Tag Archives: United States

On the Shores of Scorpionic America

Dear Friend and Reader:

If ever there was a week during the past nine years and 11 months to wonder what is happening in the United States charts, this would be the week. The debt ceiling hostage game that ended less than two weeks ago led to a reduction of the U.S. credit rating, which in turn set off a week of madness on world stock exchanges. The United States lost 30 of its most elite troops in Afghanistan on Saturday, including members of the Navy SEAL team that we were told assassinated Osama bin Laden in May (not the same guys, just members of the same group). And a slate of Republican candidates are vying for the presidential nomination, each one more driven by apocalyptic religious values than the next.

Uncle Sam, who is the Aquarius rising face of the United States: compelling, serious, traditional but somehow still friendly.

The probable Republican nominee, Rick Perry of Texas, held a revival meeting at Reliant Stadium in Houston last weekend, wherein he prayed for guidance about things like fixing the federal deficit. This might be meaningful — prayer often is — but it’s worth noting how many of his guests that day were rapture Christians (properly called dispensationalists) obsessed not with the God of love but rather with the end of the world. This segment from The Rachel Maddow Show explains that they are all part of one religious movement, which has vowed to take over the United States government for the purposes of hastening the end of the world. I know this sounds like science fiction, but it is neither scientific nor fictional.

Meanwhile, the Republican campaigns this year, while temporarily backing away from openly banning being gay or female, are focused on the issue of slashing what they call ‘entitlements’ — that is, the Social Security and Medicare payments of people who have paid into the system their whole working lives. Personally I remember being paid $2.90 an hour to work the deli counter at Foodtown, and seeing FICA deducted from my paycheck. I am sure you have a similar memory. Somehow making sure that nobody collects is going to save the country from the fantasy of ‘socialism’. But we seem to be suffering from a kind of antisocialism, and I think I have figured out where it’s coming from in the astrology.

Last week I introduced an alternate chart for the United States, called Scorpionic America. Most astrologers use a chart for the signing of the Declaration of Independence, called the Sibly chart. Scorpionic America is the chart for the Articles of Confederation, which were signed and sent to the colonies for ratification in 1777. Due to a technical error, I got the time of the chart wrong; I set the zone for local time in Pennsylvania, instead of Greenwich Mean Time. The Moon and planets are all in the same signs; changing the time in this chart mainly changes the ascendant and house positions. I read a chart with Gemini rising. Cast for GMT, the chart has Aquarius rising.

Once I saw that, I remembered my prior work (in the 1990s, mostly covering the impeachment of Bill Clinton for Rob Brezsny’s website) with the Aquarius rising chart. But that Gemini ascendant, with Uranus right there stirring up everything, all the time, describes a fickle country with no stable sense of identity. Uranus in Gemini rising reveals a mentally obsessed nation, over-identified with its concept of technology, that cannot decide whether it’s a Mac or a PC. That placement also describes a country obsessed with driving itself forward, while negating or destroying the past.

Scorpionic America, with its time zone corrected. The chart now has Aquarius rising. The Capricorn alignment shifts to the 11th house, where the United States fits into the community of nations — as a force obsessed with dominance. This also describes the population (of corporations that profit from war, and the wealthy who resist paying taxes). And it describes our supposedly puritanical culture that revolts by constant indulgence in excess.

What’s interesting is how the ‘wrong’ chart provides a picture of the United States that’s so accurate as to be disturbing — for example, that Capricorn 8th house, illustrating money and sex as a power trip, and an unaddressed obsession with death. The current Pluto transits to the 8th house of that chart describe our system of values crumbling, and the flourishing of an ‘end of the world’ mentality that is in something of a heyday right now.

But it’s not the ‘right’ chart. This has happened to nearly every astrologer: they cast a chart based on incorrect data, yet the chart provides useful information. The phenomenon of when the wrong chart works was documented by British astrologer Geoffrey Cornelius in his landmark 1994 book The Moment of Astrology. He uses examples of the wrong chart providing good results (in particular, analyzing the birth time discrepancy of Diana, Princess of Wales). In his view this demonstrates that astrology is a divinatory art. It’s closer to tarot cards than it is to scientifically documentable causation.

It’s a little spooky when the wrong chart gives a strong, accurate reading, and we also get a kind of reality check. It’s weird enough that we’re expecting any results at all following the orbits of little balls of ice, tracing imaginary lines in space and telling stories of long forgotten gods and goddesses.

However, what I’ve seen when going through a ‘wrong chart’ scenario is that even when it works startlingly well, the ‘right chart’ provides additional information and always has a surprise. As I mentioned, when you look at the chart drawn from ‘accurate’ data (remember that all of the national charts for the United States have speculative or reconstructed times), the chart comes out with Aquarius rising. The identity of the United States with Aquarius rising is Uncle Sam, that friendly personification of the government who wants you to join him — fighting wars.

Nessus Crossing the USA Ascendant

Specifically, the chart comes out with 22+ degrees Aquarius rising — and at the moment, there happens to be a minor planet right there, one that keeps coming up in charts over and over this year: Nessus. It’s transiting (i.e., going over) the Scorpionic America ascendant, a temporary (albeit very slow-moving) presence that is now dominating the identity of the United States.

This is a close-up of the ascendant of Scorpionic America. Though it’s not shown in the chart, Nessus is transiting the ascendant of this chart, currently at 21+ Aquarius; it will be in this range of the zodiac for another year, and in the first house for many years. The two brightly colored small glyphs (Pholus in green, Nessus in blue) are natal positions that strongly influence the character of the United States.

Nessus is a Chiron-like centaur planet — a small, potent thing with an erratic orbit, taking about 122 years to go around our Sun. All the centaurs have keywords such as healing process, focus, intensity and awareness. Nessus addresses the issue of consequences. It’s about the cycle of karma, what in Western thought translates loosely to the law of cause and effect. With Nessus, that cause and effect can relate to the themes of revenge, toxins and potentially inappropriate sexual behavior. This is a theme dominating sex-obsessed American politics, which seems to posit that all sex and discussion of sex is inappropriate. The logical outcome of this whole discussion — check my work, but this is what I have observed — is that women should have no right to control their bodies or their reproductive process. The gay question forces the issue into the paradigm of mental illness but of existential crisis. (For some evidence of this, watch this music video while it’s still available on You Tube, but I caution you, it’s distressing.)

Nessus has a distinct feeling tone to it, perhaps best described by Alice Miller in her books about multigenerational abuse patterns. Aquarius is a sign that speaks about patterns, often social, mental and psychological ones. And now the energy of Nessus is dominating the identity of the United States. We are not only seeing the mean streak of the United States emerge in a new way, it’s being sold to us again and again as the coolest thing ever. For example, people who paid in to Social Security their whole lives are being blamed for bankrupting the government — by collecting benefits with which they’re barely able to buy food.

There is currently a war being waged on women’s reproductive rights, which means women’s rights in general. There is a war being waged on public employee labor unions, and we’re being told that it’s somehow a good thing to reverse a century of progress of workers getting organized and having some collective bargaining power with the government. I could go on.

