Tag Archives: Mars Retrograde in Libra

Sign Language for the Insane

Dear Friend and Reader:

Adding a touch of irony to the memorial service for Nelson Mandela, it turns out that Thamsanqa Jantjie, the supposed sign language interpreter hired to stand three feet from the podium and be broadcast to hundreds of millions of people, was talkin’ jive.

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Pres. Obama speaks during Tuesday’s memorial service for Nelson Mandela, having his words translated into gibberish by Thamsanqa Jantjie — who said he was having a psychotic episode.

His assorted hand gestures and moreover his stiff posture and deadpan expression were not South African sign language for the deaf — it was all an act. Sign language utilizes facial expressions and shoulder movements, in addition to signs with the hands and arms. It’s not High German in pantomime.

Given that Mandela’s whole life was about inclusion, and that the purpose of a sign language interpreter is to include the deaf in the world of sound and speech, it’s fair to say that this pushed the line into something truly cynical.

One would think that when a country is hosting a long-expected global event honoring the life of one of the most revered men of our lifetimes, knowing they would be host to some 90 heads of state, and knowing the whole affair would be broadcast on global television, they might cover that kind of detail well in advance.

It gets better. Questioned this week by the Associated Press, Jantjie said he was having a psychotic episode. Yes, standing three feet from the president and a diversity of other world leaders, he claimed that his anti-schizophrenia meds were not quite doing the trick. In other words, he took the insanity defense to fraud.

“What happened that day, I see angels come to the stadium,” he said, adding, “I start realizing that the problem is here. And the problem, I don’t know the attack of this problem, how will it comes. Sometimes I react violent on that place. Sometimes I will see things that chase me.”

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In happier days, Obama gives the thumbs up for the health insurance program that got his name. This is a viral image that right wingnut websites love to publish for its irony value.

Wait, he didn’t put that on his employment application? I guess we’ll have to wait till the PDF goes viral, but the chances are he just knew someone who knew someone and got the ‘good enough’ rating. You know, I’m not a sign language interpreter, but I play one on TV.

His stunt reminds me of The Yes Men, who do things like get on the agenda as the keynote speakers at conferences for oil executives, then give presentations on climate change.

The Yes Men, who exist with a purpose, prove how easy it is to pass through the flimsy or nonexistent vetting process no matter how important something is, as long as you’re wearing a business suit that cost at least $10. And, in true Yes Men tradition, as long as they invite you.

“I was in a very difficult position,” Jantjie added, explaining his predicament, standing there with everyone (as in everyone) watching, not being able to do the one thing he was supposed to do. “And remember those people, the president and everyone, they were armed, there was armed police around me. If I start panicking I’ll start being a problem. I have to deal with this in a manner so that I mustn’t embarrass my country.”

Well, so much for that idea. And wait: he thinks that the president is armed? And why panic? He could just say he was seeing angels and go to the First Aid tent.

It gets better. The Associated Press reported, “Jantjie said he was due on the day of the ceremony to get a regular six-month mental health checkup to determine whether the medication he takes was working, whether it needed to be changed or whether he needed to be kept at a mental health facility for treatment” (emphasis mine).

The only difference between South Africa and the United States is that in South Africa, you find out this kind of thing. Here in the U.S., we don’t want to spoil the show.

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Metro-North train derailed after the engineer “zoned out” while coming around a 30 mph curve at 82 mph. Image: CNN video.

I could easily see this translated onto the recent mock government shutdown a couple of months ago. Imagine this in an AP report: “WASHINGTON, DC — In a press conference held several hours after the government re-opened, Speaker of the House John Boehner apologized to the American people and said that it was not really he who shut down the government, it was the demon he’s possessed by.”

“Actually, to tell the truth, I am a demon in human form and I was in possession of the government,” Boehner said. “I’m sorry to have put you all through that. I don’t really belong here. I’m kind of lost. I thought this was one of the hell worlds, but it turned out to be a lot nicer than I imagined. I have to compensate by smoking a carton of cigarettes daily and spending six hours a day in a tanning bed.”

The shutdown was the perfect product of a fake House of Representatives that repeatedly passes fake bills designed to roll back women’s rights to some time around 1913. The House of Representatives is controlled by a mock political entity called the Tea Party, which is supposed to be populist but is supported by billionaires.

Speaking of — the minimum wage is not a wage; it’s essentially slave labor, supported by the fact that half of all fast food workers are on some form of public assistance. The rather wealthy people at the top of McDonald’s and KFC, all of whom take the “free market, free enterprise” point of view, and the stockholders who reap the profits, are subsidized by the government. Of course they don’t want to raise the minimum wage.

Then there was Healthcare.gov. Who needs a real e-commerce site when you can have something that looks just like one? It’s a fake, so who needs to do a beta test? The fact that it cost more than $300 million to create adds to the illusion that it might be real.

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Lara Logan, the faux reporter for 60 Minutes, interviewed a faux witness for her faux story. But she looks great in red. AP photo.

And who needs affordable medical insurance when a healthy, relatively young person still has to pay $500 a month to have coverage?

Then we have the Republicans accusing “Obamacare” of being socialism — when it was really the rightwing Heritage Foundation that thought this scheme up, to enrich corporations. This is being called a government takeover of health care, when really it’s a corporate takeover. But you wouldn’t know that because the Heritage Foundation has been on the front lines of attacking its own idea.

Meanwhile, right before the most dangerous maneuver ever conducted in civilian nuclear power — the removal of spent fuel from Fukushima Unit 4 — CNN broadcast a movie-length infomercial about how wonderful, efficient and perfectly safe nuclear power is. Hardly anyone thought to mention the spent fuel removal project, which basically has the world on the brink of a very quiet nuclear war.

Then there was a Metro North guy acting just like a railroad engineer who obviously had never played with electric trains. Everyone knows when you take a turn too fast, the whole train falls over. (And all passengers of that line know that the track angle leans out of the curve rather than into it.)

Then there was Lara Logan, the pretend news reporter for 60 Minutes, who interviewed Dylan Davies, who didn’t really know what happened that night in Benghazi; he made it all up, but it sounded good. That went along perfectly with the whole made-up story about a protest at a fake “embassy” in Libya (it was a CIA outpost in a fairly typical weapons buyback program, hence everyone on all sides had to do the dance and pretend it was something else).

Along the way, George Zimmerman was found innocent of both first and second degree murder after killing Trayvon Martin after a mock trial with fake prosecutors whose only job was to piss off the jury. In the perception of many, Zimmerman was as pure as the driven snow, lending true meaning to Second Amendment rights — the right to ‘defend’ oneself against black people. Which he seems to have thought also applied to women; he was arrested for pulling a gun on his (ex) girlfriend — though she dropped the charges and he’s free again (until the next time).

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Newspapers from late 2012 focused on the Sandy Hook School massacre. Photo from Salon.com.

The year began with the aftermath of the Sandy Hook Elementary School mass shooting. We all put on a sad face and then allowed

Congress and our state legislatures to do nothing about the problem, not even close the gun show loophole — except that twice as many state laws were passed laws opening up the flow of weapons than were passed restricting them.

The solution to gun violence is more guns. Wayne LaPierre offered the brilliant idea of arming teachers. The NRA, which has a quarter-billion dollar budget, called my office this week seeking a donation. They are, after all, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

How come so many of these mass shooters, from Columbine to Sandy Hook, are on mood-altering medications? Seriously — these drugs have a suicide problem. Anybody paying attention? That does not mix well with depressed, angry boys with assault rifles. But hey we can just paper that over with pride in our Constitution.

Astrological note: Mars is about to take a long retrograde in Libra. One thing about Libra is that it’s the sign of appearances. Everything in Libra has to look good, and where you have Libra in your chart is one aspect of life where you will aspire to beauty and a sense of perfect presentation. Even horrid things that happen under the influence of Libra can have elegance and beauty to them.

Mars retrograde is going to get underneath all of those appearances, and peel back the layers one by one. As it makes repeated encounters with the Uranus-Pluto square, and the Sun in the primary chart of the United States, we are likely to have a long sequence of ‘truth revealed’ kind of events that expose what is behind the facade.

There is plenty. It’s about time we had a look.



Writing and Editing Credits: News items below are written and edited by a team consisting of Hillary Conary, Anne Craig, Eric Francis, Elizabeth Michaud, Amanda Painter, Susan Scheck, Chad Woodward and Carol van Strum. Page assembled and coded by Anatoly Ryzhenko. Special thanks to the Fact Checkers List, which goes over each edition on Thursday night — and to our main astrology fact-checker Alex Miller, and Amanda, who goes over all their suggestions. Our editions are also proofread and fact-checked by Jessica Keet.


Planet Waves

A Comment on Jupiter Trine Saturn

Depending on your time zone, today is the second occurrence of Jupiter trine Saturn. There are three points of contact for this aspect in the current cycle. The first took place on July 17, the second is/was Dec. 12/13 depending on your time zone, and the last will be May 24, 2014. Jupiter is in Cancer and Saturn is in Scorpio. Chiron in Pisces makes this aspect into a grand water trine, which will be close to exact on May 24.

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Probably rendered (but still cool) image of Saturn from Cassini Space Probe, taken from free wallpaper.

For reference, the next trine between these two planets takes place in 2026. Therefore it’s something of a rare resource, to be taken advantage of consciously. It has the feeling of a reward for a job well done, which might come in a moment of relative ease and a kind of harvest, and also as a new opportunity. That opportunity can be squandered; as a natal placement, if taken unconsciously, this is the “easy come, easy go” aspect. If taken consciously, one can build things of a lasting nature.

