Tag Archives: Inner Space Monthly Horoscope

Inner Space Horoscope – August 2011

Dear Friend and Reader:

Mercury is retrograde through nearly all of August, from today at about 11:49 pm EDT until the 26th. The theme of this retrograde is, pay attention to what matters. The retrograde begins in Virgo, then Mercury walks back into mid-Leo. It then stations direct and works its way back into Virgo on Sept. 9. This is the layering process I’ve been describing — Mercury working the line between Leo and Virgo, as if starting in our ideas and concepts about who we are (Virgo), then moving deeper into the core reality (Leo). Looked at another way, this is the imaginary line between work and play. It’s also known by some astrologers as the sphinx point, where the cat (Leo) meets the woman (Virgo).

Planet Waves
The Tuthilltown Gristmill in Gardiner, NY operated as a flour mill between 1788 and 2002. It is now a restaurant. Photo by Eric Francis.

Mercury retrograde has garnered a reputation for being something to dread, a time when all hell breaks loose. But this is as much about how we perceive things as it is how they actually are. You might think of the total effect as your mental projector being out of focus. The image — the message, or your perception of it — isn’t clear, and that can lead to misinterpretation, frustration and ultimately ideas that take you off course. This is part of what has lead to lists of “don’ts” favored by many astrology resources regarding Mercury’s apparent backward motion: don’t spend money you don’t have to spend; don’t expect communication to go well; don’t count on getting to your destination smoothly; don’t fix or replace things that break until after Mercury moves direct; and so on. Usually this advice works because your own perception is likely to be a little out of sorts; you might overestimate a need, or worry too much about something that appears to be a problem but really is not.

But then the projector comes back into focus. These are the moments that provide a worthwhile opportunity to dive deep into your own psyche. While your outward vision may often be distorted during this phase, working with the sense of backwardness/inwardness is a way to flow Mercury-style and actually get somewhere new — and feel good about it. Like any trip undertaken during this phase of Mercury’s orbit, the internal one requires a little extra patience and preparation, mostly of your attitude and expectations. You’ll want to pay attention to all the inner scenery and signposts that come into view, and keep an eye on your psyche’s dashboard: when you start to rev high or overheat or run low on gas, it’s time to stop. Let things cool down; refill your well; slow down the mental chatter and your reactions to others until you’ve found a little perspective. The idea is to learn about yourself, and that’s hard to do if you’re speeding down the highway yelling at the other drivers. It’s easier if you’re involved in some creative or contemplative activity, but in any case, you would need to apply a little self-observation.

One reminder is — figure out what matters, and when you don’t know, pause. Early in the retrograde, there is a temptation to rebel against something, though you may be working with incomplete or incorrect information. Rather than stage an insurrection against someone who has your best interests at heart, who is devoted to you and helpful, I suggest you take your time and make sure you know what you’re talking about.


Eric Francis
Additional writing: Amanda Painter.


Planet Waves
Promo by Chelsea.

The Planet Waves Mercury retrograde report is ready and exploring the Internet. I’ve recorded an introduction and about 25 to 35 minutes of audio for each of the 12 Sun signs and rising signs. The audio introduction to the Mercury retrograde phenomenon in general is available to all readers, in which I give a primer on the basics and describe key details of this one. The product itself is the sign-by-sign interpretation, which I offer in clear, easy to follow language. As you may know, I reach for the point of sanity in the astrology, the solution set to what sometimes seems like an overly complex puzzle. I trust these readings will bring you some comfort, clarity and a few good ideas to work with in these wild and unusual days.

Find out more here.


Planet Waves

Revised and Updated! Click for Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — If you don’t feel like getting dragged into all kinds of emotional dramas this month, I suggest you proceed slowly and carefully. Make sure you know who has what agenda — and closer to the point, make sure you know your agenda. One potential trap for you is falling prey to your own insecurity, then over-reading into something you don’t understand, which turns out to be based on your own confusion and misunderstanding. It would benefit you greatly to look at your life, and the world around you, through the widest possible lens. Try to see the whole picture, so that you’re less inclined to take things personally when they’re not directed at you. You will have one occasion after the next to realize that what’s happening in your environment is not all about you — which will come as a great relief.

Aries, your birth sign or rising sign, is getting some of the most potent transits of them all right now. I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and a tarot card reading for you. Learn more by visiting this page.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — This is a time to stretch, to open up new territory in your life, and most of all to widen your circle of friends. You are changing; it’s time to surround yourself with people who reflect the ways in which you’re growing. Whatever your social role has been in the past (group coordinator, token shy person, the reasonable one) you’re likely to be taking on a new position among the people who are closest to you. To many you will seem like you’re becoming a revolutionary by refusing to put up with the same ridiculous social rules you might have thought were wonderful just a year ago. Don’t make excuses for why you want to take more liberty. Remember, anyone you think deserves to be impressed is unlikely to be worth the effort.

I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and done a tarot reading especially for you. It’s information that will help with your relationships, your professional life and your personal growth. Visit this page to find out more.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You know it’s time to make some changes at home, but in truth there is no rush. Make sure you understand what you want to rearrange and why, and carefully consider your options for doing so. You may discover somewhat larger goals than redecorating; you seem to be reaching a psychological limit of some kind. But over the next month, you will be able to see your situation a number of different ways. What seems so dire today may seem a lot less important a month from now, but by then you will have clarified what it is you want to accomplish. Let the impulse phase pass; pay attention to what you keep telling yourself you want to change.

Gemini is one of the most misunderstood signs — and as someone born under this sign, part of your role is to hold a mirror to the world. I’ve recorded an hour of audio for you, plus a 20 minute tarot reading. You can get access to these by visiting this page.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Mars enters your sign the first week of the month, which will provide plenty of energy for you to pursue your goals. But I have a few words of temperance and caution, one of which is to make a special effort to get along with women. By that I mean, stand your ground but avoid unnecessary conflicts. Generally you will see people go to one extreme or the other — for example, push people around for the sake of it (not a good idea this month) or back down when they really need to stand their ground. Part of growing involves making sure that you hold open the space to be yourself with the people around you — no matter how powerful they make themselves out to be, or how influential you may perceive them as being.

Hello Cancerians! Your birthday report is ready. It’s more than an hour of astrology plus a 20 minute tarot reading. Please visit this page for more details.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — What seems to be a financial issue is likely to be nothing of the kind. It may start there, but once you get past the illusion that money is the actual matter, or that money sets a limit of some kind, you’re likely to discover that you have many more options and a lot more freedom than you previously thought. Life really is a matter of deciding what is important to you and then being determined to make it happen. Reciting the mantra of a bad economy or bad job market does not create opportunity, it merely blinds you to it. If you find yourself giving yourself negative messages (which are often excuses for not daring to make an effort), there’s always time to stop, think and decide what you really want.