On one level this seems like a kind of drawing out of a toxic substance. But like most toxins it seems to be making the patient a little woozy. I’m noticing a lot of people waking up to how ugly the political situation is, and how much it’s influencing life, mainly because it’s suddenly being thrust into everyone’s face. If you’re in this situation, this may not be an easy moment for you. Fortunately you’re waking up at a time when many others are doing so, and when there are resources available to help you get informed and direct your energy constructively.

Capricorn Moves From the 8th to the 11th

In the version of Scorpionic America that I came up with for last week’s issue, I pointed out that Capricorn is in the 8th house, a region of the chart dealing with matters of power, money, death and sex. This resonates with what the United States is going through, particularly repeated crashes of various financial systems at the same time there is a mania for suppressing and controlling all forms of sexuality. That sounds a lot like a Pluto-8th house transit taken on an unconscious level, and it describes the obsession with power at all costs in current Washington politics that would make the Nixon administration envious.

United States of Corporations flag. This used to seem like a comment on our pervasive marketing culture; today it’s a comment on our actual political structure, particularly after the Citizens’ United v FEC decision of January 2010. That expanded the ‘personhood’ rights of corporations, many of which are as large as countries. They are also immortal — clearly these alien beings are not ‘people’, despite a series of Supreme Court decisions that make them out as such.

With the time revised to the original, that Capricorn material goes to the 11th house. The 11th is usually a much happier house than the 8th — the house of hopes and dreams. It’s also the house of one’s social group, as well as public benefit. I think of the 11th house as being about all of us here. With a cluster of Mars, the South Node and Eris there, the United States wears its hopes and dreams like a crown of thorns. And we can see a distinct paranoia of socialism. In the odd, modern version of that paranoia, we don’t want to help, but we expect to benefit from others — which is shown if you take a look at Jupiter in this chart.

The 11th house has two special meanings in the chart of a country. One meaning is that it’s the house of the government’s money. As the house that comes right after the 10th house, that money comes from the public. That public would include corporations (especially with Capricorn involved), and many of them don’t want to pay taxes — and get away with not doing so.

With Mars in that house, particularly on the South Node (obsession, past karma), we see an image of how much conflict this country has on the issue of taxes, particularly now with Pluto running through that house (which will be happening until a little past the end of 2023).

The second meaning involves the 11th as self in context of a group. The 11th is the role of the nation within the world community. It describes how we’re perceived. It’s an important house in the chart of a nation that used to control the economy of the world, and that still does control the world militarily, so much as that is possible.

You may not sit around wondering whether, or when, judgment day is going to happen, but it’s something of a national pastime for much of the United States. Further, rapture Christianity is now the dominant force in the Republican party and a significant — if unacknowledged — force in the Democratic party.

Bombing another country in the name of freedom — something that the United States does regularly — is a demented version of this house. Whipping up ‘freedom fighters’ in Central America, motley bands of CIA-backed rebels who bombed schools, churches and farming cooperatives during the 1970s, is another. I would describe that Capricorn cluster as cynical.

There used to be a term tossed around — Pax Americana. This refes to the peace established after the end of World War II in 1945. The term refers to the military and economic dominance of the United States in relation to other nations. It’s a derivation of Pax Romana of the Roman empire, the Pax Britannica of the British Empire and the Pax Mongolica of the Mongol Empire. I have always thought of it meaning, “We will carpet bomb you into peace.” If you’re one of those people for whom this policy of endless the bombing of others in the name of loving kindness never made sense, good for you.

This is a cynical way for a country to be. It’s time we started calling all of these wars out for what they are: crimes against humanity, for world domination and for the incalculable profit of the companies that supply the military with everything from weapons to food.

Full Moon in Aquarius

Now, this degree of Aquarius shows up just in time for a Full Moon this weekend. As we described in Tuesday’s edition, that Full Moon happens in Aquarius, closely conjunct Nessus — and conjunct the ascendant of Scorpionic America. So this degree is really in the spotlight. Indeed, the United States is in the global spotlight, and everyone is starting to figure out that something a little strange is going on. But I’m not sure many people know where, based on certain historical factors, this could all be heading if we don’t sober up and get involved.

Thirty years ago this would have been a fun little joke in National Lampoon. Today it’s a promo for a kind of ‘rapture central’ website, one that asks questions such as, “Is hell constantly expanding?”

I think if there is one thing suggested by a Full Moon in the Aquarius ascendant of this chart, it’s an eruption of public opinion — or at least public awareness. To me that Moon suggests we can taste the bitterness of who we have become as a country, an experience that just might influence some people to choose to be something else.

The question isn’t limited to public identity — it’s a personal matter with the Moon so closely involved. I suggest that’s the level we take it on — personally. National identity is a matter of pride for many people who have benefitted from what their country has to offer, or who appreciate their freedom. It’s also a matter of false pride for many who are willing to turn the other way on the conduct of their government.

We are entering a time of no illusions, when we must see our world for what it is, even if that means a revolution of consciousness. It’s time to see our culture and our society for what they are, even if that means we have to feel like hypocrites while we figure out what to do about it. This awareness will be thrust upon some; others will choose to change their perception consciously; for others it will be a gradual awakening. True, there are always some who remain asleep, or rather, who pretend to sleep. I doubt that’s your agenda; it does not serve your growth.

I would note, however, that hypocrisy plays an important role in the dominant political framework. The whole thing seems to be addicted to hypocrisy. The rage at ‘socialism’ seems to be rooted in fear about how we might all be equal — that a bank executive and his family might have more in common with an ‘illegal’ Mexican immigrant family than he thinks. There are actually people who experience this as terrifying.

Awakening often involves waking up in the middle of a paradox. How we can adjust to this new state of awakened consciousness, and what we might do with our awareness, are questions I want to leave open for now. Meanwhile, I suggest you tune in for a wave of consciousness as this Full Moon peaks Saturday. And follow the Planet Waves daily series this week — we’re about to enter another very unusual spell of astrology, which we’ll be covering day by day.


Additional research: David Arner.


Planet Waves FM: Mars and our Moment of Revolution

In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I look at Mars setting off the cardinal cross (currently square Uranus and opposite Pluto), as well as the Epoch of Revolution aspect Uranus square Pluto.

Eric on WDST Radio Woodstock – 1997.

When we reach one of these movements, we seem to have less to lose, and more to gain by experimenting, flexibility and not honoring the old, intractable and boring way of doing things. We might be feeling some instability — and that is the invitation to explore. The revolutionary activity — mainly the personal revolution in your own consciousness — is being set off by this weekend’s Full Moon in Aquarius. I also cover how Mercury retrograde is influencing all this adventure.

In the second segment I talk to Liz DiNovella, the cultural editor of The Progressive, who was on the scene of one of the recall elections yesterday in Wisconsin. For our musical guest, I reprise the Grateful Dead one more week, extending Jerry Garcia’s birthday celebration.

I have another special edition podcast — featuring a conversation with Gary Caton, and a short introduction about what happened in Wisconsin on Tuesday (Dems took back two of the four Repub senate seats that were up for recall). Note that because this happened with Mercury retrograde, the whole matter is still up for discussion.

If you prefer the old player you can listen by that method — and also have access to the full archives from the past 18 months.


PS, Note to All the Signs: We’re still offering the Mercury Retrograde Report (one of my favorite 12 sign reports ever; this one came in on a beam of light) and the Midyear Report also offers 12 signs of useful, in-depth astrology for one low price.


