Tag Archives: tropical zodiac

You Are Who You Are

Dear Friend and Reader:

Last week’s ‘Your Sign Is Wrong’ hoax that spread like feathers at a pillow fight was a rare trip through the news for the craft of astrology. Every now and then our old profession gathers a little attention, usually due to a misunderstanding or a prediction someone has made. Once it happened because a president’s wife was discovered to have been using an astrologer. This time, once again, it was because an astronomer announced that the dates for the Sun signs were wrong. The whole show added up to an interesting social experiment.

Planet Waves
Can’t you tell? I’m still a Pisces! From the Astrological Bodies series.

I got several requests for comment from newspapers, and was quoted by the Associated Press and the Minneapolis Star-Tribune (which did the story that went viral, rewriting a barely noticed earlier story). Yet other places ran TV segments on the issue without even consulting an astrologer. Since this is a story that is all about astrology, you don’t have to be a media critic to realize that’s a little weird. Often astrologers seem doomed to the fate of prostitutes — to be regarded as invisible. But we forget that the likes of Ben Franklin, Sir Isaac Newton and Johannes Kepler were astrologers.

“You don’t go to a plumber to ask how to remove a spleen. The fact that they’ve gone to astronomers and taken their word as gospel is quite biased,” said Diana Brownstone, a New York City-based astrologer. She said CBS News contacted her, then said they pulled the story because they couldn’t find an astronomer to be on the program. Then they ran it anyway, with neither an astrologer nor an astronomer commenting — just their usual pundits. This kind of free-form coverage resulted in a diversity of delightfully know-nothing statements such as, “The shift isn’t new, [astronomer Parke] Kunkle says — the zodiac world just hasn’t taken the wobble into account.” The zodiac world? How would they know? How many astrologers did they talk to?

More accurate pieces got traction in the alternative media and in the blogs, which pretty much called the issue what it was — misinformation at best. But with an extra 80,000 people finding my “The World is Flat” article as a result of the fuss, I was having a lot of fun.

An Identity Crisis?

Most interesting was the panic that ensued with the release of this news. Plenty of people actually took seriously the notion that they might be someone else because of a vast cosmic error. The news created a kind of astrological identity crisis that had far more reach than the efforts of astrology to clarify the issue.

Planet Waves
And she is still a Leo.

One frantic reader of Yahoo news wrote, “What I don’t understand, and is kinda freaking me out is that everyone sign seem to have changed, but mines is still the same. Whats up with that?? Should I be worried???”

In addition to sparking chaos in the lives of those who have heard of astrology but not astrologers, another result was to immerse our mysterious craft into even deeper murky depths of mystery than usual. But it also brought attention to astrology, it revealed how much people really do identify with the stuff, and it raises an interesting technical issue that has some cool possibilities for creative play.

The bottom line on this is that astrology is a symbolic system borrowing from many traditions. There are lots of these systems, and there are many forms of astrology. The issue is not whether one method or technique is right or wrong, no more than Korean food is inherently better than Japanese food. It’s all about the chef, the ingredients and the company at dinner. Divination systems don’t tell you who you are; they provide a way to help you discover some possibilities. As for astrology, there are many factors other than the Sun sign. I’ve never heard of anyone panicking because they found out they had a Moon sign.

However, finding out about the Year of the Mouse has some people on edge.

Let’s take this edition and sort out a few of the issues involved. I covered some of them briefly last week. There were two relatively minor errors in my original story that I will clarify.

Here is something to keep in mind: you’ve already heard about one of the central issues involved, long before last week. You’ve sung at least a few lines from one particular song that was inspired by a phenomenon being described.

The curve thrown to astrologers and their readers last week was double, and by the way, it was a gag approximately as original as a Whoopee Cushion. First, there was the assertion that due to changes in the Earth-Sun alignment, all the signs are out of whack. The other was astronomers adding (once again) a supposed ’13th sign’ to the zodiac — Ophiuchus. They are at once different and related. Like all good lies, both have a basis in truth. Notably, they have appeared separately, but to my knowledge, not together. So that was sort of original; the Whoopee Cushion meets the exploding cigarette.

Let’s take the issues one at a time.

There Are Two Zodiacs

Without going too deeply into the factually mucky ‘your sign is wrong’ rumor, it basically went like this. Because of changes in the Earth-Sun alignment over the past 2,000 years, all the signs we use are out of whack with the constellations. The ancient Babylonians allegedly ‘intended’ for the meaning of your sign to come from the actual constellation of stars associated with the name of the sign, with which it once aligned; but now due to the Earth wobbling on its axis, the whole system has drifted. Therefore (presumably) your sign is wrong.

Planet Waves
The tropical zodiac is in the inner wheel, the sidereal zodiac is in the outer wheel. The inner wheel includes the tropical signs, the seasons, and the calendar. It spins inside the sidereal zodiac because the Earth wobbles like a top.

Let’s forget that back in Babylon there were no newspaper horoscopes, and psychological astrology (what we do today) was waiting for the 20th century to come along. People were probably not chirping ‘what’s your sign?’ at ancient Babylonian cocktail parties.

Anyway, here is the basis in truth. There are two zodiacs. Every reasonably serious astrology student and many casual readers know this. One is called the Western or tropical zodiac (the one commonly used in the United States, the UK, Europe, Australia and elsewhere). The other is called the Vedic or sidereal zodiac (the one used in India). They are part of surprisingly similar systems with many common symbols and are grounded in the same basic concepts, such as the number 12. Both have four elements (earth, air, fire, water) and three triplicities, or types of sign (cardinal, fixed, mutable).

However, the starting point of the sidereal horoscope is measured based on the constellations, and the tropical zodiac is measured based on the seasons. Sidereal means stellar and tropical means based on the tropics, which is how we measure the four seasons.

The ancient Babylonians knew about — and likely developed — both systems; we don’t know which is older, except we do have a clue. Back in Babylon (modern day Iraq, also called ancient Chaldean civilization), agriculture, which depends on the seasons, was an important consideration. It was so important that the Chaldeans are credited with inventing writing so they could record farming methods for later generations. The tropical zodiac was used as a device to measure the seasons — as it is today.

The tropical zodiac begins with something called the Aries Point. You’ve heard this term a lot here; it’s sensitive, because it’s the place where the two zodiacs are reckoned. The Aries Point (also called the Sidereal Vernal Point or SVP) means ‘the apparent position of the Sun on the first day of spring’. Its position is the first degree of the tropical wheel. We measure everything in the tropical zodiac from there. For example, yesterday was the first day of the Sun in Aquarius; the Sun had moved 300 degrees from the Aries Point, or 10 signs of 30 degrees each, with about 60 days till the first day of Northern Hemisphere spring. It is an orderly system based on real events. What the Chaldeans apparently didn’t know was that the seasons and indeed our whole calendar drifts within the backdrop of the stars. That knowledge doesn’t come till hundreds of years later.

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They had a clue, and they even wrote it down for their kids. Ancient Babylonian tablet with a list of eclipses between 518 and 465, mentioning the death of king Xerxes (Photo provided by the British Museum).

At the time the Babylonian astrologer/astronomer folks were setting up the system, the two zodiacs were more or less aligned. The astrological sign Aries aligned with the constellation Aries. Then, because of a celestial cycle called precession, they gradually shifted out of alignment. Today, in fact, the two zodiacs are 23 degrees out of alignment. If you’re born during the first 23 days of Capricorn, for example, and you go to India and get a reading they will tell you that your Sun is in Sagittarius.

Note that there is a distinction between a sign and a constellation. Here is how Rob Hand, astrology’s Papa Smurf, explains it: “A sign in astrology is now and always has been exactly 1/12th of the circle, or 30 degrees of 360 degrees. A constellation consists of a visual figure, such as a ram, bull, crab, archer, etc., superimposed upon the stars by the human imaginations of many different cultures.” This is easy, right?

One issue with the constellations is that they vary greatly in size. For example, the constellation Scorpio takes up six degrees of the sky. The constellation Virgo takes up 43 degrees of the sky. None of them are 30 degrees. This created a problem for those trying to measure both time and attributes of nature; they needed some consistency.