Hello Leo! I’m now working on the birthday report for your sign. Watch this space for additional information.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — How can you be sure if a loved one is telling you the truth? Or similarly, how can you be certain that someone you’re interested in is worth the effort? The answer is that it usually takes some time, making conscious observations and then checking your perceptions. Most of the time when we go wrong with someone else, we ignored information that would have served us well. We learn things about people over time, and we don’t use it — and this counts for both the ways in which people reveal themselves to be deceptive, or alternately, loving and supportive. In the immortal words of my old therapist Joe, the thing to do is use what you know. Don’t pretend; don’t ignore; track your thinking and test whether you were noticing the obvious, and whether you’re putting it to work.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Virgo, please go to this link.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — This is a beautifully ambitious moment for you, but timing is everything. You might not be able to act on your plans immediately, for a number of reasons (unusual delays, everyone is out of town, the so-and-so business doesn’t do anything in August, etc.). That said, you will want to be ready when the time comes to take action, so no matter how sleepy or disorganized ‘the world’ seems to be this month, make sure you’re getting your ideas in order, and using your time to understand your most authentic goals. That said, you may find yourself encountering unusual opportunities over the next few weeks, and I suggest you be open to them. But please don’t sign anything or make any big promises until Mercury stations direct on Aug. 26, preferably holding off till a few days later. Till then, count everything as a bold experiment.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Libra, please go to this link.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — This is going to be an interesting month — promise. Your life will be full of intrigue, surprises and challenges, but I suggest you practice a little healthy detachment. It’s possible to have experiences without getting caught up in them; it’s possible to meet and experience people without getting overly involved. Be cautious of any form of negativity that creates attachment. This is one of the most alluring, dangerous emotional traps going. If you find yourself in an emotional environment that’s not healthy, make a decision and move on. The more you do that, the easier it will be to open up to the flow of positive energy. Intensity, by itself, is not a ‘good’ thing, but it can be an addictive one. Love is gentler, easier and more nourishing. Keep deciding which you really want, and you’re likely to have more of it.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Scorpio, please go to this link.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You don’t need to set your professional goals aside — you just need to know what they are, which will tell you where you actually stand. You’re doing a lot better than you think: you’ve made more progress than you think, and attained more visibility than you’ve noticed — if such is meaningful to you. There is an aspect of your design scheme that needs to be reviewed, the basis for which is making sure you’re not trying to live up to your parents’ expectations, or compensate for their perceived failures. Let them free, and set yourself free. They have no place in the life that you’re living now. What you may discover is some of your most annoying hang-ups are not actually yours, and when you discover that, you’re never far from letting them go entirely. You just need to want to.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Sagittarius, please go to this link.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You may feel like you’ve met your match — but I suggest leaving fantasies of combat, confrontation or even competition out of your diet. There are two main influences driving you now — one is somewhat aggressive (which may feel like someone is being aggressive with you) and the other is about mellowing out. You’ve been wound a little tightly lately, and you can afford to relax. I don’t just mean relax and take a day off; I mean relax your mind, and your approach to existence. Any time you feel yourself trying to plan out your whole life, or get control over every situation, remember, you have alternatives. They’re not substitutes — they are better possibilities than pretending to have power that you don’t have. The opposite to control is exploring your options. You have many.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Capricorn, please go to this link.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Take a breath; the pressure you’ve been under for the past few years is over. Part of what you were addressing were the constant demands of circumstance. Now, you have the option to focus your energy inwardly. In fact it’s more than an option — it’s a basic necessity of growth, because from this point on, your growth will develop from the inside out. This method doesn’t work for everyone, I know. Most people need to be bullied by their external environment, by people close to them or by encountering worldly limits in order to have the courage to make changes. This is not a luxury you need; in fact it’s not a luxury at all. The more you cultivate and develop inwardly, which includes facing your fears, the more the world will hold out for you.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aquarius, please go to this link.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — This is a creative, experimental time for you — and that includes exploring your erotic nature. But how do you explore in a way that’s responsible? How do you address guilt, fear and other forms of negativity? The answer is yes. You are able to respond (that’s what responsible means) and it’s possible to call negativity what it is. Ask yourself: what emotion do you elect to lead the way? I nominate curiosity, with creativity as campaign manager. Let your curiosity guide you. It’s okay to want to know who someone is, how something feels, or to discover how you’ll grow or change as a result of having a certain experience. It’s okay to have that experience rather than just think about it. You’re under no obligation to be a prisoner of fear, and you have plenty of passion to share.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Pisces, please go to this link.

After the Eclipses: Unfolding the Cardinal Square

Dear Friend and Reader:

July began with the third of three eclipses in just one month, and it was an impressive one. You may be aware that the influential planets Saturn, Uranus and Pluto are arranged in what is called a T-square (three planets at right angles). This has been going on for a while — well over a year, in fact — and from time to time, it’s ‘activated’ by other influences. That’s precisely what happened with the July 1 eclipse of the Sun in Cancer.

Coastal waters in Portland, Maine on July 1, 2011. Photo by Amanda Painter.

We are now on the other side of that event, in a new era of astrological territory. It’s like we’ve entered a new country of time, one offering us different challenges and opportunities. This is a place where you can cultivate an updated version of yourself; let go of old anxieties and outmoded habits; express different qualities of yourself even if you could not express them so effectively before. It can be challenging to leave behind old struggles, familiar emotional spaces that did not serve you, and even physical patterns and commitments that you were already aware in the past no longer worked. Yet this is an opportunity. The next major aspect structure on the horizon is Uranus square Pluto, which is exact for the first time in a little under a year, but which has been gradually warming up. You can think of Saturn-Uranus-Pluto as an experience of compression, and Uranus-Pluto on their own as an experience of unfolding or expression.

This is a ‘power to the people’ aspect — and you’re a people. It’s a time of a new horizon of awareness, and you’ve said many times you’re seeking such a view. Gradually let go of the feeling of what you want to let go; gradually embrace the feeling of what you want to create. This horoscope, a monthly for July 2011, offers some ideas about how to do that. I’ve also presented them in a greatly expand form — about 30 minutes per sign — in my midyear report.

We’ll see you with a regular edition on Friday. Of note, Gary Caton has joined our lineup of writers. You’ve read two of his articles here; he will be covering the Full Moon for us each month. He’s also collaborating with me and Amanda Painter on Daily Astrology & Adventure, which posts each night at midnight Eastern Time. See you there.



Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope – July 2011

Revised and Updated! Click for Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Aries (March 20-April 19) — It’s one thing to be spontaneous; it’s another to be reactive or impulsive. There is a fine line between the two right now. What side of that line you land on seems to involve where you place your priorities. This is the time to ask yourself: what really matters? If you are in reaction to something, run that question past the conscious part of your mind. If something is meaningless or trivial, treat it that way. If something has actual consequences, meaning or potential, treat it with respect and give it time and space to develop. Certain events may seem beyond your control in the early part of the month, but they are certainly not beyond your influence. One of the most meaningful things you can do is set limits and boundaries, particularly on your own emotions. Be cool, and evaluate the influence of the past on anything you might be experiencing now.

Click here to order your 2011 Aries Audio Birthday Report.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — The many benefits of experience, of learning and even this elusive thing called ‘good fortune’ do not come automatically; we have to make them real, take advantage of what we have available to us, and make the most of our lives as a matter of will. This sums up your situation right now. Yes, we live in times when it’s necessary to breathe consciously, make decisions every time we eat, and even to choose the way we feel as a matter of moment-to-moment awareness. This process will work on the largest scale you can imagine — or the deepest. Jupiter is in your sign now, and it’s aligned with some of the most potent forces known to astrology. Learn to handle your own mind skillfully; learn to see the opportunity in everything. The potential to make the most of your life is right with you, and in you — but it’s up to you to perceive it accurately, and to use the decision points you encounter as ways of bringing your potential to fruition.

Click here to order your 2011 Taurus Audio Birthday Report.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Powerful influences of the past may still be lingering around your awareness, or be present in your life. These influences, strange as they may be, present the opportunity to encounter them consciously, and to resolve anything from the past you’ve left hanging. They may range from powerful emotions of love and attraction to feelings of anger or resentment. Indeed, you may be mystified at how things that seem to exist in the distant past have such potency in your life in the present. The short explanation is, this is how perception works, until we take over and update our minds. We do have the capability to ignore what from our back files is calling for our attention, and we have the capability to resolve it and free up our energy. Many people live their lives dragged down by the past. I know you don’t want to, and I’m here to tell you it’s not necessary.

