Tag Archives: venus in Libra

In the Wings: Taurus Full Moon

Dear Planet Waves Reader:

Last week I described the rare alignment in Sagittarius, consisting of many kinds of planets. That was the one conjunct the Great Attractor with all the political themes. It’s still happening. So far there have been a lot of quirky news stories this week, from Charles Rangle running wrangle to the one about getting X-ray photographed naked or groped by the TSA as a condition of flying [funny CNN video here].

Planet Waves
The interior of the Auditorium Building in Chicago built in 1887. The rectangular frame around the stage is the proscenium ‘arch’. This weekend’s Full Moon is waiting in the wings. Photo by J.W. Taylor, from the Library of Congress Historic American Buildings Survey via Wikiedia.

The Sun is about to join this grouping, though before that happens there is a Full Moon across the last degrees of Taurus and Scorpio on Sunday (the Taurus Full Moon). About 90 minutes later, the Moon ingresses Gemini and about 17 hours later the Sun enters Sagittarius. This sequence of events has the feeling of something coming out of the background. It’s as if the Moon-Sun opposition happens in the wings off to the side of the stage, just out of sight — then suddenly it becomes obvious what’s going on. Solar-Lunar aspects (such as the New or Full Moon) have a way of precipitating what’s going on in the rest of the sky, especially if they are nearby, and this definitely is.

Thursday, Venus stationed direct in Libra, adding to the feeling of an energy release of some kind — and potentially keeping our focus on individual priorities, since Venus stationing direct (and what it represents) will have a way of taking center stage in our consciousness. During the retrograde here in the States, we went through, or were dragged through, the midterm election cycle, which was based on abuse of personal values. The wealth of our nation, what’s left of it anyway, is being looted by people with five houses and 10 cars who used the United States as a tax shelter, and we’re supposed to be worried about Mexicans.

You can only do this to people if they’re angry and confused, and the American public would definitely qualify now. The people who are bent on believing lies are confused because they’re having a hard time homing in on the truth, and it seems so much has been taken away. Many who are committed to truth are confused because most of them believe they’re powerless to do anything. Lately I’ve been noticing the extent to which people will go to argue for their weaknesses, and if we do, sure enough that’s what we get.

Let’s take a look at the chart. Notice how the Sun and Moon (obvious glyphs, they actually look like what they represent) are way at the end of their signs; you can tell because they have the number 29 next to them. That’s as high as it gets; there is no 30. So we have an event on the edge of Taurus and Scorpio. That last degree is sometimes called anaretic. That implies a life and death kind of struggle; it can be a struggle for transformation, growth or survival. Whatever it represents is described by a quality on the brink. And what both Taurus and Scorpio represent are values. Taurus is about personal values; Scorpio is about what we share in a common ground with others. There is an encounter described by the opposition, but it’s more of a confrontation than a meeting, and it’s like that confrontation is happening at the edge of a cliff.

The next thing to look at is what other planets make contact with the event. There are a good few planets in the setup with degree values in the high 20s — and they are all part of the energy pattern. The first thing I notice is the Chiron-Neptune conjunction in late Aquarius.

Planet Waves
Chart for the Taurus Full Moon on Sunday, set for the location of the astrologer. This chart gives Neptune and Chiron in the Aquarius ascendant. The Sun is the yellow circle at the top of the chart; the Moon is the gray crescent below. They are in the very last degrees of their signs, suggesting a fast-changing turn of events. The Sun enters Sagittarius on Sunday and the Moon enters Gemini about 90 minutes after the exact full aspect.

The Moon-Sun opposition (that is, the Full Moon) makes a square to this long-standing aspect that is one of the defining features of our era. Chiron and Neptune are both slow movers and they don’t get together very often. The last conjunction was in 1945, just as the troops were coming home from World War II. Prior to that was 1879-1880 (shortly after the Civil War) and before that, 1799 — in the early days of the United States, when the ink was still wet on the Constitution.

This conjunction is in Aquarius. I’ve described this a number of times, but it’s worth one more go since it’s in the spotlight now, on this little chart and in actual reality.

I have long viewed Neptune in Aquarius as a decade of public delusion. Politics is often a game based on deception and manipulation, and this reached some soaring heights with the Monica Lewinsky scandal that led to a period of unmitigated greed and psychic chaos. Think of the events that followed — the Nasdaq crash (the burst of the dot-com bubble), the mysterious election when Al Gore won, Bush took office and all that happened was a movie got made about it. Then there was Sept. 11 and not one but two Vietnams got started on pretenses you might believe if you drank a quart of cough syrup — and for the most part everyone fell for it. On and on it went. During this phase, the Internet went from being a technological advance to a mass public dream — well illustrated by Neptune in Aquarius.

Then Chiron showed up, and worked its way toward Neptune. This began a gradual focusing process. If you think of Neptune as a beam coming from a film projector, think of Chiron as the lens. If you think of Neptune as a fog, think of Chiron as a proper fog light that actually helps us see rather than throws glare back in our faces. We can think of Chiron and Neptune as a funnel, with Neptune as the wide end and Chiron as the narrow end. Neptune gathers the psychic data and Chiron focuses it. Better yet you can think of Neptune as the rain and Chiron as the whole funnel, which collects what would otherwise be lost.