Hence, the concept of a sign was developed and incorporated into the evenly-divided wheel of the tropical zodiac. The early Vedic astrologers had to address the same problem of these inconsistently sized constellations. They too divided the sky into 12 even 30-degree slices, but imposed those on the constellations. So, while the actual constellations vary in size, the sidereal zodiac is created by dividing the wheel into 12, just like the tropical zodiac. They just have different starting points.

A Wheel Inside a Wheel

Because the axis of the Earth wobbles, very slowly, the seasons and indeed our whole calendar drifts within the backdrop of the stars. That is to say, every 72 years, the Aries Point moves backwards against the backdrop of the stars by one degree.

Planet Waves
Here is another view. This diagram is obviously not drawn to scale, though it illustrates nicely the way that the ecliptic (red circle) is projected onto the backdrop of the stars. The constellations are in green, behind it. The ecliptic is divided into 12, creating the tropical zodiac. The yellow line is the position of the Sun on the first day of Northern Hemisphere spring, as seen from the Earth. Its location is the Aries Point, or Sidereal Vernal Point. Illustration: Woodstock Walk for Peace website.

This is called precession, or more accurately, precession of the equinoxes. The effect is that the tropical zodiac is moving like a carousel inside the amusement park of the sidereal zodiac. It takes about 26,000 years for the carousel to go around once. This is called the precessional cycle, and it’s related to the astrological ages — for example, the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. (It’s also related to the 2012 phenomenon — that, another week.) Note, last week I made an error and said that the first day of spring comes one day earlier every 72 years, and that in 12,000 years Christmas would fall in the middle of summer. You can forget I ever said that. In actual fact, the seasons and the calendar are part of the same system that precesses one degree every 72 years.

As for the Age of Aquarius. What is this about? On the first day of spring (when the Sun reaches 1 Aries of the tropical zodiac, or the Aries Point) the Sun is also aligned with the constellation (and the sidereal sign) Pisces. It’s been that way for nearly 2,000 years — this has been the Age of Pisces. Because of precessional movement, the Aries Point is gradually — very gradually — moving retrograde from early (sidereal) Pisces toward (sidereal) Aquarius. It’s not going to get there for a while; if we use precession of the Aries Point against the sidereal zodiac as a way to measure the Age of Aquarius, there are about 600 more years of the Age of Pisces. If we use precession as the only factor, we’re clearly jumping the gun. Yet the Age of Aquarius effect may well be a real thing, however, indicated by many other factors.

So, in a sense the astronomers are right: there is a second zodiac and its existence is common knowledge. But the tropical zodiac, rather than being wrong, is time honored, and it was invented by the Babylonians. It’s a well-designed measurement system, and it works beautifully as a framework within which to tell the story of the world because it follows one of our most poignant experiences on Earth, the turning of the seasons.

But are astronomers really saying that astrology has more validity if we use the sidereal zodiac, or the constellations? Astronomers who take this view are either saying that 1) in their left-handed way, astrology has validity and/or 2) they really think that there is an archer in Sagittarius and a bull in Taurus –that’s why (they are, apparently, claiming) the constellations work better than the signs.

Working with the Two Zodiacs

Making astrology real and useful is all about interpretation. If we start with the fact that there are two zodiacs, tropical and sidereal, then we have something else we can interpret. Much of tropical Aries, for example, overlays sidereal Pisces. That’s a little like saying that if you scratch off the surface of an Aries, you will find something Piscean.

Planet Waves
Chiron is not cast into India’s solar return chart. This is a typical Vedic horoscope, cast using the sidereal zodiac. There is a different zodiac, but there is also an entirely different approach to astrology.

Others take the view that one’s horoscope cast in the tropical system is more about the personality, and the sidereal horoscope gives a picture of a deeper level, such as the soul. Most astrology students will sooner or later cast their sidereal chart to see what is there, and it’s always interesting. The aspects and houses are familiar; most of the signs will be bumped back one.

Many people who follow astrology will eventually get a reading from a Vedic astrologer, which as mentioned uses the sidereal horoscope and ignores the tropical horoscope. The two viewpoints can offer different perspectives. Vedic astrology has completely different spiritual principles, like the firm belief in fate. It’s not a psychology exercise, like modern Western astrology is. For its part, modern Western astrology emphasizes things like choice, growth and getting to know oneself. A Vedic astrologer is a better person to ask when you will get married, how many children you’ll have and when to start a business. Predicting the time of death is not taboo like it is in modern Western astrology. Note also that Vedic astrology ignores all newly discovered planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron, etc.), meaning that the slowest planet it uses is Saturn. However, it applies many other cycles and concepts.

One of my first astrology clients, artist Billy Name, is fond of saying that his tropical chart was like a bright tattoo that he got when he was much younger. Later in life, he says his sidereal chart reflects more of who he’s become. He’s saying he’s outgrown his tropical chart and grown into his sidereal chart. I think this is a healthy outlook and reflects his creativity and open-minded approach to astrology, which he loves to play with. Other approaches to the theme of growth are working with transits and the progressed horoscope.

If you study astrology, you see all kinds of layering effects going on, and the tropical/sidereal theme is just one of them. Even in a basic chart, the houses and the signs overlay one another; and if you follow an older system called whole sign houses (a topic for another article) you can get a third layer. Add the sidereal signs and you get a fourth layer. A good astrologer can juggle all of this at once.

Another way to look at the tropical/sidereal issue involves how the signs influence one another. Let’s use Aries as an example, 23 degrees of which cover sidereal Pisces. The implication here is that if you’re born during the first 23 days of Aries, your Sun will be in the sidereal sign Pisces. But you don’t need to look at a sidereal chart to see this effect working.

When I delineate the properties of Aries for horoscopes and reports, I consider the influence of the 12th solar house of Aries — which is Pisces, to my mind representing a veiled aspect of Aries. I also look at Taurus, the 2nd solar house of Aries, to get a sense of the values system. In other words, I don’t just draw attributes of Aries from Aries alone; I look at the neighboring signs, since these concepts are not operating in a vacuum. I have methods of doing this for all the signs.

So whether you consider tropical Aries as overlaying a bunch of sidereal Pisces, or tropical Aries as having tropical Pisces as its 12th solar house, you have the same basic effect. Still, these things are the maps, not the adventure. They are symbols and signposts and clues and hints and ideas, and a place to let your imagination run wild.

The Thirteenth Sign?

Part two of the hoax was the addition of a “13th sign” to the mix. Apparently not understanding that the tropical zodiac is separate from the constellations, or admitting that it exists at all, astronomers informed us that there is a 13th constellation, Ophiuchus — and that therefore this means there must be a 13th sign. That does not follow logically. Even if you really dig Ophiuchus (prohounced oh-fee-you-cus), a word that means snake-handler (much like Aquarius means the Culligan man), that doesn’t make it a sign.

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The constellation Ophiuchus is known in Latin as Serpentarius, which means a guy with a snake. It never quite caught on like Aquarius, the woman with a nice jug of water. The foot of the constellation touches the ecliptic. It’s near Scorpius, whose head touches the ecliptic. Image: Hevelius, ‘Firmamentum’, 1690.

Tropical or Western astrology honors all kinds of stars in the sky that are not officially part of signs. And interestingly, these fixed stars often have meanings totally different than the constellations they are part of.

As for Ophiuchus, “Owen Rachleff proposed this in 1973 in his book Sky Diamonds,” says Rob Hand, who remembers the incident. “It was not accepted by astrologers at that time and the notion faded away. Now it’s back, and younger astrologers will have to decide its fate.” Nor was Ophiuchus accepted by the ancient Babylonians, or the Vedics.

It keeps coming back. According to Jonathan Cainer, it was floated again in the late 1990s by a sci-fi author named John Sladek — a satire writer who died in 2000. Sladek liked to prank astrology, and he has a whole novel about a fictitious 13th sign based on Ophiuchus he called Arachne that was, in his novel, ‘suppressed by the scientific community’. With a wee bit of help from the Royal Astronomical Society, that bit of disinformation made newspapers worldwide.

However, when it surfaced once again last week, Ophiuchus panicked astrology fans, giving them another reason to think that the dates of the signs really had to be rearranged.