Click here to order your 2011 Gemini Audio Birthday Report.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — A partial solar eclipse in your sign on July 1 may have you reassessing very nearly everything and everyone in your life. The key to doing this productively is to see yourself as something other than boxed into your circumstances. Most of the factors that seem so influential lost their power many months ago; you’re just realizing it now. More to the point, you’re being invited to see your immediate opportunities for what they are, and to use the creative force of your mind to see them as authentic. You’re past the point where it’s even vaguely productive to doubt yourself. You may be confronted by how many people you care about invest their creative energy doubting themselves, and I suggest you look to them as an example of what you don’t want to be. Then, quickly look for examples and inspiration of what you do want to be, and by that I mostly mean look within.

I’ll have the Cancer 2011 birthday report for you soon!

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Over the next week or two you’re likely to notice that your fears were exaggerated, based mostly on information you were missing. It is ignorant to think that ignorance is bliss. Knowledge may not, in itself, be blissful, but it can help us focus our reasoning abilities and see what we’re actually confronting and what our real potential is. Most of what you’ve been concerned about is emotionally driven. When you get your mind into the act, you tend to see things a lot more realistically. But at the moment, you need to assess information carefully; some factors are much smaller than they seem, and others are much more useful than they seem. Therefore, think, but think carefully, adjusting your mental process as you go.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Leo, please go to this link.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — One sure way to find out whether your sexuality is your own is to try to do something you want with it. It’s one thing to think we’re totally in control of our desires and our pleasure as long as we follow the rules that everyone else has set for us, and to which we have tacitly agreed. But once we step outside of those rules and experiment with our ability to make choices, we get a reality check. Part of how we get by in the world is telling ourselves we’re free. How we actually get free is by experimenting with what we want, and consciously engaging whatever comes up as a result. If you don’t feel ready to experiment in the real world, try doing so in your imagination. Let yourself think, want, need or indulge anything or anyone you want, and then observe your responses. One last item, under the general heading of ‘reality check’: what do you feel confident telling others? Why or why not?

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Virgo, please go to this link.

To discover how these changes influence you personally, check out the Planet Waves 2011 Midyear Report by Eric Francis.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — In this world, we tend to work for our achievements. But when they arrive, often it seems like some circumstance we had no clue about or could not have predicted influences what we accomplished — or rather, like we would have seen it had we been paying attention. Your role now is to notice those ‘unforeseen’ factors, use them to your best advantage. You may get caught by surprise, but even then you’ll still benefit from a little advanced preparation — and mostly from being open to some unusual form of success. However, I suggest you not think of success as something you work for as much as prepare yourself for. This is a moment to reap the rewards of what you’ve built on, and part of your preparation means being open to recognition, visibility and willingness to take some chances — kind of like you’ve been doing lately, but from a deeper place.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Libra, please go to this link.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Belief systems are dangerous things, mostly because we don’t see them for what they are. We tend to think that ‘we believe what is true because it’s true’ rather than we think something is true because it’s part of a pattern that we adopted. There is an easy way to test this theory. Identify one of your assumptions. This might take some thought, but find something you believe is true, then check it out. Determine how right or wrong your belief was. Once you do that a few times, you may decide you had better test every assumption that you make, particularly if it involves what you think of as a ‘belief’. Every time you hear yourself say that word, pause and ask yourself what you really mean.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Scorpio, please go to this link.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Jupiter, your home planet (the gorgeous, enormous orange and yellow one with 63 moons) has taken up residence in Taurus for the next year. This will help you solidify and stabilize your plans, your finances and get clear about your desires. You may feel less ambitious, less hot to burst into the next phase of your life, and cooler in general. But from the aspects Jupiter is now making, I trust that you can see that you have the potential to make some excellent decisions in the next few months. The thing is, these will be deep decisions, and therefore ones that affect your life. Remember to look for the place where the outcome you want the most fits the thing that works best in the world around you. It is a fact that your personal constellation aligns with the greater movements of the cosmos. Feel gently for that opening.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Sagittarius, please go to this link.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — An eclipse in your opposite sign, Cancer, may be giving you the feeling that you are at the mercy of the fates. You may have a knot in your stomach that you cannot control what anyone else feels, what they want, or how they respond to you. You will feel better when you embrace this lack of control; by better, I mean you will feel emotionally free, and free to move around in the world without the constant sense of an emotional burden. The people around you are giving you the opportunity to put that emotional burden down. You may on some level equate this with abandonment; it is nothing of the sort. Indeed, this moment is about you learning to embrace rather than abandon yourself. When you make this one simple choice, you will feel much more secure in your relationships.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Capricorn, please go to this link.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Do you ever have the feeling that people are holding out on you, as in not telling you what they know and what you should find out? It’s not usually intentional. Social conventions prevent us from saying too much to others; the emphasis on ‘mind your own beeswax’ gets in the way of ‘please don’t hesitate to tell me what I need to know’. So, while you may feel like you get some news too late, actually, it’s right on time to be useful, as long as you don’t fret over not knowing it sooner. Then, you can adjust your own standards for what you want to be told in advance, as well as what you diplomatically mention to others. Remember, these are situations where the messenger isn’t always appreciated, but you at least can afford to honor reality for what it is. Thank people for keeping it real.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aquarius, please go to this link.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You have a lot of, and I do mean mucho, creative energy available. The more you use it, the more you will have. This is contrary to the usual laws of the Earth where the more you use, or give, something, the less of it you have. Everyone benefits from what you are offering, and the more you go full-spectrum, the more benefit you will create. This works personally for you as well. The best way for you to get into abundance consciousness is to be generous with yourself, put energy into what you have passion for, make sure people know what you’re up to and keep one eye focused on peace and justice at all times. You have every reason to have faith, and every reason to let go of the lack of faith that has been so irritating for so much of your life.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Pisces, please go to this link.

Inner Space Horoscope for June 2011

Dear Friend and Reader:

Wednesday is the Gemini New Moon and a partial eclipse of the Sun. This is the first of three eclipses: the next will be a total lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on June 15, followed by another partial solar eclipse, this time in Cancer, on July 1. Remember the pattern-setting quality of eclipses. Make sure you do something that you really deeply love to do, or want to do, on each of those three days. Take the day off from work if you can, or at least shape your working life around your preferences and talents as a kind of experiment.

June also brings the Cancer solstice — the longest day in the Northern Hemisphere (beginning of summer) and the shortest day in the Southern Hemisphere (beginning of winter, but winter down under is not exactly like it is in Siberia). Solstice is one of the biggest turning points of the year, and how quickly it arrives. Here up north, it seems like just yesterday that we were snowed under by perpetual winter. As the Sun moves into the sign Cancer on June 21, it immediately aspects five outer planets — in order, Neptune, Uranus, Chiron, Pluto and Saturn. While we could say this represents yet another wakeup call, this one looks more like “wake up and express yourself.”

Awareness is a cause and not an effect; but it has effects. The result would be more like taking a step toward openly shining out for who you are. Some influences will provoke you, and others feel more like an open flow of inspiration. If you allow one to lead to another, you’ll make many discoveries, in particular how flexible your creativity can be.

