Tag Archives: July Inner space Monthly Horoscope

Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope for July 2014

July begins the other 2014 — the one after the grand cross and Mars retrograde and Venus retrograde and two Mercury retrogrades (the most recent of which ends July 1) and a lot else besides. We now get to experience The Other 2014, the one when Jupiter enters Leo (on July 16) and Mars enters Scorpio (on July 25). With all of this we get a fresh wave of energy, very much in direct motion, with more diversity and easier flow than the kind of running uphill, swimming upstream, debating chaos theory with a mannequin astrological monolith we’ve experienced for the past six months. July brings the one-and-only Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Leo, and the Leo New Moon on July 26. Other dates of interest mixed in with those mentioned above are the Capricorn Full Moon on July 12 and the Sun ingressing Leo on July 22.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — In France, in the United States and in your life, July is the month of independence — when you start to crave emotional independence and start to make moves to design that for yourself. Well, design may be exaggerating a bit; it looks more like emotional jolts that prompt you to invent something new on the spot. The key is to go forward, even if you don’t think you can see the future. Take any unexpected development as an immediate prompt to get yourself in motion. You don’t need to know where you’re going. You just need to orient on one point so that you don’t go in circles. As you do this, all kinds of opportunities are likely to appear, including several from recent months that you were certain you missed. As they appear, you will see them more clearly for what they are.

Right now you can get the best-selling MARS EFFECT annual readings for half-price (only $39 for all twelve signs). These written and audio readings offer relationship and career insights throughout the year for your Sun, rising and Moon signs — and those of your loved ones. “After listening to it at least four times I always hear new aspects and I feel it helps me greatly in making sense of my very turbulent inner life” — Michelle, Planet Waves reader.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Your solar chart has become increasingly complex in recent weeks, which is another way of saying you may be less sure about who you are and what you want. It would, however, be far better to pause and not know than it would be to let someone decide for you. I am sure you’ve noticed the human tendency to want others to make our decisions. It saves mental effort and it saves responsibility, but in the end, you sacrifice choice. Or rather, you choose not to choose, in a passive way. I suggest you get underneath this psychology if you’re noticing that it exists. Clearly, you want to expand your horizons; you want some new energy in your physical space; you’re tired of a life that is so obsessively focused on work. If someone is offering you something that you see is appealing, and you want it, take full credit for your choice.

Looking at your life and wondering how half the year went by in such a colorful blur? “Turn the dial on the kaleidoscope of life,” as one reader put it, and clarify your view with the MARS EFFECT readings, now available for half price: $39 for all 12 signs. See how the patterns align through the interrelated facets of your life (and the lives of those your hold dear) as you co-create the rest of your year and beyond.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — With Mercury direct and Venus moving through your sign, you have the presence of mind and the charm necessary to resolve any misunderstandings that may have emerged during the recent Mercury retrograde. One particular disagreement may have been about an emotional attachment you had to a value or opinion that does not seem so compelling as it did a month ago. In fact you may be wondering why you cared so much. Without that attachment, you’re in a more conciliatory mood, and someone you care about will welcome your willingness to admit that you may have misjudged or over-communicated, or if appropriate, that you were a bit of a jerk. People move on from these things when they’re handled honestly. You have no need to hang onto the past with so much to look forward to.

Attention, Geminis! Mercury is about to retrograde back into your sign, there’s a highly unusual grouping of planets working their way across your relationship angle, and the planet Chaos could feel like a creative stirring — or more like confusion. Focus your mind and get your bearings on your solar year with your 2014 GEMINI BIRTHDAY READING, available now for $39.95. Also included is a tarot reading, access to the recorded Q&A session with Eric, and more.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You have been under a lot of stress the past six months. It’s almost like you’ve done everything right and yet you cannot get the results that you want. It’s good you subscribe to the motto “when you’re going through hell, keep on going” — even if it wasn’t all that bad. Yet so many factors change this month that you have reason to remain not just optimistic but also motivated. In fact I suggest you remain especially motivated on all of the things that you want the most but seem to have been slogging along the most annoyingly. That might include some mix of sex, money, relationships and your career — you know, all the big stuff. Past performance is not an indicator of future returns. Yet the thing that might be the very most dependable indicator is your drive and passion, which will be running with full heat within one month from today. Tap that energy — it’s all yours.

