significant metric of how you will experience existence. And you have reason to feel good; you’ve been practicing.

Libra Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)
Gender and sex (as in the many forms of interplay of male and female, inner and outer) are fascinating, beautiful things to explore and play with, don’t you agree? There are so many shades and hues of attraction, empathy and simpatico; so many gradations of distaste and repulsion. With Venus now back in your sign after the recent retrograde phase, you have a strong emotional magnet pulling you inward toward a mysterious other within yourself. The world is rampant with drama of ‘the other’ being an external. It has an all-consuming quality, at the same time there are a diversity of taboos on taking that whole discussion to an inner plane. There is a force of nature that exists within yourself, and it has some quality of being your polar opposite; in truth it is what you seek in others, that has so often been the source of so much drama — and that aspect of you is now making itself known.

The Scorpio Audio Report is now done. This reading includes more than an hour of astrology and 20 minutes of tarot custom created for those with Scorpio Sun, Moon or rising. Priced at $14.95, it makes a useful and economical gift. Use this link for instant access.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
It’s time to have full confidence in your talent. There comes a time when, after years of development, you take the leap into the truth of that notion. You know that what you create is fully worthy of existence in the universe. You are witness to its independent life beyond you, and I believe that deep down you are confident that it will support you economically. I would emphasize that these are recognitions now available on the emotional rather than the intellectual level — things that work better when you feel them. It is one thing to know them in your mind; it’s another to feel the truth in your body, something akin to balancing on a bicycle. Remember, on a bicycle you can go nearly anywhere, but not everywhere at once.

Sagittarius audio coming soon!

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)
So much of what you want seems to depend on others — and so much of your experience the past year or two has been about learning how to depend on yourself. You might think of what you’re learning as a form of autonomy. That is true, to a point; for as long as we need someone to change the oil on our car, we’re not really autonomous. But what you are acquiring is sufficient independence to explore interdependence. That is different than codependency, which is an unhealthy overreliance on the other. The associations you’re cultivating at this time will form the basis of community based on actual mutual interests and common ground. There is the potential for creating something far greater than the sum of the parts; human alchemy of the first order, for which you are a catalyst.

Capricorn Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)
You have plenty to celebrate. It’s true that you also have your moments of fear and doubt, and I can empathize if you feel that your shadow runs a little deeper and darker than some others you know. That means your light will shine equally bright and moreover, that you are moving steadily along the path to fully integrating the many facets of who you are. But setting your spiritual psychology aside, I can tell you this. You are in a remarkable moment for making your existence known, and for influencing your community (and that may include community of interest, circle of friends or something similar). Though I’m not sure what you do with your life, I can offer you this — you are onto something significant, and some idea that has the power to shape your world, if not the world. Speak clearly rather than loudly. Don’t worry about the ‘ultimate effect’ of what you put out. Simply trust.

Aquarius Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)
This is a moment filled with great potential for you, in the aspect of life that some call ‘career’. I prefer to use other concepts — such as expressing your life purpose, making your way in the world, and shining in your chosen field. But let’s keep cause and effect in the right order; that’s the mission of any true seeker. It is who you are that is doing the expressing, making your way or shining your light. There is no ‘thing’ you are after, and you are existing and growing rather than careering. Existence as you are experiencing it now is a process of original invention. You are becoming something new every day and indeed moment. This is unnerving for some, who need a reference point to the past in order to feel secure. You have no need for such a pretense; this moment is offering you everything — but it’s an intense, potent and moreover rare moment. Be mindful. Be present. Be real, and gently so.
Pisces Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

In the Wings: Taurus Full Moon

Dear Planet Waves Reader:

Last week I described the rare alignment in Sagittarius, consisting of many kinds of planets. That was the one conjunct the Great Attractor with all the political themes. It’s still happening. So far there have been a lot of quirky news stories this week, from Charles Rangle running wrangle to the one about getting X-ray photographed naked or groped by the TSA as a condition of flying [funny CNN video here].

Planet Waves
The interior of the Auditorium Building in Chicago built in 1887. The rectangular frame around the stage is the proscenium ‘arch’. This weekend’s Full Moon is waiting in the wings. Photo by J.W. Taylor, from the Library of Congress Historic American Buildings Survey via Wikiedia.

The Sun is about to join this grouping, though before that happens there is a Full Moon across the last degrees of Taurus and Scorpio on Sunday (the Taurus Full Moon). About 90 minutes later, the Moon ingresses Gemini and about 17 hours later the Sun enters Sagittarius. This sequence of events has the feeling of something coming out of the background. It’s as if the Moon-Sun opposition happens in the wings off to the side of the stage, just out of sight — then suddenly it becomes obvious what’s going on. Solar-Lunar aspects (such as the New or Full Moon) have a way of precipitating what’s going on in the rest of the sky, especially if they are nearby, and this definitely is.

Thursday, Venus stationed direct in Libra, adding to the feeling of an energy release of some kind — and potentially keeping our focus on individual priorities, since Venus stationing direct (and what it represents) will have a way of taking center stage in our consciousness. During the retrograde here in the States, we went through, or were dragged through, the midterm election cycle, which was based on abuse of personal values. The wealth of our nation, what’s left of it anyway, is being looted by people with five houses and 10 cars who used the United States as a tax shelter, and we’re supposed to be worried about Mexicans.

You can only do this to people if they’re angry and confused, and the American public would definitely qualify now. The people who are bent on believing lies are confused because they’re having a hard time homing in on the truth, and it seems so much has been taken away. Many who are committed to truth are confused because most of them believe they’re powerless to do anything. Lately I’ve been noticing the extent to which people will go to argue for their weaknesses, and if we do, sure enough that’s what we get.

Let’s take a look at the chart. Notice how the Sun and Moon (obvious glyphs, they actually look like what they represent) are way at the end of their signs; you can tell because they have the number 29 next to them. That’s as high as it gets; there is no 30. So we have an event on the edge of Taurus and Scorpio. That last degree is sometimes called anaretic. That implies a life and death kind of struggle; it can be a struggle for transformation, growth or survival. Whatever it represents is described by a quality on the brink. And what both Taurus and Scorpio represent are values. Taurus is about personal values; Scorpio is about what we share in a common ground with others. There is an encounter described by the opposition, but it’s more of a confrontation than a meeting, and it’s like that confrontation is happening at the edge of a cliff.

The next thing to look at is what other planets make contact with the event. There are a good few planets in the setup with degree values in the high 20s — and they are all part of the energy pattern. The first thing I notice is the Chiron-Neptune conjunction in late Aquarius.

Planet Waves
Chart for the Taurus Full Moon on Sunday, set for the location of the astrologer. This chart gives Neptune and Chiron in the Aquarius ascendant. The Sun is the yellow circle at the top of the chart; the Moon is the gray crescent below. They are in the very last degrees of their signs, suggesting a fast-changing turn of events. The Sun enters Sagittarius on Sunday and the Moon enters Gemini about 90 minutes after the exact full aspect.

The Moon-Sun opposition (that is, the Full Moon) makes a square to this long-standing aspect that is one of the defining features of our era. Chiron and Neptune are both slow movers and they don’t get together very often. The last conjunction was in 1945, just as the troops were coming home from World War II. Prior to that was 1879-1880 (shortly after the Civil War) and before that, 1799 — in the early days of the United States, when the ink was still wet on the Constitution.

This conjunction is in Aquarius. I’ve described this a number of times, but it’s worth one more go since it’s in the spotlight now, on this little chart and in actual reality.

I have long viewed Neptune in Aquarius as a decade of public delusion. Politics is often a game based on deception and manipulation, and this reached some soaring heights with the Monica Lewinsky scandal that led to a period of unmitigated greed and psychic chaos. Think of the events that followed — the Nasdaq crash (the burst of the dot-com bubble), the mysterious election when Al Gore won, Bush took office and all that happened was a movie got made about it. Then there was Sept. 11 and not one but two Vietnams got started on pretenses you might believe if you drank a quart of cough syrup — and for the most part everyone fell for it. On and on it went. During this phase, the Internet went from being a technological advance to a mass public dream — well illustrated by Neptune in Aquarius.

Then Chiron showed up, and worked its way toward Neptune. This began a gradual focusing process. If you think of Neptune as a beam coming from a film projector, think of Chiron as the lens. If you think of Neptune as a fog, think of Chiron as a proper fog light that actually helps us see rather than throws glare back in our faces. We can think of Chiron and Neptune as a funnel, with Neptune as the wide end and Chiron as the narrow end. Neptune gathers the psychic data and Chiron focuses it. Better yet you can think of Neptune as the rain and Chiron as the whole funnel, which collects what would otherwise be lost.

Neptune may be the most challenging planet, mainly because we don’t usually see its effects while they’re happening. To do so, one really has to pay attention. It’s such a part of our environment that it disappears until Chiron (or some other focusing influence) arrives and reveals the crisis — and that’s just what happened: i.e., what is currently being variously called the banking crisis, the economic crisis or the environmental crisis.

Planet Waves
Moral psychologist and University of Virginia professor Jonathan Haidt, giving a presentation for TED. You can watch the 19-minute video here. Haidt makes some excellent points — but see if you can spot the logical flaw in his conclusion and the last few steps leading up to it.

Actually, I think Chiron is revealing that what we’re in the midst of is really a crisis about what we believe and why. There is a crisis over what we perceive as truth, whether truth exists, and why people believe what they believe. This has become a field of study called moral psychology. Moral psychology asks why it is that people will vote against their own political and economic interests. It would ask why so many people eat disgusting, toxic foods. It would certainly ask why so many people in Germany pretended they ‘couldn’t smell’ the crematoria churning out smoke a mile from their homes.

Moral psychology is a contact point between individual perceptions of the environment and sweeping public reactions. I’ll offer four examples of research areas from leading thinkers in the field, adapted from the website of Jonathan Haidt, a psychology professor at the University of Virginia. These are from the description of a series of seminars that are available for listening at this link.

    • Harvard cognitive neuroscientist and philosopher Joshua D. Greene sees our biggest social problems — war, terrorism, the destruction of the environment, etc. — arising from our unwitting tendency to apply paleolithic moral thinking (also known as “common sense”) to the complex problems of modern life. Our brains trick us into thinking that we have Moral Truth on our side when in fact we don’t, and blind us to important truths that our brains were not designed to appreciate.
    • The failure of science to address questions of meaning, morality and values, notes neuroscientist Sam Harris, has become the primary justification for religious faith. In doubting our ability to address questions of meaning and morality through rational argument and scientific inquiry, we offer a mandate to religious dogmatism, superstition, and sectarian conflict. The greater the doubt, the greater the impetus to nurture divisive delusions.
    • Jonathan Haidt’s research indicates that morality is a social construction which has evolved out of raw materials provided by five (or more) innate “psychological” foundations: Harm, Fairness, Ingroup, Authority and Purity. Highly educated liberals generally rely upon and endorse only the first two foundations, whereas people who are more conservative, more religious, or of lower social class usually rely upon and endorse all five foundations [see video linked with photo, above].
  • Disgust is the subject that’s been keeping Cornell psychologist David Pizarro particularly busy, as it has been implicated by many as an emotion that plays a large role in many moral judgments. His lab results have shown that an increased tendency to experience disgust (as measured using the Disgust Sensitivity Scale, developed by Haidt and colleagues), is related to political orientation.

Interesting stuff, right? And it’s a representation of the kind of search for clarity indicated by the Chiron-Neptune conjunction in Aquarius that this Full Moon highlights. In truth, this nascent thought process represents actual progress in thought and evolution. The moral psychologists are giving us some clarity about why people believe lies. We understand why people tell them — conquerors predate Alexander, and Rupert Murdoch is just one of many.

The question that remains is: what do we do about it? What’s the point of action? Let’s leave that question open while you consider what you’re doing about it in your own life.

Yours & truly,

Eric Francis

Judith Gayle’s Political Waves will now appear Saturdays on Daily Astrology & Adventure — the Planet Waves blog. She also has her own blog, called Political Waves.


Planet Waves

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, November 19, 2010, #840 – BY ERIC FRANCIS

Aries (March 20-April 19)
I recently got into a conversation with the proprietor of a local mystical bookstore; the topic was whether poo is ‘spiritual’. I was making the case that everything has a role in the universe, and you cannot subtract something from the natural world and claim that it’s ungodly. Cultured people tend to keep things in their appropriate places, but we need to be careful what we close our minds to. At the moment your astrological region of spiritual — Sagittarius, your solar 9th house — contains just about every ingredient known to humanity, from politics (Pallas) to murder (Ixion) to the language and the Internet (Mercury) to the zealous use of alcohol (Pholus) to sexual desire and ambition (Mars). This is not the time to ‘not think about chocolate cake’ when you’re meditating. It’s the time to look at the world and grant everything equal meaning, and notice how the many pieces of the cosmos fit together to reveal the mystery of existence.
Aries Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Taurus (April 19- May 20)
You have more talent than you reveal, including to yourself. I’m going to guess (it’s an educated guess) that you may feel that if you dare put some of that talent on display, you’ll be revealed as someone who’s faking it half the time, but I’m here to suggest that the opposite is true. All the people whose work and accomplishments you admire were folks who got up every day and set about doing what they do, learning at every step along the way. One of those steps was offering their talent or gift to the world. You have an abundance of natural ability that’s likely to far exceed your current understanding of what you’re capable of. On some level you seem to fear conflict arising if you express yourself, though that would not be the case if you set aside your competitive nature and took the one chance that sooner or later everyone who actually lives has to take — being you.
Taurus Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)
Lately you’re playing the role of the beloved Lt. Uhura of the Enterprise. Her job was to find the right frequency on which to speak to any aliens in the vicinity, to persist until meaningful contact was established, and to keep the conversation cool. Don’t worry if you have to be compromising, diplomatic or flexible — those are strengths and assets that will work to your advantage. The important thing is that you understand what others are saying, and that you then guide things into the next step of making sure you’re understood. This would be especially true if someone seems aggressive or single-minded. Apparently you have something they need. In the kind of interpersonal politics with which you’re currently involved, it’s in bounds to trade favors, to use leverage and to turn a potentially contentious situation into something useful that works for everyone. Be creative; be fair; go for what you want.
Gemini Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Cancer (June 21- July 22)
This matter you’re considering that is on the verge of public and private, is something you seem to want known, and you’ll feel better when it’s no longer private. You will reveal things to yourself by exposing them to others; the feedback from the outer world is an essential mirror of understanding that will propel you deeper into yourself. And deeper is the way you want to go: every factor involving your relationships or intimate contacts is pulling you in that direction like a colossal magnet. Whether these are seemingly work-related contacts or seemingly personal ones, always remember that you exist in the human dimension, and that its protocols are inherently hormonal. If you’re concerned about breaking rules, keep your sense of humor. If you’re concerned about being too obvious, wear red, and a hat with peacock feathers.

Cancer Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)
The Sun bursts into your fellow fire sign Sagittarius with a spectacular Full Moon over the weekend, and then commences what promises to be a wild adventure over the next four weeks. You’ve already had hints about just how daring you can be. The place to draw the line is not focusing on ‘safety’ but rather on creative passion. That is to say, strive for the kind of fun that is inherently about you, with that being its main quality of boldness. If you do, you’ll tap directly into an energy source you always seem to lust after but less often make direct contact with. The adventure of the coming weeks blurs the lines between friends and lovers, work and play, for-serious and for-pleasure. You may freely drop all pretense of needing to impress anyone or seek approval; if there’s a ‘lesson’ involved, that’s the one. Your life is for you and the people you want to share it with.