The Rev. Dr. Marc Edmund Jones, one of the founders of modern astrology, noted that any contact between Jupiter and Saturn is significant. From his point of view, they describe the story of the current lifetime in relationship to others; from a worldly point of view, these planets represent two of the most necessary qualities of the psyche.

Jupiter offers the ability to expand boundaries and Saturn is the ability to contain them. Jupiter asserts itself within the environment, and Saturn describes response to the environment. Jupiter can describe what one offers; Saturn describes leadership and the way one interrelates with those in authority. When they’re not working, Jupiter comes to represent excesses and Saturn represents scarcity. It’s fair to say that how the two planets blend addresses how one uses opportunity and resources; how one works with the energy of a benevolent uncle (Jupiter) and of a parent with the tendency to discipline (Saturn).

Mastering either calls for a high degree of self-knowledge and cooperation with others. These are the transpersonal planets, neither deeply intimate (such as Venus or Mars) nor alien and working below the level of consciousness (such as Neptune or Pluto).

Planet Waves
Jupiter is actually denser than Saturn, though the astrological interpretation has Saturn being the planet of form and structure.

Looking at the placements and contact of your Jupiter and Saturn can tell you about how you handle your personal role in the greater world around you. If they are not in an ordinary aspect in your chart, check the ‘minor’ aspects (septile, novile, sesquiquadrate, etc.). Also check what is at the Jupiter-Saturn midpoint — that is a kind of superaspect that will tell you a lot.

Jupiter trine Saturn shows up in the charts of a few people with an unusual degree of spiritual evolution, skilled at stretching boundaries. They include John F. Kennedy, the Dalai Lama, Martin Luther King, Ralph Nader, Gertrude Stein, Gloria Steinem, Alan Watts, Kate Millett, Thomas Merton, Carl Jung, Elton John, Aldous Huxley and J. Edgar Hoover. The lack of women in astrology databases is somewhat compensated for, in this case, by three pioneering feminists having this aspect. All of these people seemed to have the gift of redefining boundaries in some way; many were significant trailblazers who saw their role as establishing a new order.

Previously, Jupiter and Saturn were trine one another in 1993-1994 (Libra to Aquarius; then Scorpio to Pisces in three contacts). Then they were trine again in 2007 and 2008 (Sagittarius to Leo, then Capricorn to Virgo in five contacts). When they are trine next in 2026, it will be from Leo to Aries.

— Written by Eric Francis

Gemini Full Moon, Sun Conjunct the Galactic Core

Mars entered Libra Saturday — an energy we’re just beginning to get acquainted with, but which we’ll come to know intimately in the coming months (including through a long retrograde). It’s a complex placement for Mars, whose expression can swing the arms of (Venus-ruled) Libra’s scale from one extreme to another, calling for patience and diplomacy as we relate to each other.

In fact, those qualities are always worth practicing any time we approach a Full Moon (the Gemini Full Moon is Tuesday, Dec. 17). This monthly opposition between the Sun and the Moon heightens emotions and reactions between us and our partners, coworkers and friends — thanks to the light of the Sun (consciousness) projecting onto and being reflected back by the Moon (the subconscious). In other words, we see something about ourselves reflected back at us by others, and that can be provocative in relationships.

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Shop window, Portland, Maine. Photo by Amanda Painter.

The Gemini Full Moon is exact at 4:28 am EST Tuesday, with the Sun in late Sagittarius and the Moon in late Gemini. With the Sun very close to its annual conjunction to the core of our galaxy, the sense intensifies that ‘there’s more to this life’ than what we usually perceive. It stokes an urge to explore — whether distant lands, inner worlds, a new corner of your neighborhood or the bounds of your perception.

The Moon won’t get to Gemini until 1:41 am EST on Sunday, Dec. 15 (it entered Taurus yesterday, Dec. 12, at 3:40 pm — making the weekend excellent for taking sensual breaks from your Christmas shopping for beautiful things, and then for extra fun, balancing your checkbook).

Once the Moon is in Gemini, it loses some of its sensual-emotional flavor and detaches a little into an airier mode — better for talking about anything at all. The emotions get filtered through the mind, and could just as easily go one way as another. That tendency is worth noting, as the Full Moon will be in aspect to an asteroid (Juno) and a centaur planet (Nessus) that are conjunct in Aquarius.

In Aquarius, both Juno and Nessus speak of crystallized social expectations around relationships (especially regarding jealousy, marriage, sexuality and abusive behavior), which we’ve internalized from endless conditioning — and the potential to give them a push and update our files. The Gemini Moon is trine these two objects, suggesting ease — and that you could just as easily stay set in those patterns and cling to those social expectations as not.

Or, you could use the mutable-sign energy of Gemini and Sagittarius to light a fire under these expectations; melt them, evaporate them, shatter them, morph them — whatever works. The Sagittarius Sun is also in a helpful aspect to Juno and Nessus (a sextile). You have to make some conscious effort to use that energy. But if you’re willing to take what you’re learning with the broader perspective, fiery spirit and bold calling offered by the Sagittarius Sun, you might find your choices are not only truer to who you are, they make the world a little larger for you to explore.

— Written by Amanda Painter.


Planet Waves

The Opposite of Progress is Congress, but They Pass a Budget

After wasting most of 2013 on fake abortion laws, pretending to repeal the Affordable Care Act and shutting down the federal government, the House of Representatives yesterday approved a federal budget that covers spending for the next 21 months. The plan was passed by the House 322 in favor to 94 against. House members then went home for the holidays, hoping they had done something that would save them from their 1% approval rating.

While the plan represents progress — for example, it prevents the kind of government shutdown that we just experienced — it does little to address real problems with the balance between spending and revenues. It calls for no new taxes, a topic which seems to be a political taboo in these years, leading you to pay more income tax than General Electric.

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Woo hoo! We finally got something done, even if it wasn’t very much.

The new law, which has to be passed by the Senate and signed by Pres. Obama, does not extend unemployment benefits that run out at the end of the year. The Farm Bill was not extended, though the supposed “dairy cliff” was not reached — that is, milk prices will remain subsidized and not double, as threatened; food stamps for the poor (including many veterans) will be cut.

The right wing spin machine spun into action immediately, attacking the plan as (among other things) something that would destroy the American Dream. House Speaker John Boehner actually went on the offensive against right wing organizations (such as the Heritage Foundation) that he said were trying to use members of Congress to advance their own agenda.

The deal seems to have been brokered, at least symbolically, by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis) and Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash). In the beginning of the negotiations Murray’s proposed $975 billion in new tax revenue projected $1.85 trillion in deficit savings over the next decade. Ryan’s approach was to block increased taxes, calling for balancing the budget with cuts to Medicare.

The deal that was reached sets discretionary spending at $1.012 trillion, which will then rise to $1.014 trillion in fiscal 2015. It also replaces sequester cuts slated to take effect in January with more specific spending cuts. The sequester relief is set at $63 billion with $85 billion in total savings — a tiny amount of money by federal standards.

Also, new federal employees will have to pay more into their pension plans to the tune of $6 billion. Another provision of the law leaves the prison at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba open.

What the deal does not include is raising the debt ceiling, which is being pushed off until next spring — leaving the door open for Republicans to throw in another red herring. The debt ceiling is the borrowing limit that the government imposes on itself, under which funds are used to pay back old debts.

Reaching the debt ceiling can shut down the government on its own, thought that’s less likely to happen due to repercussions to the federal government’s bond rating.


Planet Waves

Homeland Insecurity: Military Mindset Driving Police/Civilian Clashes

In Charlotte, North Carolina, it was a man seeking help after a car accident. In Des Moines, Iowa, a 19-year-old driving recklessly on a college campus in a truck he’d stolen from his dad. In Escambia County, Florida, it was a 60-year-old man in his own driveway. In Texas, yet another college student driving recklessly.

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If they were wearing white, they’d look like the Storm Troopers they are; police break up demonstrators protesting the May 2012 NATO Summit in Chicago. Photo: Norbert Schiller/Mint Press.

Relatively small mistakes — resembling someone a complaint has been filed against; failing to coherently identify yourself; behaving in an agitated manner; or brandishing absolutely anything at all that could be mistaken for a weapon — get civilians shot by police with rising regularity.

In extreme cases, such as that of a New Mexico cop who shot at a minivan full of children after a traffic stop, the episodes result in a cop’s being fired; far more often, officers are placed on “paid administrative leave” while an investigation takes place.

Shootings are but one symptom of an ugly divide between civilians and paid enforcers. Revelations accumulate: in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, ATF officers went to great lengths to make cases by blatantly manipulating disabled teens. “Zero-tolerance” policies have become a basis for harassment, as happened in Miami Gardens, Florida, or in the case of New York City’s “stop and frisk” mandate.

As Fourth Amendment rights erode in the era of pervasive NSA spying and a steady stream of returning combat personnel turn to careers in civilian enforcement, as even small-town police departments are encouraged and funded by the Department of Homeland Security in acquiring military equipment like armored vehicles and grenade launchers, there has been little to no corresponding growth in any effort to equip police with the skills of non-violent conflict resolution.

Other systemic factors in play include forfeiture procedures that allow police departments to keep seized assets regardless of legal outcomes and private prisons that contractually require states to keep prison cells full. Just how extreme do things have to get before we take steps to correct the police state we’re living in?