Neptune may be the most challenging planet, mainly because we don’t usually see its effects while they’re happening. To do so, one really has to pay attention. It’s such a part of our environment that it disappears until Chiron (or some other focusing influence) arrives and reveals the crisis — and that’s just what happened: i.e., what is currently being variously called the banking crisis, the economic crisis or the environmental crisis.

Planet Waves
Moral psychologist and University of Virginia professor Jonathan Haidt, giving a presentation for TED. You can watch the 19-minute video here. Haidt makes some excellent points — but see if you can spot the logical flaw in his conclusion and the last few steps leading up to it.

Actually, I think Chiron is revealing that what we’re in the midst of is really a crisis about what we believe and why. There is a crisis over what we perceive as truth, whether truth exists, and why people believe what they believe. This has become a field of study called moral psychology. Moral psychology asks why it is that people will vote against their own political and economic interests. It would ask why so many people eat disgusting, toxic foods. It would certainly ask why so many people in Germany pretended they ‘couldn’t smell’ the crematoria churning out smoke a mile from their homes.

Moral psychology is a contact point between individual perceptions of the environment and sweeping public reactions. I’ll offer four examples of research areas from leading thinkers in the field, adapted from the website of Jonathan Haidt, a psychology professor at the University of Virginia. These are from the description of a series of seminars that are available for listening at this link.

    • Harvard cognitive neuroscientist and philosopher Joshua D. Greene sees our biggest social problems — war, terrorism, the destruction of the environment, etc. — arising from our unwitting tendency to apply paleolithic moral thinking (also known as “common sense”) to the complex problems of modern life. Our brains trick us into thinking that we have Moral Truth on our side when in fact we don’t, and blind us to important truths that our brains were not designed to appreciate.
    • The failure of science to address questions of meaning, morality and values, notes neuroscientist Sam Harris, has become the primary justification for religious faith. In doubting our ability to address questions of meaning and morality through rational argument and scientific inquiry, we offer a mandate to religious dogmatism, superstition, and sectarian conflict. The greater the doubt, the greater the impetus to nurture divisive delusions.
    • Jonathan Haidt’s research indicates that morality is a social construction which has evolved out of raw materials provided by five (or more) innate “psychological” foundations: Harm, Fairness, Ingroup, Authority and Purity. Highly educated liberals generally rely upon and endorse only the first two foundations, whereas people who are more conservative, more religious, or of lower social class usually rely upon and endorse all five foundations [see video linked with photo, above].
  • Disgust is the subject that’s been keeping Cornell psychologist David Pizarro particularly busy, as it has been implicated by many as an emotion that plays a large role in many moral judgments. His lab results have shown that an increased tendency to experience disgust (as measured using the Disgust Sensitivity Scale, developed by Haidt and colleagues), is related to political orientation.

Interesting stuff, right? And it’s a representation of the kind of search for clarity indicated by the Chiron-Neptune conjunction in Aquarius that this Full Moon highlights. In truth, this nascent thought process represents actual progress in thought and evolution. The moral psychologists are giving us some clarity about why people believe lies. We understand why people tell them — conquerors predate Alexander, and Rupert Murdoch is just one of many.

The question that remains is: what do we do about it? What’s the point of action? Let’s leave that question open while you consider what you’re doing about it in your own life.

Yours & truly,

Eric Francis

Judith Gayle’s Political Waves will now appear Saturdays on Daily Astrology & Adventure — the Planet Waves blog. She also has her own blog, called Political Waves.


Planet Waves

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, November 19, 2010, #840 – BY ERIC FRANCIS

Aries (March 20-April 19)
I recently got into a conversation with the proprietor of a local mystical bookstore; the topic was whether poo is ‘spiritual’. I was making the case that everything has a role in the universe, and you cannot subtract something from the natural world and claim that it’s ungodly. Cultured people tend to keep things in their appropriate places, but we need to be careful what we close our minds to. At the moment your astrological region of spiritual — Sagittarius, your solar 9th house — contains just about every ingredient known to humanity, from politics (Pallas) to murder (Ixion) to the language and the Internet (Mercury) to the zealous use of alcohol (Pholus) to sexual desire and ambition (Mars). This is not the time to ‘not think about chocolate cake’ when you’re meditating. It’s the time to look at the world and grant everything equal meaning, and notice how the many pieces of the cosmos fit together to reveal the mystery of existence.
Aries Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Taurus (April 19- May 20)
You have more talent than you reveal, including to yourself. I’m going to guess (it’s an educated guess) that you may feel that if you dare put some of that talent on display, you’ll be revealed as someone who’s faking it half the time, but I’m here to suggest that the opposite is true. All the people whose work and accomplishments you admire were folks who got up every day and set about doing what they do, learning at every step along the way. One of those steps was offering their talent or gift to the world. You have an abundance of natural ability that’s likely to far exceed your current understanding of what you’re capable of. On some level you seem to fear conflict arising if you express yourself, though that would not be the case if you set aside your competitive nature and took the one chance that sooner or later everyone who actually lives has to take — being you.
Taurus Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)
Lately you’re playing the role of the beloved Lt. Uhura of the Enterprise. Her job was to find the right frequency on which to speak to any aliens in the vicinity, to persist until meaningful contact was established, and to keep the conversation cool. Don’t worry if you have to be compromising, diplomatic or flexible — those are strengths and assets that will work to your advantage. The important thing is that you understand what others are saying, and that you then guide things into the next step of making sure you’re understood. This would be especially true if someone seems aggressive or single-minded. Apparently you have something they need. In the kind of interpersonal politics with which you’re currently involved, it’s in bounds to trade favors, to use leverage and to turn a potentially contentious situation into something useful that works for everyone. Be creative; be fair; go for what you want.
Gemini Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Cancer (June 21- July 22)
This matter you’re considering that is on the verge of public and private, is something you seem to want known, and you’ll feel better when it’s no longer private. You will reveal things to yourself by exposing them to others; the feedback from the outer world is an essential mirror of understanding that will propel you deeper into yourself. And deeper is the way you want to go: every factor involving your relationships or intimate contacts is pulling you in that direction like a colossal magnet. Whether these are seemingly work-related contacts or seemingly personal ones, always remember that you exist in the human dimension, and that its protocols are inherently hormonal. If you’re concerned about breaking rules, keep your sense of humor. If you’re concerned about being too obvious, wear red, and a hat with peacock feathers.