Hello, Cancers! If Mercury stationing retrograde in your sign has had you feeling a little turned around, consider your 2014 CANCER BIRTHDAY READING to be a proactive, meditative, empathic alternative to hiding in your shell or turning the mood-o-meter up to 11. If you pre-order now for $24.95, you’ll get the best possible price on two segments of astrology, a tarot reading, access to a live Q&A session with Eric, and more.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — July arrives with the one-and-only Leo New Moon conjunct Jupiter, at least till 2026 (and that one is not nearly as amazing as the one on July 26 of this year). So — this is the one, and to me it translates to a cosmic I Ching hexagram along the lines of Great Good Fortune. Make the most of it. The main variable seems to be understanding what you want to accomplish. You have a lot of small goals — and you must arrange them in such a way that they add up to something significant, or combine into one basic objective. Said another way, you have the winds of fortune blowing you in any direction you want — and you must focus that direction. It’s likely that you don’t have a name for the thing you want the most. If that is true, then call it “the nameless thing” and start to describe it, and refine your description till you know exactly what you’re talking about.

“I thought those readings were meant just for me” is how so many MARS EFFECT customers have felt, it’s a testament to just how intimate, beautiful and uncannily personal these written and audio readings truly are. Now you can access all 12 signs for $39 (half price) — an incredible value for more than a year’s worth of insights into all facets of your life, and into the lives of those closest to you.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You may have to adjust your strategy in light of unexpected developments, though that is another way of saying that plenty is brewing behind the scenes that you may not be aware of yet. Don’t mistake this for nothing happening. Mercury’s recent change of directions in the house associated with your professional ambitions is a reminder to pick up the threads on whatever may have been sidetracked about six weeks ago. Reassess that particular goal — you may want or need to revise it, or you may want to fold it into a new plan that has emerged more recently. Either way there is something valuable involved that will help you advance your work and your reputation. I was about to write “if you’re interested,” though I see every reason to be interested, and to get yourself there if you’re having the least hesitation.

“OMG the Mars Effect — I don’t really have words yet. Finally I’ve won the Lotto!” — Planet Waves reader Gary. Your luck just got even better: the written and audio MARS EFFECT readings are available for half price ($39 for all 12 signs), making it easy to access winning insights for your Sun, Moon and rising signs (and those of loved ones) immediately.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Whatever enterprises you get involved in could work out very well for you — if you remember what you’ve learned during the past couple of seasons, and if you keep a positive view of what is possible. Those two conditions might be difficult to hold in one thought or gesture, mainly due to so many persistent challenges this year. I know how this can be, when you expect adversity because you’ve experienced it, then you create it by expecting it. Do what you can to get out of this cycle. By the last week of July so many factors will have changed that you will be convinced far more is possible than you’ve experienced any time recently. Between now and then, you may have your doubts, though I suggest investing your energy in something more creative or pleasure-oriented rather than on regrets or worry.

Right now you can get the best-selling MARS EFFECT annual readings for half-price (only $39 for all twelve signs). These written and audio readings offer relationship and career insights throughout the year for your Sun, rising and Moon signs — and those of your loved ones. “After listening to it at least four times I always hear new aspects and I feel it helps me greatly in making sense of my very turbulent inner life” — Michelle, Planet Waves reader.


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — For most of the month Mars is making its way across the last degrees of Libra, on its way into your sign. Think of this as something trying to break through to the surface of your awareness — something that might feel edgy in a way you don’t understand. What you’re feeling is likely to be different from your experiences since Mars entered Libra last December, which was the beginning of a long odyssey. Now, change is imminent. You just may not be sure if you really want it. This is, of course, a theme of its own for you. This would be a good time to ponder whether any element of the past you’re attached to is really worth keeping. There are many new passions and ambitions coming into your life — I suggest you make space for them, which means for yourself.