Planet Waves

Evidence Found that Organic Whole Milk Increases Heart Health

A Washington State University research professor, Charles Benbrook, and his team on Monday released a study finding that organic whole milk has more omega-3 fatty acids, beneficial for the heart, than conventional milk. The study is the first large-scale nationwide study of the fatty acids in organic and conventional milk. Scientists looked at 220 organic milk samples from the Organic Valley cooperative and 164 conventional milk samples.

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If it’s not organic milk, you might as well be… Photo: LadyDrgonflyCC/Wikimedia Commons.

At issue is the ratio between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids found in organic versus conventional milk. Omega-3 is the fatty acid most needed for heart health, and overall health, with omega-6 (and omega-9) being less beneficial.

In the modern American diet, the use of soybean and corn oil in fried and processed foods, and the amounts we eat of these types of food, have dramatically increased the intake of omega-6 and -9, and decreased the intake of omega-3.

Conventional milk had an average omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid ratio of 5.8, and organic milk had a ratio of 2.3. Organic milk had 25% less omega-6 fatty acids and 62% more omega-3 fatty acids than conventional milk. The organic milk also had high concentrations of the individual types of omega-3 fatty acids, too, the authors wrote.

The study “provides consumers with some pretty powerful evidence that choosing full-fat dairy products is going to help bring about a greater degree of balance” between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, said Benbrook, lead author of the study at the Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources at Washington State University.

Increasing full-fat organic dairy products alone won’t make you heart-healthy, the authors point out. That and eating less food containing vegetable oil may, however, by dramatically improving the diet’s omega-6 to omega-3 ratio.

A crucial difference — and one that was noted by Benbrook — is that cows on organic farms are grass-fed and pastured (their natural method of feeding) and are rBGH and antibiotic-free. Cows on conventional dairy farms are fed grain (containing pesticides), are pastured less and receive pharmaceuticals as part of their regular diet, even when healthy.

So a glass of ordinary milk is a cup of dead mucous, water, proteins and pus, contaminated by drugs, hormones and genetically modified material. Just yummy.


Planet Waves

It’s All Fun and Games Until Someone Gets Caught Spying

In the latest news stemming from Edward Snowden’s NSA leaks, online gamers geeking out the world over have been the targets of U.S. and British spies.

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Yep, she’s gotta be FBI. But are the big furry things CIA or terrorists? Image: Blizzard Entertainment.

Games such as the crazy-popular “World of Warcraft” have internal messaging systems that allow gamers — also known to the spooks as ‘potential terrorists and informers’ — to communicate to each other undetected. Or so they thought.

It is unknown at this time just how much personal information spies were able to collect — though so far, according to documents acquired by The Guardian UK, no counterterrorism successes have been reported.

Yet apparently while running around virtual lands populated by magical creatures, digital ladies with impossible breasts and so on, the government’s undercover gamers had to take steps not to inadvertently spy on each other:

“So many C.I.A., F.B.I. and Pentagon spies were hunting around in Second Life, the document noted, that a ‘deconfliction’ group was needed to avoid collisions,” noted a New York Times article this week.

It’s bad enough that the GPS data from our phones is being collected, tracing our every move, and that the NSA uses Google cookies to track which porn sites we visit. Now we can’t even play video games without being snooped on?

In related news, Google, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, AOL, Microsoft and Yahoo! have written an open letter to President Obama and Congress calling for the need to reform surveillance practices around the globe, citing the violation of U.S. Constitutional rights, and based on five principles addressing all governments. You can read their stance at ReformGovernmentSurveillance.com — and decide for yourself whether they’re more concerned about individual liberties or their own bottom lines.


Planet Waves

Climate Activists Risk Life and Liberty As Resistance Grows

Last year, amid the fuss over the end of the Mayan Long Count calendar and the possible ‘end of the world’, four women in Canada organized a teach-in about fossil fuel extraction and indigenous rights that would grow into Idle No More, one of the largest resistance movements in Canadian history, and spark solidarity demonstrations in the U.S., Europe and Australia.


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The founders of Idle No More: Jessica Gordon, Sylvia McAdam, Sheelah McLean and Nina Wilson.

Around the world, as petro-capitalism ramps up its assault on the environment and basic human rights, citizen resistance has been growing, too. Nonviolent blockades and encampments have sprung up in Montana, Oregon and Texas, in Romania and the U.K., in Taiwan and Tanzania.

Authorities have been pushing right back on behalf of their paymasters, exposing still more of the ugly face of greed.

The arrest of the Arctic 30, Greenpeace activists who climbed on an oilrig in Russia in September, sparked solidarity protests in 30 cities across India. Clashes between the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and activists in New Brunswick have solidified opposition to fracking throughout the province and across Canada.

Riot police and private forces in the employ of Chevron have been beating and incarcerating protesters in the poverty-stricken Romanian village of Pungesti, sparking still greater resistance.

Romanian environmental defender Alex Summerchild sums it up:

“We know that if we do not defeat them they will leave behind a poisoned landscape where we and our animals can no longer survive … We also know we can win, if only we fight hard enough.”

Extreme Is The New Normal as Planet Convulses

Publications like Forbes and The Wall Street Journal may still be able to find writers who’ll debate the narrow issue of whether carbon emissions are driving global climate change, but ordinary citizens facing hail the size of boulders, unprecedented tornadoes and typhoons, fires, floods and beaches littered with dying sea creatures have little doubt that the planet’s trying to tell us something.

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Survivors of typhoon Haiyan walk through the remains of Tacloban city, Philippines, on Nov. 10. Photo: Bullit Marquez/AP.

In January, Las Vegas froze while folks in New Hampshire took off their jackets. Los Angeles saw record highs and lows in the same month and, in one instance, in different places on the same day. And just this month, as much of the U.S. experiences frigid arctic air, Alaska’s been experiencing record high temps. In between, anything could happen and usually did; these are just a few highlights:

The northern hemisphere experienced record cold temperatures last spring, which climate researchers tied to a major loss of arctic sea ice.

Summer brought seven times the usual number of dying dolphins to beaches on the East Coast. Meanwhile a raging wildfire season in the west consumed some four million acres, including the Rim fire that threatened Yosemite, and in September, Colorado’s Front Range saw catastrophic flooding (Planet Waves coverage here and here).

Sea stars (starfish) are dying off and dissolving in massive numbers everywhere along the west coast of North America.

In late October, a severe coastal storm brought rare hurricane-force winds to the U.K. and Western Europe, in a “stormageddon” event that killed 13 and was nicknamed after St. Jude, patron saint of hopeless causes.

In November, Typhoon Haiyan decimated the central provinces of the Phillipines (Planet Waves coverage here); later in the month, seven volcanoes in widely scattered locations erupted almost simultaneously, one creating an entirely new island off the coast of Japan.

Fasten your seat belts, folks, and keep those emergency kits handy. It seems highly unlikely that we can expect things to return to “normal” anytime soon — if ever.


Planet Waves

Continuing Coverage: Women’s Healthcare, Military Sexual Assault

Women’s health care rights and the military’s handling of sexual assault have been hotly contested topics this year, and this week brought more news. In the first category, Michigan has become the ninth state to approve a measure requiring insurance companies to charge extra fees for abortion coverage.

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The legal counsel to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at a hearing in Washington, D.C., June 4, 2013. Photo: AP.

Such insurance is often referred to as “rape coverage,” since it requires women to buy special policy riders. A report by the Guttmacher Institute outlines the various ways states are restricting abortion coverage under the Affordale Care Act insurance exchanges, both for private insurance policies and for public employees.

As Michigan state senator Gretchen Whitmer pointed out this week, the law basically demands that women “plan ahead and financially invest in healthcare coverage for potentially having their bodies violated and assaulted.”

Michigan’s pro-life Republican governor Rick Snyder actually vetoed a similar measure passed by lawmakers earlier this year, saying it went too far and interfered with the private insurance market. However the current law was a voter initiative, and does not require Snyder’s signature.

Meanwhile, in continuing coverage of sexual assault in the U.S. military, a Pentagon policy has been approved by Congress that will keep military sexual assault cases within the chain of command. This comes despite vigorous efforts by Democratic Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and others to take sexual assault cases out of the let’s-cover-our-asses good ol’ boys’ club, and instead appoint independent military prosecutors.

The policy includes new protections, including not allowing officers to overturn jury verdicts in sexual assault cases — but it’s not enough. As Planet Waves reported earlier this year, approximately 19,000 military sexual assaults were reported in 2011, with fewer than one in 10 perpetrators held accountable in any way.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Metro Meteor’s original paintings may be a little harder to come by since his newfound fame via NPR last month, but you can enjoy some of his art in your home — and still support retired racehorse adoption — through ecologically produced pillows and tote bags. Image: “Spumoni” by Metro Meteor.


Who Says Centaurs Aren’t Real?

Metro Meteor was a promising racehorse until recurring bone chips in his knees (partly congenital, but likely made worse by racing) put an end to his demanding athletic career. Adopted by Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, artist Ron Krajewski and his wife, Wendy, to ride for pleasure, it soon became clear that his knees could not even take a rider. The Krajewskis were told that within two years, Metro Meteor’s knees would lock up — and he would have to be put down.

But Ron Krajewski noticed the horse’s tendency to bob his head and decided to try putting a paintbrush in his mouth and a canvas in front of him, and Metro Meteor’s new art career took off. Better still, with the money from his paintings, the Krajewskis were able to afford an experimental treatment that has reversed the bone spur growth in his knees.