Cancer Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)
The Sun bursts into your fellow fire sign Sagittarius with a spectacular Full Moon over the weekend, and then commences what promises to be a wild adventure over the next four weeks. You’ve already had hints about just how daring you can be. The place to draw the line is not focusing on ‘safety’ but rather on creative passion. That is to say, strive for the kind of fun that is inherently about you, with that being its main quality of boldness. If you do, you’ll tap directly into an energy source you always seem to lust after but less often make direct contact with. The adventure of the coming weeks blurs the lines between friends and lovers, work and play, for-serious and for-pleasure. You may freely drop all pretense of needing to impress anyone or seek approval; if there’s a ‘lesson’ involved, that’s the one. Your life is for you and the people you want to share it with.

Leo Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)
In a theater, the distance between onstage and offstage is a few inches on either side of the wings, but that’s the difference between being part of the scene or behind it. At the moment, you’re trying to do both at once, and though you often prefer to work invisibly, you seem to be craving an opportunity to step into the lights. Any hesitation that may be stopping you is not exactly your own; it seems to be the property of prior generations. Your charts this year have been an extended study in going beyond the influences of the distant past and taking your rightful place at the center of your life. You have no need — an emotional impulse, perhaps, but not a need — to please or satisfy your father’s image of you. That fictitious struggle is the one thing that stands between you and actual self-acceptance. Embrace yourself and be known for doing so. That is freedom.

Virgo Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)
At long last, Venus has stationed direct in your birth sign. This six-week journey has come with many questions, and instigated an inner search that has led you to one inevitable conclusion: this thing you’re living is your life, or it’s nothing at all. You have seen the influences that others can exert on you, and you’ve discovered that you’re strong enough to discern your true self within so much competition by others to define who you are. You’ve grasped far closer to your center core than you may yet realize; you’ve gone deep enough into yourself to activate an authentic transformation rather than a change of appearance. You’re working from sufficient strength that if you actually live out your values, in the form of experimenting with the choices that you actually want to make, you will rapidly gain strength, momentum and integrity.

Libra Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)
It’s difficult to look at the chart for this weekend’s Full Moon and not see some theme of self-esteem appear for any of the signs, though this is particularly true for Scorpio. You may think you’re striving for ‘spiritual’. You may think you’re reaching for purity, for liberation from physical desire or freedom from emotional impulse. In my reading, what you actually want is to surrender to unconditional acceptance of who you are and what you want. If there is any negotiating to be done, it’s going to be on your terms: which are useful because all you seek is level ground. You may be confronted by the fact that someone may not like your idea of what is true for you, despite not understanding it. I would just make one suggestion — never negotiate for your freedom. You already have it, and negotiation only obscures that basic fact.

The Scorpio Audio Report is now done. This reading includes more than an hour of astrology and 20 minutes of tarot custom created for those with Scorpio Sun, Moon or rising. Priced at $14.95, it makes a useful and economical gift. Use this link for instant access.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
For weeks now, energy has been rapidly gathering in your sign, and it’s not going away anytime soon. The Sun makes its entrance this weekend carried by the momentum of the Full Moon. I want to remind you that while events from this point forward may seem to move quickly and perhaps unexpectedly, you’ve been working with a longterm plan that has, so far, been effective at giving you what you want. If you’re hesitating, please get over yourself. Keep your agenda focused and remember to go for the gems of your desires first. The one caveat described by the planets loud and clear is correct speech. You can do very nearly anything you want as long as you’re polite. Sagittarius is usually perceived by we mortals as being needlessly brusque, so remember to speak from a gentle place — and understate your case. You’re plenty compelling without needing to persuade.
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)
Solve your problems before they become big problems. At the moment you have some profound insight into how to do not only that, but to move the pieces around the chessboard such that you’re in a position of true advantage. If you’ve been hesitating on anything, it’s this one point of playing the game to win, taking full authority or however you may want to describe it. This is an inner phenomenon, not anything you need to do in the outer world. You’re at a point where you can align the thread and the needle and pull the thread through all of the many layers of yourself. They are unified by one thing, which is purpose. Authentic purpose exists on a level deeper than we tend to think of it; on a level deeper than (from what I hear) many people believe they can access — but you can; you’re right there.