By now you get the idea — the constellations don’t determine the tropical signs. They’re related; some of them have the same names as the signs; but the zodiac we use is based on the seasons.

Now, it’s true that Ophiuchus touches the ecliptic — barely. But it has never been considered a constellation worthy of consideration under any traditional system. That doesn’t mean we can’t try it out. Of course we can experiment (as astrology has done for millennia with other fixed stars, and as we do today with things like the Galactic Center) — but it’s a good idea to remember the difference between a sign and a constellation is not splitting hairs; they are two kinds of critter entirely.

The tropical, sidereal and even Chinese systems are based on a cycle of 12, a concept which Hand says was “running around everywhere” in the ancient world. It was natural — as a creation of the human mind, which loves symmetry — that the zodiac would be simplified into a system of 12 equal parts. Twelve is not a prime number; it can be divided many ways with ease, and is the basis for the creation of aspects. For example, a square is a distance of three signs; a trine is a distance of four signs; an opposition is a distance of six signs.

Remember Your Philosophy — and Remember Nature

“The zodiac evolved when the evolution of human consciousness reached a point where there was a sense of mathematics and geometry that offered an abstract view of the universe,” said David Arner, a New York-based astrologer and one of my teachers.

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Plato, speaking his mind.

“This eventually led to the whole philosophy of the Western world, which dealt with the differences between the appearances of things and the reality, and this is what Plato was grappling with. Everyone in the intellectual world had to cope with this. Coming on the 19th and 20th centuries, we kind of forgot that the cosmos seems to have these two realities. One of them is what you can see and the other is what you can conceive of.” The sidereal constellations are in the first category; the tropical signs are in the second.

“What the eye can see are a number of constellations of different sizes. What we idealize mathematically is a horoscope of 12 equal signs,” he said.

“The idea of saying that there are supposed to be 13 signs is ludicrous. That is not a number that we live in. We live in a world in our minds, and we know that there’s a symmetry that is real. So 12 is a number that reflects the symmetry and all of its parts, and 13 just doesn’t do that. It does other things, but it doesn’t do that.”

One of the things it doesn’t do is change who you are. If you identify with a snake handler, then you have something to explore — and of course, there is more to every symbol than meets the eye. Surely, being able to tame a dangerous viper is a skill that would come in handy in our current social and political environment. And, obviously, the snake represents the vital force, kundalini, and is a frequent image of sexuality. The ‘snake master’ is someone who can handle this energy. It’s an interesting image to have right next to Scorpio, the sign that represents self-mastery through the awareness of sexuality, death and transformation. These are themes for all seasons.

Yet if you’re doing Western astrology, the thing to remember is that our concept is based on cycles related to the seasons. These are are actual events both in concept and in physical reality. Rob Hand gives a beautiful image of how this looks.

“As the Earth moves about the Sun the seasons change,” Hand wrote in a recent article. “If you could speed up this motion and look at the Earth from space, you would see on the continents a movement of green (from vegetation) moving up and down. At the beginning of the Northern Hemisphere’s spring (beginning of Sun in Aries) you would see it moving up to the north of the equator, reaching its greatest development in the north at the beginning of the northern hemisphere’s summer (Sun in Cancer). Then it would begin to move south until at the beginning of the northern autumn, the southern hemisphere’s spring (Sun in Libra) it reached the most southerly part at the beginning of the southern summer (Sun in Capricorn). After that the belt of green begins to move north again. This is the “pulse of life” that the late Dane Rudhyar referred to in his book of the same name. We believe that the origin of the qualities that astrologers associate with the signs comes from this movement of life’s energy on Earth. In the last analysis, the zodiac may not be so much due to the astronomy by itself as it is to the Earth’s biosphere. The signs are simply a measure of where we are in the year and the flow of life on Earth as it relates to the heavens.”

Yours & truly,

Eric Francis

PS: Next week we will be running monthly horoscopes for February, which will be shorter editions.

PPS: Yesterday was the 50th anniversary of the inauguration of John F. Kennedy. I’ve covered his birth chart and his inaugural chart on the Planet Waves blog.


Planet Waves

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, January 21, 2011, #847 – BY ERIC FRANCIS

