Tag Archives: Inner Space Monthly Horoscope

Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope for December 2010

Dear Planet Waves Reader:

In December we come back to the fast-changing astrology that is linked to Mercury retrograde and eclipses. For those who can remember as far back as December 2009, this is similar — but not quite the overwhelming whirlwind of energy. Still, navigating through holidays when Mercury is retrograde (Dec. 10-30, which can add confusion, tense communication and the sense of things not quite going the way you plan) and eclipses (lunar on Dec. 21 and solar on Jan. 4, which increase the intensity of experience, and enhance the sense of rapidly moving into another phase of your life) calls for foresight, skill, patience and all the spiritual growth that you’ve been working on for so long. This is the time to put it all to work. I suggest you plan to do less than you think you should; do your best to get rid of the word ‘should’ altogether, and aim to do what feels right.

Eric Francis


Aries (March 20-April 19)
There’s something you need to forget about and move on. The sticking point is emotional; you seem to think it’s ethical or spiritual. These are merely rationalizations, or layers of language and concept draped over an emotional attachment. If you need some leverage, I suggest you break the issue down into its fundamental parts, and use logic. Yet there’s also a hint that it’s not your material that’s bothering you — someone else’s judgments are lingering, potentially from childhood. If you could look at this issue subtracting your parents’ filters, and subtracting the influence of religion, and assess it through your values alone, what would it look like? This sticking point, this bit of doubt about whether you’re ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, may be what’s holding you back from some significant accomplishments. Set yourself free. 
Aries Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)
Have you considered the extent to which your psychological orientation is fixated on the past, and how this obscures your view of the present? This would be a good time, because the issue is in plain sight. Usually, it’s hidden — there is a word in Sanskrit, sumscara, which means the latent past impressions that obscure our view of the moment we’re actually in. These include belief systems and concepts through which you try to process your immediate impressions, which is a little like trying to cook dinner in the same pots you used last night without washing them first. You may need to do some extra scrubbing, but at the moment you have extra help. Use your senses, and feel how you respond to new experiences that come your way. Comparisons are unnecessary; direct perception will teach you much more.
Taurus Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)
You run the risk of digging yourself deeper into an unsavory relationship or contractual situation. I suggest you keep your mind on the simple issues, and the basic feelings involved. Ask yourself why it’s necessary for you to be involved in the affairs of anyone but yourself. This is a good opportunity to extract yourself from a situation that is not working for you, or that is simply too complicated for your tastes. The issue you may be dealing with is obsession. Is it yours or that of someone else? Very good question. The energy is in the environment, and you can now explore it and see your responses and your circumstances for what they actually are. But this adventure comes down to something even more basic: how do you claim your power in a situation where you feel you have none? 
Gemini Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)
As you know, your mind works on many levels. Your feelings exist on many levels. Some of these are what both psychologists and spiritual teachers call ‘unconscious’. Of course, when the unconscious manifests in your perception, it’s become conscious — though it helps if you choose to notice. The seemingly odd circumstances of one particular relationship are a demonstration of this phenomenon. Acknowledge everything that comes to your awareness. Notice the tendency of a conversation to loop back on itself. You will need a few reality checkpoints in order to navigate this one; some solid or trusted value that you can depend on as a reference point. Remember that, whatever may be going on in the world of ego, soul connection is where it’s at. And this you have. 

Cancer Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)
Focus on a health and mental wellbeing strategy now, and stick to it. Part of the plan needs to be refining your process as the environment around you and within you changes. Make sure you keep up with dietary and exercise regimens through the holidays, and remember to keep expressing yourself in ways that have nothing to do with work or family — spiritual practice comes to mind, with plenty of time for contemplation. Yes, this is a tall order with all the obligations of the holiday season, but the benefits will pay off, and the problems you prevent will be well worth the relatively small investment. Scale back your plans, do only what is the most meaningful and above all, please take care of yourself before you take care of others. 

Leo Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)
Sometimes the best creativity is the messiest and the most disruptive to our daily routine. At a certain point the creative process takes over and becomes the core of your life and this is what I suggest you guide yourself toward. It’s actually truly liberating when that happens, the moment you realize that all this other stuff is really basic maintenance, and that the focus, the actual purpose of existence, is engaging your passions. I know there are many people who would wonder if this is even possible in the world. I can tell you that while it may be challenging, it’s definitely possible. You may have to re-gather your sense of purpose many times, even several times a day, but once you’re centered, you’ll wonder how you ever lived any other way. 

