There’s an old fable about a tribal ruler and his servant. The servant had a habit of saying “this is a good thing” no matter what happened. One day, the ruler lost a finger in an accident. When the servant said “this is a good thing” while attending to the injury, the king became so annoyed as to fire his faithful retainer on the spot.
Some months later, the king was kidnapped by a hostile tribe who intended to make him a human sacrifice to their god. When the kidnappers noticed the missing finger, however, they changed their minds rather than tender an imperfect offering to their deity.

Instead of being sacrificed, the kidnapped ruler was returned to his own tribe alive in exchange for a ransom. It was then that the king realized the wisdom of his former servant’s perception, and the two were reunited in an even greater mutual appreciation than they had before.
This is a fable you might want to keep in mind when the Sun enters Virgo shortly before 12:39 pm EDT (16:38:24 UTC) on Monday. It’s not because the solar ingress to Virgo foretells you losing a finger, or any other incident in particular. It’s because the Sun’s annual tour of Virgo this year will begin with implications that there is something more to the moment than what is immediately evident.
You would be justified in wondering what could possibly upstage the Sun changing signs. After all, without our local star, we would have no solar system, no daylight and no life on Earth. The Sun is the ultimate point of reference for astrologers, and along with its apparent path across the sky (the ecliptic) and its luminary complement (the Moon) the Sun is the core of astrology.
Far beyond the scale of a solar system, however, there is a similar organizing principle of much greater magnitude: the galaxy. Just as with our solar system, our galaxy has a core around which all of its stars (including our Sun) move in their orbits.
So far as our ability to observe the cosmos can tell, a galaxy is the largest example of an axis, and all which a center implies. Outside the galactic level there are no perceptible points around which everything else moves in a cyclical way. In a very real way, the core of our galaxy is the ultimate symbolic expression of all that the Sun represents. That’s how awareness of the Galactic Core’s existence (and its location on the zodiac) has meaning for astrologers. That’s also how it is meaningful that humanity has only recently attained that awareness.
When you look up at the night sky with the unaided eye, every star you see is part of our galaxy. Other stars in other galaxies are too far away to be perceived without some means of magnification. It is only in the last 400 years or so that telescopes have allowed us to see farther, and it is only in the last century that we have been able to see far enough to even begin discerning other galaxies from our own.
Your awareness of all that humanity’s recently improved powers of observation have revealed means that your consciousness represents nothing less than a huge evolutionary leap in the history of our species. In other words, by benefit of simply being alive and aware now, you and your life must necessarily be included in any astrological interpretation of the Galactic Core. That’s a powerful thing. Of course, with great power comes great responsibility.
The responsibility that comes with your unprecedented awareness of the universe will be astrology’s most powerful theme on Monday. Currently, the Galactic Core is located in the 28th degree of Sagittarius. It so happens that exact degree will be repeatedly, meaningfully and precisely in aspect when the Sun enters the first degree of Virgo on Monday.
At the moment solar Virgo begins this year, the Moon will be precisely in the 28th degree of Aries, forming an aspect with the Galactic Core that astrologers call a trine. When you consider that the Moon moves around the zodiac at approximately one degree every two hours, such precision cannot be without meaning.
In addition, at the same moment of the Sun entering Virgo and the Aries Moon precisely trine the Galactic Core, Jupiter and Mercury will be sharing the 27th degree of Virgo, precisely 90 degrees away (or in “square” aspect) to the center of our galaxy.
So what does all that mean? Consider this: The Sun rules one sign: Leo. Mercury rules two signs: Gemini and Virgo. Jupiter, for its part, also rules two signs: Sagittarius and Pisces. Finally, include the Moon’s rule of Cancer and you get a picture of how nearly half of the zodiac’s 12 signs will be focused with laser-like precision on the core of our galaxy through the auspices of their planetary representatives when the Sun leaves Leo behind and enters Virgo. The implications of that picture are nothing less than profound.
Implicit to the Sun entering Virgo tomorrow is a much bigger picture that would have gone unnoticed by even the most aware of your grandparents, probably even your parents. The beginning of solar Virgo this year is an indication of your unprecedented grasp of and involvement in something going on beyond what your senses can apprehend.
Monday’s astrological scenario indicates that the light of your very consciousness (which the Sun represents) is only part of your awareness, and that you know it. It is a tableau indicating that your mind (represented by Mercury) has undeniably expanded (Jupiter) so as to raise a potential only previously dreamed of (Moon) by previous generations into common knowledge.
In other words, you and the rest of humanity have made it to a new level of human being even if you and most of the rest of us don’t know what to make of it. We cannot profess to be ignorant any more. You cannot deny that you are aware of what your eyes cannot see. You can only either change so as to manifest (mutable earth sign Virgo) what you are, or leave those of future generations to wonder how you could possibly deny your evident power and potential glory
Like it or not, you now have the power of a king — albeit an injured one — compared to previous generations. While the organizing principles of your reality are the same as ever before, the magnitude of your responsibility is undeniably as never before. It may be intimidating, frustrating and even painful to become what your ancestors did not even know was possible, but (as your faithful servant is now reminding you), this just has to be a good thing.
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