Leo Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)
In a theater, the distance between onstage and offstage is a few inches on either side of the wings, but that’s the difference between being part of the scene or behind it. At the moment, you’re trying to do both at once, and though you often prefer to work invisibly, you seem to be craving an opportunity to step into the lights. Any hesitation that may be stopping you is not exactly your own; it seems to be the property of prior generations. Your charts this year have been an extended study in going beyond the influences of the distant past and taking your rightful place at the center of your life. You have no need — an emotional impulse, perhaps, but not a need — to please or satisfy your father’s image of you. That fictitious struggle is the one thing that stands between you and actual self-acceptance. Embrace yourself and be known for doing so. That is freedom.

Virgo Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)
At long last, Venus has stationed direct in your birth sign. This six-week journey has come with many questions, and instigated an inner search that has led you to one inevitable conclusion: this thing you’re living is your life, or it’s nothing at all. You have seen the influences that others can exert on you, and you’ve discovered that you’re strong enough to discern your true self within so much competition by others to define who you are. You’ve grasped far closer to your center core than you may yet realize; you’ve gone deep enough into yourself to activate an authentic transformation rather than a change of appearance. You’re working from sufficient strength that if you actually live out your values, in the form of experimenting with the choices that you actually want to make, you will rapidly gain strength, momentum and integrity.

Libra Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)
It’s difficult to look at the chart for this weekend’s Full Moon and not see some theme of self-esteem appear for any of the signs, though this is particularly true for Scorpio. You may think you’re striving for ‘spiritual’. You may think you’re reaching for purity, for liberation from physical desire or freedom from emotional impulse. In my reading, what you actually want is to surrender to unconditional acceptance of who you are and what you want. If there is any negotiating to be done, it’s going to be on your terms: which are useful because all you seek is level ground. You may be confronted by the fact that someone may not like your idea of what is true for you, despite not understanding it. I would just make one suggestion — never negotiate for your freedom. You already have it, and negotiation only obscures that basic fact.

The Scorpio Audio Report is now done. This reading includes more than an hour of astrology and 20 minutes of tarot custom created for those with Scorpio Sun, Moon or rising. Priced at $14.95, it makes a useful and economical gift. Use this link for instant access.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
For weeks now, energy has been rapidly gathering in your sign, and it’s not going away anytime soon. The Sun makes its entrance this weekend carried by the momentum of the Full Moon. I want to remind you that while events from this point forward may seem to move quickly and perhaps unexpectedly, you’ve been working with a longterm plan that has, so far, been effective at giving you what you want. If you’re hesitating, please get over yourself. Keep your agenda focused and remember to go for the gems of your desires first. The one caveat described by the planets loud and clear is correct speech. You can do very nearly anything you want as long as you’re polite. Sagittarius is usually perceived by we mortals as being needlessly brusque, so remember to speak from a gentle place — and understate your case. You’re plenty compelling without needing to persuade.
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)
Solve your problems before they become big problems. At the moment you have some profound insight into how to do not only that, but to move the pieces around the chessboard such that you’re in a position of true advantage. If you’ve been hesitating on anything, it’s this one point of playing the game to win, taking full authority or however you may want to describe it. This is an inner phenomenon, not anything you need to do in the outer world. You’re at a point where you can align the thread and the needle and pull the thread through all of the many layers of yourself. They are unified by one thing, which is purpose. Authentic purpose exists on a level deeper than we tend to think of it; on a level deeper than (from what I hear) many people believe they can access — but you can; you’re right there.

Capricorn Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)
The next few weeks will have a distinct feature that blends ease of flow and various struggles to get to the next stage of your evolution. You can parlay one with the other; a bit of challenge keeps life interesting, and a bit of luck is always encouraging. Yet the adventure of these weeks is a relatively minor phase of what has, in truth, been an extremely long journey. This trek has taken you through yourself from a space where you may have actually verged on being clueless about what you wanted or who you were, to a place where you’re now working with actual knowledge, experience and principles. The question as ever seems to be about taking action. I suggest you work backwards from a goal. Focus on what you want, and the steps to getting there will be obvious. Prepare for a surge forward around the time of your birthday, perhaps a bit sooner.

Aquarius Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)
The Sun crosses your career angle this weekend, where it will soon make contact with numerous other planets in that angle of your chart. This will have an activating effect, calling attention to you and what you do — and to how well you do it. So I would ask, a little in advance: how do you feel about success? Do you consider it an adventure, or something barely worth the trouble? I suggest you make up your mind, because more than anything the planets are configured in such a way that you get what you aim for. That’s to say: aim for something meaningful. There are likely to be many smaller opportunities buzzing around; there may be people who think you still have some dues to pay. Brush them off and keep your attitude positive. Right now, you’re visible, and you’re a magnet. Choose your opportunities. Define success your very own way.
Pisces Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

And What Are We Attracting?

Dear Planet Waves Reader:

In recent podcasts, I’ve been tracking a planetary alignment that’s soon to arrive, just as Venus stations direct next week. This grouping, already underway, is a collection of both major and minor planets gathering around a deep-space point called the Great Attractor, located in mid-Sagittarius. These include planets you’ve definitely heard of (Mercury, Mars) and ones you may not have heard of (Pholus, Ixion).

Planet Waves
Image of Pallas Athene as visualized in full grandeur and irony by Gustav Klimt. The asteroid named for her, properly called (2) Pallas, is central to an alignment now forming in mid-Sagittarius. This asteroid represents matters of strategy, law and politics.

On one level this looks like a touch of domestic political chaos here in the United States (not exactly news; U.S. politics is currently verging on requiring a locked ward). But this alignment is definitely news, in that it portends something unusual. Or perhaps it’s describing something unusual that’s already happening. Notably, this in turn will be followed up by Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius and Capricorn at the end of the year, mingled with a pair of eclipses.

Venus for her part stations direct in Libra after a six week retrograde; this is a different event from the alignment with the Great Attractor, but they are synchronous, so they count as one, focused in linear time on Nov. 18 — in less than a week. Venus stationing is going to come with a bit of tension and release, also underway, which will get all the molecules in the sky shaking. I’ll come back to Venus stationing in Libra, because I believe that event holds the key to the rest.

The Great Attractor gets its name because it’s drawing toward it a million galaxies, while it rushes away from them and they follow in endless pursuit. Our galaxy (the Milky Way, a spiral island of 300 billion stars) is one of those doing the chasing; so are all of our neighboring islands in what is called the Local Group of galaxies. Note, I’m not talking about the Galactic Center here. That’s the core of our own galaxy; the Great Attractor is like some giant vortex pulling everything its way, a bit like an anti-big-bang.

We cannot see the Great Attractor; it’s invisible on the normal spectrum of light. We know it’s there because 1. So much is getting pulled toward it, and 2. It’s broadcasting on every frequency except for visible light — such as X ray, gamma ray, and even Miley Ray (Disney owns a piece of the action). The Great Attractor happens to be aligned with the plane of our own galaxy, so we’re peering over at it obscured by thousands of light years of dust, gas and other stars. But we know it’s there, likely to be a vast dark matter point that my colleague Philip Sedgwick describes as prodigious and the largest thing known to science. “It’s the ultimate Sagittarian statement of ‘get away from me, don’t crowd my space’,” he said in a Planet Waves interview.

Planet Waves
We live in a galaxy containing as many as 300 billion stars. The nearest galaxy is two million light years away. Our group of galaxies is called the Local Group, containing over 30 galaxies. This Local Group covers over 10 million light years in diameter, further away than California. The Local Group belongs to the Virgo supercluster of galaxies. The Virgo supercluster is about 200 million light years in diameter. The Great Attractor is a gravitational anomaly somewhere in the Virgo supercluster, pulling the other galaxy groups towards the Hydra and Centaurus constellations. This is an illustration of the Great Attractor by Henrick Summanen.

Though it’s moving very fast, it’s so far away that it appears to be standing still. So it’s considered a fixed point that is located at just over 14 degrees of Sagittarius. Due to this Sagittarius alignment, that point is getting a lot of action the next couple of weeks. But let’s consider it first by itself.

In consciousness, the Great Attractor manifests as a certain kind of intense. It can feel hotly polarized. People with a prominent Great Attractor in their charts will cultivate strong feelings in others, and can often be the subject of contention or controversy. They have the ability to make unusually close friends with equally formidable enemies. There is a potency characterized by this point that holds two extremes and presents them with lots of fodder for spiritual growth.

So now we have this collection of planets gathering around this odd point in space. There are a good few of them. I won’t be able to go over every one in this article, but I’m going to factor them all into my interpretation. And over the weekend I’ll post a full list to the blog, in case you enjoy the feeling of data overload (I know I do).

Let’s start with Ixion. This is a Pluto-like point (a plutino) orbiting our Sun discovered in 2001. My key phrase for Ixion is anyone is capable of anything. I associate it with the quality of amorality. There is also a property of getting a second chance, but what one does with that new chance is up for grabs. Ixion on the Great Attractor during the past couple of years has helped make a big hit out of the idea that there is no difference between right and wrong. Do we need to learn about this all over again, or can we do it more fficiently, say by remembering?

More recently, Pholus has arrived. Pholus, the second centaur planet ever discovered (that was in 1992, after Chiron in 1977), releases contained energy. My favorite key phrase for Pholus is small cause, big effect. With Pholus we can see the dangerous influences of alcohol, of idle curiosity, of idle idealization of an idol (such as the charismatic effects of famous people) and the unleashing of events that have unforeseen and far-reaching consequences. Gee, this is sounding like a lot of fun so far. All centaurs add a quality of reactivity and potency.

Next let’s add Mercury into the mix. That would say apply all of this to words and technology, as well as to commerce. But moreover, something has seized the mind: something besides intelligence. Mars will be there too, which adds a flavor of aggression. Most contemporary astrologers looking at this event merely see a Mercury-Mars conjunction in Sagittarius; the rest of the points are invisible to them — with one possible exception, in the form of a major asteroid. Looking at this event in low-res, you see hot words, such as an argument, thinking too fast and too big at the same time, and some exaggerated issue or situation.

The scale and exaggeration stuff comes from the background sign, Sagittarius. And, it fits; watch a real news program that covers national and world affairs and things will indeed seem weirdly but somehow actually and indeed dangerously exaggerated and bombastic; a kind of sports event.

Planet Waves
Segment of the chart for Venus stationing direct. At the top right are four planets in the Sagittarius alignment. In order going down are Pallas, Mars, Mercury and Pholus. Not shown are Ixion or the Great Attractor.

A few astrologers will be looking at Pallas, the second asteroid (or minor planet) ever discovered. That was in 1802, so she’s been around long enough for a few people to notice. Pallas (associated with the goddess Athena, a warrior born in full armor) has two main themes — strategy and politics. Since Sagittarius has an international theme, this would be international politics and strategy. Mars and Pallas together point to something military or at least strategic.

Are you getting the picture? It looks like some hotly polarized, extremely exaggerated international situation that pops up seemingly out of nowhere. Sagittarius adds the flavor of religious zeal, which we’ve been so lavishly indulging since Pluto went into Sagittarius many years ago and everything became a matter of ‘faith’. Or, we could be talking about the most spectacular international vacation anyone has ever taken in their lives, perhaps including an actual visit to the Galactic Core.

To test the geopolitics angle of this theory, let’s check in briefly with three charts, to see if any of them has sensitive points around this area: the U.S. chart, the chart of Israel and the chart of Iran.

First, the USA Sibley chart, the most commonly used July 4, 1776 horoscope for the States. (I covered this chart over the summer.) Let’s see, that chart has mid-Sagittarius in the ascendant: this whole circus takes place in the USA’s 1st house, with planets making exact contact with the rising degree, 12+ Sagittarius. As my Aunt Josie would say, How about that? What might be brewing deep in the hearts and minds of the enlightened statesmen at the helm of our great empire?

Next, flipping through the indispensable Book of World Horoscopes by Nicholas Campion, let’s visit the chart of Israel. (I must visit the actual country soon.) My preferred chart for Israel (for astrologers, the 4 pm chart) has 14+ Aquarius rising. The Sagittarius event takes place in its 10th house. This alignment makes an exact trine to Israel’s natal Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Leo on its 7th house (that gets a big gee whiz — talk about a chart with a setup for contentious relationships). The trine could well open an energy line from that feisty, conflicted 7th house (the relationship house). Speaking as a psychological astrologer, by the way, Israel likes to project its inner psychological strife onto others outside its borders: very 7th house. If you’re different but live within the country, you can do fine in Israel.

As for Iran, another old place I would love to visit: I’ll use the current chart — that of the 1979 revolution. The Sagittarius alignment is close to Iran’s 9th house Neptune. That represents Iran’s persistent condition of religious delusion, as well as an international vulnerability. Neptune often works like a blind spot. Neptune, which has the widest orb of influence of all the planets, is just four degrees from the Great Attractor. Neptune + Great Attractor can make a lot of waves. People react to those with Neptune + Great Attractor without understanding why they are reacting.

Planet Waves
Iran is a magnificent place on the Earth. This is Mount Damavand, Iran’s highest point, located in Mazandran. Photo by Arad Mojtahedi.

This event also squares the lunar nodes of Iran (which go across mid-Virgo and Pisces). That represents a turning point.

One last bit out of the Iran chart. The midheaven or 10th house cusp (the angle of the chart that’s about power, reputation and the government itself) is at 2+ Capricorn. Does that sound familiar? Pluto is right there, right now. Pluto in the 10th, especially in Capricorn, can have a desire to concentrate power. I’m surprised we haven’t heard a lot more from Iran this year, because the cardinal cross that’s been dancing around has been all over this chart.

One last item. There’s a chart about which I seem to be the only person who likes to write, and that is called the Nuclear Axis. This is the chart for the first self-sustaining nuclear reaction (sometimes called the atom split chart, not strictly accurate), which led directly to the atomic bomb. The Nuclear Axis chart has a hot spot, which is a line right across mid-Gemini-Sagittarius. If you read my earlier article, you’ll see that this chart can function like a trigger for nuclear events; it was also directly involved in the Sept. 11 incident, the location of which got the name Ground Zero — a nuclear term.

Now, you have some insight into how astrologers make predictions. There are many techniques, though basically we look at a lot of factors and then see what they all point to; we look at what picture emerges.

However, both the metaphysics and the ethics of prediction are a huge gray area. Prediction is a form of inviting or creating manifestation. So I’m not going to predict what all these alignments seem to be illustrating. Rather, I’m going to propose that deep in our hearts, we might want to get wise to this kind of bullshit being foisted on us again and again. And that deep in our hearts, we might, we just might, want to manifest something different. I believe that we can, because we are creating the world as we go. I am not saying this as a New Age belief. I am saying it from observation and an understanding of history. Unless you believe that the world is run by lizard-reptile space entities, there’s nobody down here but us chickens.

Venus stationing direct can release the power of love and authentic values, which can color this whole event. The way to do that is to want a better world. The people, such as bankers, who are making the world better for themselves, are doing so because they want to. And we on the ground need to muster up the audacity to have more than hope. We need the audacity of a vision.