Virgo Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)
Be aware of people to whom you have intense emotional reactions, and handle them carefully. If you can, keep them out of your home, or keep the visit short. If you ‘must’ spend time with someone, maybe go out to dinner. As for those with whom you already share your home, do your best to set up listening sessions, or keep the focus there all the time. Remove any irritants that you can, such as those created by over-commitment. Since you have the benefit of knowing the astrology in advance, I can tell you that this holiday season has the potential to be wild and wooly. If you stay centered and remember what is important to you, you’ll be able to stay focused and do just fine. Remember — your home is your home. 

Libra Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)
Once the turbulence and challenges of December and early January pass by like so many thunderstorms, you will find yourself embarking on a new phase of your life — and I don’t use that concept lightly. The orientation of your existence changes in a way that will reach into every aspect of your life. The events of the next month or so will teach you about what you don’t want and remind you of what you truly desire; dispense with the negative lessons quickly after taking the information, and focus on what is the most meaningful to you. Remember — what you focus on increases. It is essential that you keep it positive, and remember that your notion of what should be (in a particular relationship) may differ wildly from what is actually so. Mind the gap. 

The Scorpio Audio Report is now done. This reading includes more than an hour of astrology and 20 minutes of tarot custom created for those with Scorpio Sun, Moon or rising. Priced at $14.95, it makes a useful and economical gift. Use this link for instant access.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
If the holidays have a spiritual dimension, you get to be its messenger. That’s a big if in our society, but you’ve got a lot of mojo going and at the moment, your inherent connection to the cosmos (one of the things that makes Sagittarius seem a little ‘weird’ to most mortals) is at full strength. Remember that people not only need but want some of what you’ve got, so don’t keep it all to yourself. Speak the truth you know. You’ve got some potent channeling ability at the moment. Your presence may be a significant help for children in any situation — remember that. Keep an eye on them at any family functions, and spend as much time and energy as you can listening. You will understand things that the adults around them cannot. 

Sagittarius audio coming soon!


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)
The astrology for the next five or six weeks may serve to remind you of all that is wrong with the world and with yourself, but that’s far from the point. Don’t waste your time being pissed off. The point — the very pinpoint bull’s eye — is learning how to focus your intentions. Get away from ‘I need’ and learn how to state ‘I want’. Let any form of irritation or anger quickly propel you to a better place. Your feelings are the energy source, and you control the rudder with your mind. This is not the way most people live — we humans tend to be jerked around by our feelings and never get to the point of decision about them. If you can do that, you’ll go one step better than ruling the world. You will rule your life, and you will do so gracefully. 

Capricorn Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)
There’s plenty rumbling in the depths of your psyche. It may be coming out in dreams, fantasies and subtle fears: I suggest you be intimidated by nothing that you notice going through your mind. You’re getting a rare opportunity to explore a region of consciousness that most of the world denies the existence of. In that space, some things are scary, some are exquisitely pleasurable, and many are taboo. This may raise the question ‘what is real and what is not?’ On one level, everything is equal: anything you think is a thought; anything you feel is a feeling; anything you see or hear is a perception. What manifests in a more tangible form is what you attach to, or put energy into. In this, you have significant freedom to choose, and I suggest you choose on the basis of what you want. 

Aquarius Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)
I suggest you take an emotionally detached approach to whatever is going on amongst your friends this month. People you care about may be caught in some odd dramas, which to you look like they have no real meaning. That’s the thing — they may not, and the most significant meaning they have is what people assign to them, so be careful when interpreting. Don’t let any of this distract you from your business affairs. Keep your focus. If you take nothing for granted, you’ll see your potential for what it is. Be honest about your message, remembering that you may need to explain yourself several times before the point gets across to those who matter the most. Meanwhile, focus on refining your goals and objectives. Be clear with yourself, and don’t hesitate to come up with a second or third draft of your plan.

Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope – November 2010

Dear Planet Waves Reader:

Planet Waves
Eric Francis.

November is under the influence of Venus retrograde, which is happening between Scorpio and Libra (in fact Venus is about to re-enter Libra). This month includes many other Scorpio placements as we approach the annual New Moon in the 8th sign this weekend.