Special Edition Planet Waves FM, featuring Gary Caton

This is a special edition Planet Waves FM covering the Wisconsin recall election, and the current astrology — the Full Moon, Mercury retrograde, and Mars getting into the Epoch of Revolution aspect, which is Uranus square Pluto.


Now Playing: Planet Waves Mercury Retrograde Report

Dear Friend and Reader:

The Planet Waves Mercury retrograde report is done. I’ve recorded an introduction and about 25 to 35 minutes of audio for each of the 12 Sun signs and rising signs. The audio introduction to the Merc Rx phenomenon in general is available to all readers, in which I give a primer on Mercury retrograde and describe key details of this one. The product itself is the sign-by-sign interpretation, which I offer in clear, easy-to-follow language. As you may know, I am always reaching for the point of sanity in the astrology, the solution set to what seems like an overly complex puzzle. I trust these readings will bring you some comfort, clarity and a few good ideas to work with in these wild and unusual days.

Analemma & the Tholos, Delphi, Greece. Photo: Anthony Ayiomamitis.

Mercury retrograde is a challenging event for many people. I do my best to counter those challenges with creativity and the intelligence made available by a careful reading of the charts. Whether you’re looking for work, sorting out your relationships or trying to turn a corner in your life, I trust you will find these readings helpful.

I’ve had an amazing time creating this report all week in the midst of much other activity — it seemed to create itself as the days went on, and I was a little wistful letting it go as I finished the 12th sign, Pisces. Now it’s in your hands — and I’m happy to offer it to you. If you’d like to hear the general introduction, you may listen to the audio above. (Please note one correction — when I say that the retrograde is 88 days, I mean the full orbit of Mercury around the Sun; the retrograde is usually 24 days.)

One thing about this particular Mercury retrograde is that it crosses the line between Leo and Virgo. We got the first such crossing in direct motion on July 28. Then we got another in retrograde motion on Aug. 8, and the third is in direct motion again on Sept. 9. Some astrologers describe the Leo/Virgo line as the sphinx point — where cat (Leo) meets human (Virgo). The crossing of house/sign cusps blends themes and helps us navigate unfamiliar territory. There are planets hanging out here — Transpluto on the Leo/Virgo line, and Neptune on the Pisces/Aquarius line. This adds some intrigue and depth to the circumstances surrounding this retrograde.

Leo/Virgo is the line where play meets work; where self-expression meets service; where passion meets the details of creative process. For each of the 12 signs I explore that relationship. You will find out what this means in your chart — whether you know your birth time (and hence your rising sign) or not. This report is brimming with personal guidance, strategy points and hints that will help you benefit from this retrograde, based on my experience covering (as in writing about) the past approximately 51 Mercury retrogrades.

If you’re vaguely interested in studying astrology, all 12 signs will be worth listening to because I go over all of the house cusps in one place. The house cusps are each a special zone of their own, each having unique qualities (like an extra 12 houses).

This is a one-purchase-gets-all-12-signs product, so you can read your Sun, Moon and rising sign — and those of your friends and loved ones. You may download or listen as many times as you like. There are some special offers included on the project’s homepage, in case you want to expand your self-inquiry. We’ve also included last year’s audio and the prior year’s written report (The Electric Tide), for the super-curious.

Here is how to get instant access. Or, listen to the free introduction.





Weekly Horoscope for Friday, August 12, 2011, #871 – BY ERIC FRANCIS

Revised and Updated! Click for Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Aries (March 20-April 19) — It’s always interesting how people who are, on their own, well-meaning and ethical, can form themselves into a group that ends up being scheming and nefarious. I suggest you make a note of anything like this happening in your social environment or any company you find yourself in, and do the Aries thing and stand away from the crowd. Note also that this may involve the collective mass psychosis of our society. You don’t need to play along with that, especially if you can see it for what it is. Take this opportunity to find your true friends: people devoted to clarity, healing and nonviolent communication. An environment that’s healthy for you is one that responds to you, and that offers a vibe that you recognize as creative and friendly. You may have to be brave and declare your independence in order to do this, and you may fear you’ll be lonely — but you won’t be for long.

Aries, your birth sign or rising sign, is getting some of the most potent transits of them all right now. I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and a tarot card reading for you. Learn more by visiting this page.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — So, about your reputation — what do you think it is, what do you want it to be, and what is your worst fear of what someone will discover about you? You might want to make peace with that being known, so that you don’t fear being seen for who you really are. I’ll say this a different way. If you fear something about you being known by others, you may translate that into the fear of being seen at all. So make peace with your fears, and then let yourself shine. I would especially encourage you to put your ideas out where people can see, hear and read them. Be bold about your philosophy of life; challenge yourself and others to think; challenge others you don’t agree with; and don’t fear being challenged. Most people cower because of their own lurking sense of guilt, usually about nothing. Throw that into the flames.

I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and done a tarot reading especially for you. It’s information that will help with your relationships, your professional life and your personal growth. Visit this page to find out more.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — There is something trying to get your attention right in your local environment. I know, things rarely seem worth it if you don’t have to drive for at least an hour, but you may not need to drive anywhere to take advantage of this opportunity. You may not even notice that it is an opportunity; you will have to use your imagination. In support of making contact with whatever this thing is that I’m seeing, I suggest you spend time on your feet, walking around, visiting neighbors, friends, local businesspeople. Get to some kind of outdoor event this weekend. Don’t be afraid to drop the small talk and delve into real subject matter. Mercury is retrograde, which means invoke curiosity and ask questions. If someone puts something into your hand, look closely at it — it could be a gem of some kind.

Gemini is one of the most misunderstood signs — and as someone born under this sign, part of your role is to hold a mirror to the world. I’ve recorded an hour of audio for you, plus a 20 minute tarot reading. You can get access to these by visiting this page.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Friday’s Full Moon happens in your 8th house — the house of deep exchange and sharing. It happens in the sign Aquarius, which is about groups and the reality we all agree exists. The thing is, there are several main formats of reality going around lately. Some are friendly, some are not. I suggest you look for friendly, and if you happen to land someplace else momentarily, keep going. Friendly, for you, is going to mean friendly to sex. Many are figuring out that this is possible and even healthy. You seem to have your own healing work to do around your sexual values, and how they manifest in relationships; it’s as if you’re unsure whether you trust the whole erotic thing or not. It’s certainly led plenty of people to misery, and it’s also led many people to authentic liberation. Remember: ideas are involved. This is territory where intelligence is greatly rewarded.

I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and done a tarot reading especially for you. It’s information that will help with your relationships, your professional life and your personal growth. Visit this page to find out more.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — I have a friend whose partner is one person around her, and another person when others are involved — and the difference is not nice. You’re more the kind of person to be who you are all the time. What is the point of acting? You may have some opportunities this weekend to stand tall in your own beliefs and, more to the point, your own desire to be a benefactor to the world. Try not to be too shocked at the prevailing state of self-centered and superficial; you may be witnessing people acting out their injuries on one another. The place to draw the line is when this gets too close to you. How your direct partners and associates relate to others is indeed your business, because their conduct, and their beliefs, influence your immediate environment. Set the example of integrity, and the value of honest self-questioning.