I am always amazed — stunned, in fact — at the tolerance of Americans for yet another war, threat, attack or conflict. Isn’t anybody sick of it yet? Is anyone sick of the violence for no purpose other than profits, which have this odd tendency to drain our economy of all its resources? Don’t we want something better? Don’t we believe that the resources of society could be more equitably distributed? That the needs of more people — or of all people — can be taken care of?

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis — Book of Blue.

I am, and I do.

Think of how long we’ve been pelted with threats and negativity. We’ve lived through one war after another since going back how many decades? Ask yourself: do you actually want something better for yourself and for the world?

I’m aware that my life started in a bit of a crossfire hurricane. It’s taken me some time to work my way out of it; to allow in a different feeling tone. When my mother was five months pregnant, JFK was killed. When I was six months old, there was a false flag event called the Tonkin Gulf Incident, which set off the Vietnam War as we know it — and which never happened (the Vietnam War definitely happened; the Tonkin Gulf Incident did not happen, but it was used to justify a decade of war that spread into four Southeast Asian countries).

A false flag event is when one person or entity creates an attack on another, then blames someone else to get a desired outcome. Whoever you think did Sept. 11, it was by definition a false flag event because the U.S. government blamed one guy (Osama bin Laden) and then started a war with someone else who had nothing to do with it (Saddam Hussein). The one odd thing both guys had in common was being on the CIA payroll. False flag events take many forms; I believe the banking collapse of 2008 qualifies as one. It served mainly to enrich the people who were caught in the ‘crisis’.

I recognize that we’re talking about seemingly vast powers that seem to tower over us. Yet they get their power because we give ours up. Isn’t that obvious by now? I think that part of the problem is that we tend to be more seduced by fear than by peace. I guess you could blame the devil, but we do choose how to respond when something happens. The moral psychology here, I know, involves ‘security’. That is, there are many who believe that a seeming threat is best responded to with violence or overzealous security. Many, in the face of any seeming danger, have a need to belong and to take sides that trumps all common sense, and in that state of mind it can feel like doing anything else is pandering to the ‘enemy’.

Fear takes many forms, and it makes us susceptible to control. The people who manufacture fear know this. Anti-Islamic sentiments in the United States have never been more whipped up and exploited than they are now. I mean, you would think that Muslims were all gay socialists looking for a place to get married, the way certain political factions want us to feel about them.

When you look at the astrology and feel the current climate of the country and indeed the world, it’s unsettling the way things feel like they’re being driven — and at an extremely fast pace. I’m not predicting an outcome here; rather I am suggesting that we have a choice in the matter of what we create and how we respond to it. That choice is hinted at by Venus stationing direct in the sign of decisions, Libra.

And I’m saying that just in case something a a little extra weird does happen, you get to apply discernment. You get to make up your mind about what it means, whether it’s true and what your correct response should be. You might be thinking, fat lot of good that’s going to do. But I can tell you this.

So far, our silence has been taken as consent.

Yours & truly,

Eric Francis

Judith Gayle’s Political Waves will now appear Saturdays on Daily Astrology & Adventure — the Planet Waves blog. She also has her own blog, called Political Waves.


Eric Francis
This image is an artist’s idea of what the gamma ray bubbles above and below the galactic plane would look like if you were far enough away, and if you could see them. Gamma rays are invisible to the eye, but equipment can perceive this form of light. This view of our galaxy is made of real photos — particularly the mushy, foggy horizontal line that’s really a spiral viewed straight-on. This a composite taken from the Earth so it’s, well, it’s very nicely cobbled together. The purple gamma bursts look like they are added by an artist, though likely modeled on visual and geometric data from the telescope. Pretty kooky! PS, the white bulge at the center is the Galactic Core, at 27 degrees Sagittarius.

And In Other Large News

The Sun is still in Scorpio but the news is seeming rather Sagittarian these days. Scientists this week figured out that there are two enormous, ancient bubbles of gamma rays, one each above and below our galaxy. They had to look using extremely fancy eyeglasses — NASA’s Fermi Gamma-Ray Telescope. The discovery creates a new kind of ‘thing’ known to science.

According to Discovery News, among the 1,500 sources of gamma rays Fermi has mapped so far, nothing resembles the bubble-shaped structures, which stretch across more than half of the visible sky, from the constellation Virgo to the constellation Grus.

“You have to ask where could energy like that come from,” astronomer Doug Finkbeiner, with the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, told Discovery News. Hints of the bubbles appeared years earlier in X-ray surveys and in maps of the cosmic microwave background radiation stemming from the Big Bang explosion.

Speaking of big bangs, Obama is poised to go along with extending Bush-era tax cuts to the wealthisst 2% of Americans, that is, those making over $250,000 a year. This is a Republican plan, now apparently embraced fully by the administration as well, that would balloon the federal deficit that the Republicans elected last week said they were determined to cut. “We have to deal with the world as we find it,” said Obama’s top adviser, David Axelrod.

Speaking of — a bipartisan commission appointed by Pres. Obama Thursday issued a proposal for deficit reduction that would cut everything from the military to Social Security to basic tax exemptions for the middle class, such as the home mortgage deduction.

And the European Union is set to ban all medicinal herbs on April 1, 2011. This plan goes back 10 years, and this appears to be a final sunrise provision that takes effect next year. Called the Traditional Herbal Medicines Product Directive, it went into effect in 2005, but blogs in Europe are saying that this new provision takes effect in 2011.

Companies that manufacture herbal products must be able to prove that the product is safe, unlike the pharmaceutical industry, which this law benefits enormously. For more information, listen to this track by Laurie Anderson, from her new CD/DVD — because only an expert can deal with the problem. The CD is called Homeland.


Planet Waves

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, November 12, 2010, #839 – BY ERIC FRANCIS

Aries (March 20-April 19)
A relationship is about to reveal its mysteries and secrets, just as you discover that you have bigger plans. The question is, are the two in harmony? It’s amazing what people will sacrifice for special relationships. So I suggest you be cautious of the equation, ‘I would do this, if I wasn’t in a relationship’, or any of its derivatives. I think it makes much more sense to choose relationships that support all of our goals and affirm who we actually are. And this, you can choose. I would caution that you need to check carefully whether what you believe about what someone thinks is really what they think. You may be seeing your own beliefs projected like light into a fog. Then again, you may actually be constrained by the relationship. To sort this out you need to do a careful reality check, both with yourself and with your partner. The next two weeks will prove to be instructive, and instrumental to your progress.
Aries Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)
It’s easier to change your mental patterns than you think. Part of your typical challenge is forgetting that patterns are established in the past. Most of what you’re dealing with is habituation, legacy material and false memory. Patterns are not simply eliminated; usually, when transcended, they are replaced by new, hopefully more productive patterns. The key to the whole process is consciousness. It’s one thing to think; it’s another thing to be aware of your thoughts; it’s yet another thing to be aware that you not only influence the process, but that you run the whole thing. That influence is what you’re gaining power over. Remember, it’s gained by awareness in the present and making choices in the present. The feeling of the decision is an easy deliberation between points of view or potential outcomes; the options should present you with obvious pictures, such as ‘this is judgmental’ versus ‘this is self-affirming’. Remember, obvious.
Taurus Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)
Mercury is now in your opposite sign, so you can take advantage of that as an invitation to open up communication where previously it’s been tense — particularly recently. As the next few weeks unfold, you’ll need this avenue of contact, so I suggest you work it well, and keep it open. That’s another way of saying cultivate trust and respect as a strategy — preferably, your only strategy. Whatever path you take through the unusual relationship circumstances that arise in the next few weeks, trust and respect will be your most dependable tool. These circumstances may be contentious; they may be passionate and strange; they may transcend your old ideas of what a relationship should be, so you may as well check those ideas at the door. The point of forthcoming events, it would seem, is to resolve old sexual karma rather than to make new karma.
Gemini Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)
This time in your life is about questioning the whole nature of commitments. You’ve been struggling with this for years, and now you can ask the questions that get the right answers. What you’re seeking is clarity. On that quest, the first thing to know is when you’re not clear. Obviously, you would need contrast so that you can discern the difference between clarity and lack thereof. In your current solar chart, this translates to clarity in commitments. This in turn breaks down into two main categories — what you’re committed to and what, precisely, this means; and what you expect of others who you perceive as committed to you. Now for the question — what is the source of your data? Are your expectations grounded or ungrounded? Can you have a conversation about them where you could reasonably predict some solid agreement? The time to test your theory is during the next few days.

Cancer Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)
Over the next couple of weeks, I suggest you be especially careful in all matters involving children, as well as the sexual activity that might lead to them. Careful means full of care, and I would say a bit cautious as well. I’m not suggesting that there’s danger, but rather the potential for choices and actions to have unexpected consequences. So while your sense of play and adventure are pulling you in one direction (like saying nuts! to the rules), I suggest you guide yourself in another, toward discernment. This might be tricky, and you may really feel pulled in the direction of taking risks you would never, ever, take under other circumstances. Consider all possibilities, yes, and also consider consequences both foreseen and unforeseen. You do have a guardrail: your mind. Intelligence does not present an absolute boundary, just a useful tool for evaluation. This is a fine time to put it to maximum use — and still have plenty of fun.

Leo Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)
Events in and around your family of origin will give you some rare opportunity for perspective. As I’ve said a number of times and places, the legacy material from your father’s side of the family is the front-and-center focus of the year — and what happens over the next 10 days or so is something of the big climax. By now, I trust you’ve learned to distance yourself from the situation, though that ‘distancing’ property is part of the equation you might want to question. What other approach can you take? What would it mean to take full ownership of the sense of polarization that you feel? What would it mean to fully embrace the ways religion or mysticism were used as a hedge against emotions? And what would your life be like if you embraced every possibility that having grown up in such an eclectic background has offered you? The next few weeks present a fast-paced adventure in all of the above.

Virgo Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)
Whew. At long last, Venus is about to station direct in your birth sign. That actually happens Nov. 18, before the next weekly horoscope comes out — so let’s consider that transit here. Venus stationed retrograde in Scorpio, and it will station direct in your sign; this bridges the two signs, and that’s another way of saying ‘live as if what you stand for is really true’. One of the most potent values you possess is your desire for everything to work out well for everyone involved. In order to do that, you must make sure that your own needs and basic desires are taken care of. You also need to be in possession of your most vital principles, and own them with a sense not only of responsibility but of active dedication. Even if your mind is telling you one thing and your feelings are telling you another, you know what is true for you, and now is the time to celebrate that fact.

Libra Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)
How you feel about yourself is at stake, and everything — everything — is based on that quality of your existence. Basically, everything in your world surrounds you feeling right with yourself. And that, if astrology means anything, seems like it’s never been a bigger issue. You have such strong opinions about yourself, and they are so deeply polarized, that you may well be questioning which are right and which are wrong. Here is where you fully enter the paradox of selflove. In order to be sane and to keep growing, you have to love yourself no matter what you may ‘think’ of yourself. This is not vanity; it’s about taking a compassionate position toward yourself that is proven by the compassionate way you see others. One warning is when you notice yourself making rationalizations or developing strategies to make things work out against the current apparent setup. You can create your life but you cannot create the lives of those around you. And that is quite enough.

The Scorpio Audio Report is now done. This reading includes more than an hour of astrology and 20 minutes of tarot custom created for those with Scorpio Sun, Moon or rising. Priced at $14.95, it makes a useful and economical gift. Use this link for instant access.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
Planets are gathering in your sign, in a configuration that releases its power as Venus stations direct next week. The alignment is so potent I suggest you touch everything and everyone in your life as though your fingers have lasers on the tips. That includes the words you use, and it includes the feelings you feel and the thoughts that you think. Consider yourself a transmitting station that broadcasts on every frequency. Therefore, the most helpful way to proceed is to hold everyone in a space of love and appreciation. Find what to appreciate even about the people you don’t like so much. Practice guiding your mind in a wholly positive direction. You have so much influence that you are highly likely to manifest what you think and feel in tangible form; what witches call the threefold law is in full operation: it all comes back to you with three times the intensity you put out.
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)
Certain decisions you’ve made or values you hold may not have left you feeling like the flavor of the month, but that’s okay. You have strong opinions, and whether you’re right or wrong, at the moment you’re in a position of leadership that others will have to deal with whether they like it or not. You’re fine as long as you leave room for any of those viewpoints to be improved upon, and are willing to take on board the suggestions of others long enough to consider them fully. I propose, though, that even if you seem wrong or doubt yourself for a moment, you may not actually be; a little time will tell. How many times have you developed an opinion that turned out to be off-base in the short run, only to demonstrate itself as based on sage wisdom in the long run?

Capricorn Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)
You’re at the center of a far-flung circle of friends and associates. More to the point, you’re like a node point that is, in itself, a source of energy around which many people gather. And right now that node point is getting hotter by the minute. You’re a powerful attractor of energy, and you’re also influencing the flow of information, the quality of contact and the level of creativity. I suggest you follow the basic rule of improvisational theater: yes keeps the show going. This would be yes, and rather than yes, but. Build positively on ideas rather than whittling them away and seeing what is left. One thing leads to another. While there are clearly many people involved in your life, make sure you know who you’re talking to all the time. Consider every conversation significant, and pay attention to where it leads, remembering that things have impact beyond what seems obvious. People who are the most geographically remote may play the most significant role.

Aquarius Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)
The next seven to 10 days are a phase when some stunning career developments are possible for you. One key is communication. Another is foreseeing effects and consequences. I can divide this into several subtopics. One is how you focus your intentions; another is how you set your tone; and the other is keeping the right balance between casting a wide net and being specific in what you say to whom. All of this falls under the general heading of strategy, a theme that holds a key place in your solar charts, particularly where career matters are concerned. What actually gets the results will surprise you, so there’s no use knocking yourself out. Be efficient, and make sure you cover the necessary traditional bases (updated CV, business card, checking email) and that you play the random chances. Small moves will have potentially large effects, so keep mistakes down to a minimum. If you happen to not get it right the first time, backtrack quickly and get it right as soon as possible.
Pisces Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

The Spiral Light of Venus

Dear Planet Waves Reader:

This weekend is the helical rise of Venus. That’s the point in the Venus retrograde cycle when Venus is far enough from the Sun that you can see her rise as the morning star. Though Venus is not yet stationing direct, the helical rise is the pivotal moment of the retrograde cycle, signifying a revelation of some kind, or of many kinds. This event is synchronous with Saturday’s Scorpio New Moon conjunct Vesta.

When Venus becomes visible in the morning sky (which will, if skies are clear, present some spectacular viewing on the predawn eastern horizon) she will be in Scorpio, which sets the tone for the next 18 months of her story. For the previous rise in early 2009, she was in Aries — a confrontational energy, often characterized by self-focus and a lack of empathy. Now she will be in Scorpio, which is deeper, more emotionally sensitive and evokes a sense of integrating relationship material in a cellular way.

Both Aries and Scorpio are signs ruled by Mars, where Venus is said to be less than happy (in the language of traditional astrology, one is her ‘detriment’ and the other is her ‘fall’). This relates to the challenges faced by a planet in a sign ruled by a seemingly opposing planet. If you have one of these placements, it’s a cause for consciousness, not worry. The ancients may have known a lot about astrology, but psychology hadn’t been invented, and many spiritual processes to which we have access today were not yet discovered.