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Imagine you’re a boat — a gorgeous, well-made vessel, sitting on the floor of a dry sea. There are places you’ve been, and places you want to go. But you’re stuck. Now, imagine that there is water rising, like a miracle. It’s a calm, gentle flood, soaking the dry land and turning it back into the ocean that it once was. You float up on the water effortlessly. You’re finally free. It’s an amazing feeling, your sensation of mobility and buoyancy. It’s a little like weightlessness, but there’s the solid feeling of being upright and in equilibrium. You could go anywhere, and you directly feel that potential. The sensation of any possibility being open, of any destination being available, feels so good, you don’t have to think about the future, or about the past. You don’t need a strategy. The moment calls for faith in your quest, whatever that turns out to be.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aries, please go to this link.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — This week you just might burst a bubble of old karma passed along by your family. There are many ways these things get passed down, depending on the school of thought or tradition you tap into for a model. Karma is real, though in our culture what often passes for the stuff are really multigenerational emotional patterns passed down over the years — in a few words, household products that can mark us for life. These include values, the well-documented influences of alcoholism and lesser-documented influences of religion, but it all amounts to the same thing: we are burdened with material from the past, and if we want to be functioning adults, we must let it go and create a new perspective. This will change how you see the world, which in turn will change your experience of the world. And thankfully the resolution can happen a lot faster than the situation itself developed.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Taurus, please go to this link.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — The more you expand your vision, the more nervous you’re likely to become — and that’s precisely how you’ll know you’re really doing it. When you step into new territory, you might feel excitement, and you might also feel the fear of punishment or a backlash (that would be guilt) or a shaky sense of embarking on the unknown (that would be dropping an ego shell and feeling vulnerable). What I suggest you look for is the sense that you’re guided to where you’re going. That guidance might hand you a simple strategy; the strategy will have elements of traditional thought that allow you to develop what is in truth a fairly radical or innovative idea. In my view the two go together. Effective revolutionaries are almost always traditionalists. Remember that there’s something truly organic about what you’re creating.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Gemini, please go to this link.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Authentic exchange requires trust, and — if you follow it — that leads to daring. However, it’s important for you to get these two in order, that is, trusting first and daring later. Trust does not mean certainty. It’s a quiet confidence that feels halfway between the absence of doubt and an odd kind of assurance. When you trust, you just know — and that is despite any apparent circumstances. The thing to remember is that trust requires vulnerability; on one dimension, they are one and the same. Part of that vulnerability is openness to the feelings and experiences of the people you know. In your particular situation at the moment, there’s something about recognizing what so many people have in common with you. The struggles, desires, need for healing. Once you establish this common ground with people, or even notice it, something unusual is poised to happen, which is about community and sharing mutual purpose — a very satisfying thing for you.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Cancer, please go to this link.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — This time of year always puts special emphasis on your relationships. And there is a lot to focus on now. You also have plenty to celebrate, because you’re finally getting a handle on what you want, what you need, and what concepts (I was going to say structure, or boundaries, but let’s include them under concepts) work the best for you. The beauty of the moment is that this is not in a defensive way; you’ve suddenly developed the capacity to handle passion without getting nervous, and to understand commitment as a thing that flows and changes with circumstances. You know that what you put out, you get back, not in theory but in practice. You can, over the next few weeks, look right at anyone and any feeling they might express and call it precisely what it is. Again, this is not defensive — it is factual, as evidenced by your lack of emotional attachment to what you observe. The feeling is more like, ah! That’s what that is! And this is how I want to respond.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Leo, please go to this link.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You may feel like you can tackle anything at the moment, but I strongly suggest you pace yourself. On the bright side, you have a lot of energy, idealism and some fantastic ideas for what to do, and what to do better. On the other hand, I can see that your energy bodies are processing some healing project. Part of the process is like when you get a piece of glass embedded in your skin and over the course of a few years it gradually comes to the surface. Once it does, it’s an incredibly satisfying feeling of breakthrough that can mark your whole consciousness even though the shard may only be a couple of millimeters long. And if it makes a little injury on the way out, you know that it’s the end of a process that was a long time coming. Meanwhile, over the next few weeks, beware of your ups and downs, sense your energy level as it’s becoming the next state, and respond in advance. If you feel a little tired, stop and take a nap. If you feel a little overwhelmed, take a break. If you feel like you can work for eight hours straight, work for six.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Virgo, please go to this link.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — I have proposed before, as have many others, that the best sex organ is the mind. The senses go there, the nerve endings start up there, the pineal gland is there, and all kinds of fun, interesting, innovative and kinky ideas percolate around. I have also proposed, as have others, that sexuality is the seat of creativity. Sex creates existence. At the moment, about 26 different aspects of this set of facts are coming to the surface. The Sun has entered the already-electrified angle of your chart where all of these experiences usually play out. And play is the word. There are deep emotions involved; you have your history to integrate and develop your ongoing relationship with; you have the adventures you seek, and you have your fears about letting yourself be free enough to go there. Keep your sense of play handy. I suggest you start in your mind, and do your best to make friends with everything that comes to the surface. In our age of paranoia, judgment and manic obsession with control, this is a radical act.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Libra, please go to this link.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Though you’re an emotionally driven person, it’s often challenging for you to ground in your feelings. This involves the placement of Aquarius in your solar chart. In short, what this creates is a kind of mental refuge from the intensity of your emotions, and this, in turn, has a way of preventing you from feeling what you might actually be feeling — as a direct rather than conceptual experience. Now, you’re being challenged to do just that. Mars in Aquarius is compelling you to address your deepest insecurities. Don’t shy away from this. In fact, I suggest you embrace the energy as it peaks, because as you face one particular shadow, you will let it out of your psyche and it will never have quite the same power again. I also suggest you notice your resistance; that is, how inclined you are to fight yourself. Remember, that’s where the only struggle really is, and releasing that fight is the only way to make peace with yourself, and as a result, with the world.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Scorpio, please go to this link.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — For a long time I’ve been writing so much about your creative process, you might think I had access to some hidden file that revealed your imminent acceptance to a painting academy in Paris, or that you might be working one-to-one with George Lucas. Yes, I know something about you. I know how talented you are, I know how much energy you have, and more than that, I know how necessary it is for you to express your full identity through your creative process. You are the kind of person who does not ‘make art’. You become the art you are making, and it becomes you. Now the relationship has the potential to go to the depth of full involvement. You may feel a tangible sense of your own potential. You may have a new understanding of your depth of knowledge, and new material to work with. The piece you will need to bring yourself is the focus and discipline to bring your gifts to fruition. You’ve been working at this longer than you think, and you’re further along than you currently believe. So believe in yourself and act on it.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Sagittarius, please go to this link.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You’re safer than you think. I know that lately you feel exposed to the world, to the elements and to the wild winds of fortune. I know you feel a profound sense of responsibility, perhaps mingled with the drive to succeed that is one part ambition and three parts a matter of something you owe yourself for all your hard work. Still, you feel like there’s a television camera trained on you, and like your integrity is always on the line. That’s not exactly a safe feeling. Yet remember how safe you feel in your own home, in particular, how secure simply being yourself you feel when you’re behind your own doors. Now, imagine that you can take this sensation out into the world, wherever else you may go. Consider how wonderful it would feel to experience the world as a safe place everywhere, despite any potential for uncertainty? That sense of a fully portable safe haven is something you can bring anywhere.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Capricorn, please go to this link.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Notice every woman you meet, no matter how casual the encounter. Be alert to anything more formal than sharing an elevator for 45 seconds, and even that might prove to be noteworthy. Listen for her ideas, and pay attention to the hint that she’s connected to something beyond the obvious. Or, you could consider yourself this person: imagine what it feels like to be connected to your source in a way that lights up others when you shake their hand. Experiment with what it feels like to know your ideas are original and excellent, and to stand in the quiet confidence that brings. Respecting your own ideas and your perception of the world is one of the most basic elements of self-respect. If you hold that feeling, and acknowledge its counterpart in every person you meet, this feeling will grow like a crystal in your mind, your relationships and your circle of friends.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aquarius, please go to this link.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Of the many cycles in astrology is a 12-year run — what you might think of as a Jumbo Year. What a difference one of those Big Years makes. What were you doing back then, around 1999? Think about it for a moment, and if you would, consider this. In that moment 12 years ago, did you have any sense of what was about to happen? Could you have predicted where your life would go, the people you would meet, or the adventures you would embark on? You stand today in a similar moment, where a truly original life journey awaits you. This time, you can make your decisions a little more boldly, knowing from the previous cycle that you really are taken care of, that you can make good decisions and that your life works out in highly creative ways you could have hardly ever predicted. You have no need to predict, and you need no reasons to trust.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Pisces, please go to this link.


Eric Francis, the founder and editor of Planet Waves, is an astrologer and investigative journalist. He was working in his first job as a municipal newspaper reporter when he discovered that his editor also owned an astrology bookstore. This began a long relationship between astrology and journalism, which has taken Eric through the pages of many newspapers as a horoscope writer, including the Daily Mail and the Daily Mirror plus numerous other venues. Today, Eric covers global turning point events through the lens of astrology. He is a specialist in newly-discovered planets.

Beneath the Guns and Politics, Gender Rage

Dear Friend and Reader:

In the wake of the shootings in Tucson nearly one week ago, the focus of the discussion is on the political causes and implications of the incident. There are many, though what’s also clear is that there are issues below the issue, such as the deep frustration, rage and mistrust that would lead to a nationwide spike in sales of Glock 9mm pistols this week — the same kind used by suspect Jared Lee Loughner.

Planet Waves
Vigil outside the congressional offices of Gabrielle Giffords, who was severely injured in a mass shooting Saturday morning. Photo: Chris Carlson / The Associated Press.

I understand there are legitimate uses for guns. I have a friend who lives alone in a cabin in the hills of Oregon; I’m happy she has a loaded rifle on hand. Her usual weapon of choice is lighting firecrackers to frighten off bears who come around at night to steal the apples from her tree (I’ve never personally seen this, but I would love to). Every July 4, she stocks up for the rest of the year.

However, many people who are obsessed with guns feel frustrated and powerless. For them, possessing a gun provides a sense of power. This may have narratives attached to it, ranging from fantasies of vigilante justice to thinking you could defend yourself against an intruder if necessary. There is some psychology here. The fantasy of defending oneself against an intruder requires the notion of someone against whom to defend. Until it actually manifests (which it does not, usually), that is a projection of power and aggression onto an imaginary other, which in the fantasy puts one in the position of powerlessness (without the weapon), and thus justifies the weapon. Most of these people need therapy, not target practice.

Estimates of how many American households have weapons and participate in these delusions range from a third to one-half. Meanwhile, plenty of Americans really do have fantasies of defending themselves against the rogue United States government. That is amusing.

The gun thing typically seems designed to fulfill some gaping emotional inadequacy. I speak from some experience. All of my immediate male relatives had or have handguns. In addition to being possessed by a good bit of paranoia, all are or were some combination of emotionally, creatively or sexually frustrated, which manifests as feeling deeply powerless. The gun is compensatory. Meanwhile, many of these powerless-feeling people who have firearms are just itching to use them, with little thought of the consequences. My grandfather intentionally shot himself with one of his.

Planet Waves
Those killed in Saturday’s massacre in Tucson, from top left: Christina Taylor Green, Dorothy Morris, Judge John Roll, Gabe Zimmerman, Dorwin Stoddard and Phyllis Schneck (Photos provided by families, distributed by AP).

As the conversation around the Tucson shootings develops, there certainly seems to be a hopeless loop of projection, attack and fear. A lot of us see an opportunity for healing, and others see an opportunity to foster even more aggressive mania. At times the whole scene seems to be descending into a nightmare scenario. And there is plenty else going on in the world to raise concern — the worst flooding in Australia’s history in Brisbane, more mysterious wildlife deaths and the occasional news bulletin about the ice caps melting. Many people you would not suspect (including plenty in national politics) are believers in the End Times and/or the Apocalypse. They project their fear of individual death onto the collective; they imagine the death of the whole world.