Capricorn Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)
The next few weeks will have a distinct feature that blends ease of flow and various struggles to get to the next stage of your evolution. You can parlay one with the other; a bit of challenge keeps life interesting, and a bit of luck is always encouraging. Yet the adventure of these weeks is a relatively minor phase of what has, in truth, been an extremely long journey. This trek has taken you through yourself from a space where you may have actually verged on being clueless about what you wanted or who you were, to a place where you’re now working with actual knowledge, experience and principles. The question as ever seems to be about taking action. I suggest you work backwards from a goal. Focus on what you want, and the steps to getting there will be obvious. Prepare for a surge forward around the time of your birthday, perhaps a bit sooner.

Aquarius Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)
The Sun crosses your career angle this weekend, where it will soon make contact with numerous other planets in that angle of your chart. This will have an activating effect, calling attention to you and what you do — and to how well you do it. So I would ask, a little in advance: how do you feel about success? Do you consider it an adventure, or something barely worth the trouble? I suggest you make up your mind, because more than anything the planets are configured in such a way that you get what you aim for. That’s to say: aim for something meaningful. There are likely to be many smaller opportunities buzzing around; there may be people who think you still have some dues to pay. Brush them off and keep your attitude positive. Right now, you’re visible, and you’re a magnet. Choose your opportunities. Define success your very own way.
Pisces Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

And What Are We Attracting?

Dear Planet Waves Reader:

In recent podcasts, I’ve been tracking a planetary alignment that’s soon to arrive, just as Venus stations direct next week. This grouping, already underway, is a collection of both major and minor planets gathering around a deep-space point called the Great Attractor, located in mid-Sagittarius. These include planets you’ve definitely heard of (Mercury, Mars) and ones you may not have heard of (Pholus, Ixion).

Planet Waves
Image of Pallas Athene as visualized in full grandeur and irony by Gustav Klimt. The asteroid named for her, properly called (2) Pallas, is central to an alignment now forming in mid-Sagittarius. This asteroid represents matters of strategy, law and politics.

On one level this looks like a touch of domestic political chaos here in the United States (not exactly news; U.S. politics is currently verging on requiring a locked ward). But this alignment is definitely news, in that it portends something unusual. Or perhaps it’s describing something unusual that’s already happening. Notably, this in turn will be followed up by Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius and Capricorn at the end of the year, mingled with a pair of eclipses.

Venus for her part stations direct in Libra after a six week retrograde; this is a different event from the alignment with the Great Attractor, but they are synchronous, so they count as one, focused in linear time on Nov. 18 — in less than a week. Venus stationing is going to come with a bit of tension and release, also underway, which will get all the molecules in the sky shaking. I’ll come back to Venus stationing in Libra, because I believe that event holds the key to the rest.

The Great Attractor gets its name because it’s drawing toward it a million galaxies, while it rushes away from them and they follow in endless pursuit. Our galaxy (the Milky Way, a spiral island of 300 billion stars) is one of those doing the chasing; so are all of our neighboring islands in what is called the Local Group of galaxies. Note, I’m not talking about the Galactic Center here. That’s the core of our own galaxy; the Great Attractor is like some giant vortex pulling everything its way, a bit like an anti-big-bang.

We cannot see the Great Attractor; it’s invisible on the normal spectrum of light. We know it’s there because 1. So much is getting pulled toward it, and 2. It’s broadcasting on every frequency except for visible light — such as X ray, gamma ray, and even Miley Ray (Disney owns a piece of the action). The Great Attractor happens to be aligned with the plane of our own galaxy, so we’re peering over at it obscured by thousands of light years of dust, gas and other stars. But we know it’s there, likely to be a vast dark matter point that my colleague Philip Sedgwick describes as prodigious and the largest thing known to science. “It’s the ultimate Sagittarian statement of ‘get away from me, don’t crowd my space’,” he said in a Planet Waves interview.

Planet Waves
We live in a galaxy containing as many as 300 billion stars. The nearest galaxy is two million light years away. Our group of galaxies is called the Local Group, containing over 30 galaxies. This Local Group covers over 10 million light years in diameter, further away than California. The Local Group belongs to the Virgo supercluster of galaxies. The Virgo supercluster is about 200 million light years in diameter. The Great Attractor is a gravitational anomaly somewhere in the Virgo supercluster, pulling the other galaxy groups towards the Hydra and Centaurus constellations. This is an illustration of the Great Attractor by Henrick Summanen.

Though it’s moving very fast, it’s so far away that it appears to be standing still. So it’s considered a fixed point that is located at just over 14 degrees of Sagittarius. Due to this Sagittarius alignment, that point is getting a lot of action the next couple of weeks. But let’s consider it first by itself.

In consciousness, the Great Attractor manifests as a certain kind of intense. It can feel hotly polarized. People with a prominent Great Attractor in their charts will cultivate strong feelings in others, and can often be the subject of contention or controversy. They have the ability to make unusually close friends with equally formidable enemies. There is a potency characterized by this point that holds two extremes and presents them with lots of fodder for spiritual growth.

So now we have this collection of planets gathering around this odd point in space. There are a good few of them. I won’t be able to go over every one in this article, but I’m going to factor them all into my interpretation. And over the weekend I’ll post a full list to the blog, in case you enjoy the feeling of data overload (I know I do).