Venus retrograde seems designed to have an emotionally clarifying effect as it guides us through a careful reevaluation of past relationships and attachments. That includes gaining an understanding of our experiences of emotional bonding, commitment and expectations. The idea here is not to rehash the past but rather to use what we have already learned to determine what we want today.

Mars is now in Sagittarius, which is a reminder to stay in the present and focus on what we want, and want to achieve. Sagittarius stops at nothing, and Mars is a motivating force. Mars in Sagittarius bends our concept of what we think of as ‘spiritual’. This concept is entirely too pious for any practical use, implying all kinds of things that don’t fully feed the spirit. Mars also implies the questing aspect of spirituality — the full-on mission to grow, explore the mysteries and immerse oneself in the authentic encounter of soul and physical.

And part of that involves taking a positive view of desire. Desire is the most significant element of who a person is, because what we want will tend to lead the course of our lives. And it suggests the most likely thing to happen, leading the way into experience. Therefore, you might say the goal of life is to use this power toward creating what we truly want, rather than anything else. That takes consciousness and discernment, which in turn implies growth.

Yours & truly,

Eric Francis


Scorpio Birthday/Ascendant Report Done

Dear Scorpio Planet Waves Reader:

I’ve just finished the Scorpio report. It’s available for instant access at this link.

Planet Waves

Not surprisingly, I’ve got a lot to say about relationships in this report, particularly the theme of integrating relationships into your psyche, with two goals: one is calling back your projections, so that you can perceive others in their true form; and the other is cultivating emotional independence from relationships, so that you’re free to make your decisions unencumbered by excessive responsibility to others.

Your quest for accomplishment is also a quest for freedom, which has mental and emotional components. Yet by the time Chiron reaches Pisces, this will take on a distinctly creative, erotic and adventurous flavor.

It will be obvious that your life is about having fun, and this sense of openness will lead into a deeper sense of a healing mission. That works out to be a combined creative/healing mission — they are the same thing for you right now — though the access point seems to be less about being on a healing table and more about being in an art studio, making a film or otherwise becoming a full-on creature of the night. You’re entering a time when it will be more fun, easier and more profitable to let your passions guide you. This is in part a message from Mars in Sagittarius, your house of resources and money.

I cover the recent movement of Vesta, Mercury and Venus in your sign, as well as your ruling planet Mars venturing into Scorpio.

This recording is four segments of astrology, with a careful look at all of the houses that are highlighted, and one segment of tarot. My focus on the houses makes this report equally applicable for Scorpio rising — the ascendant implies the houses, which I look at carefully and use with some precision.

This report is different than Light Bridge, which will take a whole new look at your astrology from several different angles, as well as consider transits going further into the future.

Once again, here is your link for instant access.

Yours & truly,

Eric Francis


Aries (March 20-April 19)
What you’ve experienced in some of the most intimate aspects of your life has revealed many secrets of a relationship, but really it’s said much more about you than a ‘situation’. You may still be tempted to think what you’re learning is about someone else, though I suggest you take this opportunity to deepen your relationship to yourself. The inner truths that are emerging now have been veiled for many years, and will show you how to make contact with aspects of your psyche that you crave deeply and often (mistakenly) search for in contact with others. Once you can provide these essential nutrients for yourself, you will have happier and gentler experiences with partners — if you remember that from now on, there are no compromises on truth.
Aries Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)
What seems to be about sex, pair bonding, marriage or romance is actually focused on healing. With that as your orientation or focal point, you will be able to make better sense of your life and better use of your emotional energy. Healing may seem like an unattractive agenda because it implies that there are injuries, or that there are past situations that need to be resolved. We’re used to either ignoring these things or considering them so deeply buried we can’t get to them. So what’s the use of trying? But your life needs focus and your relationships need focus — and the past does have a way of weighing on you. That might be the first thing to consider: what in the past has so much energy or power? What is your attachment to it today?
Taurus Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)
You may be uncertain whether you want to retreat into a deeply private space, or proclaim your reality to the world. If you’re considering doing both, you go in the order above: private first, then outward. You’re processing some deep material, particularly around your sexuality and your way of having relationships. You’re the kind of person who says what’s on your mind and who goes for what you want, but you have inner material that’s all but begging for your attention. If you pay attention to what is percolating from the deepest layers of your psyche, your desires will change, as will your perception of your needs. Since you have a good chance of getting what you reach for, I suggest you make sure it’s what you really want.
Gemini Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)
If you temporarily give up something you want, you may be able to figure out why you haven’t been able to have it. One clue is if the choice to give up this thing, even briefly, causes you to feel like you’re making a sacrifice. This is the knot you’re working to unravel — desire, unavailability, sacrifice. This may relate to an old story of feeling lost or entangled. You’re looking for a way into yourself that allows you to encounter some deeper sense of reality than the one you’ve been trying to decipher. The story you’ve been telling yourself is not true — not in the factual sense, and not in the spirit of the tale. Yet what is real and nourishing exists, if you will turn around and — willing to give up whatever you must give up — you open yourself to embracing your inner reality.