However, there is something beneath the surface of this mess, indicated in the charts for Saturday’s shooting. What’s being proffered as a political conflict has another dimension. Let’s start with the event chart, which I will address briefly before getting into the two more illustrative charts — those of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, and her would-be assassin, Jared Lee Loughner.

Of necessity, since this is a chart interpretation, I’ll be using more astrological references than usual. I will include an astrology lesson. Try to follow along. There is a discussion area with this article in case you have questions.

Event: Arizona Shooting

Anything with a time and place can get a chart. This chart is for a single incident, but it’s also a collective event that has relevance for a whole country and in many ways, the world. The energy of this event has rippled out; the chart is relevant to the degree the event is relevant, and I would say a good bit more.

Planet Waves
Chart for shooting in Tucson, AZ on Jan. 8. Note that the Moon in Pisces is the planet closest to the ascendant, and the bright green glyph for Pholus is the most elevated, close to the government angle or 10th house. See detail below. Together, these provide a lot of space for paranoid fantasies about government, that might be fed by many other factors. Obviously, the government is doing bad things. The question is, what do we do about it? Time source is Pima Country Sheriff’s office.

Jared Loughner arrived at the “Congress on Your Corner” meeting and opened fire at 10:10 am on Saturday, Jan. 8. The time is obtained from a sheriff’s press conference I heard, and there is not a conflicting time given anywhere (most media say “just after 10 am”).

I want to point out two things right away, made noteworthy by the planetary placements and the degrees involved. First look on the left side of the wheel.

See that crescent shaped thing that looks like the Moon? That’s the Moon. The slightly heavier horizontal line right above the Moon is the ascendant (sometimes called rising sign; the line gives its exact location within the sign). The Moon is exactly rising. Indeed it is rising to one arc minute (1/60th of a degree!) — look at those numbers. Moon is 7 degrees 6 minutes; ascendant is 7 degrees 5 minutes. The ascendant moves very fast; this conjunction is truly remarkable. The ascendant represents the primary issue of the chart, and with the Moon in Pisces, it’s emotional and spiritual. There is also the potential for all the delusion and instability that can come with a powerfully-placed Pisces Moon. The Pisces Moon rising gives the chart the feeling of a world apart; a separate sphere of fantasy.

Second. Look at the dark almost-vertical line. That’s called the meridian. Follow that right to the top of the chart, or the midheaven. There’s a bright green thing up there, which is a little planet — that’s Pholus. This is a Chiron-like body that was the second-ever discovered centaur planet. In this chart, it’s the top item — right in the beginning of the 10th house (to the left of the bold line). This is the government angle, in a chart where one theme is the government. Pholus is about things that are released without the ability to put them back, such as a release of pressure. Its key phrase is “small cause, big effect.”

Planet Waves
Detail from midheaven of the chart for the shooting. The government angle is mobbed with planets. Pholus, mentioned elsewhere, is the bright green glyph at the top of the chart (called the midheaven). The bright pink planet is Vesta, which indicates a sacrifice. Mercury is the next one to the left, conjunct the Galactic Core and overwhelmed. Then there are three points in Capricorn — the North Node, Pluto and Pallas, which together are a dark omen for politics. Pholus in Sagittarius on the midheaven has a ‘drunk with power’ feeling. Pholus is in a conjunction with several points not shown here. They include Quaoar, which is about family patterns; Ixion, which says ‘anyone is capable of anything’; and the Great Attractor, an intergalactic point that blows up the scale of everything it touches.

We definitely had a release of pressure apparently directed toward the government in this incident, and there is no putting it back. Pholus has references to alcohol, and its placement up there is also about being drunk with power. Both Jared Loughner and the federal government, particularly Congress, can be described this way. Indeed, new members who arrive in Washington are quickly indoctrinated in a fraternity-like atmosphere of doing flaming shots of power, and this parallels the dysfunctions of alcoholism we see displayed all the time in the shenanigans of Congress.

Yet the problem indicated by the chart, with the Pisces Moon square this powerfully placed Pholus, is that as far as this event is concerned, the whole thing is dunked, steeped and fully soaked in delusion. Delusion is an inability to discern what is real from what is not. And it means that one problem can masquerade for another.

In a murder chart, one of the first things to look for is the motive. Because the 8th is the house of the cause of death, that’s where we look for the motive. The Moon is in the 1st house, so count eight houses, anticlockwise, to arrive at the 8th. The sign Libra and the planet Saturn are involved.

The 8th is about surrender, the power of ‘the other’ and it contains illustrations of and ideas about orgasm. Saturn represents a blockage. Saturn in Libra suggests the blockage comes as part of a relational issue, not merely a sexual one. This is a sexually frustrated chart. To me this represents the world-famous sexual frustrations of the American people, a country which terrorizes its children with abstinence indoctrination, telling them that if they have sex they will be like a chewed up and spit out piece of candy. In public school programs across the nation, sex is equated with immorality, disease and lack of desirability.

Dr. Wilhelm Reich, one of the most brilliant psychological and political theorists of the 20th century, suggested that mass sexual repression in a society is harvested by the political system. The bottled-up passion and frustration (generally, contained by implanted moral impulses) are converted into the feeling of mystical longing. (This is why so many desperately horny people spend so much time voraciously reading books about spirituality).

Libra is associated with Venus. Venus appears in Sagittarius — that’s a nice illustration of sexuality (Venus) converted into a mystical longing (Sagittarius). This is in the 9th house of spirituality (top of the chart, right side). But Sagittarius is also the 10th sign from the ascendant — so it counts again as the 10th house — the government. Sexual repression has become mystical longing, which has in turn converted again to an uncontainable burst of rage at the government (Pholus).

Truly, I think we need to come to terms with Dr. Reich’s idea that sexual repression is converted by the psyche into mystical longing, which is then acted out politically — usually, as he puts it, in the obsession with a charismatic leader. We tend to be proud of our sexual repression in the United States; we worship virgins and prosecute the king for having a tryst. We need to understand that our obsession with sexual purity has many consequences, both personal and political.

I recognize that Jared Loughner is mentally ill. Dr. Reich associated most psychosis with frustrated sexual energy running wild in the psyche. But if I may, here is an obvious question. Do you think he would have been more or less likely to have done this, had he been in a fulfilling sexual relationship? When you’re 22, you have a lot of sexual energy to vent. It has to go somewhere.

Natal Charts of Loughner and Giffords

To see the full natal charts of both individuals, check this link and they will open in a new window. For a glyph legend, please check this link.

One thing about this whole event is that it’s dominated by the centaur planets. This is a group of small bodies that started to appear with the discovery of Chiron in 1977. The second discovery was Pholus, in 1992 (mentioned above). The third was Nessus, discovered in 1993. The bold links take you to articles about them I wrote for Small World Stories, the 2008 annual edition. Centaurs represent an edgy kind of energy that feels vulnerable, is associated with deep emotions, experiences of wounding and healing, and psychic qualities with which most people are distinctly uncomfortable.

Planet Waves
Here is Loughner’s Sun-Moon configuration up close. His Moon (grey crescent) is conjunct Black Moon Lilith (dark blue crescent) and the South Node (orange horseshoe), giving him the feeling that women are oppressive and unfathomable. Nessus is bright blue, conjunct the Sun. This warns of potential sexual or psychological abuse, and dark feelings toward his father. Vesta is the bright pink planet. His Mercury is at 14+ Libra, the exact degree that was rising in the chart for the Sept. 11, 2001 incident. The two events are connected by a number of factors. To see the full natal charts of both individuals, check this link and they will open in a new window. For a glyph legend, please check this link.

Let’s look at Loughner’s first — starting with a sample of the chart, the part with his Sun and Moon. Notice that he has a lot of planets and points concentrated in Virgo. Note the yellow circle with the dot — that is the Sun. Loughner has a planet closely conjunct the Sun — the light blue glyph, which represents centaur Nessus.