Let’s start with Ixion. This is a Pluto-like point (a plutino) orbiting our Sun discovered in 2001. My key phrase for Ixion is anyone is capable of anything. I associate it with the quality of amorality. There is also a property of getting a second chance, but what one does with that new chance is up for grabs. Ixion on the Great Attractor during the past couple of years has helped make a big hit out of the idea that there is no difference between right and wrong. Do we need to learn about this all over again, or can we do it more fficiently, say by remembering?

More recently, Pholus has arrived. Pholus, the second centaur planet ever discovered (that was in 1992, after Chiron in 1977), releases contained energy. My favorite key phrase for Pholus is small cause, big effect. With Pholus we can see the dangerous influences of alcohol, of idle curiosity, of idle idealization of an idol (such as the charismatic effects of famous people) and the unleashing of events that have unforeseen and far-reaching consequences. Gee, this is sounding like a lot of fun so far. All centaurs add a quality of reactivity and potency.

Next let’s add Mercury into the mix. That would say apply all of this to words and technology, as well as to commerce. But moreover, something has seized the mind: something besides intelligence. Mars will be there too, which adds a flavor of aggression. Most contemporary astrologers looking at this event merely see a Mercury-Mars conjunction in Sagittarius; the rest of the points are invisible to them — with one possible exception, in the form of a major asteroid. Looking at this event in low-res, you see hot words, such as an argument, thinking too fast and too big at the same time, and some exaggerated issue or situation.

The scale and exaggeration stuff comes from the background sign, Sagittarius. And, it fits; watch a real news program that covers national and world affairs and things will indeed seem weirdly but somehow actually and indeed dangerously exaggerated and bombastic; a kind of sports event.

Planet Waves
Segment of the chart for Venus stationing direct. At the top right are four planets in the Sagittarius alignment. In order going down are Pallas, Mars, Mercury and Pholus. Not shown are Ixion or the Great Attractor.

A few astrologers will be looking at Pallas, the second asteroid (or minor planet) ever discovered. That was in 1802, so she’s been around long enough for a few people to notice. Pallas (associated with the goddess Athena, a warrior born in full armor) has two main themes — strategy and politics. Since Sagittarius has an international theme, this would be international politics and strategy. Mars and Pallas together point to something military or at least strategic.

Are you getting the picture? It looks like some hotly polarized, extremely exaggerated international situation that pops up seemingly out of nowhere. Sagittarius adds the flavor of religious zeal, which we’ve been so lavishly indulging since Pluto went into Sagittarius many years ago and everything became a matter of ‘faith’. Or, we could be talking about the most spectacular international vacation anyone has ever taken in their lives, perhaps including an actual visit to the Galactic Core.

To test the geopolitics angle of this theory, let’s check in briefly with three charts, to see if any of them has sensitive points around this area: the U.S. chart, the chart of Israel and the chart of Iran.

First, the USA Sibley chart, the most commonly used July 4, 1776 horoscope for the States. (I covered this chart over the summer.) Let’s see, that chart has mid-Sagittarius in the ascendant: this whole circus takes place in the USA’s 1st house, with planets making exact contact with the rising degree, 12+ Sagittarius. As my Aunt Josie would say, How about that? What might be brewing deep in the hearts and minds of the enlightened statesmen at the helm of our great empire?

Next, flipping through the indispensable Book of World Horoscopes by Nicholas Campion, let’s visit the chart of Israel. (I must visit the actual country soon.) My preferred chart for Israel (for astrologers, the 4 pm chart) has 14+ Aquarius rising. The Sagittarius event takes place in its 10th house. This alignment makes an exact trine to Israel’s natal Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Leo on its 7th house (that gets a big gee whiz — talk about a chart with a setup for contentious relationships). The trine could well open an energy line from that feisty, conflicted 7th house (the relationship house). Speaking as a psychological astrologer, by the way, Israel likes to project its inner psychological strife onto others outside its borders: very 7th house. If you’re different but live within the country, you can do fine in Israel.

As for Iran, another old place I would love to visit: I’ll use the current chart — that of the 1979 revolution. The Sagittarius alignment is close to Iran’s 9th house Neptune. That represents Iran’s persistent condition of religious delusion, as well as an international vulnerability. Neptune often works like a blind spot. Neptune, which has the widest orb of influence of all the planets, is just four degrees from the Great Attractor. Neptune + Great Attractor can make a lot of waves. People react to those with Neptune + Great Attractor without understanding why they are reacting.

Planet Waves
Iran is a magnificent place on the Earth. This is Mount Damavand, Iran’s highest point, located in Mazandran. Photo by Arad Mojtahedi.

This event also squares the lunar nodes of Iran (which go across mid-Virgo and Pisces). That represents a turning point.

One last bit out of the Iran chart. The midheaven or 10th house cusp (the angle of the chart that’s about power, reputation and the government itself) is at 2+ Capricorn. Does that sound familiar? Pluto is right there, right now. Pluto in the 10th, especially in Capricorn, can have a desire to concentrate power. I’m surprised we haven’t heard a lot more from Iran this year, because the cardinal cross that’s been dancing around has been all over this chart.