Cancer Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)
If your life has seemed like a window that you haven’t been able to get clean, you may finally be seeing some clear light. Nobody wants to be caught in the past, or in perceiving existence through the filters of the past. You’re fortunate to be someone committed to living in the present, and who honors the value of doing so. Those last few streaks on the glass were beliefs that may have worked in the past but which were clouding your perception of people, and situations, how they are today. And how would that be? More solid and grounded than your home life and partnerships have been for many seasons. If you need to be reminded, I suggest you orient your life around your stove and work your way out from there.

Leo Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)
Are you willing to give up your old ideas about sex and marriage? Our society is guided by some strict rules that are tattooed into children before they turn three. At the moment you are on a deep personal inquiry as to the nature of those influences, and there is the suggestion of an exchange — that you can give up what does not work in exchange for identifying what does. You may need to proceed in that order; or you may be able to reach directly for what you want, if you figure out that it’s an original thought. Yet that seems to be the nature of the quest: discovering whether what you think you want is what you want. Just because everyone else seems to want something doesn’t make it right for you.

Virgo Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)
Now is the time to practice devotion to that which you’re truly devoted. Remember that the object of devotion is not outside of yourself. That’s to say, if you’re devoted to a relationship, that is not as much about the other person as it is about your feelings toward them. If you’re devoted to an idea, that’s not really an idea as much as it is something, an aspect of your psyche, with life inside yourself. This is the thing to remember: that you are tending to your own devotion, and your own value of what is meaningful. Sometimes paying heed to something with that much energy calls on us to give something up, which we deem of lesser value. I suggest you do that with no sense of conflict. What is truly yours will come back to you.

Libra Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)
Venus has been retrograde in your sign for nearly a month, which may be playing havoc with your emotions. In truth, this is a signal that it’s time to reevaluate a relationship. What to consider, however, is not the structure, finances or commitment status of the relationship, but rather your feelings toward your situation and toward the person involved. Do you really feel there is deep contact and empathy? Do you feel you’re getting your wants and needs met, and do you feel appreciated for what you’re offering? Relationships are based on an organic exchange and that elusive thing called simpatico. Now is the time to observe what you really feel, rather than what you think you’re supposed to be feeling.

The Scorpio Audio Report is now done. This reading includes more than an hour of astrology and 20 minutes of tarot custom created for those with Scorpio Sun, Moon or rising. Please see letter above horoscopes for full description or use this link for instant access.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
You may feel like you’re backsliding. I can see that you have a sense of something missing, or of something being just a little out of reach. Yet don’t think your doubts, if they exist, will hold up for long. A number of different movements in your life will add up to a revelation of how far you’ve come, and why it would be wise for you to be grateful for that. One of the things that this brief phase of your life is offering you is the opportunity to focus on emotional nourishment. This is typically not the easiest thing for you to get moving; yet you can now make contact with the ways in which you both need emotional contact, and need to offer the same to others. This will nourish your soul, and your ideas.
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)
Winter is your season, and it’s approaching. Not everyone can appreciate the bare, stark beauty of the Earth; most people feel a sense of loss. Yet at this moment, I trust you can feel a sense of your own presence in the world. Your presence might remind you that something or someone is missing. If that is true, here’s what I suggest: consider where that person is; consider whether they’re happy, and living their true calling. We carry around plenty of judgments about what people do, based on how those decisions leave us feeling. The remedy here is to focus on your existence, your desires, and your unusual sense of soul calling that is at the forefront of your priorities every day.