Venus is the planet of emotional intelligence. Scorpio is one of the most emotionally driven signs, yet has a wide spectrum that reaches into the most sublime levels of soul consciousness. What the two also have in common is sex and our experience of it (sexuality), and the need for authentic empathy where this field of experience is entered. You could say that Venus retrograde in Scorpio is about embracing all that is different, all that does not seem to fit, all that makes no sense.

Many of the contradictions that we try to embody in exploring sexuality are covered beautifully by Venus retrograde in Scorpio, which I described earlier (at the suggestion of my friend Tracy) as yin penetrating itself.

What we have, I think, is an upcoming spell of more sensitive, deeper, more fully self-accepting feminine energy than the friction that Venus in Aries has offered us the past year-and-a-half. And that, I think, is good for everyone. We need depth, we need inner harmony and we need self-acceptance — and if you pause to think about it for a moment, we want these things too. They would go a long way toward solving all — and I do mean all — of our problems.

Of Witchcraft and Masturbation

Here in the States, we’ve just come through a particularly contentious election cycle that had a good few sexual overtones. All the usual social wedge issues (gayness, gay marriage, the alleged homosexual agenda to turn everyone else queer, whether gayness is or is not like alcoholism, don’t ask-don’t tell about gayness, and so on) all came up. Oh, I forgot abortion rights and why we shouldn’t have them; and the basically successful attempt at creating a generational divide on the issue of Medicare.

Planet Waves
Yum and double yum: a younger Christine O’Donnell gazes longingly as “youth pastor” Todd Hitchcock describes how any sex outside marriage, including masturbation, is just wrong. Photo: MTV screen shot.

But this year’s Awesome Award for Making the Election Memorable goes to Miss Christine O’Donnell, the Teabag-Republican [former] candidate for U.S. Senate in Delaware. In her concession speech she said she believed that politics would never be the same in Delaware — but I think she’s accomplished a lot more than that. For the first time since the mid-1990s, masturbation — the sex that we all have in common, and the most homosexual sex of all — made its way onto the national political radar.

For this we can thank MTV, which interviewed O’Donnell for a segment called Sex in the ’90s. In a segment of that program, she espoused various theories about masturbation, such as how it promotes lust, which is de facto adultery. Then, one thing leads to another and next thing you know, your fingers go into your knickers and you come out a sex fiend. This is not an original theory (the Mormons adore it), but it was original of Christine to take it onto the relatively groovy airwaves of MTV in the midst of the AIDS crisis. Educating young people about how they can have sex with themselves, or masturbate together, could have, and still can, save a lot of misery and promote pleasure and intimacy.

But her comments were not nearly as standout then as they turned out to be today. The episode called attention to how little attention masturbation gets, except for the occasional Pee Wee Herman or Spain sending out a press release that the topic will be taught in school. Let’s rewind to the last episode of masturbation making political news in the United States, which was in 1994 when then-Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders commented on the topic. Elders, for background, was the first African-American surgeon general and the second-ever woman to hold the position. She was appointed by Pres. Bill Clinton in 1993.

Planet Waves
Minnie Joycelyn Elders.

Speaking at a United Nations conference on AIDS, she was asked whether it would be appropriate to promote masturbation as a means of preventing young people from engaging in risky sex. She replied, “I think that it is part of human sexuality, and perhaps it should be taught.”

The resulting controversy was so enormous that Pres. Clinton fired her in December of that year. His chief of staff said, “There have been too many areas where the President does not agree with her views. This is just one too many.”

Skip ahead 16 years. Video — notably from early in the post-Elders era (1996) — surfaced, as these things do in the age of timeless data. In the Sex in the ’90s series, Christine was speaking on MTV about adultery and sex outside of marriage and masturbation as a moral issue — and today, everyone is laughing. In fact, laughing hysterically. She’s kidding, right? Everyone masturbates. Sex toys can now be found, um, everywhere! And she’s so adorable, talkin’ dirty like that! What a sexy young critter — describing walking with a pure heart, and telling us how selfish masturbation is, and it’s funnier than Cheech and Chong. Mostly because she’s so sincere and so authentic about it and she’s so gosh darned sweet, even if she’s totally clueless.

I asked Betty Dodson, one of the few people on the planet who has made masturbation her career, for a comment. “Christine lost her bid for Senate but she did masturbation a great service. I’ve been promoting this humble form of sexual expression for 40 years, and she managed to get the word into the public sphere that even surpassed Dr. Elders and all of my efforts. Wait until people discover that masturbation is the foundation for all of human sexuality.”

Well, some of us already have. And I think that the attempt to make masturbation a moral issue is based precisely on this fact.

Planet Waves
Planet Waves has offered to sponsor Christine O’Donnell for a private session with Betty Dodson, the Great Grandmother of Masturbation. She is seen here holding a Book of Blue postcard. Photo by Eric Francis.

Kinkier yet, she bills herself as a secondary virgin: she’s going to abstain from sex and apparently anything that might induce orgasm until she’s married. Now that’s hot. It’s the perfect image of Venus retrograde conjunct Vesta in Scorpio.

In the midst of the O’Donnell eipside, I cast her chart and sent it to Alan Oken, and in about ten minutes he wrote back and said: “She has a 10th house Virgo Sun. She’s a professional virgin.” He noted that America loves virgins. And we love Christine. She’s nothing if not lovable. Who cares that she doesn’t understand that separation of church and state is in the Constitution?

Plus — she’s not a witch! Which was some of the best public relations for pagans and Wiccans — ever. (This particular theme emerged from a segment of the Bill Maher show where O’Donnell admitted to dabbling in witchcraft when she was a teenager. It was only slightly weird then and it’s absolutely normal now.) Guess what! Pagans and witches actually exist and have been part of society since the first time somebody needed to ask someone else how to deal with poison ivy. Her Virgoish demeanor and aura of mischief says nothing if not a green witch — the kind who works with plants and spirit animals, brews up tonics and casts the occasional spell.

My friend Jenny, who is a witch, in fact a big leader in the witch community (she successfully lobbied the Defense Department to make the pentacle available as a religious emblem for the graves of Pagan veterans, over objections from the Bush administration), was telling any colleagues who might take offense at Christine’s protestations to get over themselves. There were only a few.

And now we’re all laughing at this whole scenario. It’s nearly impossible to take it seriously, or to perceive any real threat. While you might think I’m bringing up unimportant issues at a time in politics when we have to be confronting the potential for economic apocalypse, and when the official Teabag line is that sex doesn’t exist, I offer you this. When the topics of masturbation and witchcraft come up in American society and most people respond by laughing, and by thinking with certainty that masturbation is healthy, and that she makes an awfully cute witch, that is progress.

Tales From the Dark Side

Among the many facets to Venus retrograde in Scorpio is that we caught a glimpse at the dark side of politics. Unpleasant though it is, I believe we need to pay attention. The recent 5 to 4 Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court resulted in billions of dollars in anonymous advertising pumped into many districts in an attempt to sway elections in favor of Teabaggers and Republicans. This is corporate money, supporting corporate interests. It’s shadowy and anonymous and you cannot see it — all descriptions of Venus at the time of the elections. (Margin notes: Scorpio has many associations with corporate money; Venus is about resources; the retrograde helps us glimpse the darker shades, not often spoken of.)

Planet Waves
John Boehner, U.S. Representative from Ohio — the Tan Man — once gave out checks from tobacco lobbyists on the floor of the House of Representatives. He will replace Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House. Just think — that puts Boehner in the line of presidential succession.

We’ve caught a glimpse of the nasty artificial construct where a malcontent grassroots movement (the early Teabaggers) meets a corporatist uprising (all that money coming in from newly unleashed PACs and other organizations, supporting big big big business) — and the public gets duped in the process.

We have a whole cadre of Republican leadership that is talking openly about making no compromises and how their main goal for the next two years is going to be getting rid of Obama. The House of Representatives can now impeach him because he was, er, that’s it, he was born in Kenya. We have people proposing abolishing the minimum wage, turning Social Security over to Wall Street, and a rising tide of politicians who want to see Roe v. Wade repealed. This is dangerous for reproductive rights, and it would be dangerous for the right to privacy on which Roe is founded. And it’s one of the biggest backlashes against the progress of feminism, ever.

We face huge problems as a society. But in this moment when so much seems so uncertain, we have plenty to be grateful for. By this, I mean we have a lot to work with, and to build on, in terms of both social and political progress. (And I do believe it’s healthy to be grateful for every meal, every bill you pay and every time you turn the key to your front door.)

Planet Waves
Canvasser from New Voters Project (active on 100 campuses around the country) converts another young person to the religion of the constitutional republic. Photo: NH Pirg.

Speaking politically, I got a hint of what might actually be going well when I read a quotation from Billy Wimsatt at Huffington Post.

He wrote, “The silver lining in yesterday’s results for Democrats is that for four national elections in a row, young voters continue to be the most progressive segment of the population — and the most progressive generation on record since exit polling began in 1972. If this trend continues, the opportunity for progressive values and leadership to shape America’s future is enormous. But progressive investment in youth organizing and youth leadership has been spotty at best. The question now is whether progressive leaders and funders will draw the right lessons from 2010, seize the opportunity, and finally get serious about investing in the rising progressive electorate.”

Okay, electorate or citizenry. Politics or civic participation. We have the chance to involve a new generation in the running of society, which we need more than we need to ‘solve problems’. We need people who are aware, who care, and who get involved.

The same could be said for people whose dominant orientation has, for many years, been self-absorbed spirituality. The point of all this growth is happier people who work together to create a better world. Many are slowly developing a stomach for politics. Civics will be more fun.

Here are a few other signs of light and life. First, the best things in life aren’t things. We are free to invite one another over for dinner, make music together, spend the night together and gym memberships are still pretty cheap most places. Plus:

Planet Waves
Stephen Colbert, conservative spokesman for fear, in one of his many costume changes during the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear. Photographer unknown.

We have comedy. In the old days, daddy watched Johnny Carson and cool people watched Steve Martin and there were a few funny dudes out there (and reruns of The Flintstones and I Love Lucy). Now, comedy is taking the role of social leadership. Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart brought a massive crowd to Washington to spread positive vibes. Colbert is so talented that some conservatives still think he’s a conservative. While these guys have been criticized for conflating the roles of satirist and newscaster into one, the thing is that their audiences have to be informed about the issues, or nobody would get the jokes. Meanwhile The Onion is a daily mirror into which we can gaze to see how ridiculous we are, and how absurd our society is — and laugh, not lament.

Laughing is healthy and floods the body with endorphins. It opens the way to other forms of creativity and pleasure. One of the main roles that comedy plays is to help us process shadow material. Together, comedians are eviscerating the concept of political correctness, which is like taking off a gag and handcuffs. And I wish I had the psychological study (I know it exists, but I don’t know where) that concluded that authentic laughter is evidence that fear has left. We could all stand to be less scared — we would get a LOT more done, and have tons more fun. One way to do that is to keep laughing. Now there are plenty of opportunities. Even the guy by the water cooler shows signs of genius.

Planet Waves
Keith Olbermann ‘tosses’ to Rachel Maddow on MSNBC.

We have Rachel Maddow. Rachel, the first openly lesbian primetime news anchor, is teaching us how to think analytically. She is a geek’s geek (Rhodes scholar; military policy expert) who loves to fact check and is (if you ask me) funnier than any of the formidable talent on Comedy Central. Her viewpoint is extremely realistic. Listening to her speak, you see signs that she’s been devoted to her own therapy process, as evidenced by a mature and cultivated mind that doesn’t take itself too seriously. She’s highly pragmatic, she calls ridiculous things ridiculous, and she knows her stuff. My favorite thing about her is how balanced her left and right brain function is. Because she can integrate intuitive and intellectual process, she thinks on a higher level and is teaching us how to do so. And she’s not afraid of fear. She’s not afraid to confront people when they’re lying or spewing venom. She even mentioned Mercury retrograde on her program once, and she gave me her birth data.

We have Keith Olbermann, also on MSNBC. He is the voice of moral indignation. He is a journalist who is bigger than it all. His ‘special comments’ on the Iraq war and the Cheney-Bush administration were a vivid wake-up call. He too is brilliantly funny and sees the irony in everything, and is not put off by it. He’s another person saying deal with the facts. I view his background as a sportscaster as a plus. He supports my long-held view that sports writers have to be honest because everyone has seen the game and knows the rules. Meanwhile, Olbermann got Rachel Maddow her job, and he also brought in Lawrence O’Donnell, another primetime MSNBC guy who is genuinely pragmatic and who’s believing no lies; his new program gets better every night as he steps into his role. I recognize these programs all have some of the limitations of TV and corporate ownership — but even in the age of media conglomerates, they are doing more with television than many of us imagined possible. Obviously it is possible, and half of us have video cameras and editing software on our computers. If you have talent, this is the era in history when you can actually express it.

The economic downturn has a bright side, which is that many people feel compelled to do what is important to them as a last resort. Faced with no other choice, it’s always possible to pursue your real interests and try to make a living doing what you love. No, it’s not always easy — but it’s possible. The recession is happening at a time when we have excellent technological tools at our disposal, both to find work and to create a business. For the cost of a modest vacation, a person can outfit a home office in such a way that would have made The Wall Street Journal IT department drip with envy 20 years ago, or create an arsenal for citizen action. Yes, this requires technological literacy — just like getting a good job, starting a business or working in civics have always required ordinary literacy. Speaking of which:

Planet Waves
The shape of the online universe, which looks a little like a slice of DNA. This image shows the hierarchical structure of the Internet, based on the connections between individual nodes (such as service providers). Three distinct regions are apparent: an inner core of highly connected nodes, an outer periphery of isolated networks, and a mantle-like mass of peer-connected nodes. The bigger the node, the more connections it has. Those nodes that are closest to the center are connected to more well-connected nodes than are those on the periphery. More info here.

We have the Internet. You can say a lot of bad things about the Internet and how vapid it is, but it’s also one of the most powerful tools in the history of communication — and nearly everyone who wants to can get on. Information is available. It is possible to research nearly any topic exhaustively, without being charged by the minute. We have someplace to publish our ideas and to experiment with art. We can communicate with people in any country, which is making the world a smaller place with more in common. We have to use this tool wisely and well; indeed, we must become very good at it, and keep using it for loving, constructive purposes.

We have separation of powers. This is a provision in the U.S. Constitution that makes it difficult for one branch of the government to get over on any other branch. If there is a Congress that has no concern for the citizens, the president can veto its legislation. It sucks that the Supreme Court is stacked with Monsanto loyalists and Neocons, and they are doing some damage — but even that won’t last forever, if we pay attention. We do need to remember what James Madison said about how when all the branches of government are controlled by the same interests, that is the definition of tyranny. Therefore the mix has to be diverse enough to have varied opinions and sufficient harmony to run the business. (What we are experiencing now is indeed a game, one that mainly conceals how sold out the government is to the corporate system. You really need to figure out what this means structurally and economically; it’s not that hard, and it’s liberating to grasp the concept. This is not merely a political slogan — the government is a tool to the corporate interests and it wants to see itself that way; that’s the concept of ‘small government’.)