One last item. There’s a chart about which I seem to be the only person who likes to write, and that is called the Nuclear Axis. This is the chart for the first self-sustaining nuclear reaction (sometimes called the atom split chart, not strictly accurate), which led directly to the atomic bomb. The Nuclear Axis chart has a hot spot, which is a line right across mid-Gemini-Sagittarius. If you read my earlier article, you’ll see that this chart can function like a trigger for nuclear events; it was also directly involved in the Sept. 11 incident, the location of which got the name Ground Zero — a nuclear term.

Now, you have some insight into how astrologers make predictions. There are many techniques, though basically we look at a lot of factors and then see what they all point to; we look at what picture emerges.

However, both the metaphysics and the ethics of prediction are a huge gray area. Prediction is a form of inviting or creating manifestation. So I’m not going to predict what all these alignments seem to be illustrating. Rather, I’m going to propose that deep in our hearts, we might want to get wise to this kind of bullshit being foisted on us again and again. And that deep in our hearts, we might, we just might, want to manifest something different. I believe that we can, because we are creating the world as we go. I am not saying this as a New Age belief. I am saying it from observation and an understanding of history. Unless you believe that the world is run by lizard-reptile space entities, there’s nobody down here but us chickens.

Venus stationing direct can release the power of love and authentic values, which can color this whole event. The way to do that is to want a better world. The people, such as bankers, who are making the world better for themselves, are doing so because they want to. And we on the ground need to muster up the audacity to have more than hope. We need the audacity of a vision.

I am always amazed — stunned, in fact — at the tolerance of Americans for yet another war, threat, attack or conflict. Isn’t anybody sick of it yet? Is anyone sick of the violence for no purpose other than profits, which have this odd tendency to drain our economy of all its resources? Don’t we want something better? Don’t we believe that the resources of society could be more equitably distributed? That the needs of more people — or of all people — can be taken care of?

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis — Book of Blue.

I am, and I do.

Think of how long we’ve been pelted with threats and negativity. We’ve lived through one war after another since going back how many decades? Ask yourself: do you actually want something better for yourself and for the world?

I’m aware that my life started in a bit of a crossfire hurricane. It’s taken me some time to work my way out of it; to allow in a different feeling tone. When my mother was five months pregnant, JFK was killed. When I was six months old, there was a false flag event called the Tonkin Gulf Incident, which set off the Vietnam War as we know it — and which never happened (the Vietnam War definitely happened; the Tonkin Gulf Incident did not happen, but it was used to justify a decade of war that spread into four Southeast Asian countries).

A false flag event is when one person or entity creates an attack on another, then blames someone else to get a desired outcome. Whoever you think did Sept. 11, it was by definition a false flag event because the U.S. government blamed one guy (Osama bin Laden) and then started a war with someone else who had nothing to do with it (Saddam Hussein). The one odd thing both guys had in common was being on the CIA payroll. False flag events take many forms; I believe the banking collapse of 2008 qualifies as one. It served mainly to enrich the people who were caught in the ‘crisis’.

I recognize that we’re talking about seemingly vast powers that seem to tower over us. Yet they get their power because we give ours up. Isn’t that obvious by now? I think that part of the problem is that we tend to be more seduced by fear than by peace. I guess you could blame the devil, but we do choose how to respond when something happens. The moral psychology here, I know, involves ‘security’. That is, there are many who believe that a seeming threat is best responded to with violence or overzealous security. Many, in the face of any seeming danger, have a need to belong and to take sides that trumps all common sense, and in that state of mind it can feel like doing anything else is pandering to the ‘enemy’.

Fear takes many forms, and it makes us susceptible to control. The people who manufacture fear know this. Anti-Islamic sentiments in the United States have never been more whipped up and exploited than they are now. I mean, you would think that Muslims were all gay socialists looking for a place to get married, the way certain political factions want us to feel about them.

When you look at the astrology and feel the current climate of the country and indeed the world, it’s unsettling the way things feel like they’re being driven — and at an extremely fast pace. I’m not predicting an outcome here; rather I am suggesting that we have a choice in the matter of what we create and how we respond to it. That choice is hinted at by Venus stationing direct in the sign of decisions, Libra.

And I’m saying that just in case something a a little extra weird does happen, you get to apply discernment. You get to make up your mind about what it means, whether it’s true and what your correct response should be. You might be thinking, fat lot of good that’s going to do. But I can tell you this.

So far, our silence has been taken as consent.

Yours & truly,

Eric Francis

Judith Gayle’s Political Waves will now appear Saturdays on Daily Astrology & Adventure — the Planet Waves blog. She also has her own blog, called Political Waves.


Eric Francis
This image is an artist’s idea of what the gamma ray bubbles above and below the galactic plane would look like if you were far enough away, and if you could see them. Gamma rays are invisible to the eye, but equipment can perceive this form of light. This view of our galaxy is made of real photos — particularly the mushy, foggy horizontal line that’s really a spiral viewed straight-on. This a composite taken from the Earth so it’s, well, it’s very nicely cobbled together. The purple gamma bursts look like they are added by an artist, though likely modeled on visual and geometric data from the telescope. Pretty kooky! PS, the white bulge at the center is the Galactic Core, at 27 degrees Sagittarius.