Now, Metro Meteor’s paintings sell so well his humans are able to donate half the proceeds to the New Vocations Racehorse Adoption Program, helping other retired racehorses find new, loving homes. Chiron might not be one of the centaur planets the Sun is currently conjoining in Sagittarius, but chances are “the wounded healer” is looking fondly on this real-life centaur’s work.


Planet Waves

Nelson Mandela — Return to Orius and a Musical Tribute to the Anti-Apartheid Movement

Link to program.

Before I introduce this week’s awesome edition of Planet Waves FM, first a reminder that LISTEN, your 2013 annual reading, is open to all readers and listeners as our gift this week through the weekend). All 12 signs and rising signs, written and audio, are open to everyone.

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Nelson Mandela and the flag of the African National Congress.

This edition is a tribute to the music of the anti-Apartheid movement, to Nelson Mandela and the extraordinary astrology of the newly discovered centaur planet Orius. My ideas for what music to play came from both my readers and also the LA Times pop music critic Randall Roberts (visit his compilation here).

I discuss Mandela’s chart as well — you can find one version of the chart here.

Later in the program, I discuss the collection of planets gathered in Sagittarius, which you can see here as a graphic or here as a list from Serennu.com.

Because this edition addresses delineating the minor planet Orius and also many other points in Sagittarius, here is a link to an article about how that is done, which I wrote for The Mountain Astrologer in 2012.


Planet Waves

Have you pre-ordered your 2014 readings by Eric Francis yet? The Mars Effect (our 16th annual edition!) will be out in January, and will include in-depth audio and written readings for your Sun, Moon and rising signs. We always receive a flood of positive feedback for these readings, and it shows just how meaningful they are. One customer wrote, “I’m so grateful to you for the illumination and the reassurance this reading has bestowed.” We’re offering you a special package price of $79 for all twelve signs, available only to current Planet Waves members. Or you may purchase individual signs for $19.95.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

We published the extended monthly horoscope for December Friday, Nov. 29. Inner Space for November was published Friday, Nov. 1. Moonshine for the Sagittarius New Moon was published Tuesday, Nov. 26. We published Moonshine for the Gemini Full Moon Tuesday, Dec. 10. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space usually publishes the following Tuesday.


Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 13, 2013, #979 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Don’t let your idealism be used against you. You have plenty of it right now; you seem to be fully conscious that there is a future and that you are being shown what is possible. You know that you have much more potential than you’re expressing now. Others are picking up on that, and you may have noticed that your enthusiasm is contagious. You will make some genuine friends now who may co-create some beautiful things, and travel with you for quite a while. Be aware that not everyone’s positive response is equally deep or meaningful. In your excitement you may be vulnerable to being taken advantage of, or being told things that you want to hear. Therefore, be discerning. Channel your positive vibes in deliberate ways, be conscious of how you allocate your resources and make sure that others back up their words with actions before you invite them in on your plans.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also pre-order individual signs for $19.95 here.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You seem to be making up your mind about something, trying to sort out your original impulses from what your past conditioning is telling you. This could be a longterm career or life-path question, though it’s connected to a deeper spiritual issue. I think it’s a good idea to consider the possibilities, especially what you would do if you could do anything at all. Then you can refine and narrow down the possibilities. While you’re doing this, be aware of the sometimes subtle shades of what you’re saying to yourself and what is being said to you from people in the past who lacked your sense of potential and, moreover, your devotion to self-esteem. Those who came here before you may have been snagged in the trap that the only thing possible today is what was possible yesterday. You have other ideas.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also pre-order individual signs for $19.95 here.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Pull in the reins on your spending. I know it’s the holiday season and you may be feeling generous, and like you want to make an impression on people. I would count that as sincere. With gifts, it really is the thought that counts — not the thought that you did anything, but rather that you actually considered who a person is and therefore what would have real meaning. Gifts really matter, and when they are conscious, they can convey a message of acknowledgement and affirmation. And they don’t need to be expensive to do that. This also counts for the gifts you give yourself, and the way you support your own efforts. Over the next few months you’re going to learn a lot about value, finances and shared resources. Many of these will be once-in-a-lifetime learning opportunities; treat them as precious.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also pre-order individual signs for $19.95 here.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You may feel inclined to talk, and even to reveal some of your secrets; you have a lot brewing around in there and it will feel good to let some of it out. I suggest you be aware what you’re sharing with whom. Select appropriate people when you want to open up — those who you know are most inclined to receive and appreciate you; those who you know will give you space to be yourself. If you’re going to experiment with that, start in small ways and feel the response. The thing is, the energy over the next few days, as the Full Moon reaches its peak, has anything but a selective, reserved or cautious feeling to it. As the Moon aspects the chart for your sign, it lights up an inner world that you may have never considered, and the idea that you don’t need to have so many secrets, or any at all. Still, take a moment to feel the relationship into which you’re expressing yourself.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also pre-order individual signs for $19.95 here.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You are a creative and sexual powerhouse right now, and the more you want to be one, the more energy you will dial in. Once you get going it will be difficult to stop, or more likely, you will wonder why you would have to stop. You might want to consider things like whether you need to get up in the morning or alternately, whether you can rearrange your schedule to accommodate your passion. The crest of the wave is from Friday through the peak of the Full Moon on Tuesday of next week. You have a rare opportunity on your hands to explore and stretch your potential; if you’ve been feeling blocked or restrained in any way, this is the time to break through to the next level. While this particular cosmic wave passes through pretty quickly, it’s tapping into much deeper forces that will be with you for a long time.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also pre-order individual signs for $19.95 here.
Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The past is much closer than you may think, which means that resolving old problems and tapping into your reservoir of experience are also closer than you may think. You are working through a legacy that has been passed to you by prior generations; this is true of everyone, but it’s an especially vivid aspect of your life experience. Anything you have to say to your ancestors — parents, grandparents and beyond — say it now, whether these people are in-body or not. Consider the idea that some of the more messed-up people in your family line (particularly those who are deceased) are now aware of the problems they caused for you, and are willing to provide help from the ‘other side’. You will open up to that help if you remember that you are never dealt a disadvantage without some corresponding gift of power. It’s your choice what to emphasize.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also pre-order individual signs for $19.95 here.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Any sense of being emotionally stuck deserves a closer look. This may manifest as feeling more complicated than usual, hesitating expressing yourself, having anxiety attacks related to your personal security or feeling like your sexual energy is blocked. What you’re feeling is starting as one thing and then as it bubbles up to the surface, expresses itself as something else. So I suggest you not be overly concerned with the form that any of your emotions are taking, but rather that you go deeper and see if you can learn more about the source of the energy. One possibility is that you’re feeling the extent to which you’re dependent on others for affirmation. That in turn may be a manifestation of some abandonment fears that are usually concealed below the surface. You might test your perceptions against a simple question of how this relates to that particular theme. Remember, too, that guilt is never what it seems to be; it always travels incognito.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also pre-order individual signs for $19.95 here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — There are at least two sides to the current intrigue, and rather than see one as right and one as wrong, try to see matters from all points of view. You will not lose anything by doing this, so you can afford not to be insecure. By seeing all sides, I mean really considering the different positions involved, giving them each the benefit of the doubt. This will help you step away from the influence of someone to whom it seems you’ve handed over your power. While that may seem frustrating, your ability to see the situation from many points of view will prove to be empowering. You may have the notion that if you exert your awareness or authority over yourself, some sensitive issue or secret is going to be used against you, though I don’t think that’s true. Just don’t remind anyone of anything you don’t want them to know.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also pre-order individual signs for $19.95 here.



Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You are the master of your destiny, but for that to have any meaning, you must remain in fidelity to what you know is right and true for you. That means understanding your motives and setting aside anything driven by jealousy, the sense of being unfairly treated or thinking that someone else is supposed to meet your needs. Anything of that general variety is a ruse or a distraction, a kind of ego game that can block you from awareness of your true strength. This is a moment when your choices have more power than you can imagine; when you have more personal influence than you’ve ever acknowledged; and when the karmic stakes are unusually high. Therefore, this is a time to think your options through and to make your choices carefully. Small decisions can lead to great things, though that’s too much power for most people to handle.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also pre-order individual signs for $19.95 here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You must be bursting at the seams of your soul. You are being flooded with etheric energy, which seems to have its source deep inside you. This is opening up what you can think of as a direct spiritual connection to something that seems beyond yourself — though you’re really seeing, and experiencing, what you’re made of. But…spiritual? I know, it hardly seems like an accurate way to describe the diversity of strange, steamy, potentially socially transgressive thoughts that are coming through you. These could also be manifesting as fear, though if so, that would be a sign of resistance. You might have the idea that if you let yourself indulge just a little, you will lose control entirely (and this idea didn’t come from you). You are safe witnessing and feeling whatever is coming to the surface of your consciousness. I suggest you not seek others for validation, but use this occasion as a reminder that who you are is natural, and that if freedom means anything, that would include the freedom to know yourself.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also pre-order individual signs for $19.95 here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You’re probably aware that you have the reputation among your friends of being an advanced soul. You know what you must go through in order to maintain your sense of balance and to resolve the inner wrinkles and twists that seem so natural to who you are. This may, at times, lead to you feeling like there is a contradiction between how others see you and who you are inwardly. There are moments when you might feel like a hypocrite for not living up to the ideals that others perceive of you. Events of the next few days will go a long way toward allaying any such fears. It is your transparency that people respect the most; what you may not recognize is that people close to you, and even those who just meet you, already understand that you’re a complex individual with many inner dimensions and contradictions. These are nothing to hide from but rather something to embrace. People love you and you can love yourself.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also pre-order individual signs for $19.95 here.


