Tag Archives: the Sun

The Day of the Mold Breaker: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Sept. 3
The Day of the Mold Breaker | The 2019-20 Virgo Astrology Studio can now be pre-ordered | All Other Signs

Perhaps more than anything else, the truth of your word is the foundation of your honor and character. This year’s astrology seems to be calling on you not merely to practice honesty, but to keep it at the forefront of all you say and do. Be especially wary when you feel absolute certainty on any point that isn’t as obvious as 1+1=2. That’s a signal you may need to slow down and examine your understanding. In many cases there’s more to a situation than what we think we know.
— by Amy Elliott

If your Sun, Moon or rising sign is Virgo, You are heading into a most unusual solar year, set up to do the thing Virgo is designed for: integrate the elements of your being, find your direction and purpose, and act on it. Eric will lay it all out in your 2019-2020 Virgo Astrology Studio.

Written in the Planets

Today’s sky describes a high degree of mental energy. It will be up to you to direct it toward productive tasks, constructive communication, and other ways of expressing the ideas that are most important to you, and with which you identify most strongly. We’re currently experiencing a triple conjunction in Virgo of the Sun, Mercury and Mars. This could bode very well for engaging any kind of intellectual work that requires stamina or confidence.

Yet you’ll want to give all this energy a clear job to do, ideally in the service of some larger good (that is, not just for your own satisfaction, or to prove to someone that you were right after all). This could also be a good time to fulfill any outstanding promises you’ve made to others. Without these kinds of clear focus, it’s possible to take yourself and what you have to say a tad too seriously. If you feel like debating for fun, choose your sparring partners carefully — for example, someone who’s already used to playing with this side of you.

Also, notice if you begin feeling like your very existence is on the line, or a similarly high-stakes level of urgency. Step away, literally or figuratively. See if you can get some perspective on what — if anything — you really need to defend here.

With these Virgo planets opposite Neptune and the centaur planet Nessus, there may be a degree of mirage or displaced emotion involved. That is, you might not be arguing about what you think you are; or your emotions might relate to a situation or person from your past more than to the person at hand. If you feel like you’re on the receiving end of someone’s defensiveness, see if you can draw them out with questions to help clarify what’s up. Chances are that process will benefit all involved.
— by Amanda Painter

It is difficult to feel good these days; it’s challenging to focus on your growth and self-care, or even to relax. We are pulled out of ourselves constantly, and often distracted from our core purposes. IN THESE TIMES, the Planet Waves autumn reading, will help.


Read more here.

In These Times graphic

Welcome to the Movie Theater of Your Mind

By Amanda Painter

I was meditating this morning on the chart for Friday’s Virgo New Moon (which is exact at 6:37 am EDT / 10:37:01 UTC) to see if a new angle on it might emerge. And an image did come to me: people collected together in a movie theater, watching a film being projected onto a screen.

Cropped still from Alfonso Cuaron's 2018 film Roma.

Cropped still from Alfonso Cuaron’s 2018 film Roma.

It surprised me how tangibly the scene came through, and how appropriate it was, with an unusual collection of Virgo points clustered together opposite Neptune in Pisces.

For example, all of the ‘personal planets’ — the ones that describe our most basic traits and urges — are in early Virgo: Mercury (the mind, communication), the Sun (ego, conscious self-expression), the Moon (emotions, the unconscious), Mars (drive, ‘masculine’), Venus (receptivity, ‘feminine’). Along with them are the asteroid Juno (relationship needs), a hypothetical point called Transpluto (narrow focus, learning wholeness and integration) and a few other minor objects named for ancient deities with all-too-human characteristics.

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