And In Other Large News

The Sun is still in Scorpio but the news is seeming rather Sagittarian these days. Scientists this week figured out that there are two enormous, ancient bubbles of gamma rays, one each above and below our galaxy. They had to look using extremely fancy eyeglasses — NASA’s Fermi Gamma-Ray Telescope. The discovery creates a new kind of ‘thing’ known to science.

According to Discovery News, among the 1,500 sources of gamma rays Fermi has mapped so far, nothing resembles the bubble-shaped structures, which stretch across more than half of the visible sky, from the constellation Virgo to the constellation Grus.

“You have to ask where could energy like that come from,” astronomer Doug Finkbeiner, with the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, told Discovery News. Hints of the bubbles appeared years earlier in X-ray surveys and in maps of the cosmic microwave background radiation stemming from the Big Bang explosion.

Speaking of big bangs, Obama is poised to go along with extending Bush-era tax cuts to the wealthisst 2% of Americans, that is, those making over $250,000 a year. This is a Republican plan, now apparently embraced fully by the administration as well, that would balloon the federal deficit that the Republicans elected last week said they were determined to cut. “We have to deal with the world as we find it,” said Obama’s top adviser, David Axelrod.

Speaking of — a bipartisan commission appointed by Pres. Obama Thursday issued a proposal for deficit reduction that would cut everything from the military to Social Security to basic tax exemptions for the middle class, such as the home mortgage deduction.

And the European Union is set to ban all medicinal herbs on April 1, 2011. This plan goes back 10 years, and this appears to be a final sunrise provision that takes effect next year. Called the Traditional Herbal Medicines Product Directive, it went into effect in 2005, but blogs in Europe are saying that this new provision takes effect in 2011.

Companies that manufacture herbal products must be able to prove that the product is safe, unlike the pharmaceutical industry, which this law benefits enormously. For more information, listen to this track by Laurie Anderson, from her new CD/DVD — because only an expert can deal with the problem. The CD is called Homeland.


Planet Waves

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, November 12, 2010, #839 – BY ERIC FRANCIS

Aries (March 20-April 19)
A relationship is about to reveal its mysteries and secrets, just as you discover that you have bigger plans. The question is, are the two in harmony? It’s amazing what people will sacrifice for special relationships. So I suggest you be cautious of the equation, ‘I would do this, if I wasn’t in a relationship’, or any of its derivatives. I think it makes much more sense to choose relationships that support all of our goals and affirm who we actually are. And this, you can choose. I would caution that you need to check carefully whether what you believe about what someone thinks is really what they think. You may be seeing your own beliefs projected like light into a fog. Then again, you may actually be constrained by the relationship. To sort this out you need to do a careful reality check, both with yourself and with your partner. The next two weeks will prove to be instructive, and instrumental to your progress.
Aries Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)
It’s easier to change your mental patterns than you think. Part of your typical challenge is forgetting that patterns are established in the past. Most of what you’re dealing with is habituation, legacy material and false memory. Patterns are not simply eliminated; usually, when transcended, they are replaced by new, hopefully more productive patterns. The key to the whole process is consciousness. It’s one thing to think; it’s another thing to be aware of your thoughts; it’s yet another thing to be aware that you not only influence the process, but that you run the whole thing. That influence is what you’re gaining power over. Remember, it’s gained by awareness in the present and making choices in the present. The feeling of the decision is an easy deliberation between points of view or potential outcomes; the options should present you with obvious pictures, such as ‘this is judgmental’ versus ‘this is self-affirming’. Remember, obvious.
Taurus Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)
Mercury is now in your opposite sign, so you can take advantage of that as an invitation to open up communication where previously it’s been tense — particularly recently. As the next few weeks unfold, you’ll need this avenue of contact, so I suggest you work it well, and keep it open. That’s another way of saying cultivate trust and respect as a strategy — preferably, your only strategy. Whatever path you take through the unusual relationship circumstances that arise in the next few weeks, trust and respect will be your most dependable tool. These circumstances may be contentious; they may be passionate and strange; they may transcend your old ideas of what a relationship should be, so you may as well check those ideas at the door. The point of forthcoming events, it would seem, is to resolve old sexual karma rather than to make new karma.
Gemini Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)
This time in your life is about questioning the whole nature of commitments. You’ve been struggling with this for years, and now you can ask the questions that get the right answers. What you’re seeking is clarity. On that quest, the first thing to know is when you’re not clear. Obviously, you would need contrast so that you can discern the difference between clarity and lack thereof. In your current solar chart, this translates to clarity in commitments. This in turn breaks down into two main categories — what you’re committed to and what, precisely, this means; and what you expect of others who you perceive as committed to you. Now for the question — what is the source of your data? Are your expectations grounded or ungrounded? Can you have a conversation about them where you could reasonably predict some solid agreement? The time to test your theory is during the next few days.

Cancer Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)
Over the next couple of weeks, I suggest you be especially careful in all matters involving children, as well as the sexual activity that might lead to them. Careful means full of care, and I would say a bit cautious as well. I’m not suggesting that there’s danger, but rather the potential for choices and actions to have unexpected consequences. So while your sense of play and adventure are pulling you in one direction (like saying nuts! to the rules), I suggest you guide yourself in another, toward discernment. This might be tricky, and you may really feel pulled in the direction of taking risks you would never, ever, take under other circumstances. Consider all possibilities, yes, and also consider consequences both foreseen and unforeseen. You do have a guardrail: your mind. Intelligence does not present an absolute boundary, just a useful tool for evaluation. This is a fine time to put it to maximum use — and still have plenty of fun.