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — I suggest you take full advantage of the professional reputation you’ve built. You might hesitate, because to own your reputation would mean to invoke a kind of personal power, perhaps claim an entitlement or to exert influence onto others. This would only be a problem if you have some value that conflicts with it, such as the belief that it’s not right to impose your will or even your vision onto people. That would be a valid issue if you could actually do it. In truth, everyone chooses what influence they want to accept. Everyone has volition and the right to decide what works for them. Therefore, it matters not whether you influence one person or a million people; it amounts to the same thing. The universe does not care whether you’re mildly successful, wildly successful or struggling to succeed — though it matters considerably to you. Therefore, be proud of what you’ve achieved, step into your strength and creativity, and trust that your positive message (and example) will benefit everyone — though especially you.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also pre-order individual signs for $19.95 here.


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The Mars Effect

Planet Waves

View of the first Kingston New Year’s Eve street party, moments before the stroke of midnight on Dec. 31, 2012, as seen from the window of Blue Studio on North Front Street. Photo by Eric Francis.

Note to Readers: This article will soon appear in Chronogram, a regional magazine where I live. Rather than cut the local color and doing a different version, I decided to leave it in. If you happen to be in Kingston for this event, and you’re looking for me, check in at the counter at Dominick’s Cafe or at the bar at BSP Lounge. — efc

Dear Friend and Reader:

When the lighted ball drops over Uptown Kingston on New Year’s Eve, the astrology of 2014 will be in place and waiting for the first standout astrological feature of the new year: the Capricorn New Moon on Jan. 1.

Let’s start with the party and then go to the astrology. This will be the second annual New Year’s street festival held in Uptown. The first time out was a beautiful event, a true success, not needing to make any allowances for being the first time out. Between the efforts of local entrepreneur Maria Phillipis (owner of Boitsen’s restaurant, who organized the outside party), Teri Rosin and her brilliant crew at Backstage Studio Productions (a/k/a BSP Lounge, which handled entertainment) and many business owners who helped out, the festivities came off flawlessly. Okay well, most of the bars ran out of liquor by about 1 am, but I think that problem has been solved.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

This year the theme will be an old-time formal soiree. Whether you come in full dress or come as you are, you will see many of your friends and neighbors dressed in their very finest, most creative outfits, designed once again to evoke an early 20th-century aesthetic. I am not especially into fashion, though I thought this was a lot of fun.

The shoes to the right were one my more vivid memories of the evening, aided by having a photograph of them and their lovely model.

Cafes, bars, some restaurants and BSP will all be open extra late. There will be parking in the lower municipal lot off of Schwenk Drive, though you might want to make a reservation for dinner someplace and come out a little early. Please designate a driver and plan a safe route home, off the beaten path if you can, in advance. Please pay attention to the weather and don’t forget to monitor the plans of any teenagers for whom you are responsible.

From what I can reckon, this is an outdoor New Year’s Eve party that’s exactly opposite what you would get at Times Square in Manhattan. You will know people, the crowd is a modest size (measured in the hundreds, not the tens of thousands), there will be places (with bathrooms, even) to hang out indoors and you will be close to home. You can enjoy the festivities and even sit down if you want to.

The Capricorn New Moon — and the Cross

Unlike most years, the astrology of the next year of our lives begins exactly on Jan. 1. It’s unusual for the civil calendar to align exactly with the astrological ephemeris, though this alignment is a message for us about 2014.

Planet Waves
Beth Bagner and Josie Coppolino. Photo by Eric Francis.

On New Year’s Day is the Capricorn New Moon. This event is a hologram containing the story of the next few seasons, because it aligns with the long-standing 2012-era aspect, the Uranus-Pluto square. This is generational astrology that is influencing very nearly everything, ranging from global events to the most intimate affairs of your private life.

The New Moon is part of a grand cross in the cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. These may be the four highest-energy signs.

The Uranus-Pluto square (which I’ve been writing about in Chronogram at least since May 2009, to give you an idea of its significance) involves two slow-moving planets, and most of the time it disappears into the environment. A square is two planets arranged in a 90-degree meeting — one of the highest-tension aspects there is. We get it as the sensation of ‘everything, all at once’, in the form of weeks so concentrated they feel like a month of activity happened; months that go by so fast they feel like eight or nine days; and the sensation that there is simply no way to get control.

Those who are not fully on the ride may feel like life is blowing by them, like they are left on the shore as a rushing stream of events goes by. Those who are on the ride may be feeling like they’ve never participated so fully in so much experience. Those who are hesitating may have no concept how to get involved, or how to have an impact, or how even to make contact with those who are doing so. Pay attention and you will find your opening. Don’t judge your role — just live it out.

Uranus and Pluto together are like a mix of revolution and evolution. They can spur incredible upheavals. Yet they can also be subtle, dropping back from awareness and acting more like an invisible part of the environment, but influencing everything nonetheless. They have a long arc of influence, arriving in standout phases of history that most people don’t notice until they’re over.

Planet Waves
Eileen. Photo by Eric Francis.

Remember that Uranus and Pluto can only be seen with special equipment, such as telescopes or space probes. In a sense we have to go to them. Astrologically, that property means they represent a non-ordinary state of consciousness.

When other planets come into the alignment — especially the more visceral bodies closer to the Earth — they tend to bring the Uranus-Pluto aspect into the foreground, as if they’re giving the aspect some tangible substance to work with. The ordinary and the non-ordinary fuse together and create something new: original ideas; previously unseen points of view; experiences that shape and change our lives; events that transform our culture.

There is always a mix of creative and destructive in these aspects; and there is often a choice what side of that equation to choose.

All of this shows up in the Capricorn New Moon chart, and that particular astrological pattern develops through the first week of the year, gradually ramping up the energy, preparing us for the coming four seasons. The New Moon is symbolic of new beginnings and is the turnover of the basic heartbeat of both nature and astrology. On New Year’s Day this is a clue that we’re actually about to encounter something different.

The New Moon pattern consists of the Moon and the Sun in Capricorn closely conjunct Mercury and Pluto. This has a touch of the ominous, and has the power to call awareness to a profound depth — the kind of thing that most humans usually avoid. Of itself, the Capricorn group is a call to question the nature of the familial, corporate and governmental structures that strive to control our lives and our every thought.

Mercury combined with Pluto is so penetrating that it holds the potential to go deeper into this issue than ever before. It’s not enough to challenge corporate entities by staging protests. It’s necessary to address their internalized, miniature versions that inhabit our families, our intimate relationships and our inner lives.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

Opposite the Capricorn New Moon group is Jupiter in Cancer. The largest planet and its 67 natural satellites are holding emotional ground and providing a kind of counterweight, facilitating some stability while these questions come up. Jupiter places an emphasis on home and awareness of how important it is, something that many tend to forget. Practice being grateful for your dry roof every time you notice it’s there.

Jupiter in its position in this chart also feels like it’s gathering emotional intelligence, which will be a point of orientation through whatever changes these aspects represent, and which will emerge in a new way later in the year when Jupiter makes its way into Leo in July. That transit has the feeling of bold expression, be it musical, artistic, dramatic or the sensation that the party has begun.

While Jupiter will be retrograde (through March 6) it will mostly be in learning mode, opening up inwardly and serving as a bold reminder that while it’s sometimes okay to keep your feelings to yourself, it’s necessary to have feelings, to notice them (which means to notice yourself) and to use your experiences to help you expand inwardly.

With Jupiter in Cancer there is also the sense that some collective opinion is brewing, a kind of wide consensus on so many issues that seem to be ignored in day-to-day conversation — something that will not begin to express itself directly till late winter (when Jupiter stations direct).

Uranus, part of the Uranus-Pluto square, is in Aries. This is an exceptionally restless placement that can feel like you’re searching for identity, bursting with erratic creativity that is calling for some containment and focus, and going through potentially violent feelings. There is a drive for freedom in this placement that could be expressed through pointless, violent militancy; or it could be expressed as the kind of art created by someone truly self-inventive.

That could be a challenge to find; my take is that Uranus in Aries has most people caught in the thrall of glamour, technology and the fascination of narcissism. Emerging from that into a free space will be a revolutionary act.

Mars Retrograde in Libra: The Prime Mover

There is one sign and one extended event remaining to describe on the cardinal cross, and that is Libra. Libra will be occupied by Mars beginning Dec. 7. Mars will be retrograde between March 1 and May 19, and then finally leaves Libra and enters Scorpio on July 25. Mars spends nearly eight months of its current two-year orbit in Libra, about 11 weeks of that time retrograde.

Planet Waves
Oh, Dang. Photo by Eric Francis.

Mars retrograde seems to contain an inherent contradiction, in that Mars is action-oriented; retrograde motion is a kind of retreat, though it’s also inwardly seeking in a way that Mars generally is not.

Libra, where this will happen, is a sign ruled by Venus. So there’s another seeming contradiction here; Mars will be way out of his home territory, with a couple of compromises placed on him. Though this might be challenging if taken unconsciously, it could be helpful as well.

We will have Mars in a field of experience where Venus is much more comfortable. This could be some form of gender or gender role questioning, a role reversal, or the immersion in an experience that provides a different point of view where sex and relationships are concerned. You could see this as men being put into the roles of women and having to find their way.