Perhaps the edgiest of all the centaurs, Nessus is about the cycle of karma. Stories involving Nessus come full circle. It’s all about cause and effect, boomerang style. The karma might not be instant, but it’s dependable. With Nessus there are implications of potentially inappropriate sexual contact, and often it’s an indication of sexual abuse coupled with psychological abuse. Sun-Nessus can represent a deeply wounded expressive principle, a father with some serious issues, and a compromise placed on one’s male side. When there is a centaur present like this, we have the option to turn the injury into an experience of healing and authentic power, or to act it out in toxic ways over and over again our whole lives.

Let’s consider the rest of the grouping. See the three points with the numbers 13 and 14 next to them? That is a very close conjunction. Those are (from right to left) the Black Moon Lilith, the Moon and the South Node. These all involve lunar energy; they represent how he experiences his mother, his core or child personality, and how he relates to women in general. He has dark visions of who women are; he experiences them as oppressive, dark, mysterious in a way that seems incomprehensible. Because this is on the South Node, it involves his own past life history, and speaks about his treatment of or by women, or a recent past life as a woman that is influencing him now. He is dragging this around like a large trunk full of emotional baggage, and he projects it outward as a truly sinister vision. The closer he gets to a woman, the more he will distrust her. I am sure he’s never had a close female friend. It’s very possible he’s never had sex because his distrust of women runs so deep.

Meanwhile, he is running male biology through a deeply feminine sign — Virgo. This is difficult. The Virgo presence is emphasized by the fact that he was born the day of a solar eclipse in Virgo, conjunct Nessus. He often feels female, but profoundly distrusts anything feminine. The eclipse blows this into monstrous proportions. I promise you that no matter what his family’s press release says, they understand exactly why this happened.

Planet Waves
Sun conjunct Nessus in the chart of Gabrielle Giffords. Loughner has the same aspect in his chart. Both have them in mutable signs — their natal Sun-Nessus aspects are square one another. That creates a similar energy in both charts but a tense relationship between the people involved. To see the full natal charts of both individuals, check this link and they will open in a new window. For a glyph legend, please check this link.

Loughner has two other points worth considering, not shown in the small graphic. One is Chiron in early Cancer, indicating more injury to his feminine side, obviously unaddressed, and under constant transits lately from the cardinal cross T-square that you read about here nearly every week last year.

Last, he has Venus in Leo. He has another vision of his feminine side, and of women, that is proud, and sees itself as a queen (Venus conjunct Juno). So on the one hand he has this dark emotional-level experience of women and his own feminine side; then he aggrandizes them beyond any hope of recognition, and the Juno conjunction indicates that part of his aggrandizement is a sense that women are inherently controlling (this is a Juno factor; she and her Greek counterpart Hera were the supreme bitch of mythology).

Now here is a section of Gabrielle Giffords’ chart — the part with her Sun. It’s obviously simpler than Loughner’s, but notice what she has as well — a Sun-Nessus conjunction. Not only that, her Sun-Nessus conjunction is square Loughner’s to within a degree or two — both are in the mid-mutable signs, indicating a square. This is a relationship — any aspect is a relationship — and it’s a right angle; a tense one.

When I was a young astrology student, one of my teachers, David Arner, told me about a study done where astrologers were given anonymous pairs of charts for murderer and victim. They could not discern who was who with any consistency. With their common Sun-Nessus conjunctions, we have the first of several striking similarities between the charts of Giffords and Loughner.

Let’s look at one other. It is even more remarkable. It involves a nearly identical configuration in both charts that involves Mars, Chiron and Eris.

Planet Waves
Section of Loughner’s natal chart with his Mars-Chiron-Eris pattern. Notice the Mars-Eris conjunction on the lower part of the chart; this is square Chiron in Cancer, above. This configuration creates some gender-based insecurities. Mars is retrograde, which suggests he has a hard time bringing out his male nature. The presence of Eris describes a feeling of competition with women, and Chiron in Cancer further describes his struggle with his mother and with trusting women (see Moon in Virgo for more information). It also makes him deeply sensitive to his environment. To see the full natal charts of both individuals, check this link and they will open in a new window. For a glyph legend, please check this link.

By way of introduction, all three of these are involved with warfare. Mars, of course, is the god of war. He represents energy, desire, passion and aggression. Chiron was a mentor to the great warrior-heroes of ancient Greece — among them Heracles and Jason. Chiron taught battlefield medicine, archery and other skills of war. Eris, the sister of Mars, was more the type to operate through subterfuge.

As an astrological factor, Chiron is about raising awareness, the healing journey, injury that focuses healing and growth, ‘shamanic’ wounding, warrior emphasis and mentorship. Chiron typically has a crisis around its placement, which will either be associated with a gathering of strength and power when it’s processed consciously, or create a spiral down effect with a descent into futility when it is ignored.

Eris is about the postmodern identity crisis — the idea that we have no idea who we are, and need three business cards to describe what we do; the ability to shapeshift or take many forms; the provocation of chaos, initiated from the inside out (inner chaos that can spread to the environment); the castaway woman; a disowned feminine side in men, and an alienated feminine side in women. Remember that when Eris was named in 2006, she upset the known order of the solar system, unseated Pluto as a planet and helped create the class of ‘dwarf planets’.

In the charts of both Loughner and Giffords, these three points are in a similar aspect in the same place in both charts.

In Loughner’s chart, to the above and to the right, Mars is conjunct Eris. It’s a slightly wide conjunction — but it’s in full effect. This is in Aries, and it feels angry, aggressive and like he cannot focus his masculine energy. Mars in Aries can lack confidence, and make up for it by doing macho things to help create the aura or sensation of masculinity. Mars is retrograde, which tends to create pent up energy and inflame the insecurity associated with a tense Mars placement. The square of Mars to Chiron can have a sense of being blocked — unless someone works to consciously integrate the square, in which case it will become a building block of integrity. Clearly this is a setup prone to outbursts of aggression.

As I mentioned before, he has Chiron in Cancer — and it’s square Mars. Mars square Chiron has two basic levels. One is that it can block the action of Mars, creating deep frustration (which will seize the emotions, via Cancer); or (if you work with rather than against it) it can represent a mighty building block in the psyche, and a foundation for true integrity. With Eris present, there will have to be a lot of integration work done to weave the sense of a fractured psyche that Eris often represents.

Planet Waves
Mars-Chiron-Eris configuration in the chart of Gabrielle Giffords. The three are arranged in a similar pattern as in the chart of Loughner, however, the positions of Mars and Chirion are reversed. Giffords has her Mars conjunct Loughner’s Chiron, and vice versa. Chiron triggers Mars in the other’s chart. Eris is a factor suggesting a struggle with identity, which can be overcome through conscious personality integration; or can result in a psyche that is fragmented and in chaos. If that chaos persists, it can be projected outward into the environment. To see the full natal charts of both individuals, check this link and they will open in a new window. For a glyph legend, please check this link.

Now let’s look at Giffords’ chart. She has a Chiron-Eris conjunction. I covered this aspect in an earlier article called Dancing With Discord. This was active at the time of the feminist revival through the early 1970s — it’s the ‘Women’s Lib’ aspect. We have Chiron activating the energy of Eris and funneling it in a warrior-like way, with the potential for both wounding and healing. The feminism of that era did a lot of both, though it did in fact get some constructive results.

Now let’s look at how the two charts connect. Loughner has his Mars conjunct Giffords’ Chiron. Giffords has her Mars conjunct Loughner’s Chiron. So they have the same square, in the same position, only with the sign placements reversed. You could say they provoke one another’s male sides, with Giffords’ Mars in Cancer conjunct the extremely sensitive Chiron in Loughner’s chart (which stirs up his sense of being hurt by women, starting with his mother).

And Loughner’s Mars in Aries is conjunct Giffords’ Chiron. He projects his rage and hurt at her head — in Aries. He strikes her on the left side of the brain — the logic/reasoning side associated with masculine consciousness.

Eris moves so slowly that it’s in Aries in the configuration in both charts. In the life of Giffords, she is able to overcome society’s many handicaps on women and aspire to a position of authentic influence. In the life of Loughner, where it is unaddressed and unutilized, it manifests as fragmentation and chaos. Eris is a new factor in astrology — but not in our consciousness. For many years, as technology and industrialization have persisted, we have dealt with the fragmentation that Eris represents, and the need to perceive ourselves as a unified whole. Working with Eris we can assemble the pieces.