The Uranus-Pluto square is coming soon. I’ve watched a thousand or so hours of cable news the past year or so, and go figure, nobody has even mentioned this. That aspect — making seven contacts between 2012 and 2015 — is the essence of what we are calling 2012. The contact between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn is a beautiful image of how personal awakening influences corporate and government reform. This is very handy in a time when we will soon discover that we have no choice but to do something, personally, rather than waiting for someone else to do it for us.


Planet Waves
The Shirt Factory, in Kingston, NY, has 6,000 panes of glass, from many different eras. Photo by Eric Francis.

What we need is a vision. Wednesday night, on her first program after the elections, Rachel Maddow began her program by asking, “So where do we go from here?” That IS the question.

Part of the problem we face is that the dominant philosophy of our culture and the current world problems perpetuate one another. And part of why that happens is that we seem to be lacking a vision of how the world can be. We’re afraid to state openly what we want — afraid of cynics and of being criticized and of having our idealism torn down.

We need to be better at moving resources into our ideas, and sticking with them for long enough so they have a chance to manifest. We need to learn the art of cooperation. Real politics among healthy people would be about creating solutions that work for everyone, or at least figuring out how to make room for everyone.

We need to build, and nourish, a vision of a world that is happy and free, inviting and welcoming wellbeing and pleasure. We need a world where those who want healing can seek and find it easily. We need a world of people who are willing to take a chance and create something original. We need a world of people who are willing to cooperate with one another. This is already happening, in large and small ways. Yes, we need problem solvers, but that only goes so far. At a certain point, solving what we think of as problems means taking them up as opportunities to create something better — not because we need to, but because we want to. This is not merely a rhetorical trick. Anyone who has ever done it knows what I am talking about. At a certain point, necessity becomes desire, and that is when the light shines through.

This weekend, Venus begins to rise as the morning star in the eastern sky. She does so in a sign that grants access to the deeper levels of the emotions. Then the next thing that happens is that she enters Libra, which is where we experience the sensation of justice, balance and equanimity — and she returns to direct motion.

We can, and we will, get it right: as long as we want to.

From the poet Robert Hunter:

Yours & truly,

Eric Francis

Judith Gayle’s Political Waves will now appear Saturdays on Daily Astrology & Adventure — the Planet Waves blog. She also has her own blog, called Political Waves.


Scorpio Birthday/Ascendant Report Done

Dear Scorpio Planet Waves Reader:

I’ve just finished the Scorpio report. It’s available for instant access at this link.

Planet Waves

Not surprisingly, I’ve got a lot to say about relationships in this report, particularly the theme of integrating relationships into your psyche, with two goals: one is calling back your projections, so that you can perceive others in their true form; and the other is cultivating emotional independence from relationships, so that you’re free to make your decisions unencumbered by excessive responsibility to others.

Your quest for accomplishment is also a quest for freedom, which has mental and emotional components. Yet by the time Chiron reaches Pisces, this will take on a distinctly creative, erotic and adventurous flavor.

It will be obvious that your life is about having fun, and this sense of openness will lead into a deeper sense of a healing mission. That works out to be a combined creative/healing mission — they are the same thing for you right now — though the access point seems to be less about being on a healing table and more about being in an art studio, making a film or otherwise becoming a full-on creature of the night. You’re entering a time when it will be more fun, easier and more profitable to let your passions guide you. This is in part a message from Mars in Sagittarius, your house of resources and money.

I cover the recent movement of Vesta, Mercury and Venus in your sign, as well as your ruling planet Mars venturing into Scorpio.

This recording is four segments of astrology, with a careful look at all of the houses that are highlighted, and one segment of tarot. My focus on the houses makes this report equally applicable for Scorpio rising — the ascendant implies the houses, which I look at carefully and use with some precision.

This report is different than Light Bridge, which will take a whole new look at your astrology from several different angles, as well as consider transits going further into the future.

Once again, here is your link for instant access.

Yours & truly,

Eric Francis


Planet Waves

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, November 5, 2010, #838 – BY ERIC FRANCIS

Aries (March 20-April 19)
What would it mean not to have power struggles in your relationships? To not wrangle over sex, money and attention? For one thing it would mean you have a lot more time and energy on your hands. You would have plenty more fun, better sex and you would worry less. You would probably have more money, too. In general the less struggle you have, the more abundance you can have. And how do you do this? In a word, flexibility. That would be flexibility about who you are; in your perception of who others are; and most of all, in your ideas about what relationships are ‘supposed to be’ and the supposed laws that govern them. Your emotions are made to flow like water. Now is the time to let it collect, so that you feel confident going deeper; because when you go deeper, you will feel better.
Aries Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Taurus (April 19- May 20)
One of the most intriguing things about Taurus is that in the solar house system, the sign associated with your house of deep surrender (the 8th) is Sagittarius. This overlays the energy of profound emotional release, and interpersonal bonding, with a sense of mystical longing and cosmic quest. It would be helpful if you could identify these two groups of feelings like the individual notes in a chord or rays of light in a spectrum. They can combine to make one harmonic or frequency, and you can experience them as discrete energies. Such an experiment would be a potent way of looking into a mirror of your own consciousness. At the moment you may feel like you’re peering into the dark with respect to ‘who you really are’. You may feel there is no chance you will gain such a clear understanding anytime soon — but a revelation is at hand; a light is about to appear where you thought there was none.
Taurus Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)
I’ve expressed the idea that for Gemini, sexual health is health. I would affirm this for everyone, because we’re all human with something basic and fundamental in common: though for Gemini, this idea arrives in your chart as a specific mission or special point of access. Perhaps as the first ‘human sign’ of the 12, you’re a prototype or example for the rest of us. The light is dawning in Gemini first: sexual healing resides at the core of the healing process. All true healing involves a person learning to relate to his or her creative nature; there is also the distinctly erotic dimension of relating directly to existence/nonexistence, and this in turn involves the full integration of shadow material. We often take our dark emotions for granted, as something we can never resolve. You are ready to see the light of the soul and feel the movement of your emotions.
Gemini Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)
To be an artist, it helps if you direct your financial and creative resources into your creative process. To be a lover, it helps if you choose love and allow conflict and judgment to dissolve like dust. To be an adventurer, you step outside of your home. To take a risk, there’s an essential element of being willing to let go of something ‘safe’ for the mere potential of experiencing something better. There is an element of sacrifice in each of these ideas, but it’s not sacrifice the way we usually think of it. In the true sense, it’s the process of transforming what does not serve us into what does. It’s about giving up what we don’t want in exchange for what we do, and part of that is releasing our attachment to what is not actually helpful. These attachments all have stories, which are like energy roots that we can let go of — if we use full awareness, and more to the point, if we really want to.

Cancer Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)
This weekend’s Scorpio New Moon takes place conjunct Vesta, in your 4th house of security and home. This is your cosmic Thanksgiving, an opportunity to spend some time appreciating and caring for the physical space you occupy. On the inner plane, it’s a moment to get your emotional priorities in order. Life is easier when we have a clear sense of what is important to us, because that provides an organizing principle around which we can arrange all that other stuff we think about. Knowing what is the most meaningful is an excellent opportunity to let the less meaningful things simmer down, and to spend some time in full acknowledgement of what you want. One word for this is ‘centered’. That’s an excellent way to think of it; and the beautiful thing is that you have a center you can access; your core fire is hot and healthy, and you actually do know what is the most meaningful to you. Give those things the time and space to have a deep healing effect on your life, and remind you how good it’s possible to feel.

Leo Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)
You’re blessed with penetrating perception, and the ability to evaluate yourself somewhat brutally. Together they can be a dangerous combination, when that deep ability to perceive is turned on yourself. Yet the screech you hear is feedback, not music. I propose that you’re at a point in your growth when you can ease back on the evaluation bit and notice who you actually are. That person is simpler than previous estimates have defined you as being, and eminently kind. You no longer have to live up to anyone’s seeming expectations. In the words of my Virgo friend Beth, nobody is your judge and jury. It’s one thing to ‘know’ that and another to have it dawn on your mind like the Sun rising after a long night. Hold that thought. Phrase it as a question and as a statement. Note who comes to mind. One last thought — all judgment is based on comparison, and comparison is based on the past. Step into the moment — this moment — and your new perspective will come into focus.

Virgo Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)
The gift of this moment is your recognition of what you have and how much you’ve accomplished. They are related, though you seem to be taking the next step into the full acceptance of what this says about you as a person. Let’s make sure we get this in the right order, though: it’s not your accomplishments that create your worth, but rather your presence and sincere values that create your accomplishments. This recognition alone is enough to speed your life forward. There is the suggestion here that it’s now easier to be in harmony with yourself than it has been for many moons. Think of this harmony as a state of inner consensus. True consensus involves a group of people who have similar enough values, being able to make a decision based on those values. This now applies to any decision you make. Among the many seemingly different internal voices you hear, remember — you’re the One.

Libra Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)
This weekend’s New Moon in your birth sign comes with another revelation: the helical rise of Venus. This is the moment when retrograde Venus becomes visible as the morning star. You could say that this sets the tone of Venus for the next 18 months. Venus in Scorpio is a deeper process than the prior helical rise, which was in Aries: a confrontational, defensive energy for Venus. In Scorpio, you gain depth from fully embracing the process of integration. Gradually, what was different, alien, unfamiliar and irrational breaks down into its many components and becomes part of you. This will allow you to do something profound, which is address your various opposites as an internal factor rather than as something you need to project in order to see. You may experience the birth of what I’ll describe as deep feminine consciousness, and embrace this fully even if it’s a little off your usual radar. Venus attracts, she receives and most of all, she emanates an elegant ray of light.

The Scorpio Audio Report is now done. This reading includes more than an hour of astrology and 20 minutes of tarot custom created for those with Scorpio Sun, Moon or rising. Please see letter above horoscopes for full description or use this link for instant access.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
It is sometimes shocking the extent to which ‘inner space’ does not exist for many people — but lately it certainly exists for you. Indeed, your inner world may be more real than the outer one, and you may feel more content existing in your feeling body than any other. But Mars in your sign is saying that however real your inner world may seem, it’s time to take action in the three-dimensional world around you. That means pushing your agenda; it means having an effect; and that means feeling the repercussions. Normally you don’t worry about that part; but for some reason now you’re feeling more poignantly, and self consciously, the responses of others. This is a good thing, if you ask me; rather than going out and conquering the world, you need to relate to the people and space around you with full sensation. You will still have access to your volition and your single-minded ability to focus on a goal. The gift will be integrating the simple idea that ‘easy does it’.
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)
Rob Hand, perhaps the preeminent astrologer of our day, once said to me that the study of the world can be divided into two categories — psychology and physics. One considers the mind, and the other how the material world works. Many recent episodes of your life have involved physics — the seemingly intractable laws of energy, motion and addressing the concept of limitation. Now your life boils down to psychology: the study of what motivates people, and of how they respond to their feelings. In particular, consider the psychology of groups: of how one person’s sensation of life, or experience of self, influences that of the people around them. Your ability to do this, and even to consider the sense of doing so, will help you significantly in a short while. Remember, people never do things for ‘no reason’. There is always a reason. You may not ‘agree’ with it, but you certainly want to be aware of what it is.

Capricorn Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)
You have some complex career goals. Yet you also have the sense of many things adding up to one, or perhaps awareness of the one essential element that unites them all. Usually you sense this element like a plant’s roots reach for water. Now you have more in common with a plant’s leaves reaching toward light. There’s something new that you want, and at the same time this honors a deep sense of mission that has always been part of your world. I’m not talking about a goal in the conventional sense, but rather honoring a sense of purpose that is palpable, real and available to your senses. What changes do you need to make in order to be free to explore this potential? As far as I can tell, you’ve already made most of them. Remember, just because you focus on one thing does not eclipse all the others. Indeed, it’s within the quality of the moment that it will feed and nourish the rest.

Aquarius Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)
One distinctive Pisces quality is that of feeling your way into the future. Another is how the past, the present and the future can meld into one simultaneous experience, which can cloud your ability to know which is which. To see ahead, it’s necessary for you to apply some form of extra consciousness. At the moment, it’s as if you’re being called forward by a star. This star is saying, above all, that there is a future; there is a whole dimension of existence that you have never experienced, and that is actually available. Some factor or element of your life now is beckoning you toward this experience. You can trust this guidance, and the gesture of trust will feed your confidence. If you want to use feeling as navigation, feel for who and what you want the most — and you will place your steps and your choices in the right direction. Move without resistance, and feel your doubt disappear like mist in the light.
Pisces Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Putting the Conserve Back into Conservative

If I seem to take part in politics, it is only because politics encircles us today like the coil of a snake from which one cannot get out, no matter how much one tries. I wish therefore to wrestle with the snake.
— Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)

Dear Planet Waves Reader:

Conservatism is all the rage. I guess it has been for a while. I’m usually late picking up on trends; I finally joined the New York State Conservative Party a few weeks ago, with a plan to reform the organization from within.

Photo: United States Army via The Memory Hole.

I got out of politics in the mid-1980s (when I was an aspiring campaign writer) because in that role, one of your daily tasks is to lie to the public. I got sick of having to make false statements of various kinds. For example, to get your candidate elected, it’s generally necessary to tell the public what they want to hear, or what gets them to vote the way you want, rather than what your candidate actually stands for.

The financial statements created by the campaigns I worked for were routinely exercises in covering up spending 10 times more than you said you did, and if you didn’t do that, there was no way to compete. All the candidates knew this and it was like we all tacitly agreed to the alternate set of on-the-ground rules.

But now that I’ve found my identity as a conservative, I feel like I can finally tell the truth. One thing that’s always confused me is the word conservative. It sounds a lot like conserve, which means “to protect from loss or harm; preserve,” or “to use carefully or sparingly, avoiding waste.”

My fellow conservatives seem to do a lot of bombing other countries, which is hardly protecting them from harm. They’re busy-bodies wondering who everyone sleeps with, and spendthrifts who literally ship truckloads of money into war zones, which then goes unaccounted for. I always thought the thing that made you a conservative was that you had a tight accounting system. It meant recognizing the value of a dollar, and respecting an honest day’s pay for an honest day’s work.

And we all know that conservative public officials don’t waste the taxpayers’ money. Spending $1 million a year per soldier in Afghanistan makes the bonuses of Wall Street execs look like a bargain. And we’re doing what? Intervening in the affairs of a foreign country?

Why do people put up with this?

I got my answer one morning this week. I was up early and flipped on the tube. I was treated to one of those endless call-in programs on C-Span that was only open to Republicans and members of the Teabag Party. This is the program to watch if you’re sick of hearing from the pundits; instead you get all the people the pundits have so meticulously misinformed.

Photo by Eric Francis.

In one call after the next, it was the onslaught of the clueless. There were people commenting on immigration who sounded like they’ve never personally crossed an international border. There were old people calling for cutting Social Security benefits in half — as if they’re not low enough already.People went on and on about entitlements, without noting that companies such as Bank of America and General Electric pay zero corporate taxes and get plenty in corporate welfare.