Hello Leo! Your birthday report is now available. I’ve recorded 70 minutes of in-depth astrology plus a 20 minute tarot reading for you, exploring relationships, personal growth and your professional life. Visit this page for additional information.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Looking within is one of the most fearsome things that a modern person can do. Yet at the moment, your chart is all about an introspective journey — an honest quest to discover who you are. Part of why we’re so discouraged to do this is because we fear that we’ll be as wrong as others have tried to make us out to be. But what really happens is that we take on the role of the accuser — and the only way to get out of that role is to actually investigate and to prove oneself innocent. While this exists as a superficial issue, we can carry around a lot of tension, self-doubt and low self-esteem. There is only one way out of this, which is to proceed inward — past your doubts, past your fears, past the layers of judgment, and into a dimension of yourself you may have never encountered. Yes, as you travel, you may see shadows — but that’s all they are.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Virgo, please go to this link.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — If in your immediate environment you’re noticing that the views of certain people are too narrow to give you any room at all, you can surely find someplace where they are not. I suggest you make your assessment based on where you feel like you can be entirely yourself, which means free to express any opinion, including taboo subject matter. Now, there’s something encrypted in Friday’s Full Moon chart about your relationship to your mom — and your parents’ relationship to one another, and how this in turn influenced your childhood environment. To sum up, you may have ended up in a condition where you believed that being creative was dangerous because it shook up the people who were taking care of you. It’s time to let go of that fear — and that means taking a creative risk of some kind.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Libra, please go to this link.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — If you haven’t already figured it out, you need to keep your emotional management skills on full alert. If you don’t, certain disagreements you may be involved in could easily spiral out of control. I suggest you be very careful of your surroundings, especially if your family is involved, or some kind of household situation that you know in your heart is not healthy for you. You’re not one to walk away from a fight, but especially as the Full Moon peaks the next few days, discretion is the better part of valor. You happen to be in a phase of life when things can go amazingly well for you, if you keep your emotional energy clear and life affirming. Therefore I suggest you consciously surround yourself with positive influences, people who support you, and whose philosophy of life is in harmony with your own. I mean that starting immediately.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Scorpio, please go to this link.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Make sure you don’t take on someone else’s karma unwittingly. By karma, I mean responsibility for their conduct, or their less-than-wholesome intentions. There are lots of ways that karma is exchanged, which range from financial transactions to sex to catching cold in someone’s house. Therefore, I suggest you raise the bar on your psychic hygiene practices. Exchange energy only with people whose lives you affirm. I am aware that we’ve all been so injured by betrayal that we barely have any capacity to trust, even though we need to dearly. When trust is injured, it doesn’t go away; instead, it gets misdirected and invested in situations that don’t work out. So what you really have is an opportunity to select who you trust and why. At the basis of this whole growth process is having faith in yourself, because without that you have nothing — so please start there.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Sagittarius, please go to this link.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — If there is some kind of business deal imminent, I suggest you delay developments long enough to get the facts. You may think you know everything, but I would propose that you still have a few key bits of information coming to you. Overall it’s a potentially workable situation, however there is a liability that could change everything if you don’t address it. Be especially careful if you seem to be coming from a place of lack and others are coming from a place of abundance or power. It’s precisely that sense of lack where your vulnerability comes from. It’s not merely financial; attitudes about money are closely related to self-worth. Nobody is any better than you for seeming to have more — it does not make someone right, and contrary to popular belief, it’s not certification of their integrity. Therefore, I suggest you do your homework.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Capricorn, please go to this link.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — This weekend’s Full Moon in your birth sign will test your capacity to be objective, and to tolerate all points of view. You may also have the challenge of making peace with many of your inner viewpoints, including some of the darker ways you feel about yourself. I suggest you go through this process boldly, while at the same time doing your best to suspend the belief in judgment. It simply does not work, as a practical matter. If you’re doing an assessment (of yourself or of others), look at the actual consequences involved in any situation and make your decisions based directly on those — not, for example, on your own emotional reaction or that of anyone else. This is often a challenging lesson for many humans to learn, but if something does not matter, it does not matter. Once you understand that I suggest you quickly give up trying to convince anyone else.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aquarius, please go to this link.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Your imagination is likely to be extremely active these days, though I suggest you be conscious about this and choose what movie you run. I also suggest you get out of your head and go for direct experience. The angles of your chart that describe actual exploration of the world are getting strong aspects right now (for example, energetic planets in Cancer and Leo), and you’re certainly free to experiment in real life. Be aware that doing so can have a guilt blowback, which is a typical psychological response that anyone who finally sets him or herself free has to learn to address. You’re in one of those moments where ‘the brighter the light, the darker the shadow’. Remember that shadow is not a substance, and it’s not energy. It’s based on lack of consciousness. Therefore focus on awareness, movement, activity, on direct encounters with people — and stoke up your most creative passions.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Pisces, please go to this link.

Into the 8th Houses of the United States

Dear Friend and Reader:

Sunday night I was out in New Paltz, our little San Francisco here in Ulster County, interviewing a couple who wants to model for my photo studio. It was a beautiful, warm summer evening. We were outside Mexicali Blue, a gourmet taco place not to miss if you’re ever in town. Our conversation was veering from art into social issues, such as the nature of education, environmental toxins and the whole debt ceiling crisis that was at that point still in flux.

Comets are not generally used in Western astrology, but they do make interesting synchronicities. This is the event of the moment: Comet C/2009 P1 (Garradd) photographed while passing through the constellation of Pegasus and within the immediate vicinity of the globular cluster M15 was discovered in 2009 by astronomer Gordon J. Garradd. It’s predicted to make its closest pass to the Sun on Dec 23, 2011 and to the Earth March 5, 2012. Photo by: Anthony Ayiomamitis.

Into our discussion drops a buff 19-year-old guy who was in town for rock climbing, the thing for which New Paltz is perhaps most famous as a global destination. He was visiting from Long Island, where he lives and attends community college in a wealthy part of New York State.

He told us that he used to have a lot to say about politics but got fed up because so few people care. I started asking questions and in a little while I figured out that he’s a conservative who refuses to use the word, who is against high corporate taxes, the welfare state or ‘socialism’ in any form. If someone messes up, it’s their fault. If they succeed, good for them. They owe nothing to anyone else, and in his opinion, what he’s calling socialism amounts to taking what is rightfully his and giving it to someone else who doesn’t deserve it — such as a drug addict. Because taking drugs is a personal choice, society owes you nothing if you get into this condition.

I was not in the mood to yes him along, and I was fascinated by what he kept coming out with — so I challenged him on every point. To his claim that corporate taxes are too high, I explained how many of the biggest companies pay no corporate income taxes at all. To his claim that society should not take care of drug addicts, I explained that prison costs the state a lot ($22,000 a year per prisoner) and we’re also going to be paying other ways if we don’t help them, such as ER visits, and the various costs of crimes related to the drug trade. (Let’s not forget that the U.S. war in Afghanistan was God’s gift to heroin trafficking.)

When the conversation came to companies that produce chemicals that cause birth defects, victims of which are supported for life by SSI, he accused me of being a conspiracy theorist. In his world, birth defects don’t exist and if they do, they are certainly not caused by chemical or nuclear companies.