Yours & truly,

Note to Readers: I’ve covered tomorrow’s eclipse in two entries in our new Daily Astrology series — the May 30 post and the May 31 post. I’ll wrap up coverage in Wednesday’s edition, as well as on the Planet Waves FM weekly podcast that also posts Wednesday. — efc

Note to Aries and Taurus: Your extended birthday audio reports for 2011 are just about done. They’re recorded; I just need to produce them into the final product — coming soon. I plan to finish Gemini with the Sun still in Gemini. — efc


Revised and Updated! Click for Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You’re going to learn how to feel safe amidst all of the unpredictability of your life; that’s a given. To do that, your concept of ‘safe’ has to change. Looked at one way, safe means free from any sense of threat, change, disturbance or instability. Yet that’s not what your chart is about at the moment. It’s about learning to hold your center even as you’re confronted by inner upheaval, complex relationship situations, high goals and deep aspirations. Most people would rather sit on the couch and chill. You don’t have this option. Safe for you translates to adaptable, aware and one who takes pleasure in rising to the occasion of life. Yes, somewhere in there is making sure that you have a home base. But it’s a place to advance from, more than it’s a place to retreat to.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aries, please go to this link.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You seem to be having a kind of psychological crisis over your finances, without recognizing how much you have going for you. Money is the tool and not the goal; you are the thing of worth, rather than it. The crisis involves having several sets of values going at the same time. You can make this work for you, say, by having a set of ideas that relate to separate situations in your life. It can just as easily become a source of conflict, where priorities from one aspect of your life, or time in your life, conflict with something more important. Indeed, of all the issues on which you tend to be divided against yourself, money is first among them. I suggest you take this opportunity to reconcile your values systems. You don’t need two. You need one.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Taurus, please go to this link.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Love and anger are often presumed to be bedmates, but one excludes the other. Where there is anger present, how is there room for love? Where there is love present, anger fades from importance and disappears into forgiveness. Remember that as you move through life this month. Remember as you consider whether you have ‘divided feelings’ about someone. It’s more likely that your feelings about yourself are in conflict, and you’re missing something obvious about someone you know you care about. It would seem that you’re not quite noticing someone’s benevolence because you’re only seeing your own feelings. I suggest you apply logic to the situation: if you have concerns about someone, look at their track record. Look for actual evidence of their intentions. Ask if your outdated ideas about life are clouding how you see the world now. They don’t have to.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Gemini, please go to this link.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — This is the moment to meet life face to face, at full strength. I don’t mean that in terms of drama and conflict, but rather as making contact with your inspiration, with your highest goals and with how deeply certain individuals in your life influence you. Remind yourself how much you influence the people around you — open your eyes and you’ll see that this is obvious. Think of all of these potentials not as externals but rather as extensions of yourself. Your creativity is a magnet for human contact. Your passion will drive your success. Your ideas will inspire your whole life — and many people around you. Your happiness is not yours alone. As you improve your life and follow your heart, many around you will see and be inspired by that light. Start with happiness and then focus on cooperation.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Cancer, please go to this link.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Think of yourself as a good luck magnet and that’s what you’re likely to be. This works for you, and for anyone you associate with. There’s a protective quality about you, and some element that has the ability to manifest good is a kind of rare fortune. This is not a passive thing about you; rather, there is something in the active process of your thinking, observing and synthesizing facts that adds up to much more than is obvious on its face. Work with that — let’s call it the intuitive factor. There will be times that you just know something, or a method, or a solution; you’ll have ideas that seem to come from nowhere special. You don’t need to account the source to anything more than an open mind and loving intentions. It’s not an accident that those things get actual results.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Leo, please go to this link.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You say you don’t like too much public exposure, but I suggest you grease yourself in SPF and take your place in the spotlight. What you have going for you is a communication gift — the ability to express or explain in clear language something that others have a hard time getting out. You can not only see, but integrate, both sides of a seeming polarity. You can do this because you know you embrace within yourself the opposites that others perceive as inevitable. This has something to do with gender; it has something to do with acknowledging that you’re not at odds with the world around you, but rather an integral part of it. These things are easy for you to see, and you often take that fact for granted. It’s a lot more challenging for others — and you have the ability to make it clear.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Virgo, please go to this link.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Saturn has been in your sign for a while, and it’s been retrograde for most of the year. You may feel as if plenty of life has passed you by. It hasn’t, and now that Saturn is returning to direct motion, you don’t need to catch up. What it would be very good to do is let go of certain elements of the past that you’re holding onto. I’m talking about the ones that you haven’t noticed. They might show up as traditions or rituals; they might appear as nostalgia or a tense relationship to change. Clearly, you want to make progress, and progress is about updating your files and living in the present. You’ll have many opportunities to do that in the coming weeks, and if at any time you’re experiencing confusion or struggle, bring yourself into the actual moment in which you’re standing. That is where your power is.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Libra, please go to this link.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Suddenly, a relationship is showing a lot of promise. Looked at another way, you have many options, and you may not want to limit yourself. Those are not contradictory values. Indeed, the idea that they conflict is the value that gets in the way of everything else. Be on the lookout for any situation that has the mark of ‘do or die’. Beware of any circumstance where you might think, ‘if I do that, then this is the inevitable result’. The chances are you want that result but are afraid to admit it to yourself. Your charts suggest that you have impressive attractive power. Like many people, that can worry you, if you wonder: what if I act on a possibility and then live to regret it? That is what I would call starting from a place of regret, when adventure is the very thing that is calling you.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Scorpio, please go to this link.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — What attracts you to someone? This is often a complicated issue. There seem to be two distinct ways your mind perceives desirability. One is mental clarity, a kind of gymnastic talent of the intellect. You’re definitely someone for whom the brain is a sex organ. The other quality that draws you in is nourishment and compassion. Now, while mental agility has its place, your point of sexual contact is more typically the nourishment attribute. But is that still true today? At least ask the question. These days you are at a kind of maximum compatibility with others. You can relate to people on many different levels, and there seems to be no shortage of people available to exchange energy. You’ve long lived your life based on identifying what you need. Now is the time to notice and act on what you want.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Sagittarius, please go to this link.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Notice the influence that you have on people. I’m not suggesting you accept my theory on its face; I’m proposing that you observe people, and listen to what they say about how they feel about you — and why. As for the ones who don’t say anything, observe them carefully and listen between the lines. At the moment, and for the foreseeable future, you’re a kind of evolutionary flywheel, with momentum that can carry many people along. Yet to appreciate the full benefit of that, I suggest you notice the special intensity of your growth process now, and how many people are trying to plug into your energy to get a little of what they think they lack themselves. Be flexible. Let go of your opinions based on what has happened before. This is actually a new moment in history.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Capricorn, please go to this link.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Treat your life as a wild experiment. Figure out what that notion might have meant to you right up until this moment, and then devise a way to go over that little hump. The experiment of your life is about stretching who you are. That’s a question of gender; it’s a question of what you say, and exploring the impact that it has on people; and it’s about stretching your idea of what you think of as fun. Things that you were sure would be fun for others but could never be fun for you might seem especially attractive. There’s a little something about swinging both ways. In the background of your experiment is a shift in attitude about what you think is possible. Experiences in relationships that seemed improbable, impossible or out of your league are suddenly looking pretty real. They might even be.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aquarius, please go to this link.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Keep your energy flowing. Whether it’s with physical activity or some kind of especially strenuous mental exercise, keep moving. You may encounter resistance. Pisces, the most ethereal sign, has a natural antipathy to anything that is physical, and what is rational can take some getting used to. Push both of them a little more every day. Stretch your potential. Feel yourself make progress, and observe all of your emotional inconsistencies as you work through them. By the end of the month, I propose that you’ll have the distinct feeling that great things are possible — greater than you ever imagined. If there is one factor on which your success depends, it’s accepting parts of you that seem to be in opposition. They’re not, really — they have the same goal, but they do things different ways.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Pisces, please go to this link.

Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope for May 2011

Dear Friend and Reader,

Planet Waves
A friendly French cow. Photo by Eric Francis.

Here in the Northern Hemisphere, May is the season of Beltane, also known as Midspring holiday. The theme is love and abundance, explored consciously as part of our relationship to the planet. No matter how weird things may get on Earth, we are still in a relationship to the planet, and Beltane is the time to take that in a positive and creative direction. The timing is when the Sun reaches the midpoint of Taurus, usually on May 5.