Candidates pandering to this constituency are promising to eliminate the minimum wage, take away health care, give the Social Security fund to Wall Street. The Teabag Party is running 81 candidates who are committed to criminalizing abortion even in the case of rape and incest: 71 candidates for the House, seven for the Senate and three for governor of different states. And women voters are leaning Republican this year. They are being manipulated by hundreds of millions of dollars worth of anonymous attack advertising, allowed by a new Supreme Court decision called Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission. I don’t understand this. Lots of conservatives are Christians, and Jesus said we should take care of the poor. And as for those ads, why would you conceal your identity unless you have something to hide?

After I listened to these callers for an hour, Sal Russo came on as a guest. He’s the ‘chief strategist’ of the Tea Party Express, a political action committee that funnels money into the campaigns of Teabag candidates. Mr. Russo got his start shining the shoes of Ronald Reagan, who looks like a bleeding heart liberal these days — he raised taxes dozens of times, granted amnesty to illegal immigrants and did quite a bit of deficit spending. Russo rambled on for an hour about how the (Democrat-controlled) government is over-regulating business and therefore creating the recession. All we need to do is get rid of these pesky regulations and the recession will disappear, he said (about 14 times). There used to be an expression for this — putting the fox in charge of the chicken coop.

We need a new plan. We need to put the conserve back into conservative. The following is my proposed platform.

Plan for the New American Decade

1. Conserve the natural environment. There are a lot of planets as nice as the Earth, but we can’t get to any of them at the moment. So we may as well take care of the one we have, if only to make it a more pleasant place. Teddy Roosevelt loved bird sanctuaries and saw the sense in creating them. That’s true conservatism.

Religion is useful for some things, but we’ve outgrown the Holy Roman Empire dictating that the Earth is flat. We can thank the church for commissioning some lovely stained glass. This is one of the rose windows at Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris. Photo by Eric Francis.

2. Conserve resources in all forms. That includes everything from energy to trees to money to effort, and focus them where we really want and truly need. We can cut plenty of waste out of government spending and we can start in our homes.

3. Generally, advocating a more modest way of life. There’s a difference between abundance and needless overindulgence. This is not about denying ourselves anything other than the privilege of waste. Why waste, when you can put the resources into something constructive? Gluttony is not a value. Cultured people enjoy what they have, and grow their lives consciously and within their means.

4. Respect separation of church and state. Conservatives follow the Constitution, and this provision is in the First Amendment. It’s extremely liberal of politicians to ignore this important boundary. Conservatives don’t impose their religious values onto other people. Quakers, one of the most conservative religions, does not allow its members to proselytize. We started as a Protestant nation. Every person has his or her own relationship to God and nobody has a right to impose theirs on anyone else

5. Respect for individual rights, including privacy and free speech. The United States is based on keeping private things private: including our personal papers and private property. That’s what the law says. In the United States, citizens are sovereigns, not subjects of the crown. A smaller, less invasive government stays out of your private life. It does not have time, resources or authority to monitor every single pregnancy. Family planning is a family matter. Then, as citizens, we mind our own business. What your neighbor does in the privacy of his or her home is none of your business, unless it directly impacts your life in some way.

6. Non-interventionist military policy. We need to take care of our own country before we conquer or ‘help’ any other country. That might translate to shorter, more efficient wars — or no wars at all. The purpose of the military is to defend our nation, not to randomly attack other countries, or worse, to steal their resources. We have more than enough here in magnificent North America.

Federal Reserve Notes come off the assembly line. How much money and debt does the Federal Reserve have?

7. Audit the Federal Reserve. A conservative knows how much money he or she has; the checkbook balances at the end of the month. Your money is your power, and we need to audit the ‘federal’ bank so we know how much money we have. Of course when we do this, someone will have to explain the quarter-quadrillion-dollar hole in the books. We might want to ask an astrophysicist familiar with dark matter to be part of the audit team. Maintaining the treasury is a public trust, and those who violated this trust need to be exposed and put on trial.

8. Offer sex education to students — consistent with science. Or, said another way, offer complete science education to students, including scientific knowledge on the environment, resource conservation, and sex education. Family planning is essential to having functional families. Young people have a right to know about how their bodies work, and need to have information so that they can take care of one another.

9. Speaking of education, it’s money well spent. We need to invest in the future, and an effective, economical way to do that is to support education. Parents should have a diversity of options for educational philosophies available: different kinds of schools to suit different values and ideas about life. Public higher education needs to go back to majority funding by the state, remembering its primary mission, which is access to all citizens; this in turn will create a prosperous, functioning economy. We have to stop this whole business of student loans and go back to grants.

Four airmen of the Oregon Air National Guard, after arriving at the Port-au-Prince Airport in Haiti. From left to right: Master Sgt. Ken Campbell, Tech. Sgt. Michael Fischer, Staff Sgt. Matt Jenkins, and Lt. Mark Gibson.

10. Redeploy military resources to peacetime civilian duties, like planting trees, helping in disaster zones and civil works projects. Put soldiers to work teaching inner city kids to read, fix cars and work computers.

11. Conservatism advocates a more natural way of life, like that of our great grandparents: stuff like gardening, home canning, respect for the land and other basics. Conservatism implies a measure of self-sufficiency, as well as taking care of your neighbors.

12. Help for those in need. The purpose of a society is to take care of all its members. Why bother otherwise? We are a nation based on abundance, and there is plenty to go around, especially if we’re talking about food, shelter, clothing and health care. Many of my fellow conservatives these days say they read the Bible. Remember this part? “Amen I say to you, as long as you did it to one of these my least brethren, you did it to me.”

13. Respect Life. That means not encouraging or compelling killing, and creating a culture of respect for the mystery of existence. Build a memorial in Washington and in every state capitol to the many people who committed no crime and who were given the death penalty.

14. Tell the truth. Stop believing lies.

Yours & truly,



Judith Gayle’s Political Waves will now appear Saturdays on Daily Astrology & Adventure — the Planet Waves blog. She also has her own blog, called Political Waves.


Light Bridge: 2011 Annual Readings from Eric Francis

Dear Planet Waves Reader:

Light Bridge, the 2011 annual edition of Planet Waves, is now available for pre-order. Giving you 12 signs of astrology in both written and audio format, Light Bridge is your astrological guide to the opportunities, changes and challenges of the coming four seasons. You can pre-order Light Bridge here. The readings will be available in January.

This offer gives you our best price, available to charter members and current subscribers of Planet Waves and Cosmic Confidential. If you order now, you will have access to all 12 signs for one price of $29.95. This price will be valid through Friday night. By the time Light Bridge comes out, readings will be $19.95 per sign. The benefit of having all 12 signs is that you can research your Sun, Moon and ascendant, as well as those of your significant others and other family members.

Readers with special situations — please see the note at the end.

Following up on Cosmic Confidential, this year’s annual readings will be a mix of audio and written presentation, offering one hour per sign and a detailed written report. As my readers know, I offer analysis and a vision rather than prediction, drawing on 15 years’ experience as a consulting astrologer and horoscope writer.

Many have been saying that this thing we call ‘2012’ is really happening in 2011 (I’ve said it’s really happening now, and has been for a while). Both years hold their revelations and their surprise elements, though it’s true that nearly every key element of 2012 astrology shows up in some form during the next four seasons. That includes the sign changes of three outer planets — Chiron, Uranus and Neptune, which will dramatically revise the backdrop of our lives. All this Pisces energy coming our way calls for a heavy-duty Pisces to do the interpreting — and I am up to the job.

We will need to be more discerning, and more focused on what we actually want and more aware of who we actually are. Pretenses will be more difficult to maintain. You will be called to focus on your true calling and be with your authentic tribe. How will you get there? What leverage do you have, to make the kinds of changes that you want? I will cover relationships, life mission and accessing your core creativity.

With Chiron and Neptune entering Pisces, the field of potential will open to its widest aperture. And Uranus is entering Aries, which will add a dash of the impetuous and unpredictable, bringing many changes to society. Together, these factors must be handled with expert care and awareness — and if you can do that, you will love the results. Each reading will include a glimpse far into the future — to the moment when Chiron changes signs to Aries in the spring of 2018.

Here is your ordering page for Light Bridge for all 12 signs. We will notify you by email when Light Bridge is ready early next year. This price will be valid through the end of the week.

For readers with special situations who cannot order now, you can reserve your price by emailing Chelsea. As these orders take a lot of work for her to process manually, please use this option only if you truly need it! Thank you for that.

Thank you for your business, and it’s a pleasure to serve as your astrologer.

Yours & truly,




















Weekly Horoscope for Friday, October 29, 2010, #837 – BY ERIC FRANCIS

You are what you believe — a fact that may be incredibly annoying to anyone who doesn’t really understand how to change their beliefs. Here we get to a question that is fairly troubling to those whose rational mind is the only thing in charge: to what extent do we create our reality, and to what extent are we subject to reality? Obviously the answer is somewhere between these two polarities. It would be difficult to argue that we don’t have significant influence over our lives, if you’ve heard the stories of the people who get where they get by choosing. Then there are the examples of people who seem to be absolute victims of their circumstances. The real question is, where do you fit into this equation? The second question is, what influence do you have over the lives of the people closest to you? Would they say they thrive in the presence of your influence, or would they say they are subject to your influence? Check in with the people closest to you, and ask them for some feedback — you will learn a lot.

Aries Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Gradually the pieces are coming into place. You may not see it that way, or not yet. At this stage you may see your problems more vividly than the solutions or answers to the problems. This would be a good time to formulate your idea of what the issues are. The concepts and the language that you use will determine how and whether you’re able to reach some resolution, and go to the next level — the one that you want so dearly, and which seems so tantalizingly close. One theme of this phase of your life is about being ‘lost in your relationships’. Another way to consider that issue is what happens to your identity when you’re in relationship. This means in a relationship or more accurately in relationship to anything or anyone. What you bring into the situation is what you have when you get there. Many people try to find themselves through partnership. This may work. Human encounters are powerful mirrors, they are learning experiences and they can be beautiful. Yet if you find yourself getting lost, remember that the place to find the compass is within.

Taurus Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

You’re getting closer to understanding a health issue that may be troubling you. What stands out about Gemini is the extent to which your emotional reality influences your overall health. This tends to be true of the mentally-oriented air signs, though at the moment there is considerable activity in your house of health, healing and wellbeing, Scorpio. Suddenly, however, there seems to be a revelation taking place. You may not like it; you may not be fond of the feeling or feel like you have any control at all — but you do have a source of feedback. Listen to your own responses, and sense closely what is in your environment. In particular, try to get a handle on any conflict you’re experiencing with anyone else, and see how far back you can trace that sensation. This will give you clues as to the nature of the inner conflict you’ve been struggling with, often silently. Look to external issues or situations as reflections of something going on inside. Certainly, there are a few of those around and one may be getting in your face. If you see this from the inside out, you’ll be able to go deeper in your quest for actual, helpful information about how to unravel a problem and speed your healing process.

Gemini Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

How do you know what you want? Well, it would be impossible not to have that information, unless you somehow concealed it from yourself. A good place to start would be to ask yourself and then listen honestly for your response. Heck, you could say anything. You might even find out you want something that’s naughty even though you thought you were an adult and you’re supposed to be able to want anything you want. Whether you get it is another question, but let’s keep cause and effect in order — desire before results. Borrowing a bit from Abraham, it may help if you don’t worry about how it’s going to happen. Skip over the details and the supposed logistics; skip over how anyone else might feel. Focus on your desire and notice your responses. Ask yourself the question a few times and see if you can go deeper into an honest space. You have the opportunity to let go of the inner blocks to receiving what you want. And you have a lot of extra energy that you can pour into the sensation of pleasure and the freedom of receiving.

Cancer Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

What most people call faith is rooted in the emotions. All the convincing in the world is nothing compared to feeling in alignment with yourself or with the cosmos around you. You’re in a particularly focused moment wherein you can tap that feeling on a particularly deep level. What is interesting is that you have access to the inner sensation of worldly success. This may be disguised as a question, but whatever — it’s very nearly Halloween. You have some kind of achievement brewing around inside you, something you’re creating and cultivating, and this is connected to some of your highest aspirations for your life on the planet this time around. Yet at the moment you have this added bit of data, which is contact with the truth that success, however you define it, comes from the inside out. There is little in your charts to argue that you will go out tomorrow and conquer the world. Yet there is plenty to say that as you understand who you are and how that relates to your objective, you will understand the true nature of success.

Leo Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

It will help you if you make contact with your anger, and keep listening. We have a block in our society on this particular branch of emotion, as if being angry makes us a bad person. You can start with suspending that judgment, so you have access to the full spectrum of your feelings. From there it will be fairly easy to tap into an inner sensation that has done an excellent job of eluding words and even awareness. It is worth mentioning that the avoidance of anger is not something that exists randomly; its most commonplace cause is the fear that if we express anger at our parents, we will get cast out of the nest. So the clarity of childhood perception is suppressed by the cult of the family, which has undue power over the life of a small person. A number of times and places this year I have referenced your father or what came down to you from his side of the family. As the weeks and months go by, you have increasingly direct access to whatever is at the root of this matter, and the more clarity and self-honesty you allow the easier it will be to be free and move on.

The Virgo Audio Birthday Report is available. In the format of all the birthday audios, this offers more than an hour of astrology for Virgo and Virgo rising, covering the cardinal T-square from a personal perspective. I’ve also included a 20-minute tarot reading using the Voyager Deck. For instant access, order here for Virgo and Virgo Rising. Only $14.95, this also makes a meaningful and economical gift.

There is a side to you that only comes out in the deepest, most intimate personal bonds, and only at certain times. Now, though, you have an unusual kind of direct access to your inner nature that does not require the inspiration of anyone else, or contact with them. This is good news, because shorn of commitment to or involvement with another being — even if for a moment — you can reach a deeper level of contact with yourself. Something is waiting for you there. This something will grant a sense of completion, at the same time it will help you understand what you seek in other people. One gift that is awaiting you is distinguishing the difference between a want and a need. This is a deeply personal matter, and one that often owes its resolution to a level of maturity. But I can offer one thought, which is that if something is a true need, you can fulfill it yourself. If something is a desire, it’s often nice to share that with others.

The Libra audio is done. This reading includes more than an hour of astrology and 20 minutes of tarot custom created for those with Libra Sun, Moon or rising. This is yet another amazing birthday/ascendant audio that is getting rave reviews. Here is how to get instant access.

There comes a point in our growth process where we realize we contain our opposite. Just like every cop is a criminal and all the sinners are saints, as Mick Jagger put it, though I’m speaking here in terms of sex and gender. Fifty years ago if someone mentioned a man getting in touch with his inner feminine or a woman getting in touch with her inner masculine, they might have been offered the same treatment as someone who said they were abducted by aliens. How fast the subtle elements of consciousness can change, to the point where even vaguely sensitive people have a clue what you’re talking about if you say that kind of thing. This is a particularly rich moment of connecting with whatever your gender opposite is. You may feel like you’re allowing a ‘different aspect of your nature’ to percolate up to awareness, which is a good start. Allow for some subtlety, such as the woman who says maybe making contact with the woman who says yes; the man who wants others to submit to him, making contact with the man who surrenders to himself.

The Scorpio Birthday Report is almost done.