Conspiracy theory? Part of Exhibit 422: Monsanto’s 1969 “Pollution Abatement Plan,” revealing what the company knew about its deadly chemicals even as it promised the world they were safe. It reads, “The problem involves the entire United States, Canada, and sections of Europe especially the United Kingdom and Sweden. As the investigation broadens other areas of Europe, Asia and Latin America will surely become involved. Evidence of contamination have been found in some of the very remote parts of the world. The involvement could and most likely will follow the DDT [pesticide] investigations.”

The conversation went on like this for a while, until he was demanding that I either 1) give away everything I have and live modestly so that, being the bleeding heart liberal he perceived me to be, I was not a hypocrite, or 2) give him money right now. (I told him that I would hire him, if he wanted, to write an article about his views. He declined and kept aggressively demanding free money.) I was impressed by how rigid his mind was, and how bold he was about his views, given that he didn’t have any valid facts.

Now, you might think this was a conversation with a random jerk. You might think, well, he’s 19 and has never had a solid job and is sheltered from living in his privileged community and family, and maybe he was exposed to too many lawn chemicals as a child. You might think this is the 2010s equivalent of meeting an anarchist in Washington Square Park in the 1960s, our modern stand-in for the long-haired guy who wants society to feed everyone for free and believes we’re all equal and that the system should be brought down: a conservative version of Meathead from All In The Family.

Perhaps, but his viewpoint is not random. I was especially intrigued because the conversation ran parallel to an email discussion with another friend that had been unfolding over the prior few days — with someone who considers himself a ‘right of center conservative’. One match-up point that made my bells ring was the thing about denying that companies such as Dow or Monsanto make chemicals that cause birth defects. My email friend informed me that birth defects have been around forever, essentially denying that they are caused by industry in enormous numbers. (Dow Chemical, which made much of the Agent Orange that was dumped on U.S. troops and the people of Vietnam, tries to claim the same thing.)

You could call this living in an alternate reality.

In a conservative mentality, homelessness is the problem of the homeless. Its causes are never analyzed. Photo by Dawn Iler.

What impressed me the very most about the young guy I met in New Paltz was how angry he was — especially in context: that context being he had come upstate to play in a world-class climbing area, he was young, healthy and strong, he didn’t have to be at work the next day, he was getting an education heavily subsidized by the state and it was a beautiful summer night.

And he was pissed off. I would even say outraged. His rage was directed at people who had less than he did. So too was the anger of my older conservative email friend: he is very, very angry at the people who don’t have jobs and who live off the system. My older friend has worked for the government his whole life. He does not see the irony of his position. I understand he’s working rather than ‘collecting’, however from the viewpoint of a self-employed person (for example), government workers have relatively little to worry about.

I also recognized this viewpoint from a conversation with my dad, which we had during the 2008 election. Dad was outraged that Obama’s proposed healthcare reform plans would (in his mind) bankrupt the nation. My father has both federal Medicare coverage and the very best private health insurance through his government job. He did not pay a dime for his heart valve replacement at St. Francis Hospital a few years ago, one of the best cardiac centers in the NY area — the taxpayers covered all of it. He got paid by the state to be in the hospital and recover (sick leave). But he was angry that anyone else (such as myself) might have access to affordable health insurance.

Lately I’ve been trying to describe this anger that I see as inherent in conservatism, mingled with the lack of concern for others and the lack of recognition that we’re all in this life together. Then a friend wrote to me and said, there’s a word for this thing you’re seeing: resentment. Here is the weird thing. Resentment is usually directed at those who have more. Now it’s being directed at those who have less, almost as a national pastime. And, the worse the economy is, the more there will be who have less. The more that wealthy companies pile up profits and cut jobs and pay lower taxes, the fewer jobs there will be. Our country is currently in the midst of a long-term experiment that proves this point. The big news of the moment is a stock market slide that happened the same week as the supposedly heroic debt deal and record low tax rates in the United States.

There is a lot of psychology mingled into the resentment of so-called conservatives, and I think that astrology may be able to shed some light on what it’s about. It has a lot to do with how and where we direct our rage — we tend to project it onto others, or direct it inwardly as guilt. This combination of anger, resentment and guilt is taking over the emotional landscape on which politics is built. And it is having some extremely toxic effects.

Obelisk in New Mexico marking the site of the Trinity Test, the first atomic bomb blast in July 1945. The Army was going to charge admission for the two days per year that the site is open to the public, but the plan was thwarted by public outrage. Photo by Samat Jain under Share Alike/Creative Commons.

The topic I want to cover this week involves the idea of what we share, which is the dominant theme of the United States charts.

One attribute of modern capitalism is that it wants to cut the government out of the loop entirely (with the notable exceptions of regulating pregnancy and policing and incarcerating the poor). If there’s going to be another Hoover Dam, it supposedly has to be built by a private company, for profit — and that ain’t happening. We have to rely on our common resources to do a project that big. But any notion of the commons is quickly going away as privatization sets in like hypothermia.

As the government is cut up and sold to industry, parking meters are becoming private (such as in Chicago and other cities). The Pennsylvania Turnpike was nearly sold to investors. Prisons are being privatized and have for years been privately traded on Wall Street. The military is becoming private (Blackwater Security, now called Xe Services, being the second largest member of the coalition fighting in Iraq). Numerous government services have been spun off into private hands, all as part of a long-term plan to dismantle the government. Homeland Security is enforcing trademark law, picking on people who have knock-off handbags and wear unofficial Major League Baseball hats.

But these things are the least of it. With the Citizens’ United decision coming out of the Supreme Court in January 2010, the political process is becoming the wholly-owned property of corporate interests, which can now spend unlimited money to influence elections. With this ruling, any hope of ‘campaign finance reform’ was set back to the days of monarchy [see Keith Olbermann explain the decision in this special comment].

We are in the midst of a total takeover of government by corporate interests. With each passing day the government has less power and corporate interests have more power, including over government and private individuals. The News Corp scandal is a demonstration of how much power a corporation can have, the latest twist being their use of drone aircraft within the United States.

Keith Olbermann explains the privatization of United States elections because of the Citizens’ United decision in this special comment from his days on MSNBC. Watch the video here.

In truth, this is a form of anarchy passing for conservatism. It’s not the authentic anarchy of high individual responsibility; rather, it’s the attitude that the FBI might get in the way of someone’s business plan for a criminal enterprise, so let’s cut their funding. (This is the same thing as a polluter, for whom the EPA is a problem, wanting to cut some more environmental regulators out of the budget, which just happened this week.) The result of all of this is less common ground for everyone. We are expected to share less — but then we have less.

To give a recent example, the government just had its power vastly reduced by The Deal that was passed by Congress and Pres. Obama this week. The federal government now has less financial flexibility, as its line of credit is being taken away (after much abuse by the very people who just took it away). Congress is being replaced by a committee of 12 people that will make its deficit and debt-related decisions for it. The private sector, once again, is being excused from paying into the public sector — that is to say, there are no tax increases for corporations or very high earners, and in fact there is a massive corporate tax holiday being planned.

USA: Two Charts, Two Images of a Country

Speaking of taxes, shared values and investments, let’s see what the USA charts have to say about these and some closely related issues. We do so in a moment when this whole realm is changing fast.