It’s a tipping point in the year, a moment of concentrated energy to set intentions and manifest what you want for the coming seasons and through the inevitable winter. This year, we have the Taurus New Moon two days ahead of Beltane, so if I were the astrologer to the High Priestess, I would be suggesting Beltane celebrations begin the evening of May 2 and continue through the week. Some traditions take the whole month, and the festival is known as The May. There is a lot of fire in the Beltane chart — the Sun is in Taurus and many other planets are in Aries.


Eric Francis

Planet Waves

Light Bridge: The 25-Year Span by Eric Francis is the story of irrevocable change told through the lens of astrology, history and self-awareness. This is a carefully selected set of articles and essays by Eric written since 1987, which take you through the transition of the millennium into 2012. The essays are a continuing meditation on the experience of confronting global changes from long before anyone was certain they would really happen. It begins in a spiritual community in 1987 and comes to the present day, including a look at the astrology of the 2012-2015 era. Included are Eric’s best essays on sweeping world changes, relationships and maintaining some sense of one’s inner life in the midst of it all. The book, available as a printable PDF, is 174 pages and is illustrated by Carol McCloud. It’s just $14.95. It’s the perfect companion to Light Bridge, the 2011 annual edition of Planet Waves. Purchase your copy here.

Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You may still be feeling hesitant from the recent retrograde of Mercury in your sign, but the winds of fortune are strong against your back. You can afford to act on your confidence, as long as you’re proceeding with sincerity. You have so much drive and passion, those are the last things you need to concern yourself with. The idea is to make sure you’re pursuing your heart’s desire. The time has arrived to be absolutely real — no faking, no delaying your true priorities, only moving from an authentic space. You may be thinking, How do I know what I really want? I would say: you do know. If you set aside all your excuses, all your rationalizations and you don’t let your mother make your decisions for you (overtly, or covertly) you will be on solid ground with yourself.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aries, please go to this link.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Many factors seem to be influencing you — if only you knew what they were. But what if you knew? What if you could see through all your doubts and seeming confusion? Stop and listen to yourself. If your inner monologue has been louder than usual, listen to what that voice is saying. Literally, what do the words mean, and what do the images you’re seeing show you? It may seem overly simple, but ‘knowing thyself’ actually does involve witnessing the contents of your awareness. The key is slowing down long enough to size up what is helpful, what is destructive, and giving yourself a moment to make a choice what to respond to. By choice, I mean a mentally oriented decision rather than being pushed or pulled by your emotions.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Taurus, please go to this link.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You go through phases of searching for your own identity among the people around you, and after what you’ve been through the past month, I am guessing you’ve figured out that it doesn’t quite work. Besides which, it’s likely that the people you care about are looking to you for some idea of how to maintain their stability in our uncertain times. You actually have a better sense about yourself than most of them have about themselves. How could this be? You’re more accustomed than others to dealing with the many possibilities of who you are. You know that a human mind is complex, and you embrace that complexity. You also know that there are no guaranteed outcomes, and your comfort level with uncertainty feeds your self-awareness.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Gemini, please go to this link.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — This continues to be a vital time for emphasizing your professional goals. By goals I mean what you discover at the intersection of ‘I am’ and ‘I do’. You can add to that ‘I want’. It takes a few different factors to make a goal worth pursuing: a sense of identifying with the goal; a love of the activity; and the desire to make it happen, or to invest yourself. Most folks run into problems because what they think of as their goals don’t meet any of the criteria here; it’s possible to fudge and make excuses, but they don’t actually get the job done. Even meeting one would be helpful, though with the planets being what they are, I suggest you go for total authenticity. As you’ve figured out, a learning curve is involved, and this is a very good sign.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Cancer, please go to this link.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — What is possible? Ask yourself that question, and listen to your answer. That will reveal your state of mind. If you want to know who can support you in your goals, ask them what they think is possible and, rather than trying to convince them of anything, listen to what they say. Some people live for yes, and some live for no. Some live for maybe, and others for maybe not. It’s true that if you study the pages of The New York Times or watch CNN for an hour, you may not feel like you have any reasons for optimism. Despite the prevailing doom and gloom of our era, we’re in a moment of rich potential. Part of what is feeding that potential is the chaos. True enough, it takes a special kind of person to see the possibilities when many merely see loss and devastation. Just keep your faith that a new world will arise from what is left of the old one — and part of how that will happen is the vision that you’re offering.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Leo, please go to this link.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — What is an asset and what is a liability? This is the main question you have to ask yourself. I can give you a clue that you’ve probably mixed up a few of these — certain things you thought were helpful are not so helpful and other things you thought were harmful are turning out to be pretty good assets. This is not so much a matter of perception as it is about correcting misperception. Yet there’s also another little issue, which is that most of the time we actually don’t evaluate our lives on the basis of what helps and what hurts. When we apply that question consciously, real information is forthcoming. The deeper question would then be, why are so many people attached to what hurts them, and how are you doing letting go of those things?

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Virgo, please go to this link.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — No matter how much energy is coming toward you, flexibility is the key to keeping your balance. It’s true that you’re under a lot of pressure — more than you thought you could handle. But it’s not merely pressure; you’re being offered energy, opportunity, love and friendship. You’ve got an opportunity to participate in the world like you’ve hardly ever had before. The thing about participation is that it tends to draw in your full involvement. While many would think they are ‘giving up their life’, I would say that the one sure way to have a life is to be involved. Here, we come back to the question of balance, which for you means flexibility. Having options is a prelude to making choices. And one decision leads to the next.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Libra, please go to this link.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Rest is important, but there are activities more restful than sleep. That’s a good thing, because your life has nothing if not activity at the moment. Notice that some things you do nourish you and some deplete you. Have you started to see a pattern, which is which? If you were to apply one criterion to evaluating everything in your life, this is the one. But let’s define ‘nourish’. I would include things that expand your capacity for achievement; desires that stoke your ambition to do good work; experiences that challenge your idea of who you are; activities that fill up your time in a productive way, and nudge out the things you don’t like to do, or that don’t serve you. What nourishes you may make you a bit uncomfortable — but only a little, and only at first.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Scorpio, please go to this link.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — The theme of this phase of your life is stretching your creative capacity. I think that to some extent, everyone wants to be creative, but you may be experiencing this as a kind of extreme restlessness that you cannot quite ground. A little focus will go a long way. Don’t worry about meeting your ‘full potential’. Rather, if you have to take out the trash, do it in an interesting way. If you have any kind of assignment at all, figure out a way to take pleasure in the work and do it as artfully as you can. Meantime, pay attention to the ideas that are percolating out of you, and when you feel a juicy one, explore and experiment with it. Take a chance. Allow yourself the space to do something unusual, and keep going till it takes on a life of its own.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Sagittarius, please go to this link.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You may need to toss all your ideas of safety or sanity, but what do you do with all of the stress? If it’s coming out of your psyche in ways that are painful or disruptive and offer you nothing in return, I suggest you make some decisions about how you direct your energy. It may be time for a change, and by that I mean a significant change. One thing your chart is saying is that the past is not what it used to be, and it barely exists at all. What exists for sure is the way you can direct yourself into the future, and this looks like one crucial goal that you may be resisting. Any idea what that might be? Is there something you dearly want to achieve, but you’re having a little denial attack about? Focus on that goal and you’ll likely feel a heck of a lot safer on the planet.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Capricorn, please go to this link.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Stay grounded, whatever that means to you. That mind of yours has a lot of activity and adventure running around in it — a bit much to leave you with a feeling of settling into any consistent ideas. In fact the nice thing about your ideas is that they are pushing you out of your comfort zone. Your grounding can come from tuning into a commitment that is truly meaningful to you, and orienting on that. It’s an idea that feels like home, or feels like a solid and meaningful place to gather your emotions. It could be a person, or a relationship. It could be your physical space, or your desire to create a solid home for yourself. Remember that this would best be a container for your abundant energy, rather than a place to barricade external influences away from you.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aquarius, please go to this link.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — This is an excellent time to get your financial life in order, and by in order, I mean beginning with a clear concept of the abundance and prosperity that you want. In case you haven’t figured it out, it’s a lot easier to create wealth when you’re not busy talking it down. Having enough is entirely unrelated to greed. Enjoying a glass of wine does not make someone an alcoholic. Be clear with yourself about your ideas here. Recognize when a prejudice is entering the picture, such as the notion that money corrupts someone. The only thing that can corrupt anyone is their own values, so if you proceed from understanding what is important to you and appreciating why that is so, you will have a guiding principle that will be truly useful as you realize just how resourceful you are.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Pisces, please go to this link.