“I thought those readings were meant just for me” is how so many MARS EFFECT customers have felt, it’s a testament to just how intimate, beautiful and uncannily personal these written and audio readings truly are. Now you can access all 12 signs for $39 (half price) — an incredible value for more than a year’s worth of insights into all facets of your life, and into the lives of those closest to you.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — This month may go down in the history of your life as the moment you set yourself free. This is the quest of Sagittarius, and it’s easier in thought than it is in reality. Yet you’ve been releasing yourself from various bonds one at a time. Something that happened back in April comes to mind, and had that development not occurred you would be in a different situation right now. Yet that merely prepared the ground for what is possible. The real step is the one that you must take on your own, because you recognize that it’s possible and because you know that you can. Your charts suggest that anything you do will work out, as long as you feel good about it. That’s a suggestion to do the thing that you feel the very best about. Note, making one choice does not necessarily preclude another. Start with what you want the most.

“OMG the Mars Effect — I don’t really have words yet. Finally I’ve won the Lotto!” — Planet Waves reader Gary. Your luck just got even better: the written and audio MARS EFFECT readings are available for half price ($39 for all 12 signs), making it easy to access winning insights for your Sun, Moon and rising signs (and those of loved ones) immediately.


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You seem ready to let go of some of the responsibility you’ve taken on, though I suggest you do it in an orderly and structured way. You have a right to make decisions that serve your best interests, and it’s also good to remember that your reputation follows you. So I suggest you make this a conscious process of exchange, based on several core lessons you’ve learned during the various adventures and misadventures going back to your birthday. All that experience was there to teach you something about yourself, though it’s possible to forget even the hardest-learned lessons. These you want to remember, because that’s the most likely way you’ll be able to prevent them from happening again — and the most likely way you will recognize something different and much better when you see it.

Right now you can get the best-selling MARS EFFECT annual readings for half-price (only $39 for all twelve signs). These written and audio readings offer relationship and career insights throughout the year for your Sun, rising and Moon signs — and those of your loved ones. “After listening to it at least four times I always hear new aspects and I feel it helps me greatly in making sense of my very turbulent inner life” — Michelle, Planet Waves reader.


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Over the next four weeks cosmic activity moves into the signs Leo and Scorpio, which I would say is excellent news for you. Mars and Jupiter, who were star players in the grand cross of 2014, change signs within a few weeks of one another. It’s often difficult for people to get the relationship aspect of their lives into harmony with the professional aspects; in fact this creates more tension than just about anything. Yet Jupiter in Leo will open up the possibilities in nearly all of your relationships. Mars in Scorpio will focus your drive and ambition. This is a dynamic mix of energies — though if you stay open-minded and open to change, what could be a clash will be more like a starburst into another world of possibilities. Let every step you take be a step in that direction.

“I thought those readings were meant just for me” is how so many MARS EFFECT customers have felt, it’s a testament to just how intimate, beautiful and uncannily personal these written and audio readings truly are. Now you can access all 12 signs for $39 (half price) — an incredible value for more than a year’s worth of insights into all facets of your life, and into the lives of those closest to you.


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Water signs are sensitive to their environments — I believe more sensitive than any other kind of sign, and Pisces is the most delicate among them. It helps to have the Sun and planets in any of the water signs, and it helps when other elements provide some additional vitality. Later this month — I wish it were sooner, but all in good time — Jupiter and the Sun move into your house of vitality and wellbeing. This will ease some of the stress you’ve been under at work, allowing ideas rather than work to carry some more of the effort. Then Mars exits your house of contracts (Libra) and ingresses your house of faith in yourself (Scorpio). On Aug. 1, the two make contact, which looks to me like you will be getting just the infusion of energy and passion that you need. Till then, easy does it — as easy as you can, anyway.

Looking at your life and wondering how half the year went by in such a colorful blur? “Turn the dial on the kaleidoscope of life,” as one reader put it, and clarify your view with the MARS EFFECT readings, now available for half price: $39 for all 12 signs. See how the patterns align through the interrelated facets of your life (and the lives of those your hold dear) as you co-create the rest of your year and beyond.


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A New Season, Inner Space and the Hobbyist Lobbyists

Dear Friend and Reader:

In tonight’s Planet Waves FM, I’ll give an overview of the new season — part of what I am calling “the other 2014.” This particular year is divided neatly into halves, with the point of division being July 1, when Mercury stations direct.