This is the traditional chart for the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Notice the cluster of planets to the right side of this chart. All the planets with the matching blue icon next to them are in Cancer and the 8th house. Even the planets that are not exactly in the house count, because they are in the sign Cancer and the whole sign applies to the 8th under the ‘whole sign houses’ method of reading. Notice Eris (in red, left side of chart, circle with arrow pointing down). It’s on the cusp of 2nd house — where we look for information about one’s own private values — suggesting that the personal values system of Americans tends to be in a state of chaos.

The primary chart for the United States is called the Sibly chart. It’s the most commonly accepted chart for the signing of the Declaration of Independence. While there are disputes about the exact time of the signing, you can think of the Sibly chart as the traditionally accepted chart, and one that has been well tested by many astrologers. [Read my prior article on the Sibly chart here.]

It’s the chart for the 13 colonies stating their opposition to the crown of England, and basically declaring war. The Declaration of Independence gives a vision for the new nation that’s forming. The Declaration includes the quote, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

It continues, “Whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.” Basically, it outlines a vision — and a long list of issues that reveal why the founders wanted to get busy enacting that vision.

We see the vision in the Sagittarius ascendant of the Sibly chart. That is the theme of the chart, and the image that the colonies are presenting to the king of England as well as to the world. Sagittarius is the sign that would include expansion (the Manifest Destiny that would push the new country out to the West Coast) as well as the spiritual vision embraced by references to the Creator. Sagittarius is the sign of ‘don’t crowd my space’, and the colonies were pushing back against quite a bit of tyrannical activity on the part of the king.

We also see idealism in the Aquarius Moon. You can think of this as the Moon that wants life to make sense; that believes in an egalitarian viewpoint on existence; that is able to rise above drowning in emotion and can apply reason to the questions of life.

But the heart of the Sibly chart is found in the 8th house. Here is a close-up of that house. This chart shows the Sun and five additional points in Cancer in the 8th. [Check here for a more detailed look at the 8th house.]

In this close-up of the 8th house of the Sibly chart, planets moving upward to the left are Venus, Jupiter, the Sun, Mercury, the vertex and the part of fortune. I am counting all of the sign Cancer as the 8th house under the whole-sign houses method. This is about a vast inheritance of shared wealth, but it also suggests a deep theme of transformation (a key theme of the 8th house).

The 8th is one of the most interesting houses of the 12, in part because so much happens in that house in our current version of the world. In the old days it started as the house of dowries and inheritances. As such it described death and also civil death (what happened to a woman when she got married — she would go from Jane Roe to Mrs. John Doe, losing her prior civil identity as part of the marriage contract).

The 8th covers inheritances, which is the money that changes hands as part of an estate or legacy. It’s therefore the house of shared resources. So by extension it covers the banking system, as well as many of the financial activities of corporations (such as investment and sale of stocks — however, speculation, a form of gambling, is covered by another house, the 5th). The 8th will often have the feeling of a life-or-death struggle rather than a game.

The United States has a massive inheritance indicated by its birth chart. It has Venus and Jupiter, the two benefics (planets associated with benefit and wealth) conjunct in a sign where they are both very happy (Cancer). Plus, the Sun is in this house and sign. The overall result is an orientation on the 8th house and also an indication that there is a lot of wealth to go around. Most of the people who signed the Declaration had no clue what was west of the Mississippi River. The explorers Lewis and Clark would not get there till 1806. So for years that inheritance sat like a vast, unclaimed trust fund, granted, one that the new owner often had to acquire by warfare as the claim was made.

In the sign Cancer, the use of that endowment would be for the common good: the vast American family, which has access to that wealth to share. Notably, the 8th is also the house of taxation. One way that wealth would be distributed would be through a system of taxes, which includes fair representation of those who are paying into the system.

Let’s hold that thought and switch charts, to a lesser-used one for the United States called Scorpionic America. That’s the chart for the Articles of Confederation in November 1777. The chart was researched and introduced to astrology by the late astrologer David Solte.

Scorpionic America is the chart for the signing of the Articles of Confederation, based on the historical research of late astrologer David Solte. The chart has Gemini rising, suggesting that the United States presents two radically different ways — for example as the paragon of democracy and the other as the place that still sponsors the illegal prison at Guantanamo Bay. The Gemini Moon is in the 12th, hinting at an abandonment of, or by, the feminine principle. Many planets are in Scorpio, and many others are in Capricorn in the 8th house. This chart is a picture of the control-freaky capitalist drama that is the USA.

David explained the chart to me personally shortly before he died in 2002. He said that the Declaration of Independence was 13 independent colonies choosing to do something together — declare freedom from England. The Articles of Confederation was the first time they formally joined together as one country, with a common set of rules binding them (this was replaced by the Constitution 10 years later in 1787). The chart is called Scorpionic America because the Sun is in Scorpio. The chart is dominated by three signs, however — Gemini, Scorpio and Capricorn.

Notice that there’s an interesting similarity between the Sibly chart and Scorpionic America: the 8th house has a lot of activity. The subject area remains the same but the theme shifts to the sign involved — Capricorn. Suddenly that collective wealth, that national inheritance, is all about business. Instead of two of the warmer, cuddlier planets, we get Mars and the South Node of the Moon — indicating an obsession with violence and power. It’s a very different kind of inheritance, and a whole different notion of sharing resources.

In particular, the South Node in the 8th house suggests a long history of power struggle, particularly in Capricorn. It’s almost as if the nascent country inherits and indeed becomes exactly what it’s trying to get away from by fighting the Revolutionary War.

There are three later discoveries in this house, particularly Pluto and Eris. These are pretty intense energies to put into the 8th and Capricorn, together suggestive of a lot of turmoil. Add to that the asteroid Juno — often representing a sense of possessiveness and small-mindedness — and we have a picture of the business climate that later emerges around the United States economy: viciously competitive, unstable and driven by selfish interests rather than collective interests.

Close-up of the 8th house of Scorpionic America, the chart for the Articles of Confederation in 1777. This chart has Capricorn on the 8th house. The planets from right to left are Eris, the South Node, Juno, Mars and Pluto. They indicate a troubled collective values system, a tendency toward power struggles and violence, and a lot of karma to burn. That will happen as Pluto goes through this house, first making an exact conjunction to Eris in 2012, with powerful effects well into the mid 2020s.

Scorpionic America has Gemini rising, which reveals the dual identity of the United States. We start off fighting for our independence, and then end up bombing other countries in the name of democracy. Uranus in the ascendant has an edgy, erratic, volatile feeling. Uranus plus Gemini rising has the feeling of, watch out, don’t know who I really am — I could become anyone.

In a sense, the Sibly chart represents the initial idealistic vision of the United States at the time independence was declared, and Scorpionic America represents what the country eventually becomes.

Note that the 8th house has many themes involving sexuality. There is an association with the 8th sign (Scorpio) and also a connection point between marriage and sex (the marital contract being the thing that supposedly makes sex and the resulting children ‘legitimate’). Sibly has a family, nourishment and pleasure concept of sex (Venus and Jupiter in Cancer); Scorpionic America has a puritanical, regressive and patriarchal one, dominated by a sense of power-over rather than sharing. There is plenty of desire in that Capricorn 8th of Scorpionic America, but it’s in a heck of a lot of conflict, and seems destined to become an instrument of political oppression.