Capricorn Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)
Now is the time to ask yourself whether you’re at home in your career. By at home, I mean, does it work with or against the natural contours of who you are? Do you feel as safe and secure in your workspace as you do in your living space? And is your work emotionally gratifying? That is the most meaningful measure, though how you relate to the physical space is vital. There is one other factor, which is devotion. Devotion is something that lives through you, not something you have to do. Yes, you may need to tend the fire, but the fire burns of its own accord. This month the planets are asking: is your career related to your deepest devotion in life? If not, what would it take to get you there? If so, how can you share this with others?

Aquarius Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)
This time in your life is about taking leadership. You are a dreamer with a long list of things you want to achieve. Now many factors are conspiring to guide you to take charge of your life, and to spread your influence where it will have a creative effect. The message I suggest you send yourself, over and over again — and I do mean daily and hourly — is that your life is your own; your time is your canvas; your space is your creative playground. Most of all, what you want to accomplish is as ‘spiritual’ as anything that you or anyone else has ever done. That includes designing a skyscraper, joining the circus or recording an album. This concept also applies to your relationships. Much of what has happened in the past has involved taking a passive approach; try taking the lead, and see where you go.
Pisces Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope – October 2010

Dear Friend and Reader:

This has been an extraordinary year — by that I mean extraordinarily challenging — and everyone who has made it through with a modicum of their sanity intact deserves a hug, so consider yourself hugged. What has kept you going? Perseverance? Faith in yourself? The desire for a better life? Or was it sheer necessity? We now get to focus on desire. Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra through mid-November, helping us sift through our emotional attachments and material belongings and decide what comes with us into the future and what gets to stay in the past. That said, Venus retrograde always brings visitors from the days of yore. Old friends and lovers can turn up. They may be visiting, they may be here to stay for a while, or they may be reminding us of the prior emotional orientation we left behind, and why we did so.

Yours & truly,




Know your plastic from your cash. Make sure you can tell the difference between sex and love. Pay attention to whether the words people say align with the deeds you observe them doing and keep an eye on yourself too. The onus of awareness is on you, which means applying discernment all the time. The coming month and into mid-November offer you many opportunities to reassess commitments rather than make or break them. If there are flaws in a contract or sticking points in a relationship, they are likely to come out now. You may feel driven to move ahead, but if you do so without understanding what the people closest to you want and what they feel, you may have to let go of your investment in them. Therefore, be prepared to practice understanding above all other values.

Aries Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

You may be wondering about your involvement in a relationship situation, such as why you have to sacrifice so much. Yet is that really true? If you take stock of what you give and what you gain, you may notice some striking facts. The planets in their courses suggest that you practice the art of devotion as the means to wellbeing. As you do, you will be taken on a tour of your past commitments, and along the way you’ll unearth emotional details that you overlooked or forgot about. These factors have been influencing your subsequent involvements more than you realize. As you backtrack and try to make sense of the past, observe how much influence over your perception it has. The more you see this, the more you’ll be able to let go of it.

Taurus Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

As you resolve family issues, you’ll have more creative energy, more freedom and better ideas. You will rediscover a kind of sex that you may have written off because you’re ‘too old’. You will discover that you can take chances that in the past you thought were unconscionable. This raises an interesting question: what exactly is a family issue? What you learned the past month points strongly to the simple fact that it has nothing to do with ‘them’ and everything to do with you. This, of course, is your passport to freedom. As long as you recognize the dynamic, you don’t need anyone else’s permission or help working out what holds you back. What you need is the willingness to be different than the people who raised you. Some of the differences are obvious. Others are extremely subtle.

Gemini Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

It’s possible that you may rekindle an involvement with an old lover, at the same time a present involvement is deeply compelling. Notice how the relationships relate to one another. While you’re exploring your emotions, I suggest you watch the karma of these situations vigilantly. That’s another way of saying, be aware what the situations breed. Notice what you are creating. Observe the influence they have on the world around you, including the immediate shifts of energy even in situations that seem to have no connection to the relationships involved. I am suggesting that what you do behind the scenes or between the sheets ripples out into the world in unusual ways, and that will provide the true reading on whether this situation, in total, is creative, healthy or wholesome.

Cancer Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Stay close to home this month, and tend to your hearth. Literally — keep your home fires burning, create projects for your stove or your oven, and tune into how much strength that offers you. You’ll reconnect to some deep emotional roots and the core of your feminine self that doesn’t always have a way out of the box. The resulting emotions will be complex, interesting and offer many unexpected opportunities for healing. You may be releasing the ways you weren’t nurtured well as a kid; you may get to outgrow the ways that your need for security was used against you. In a sense, the deeper the pain you went through, the more potency you will have to heal that very thing in the world. People depend on you, and it’s obvious that you love it.