Planet Waves Inner Space — April 2011

Dear Friend and Reader:

Mercury is retrograde through nearly all of August, from today at about 11:49 pm EDT until the 26th. The theme of this retrograde is, pay attention to what matters. The retrograde begins in Virgo, then Mercury walks back into mid-Leo. It then stations direct and works its way back into Virgo on Sept. 9. This is the layering process I’ve been describing — Mercury working the line between Leo and Virgo, as if starting in our ideas and concepts about who we are (Virgo), then moving deeper into the core reality (Leo). Looked at another way, this is the imaginary line between work and play. It’s also known by some astrologers as the sphinx point, where the cat (Leo) meets the woman (Virgo).

Planet Waves
The Tuthilltown Gristmill in Gardiner, NY operated as a flour mill between 1788 and 2002. It is now a restaurant. Photo by Eric Francis.

Mercury retrograde has garnered a reputation for being something to dread, a time when all hell breaks loose. But this is as much about how we perceive things as it is how they actually are. You might think of the total effect as your mental projector being out of focus. The image — the message, or your perception of it — isn’t clear, and that can lead to misinterpretation, frustration and ultimately ideas that take you off course. This is part of what has lead to lists of “don’ts” favored by many astrology resources regarding Mercury’s apparent backward motion: don’t spend money you don’t have to spend; don’t expect communication to go well; don’t count on getting to your destination smoothly; don’t fix or replace things that break until after Mercury moves direct; and so on. Usually this advice works because your own perception is likely to be a little out of sorts; you might overestimate a need, or worry too much about something that appears to be a problem but really is not.

But then the projector comes back into focus. These are the moments that provide a worthwhile opportunity to dive deep into your own psyche. While your outward vision may often be distorted during this phase, working with the sense of backwardness/inwardness is a way to flow Mercury-style and actually get somewhere new — and feel good about it. Like any trip undertaken during this phase of Mercury’s orbit, the internal one requires a little extra patience and preparation, mostly of your attitude and expectations. You’ll want to pay attention to all the inner scenery and signposts that come into view, and keep an eye on your psyche’s dashboard: when you start to rev high or overheat or run low on gas, it’s time to stop. Let things cool down; refill your well; slow down the mental chatter and your reactions to others until you’ve found a little perspective. The idea is to learn about yourself, and that’s hard to do if you’re speeding down the highway yelling at the other drivers. It’s easier if you’re involved in some creative or contemplative activity, but in any case, you would need to apply a little self-observation.

One reminder is — figure out what matters, and when you don’t know, pause. Early in the retrograde, there is a temptation to rebel against something, though you may be working with incomplete or incorrect information. Rather than stage an insurrection against someone who has your best interests at heart, who is devoted to you and helpful, I suggest you take your time and make sure you know what you’re talking about.


Eric Francis

Additional writing: Amanda Painter.

Planet Waves
Promo by Chelsea.

The Planet Waves Mercury retrograde report is ready and exploring the Internet. I’ve recorded an introduction and about 25 to 35 minutes of audio for each of the 12 Sun signs and rising signs. The audio introduction to the Mercury retrograde phenomenon in general is available to all readers, in which I give a primer on the basics and describe key details of this one. The product itself is the sign-by-sign interpretation, which I offer in clear, easy to follow language. As you may know, I reach for the point of sanity in the astrology, the solution set to what sometimes seems like an overly complex puzzle. I trust these readings will bring you some comfort, clarity and a few good ideas to work with in these wild and unusual days.

Find out more here.

Planet Waves

Revised and Updated! Click for Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — If you don’t feel like getting dragged into all kinds of emotional dramas this month, I suggest you proceed slowly and carefully. Make sure you know who has what agenda — and closer to the point, make sure you know your agenda. One potential trap for you is falling prey to your own insecurity, then over-reading into something you don’t understand, which turns out to be based on your own confusion and misunderstanding. It would benefit you greatly to look at your life, and the world around you, through the widest possible lens. Try to see the whole picture, so that you’re less inclined to take things personally when they’re not directed at you. You will have one occasion after the next to realize that what’s happening in your environment is not all about you — which will come as a great relief.

Aries, your birth sign or rising sign, is getting some of the most potent transits of them all right now. I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and a tarot card reading for you. Learn more by visiting this page.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — This is a time to stretch, to open up new territory in your life, and most of all to widen your circle of friends. You are changing; it’s time to surround yourself with people who reflect the ways in which you’re growing. Whatever your social role has been in the past (group coordinator, token shy person, the reasonable one) you’re likely to be taking on a new position among the people who are closest to you. To many you will seem like you’re becoming a revolutionary by refusing to put up with the same ridiculous social rules you might have thought were wonderful just a year ago. Don’t make excuses for why you want to take more liberty. Remember, anyone you think deserves to be impressed is unlikely to be worth the effort.

I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and done a tarot reading especially for you. It’s information that will help with your relationships, your professional life and your personal growth. Visit this page to find out more.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You know it’s time to make some changes at home, but in truth there is no rush. Make sure you understand what you want to rearrange and why, and carefully consider your options for doing so. You may discover somewhat larger goals than redecorating; you seem to be reaching a psychological limit of some kind. But over the next month, you will be able to see your situation a number of different ways. What seems so dire today may seem a lot less important a month from now, but by then you will have clarified what it is you want to accomplish. Let the impulse phase pass; pay attention to what you keep telling yourself you want to change.

Gemini is one of the most misunderstood signs — and as someone born under this sign, part of your role is to hold a mirror to the world. I’ve recorded an hour of audio for you, plus a 20 minute tarot reading. You can get access to these by visiting this page.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Mars enters your sign the first week of the month, which will provide plenty of energy for you to pursue your goals. But I have a few words of temperance and caution, one of which is to make a special effort to get along with women. By that I mean, stand your ground but avoid unnecessary conflicts. Generally you will see people go to one extreme or the other — for example, push people around for the sake of it (not a good idea this month) or back down when they really need to stand their ground. Part of growing involves making sure that you hold open the space to be yourself with the people around you — no matter how powerful they make themselves out to be, or how influential you may perceive them as being.

 Hello Cancerians! Your birthday report is ready. It’s more than an hour of astrology plus a 20 minute tarot reading. Please visit this page for more details.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — What seems to be a financial issue is likely to be nothing of the kind. It may start there, but once you get past the illusion that money is the actual matter, or that money sets a limit of some kind, you’re likely to discover that you have many more options and a lot more freedom than you previously thought. Life really is a matter of deciding what is important to you and then being determined to make it happen. Reciting the mantra of a bad economy or bad job market does not create opportunity, it merely blinds you to it. If you find yourself giving yourself negative messages (which are often excuses for not daring to make an effort), there’s always time to stop, think and decide what you really want.