Current Transits: The 2012 Aspect

Perhaps the most interesting thing about these charts is that they’re both under the influence of what I call the 2012 aspect — Uranus square Pluto. That is the slow-moving, slowly building aspect that makes its first exact contact in June 2012.

Uranus square Pluto on June 24, 2012. Uranus (in Aries through 2018-19) is the blue H-like thing toward the top left, and Pluto (in Capricorn through 2023-24) is the red glyph on the far right. Notice the degrees involved — both planets will be aspecting the 8th house clusters in both United States charts repeatedly for the next seven years or longer.

Both of the USA charts have planets and other points packed into the early degrees of cardinal signs (Cancer and Capricorn), which is where all the action is now. The cardinal cross is currently home to Uranus in Aries, Mars in Cancer, Saturn in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn, all of which are rattling both United States charts, in particular their 8th houses. The Sibly chart’s 8th house is taking a series of oppositions from Pluto in Capricorn, and squares from Uranus in Aries. Scorpionic America is taking conjunctions from Pluto in Capricorn and squares from Uranus in Aries. All of this involves the 8th houses of both charts, where the issue of shared finances and joint resources is expressed.

That is a picture of the volatility of the times we are in, and it’s also suggesting a huge transformation of some kind is ahead. One chart suggests a values system of greed and obsession with money (transiting Pluto in Capricorn in the 2nd house of individual wealth, opposing all those Cancer planets in the 8th house of shared wealth). The other suggests that America is about to collect on its past karma (transiting Pluto in Capricorn conjunct Eris, the South Node and Mars in the 8th house).

Taken together, these transits add up to nothing less than a total transformation, on the level of a revolution. We might not see how this is possible now, but as the next few seasons unfold it will become obvious. The revolution is about shared resources on one level, and about values on the other. Yet this is not merely theoretical change or contemplating an idea.

Many people are going to experience this as a challenge, but it’s also the change many, many people have been wanting. All of the 8th house placements in both U.S. charts are coming under transits by planets that get results even when working alone (Uranus and Pluto even individually are forces to be reckoned with) but when acting together, they have been known to topple empires.

Yours lovingly,


Planet Waves FM: Deceptive Debt Deal, and the USA Horoscope

In the latest edition of Planet Waves FM, I go over some implications of this debt agreement being signed on the brink of Mercury retrograde (and apparently the military cuts are bullshit; the whole thing seems to be accounting games to rival Enron) and in the second half, I look at the United States’ main chart — the Sibly chart. Here is a fairly recent article about that chart.

Our musical guest is Critter Jones.

To listen to this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM in the old player, or to view the archives going back more than a year, check this link. If you listen to Planet Waves FM in iTunes, please check this letter to iTunes listeners.


Now Playing: Planet Waves Mercury Retrograde Report

Dear Friend and Reader:

The Planet Waves Mercury retrograde report is done. I’ve recorded an introduction and about 25 to 35 minutes of audio for each of the 12 Sun signs and rising signs. The audio introduction to the Merc Rx phenomenon in general is available to all readers, in which I give a primer on Mercury retrograde and describe key details of this one. The product itself is the sign-by-sign interpretation, which I offer in clear, easy to follow language. As you may know, I am always reaching for the point of sanity in the astrology, the solution set to what seems like an overly complex puzzle. I trust these readings will bring you some comfort, clarity and a few good ideas to work with in these wild and unusual days.

Analemma & the Tholos, Delphi, Greece. Photo: Anthony Ayiomamitis.

Mercury retrograde is a challenging event for many people. I do my best to counter those challenges with creativity and the intelligence made available by a careful reading of the charts. Whether you’re looking for work, sorting out your relationships or trying to turn a corner in your life, I trust you will find these readings helpful.

I’ve had an amazing time creating this report all week in the midst of much other activity — it seemed to create itself as the days went on, and I was a little wistful letting it go as I finished the 12th sign, Pisces. Now it’s on your hands — and I’m happy to offer it to you. If you’d like to hear the general introduction, you may listen to the audio above. (Please note one correction — when I say that the retrograde is 88 days, I mean the full orbit of Mercury around the Sun; the retrograde is usually 24 days.)

One thing about this particular Mercury retrograde is that it crosses the line between Leo and Virgo. We got the first such crossing in direct motion on Thursday. Then we get another in retrograde motion on Aug. 8, and a third in direct motion again on Sept. 9. Some astrologers describe the Leo/Virgo line as the sphinx point — where cat (Leo) meets human (Virgo). The crossing of house/sign cusps blends themes and helps us navigate unfamiliar territory. There are planets hanging out here — Transpluto on the Leo/Virgo line, and Neptune on the Pisces/Aquarius line. This adds some intrigue and depth to the circumstances surrounding this retrograde.

Leo/Virgo is the line where play meets work; where self-expression meets service; where passion meets the details of creative process. For each of the 12 signs I explore that relationship. You will find out what this means in your chart — whether you know your birth time (and hence your rising sign) or not. This report is brimming with personal guidance, strategy points and hints that will help you benefit from this retrograde, based on my experience covering (as in writing about) the past approximately 51 Mercury retrogrades.

If you’re vaguely interested in studying astrology, all 12 signs will be worth listening to because I go over all of the house cusps in one place. The house cusps are each a special zone of their own, each having unique qualities (like an extra 12 houses).

This is a one-purchase-gets-all-12-signs product, so you can read your Sun, Moon and rising sign — and those of your friends and loved ones. You may download or listen as many times as you like. There are some special offers included on the project’s homepage, in case you want to expand your self-inquiry. We’ve also included last year’s audio and the prior year’s written report (The Electric Tide), for the super-curious.

Here is how to get instant access. Or, listen to the free introduction.




Weekly Horoscope for Friday, August 5, 2011, #870 – BY ERIC FRANCIS

Revised and Updated! Click for Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions 

Aries (March 20-April 19) — In case you’re feeling like you really have to do something about someone or something, and do it fast and all at once, I suggest you take a breath. Instead of taking impetuous action, make a list of your possibilities and give yourself one month to consider them. That consideration would be emotional (what does your body tell you, what are your instincts saying?) and it would be mental (what would the logic be, what outcomes can you predict, does this make sense?) Actions you take now are unlikely to turn out as you’ve planned. I’m not saying they will turn out badly, but there is such a wild unpredictability factor, combined with plenty of skewed signals, that a delay would be more likely to stack the odds in your favor than anything else. Meanwhile, plenty is about to happen that will give you so much information that when the time really comes, the right choice will be obvious.

Aries, your birth sign or rising sign, is getting some of the most potent transits of them all right now. I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and a tarot card reading for you. Learn more by visiting this page.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — With knowledge comes responsibility — that’s why so many people walk around acting like they know nothing. With values comes the desire to make conscious choices, which is why so many people deny that anything in particular is important to them. You seem to be aware of something that’s evoking a deep sense of commitment to yourself; that in turn may be the source of some conflict. You want this particular condition to be resolved; you don’t want any new information delaying that. I suggest you cut this whole discussion short and commit yourself to knowing the truth, and by that I mean the truth about yourself. Set aside what you may perceive as inaccessible because it exists outside of you. Self-knowledge is available; indeed, it’s inevitable. As you gather that knowledge, it will become increasingly compelling.