Mars returns to your sign today for the first time in a couple of years, and this energy is a point of activation and action. Your astrology this year has chronicled a maze-like journey over, through and around various obstacles. These have been worldly and psychological; they have at times delayed you and at other times offered you an exciting puzzle to solve. You’ve had the good sense not to take out your battering ram, but with Mars now in your sign, some friendly assertiveness is in order. You can be pushier than you’ve allowed yourself to be, though I will say this: do it with love. Mars in your sign can come in several shades of arrogant, and that is not going to help you. What you want is to be direct about your goals, and to use politics before you use force. Politics means a combination of strategy, negotiation and compromise — never straying from your central and primary goal. And, with Mr. Ares himself (a/k/a Mars) having arrived, you now can have plenty of clarity about what that is.

Keep your focus on food. I’ll remind you a couple of more times before the year is out. The adjustments to your diet you make now will have sticking power. You know what you need to do; you know what is and is not food (and if you’re in doubt, it’s probably on the ‘is not’ list). If you know you have a food sensitivity, make sure you cut that out of your diet first. There is only so far you can go avoiding things, however. Fairly soon into the process you must define what food is, and then get some and start eating it. I recognize this is an enormous issue in the lives of busy people, particularly with kids and especially if there is a budgetary restriction involved. Those kinds of obstacles can be worked out with planning. The thing to remember is that it’s worth it. You will live better and most likely longer if you eat the right food. This is a lifelong habit, and the sooner you cultivate it the better. With Ceres and Pluto together in your sign, this is an excellent opportunity to take some significant evolutionary steps.

Capricorn Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Chiron and Neptune are drawing to their closest conjunction till 2094. It’s not a perfect alignment — that was earlier in the year — but it’s close enough to help you resolve many layers of self-doubt. If you’ve been living in a fog for, oh, the past 10 years or so, this is the moment you can see the light, or see it a bit more clearly than you have so far. It’s getting easier, this I’m sure you noticed. If we use crossing the ocean as a metaphor, it’s no longer day after day of wide-open sea that barely changes. You’re now hugging the coast, exploring new territory and, it seems, looking for a harbor where you can get off and step onto dry land. Here are a couple of thoughts to consider: you don’t have to stay anywhere you arrive. For as long as you want, you can visit places and see what the culture is like. You also need to be reminded every day to have fun — to allow the child aspect of yourself to come out and play. I’m reminding you today; you can remind yourself tomorrow.

Aquarius Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Up in the Leo horoscope I was describing the emotional component of faith. I suggest you check that out because it applies equally to you; the central idea is that faith is something we feel rather than something we think. The extra element for Pisces is remembering your longterm vision. You’ve explored this enough, and tested your theories sufficiently, to have some sense of what it is. As Mars crosses the achievement angle of your chart, you can focus your energy and the resolve to make some significant strides toward making that vision real. But the key is feeling good, so that you can stay in alignment with yourself. The other 11 signs of the zodiac have more wiggle room on this one. You’re someone who is deeply and instantly influenced by your emotional state. How you experience the world is a direct function of your innermost emotions. Yes, this is true for everyone but what I am saying is that it’s particularly true for the deeply sensitive nature of Pisces. So focus on feeling good and what is actually possible will seem obvious.

Pisces Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

The Sacred Space of Self

Dear Planet Waves Reader:

Of the mysteries of ancient Rome, the vestal virgins stand out as one of the most intriguing. Who were these women, who served half a lifetime tending the sacred fire, taken between ages six and 10, and maintaining celibacy through 30 (or more) years of service to the goddess?

Planet Waves
Ritual fire in the Chironian, devoted to Vesta, Rosendale, NY. Photo by Eric Francis – Book of Blue.

They not only tended the city hearth, keeping its flames burning around the clock; for many generations they were present at every state function, standing as guardians on behalf of the goddess Vesta, who defended the city. Philosophers and emperors, including Cicero, revered them as central points of integrity for the empire, without whom Rome would surely fail.

Vesta, the goddess of the hearth, is rarely depicted in classical art; I’ve personally never seen a representation. At the center of her temple was not a cult statue or idol, but rather a flame. She is the incarnation of the goddess as fire; the living spirit of the element.

We have the stories of the vestals , actual women who did her work. They have names and histories: Aemilia, Licinda, Fabia, Aquilia Severa and of course, Coelia Concordia, the last head of the order, who was present when the Temple of Vesta was closed in 391 when Emperor Theodosius I banned pagan practice in the empire. She stepped down in 394. Theodosius was the last emperor under whom the empire was politically unified, and the Sack of Rome occurred just 14 years later. Perhaps Cicero was right. Of that event, St. Jerome wrote, “The city which had conquered the whole world was itself conquered.”

So, it would seem that the vestals and their ritual of constant devotion, at least symbolically, held a dimension of Rome’s integrity. They could put this energy into their devotion because they were freed from the responsibilities of household relationships and child rearing. They used their time studying and working in the service of their patron goddess and in turn, the society around them.

Notably, their history seems to predate Rome itself. Rhea Silvia, the mythical mother of Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome, was said to be a vestal virgin; she claimed that the god Mars found her in a forest and seduced her, and she gave birth to the twins.

The Discovery of the Asteroids, and Vesta

In 1801, an astronomer discovered an orbiting body for the second time ever: that was Ceres. She was named for the goddess of agriculture. Two other asteroids were discovered soon after, Juno and Pallas.

In 1807, a German astronomer named Olbers discovered an orbiting body (at the time considered a planet), which he invited a colleague to name: that was Vesta. The brightest asteroid, comprising 9% of the mass of the inner belt, Vesta is supposedly visible without a telescope. We may wonder why the ancients, who had more time on their hands and much darker skies at night, did not note her wandering amidst the stars.

Vesta was the last asteroid discovered for 38 years. In 1845, Astraea was discovered, and the following year Neptune arrived. (This page provides a chronology of minor planet discoveries.)

Planet Waves
Temple of the vestals on the Roman forum, reconstructed by old Benito — one of his true gifts to Italy. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.

The discovery of the asteroids opened the potential for additional feminine archetypes in astrology; it took about 150 years for astrologers to get going using them, and they’re still considered something of a boutique item today.

As an astrological factor, I delineate Vesta as the experience of tending the inner hearth of creativity and sexuality. Her primary quality is devotion. She also represents an organizing principle. Think of how old houses were designed around the hearth as the focal point, and how the hearth is the center of the home’s functions. Vesta describes how we organize physical space, and in a similar way, psychic space. If we devote ourselves to tending our creative processes, to tending our inner flame, we have a way to organize consciousness that is then reflected in our values and our expression of life force.

People with a strong Vesta placement will almost always have an unusual expression of sexuality. By strong placement, I mean making many aspects, conjunct the Sun or Moon, or placed on one of the chart’s angles — such as the ascendant or midheaven. Their relationship lives will ‘just be different’ than the people they know: the typical models of romance don’t quite work, and they will wonder why. Many with this kind of placement will be inclined to think it’s a relationship issue, and feel inadequate; with Vesta, the root of the matter is often how sexuality is processed differently. There is the element of service, and Vesta may be incarnating in her expression as the sacred prostitute.

Sacred prostitution means offering oneself sexually in the service of creation, or the service of the goddess, as you wish, but often another person is the direct beneficiary. This is the kind of erotic sharing that is neither romantic nor casual. It’s not quite a mutual marriage. It’s part of what I call the Third Way. Many people have touched upon this energy, but in my experience relatively few experience it consciously or consistently. Typically, we lack the language and the support systems that make it feasible, and we tend to take everything — and everyone — much too personally.

With a strong Vesta placement, there can also be an element of celibacy: that is, of long gaps in sexual activity, which can be particularly confusing for young women who are accustomed to getting plenty of sexual attention. It helps to hear about Vesta and the particular type of devotion she describes. This will often key in memories of past lives spent as some kind of temple priestess.

You may read other interpretations of Vesta. Martha Lang Wescott, for example, notes the mundane qualities: an obsession with projects instead of people; emotional distancing; hard work and career demands; being impersonal; sublimation of other interests into the career or vocation; sacrifice/denial of self (by others/self) for a ‘greater goal’.

One author I read in The Mountain Astrologer circa 2000 said he noticed intense experiences of shame around Vesta placements, often relating to sex and inappropriate childhood sexual contact. I think all these concepts are valid, and some are rather perceptive, yet what is central to Vesta — and to any planet — is the process that unites all of the seemingly separate definitions.

With Vesta, that process involves the devotion of tending the inner hearth, be it for creativity, healing or service. At the center of our inner space is the fire of the soul that, in the complexities of physical life, rarely seems to burn on its own — it needs to be tended, loved and honored continually, so that it can thrive and flourish. When the flame is tended, the empire of our lives can thrive because there is integrity at the core of who we are, and fidelity to our purpose.

Venus Retrograde, and Vesta in Scorpio

We’re now experiencing an impressive collection of planets in Scorpio, which include Venus retrograde. Vesta arrived about a week ago, and on Saturday Venus retrograde and Vesta will be making a conjunction.

Planet Waves
Altar to Vesta. Photo by Eric Francis – Book of Blue.

Venus retrograde in Scorpio is an inner quest. Retrogrades imply internal orientation, movement of awareness toward the past, the search for something hidden, and an indication of what we turned off in childhood so as not to threaten our adult caregivers.

Scorpio implies sexuality and sexual themes. Certainly, we do a lot of shutting down here; even if our parents are not hung up on religiosity or their own untended injuries, few parents of prior generations (and, sadly, few today) encourage children to be comfortable with their sexuality.

Venus, one of two feminine archetypes from classical astrology, represents all facets of women, (usually) minus the maternal aspects covered by the Moon. Venus is the lover, the yin principle, the yearning kind of desire, and the most important indicator in the chart of what we value the most.

In Scorpio, Venus represents the powerful female desire nature, which some astrologers have associated with manipulation (associated with the power aspect of Scorpio). In a sense, Venus is out of place expressing desire directly; that is more the realm of Mars. Of course, this is in the opinion of the Holy See. If we want to know what sex was like before the Christians got hold of it and took over the topic completely, we need to study the bonobos. So far, no missionary has converted a single one. They are natural people. (You can read more about them, and what their lives say about humans, in an excellent new book called Sex At Dawn: The Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality.)

These critters, our closest primate cousins (with whom we share 98.5% of our DNA), use sex as a way of maintaining peace and harmony. They know nothing of the jealousy and control suggested by Venus in Scorpio. Rather, they know that keeping the energy moving keeps their society in harmony, and provides a constant source of pleasure and bonding. (The authors of Sex at Dawn note that this is something more likely to occur in a matriarchal culture than a patriarchal one.)

Planet Waves
Blue Pool. Photo by Eric Francis – Book of Blue, NY.

With Venus retrograde, we have some introspection around the theme of jealousy and control (which exist as one concept). There are people who would argue that humans are incapable of learning or inventing something better than jealousy; that it’s this thing that will always get in the way of a more open-minded approach to loving relationships.

But emotional concepts run in trends; in our control-oriented phase of cultural history, we have a reverence for jealousy that is strictly optional, and based on insecurities that are optional as well. It’s all a matter of what we want. Incidentally, that something has already been invented: it’s called compersion, which you can think of as a plus-plus symbiosis in the emotional environment. Compersion is about allowing pleasure and emotional contact to exist in others, particularly the people you love. (Here is a keynote presentation I gave recently called Community and Compersion, which explains the concept.)

Venus retrograde is a quest to release jealousy and resentment in exchange for these other values. Indeed, this is a time to question what we value at all, and to examine the basis of our investment in relationships. Think of it this way: Venus is the ruler of Taurus. The sign opposite Taurus, therefore representing relationships, is Scorpio (counting signs, the 7th place). So Venus in her opposite sign will represent a relational involvement, and the retrograde is a kind of evaluation. What is the nature of this attachment, commitment or involvement? What are the definitions and boundaries involved, and how do I feel about them?

There is the question of attachment and how it so often substitutes for love; this one is rarely asked. More than anything, the Scorpio dimension will represent the deeper layers of the emotional bonds. With Venus retrograde, we now have a little more access to information than usual about how that connects to the past, and that emotional level.

Vesta: Devotion to Sexuality

It is rare to hear someone say that they are devoted to sexuality. Most places, to admit as much invites all kinds of judgments, or the fear of being judged. Instead, we admit to wanting relationships and to certain ideas about them; we’re obsessed with the notion of a soulmate or ‘the one’; we admit to wanting comfort and security; we admit to wanting to marry for money, or the devotion to some ideal form of love. But who unabashedly admits that sex is one of their devotions? What personal ad service allows you to check that off as one of your interests?

Planet Waves
Heather Fae as Vestal virgin. Photo by Danielle Voirin – Book of Blue, NY.

Vesta in Scorpio speaks to just that common sense notion. When we consider the nuances of sexuality, we have to remember the wider cultural background that infuses the discussion and makes it all the more meaningful. Devotion to sexuality is a positive frame of reference; an affirmation of the importance and beauty of one of the best things that life has to offer, and the source of all existence. Part of the devotion is to keeping a constructive attitude, which is of course challenging when we get so few positive messages — we need to look for those messages, and dialog with them.

Think of Vesta in Scorpio as the specifically sexual flame that we must tend in order to have a healthy, wholesome existence. This tending can come in many forms, including nourishing desire, expressing that desire, encouraging ourselves to be curious, and applying our awareness to the healing projects that we know would help us. Many of these involve trust; injured trust is one of the most significant factors that affects our sexual needs. Vesta in Scorpio is about nourishing trust — in particular the kind that’s not based on the illusion of control.

There may be matters of sexual health that require regular or even daily maintenance. This is something we often take for granted. But the privy parts (as William Lilly describes them in the first description of Scorpio published in English) get a lot of other activity, and they require special care. Part of that special care is a ‘use it or lose it’ factor where sex is concerned.

There is also the dimension of knowledge. How many books about sexuality have you read? Not relationship theory; rather, books that actually consider the sexual nature of what a person is. Most of us think we know a lot about sex, but where exactly does that ‘knowledge’ come from? Even Rachel Maddow, the first lesbian prime time news anchor, can’t utter the word ‘masturbation’ when it’s called for in a news story. Part of devotion to sexuality is a commitment to awareness and honoring different viewpoints that exist, and to stretching your viewpoint. One measure of the ignorance of our culture is the current culture war being waged on same-sex lovers. There is no way that would fly unless a lot of people were scared, judgmental, ignorant and (on top of that) feeing guilty about something. That’s because attack is a projection of guilt, especially where sex is concerned.

Finally, there is the matter of tending one’s own sexual truth. Every person has a unique sexual identity; we each need different things. Every person has a unique sexual orientation: there’s a lot more than L, G, B, T and Q. Most of us try to fit our sexual orientation into a pre-fab theory that was basically forced on us as the only option. The source of that one option is usually religion — hardly a place to go for enlightened information about sex and relationships. For example, we might be bisexual or polyamorous, and try to fit ourselves into a monogamous, heterosexual concept of a relationship.

Vesta in Scorpio would say: devote yourself to who you truly are, practice authenticity about your sexuality from day to day and hour to hour, and see what happens.

The Sacred Space Within

Sexuality is deeply personal, and you may be aware of an inner sanctuary that is not someplace you regularly invite others — even your lovers. You can think of that as represented by your Vesta placement, and under the current sky, Vesta in Scorpio. In that sanctuary, you’re free to desire who and what you want, to dream any dream and to tend the flame of what makes you hot, no matter what anyone might think.