Hello Leo! I’m now working on the birthday report for your sign. Watch this space for additional information.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — How can you be sure if a loved one is telling you the truth? Or similarly, how can you be certain that someone you’re interested in is worth the effort? The answer is that it usually takes some time, making conscious observations and then checking your perceptions. Most of the time when we go wrong with someone else, we ignored information that would have served us well. We learn things about people over time, and we don’t use it — and this counts for both the ways in which people reveal themselves to be deceptive, or alternately, loving and supportive. In the immortal words of my old therapist Joe, the thing to do is use what you know. Don’t pretend; don’t ignore; track your thinking and test whether you were noticing the obvious, and whether you’re putting it to work.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Virgo, please go to this link.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — This is a beautifully ambitious moment for you, but timing is everything. You might not be able to act on your plans immediately, for a number of reasons (unusual delays, everyone is out of town, the so-and-so business doesn’t do anything in August, etc.). That said, you will want to be ready when the time comes to take action, so no matter how sleepy or disorganized ‘the world’ seems to be this month, make sure you’re getting your ideas in order, and using your time to understand your most authentic goals. That said, you may find yourself encountering unusual opportunities over the next few weeks, and I suggest you be open to them. But please don’t sign anything or make any big promises until Mercury stations direct on Aug. 26, preferably holding off till a few days later. Till then, count everything as a bold experiment.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Libra, please go to this link.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — This is going to be an interesting month — promise. Your life will be full of intrigue, surprises and challenges, but I suggest you practice a little healthy detachment. It’s possible to have experiences without getting caught up in them; it’s possible to meet and experience people without getting overly involved. Be cautious of any form of negativity that creates attachment. This is one of the most alluring, dangerous emotional traps going. If you find yourself in an emotional environment that’s not healthy, make a decision and move on. The more you do that, the easier it will be to open up to the flow of positive energy. Intensity, by itself, is not a ‘good’ thing, but it can be an addictive one. Love is gentler, easier and more nourishing. Keep deciding which you really want, and you’re likely to have more of it.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Scorpio, please go to this link.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You don’t need to set your professional goals aside — you just need to know what they are, which will tell you where you actually stand. You’re doing a lot better than you think: you’ve made more progress than you think, and attained more visibility than you’ve noticed — if such is meaningful to you. There is an aspect of your design scheme that needs to be reviewed, the basis for which is making sure you’re not trying to live up to your parents’ expectations, or compensate for their perceived failures. Let them free, and set yourself free. They have no place in the life that you’re living now. What you may discover is some of your most annoying hang-ups are not actually yours, and when you discover that, you’re never far from letting them go entirely. You just need to want to.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Sagittarius, please go to this link.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You may feel like you’ve met your match — but I suggest leaving fantasies of combat, confrontation or even competition out of your diet. There are two main influences driving you now — one is somewhat aggressive (which may feel like someone is being aggressive with you) and the other is about mellowing out. You’ve been wound a little tightly lately, and you can afford to relax. I don’t just mean relax and take a day off; I mean relax your mind, and your approach to existence. Any time you feel yourself trying to plan out your whole life, or get control over every situation, remember, you have alternatives. They’re not substitutes — they are better possibilities than pretending to have power that you don’t have. The opposite to control is exploring your options. You have many.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Capricorn, please go to this link.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Take a breath; the pressure you’ve been under for the past few years is over. Part of what you were addressing were the constant demands of circumstance. Now, you have the option to focus your energy inwardly. In fact it’s more than an option — it’s a basic necessity of growth, because from this point on, your growth will develop from the inside out. This method doesn’t work for everyone, I know. Most people need to be bullied by their external environment, by people close to them or by encountering worldly limits in order to have the courage to make changes. This is not a luxury you need; in fact it’s not a luxury at all. The more you cultivate and develop inwardly, which includes facing your fears, the more the world will hold out for you.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aquarius, please go to this link.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — This is a creative, experimental time for you — and that includes exploring your erotic nature. But how do you explore in a way that’s responsible? How do you address guilt, fear and other forms of negativity? The answer is yes. You are able to respond (that’s what responsible means) and it’s possible to call negativity what it is. Ask yourself: what emotion do you elect to lead the way? I nominate curiosity, with creativity as campaign manager. Let your curiosity guide you. It’s okay to want to know who someone is, how something feels, or to discover how you’ll grow or change as a result of having a certain experience. It’s okay to have that experience rather than just think about it. You’re under no obligation to be a prisoner of fear, and you have plenty of passion to share.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Pisces, please go to this link.

Inner Space Horoscope for March 2011

Planet Waves
Ocher Sea Star and Aggregate Anemomes, Vancover Island, BC. Photo by Bev Dulis waterworksdesign.net

Dear Friend and Reader:

The Sun is now in Pisces for the next few weeks, and Chiron is in Pisces for the next eight years. Chiron in Pisces defines an era of astrology where many will come to terms with the idea, and the reality, of emotional healing. Most of the problems faced by individuals and, when you add that up, by our whole society, come back to unresolved emotional issues. Whether you’re talking about obesity or violence, cancer or depression, the struggles so many face in their relationships or the crisis children are in, the common thread is a need for emotional wellbeing and maturity. When you consider this theme in the context of your own life, what do you come up with? What do you think is holding you back? What is inspiring or driving you to go forward? If there are issues lurking in the past, they’re not as entrenched as they once were, and not as scary as you once thought. Just slip underneath the feeling of resistance (which is on the surface) and find what is there.

Yours & truly,

Eric Francis

PS, I’ve just updated the Planet Waves daily page with a new article focusing on today’s Mercury-Chiron conjunction in Pisces — the first since 1967 — which covers several rapidly changing news events. Scroll down and there’s a new Daily Astrology by Len Wallick and an article focusing specifically on the situation in Libya. To track updates to Planet Waves, keep an eye on my Facebook page. You’re invited to send a friend request. –efc


Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Honesty is imperative right now, and so too is managing your emotions. I suggest you ban expressing anger until you’ve cooled off, written in your diary and/or had a session with your therapist. While I am reluctant to ever suggest you not trust your perceptions, this is an extended moment when you have to check them several times from a diversity of viewpoints. You’re living in an entirely new psychic environment than you were just a few weeks ago, one calling on you to be unusually introspective. In practical terms, that means considering for weeks what you might have thought about for an hour; and it means looking for documentation of the basis of your opinions rather than acting on impulse.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aries, please go to this link.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Get to know your inhibitions, so you can address them. I don’t suggest fretting over them, getting caught in them, but emphasizing how much fun you can have if you let them go. You’ve done enough work on this project to appreciate the benefits of having made some space for yourself. You’ve experienced enough in the way of direct, actual, authentic pleasure to motivate you to go the rest of the way. At a certain point you’ll figure out that you’re working through the inhibitions of your ancestors. You’re unlikely at this point to notice that because you’re aware of how much else you have to do. If you focus on what you’ve accomplished, you’ll see that at least half of what you’ve done is throw away or give back issues that were not yours.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Taurus, please go to this link.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You’re embarking on a phase of your life wherein your career goes to the top of the agenda. By this, I mean focus. I mean quitting your bartending job if you’re really an artist, and focusing on acting. I mean that if you’re a songwriter and working as a bicycle messenger, you do something like teach guitar so you have the instrument in your hand more hours a day. I also mean understanding why you must distinguish yourself from people who have less desire to succeed than you do. You have one agenda and they have another, and your sensitivity to their thoughts and feelings will influence your success. You are becoming an influential person, and I suggest you spend your time with people who are creative, optimistic and authentic.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Gemini, please go to this link.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — It sure seems like time for an adventure. Can you get yourself to an ancient site of some kind? You would be surprised how many of those are within a few hours’ drive of home — such as old features in the land, an old monastery or a temple of some kind. I suggest you travel about 100 miles — not so far that you mix up your schedule or incur too much expense, but far enough to be an overnight mission. I suggest you go on your own; the purpose is introspection, to bring you into deeper contact with your movement through life and your relationship to existence. The presence of anyone else will distract you from contacting the silence in your own mind — which is becoming a few shades more beautiful as the days go by.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Cancer, please go to this link.