We are talking about Mars, the planet of desire and the energy of ‘go get it’, and Libra, the primary sign associated with relationships. Mars (which on one level representsan individual) will be in an unusual position, which you could view several ways. One is that whatever Mars represents will be put in a position to be in a more conscious relationship to itself. The inward-seeking property of the retrograde emphasizes the point.

You could also look at this as an inquiry. “What do you want from your relationships?” is an obvious image. “Are you in the right relationship?” is another.

We humans tend to make a lot of assumptions when we relate to one another, and we tend not to ask so many questions. This transit is about asking the questions that will penetrate those assumptions.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

Mars retrograde in Libra goes to the level of what happens to our society, not just to us as individuals. For the Capricorn New Moon on Jan. 1, all the planets I’ve mentioned in this article so far will be in aspect to Mars — it’ll be opposed by Uranus; to one side squared by Jupiter; and to the other side squared by the Moon, Mercury, the Sun and Pluto.

These aspects are all connection points to much larger nodes, events or pre-existing patterns of change. We may see some shocking, massive events in society associated with Mars passing through the Uranus-Pluto square.

Because of the direct-retrograde-direct pattern of motion, Mars will make three sweeps through the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto configuration: one centered in late December and the first week of January, one centered on the last week of April (with a focus on April 24, the most powerful chart of the year) and then a third the last two weeks of June. Whatever this astrology represents lasts through the first half of the year and, for a number of reasons, well beyond.

The emphasis on personal relationships rises to the level of understanding how society works — that the vastest public experiences stem from our most intimate connections with one another. The ways in which society is out of balance are reflections of the ways in which we struggle in our partnerships.

This is an invitation to do your part. Get clear about the meaning of the people in your life. Don’t take them for granted. Don’t take your relationships for granted. Listen to the people you care about, and speak in a way that encourages them to listen to you.

We need balance, though nobody is going to hand it to us. We must find it with one another. It will not be enough to pray for peace. We will need to work it out with one another, with kindness, fairness and devotion.



Planet Waves

I’ve recorded a half-hour presentation (available to everyone) about the astrology of 2014 and introducing The Mars Effect, your 2014 annual readings. This discussion, featuring music by Gary Lucas, covers the peak astrology of the 2012 era — the grand cross that is forming around the Uranus-Pluto square and that will spin the world on its finger. The grand cross is exact for the first time with the Capricorn New Moon on New Year’s Day, and for the second time April 23-24. Planet Waves members may still pre-order all 12 signs for a very friendly discount — we have extended the $69 rate through the end of today. NOTE — On Saturday, the all-12 price goes up to $79, and eventually the signs will only be sold individually. The Mars Effect, my 16th annual readings, will be delivered in January and include both written and audio interpretations for each of the signs and rising signs. My introductory audio will orient you on just how big, and how interesting, 2014 astrology is.

Writing and Editing Credits: News items below are written and edited by a team consisting of Anne Craig, Eric Francis, Amanda Painter, Susan Scheck and Carol van Strum. Page assembled and coded by Anatoly Ryzhenko. Special thanks to the Fact Checkers List, which goes over each edition on Thursday night — and to our main astrology fact-checker Alex Miller, and Amanda, who goes over all their suggestions. Our editions are also proofread and fact-checked by Jessica Keet.


Planet Waves

That’s Not Tofurky: Sagittarius New Moon

The Sun is now in Sagittarius, heading for two of the most potent deep-space points in the sky — the Great Attractor and the Galactic Core.

In Northern Hemisphere summertime, you can see the galaxy make its streak across the night sky — during the summer, we face inward toward the Galactic Core. In the winter, the night sky has its back to the Galactic Core. Part of the chilly, isolated feeling of this season is that we face outward into intergalactic space at night.

Planet Waves
Bonfire on the Grandmother Land in High Falls, Ulster County, New York, November 2013. Photo by Eric Francis.

There’s another deep-space point, one located many thousands of light years beyond our galaxy, called the Great Attractor. That is in mid-Sagittarius. These two points give Sagittarius most of its flavor: emphasis on the spiritual, on the exotic, on the unknown, on long-distance travel and for individuals, the sensation of needing a lot of space around them.

Monday’s Sagittarius New Moon is close to the Great Attractor (it’s just four degrees away). The sensation of planets within range of the Great Attractor is polarization. Viewpoints can seem to differ wildly; both can seem right, or are arguably right. People with planets conjunct or in other strong aspects to the GA can have a polarizing effect on others. (That might be you if you’re born in mid Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces, or have one of those signs rising.)

Others can have unusually strong feelings about these people and not understand why (and I do mean unusually strong). They may seem to walk around with a storm of controversy surrounding them — which often can be meaningless and serve no practical purpose. Therefore, if you find yourself in controversies, any time from now into early next week (when the New Moon happens) and into midweek, I suggest you not feed them. Just stand back and trust that you cannot be harmed by the opinions of others.

The Sagittarius New Moon has two points around it that may clarify the issue. It’s square Pallas in Virgo, and Chiron in Pisces. Both of these minor planets are about focusing the mind. They are doing this from different points of view.

Pallas in Virgo is calling for focus on the most precise details (supported by Mars in Virgo). These Virgo placements are asking for careful planning and making sure that your data is correct. Use power tools with full consciousness; make sure you know what you’re doing.

Chiron in Pisces is a reminder to distill the ‘big picture’ into a meaningful presentation — one way to look at that is spiritual ideas focused into a practical approach to life. The information comes not from the data (as in Virgo) but from a cosmic source, something a bit beyond the world, though for that to work, there must be action points.

Then the data side of the equation and the cosmic side of the equation need to be integrated. That may be tricky with the Great Attractor pointing out all the seeming differences, though the differences will be less meaningful (or more useful) as time goes on.

Planet Waves

Night of the Comet — ISON Emerges from Behind the Sun

For those following Comet ISON (or C/2012-S1, named for the ISON Observatory in Russia, where it was discovered, also called Comet Nevski–Novichonok after the comrades who first spotted it), ISON reached perihelion Thursday, disappearing behind the Sun for a few hours.

Its proximity to the Sun was so close — about 12% of the Earth-Sun distance — that astronomers were writing its obituary yesterday when a fragment of the object emerged from behind the Sun several hours later, seeming to be significantly smaller with a bunch of it having been cooked off.

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Comet ISON photographed from the ESO small-body observatory in northern Chile on Nov. 15. Read more about the photo here.

ISON was discovered more than a year ago, on Sept. 21, 2012. But it remained a fairly uneventful discovery till it started having outbursts of gas and other material on Nov. 1 and then again on Nov. 13, making it much more visible.

Many people ask about the astrology of comets, which is a speciality of its own — one that hardly anybody practices, since comets are so rare, and most people cannot remember what they had for breakfast. With comets we are in the region of ‘signs and omens’ rather than standard interpretations.

Their orbits are typically so weird (off the ecliptic, parabolic or hyperbolic), and so difficult to plot exactly, that we don’t usually have a longitude position for them and hence cannot declare them to be a creature of some zodiac sign or another.

I think of them as demarcation points in history — manifestations that say ‘this moment is meaningful now, for reasons that will be obvious now, if you look’. Notably, it was discovered in the very last days of the Mayan 13th baktun. The Western astrology chart for the discovery is somewhat unremarkable, though I have not been able to identify a discovery time, which might help clarify things.

However, there is a T-square in the chart between Venus in Leo, Mars in Scorpio and Nessus in Aquarius — a little reminder of all the Venus and Mars stuff (emotional, sexual) that underlies all of our society’s woes, including things like school shootings (and our response to them). The closest aspect in the chart is Venus in Leo trine Pholus in Sagittarius. That, actually, is really interesting, and I will let you know what it means when my astrology muses clue me in.

The comet’s discovery, its presumed loss and then its reemergence suggests that it’s a good idea to keep developing and transforming good ideas, even when all hope seems lost — they may emerge on the other side of the orbit in a new form.


Planet Waves

The Little Health Care System That Could

Despite the massive propaganda blitz designed to convince Americans that the Affordable Care Act is unworkable and disastrous, the latest poll results indicate that a majority are willing to give the federal government a chance to work the bugs out and see what develops. And it turns out that at least some of the opposition expressed to the law is not because people fear socialized medicine, but because they feel the ACA does not go far enough in that direction.

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“The ACA has this many new enrollees!” Health Secretary Kathleen Sebelius testifying Nov. 6 on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. Photo: AP.

The right wing is struggling to maintain its characterization of the rollout as a massive disaster, trotting out story after story about problems with the law and striving to maintain its narrative of angry physicians, crumbling hospital programs and bereft citizens — stories which have repeatedly unraveled under scrutiny.

Health Secretary Kathleen Sebelius says she anticipates that many of the website glitches will be much improved by the administration’s self-imposed deadline of Nov. 30, and that improvements already in place have resulted in a slow but steady increase in enrollments. Currently, about 200,000 people have purchased new private coverage through the healthcare.gov site and state networks, and some 370,000 have enrolled in expanded Medicaid provided under the law.

Proponents of a single-payer health care system have pointed out that such a plan would have undoubtedly been simpler in its implementation, while opponents have gone so far as to suggest that the glitches that have occurred are part of an underlying conspiracy aimed at adding the United States to the lengthy list of countries where health care is considered a right.