Planet Waves
Eric Francis.

Mercury stations direct three times a year, so of its own it’s not big astrology — however, this station direct concludes a sequence of four inner planet retrogrades that have, to put it mildly, been impressive. As in challenging and unstable, though calling attention to various problems and situations that have needed to be resolved or at least aired out for a while. I plan to give these events a careful review.

It’s also time to look ahead to the second half of 2014, which is defined mainly by Jupiter changing signs from Cancer to Leo, where it will be for one year. Today I have for you the first horoscope of the new era — your July Inner Space readings, which look at the last weeks of Jupiter in Cancer, and the transition to Jupiter in Leo.

This week we’re tracking a Supreme Court decision that could impact most of the female work force in the United States — it’s the infamous Hobby Lobby case. This involves a lawsuit brought against the United States government by a company owned by a supposedly Christian family, the Greens.

They’ve sued for the right to deny their female employees certain kinds of healthcare, claiming it goes against their religious values. By some judicial “miracle” their case made it onto the docket of the Supreme Court. That decision is due on Thursday, the last day of the court’s term. I’ll be previewing that on my program today, and we are ready to dismantle and explain the decision, which we’ll have for you in Thursday night’s edition.

About that — though I have not formally announced this yet, I’ve moved back the publishing time of Planet Waves to Thursday evenings EDT.

Planet Waves
The All-Access Pass includes everything — an extension to your current subscription, one annual edition, all birthday readings, special reports (such as the Spring Reading) and lots more besides.

This week I plan to record the Cancer birthday reading and the free audio preview. This Solar Return (birthday chart) is especially significant for Cancerians since your birthday falls so close to the midpoint of the year and Jupiter’s ingress into Leo. The next email you get about that will be a link to the free preview.

Finally, we are now offering the All-Access Pass at half-price for a six-month term. This is the “you can have it all” level of service to Planet Waves.

This includes an extension of your subscription, plus all birthday readings (and access to the archives), all publications and special reports, text message updates, daily emails and all 12 signs of The Mars Effect (see below), or the next annual edition.

I’ve been amazed how popular this product is; at how relevant the birthday readings are as astrology standing on its own — not just to people who were born under any particular sign. In addition to being excellent solar return readings — as good as most you will get from a private astrologer for many times the cost — these are a fantastic overview of the current astrological climate, with much included about how to think as an astrologer.

This level includes everything offered under Core Community Membership — a level I’ll tell you more about when Mercury is direct.

You may upgrade online or ask any questions (and upgrade by phone) by calling Chelsea at (877) 453-8265 or at (206) 567-4455.

Catch you tonight with the new Planet Waves FM.


Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon in Kingston, New York by Planet Waves, Inc. Annual basic subscription rate: $99/year. Core community membership: $149/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Business Manager: Chelsea Bottinelli. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Copy Editor: Jessica Keet. Research, Writing and Editing: Planet Waves is produced by a team consisting of Amy Elliot, Elizabeth Michaud, Amanda Moreno, Amanda Painter, Casey Smith, Carol van Strum, Len Wallick and Chad Woodward. Special thanks to the Fact Checkers List, which goes over each edition on Thursday night — and to our main astrology fact-checker Alex Miller, and Amanda, who goes over all their suggestions.


Planet Waves

There are still a few Planet Waves subscribers who have not experienced The Mars Effect. Well, you have definitely experienced the astrology, but not necessarily the readings that will help you make sense of what has happened the past six months.

Since the year is about half-over, we’re making it available for half-price for all 12 signs. If you are a customer of my birthday readings (solar return readings), some differentiation might help. The Mars Effect readings are a distinctly different experience of astrology compared to the solar return readings. In a sense they are my first in-depth observations about the astrology of the signs for the year, which lay the foundation for everything else I do — the horoscopes, the articles, the birthday readings and the seasonal readings.

These readings are the deepest layers, presented in both extended written and audio format. One great thing about this package is that you can jump from your Sun sign to your rising sign to your Moon sign to partners’ signs in one setup. The audio works for any player or computer and is downloadable into iTunes. The music is by Gary Lucas, musical mentor to Jeff Buckley.

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