Attempting to Assassinate his Inner Woman

These aspects point to many similarities and an energetic relationship between Loughner and Giffords. They also suggest to me that Loughner was attacking a representation of his own inner woman. At the same time he lived with deep distrust and probably open hatred for women, he also envied and admired Giffords, whom he saw as a kindred spirit and representation of his own potential. In his own way, he was in love with her, and through her wanted to love the feminine in himself — though hating both.

To me this was primarily an act of gender rage, not motivated by authentic political feelings. In a sense it was rape with a bullet, but also a form of inner suicide projected outward. He turned to a gun to fill a hole left by his emotional inadequacies and sexual needs. The pressure of denying his own self became too much — he felt he had to project it outward. Much like jealousy works, when one cannot control something, or own it, one strives to kill it. Jealousy is a form of spiritual murder, and this is an extreme example.

So far as I can tell, this was not a political assassination attempt. It’s clear enough that Loughner didn’t really understand politics, but he was certainly pulled and twisted by his struggle with his own masculinity, and tormented by the mystery of his inner feminine, along with his significant emotional confusion. This inner battle left him feeling paralyzed, much like many women are paralyzed by their own inner struggle to have any sense of their power in a world that seems to keep taking it away.

Giffords for her part was doing a great job expressing her power in a male-dominated world. She managed to rise above this struggle and find her way to a place of strength and equality. She was also a beautiful (and unavailable) woman with whom Loughner was obsessed, apparently for more than three years. Her very existence made him feel insecure, and he did not avail himself of, or have available, any mode of healing that insecurity. I believe he lacked the emotional capacity to long for her companionship or sexual attention, at the same time he was enraged by their absence.

None of this is new or novel, but here we have a fairly clear example of how sexual themes, including gender, gender bias and the need to make contact with both polarities to live a sane and balanced life, can manifest in a way that is violent and projected into the political sphere. And all of this describes what is perhaps the most significant aspect of the emotional healing process on which we need to embark — our sexual nature, which needs to be acknowledged, made contact with and allowed to express itself.

The people who foster sexual repression as part of school programs know that their actions have political implications. I would imagine they were not quite expecting this.

Make no mistake — what I’m describing is a collective sexual injury that, more or less, we all possess but don’t necessarily own consciously. It will cause more problems the longer it’s left untended and dressed as a moral issue, infecting one generation after the next. And it can be a source of profound social progress if we can make some basic admissions about ourselves and commit to a healing process. Part of that involves embracing our internal opposite gender polarity and therefore embracing ourselves as a whole person.

We will all be happier, if we can do that.

Yours & truly,

Eric Francis

Additional research: Christine Farber, Amanda Painter


Attention All Astronomers — The World is Flat

I wish I could put out a press release announcing that the world is flat, and send astronomers scrambling — to return the favor for when an astronomer sends out a press release announcing that your zodiac sign is wrong. That’s what happened this week when the following went viral faster than the dude who got rich dancing around like a dork in 34 countries:

Planet Waves
The tropical zodiac is in the inner wheel, the sidereal zodiac is in the outer wheel. Notice how they are ‘out of alignment’ by about one whole sign — to be exact, 23 degrees. This is due to precessional movement, which shifts the two zodiacs by one degree every 70 years.

Either this is a joke or Parke Kunkle is truly ignorant of his own science. It’s probably a bit of both.

There are two zodiacs in common use. Kunkle is describing what is called the sidereal zodiac: the backdrop of the stars. It’s not the zodiac used by most Western astrologers; it’s the one used by Vedic astrologers, the kind in India, and a few in our part of the world. The two zodiacs are offset by about 23 degrees. I’ll explain why in a moment.

Here in the West, we use a zodiac that follows the seasons. It’s called the tropical zodiac. It’s based on the position of the Sun’s rays and the tropics — that’s why it’s called tropical. There is another one, based on the positions of the stars. It’s called the sidereal zodiac. If Kunkle doesn’t know this, it’s like a race car driver not understanding the concept of a tire. If so, he also doesn’t understand a long list of other concepts that must make it very difficult for him to do his work. Well, that’s what grad students are for. Notably, the sidereal zodiac is a feature in all astrology software.

In the Western or tropical zodiac, the Sun enters the tropical sign Aries the day of the vernal equinox each March. That’s the day that the Sun’s rays meet the equator directly overhead — the first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. (In the prior draft and in the audio I said ‘at a right angle’. Same idea.) The Sun enters the tropical sign Cancer when the Sun’s rays square the Tropic of Cancer — the first day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere, or summer solstice. The Sun enters Libra when the Sun’s rays square the equator again in September. The Sun enters Capricorn when the Sun’s rays square the Tropic of Capricorn each December, which is the first day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere (the seasons are reversed in the Southern Hemisphere).

You then take those four cardinal points and divide them equally and you have the 12 signs of the tropical horoscope. There are no ‘extra signs’ added — the tropical zodiac is a division of the 360-degree wheel of the year into 12 equal slices of 30 degrees. This is not rocket science — but it is science.

Planet Waves
Look! It’s already there!

As mentioned, the Western zodiac begins the day of the vernal equinox. The position of the Sun that day is called the Aries Point — or the Sidereal Vernal Point. If you read Planet Waves, you read about the Aries Point nearly every week. It’s extremely sensitive. The position of the Sidereal Vernal Point or Aries Point moves gradually as the Earth wobbles on its axis. Currently, the SVP is at 5 degrees Pisces on the sidereal zodiac. Hence, the tropical sign Aries begins in the sidereal sign Pisces. And as the Earth wobbles, the SVP is moving backwards toward Aquarius — hence “the Age of Aquarius.” About 2,000 years ago, the tropical signs aligned with the sidereal signs. Now they have precessed backwards by about 23 degrees. And for that matter, so has Christmas.

We don’t adjust Christmas one day every 70 years but sure enough, eventually, Dec. 25 will fall in the middle of Northern Hemisphere summer, with no help from global warming.

So, hear ye, hear ye! Vedic astrologers use the the sidereal zodiac, and most Western astrologers use the tropical zodiac. They have different purposes, and different philosophies. Both zodiacs work. Most Western astrologers are familiar with their sidereal chart — it tells a different story, and can reveal deeper tendencies you may have noticed but not named. I’m a Pisces in tropical astrology but an Aquarius in sidereal astrology. If you’re curious, cast your sidereal chart and see where the planets show up.

As for Ophiuchus. This is an old hoax. Historically, Ophiuchus has never been listed as a constellation in the sidereal zodiac. It is a constellation out there, but it’s off the ecliptic (that is, it’s not along the path of the Sun through the sky). I’ve read that Ptolemy mentions it in his literature as an off-zodiac constellation, meaning that the Sun never travels through it. In any event, there are some two dozen constellations that touch the ecliptic; but the sidereal zodiac uses just 12 of them.

The origin of the hoax is a sci-fi author named John Sladek — a satire writer who died in 2000. Sladek liked to prank astrology, and he has a whole novel about a fictitious 13th sign based on Ophiuchus he called Arachne that was “suppressed by the scientific community.” The Ophiuchus hoax first made its rounds in the late 1990s and pops up again like those emails from the guy in Nigeria who wants you to send him your bank account number so he can transfer $15 million your way.