Leo Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)
Events in and around your family of origin will give you some rare opportunity for perspective. As I’ve said a number of times and places, the legacy material from your father’s side of the family is the front-and-center focus of the year — and what happens over the next 10 days or so is something of the big climax. By now, I trust you’ve learned to distance yourself from the situation, though that ‘distancing’ property is part of the equation you might want to question. What other approach can you take? What would it mean to take full ownership of the sense of polarization that you feel? What would it mean to fully embrace the ways religion or mysticism were used as a hedge against emotions? And what would your life be like if you embraced every possibility that having grown up in such an eclectic background has offered you? The next few weeks present a fast-paced adventure in all of the above.

Virgo Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)
Whew. At long last, Venus is about to station direct in your birth sign. That actually happens Nov. 18, before the next weekly horoscope comes out — so let’s consider that transit here. Venus stationed retrograde in Scorpio, and it will station direct in your sign; this bridges the two signs, and that’s another way of saying ‘live as if what you stand for is really true’. One of the most potent values you possess is your desire for everything to work out well for everyone involved. In order to do that, you must make sure that your own needs and basic desires are taken care of. You also need to be in possession of your most vital principles, and own them with a sense not only of responsibility but of active dedication. Even if your mind is telling you one thing and your feelings are telling you another, you know what is true for you, and now is the time to celebrate that fact.

Libra Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)
How you feel about yourself is at stake, and everything — everything — is based on that quality of your existence. Basically, everything in your world surrounds you feeling right with yourself. And that, if astrology means anything, seems like it’s never been a bigger issue. You have such strong opinions about yourself, and they are so deeply polarized, that you may well be questioning which are right and which are wrong. Here is where you fully enter the paradox of selflove. In order to be sane and to keep growing, you have to love yourself no matter what you may ‘think’ of yourself. This is not vanity; it’s about taking a compassionate position toward yourself that is proven by the compassionate way you see others. One warning is when you notice yourself making rationalizations or developing strategies to make things work out against the current apparent setup. You can create your life but you cannot create the lives of those around you. And that is quite enough.

The Scorpio Audio Report is now done. This reading includes more than an hour of astrology and 20 minutes of tarot custom created for those with Scorpio Sun, Moon or rising. Priced at $14.95, it makes a useful and economical gift. Use this link for instant access.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
Planets are gathering in your sign, in a configuration that releases its power as Venus stations direct next week. The alignment is so potent I suggest you touch everything and everyone in your life as though your fingers have lasers on the tips. That includes the words you use, and it includes the feelings you feel and the thoughts that you think. Consider yourself a transmitting station that broadcasts on every frequency. Therefore, the most helpful way to proceed is to hold everyone in a space of love and appreciation. Find what to appreciate even about the people you don’t like so much. Practice guiding your mind in a wholly positive direction. You have so much influence that you are highly likely to manifest what you think and feel in tangible form; what witches call the threefold law is in full operation: it all comes back to you with three times the intensity you put out.
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)
Certain decisions you’ve made or values you hold may not have left you feeling like the flavor of the month, but that’s okay. You have strong opinions, and whether you’re right or wrong, at the moment you’re in a position of leadership that others will have to deal with whether they like it or not. You’re fine as long as you leave room for any of those viewpoints to be improved upon, and are willing to take on board the suggestions of others long enough to consider them fully. I propose, though, that even if you seem wrong or doubt yourself for a moment, you may not actually be; a little time will tell. How many times have you developed an opinion that turned out to be off-base in the short run, only to demonstrate itself as based on sage wisdom in the long run?

Capricorn Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)
You’re at the center of a far-flung circle of friends and associates. More to the point, you’re like a node point that is, in itself, a source of energy around which many people gather. And right now that node point is getting hotter by the minute. You’re a powerful attractor of energy, and you’re also influencing the flow of information, the quality of contact and the level of creativity. I suggest you follow the basic rule of improvisational theater: yes keeps the show going. This would be yes, and rather than yes, but. Build positively on ideas rather than whittling them away and seeing what is left. One thing leads to another. While there are clearly many people involved in your life, make sure you know who you’re talking to all the time. Consider every conversation significant, and pay attention to where it leads, remembering that things have impact beyond what seems obvious. People who are the most geographically remote may play the most significant role.

Aquarius Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)
The next seven to 10 days are a phase when some stunning career developments are possible for you. One key is communication. Another is foreseeing effects and consequences. I can divide this into several subtopics. One is how you focus your intentions; another is how you set your tone; and the other is keeping the right balance between casting a wide net and being specific in what you say to whom. All of this falls under the general heading of strategy, a theme that holds a key place in your solar charts, particularly where career matters are concerned. What actually gets the results will surprise you, so there’s no use knocking yourself out. Be efficient, and make sure you cover the necessary traditional bases (updated CV, business card, checking email) and that you play the random chances. Small moves will have potentially large effects, so keep mistakes down to a minimum. If you happen to not get it right the first time, backtrack quickly and get it right as soon as possible.
Pisces Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.