I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and done a tarot reading especially for you. It’s information that will help with your relationships, your professional life and your personal growth. Visit this page to find out more.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Your ruling planet Mercury is positioned in such a way that you have an unusual perspective on your early family life. This includes a kind of periscope into the lives of your paternal side of the family, that is to say, your father and his fathers. You have an opportunity to demystify some qualities of your family life with basic truth and logic. If you do this, you’re likely to discover certain things you were told that were not true, and be able to work your way toward the corresponding actual reality. Looking into this particular genetic line is like cleaning your roots. It’s necessary to be aware of the past and what it does to us; we draw on its energy all the time. Yet too often the past is not what we think it is, and the people have played different roles than we assigned to them based on family mythology. What you discover will help set you free.

Gemini is one of the most misunderstood signs — and as someone born under this sign, part of your role is to hold a mirror to the world. I’ve recorded an hour of audio for you, plus a 20 minute tarot reading. You can get access to these by visiting this page.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Tune into the urge you’re feeling to break free of everything that has ever held you back. This may come with a wide diversity of emotions, from passion to rage to grief. I suggest you not fully indulge yourself in these feelings, but rather feel their existence and approach them from the edge. Imagine you’ve arrived at a body of water and you don’t know what’s on the bottom. You don’t know what lives in there. It would be more prudent to approach from the shore rather than to walk out on a pier and dive in headfirst. By the same token, it’s important that you don’t make up your mind about who your enemies are. There are numerous distortions, both mental and emotional, acting in your solar chart right now. These might confuse certain facts, exaggerate your feelings, or goad you into action. The moment is right for careful fact-finding, which in the end will work out to be a personal inquiry.

Hello Cancerians! Your birthday report is ready. It’s more than an hour of astrology plus a 20 minute tarot reading. Please visit this page for more details.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — One of the great quests of the physical plane is what to do about fear. There is certainly plenty to worry about, and anxiety has a way of running loose in the psyche, attaching itself to anyone or anything that it pleases. Good thing it’s extremely rare that any of our paranoid fantasies come true. That said, on the other side of every fear is an idea. Fear is misdirected creative energy; therefore it’s the opportunity to channel that same energy into a positive direction. This requires some vigilance and mental discipline. It’s helpful to recognize all mental or emotional energy as inherently creative. Then you decide that you’re the one electing what to do with that energy; and as you do this you’re likely to encounter the idea that lives wrapped inside any negative thought. There’s a word for this process — and that would be healing.

Hello Leo! I’m now working on the birthday report for your sign. Watch this space for additional information.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Self-awareness is the pearl of great price — and it’s yours for the having. Well, it is if you’re willing to work for it. You seem to be making some big decisions about yourself, though I would suggest asking what the basis of those decisions is. Be careful about any observations you make that include another person. Part of the mirage is that this is about you and someone else, or you and your desire to be with someone else. Indeed, a central theme of this moment of your life is learning that ‘special relationships’ cannot be the focus of your existence. The time has arrived to orient on yourself. I don’t mean to be selfish or cut others off — I mean understanding that you exist, and that your autonomous existence is the only place from which you can relate to others on equitable terms. And to get to this point, you may have to sort through a lot of illusions; or maybe it’s just one.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Virgo, please go to this link.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Don’t believe everything you hear, but I suggest you take under advisement something you do hear that sounds incredulous. The more inclined you are to reject something as unbelievable, the more carefully I suggest you analyze it. Pay attention to the implications of whether you believe or don’t believe something. They actually exist; you’re essentially in a situation where what you believe will have consequences. You don’t have to act on that belief right now, but I suggest strongly that you consider the scenario as if that something were true, and keep your mind open to the various possibilities. The dangerous thing is to be dismissive, especially if someone makes a remark involving what might happen in the future. Listen, pay attention, and sit with it for a while.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Libra, please go to this link.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You will need to keep a handle on your emotions the next few weeks. Mars, your traditional ruling planet, has entered water sign Cancer, which for you is about your most passionately held beliefs. It may happen that these beliefs come under question, or that you encounter people with whom you clash. I’m not suggesting that you stuff your feelings or not be clear about what you stand for, but it’s essential to your happiness and wellbeing that you observe yourself continuously while doing so. Do your best to identify with your adversary and to learn something from their point of view. That would be an example of ‘keeping a handle’. The opposite of that would be acting in any kind of rage; trying to convert someone to your beliefs; or going on a crusade. Be especially careful with those in positions of government or corporate authority. Walking away and saying nothing are better than the 100 other options you might have.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Scorpio, please go to this link.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You have nearly everything going for you right now. Therefore, don’t exaggerate your problems. Don’t exaggerate your potential. Do what you do, do it well, and proceed one step at a time. You don’t have to come out ahead every day; it’s the overall average that counts. Most people learn only from their mistakes, if they learn anything at all; I suggest you learn a few things from what you’ve done successfully, and be grateful that your errors have only done limited harm. You may think you owe the world something for your misdeeds and mistakes of the past; that’s one notion I strongly suggest you drop, and drop quickly. Focus on the effects of what you are doing now, including and particularly their influence on you. You seem driven to succeed these days, but it’s only success if you feel good doing it.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Sagittarius, please go to this link.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You are in no mood to be challenged, but how would you feel about being desired? Just be sure to sort out the difference between the two. You may not think you’re capable of telling one form of passion from the other (not everyone is). As for how to make the distinction — well, I’m a big fan of curiosity. I suggest following that. If you feel curious, then you’re not being repelled. Even if you feel a mix of repelled and curious (the intriguing but slightly creepy factor), you can afford to trust that curiosity, and make use of what you learn as a result. In other words, if you’re sniffing around a possibility and something happens, or you discover something, that’s useful information. There is little risk in finding out, considerable risk in acting out of ignorance, and actual danger in not using what you know.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Capricorn, please go to this link.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Neptune has just re-entered your birth sign. It was there since December 1998, then it finally went into Pisces earlier this year, and now it’s back for one last gesture of completion. This completion phase lasts until February 2012. That’s not very long. During that time, I suggest you do an assessment of all the times you’ve believed something that was not true; every time you’ve been deceived; every time you fooled yourself. I mean the important moments, by the way, involving the significant changes you’ve been through. I also suggest you review how, during this past decade-plus, you’ve gradually softened the sharp edges of your preconceptions to something smoother and more pleasant to the touch. Remember how much effort it took to balance thought and feeling — which, by the way, is a wholesome path to honesty with yourself.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aquarius, please go to this link.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — One of the prime questions of the week is, in what ways do the people you encounter mirror you? We talk a lot about mirroring when relationships are discussed in any meaningful context, though we don’t usually remember that reflections present what is known as a mirror image. It’s similar in appearance, but everything is reversed. You are facing into a reflection, and it’s either showing you something specific, or you’re looking for something specific. It may be an example of what not to be; it may be an example of what you’re not. You may see an example of who you want to become, or more likely, certain traits you want to adapt. The key is to look into this reflection, and actually notice what you see. The image will change even under your gaze. You will notice things from the past, and you may glimpse at the future. Yet what exists right now is the most interesting of all.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Pisces, please go to this link.