Planet Waves

Iranian Peace Process: Baby Steps and Backlash

An interim agreement reached last Sunday between Iran, the five permanent members of the UN security council, Germany and the European Union keeps many of the economic sanctions against the Iranian regime in place, while allowing Iran to continue its nuclear enrichment program within certain limits. About $7 billion in sanctions will be lifted, and Iran will stop enriching uranium to 20% purity.

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Participants before the start of three days of closed-door nuclear talks in Geneva, Switzerland, Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2013. Photo: Salvatore Di Nolfi/Keystone/AP.

The interim agreement will be in force for six months, during which time talks will continue in hopes of further progress. It’s the first time any negotiations have taken place, much less succeeded, between the U.S. and Iran since the Islamic Revolution of 1979, in which the Western-backed Shah was deposed — unless one counts the surreptitious doings of the Reagan-era Iran/Contra affair.

The agreement has been subjected to intense criticism from Israeli and Saudi Arabian leaders as well as from conservatives in the U.S. and hard-liners in Iran. And in a somewhat cryptic statement released on Tuesday, the Iranian foreign ministry took issuewith what it sees as Washington’s spin on the agreement. As has often been said, a successful negotiation almost never results in either side getting everything they want — and it seems unlikely that the more hawkish elements on the planet will ever be satisfied by anything less than continued saber-rattling.


Planet Waves

The Artsy-Crafty Attack on Contraceptives and Women’s Rights

For years, the conservative movement has been trying to undermine the 1965 Supreme Court ruling that blocks states from making contraceptives illegal. Before that time, states could arrest even married couples for using contraceptives. But in a famous ruling, the case Griswold v. Connecticut put a stop to that.

Planet Waves
As SCOTUS decides whether Hobby Lobby, Inc. is a person, will Roe v. Wade and Griswold v. Connecticut be undermined any further? AP photos.

In 1973, the Supreme Court built on that precedent when it issued the Roe v. Wade ruling that bans states from making abortion illegal, so naturally for those wanting to ban abortion, it would make sense to undermine Roe by reversing Griswold. [Read Planet Waves’ excellent coverage of Roe v. Wade here.]

This week the Supreme Court agreed to hear two cases brought by parties objecting to being mandated under the Affordable Care Act to provide health coverage for certain women’s reproductive procedures in their employee health insurance packages. Both parties — one being the Hobby Lobby chain and the other being a wood products company owned by a Mennonite family — object to having to cover women’s fertility procedures, including contraception.

In the Hobby Lobby case, a federal appellate court ruled that the corporation is a “person” under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 and that its religious beliefs were being compromised. This has a chilling similarity to the Citizens’ United case of 2010, the latest in a series of rulings that grant personhood rights to corporations. One of the earliest and most troubling of these was the 1886 decision in Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad, which was granted corporate personhood not by the justices in the actual decision, but by Bancroft Davis, the court reporter at the time that the decision printed. Davis was a former railway executive and made sure he added a little something extra to the printed decision — and it stuck.

Planet Waves
For chart spotters, here is the chart for the Griswold ruling, which banned states from making birth control illegal. This chart came under tremendous stress from around 2000 through 2005 and it’s amazing the ruling held up — but then the anti-choice forces had not quite figured out that it was their target yet.

In agreeing to hear Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., the court will be considering another aspect of the concept of corporate “personhood” further entrenched in the Citizens’ United decision — whether corporations have freedom of religion. Yes, seriously.

The case revolves around whether Hobby Lobby may refuse to cover abortion and certain contraceptives that they believe are the equivalent of abortion in its employee health care plans.

Churches and nonprofit religious organizations are already exempt from the mandate, and the Obama administration has expressed confidence that the court will rule that for-profit corporations must abide by it. Anti-choice forces, meanwhile, are encouraged by the court’s agreeing to hear the case.

Lower courts have varied in their opinions of whether corporations are “persons” for the purposes of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993, which prohibited government from burdening the free exercise of religion unless some compelling interest was at stake.

It remains to be seen what implications a ruling would have in other areas where religious principles may be in conflict with federal law, such as hiring discrimination. The contraceptive mandate has been struck down by three federal appeals courts and upheld by two others. Oral arguments are set for March, and a decision is anticipated in June.


Planet Waves

Walmart Shoppers May Encounter Picket Lines on Friday

Nationwide, there are 1,500 strikes planned at Walmarts across the country on Friday, Nov. 29, as labor advocates Organizations United for Respect at Walmart (OUR Walmart) strive to make the most of a swelling tide of public opinion in their favor.

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A 2012 ‘Black Thanksgiving’ Walmart strike sign in West Allis, Wisconsin, protesting the opening of stores on the holiday. Photo: Making Change at Walmart.

Walmart’s labor practices have come under increasing scrutiny as the holiday shopping season approaches. The revelation that most Walmart employees make so little that they are eligible for food stamps, along with the company’s decision to open stores on Thanksgiving, made a striking backdrop for the widely circulated story of one Walmart holding a food drive for its own needy “associates,” with donations presumably coming from other needy associates.

Meanwhile, the National Labor Relations Board just found that the company violated the rights of striking workers, and a study released this week demonstrates that Walmart could raise wages to $15 an hour without affecting prices. Presumably, the effect on the lavish lifestyle enjoyed by the heirs to the Walton fortune would also be minimal.

Smaller labor actions have been taking place leading up to the Black Friday event, with one in Los Angeles earlier this month resulting in 54 arrests. Meanwhile, corporate apologists are attempting to spin the whole thing as contrived, pointing to low participation numbers from actual Walmart employees — an argument that fails to factor in the well-documented retaliation Walmart dishes out to activist employees.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Reverend Billy and The Golden Toads take over a Chase Bank, singing their message of saving the planet’s diverse inhabitants from global warming at the hands of big banks and the fossil fuel industry. Photo by John Quilty / The Church of Stop Shopping.

Holiday Sing-Along With the Choir of Stop Shopping

Just in time for Black Friday, some news about New York performance activist Reverend Billy and his Choir of Stop Shopping. Reverend Billy and his group usually greet the staggering crush of shoppers seeking bargains at Macy’s department store the day after Thanksgiving, singing out their ‘gospel’ of renouncing mindless consumerism.

But Reverend Billy and Neremiah Luckett, his choir director, were arrested in September after the group’s performance in a JP Morgan Chase bank in Manhattan. In recent years the Church of Stop Shopping — a “post religious church” and “radical performance community” — have focused their attention on global warming and the big banks that finance our planet’s destruction. To bring attention to the injustice, choir members don hat-like masks of the Golden Toad, a Central American species that went extinct in the 1980s.

The Reverend and Luckett face a possible year in jail but were released on their own recognizance until the Dec. 9 trial — which falls in the middle of a string of performances at Joe’s Pub in New York. As Reverend Billy told Amy Goodman this week, “… one thing [Jesus] did teach us is, if you can’t afford a press person, get arrested quickly.”

Can I get an Earthellujah?


Planet Waves

Sun in Sagittarius, 2014 Astrology and Nuke Deal with Iran

Link to program.

In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM, we meet the Sagittarius Sun, and get an up-close look at 2014 astrology. I also cover the astrology of Iran and the recent development of a nuclear deal endorsed that Pres. Obama has brokered. My musical guest is Jessica Montague, of the band Jake.


Planet Waves

We are happy to offer once again one of our most popular products: the Planet Waves All-Access Pass for 2014. The All-Access Pass is for members who want access to everything we offer in a calendar year. In recent years our product line has grown considerably, and the response from our All-Access subscribers has been overwhelmingly positive. You can read about everything that’s included with an All-Access pass here. For those who can’t get enough Planet Waves astrology, it’s an unbeatable value. Plus, if you order now, we’ll include the rest of the readings that come out in 2013, and you’ll save $100.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

The extended monthly horoscope for December is published below in this issue. Inner Space for November was published Friday, Nov. 1. We published Moonshine for the Taurus Full Moon Tuesday, Nov. 12. Moonshine for the Sagittarius New Moon was published Tuesday, Nov. 26. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space usually publishes the following Tuesday.


Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes — December 2013, #977 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — We live in a time when everything comes down to power. Every question, action taken, or choice made becomes a question of power over others, or whether an individual has the strength to stand up to it. It would be one thing if this were just the king and his men. It’s now every major corporation and countless events that unfold on the individual and intimate levels of existence. Sex becomes a question of rape. Food becomes a matter of mass poisoning. Rule One is: you do it if you can. This comes at a price, which is self-mastery. As long as the name of society’s game is domination of others, we will overlook that the essential mission of arriving on Earth in a body is to be the master of your consciousness, your choices and to the greatest extent possible, your destiny. That theme comes into focus now, and as your ruling planet Mars moves into Libra and then into aspect with the historic Uranus-Pluto square, this theme will remain in focus for the foreseeable future. It is true that many forces in your personality are leading you to feel less than stable, though that is precisely what you must learn to harvest and focus with discipline and a true commitment to self-reinvention, clarity and the ability to direct your will.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $69 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones).


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You are right in that zone where self-respect and respect for authority merge into the same thing. You have wanted and indeed needed to level the playing field of life for a long time; to experience some sense of your own presence with other talented people on a peer-to-peer level. What you are learning is that the human property that facilitates that experience comes from you. It’s your recognition of your own gifts and your own potential that allows you to recognize the talent and leadership of others as something inherently human rather than mythical or supernatural. If you perceive authority as a leadership quality, as aptitude and as a hard-won achievement, you will be more inclined to be its student and to crave cultivating those same qualities in yourself. What you’re about to experience is an opportunity to dismantle and understand the familial experiences that led you in the other direction — to mystify those who seemed powerful; to distance yourself from them; to feel anything but equal. As you identify and discard various internalized structures, especially the authority structures of your family, you will free up energy, time and space. That will come in handy as you discover not only talents but also a profound desire to make your contribution to society.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $69 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones).