Leo Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

It is amazing how influential family madness can be on our ability to earn money, even if it’s ancient history. You recently learned a lot about why certain people are so intense, which is to say, you glimpsed what lurks behind the veil. Now that you’re aware of the self-defeating tendencies of some of the people who thought they were helping you, you have the ability to resolve a long-standing financial matter. You will do so because now that the hidden encumbrances are gone, you know what it means to take authority in your own life. And, make no mistake: authority begins with either owning your cash or owning your sexuality — usually both at around the same time. That sense of ownership will make itself known to you because you feel strength whereas before, you felt powerless.

The Virgo Audio Birthday Report is available. In the format of all the birthday audios, this offers more than an hour of astrology for Virgo and Virgo rising, covering the cardinal T-square from a personal perspective. I’ve also included a 20-minute tarot reading using the Voyager Deck. For instant access, order here for Virgo and Virgo Rising. Only $14.95, this also makes a meaningful and economical gift.

You seem to be trying to tell yourself something. But since it’s something you already know, I suggest you not strain your ears to get the message. In fact what you are learning is more like the recovery of a value you forgot about long ago. This is something profoundly important to the full picture of who you are, but which seemed to contradict your nature at the time you gave it up. This may have, at the time, seemed like something internal that you could not reconcile and which seemed to present a no-win situation or an either/or choice. What you may discover in the coming weeks is that being whole was not a matter of casting something off, but rather about embracing what you didn’t understand and getting the benefits. This is a sign of maturity.

Libra birthday audio is coming soon.

Self-knowledge is dangerous, to those who propagate or thrive on ignorance. A combination of influences are conspiring to make your awareness of who you are inevitable. There is something here about discovering and making friends with the ‘other side’ of your nature, the one you usually consider your opposite, or unfamiliar inner territory. You may not get along at first, but developing a true friendship seems inevitable. This in turn is going to have an effect on the people around you. Because you’re getting to know yourself so well, someone close to you is becoming transparent, and may feel seen through. If someone acts defensively that may be what he or she is experiencing. Now, you just need to know yourself well enough to not respond defensively in turn. This will be a deep, useful learning process.

True creativity comes from within. This you already know, but I suggest you remember every day. You’re likely to be focused more on the ‘in’ side than on the ‘out’ side — your process at the moment is deeply internal, yet there are suddenly clear signs that your ideas need to find their way into the wide world, come what may. Major obstacles are resolving themselves, as if by their own initiative. People who resisted your efforts in the past are more likely to cooperate than they have been in recent months. And you know that maintaining your own emotional core is essential to your creative process; but you don’t want to take that too far. At a certain point you will need to dive into full participation, casting off your hesitancy and working with the resources that you have.

So many trials and tribulations are behind you that you really have just one thing for which to be alert — and that is your tendency to doubt yourself. You’ve been through one of these phases recently, and I trust that you learned, at least, that you’ve had enough of self-defeating ideas. They don’t actually add up to improvements. I suggest you address the issue on the deepest level, at its source. Here is a question for you: do your current friends affirm your most positive perception of yourself, or do they reinforce your doubts? What about your lover, partner or current love interest? Don’t let them become a projection screen. You don’t need them to ‘doubt you on your behalf’. What you need are strong, affirmative, loving people around you, and I suggest you find them.

The Capricorn Audio Birthday Report is available. In the format of all the birthday audios, this offers more than an hour of astrology for Capricorn and Capricorn rising, covering the cardinal T-square from a personal perspective. I’ve also included a 20-minute tarot reading using the Voyager Deck. For instant access, order here for Capricorn and Capricorn Rising. Only $14.95, this also makes a meaningful and economical gift.

You’re starting to gather your resources, and this is welcome news. That place is your vision for the future, which is rapidly taking shape and form rather than being the kind of ethereal notion to which you’re usually accustomed. At a certain point you will reach escape velocity and your present situation will dissolve into history. Yet one thing is necessary first: that you identify the moorings that hold you back. You may think that you are slacking, or hesitant when it comes to taking action. I would suggest that you are bound to the present by certain attachments, which thanks to Venus retrograde you now have a chance to evaluate. You don’t necessarily need to cut those ties, but it would be wise to know what they are, know what they mean, and loosen the knots.