Planet Waves

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, January 14, 2011, #846 – BY ERIC FRANCIS

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Your solar chart is describing some kind of career opportunity. But you may not recognize it as such. That is often the case — and people who have some of the greatest successes have their ‘first interview’ in a train station or a supermarket. The classified ad that led to my first professional journalism job was in a random page of a newspaper that someone left on a table. The particular opportunity beckoning you may feel like ‘something you would never do’, or in the alternate, something you thought you gave up and would never go back to. I suggest you not pay too much heed to these concerns and simply find out what is available. Ask questions, listen to the answers, and then proceed with confidence — even if you feel a slight aura of uncertainty. That’s just a reminder that the unknown is a place of enormous potential.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aries, please go to this link.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — This is a gutsy, stellar moment for you professionally, but to dial that in, you may feel like you’re going against the grain of something — the ‘right way’ of doing things, the prevailing opinion of the crowd, or your own typically reserved way of relating to the world. The one thing I suggest you remember is how much preparation you have. You are not a neophyte, though you may have the feeling of stretching your talent as far as it will go — that’s the place you want to be. That’s exactly how you stretch across the inner divide into new territory. What may be unsettling to you is the sense of your own dark emotions moving around — desire, passion, anger, need — and these may seem to blow back at you, or reverberate within you. This is what you might call a distortion of the ego, perceiving itself. Relax — how you feel in your moments of doubt is not how you’re perceived by others.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Taurus, please go to this link.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Some things are considered normal in relationships that detract from the passion we crave — among them keeping score, keeping tabs, and manipulation that is born of jealousy. Also you don’t have to marry every person with whom you have sex. Okay, now that we have those concerns out of the way, you are being invited into some deep erotic territory. Usually, deep means you go in with your feelings, your body and your mind. At the moment your mind is leading the way. That means curiosity, ideas, memory, fantasy — and the craving for a distinct kind of erotic surrender that is truly holistic. Indeed, I could use a stronger word to catch the real essence of the sensation, which is submission. Yes, it’s taboo. Yes, you think about this a lot. Now those thoughts are more compelling than ever. Use your head — and have the fun you want.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Gemini, please go to this link.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Is it possible to leave drama in relationships behind? It surely is — if both people are committed to doing so; it helps a lot if they want something else. Most drama is control dramas.. Control and love have nothing to do with one another, not in a healthy environment anyway. Most of the control drama comes from attempting to fit our relationships into forms they simply cannot take — you would never keep a kitten in a jar. You’ve known this for a while, and it looks like you’ve cleared out a small but meaningful place where you are free to be yourself in your relationships. You haven’t fully occupied that space yet, but now you’ve got some ideas. You’re being drawn into what may seem like an empty room. It’s slightly daunting and very inspiring. And it’s your own space. Put down your things, open the windows and stretch out a little.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Cancer, please go to this link.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The activity of the past few months has taken a toll on your health, though not a serious one. I suggest you make adjustments to your diet, back off on work for the weekend and perhaps visit a chiropractor. I say that because your bones are the seat of your health. I know that Leo is about the heart, and I wonder why I haven’t read in an astrology textbook that it’s essential that you pay attention to your bone structure, posture and spine as the core of your wellbeing. Now, I’m suggesting that you chill with the work routines a bit, but there are some compelling projects that are calling you back. I have an idea, which is to invest a fraction of the energy into working out the solution or calculating the next few steps in the creation process. If you do this, you may just tap into a streak of genius that is usually a bit elusive.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Leo, please go to this link.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You now can take back something that was taken from you as a child. I see you making a kind of surprise ambush on the issue, getting hold of it fast, and taking it back to your own camp. This is not your preferred method of deliberative, methodical growth; you might feel you’re doing something out of character, just as if you contemplated stealing something from a store. The thing is, this is yours; you cannot steal it. And the fact that you feel like you might be doing so is revealing. Actually if you tap into the deeper layers here you can access a whole world of emotions, possibly laced with religious views, that involve all that you had to give up for the sake of your family. As an adult you can now make careful note that it didn’t really do them any good, and remind yourself that you deserve full access to the contents of your soul.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Virgo, please go to this link.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You’re at a tipping point in your relationship to technology. Part of that involves reaching a threshold of knowledge or mastery over the subject. It’s no longer a cumbersome thing that you struggle to understand; you see its use. This is allowing you to peacefully take the whole subject area on board and internalize it, in a way similar to how a musician internalizes his instrument. The other thing that’s becoming clear is your memory of a time before technology dominated relationships. You seem committed to making sure that you hold that memory dear, and do your best to keep living in a slightly old-fashioned way. That suits your nature well. And perhaps I don’t need to remind you, but when you feel safe and grounded you’re at your most adventurous and playful — and it looks like you’re feeling pretty frisky in there.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Libra, please go to this link.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Beneath all the mental activity is a situation that pertains directly to the way that your mother’s emotions weigh on your ability to feel like you’re at home on the planet. Manipulation between mothers and daughters is a tricky subject, and few like to talk about it — but I suggest you be aware of the whole topic, because it seems destined to make itself known. You can, if you want, heal this situation, but I can tell you it’s more likely to feel like a violent outburst than it is like a trip on a healing table. The violent aspect is not literal but rather the result of a mental effect where your anger and your thoughts reverberate in your mind. Do your best to keep things on the level of emotion rather than thoughts. If you’re thinking in circles, go deeper and feel — you’ll set yourself free and make contact with the way you’ve felt confined in the past. And that, simply, is the compulsion to push your feelings up to your mind. You’re now putting them back where they belong.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Scorpio, please go to this link.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — There’s an idea floating around that ‘spirituality’ is about love and light, and that things like fear, rage, grief and other forms of shadow material are somehow inappropriate. Of course, in other quarters, life is dominated by these dark emotions and it’s understandable why someone seeking peace of mind might think it’s a good idea to avoid them. However, light and dark ideas and emotions both call for awareness. I don’t mean, as some suggest, that the two need to be ‘balanced out’. And I’m not suggesting we need to do one gesture of evil for every creative gesture. I mean that in your inner world there is an incredible diversity of emotion and sensation, and that in order to draw the full power of your creativity — clearly, your most important goal — you need to contact all of your feelings, or rather, you need unfettered access. Therefore, I suggest you be repelled by no part of who you are, no thought, no idea, however strange. Being real with yourself is the first and most significant step to authentic honesty, and that is the heart and soul of art.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Sagittarius, please go to this link.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — That edgy feeling may come and go for the next week or so. I suggest you ride it out consciously each time, and see what you learn as you walk along the inner precipice of your mind. There are really two things going on. One is that your psyche is processing out old tendencies and patterns that you don’t need any more. As you notice these patterns they may frustrate you; give them up on the spot, and choose something else. The other thing happening is that you’re pushing into entirely new psychic territory, which may feel at once enticing, uncomfortable and adventurous. Any time you sense the unknown or unfamiliar within yourself, reach in that direction. Do your best to translate it into words, even if they feel imprecise. You will get much closer to the point than you think — and leave yourself a trail back to the places within yourself you’ve visited.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Capricorn, please go to this link.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — With Mars entering your sign this weekend, you’re likely to feel like it’s time to be on your own and do your very own thing. You’ve spent a lot of time inquiring, pondering, inwardly seeking and healing; this is a precious moment of reaching for independence, and grasping it firmly. Just make sure you don’t push at the same time you reach. You may feel a fairly potent urge to bust out. Your mind may be sending the message that you’ve waited too long and suddenly it’s now or never. Actually, it’s just Mars, which is giving you some of that impulse power to which you don’t normally have access. It’s Mars, reminding you what you want the most. Many people will wait patiently for this kind of sensation to pass, hoping it will go away. I suggest you act on it, gently and persistently, but promptly enough that it matters.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aquarius, please go to this link.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You don’t need to put up with jealousy, neither in yourself nor in others. By that I mean it’s not necessary. Instead, I suggest you proceed directly to understanding and addressing the insecurity that jealousy conceals, and factor this into your understanding of the human condition. Make feeling good about yourself your primary life goal, and take constructive action based on that idea. Do what supports your goals and what you love; reach for your deeper resources. If you do this, you’re likely to encounter people who follow accordingly. There is nothing in your chart to suggest that you need to be striving for conventional relationships. Rather, where others are concerned, the bold emphasis is on community and egalitarian friendship. Do it now, do it in a big way and remember — you’re always your own person.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Pisces, please go to this link.


Eric Francis, the founder and editor of Planet Waves, is an astrologer and investigative journalist. He was working in his first job as a municipal newspaper reporter when he discovered that his editor also owned an astrology bookstore. This began a long relationship between astrology and journalism, which has taken Eric through the pages of many newspapers as a horoscope writer, including the Daily Mail and the Daily Mirror plus numerous other venues. Today, Eric covers global turning point events through the lens of astrology. He is a specialist in newly-discovered planets.