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — It is time for you to think bigger, which means with a long-range vision and focusing your sense of mission. This is setting a high standard in a world where 140-character messages by rank idiots make world news, but so be it. Over the next few weeks, information is likely to come through that has nothing to do with your work-a-day world, your circle of friends or any of your usual patterns of conversation. You will be getting big-picture information at the same time you experience a kind of earthquake around the values that guide your life. Go deeper, not for an hour or for a special occasion, but rather take your whole existence into the realm of active meaning. When you recognize that something you feel or think is true, or when you have an experience that changes you, start making decisions — immediately — based on what you have learned or discovered. Stop yourself from making excuses not to. It would be helpful if you were to take notes, by which I mean carry a notebook and use it, because there are some observations you will make that will evade memory. These are things you will want to remember, indeed, things for which you may have searched a lifetime.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $69 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones).


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You may notice that certain people you are intimate with are willing to go places you never imagined they would. That’s a cosmic signal that you are ready to go places that you never dreamed of, both in intimate situations and ordinary life. This is not a passing trend. You are embarking on one of the most significant phases of your life, when it comes to your ability to deepen your intimacy, your capacity for empathy and most of all, for experiencing some emotional balance in your relationships with others. While it may not be possible to insist that others know where you’re coming from at all times, you can understand yourself in the context of another person’s life, which is almost as good. A perceptive ability is opening up that is allowing you to see how others see you and to sense who you are to them. Before long you will be able to time travel with this experience, and look back over the course of your life and benefit from the awareness of how others experienced you, even when you were a child. This depth of understanding will help you adjust your emotional reality, and experience the feeling of actually belonging in the world. That you do is a true fact. To feel that way is a privilege.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $69 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones).


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You may feel like you’ve got an unusual amount of work piled on you, however the way to think of this is as approaching a truly significant achievement. There may be something you’ve wanted to accomplish for years, and you now have that potential. It will help if you get busywork out of the way, avoid running around on errands or doing everyone else’s job. That is to say, keep yourself on a routine of constantly prioritizing and reassessing your priority scheme. The point of this, if it’s not obvious, is to eliminate as many unnecessary activities as possible and direct your energy to what you know matters. If you are uncertain, knock it down the priority list and focus on what you are confident you want to do or know you must accomplish. One thing I can tell you is that by thinking things through and letting your mind do most of the work, you can spare yourself a lot of pointless effort and wasted time. I don’t mean worrying, which you’re better at than you let on. I mean thinking of your goals, desires and the circumstances of your life as puzzles you want to solve, and getting your thoughts together before you take action. A sketch on the back of an envelope may be enough.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $69 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones).


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Authentic creativity requires meltdowns, breakdowns, risks taken, the collapse of the known order and, sooner or later, total submission to the creative process. Well, not the creative process, but your process of birthing yourself into a new stage of your existence, which happens in tandem with what you create. As you go through this, you may have the sensation of betraying authority. That, in turn, could lead to the insidious feeling of guilt, intermingled with the pleasure of creation, liberation or sex, as if what you are doing is ‘so right but so wrong’. Here is a clue: It cannot be both. The right and the wrong you perceive are servants of different masters. So you need to ask yourself, who is the inner voice expressing disapproval (in the form of guilt or fear) and what is the source of the feeling that you really are expressing or exploring something meaningful? All the art in the world leads to this one theme: who has authority for the creation of your life and the expression of your life force? If it is ‘someone else’ then it would make perfect sense for you to feel bad about it. If it’s you, then it makes perfect sense for you to feel beautiful, perhaps a little shaken up, vulnerable and rather unusual.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $69 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones).


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Events of this month can serve either as a hologram or miniature model for what you can do with yourself during the coming year or, alternately, as an example of what you do not want. There’s likely to be some mix of the two, though I am inclined to think that you are about to discover the benefits of actually asserting yourself. I suggest you do this in your own style (well, that’s always what you do) but don’t let the concept of style include any form of passivity, compromise before the conversation, or getting snagged up in your contemplation/indecision thing. The idea here is to be bold and take a chance. This is where what I will call the reverb factor comes in. When you assert yourself, you’re likely to get a little echo back, in the form of some disapproval from someone. This verges on being a universal phenomenon, and it’s a potential stumbling point for those at a new phase of experimenting with their will and influence. The problem is that it’s enough to keep most people in their shell, silencing their opinions or otherwise refusing to ruffle feathers. Yet overcoming this seems to be the whole point of your astrology this month, and the phenomenon lasts well into next summer. Start the ruffling now and you’ll get some valuable practice.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $69 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones).


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — If you over-focus on the concept of sex in one relationship, you may miss the point of the whole human sexual experiment. That point (the little arrow on the Scorpio symbol) is how every aspect of life is fundamentally creative; how creativity always requires some transformation or movement of resources (which could be called ‘destructive’ to the form that existed before); and that any form of sex, or art, or expression will unquestionably offend someone, somewhere. Therefore, that someone may be offended by some aspect of your personal expression cannot be a valid criterion for determining the appropriateness of something. Once you catch that little riff, you will become a revolutionary, particularly where the stuffy, rigid thought forms of your parents or other caregivers are concerned. Those shadow figures are unlikely ever to give you direct permission to exist. So I suggest you open your aperture, open your mind and allow experience to happen. Daring to express yourself passionately, against the rules, is the one dependable thing that will crack all the stifling patterns that have you doing the box step — not waiting for permission or approval from anyone. As Ginsberg suggested, Art recalls the memory / of [your] true existence / to whoever has forgotten / that Being is the one thing / all the universe shouts.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $69 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones).



Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — The more you retreat, the more you’re putting yourself into position for maximum contact and action. It may seem like a paradox; however, we both know you’re determined to experience those very things, despite what appears to be a certain emotional hesitancy. When the spark meets the fuel, however, your specific frame of mind will not make a difference, except for how much fun you have when the time comes. So whatever you are doing with your emotional energy, however you feel about putting yourself forward and embracing your feelings and those of others, I suggest you count yourself as moving in the direction of what you know you want the most, whether you think you’re doing it or not. You are in a rare, beautiful position to learn the nature of trust where intimate exchanges are concerned. Part of that trust involves understanding that you have the power to opt in and also to opt out. This state of being often exists for you only in potential; only right now that potential is more like low-hanging fruit. I recognize that you don’t necessarily want to get overly caught up in someone else’s world, and in that you have options. You know that every relationship involves taking a chance. What is not said often enough is that not daring also involves a risk as well.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $69 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones).


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You are rapidly moving toward a breakthrough. Since this is something you have initiated but cannot control, I suggest focusing on aligning your intentions with your actions, every single time you make a move. It is debatable whether control even exists. What you can be certain exists is the potential to guide your existence and your creative power one step at a time, one decision at a time, in a series of conscious steps. This is a little like rock climbing or rafting or any other noncompetitive sport. You know your goal, you have your basic approach, and then you deal with the questions and challenges of the moment in the moment you are living them. This is the most efficient — and fun — way to get to your destination. It’s also the best way, at the moment, to align your life with what you want. I am suggesting this as an alternate to control dramas, resistance, power struggles and other huge wastes of energy and focusing power. Your chart is set up for incremental progress that all of a sudden manifests as a kind of crest that feels like you suddenly overcame some huge obstacle; really, all you can ever do is look forward and take one step at a time.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $69 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones).


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Rather than project your values onto a ’cause’ or going overboard to express your devotion to a relationship, I suggest you take an even bolder step: embody what matters to you the most. We all know the human tendency to have high ideals in some abstract dimension — and those born under your sign are especially susceptible. You can apply this to any desire to become a better person, or the notion that you will accomplish something great in the future. I suggest you skip the whole ‘becoming’ thing and go right into being. This may seem like a leap, but really, it’s a kind of un-leap. Try gathering your existence, your values, your desires into the present moment and noticing how you feel, and where you are. I know you may be experiencing a powerful need to lead by example, which implies demonstrating a level of certainty. I would propose that certainty is the last thing you want now, and the last thing that’s in the stars. You are however in a moment of dancing with some rich, fertile uncertainty, which will do more to nourish you than any goal-setting or devotion to anything outside yourself. Stay with the feeling and have faith what it will give birth to, in each moment as you live it.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $69 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones).


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Remind yourself at all times, whenever you need to, that you are the one who directs the shape and flow of your life. More significantly, you provide the shape and color to the vital force that comes through you. The more you honor these ideas, the more influence you will have over your life. Yet they will not be real to you until you put them into practice, and get some experience doing so. This will necessitate a change of orientation from focusing primarily on the activity and relationships in your life, to your actual existence. Your core relationship is to yourself, though I assure you that this violates every rule of our society — this, despite the prevalence of narcissism and self-obsession, which has nothing to do with the concept of a core relationship. Narcissism is a mockery, and in truth it’s always about someone else. One of the biggest and best favors you can do for yourself this month and for the coming year is to focus your vision. Have some concept of what you want to be doing, and then refine it regularly as you process additional experiences and information. This is not merely a psychological exercise; it’s working with a manifestation principle. You can be a passive recipient of your experience, or you can vision yourself into existence.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $69 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones).



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