Aquarius Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

You’ve spent months working out many fine details of partnership, and what we may call the technical level of reality. As you know the time has arrived to focus on your larger creative ideas rather than fixing all the small stuff that seems to be wrong. As your next wave of evolution arrives — and it has begun, in grand style — you will notice that many small issues will be obviated by the bigger advances that you make. So focus on those. What are your most meaningful goals? What are your deepest desires? That is where to keep your focus. Certain recent lessons have made you aware of adjusting your priorities, because what you focus on increases. Yes, life is easier when people cooperate; and it’s easer for them to cooperate when you are truly committed to your own cause.

Pisces Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope – August 2010

We are living in the midst of many rare aspects, most of them involving Saturn. The planet of structure, limits, boundaries and the passage of time is in opposition to the largest planet, Jupiter, giving the feeling of ‘two lifetimes at once’; it’s opposed to the inventive, revolutionary planet Uranus, which is putting us under the constant (seemingly external) pressure to grow and adapt — though marking the end of a 20-month phase; it’s square Pluto, which is more of an internal sensation that says ‘change or die’. Notably, all of this is, and has been, happening at once, which is more than most people can stand. When you look back at this time in your life, you may decide that it was the time you really took responsibility for your existence. On a mundane note, Mercury is retrograde in Virgo from August 20 through Sept. 12.

We take gender roles entirely too seriously in our society, and I’m here to let you know that you have options. You will see these expressed in the people and opportunities you encounter the next few weeks, and these experiences may come with a sense of needing to make a decision. You don’t have to decide anything, and any decision you make can be unmade; what you can do is explore your feelings and experiences honestly and vividly: really get into what you’re experiencing. Notice if you feel a sense of vertigo if you unhook some of your false allegiances to the Blue Team and the Pink Team. Notice if the uber-macho men and the beyond-femme women start to seem like cartoons. Look for the wide area where the two are seeking a sacred marriage in your body and soul.

Aries Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

You are passing through a series of initiations: spiritual checkpoints that are designed to bring you into the present moment. These involve the work that you do, your commitment to personal healing, your presence in your relationships and something basic about your health. For the moment, your health is your sexual health, which relates closely to your sense of emotional wellbeing. If you encounter what seem to be obstacles or limitations, work through each of them persistently and patiently one at a time, until you resolve the issue that’s at hand (whatever it happens to be). Look for the integration point of all of these seeming different experiences; they are closely related, and what you learn working out any one of them can be applied to any of them.

Taurus Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

An idea represents the seed potential of something new; ideas are expressed in the world through experimentation and revision. Often a breakthrough follows a seeming setback or error, so if you encounter one or more of those, make sure you pause and look for the opportunity. This will require your staying just a little emotionally detached, and I would in all aspects of your life avoid courting frustration. Keep this in mind if you’re trying to work out a family or home issue, especially if people seem to ‘not understand what you’re saying’ or refuse to open up and tell you what’s on their mind. You will learn a lot about yourself as you navigate this territory, particularly about how many old mental patterns have been dominating your life. Invent your way to the future.

Gemini Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

I trust that your life is settling down from the excitement of the past month or two. You are standing on much stronger territory than you’re accustomed to, though you might question how you got there. In fact, you might want to question where ‘there’ is: that is to say, where you are. You have gone through a growth spurt and you may be feeling hemmed in by your physical environment. Whether or not it’s time to move, I have a suggestion for you: you feel cramped by the emotional stuffing of your family’s history. It is time to break free and find yourself. For quite a long time you’ve been striving consciously to feel better about yourself: to love and respect who you are. You don’t need them or their hallucinated ideas about you.

The Cancer Audio Birthday Report is now ready. This is one hour-plus of astrology for Cancer and Cancer rising, covering the cardinal T-square from a personal perspective. I’ve also included a 20-minute tarot reading using the Voyager Deck. For instant access, order here for Cancer and Cancer Rising. Only $14.95, this also makes a meaningful and economical birthday gift.