Planet Waves
Caroline. Photo by Eric Francis – Book of Blue, Paris.

Now Venus is about to enter that inner sanctum. We could look at Venus retrograde contacting Vesta as a gesture of tending that inner flame. She is about to meet the element fire, and burn off what must be cleansed. Or, we could consider that Venus has returned to the sanctuary to relight her flame, or to connect with the passion of youth. Vesta represents young women, and Venus retrograde is about older women learning from the younger ones.

Think of Venus as entering the temple with her deepest needs and desires for healing and pleasure. Imagine that she is prepared to be absolutely honest in that space, to release what she doesn’t need, and to honor the core fire of her goddess within. This is a kind of initiation ritual, where the ordinary (Venus) makes contact with the extraordinary (Vesta) in a gesture of reconsidering one’s feelings, healing the past and, soon enough, moving forward with newfound passion. There may be an element of sacrifice involved — something that you don’t need that you give up, in order to accept what you truly need or want.

The sanctuary where this exchange takes place exists at the core of our identity. It’s the place where a transformative fire burns and identity is created from moment to moment. The embers have never gone out, and if we want to rekindle the flames, now is the time.

Yours & truly,

Eric Francis

Judith Gayle’s Political Waves will now appear Saturdays on Daily Astrology & Adventure — the Planet Waves blog. She also has her own blog, called Political Waves.

Light Bridge, the 2011 Planet Waves annual — Watch your email this weekend for information about pre-ordering Light Bridge, the 2011 annual edition of Planet Waves. The first letter you receive will tell you how to get the best price as a current subscriber to Planet Waves or Cosmic Confidential. This initial pre-order price will include all 12 signs, a substantial (like 75%) savings over purchasing signs individually. The email header will have the words “Light Bridge” in it — a reference to the last year before 2012. That letter will contain a fairly short, limited-time offer for all 12 signs — valid for about 48 hours. So watch for that email! I will send it twice and post it to the subscriber homepage. Thanks! — efc


Astrology Ahead: Friday Moon, Saturday Venus & Vesta
Tonight’s edgy Aries Full Moon takes place at 9:36 EDT and 6:36 PDT, Saturday morning at 1:26 am GMT and later Saturday in Australia. I say edgy because both the Sun and Moon are in the last degrees of their signs — the Sun in Libra and the Moon in Aries. Just an hour after the opposition, the Moon enters Taurus; and 12 hours later, the Sun etners Scorpio, joining Mercury, Vesta and Venus.

Planet Waves

At the time of the Full Moon, the Sun will be conjunct the asteroids Child and Panacea. The Full Moon’s closest aspect is to the hypothetical point Transpluto, which is in late Leo and will be for a while. Transpluto, rarely used by astrologers, is a point that narrows the focus of a conversation; in this case, it is encouraging you to focus on the most important priority in your life.

As regards the major planets, the Sun is trine Neptune and Chiron, and quincunx Jupiter and Uranus. So it’s picking up a lot of energy from these late degree planets, as they all get ready to change signs in the next few months, and completely alter the background colors of our lives.

Among the interesting aspects is Mars trine Jupier-Uranus and Mars square Neptune-Chiron. Basically, Mars is making two different kinds of aspects to a pair of conjunctions. The trine to Jupiter-Uranus is a flow of energy through the water signs. That should be exciting. There is an opening of potential here, and a natural flow of emotional energy.

As for Mars being square Chiron and Neptune, this is more complex. Mars-Chiron tends to have exaggerated boundaries, and Mars-Neptune tends to have boundary issues. So this setup feels a little like a recovering alcoholic sitting in a room full of liquor. It seems to be an all or nothing situation: either the boundary is locked up by the square to Chiron, or it busts loose uncontrollably in Kamikazi style with the Mars square to Neptune.

However, there is a vent created by Mars trine Jupiter-Uranus, which will open up the flow of sensation and emotion, allowing for a healthy release or expression of energy. Since Mars is the planet making the aspects to all four other points, the thing that will make the difference is the conscious use of will.

On Saturday night, the Venus-Vesta conjunction takes place at 8+ Scorpio at about 10″30 pm EDT. One thing interesting about the placement of the conjunction is that it sextiles Juno, an asteroid associated with jealousy and scorekeeping in relationships. Given that Venus-Vesta itself is about letting go of attachment, this is a helpful placement.

Mercury is now in Scorpio as well. Mercury is making a sextile to Pluto and the lunar North Node. It will make conjunctions to Venus and Vesta, as will the Sun. So all in all, this is a busy week in Scorpio.

Mars enters Sagittarius Friday, Oct. 28.

Finding Safety, Making Home: Libra Audio for 2010

Dear Libra Sun, Moon or Ascendant:

Your life seems to be a quest to find home, sink your roots into existence and let go of your nagging fears. If that is true, you will love the 2010 Libra audio report, which is now available.

Planet Waves
For information about zodiac sign greeting cards, drop a note to sarah@planetwaves.net

As someone with strong Libra in your chart, you are directly connected to the cardinal cross that has been shaking the world all year. And there are other factors on the way that will influence your life, connected to the astrology of 2012.

In this report, I cover Saturn in your birth sign, and what it meant to have Saturn in your 12th house (Virgo) for two years. Saturn in your sign is about coming to terms with yourself. Saturn is quite at home in Libra, so in this regard you are at a strong advantage.

Then there is Pluto in Capricorn. This is about going deep into your sense of what it means to be safe and grounded on the planet — and what it means to go beyond the influences of your family. This is one of the most meaningful quests on this journey we call ‘spiritual’ — to find your own way, gradually liberating yourself from the patterns of your family of origin.

Then there is the return of Uranus to your 7th house. After a brief visit, this aspect will begin early next year. This is why you want to be grounded and feel safe: Uranus in Aries is going to challenge you to explore entirely new horizons in your relationships.

The last segment is a tarot reading. Tarot takes a right-brain approach, using imagery and intuition to tell a story. The story in this spread, using the Voyager deck, is: what do you do with your potential for happiness? The cards came up extremely strong, positive and loving — if you will keep an open mind and a realistic perspective.

This is about 90 minutes of professional reading in four segments, all for $14.95. I combine my gift as a professional astrologer and card reader going back to 1989, as well as my skill for making the work personal even if it’s not quite a personal reading — I speak directly to you, giving you the most nourishing information that I have to offer, communicating in the vibration of voice.

See you there!

Yours & truly,

Eric Francis

Light Bridge, the 2011 Planet Waves annual — Watch your email this weekend for information about pre-ordering Light Bridge, the 2011 annual edition of Planet Waves. The first letter you receive will tell you how to get the best price as a current subscriber to Planet Waves or Cosmic Confidential. This initial pre-order price will include all 12 signs, a substantial (like 75%) savings over purchasing signs individually. The email header will have the words “Light Bridge” in it — a reference to the last year before 2012. That letter will contain a fairly short, limited-time offer for all 12 signs — valid for about 48 hours. So watch for that email! I will send it twice and post it to the subscriber homepage. Thanks! — efc




Planet WavesWeekly Horoscope for Friday, October 22, 2010, #836 – BY ERIC FRANCIS



Aries (March 20-April 19)
You may be questioning whether someone you desire is ready for what you have to offer. Given the astrology, this is a fair question. You may be sensing that someone is distant, and attributing it to this question. Now is the time to set your doubts aside. Your confidence, and your simple knowledge of what you want, can make up for what anyone else may lack in the way of initiative. I would suggest this, however: place no attachment onto any unusual encounter that may occur. Allow whomever you’re thinking of to take the experience away and absorb it for themselves, giving it their own meaning. A cosmic door is open, and what comes through now may not be available again; and you increase the likelihood of more experiences by having no attachment to this one — generosity, love and appreciation are enough.
Aries Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)
A relationship is at a crossroads, though you may not understand the nature of the junction. The circumstance is more about you and how you perceive yourself than it is about any encounter with another person, though the two are connected. It would, however, help to have cause and effect in the right order. How you experience yourself determines how you experience yourself in any encounter with another person. You will see anyone else through the filters of your self-perception. So start there. What are you seeking in a relationship? Figure out where you can give it to yourself. What are you seeking in your creative life? You’re the source of your own creative energy. The more fire you bring into any encounter in your life, the more fire there will be. Relationships are an exchange, which begins with you.
Taurus Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)
I’ve sometimes teased about the second kinkiest sign of the zodiac, without revealing my notion of who gets the ribbon. That would be Gemini; it’s the whole twin thing, which is a way of bypassing differentiation and merging with the other. If you’re not a Gemini don’t worry — everyone has the Twins in their chart (it’s just a matter of where), so anyone can tap into this benefit. For you, now, the sky is a playpen. It’s a waterworld of ideas and sensations, of feelings and the potential for deep nourishment. More than anything, the experiences you have can allow you to connect with something deep in yourself that would qualify as a core creativity, a source of pleasure and a mode of healing — all at once. Words are vital to this process: dare to speak the unspeakable and let that experience work its wonders on you. Speak to yourself or someone you care about, but learn to connect feelings with words and see where that leads you.
Gemini Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)
All sex involves risk, and an element of the unknown. Study personal ads for half an hour and you will get a taste of the certainty that people are seeking. Usually, they look for people who claim to be ‘disease free’ and to have no emotional baggage. I suggest you look, or rather feel, for chemistry and authenticity. These are human qualities you can count on in the immediate moment, and the long run. At the moment, keeping a sense of adventure is essential. It’s true that part of you wants to blaze forward, and part of you is hesitating. You have some dark secrets you’re keeping, and you have a burning desire to speak about them. That would count for adventure, and it could lead to others — based on whether you feel heard, and whether you like what you hear. So speak and listen.

Cancer Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)
Stay close to home — that’s the point of maximum fulfillment and adventure. And I dare say quite an adventure is possible, right where you are (and at most within a mile or two). I suggest you plan some kind of gathering for Saturday night, at the center of which is a fire. A campfire, Chiminea pot or even a display with lots of candles will do (put someone in charge of fire safety if you take the candle route). Arrange the fire in the center of the space, so that it’s a focal point. In another time and place I might have suggested inviting over some sexually adventurous adults, arranging childcare for 24 hours, and disconnecting the phones and the computers. Food would be light fare, for maximum alertness; and easy on the libations — not too much: just enough. Who does these things anymore?

Leo Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)
Wow, your mind looks like a morph between NASCAR and stock car racing. Except for the part about everything making such perfect sense, when you look at it the right way. The intensity is hot, and you may be wondering how you’re going to get all those words, pictures, concepts and emotions onto paper. May I suggest you start with clay? You need something kinesthetic: something you can squash your hands into, that entirely bypasses the language and logic centers in your brain. Rather than abstraction, you seem to want the direct feedback of the sensual world. Even the most modest craft store has cheap clay — give it a try. Phase two would be images. Again, try to bypass any form of syntax or rationality. As you work with the parts of your mind and emotions that are oblivious to reason, your ideas will evolve into something you can handle, and you will love them when they do.

The Virgo Audio Birthday Report is available. In the format of all the birthday audios, this offers more than an hour of astrology for Virgo and Virgo rising, covering the cardinal T-square from a personal perspective. I’ve also included a 20-minute tarot reading using the Voyager Deck. For instant access, order here for Virgo and Virgo Rising. Only $14.95, this also makes a meaningful and economical gift.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)
Is masturbation sex? Most people would say no — it’s something you do in the shower. I would say yes, and that it’s an attribute of the most important relationship you have, which is with yourself. Right now your masturbation practice is the canary in the coalmine of your erotic life; what you might call the indicator that will tell you about all the other erotic encounters in your life. Remember that a key element is imagination, which in this situation is the ability to simultaneously feel, conjure images and be in your body at the same time. How do partners feel about the sex you have with yourself, including what goes through your mind? Who that you know inspires you to go deeper into yourself? Who actually honors your inner relationship? That is a lover — especially if it’s you.

The Libra audio is done. This reading includes more than an hour of astrology and 20 minutes of tarot custom created for those with Libra Sun, Moon or rising. This is yet another amazing birthday/ascendant audio that is getting rave reviews. Here is how to get instant access.



Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)
You may be concerned about your image, or living up to some pretense of glamour, desirability or youth. What I suggest you invest your energy in is connecting with the eternally young person you contain within you, which is best described in the metaphor of a fire. The concept ‘old fire’ and ‘new fire’ don’t really mean much; hot fire, well-tended fire, and having enough fuel are more practical and useful. In the human journey, that fire is contained within. Others may inspire you, remind you of new directions that you might take and even pass some heat your way — yet you alone can tend to your creative flame. A rare alignment in your birth sign suggests that this is the moment where a little love will go a long way.

Look for the Scorpio Birthday Report next week.



Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
Your imagination must be running utterly wild. It may be wild with the possibilities, and among them may be a touch more fear and hesitancy than you’re accustomed to. It looks like there are moments when you’re afraid of falling off a cliff in your mind. I’m not making the case for mental instability or anything, but I would say that the edgy nature of your charts right now would accurately reflect an edgy state of mind; and that is something you can safely explore. Yes, explore responsibly, in a secure place and a nourishing, nontoxic way — but in many respects the usual rules are off. You simply have more flex in your swing and your thoughts have a bit more space between them. Perhaps you want to be alone, perhaps you want to be with someone you care about. Whatever the case, if you can name three people who love you, you’re fine.
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)
Let the peak of energy connected with the Full Moon carry you to another place. You may have one destination or concept in mind; that will work as long as you hang loose and be ready to take another kind of ride. This weekend’s astrology really is a case of ‘one thing leads to another’, whatever that might mean for you: it could involve a partner, it could involve a project, it could be social. Speaking of projects, you seem to have one that’s been on your mind. It looks like a deeply personal endeavor of some kind, probably of the creative ilk. You may feel tension between whether you engage with others or engage with yourself. The astrology suggests that the truly one-of-a-kind, lavishly fulfilling opportunity involves your inner process rather than any kind of gathering.

Capricorn Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)
Everyone has his or her own reason for respecting you, and the most likely one right now is that you’re in alignment with yourself. You have the ability to be who you are, with everyone, all the time. This is a particular kind of integrity, and it’s one that’s rarely seen in the world — so if you happen to get on this wavelength, you’re likely to stand out. Yet the quality that will stand out the most is quiet inner confidence that exudes both self-sufficiency and warmth. That is the key, the part about emitting heat. One thing we both know about Aquarians is that aura of cool detachment. You have another side, a passionate aspect of who you are, that is tuned directly into your emotions and your empathy. Put that forward first.

Aquarius Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)
Remember that in order to divide ‘sexual’ from ‘spiritual’, someone had to use an axe. Fortunately, this can only be done in concept, not in reality. In reality, loving, fully aware existence is what the seeker of truth reaches for. The thing to remember is that it’s not distant: it’s right with you now. Any aspect of existence, such as your own desire or passion, thirst for knowledge or loving drive to connect, would qualify as ‘spiritual’. You would be wise to pause and question any doubts you may have about whether this is true: whose doubts are they? If you think they’re your own, where did they come from? The simple truth of existence is that while you’re roaming around on this planet, you have the privilege of enjoying your life, and sharing your pleasure. At the heart of that is the privilege of desire.
Pisces Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.