Take money matters in stride. Yes, conserve your cash and make purchases wisely; most of what you think you need you really don’t need. You may not believe that, but I could tell you some funny stories about Mercury retrograde. What the forthcoming Mercury retrograde in Virgo is about, though, is understanding how you evaluate yourself: your successes and failures; your value to the people around you; and whether anyone notices how generous you are. The next two months are a reminder to go easier on yourself, and to listen the most carefully to the people who express their faith and gratitude to you. At the moment the world is an unusual kind of mirror and you may be doing some sorting out of mixed signals. Just be sure you know which is which, and take a day to decide.

Leo birthday report coming soon.

At long last, Saturn has left your sign — but not your life. The past two years have been characterized by pressure to mature, enforced changes and increased responsibilities, though I trust you reached that point where you wouldn’t trade them for the world. Now you have a new project: gaining some mental stability. That will be an adventure with Mercury retrograde from late August through early September, though you’re up for the task. You will have occasion to apply your awareness of the significant difference between your opinion about yourself, and the underlying facts about yourself. Your opinion may change but the basic facts remain stable: that is how you are now. The other difference is that the facts speak volumes about your integrity, whereas your opinions might be inclined to doubt.

Saturn has entered your birth sign, accompanied by three other planets — Venus, Mars and Vesta. You may go through a wild identity crisis or two this month (perhaps a delayed reaction: most people went through it last month). I suggest you not make things any more complex than they need to be. Keep them simple by honoring your devotion to your inner core creativity. That’s your gentle passion, your consistency in your relationships and the fire that burns within you. You know you contain many different opposites. You know that you are the one who must now take over the process of raising yourself into an adult who both honors his or her role in society. Too often we give this job to others; it is yours and yours alone.

You are searching deeply and at times desperately for understanding about how your life is changing, and how you will adapt to those changes. You have to do far less than you may believe. I suggest working with isolation consciously. Anytime you feel alone, raise your level of awareness and turn your gaze within. You contain everything you seek, and the only way you will find that out is to test the theory. Don’t go missing on yourself; keep your focus on yourself (rather than, say, obsessing over a relationship). When you do this you will face fears that others are reluctant to admit, much less address. You will ask yourself questions about existence that rarely see the light of the human mind. And you can, if you are open, discover a lush world of passion, sensuality and contradiction.

You can finally get some work done. There is nothing like having to obsess over details to slow down a Sagittarian mind. There is nothing like the Sun in Leo to speed up your quest for adventure. And, as Saturn in Libra would have it, you are about to make a good bit of progress on putting your talent to use in the world — and I say that no matter how specific and focused your talent may be. Remember that every worldly success is built on relationships, and this counts even for those who have no interest in other people: those people take an interest in them, and there must be some form of reciprocity. You are offering yourself to the world, and you do have plenty going for you. Notice who is interested and focus on them.

Charm, persuasion and to a certain extent seduction are appropriate tactics to use in leadership. The truth is most people have little clue what they want, and even less knowledge of what would benefit the common good. Further, our neighbors tend to either resist progress or put us in the position where they beg to be persuaded that it’s a good thing. Pay no attention to those who resist. As for everyone else, some will yield to your self-assertion. Others will be drawn to your attractive dynamism. Others will be turned on by how devoted you are. The rest will respond to simple authority, which you are exuding in bright colors right now. Trust that you have a resource to work with every situation that can be worked, and the ones that seem stuck will take care of themselves. You just need the wisdom to know the difference.

Saturn is making many aspects in these weeks and months, and one by one every aspect of your life will come up for reconsideration, adjustment and restructuring. Remember that you are not really making changes to the outer world: you are making up your mind about what you want and what is appropriate for you. Then you’re engaging with the world based on what you discover. If you try to make your changes from the outside you will likely run into confusion and resistance; if you discover that to be the case, then tune into what you want and what you have decided is necessary and focus on those truths clearly, with full awareness. Then, what you need to do, or change, will be obvious.

Aquarius Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

You have more influence than you think; this, at a time of profound changes when lots of energy is being liberated. Also, you can put less energy into ‘making money’ and more into creative flow: they have finally morphed into the same thing, if you are willing to allow that to be true. This is the tricky part, though by now you’ve figured out that resistance to what you want doesn’t get you anywhere. I suggest you experiment with focusing the most positive, life-affirming thoughts on what you desire, then proceed as if it will come to you. Don’t be surprised when it does — therefore, make sure to focus on what you consider the most significant or satisfying first. I am not saying you can bend the universe to your every whim; that’s the whole point: keeping your heart and soul oriented on your authentic truth.

Pisces Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.