Planet Waves

Attention Light Bridge Subscribers: Light Bridge written readings are now available to those who pre-ordered. If you have not signed up yet, you may do so here. Everyone is invited to read the articles on the Light Bridge blog, which will update periodically. Customer reviews of Light Bridge are collecting here. Don’t miss the free audio introduction to the project that explains how I created these seven-year readings. To everyone: thank you for your patience while we completed the written phase of Light Bridge.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You now have some clarity on what may have felt like a betrayal or being deceived in some way. You’re not the type to hold onto things, but your trust can be injured; I suggest you stretch right back into your usual flexibility. Your commitments and the loyalty of others to you goes to an unusual depth for this world, and this is one of your main sources of nourishment. One gift you have is being able to see people for who they are inside, and love them despite the ways they may not love themselves. This is a profound influence on the world around you, and the gifts you give so generously will come back to you if you’re open to receiving them. Focus on that openness and raise everyone’s vibration.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Leo, please go to this link.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Your relationship life has had an odd feeling in recent years, as if there was nothing you could depend on. Therefore you had to depend on yourself. It’s not that there weren’t interesting people. If anything they were a little too interesting for you. But if they pushed certain buttons, they also taught you to stretch your boundaries and not be so rigid in your perceptions of yourself and of others. Now, you’re ready for a new kind of relationship. I would caution you from embarking on a search for ‘the one’ but rather viewing each person who enters your life on equal terms, at least initially. People you encounter are likely to have something particular in common with you — and help you stretch into yourself in new ways. You may find that it’s the same conversation you’ve been having, but in a new language.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Virgo, please go to this link.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You seem to be taking risks exploring the dialog between the ‘sexual’ and ‘non-sexual’ aspects of yourself. I used quotes mainly because these are aspects of the same thing, a fact you may be discovering. Sexuality implies much more than itself, and at the moment for you is deeply connected to your ideas of what it means to have a home. When the ‘non-sexual’ side speaks, though, it can imply deeply erotic attributes of your nature, which are sometimes best seen when you filter out overtly erotic feelings. This may all seem like a paradox, though what your astrology implies to me is that you are opening doors to different rooms of your consciousness, and boldly exploring what is there. Each has a feeling all its own. Each reveals something about you.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Libra, please go to this link.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — We have all heard the term ‘sexual healing’ but few people would know where to go looking for it. The first place to go is within yourself, beginning with awareness. Given the repressive nature of society, any conscious exploration into one’s erotic nature qualifies as both a reclaiming and as an experience of healing. One attribute of your current charts speaks of a new kind of interplay between ideas and experience. If the two have been markedly different in the past, such as if your true desire nature has not quite been matched in your experience, now is the time to begin building a bridge. Let your ideas influence your choices, and let your experiences influence your ideas.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Scorpio, please go to this link.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Art is a practical matter, and it’s one of the easiest ways to dial into your growth process right now. I am aware that you may be sitting in an office reading this, with no concept of yourself as a ‘creative person’. I’m speaking to you, not to Picasso. What we think of as the ‘creative self’ is often an attribute of our inner child that we’ve abandoned. When you explore any creative process, no matter how simple or humble your efforts, you begin to awaken this child. Pretty soon, this child is going to come to life with raging passion. I suggest you make some quiet visits into his or her room, and make the awakening gentle. I suggest purple eggs, lemonade and animal crackers for breakfast, with a side of Play Doh.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Sagittarius, please go to this link.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You are smarter than you think. You make better decisions than you think, even when you’re under stress. I suggest you make a yoga of trusting that. Practice trusting yourself, your perceptions, and your experiences. This will gradually lead you to trust yourself a little more every day. There’s a reason you have an unusual perception of your own intelligence, which is that you have an unusual kind of intelligence. You tend to proceed from the intuitive to the logical rather than the other way around. Instead of playing a game of second-guess, start with your initial perception and verify it. You will usually be right, and learn a lot more in the process of fact-checking and documentation. But as for how you got there in the first place –well that’s a mystery between you and the universe.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Capricorn, please go to this link.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — When you open your mouth to speak, what percentage of what you say is actually true? I suggest you monitor this. I’m not saying you need to get down on yourself if you catch yourself in white or black lies, but rather, do a kind of information audit. Fact-check yourself. The thing I suggest you look for is the extent to which what you say is in accordance with your values. That is the real measure of truth. One process that’s about to accelerate in your life is the systematic discovery of what your values are. On the one hand you can be extremely idealistic, and on the other just as cynical about human nature. When you start to parse out that contradiction you will find many shades of faith, fear and knowledge that will inform you of your true perception of existence. For a while you will have more questions than answers.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aquarius, please go to this link.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You may be filled with the sensation that you’re finally discovering who you are; that your self-perception is coming into focus. At the same time, I trust that you’re feeling less of a certain kind of pressure that may have had you feeling like your life was an exercise in holding your breath under water, wondering if you could breathe the stuff if you had to. Now, you can just simply breathe, and I suggest you do plenty of it. You can also focus on the processes that have, in the past year, taken hold of your desire to be healthier and more emotionally balanced. You learned a lot from being in a position where anything could happen at any time, and living a life where there were no guarantees. Anything can still happen and there are still no guarantees, but you’re in a lot better position to create solutions and explore your opportunities.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Pisces, please go to this link.


Eric Francis, the founder and editor of Planet Waves, is an astrologer and investigative journalist. He was working in his first job as a municipal newspaper reporter when he discovered that his editor also owned an astrology bookstore. This began a long relationship between astrology and journalism, which has taken Eric through the pages of many newspapers as a horoscope writer, including the Daily Mail and the Daily Mirror plus numerous other venues. Today, Eric covers global turning point events through the lens of astrology. He is a specialist in newly-discovered planets.

Inner Space for February 2011

Dear Friend and Reader:

February begins with a stunning New Moon in Aquarius on Feb. 2. This time of year is called Imbolc, or the Midwinter holiday of Celtic times. This is one of the most potent energy points of the year, a kind of acceleration point on the way into springtime. The word Imbolc means ‘in the belly’. It’s like the spiritual child within is, day by day, becoming stronger and closer to being an independent critter. Many of the horoscopes below have themes that feel like rebirth, contacting creative passion and nourishing the deeply concealed child within. If you feel the urge to bring that child out to the front of your life, I suggest you give him or her a chance to do what feels good. Late in the month, Chiron moves into Pisces, which will help you see the big picture and tap into your deeper feelings.

Yours & truly,

Eric Francis

Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Actual independence may not exist in human relationships, but for the sake of discussion, let’s call it the difference between thinking for yourself, or not. Your astrology, both in the current moment and for a long stretch of the future, is about you doing precisely that. There is a necessary first step — noticing all the ways you’re going along with the gang. There is a necessary second step, which is taking the risk of doing something else. Generally, you know you’ve reached the second step because you feel like it’s risky, like you might somehow be cast off. Encountering that fear consciously is vital, so that you can overcome it. Think of this as an initiation — as becoming a full-fledged member of the tribe, because you’re willing to be uncompromisingly yourself.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aries, please go to this link.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Every religion professes that God’s love is more important than human love. Then we can get caught in a game where human love becomes a religious enterprise. What the two typically have in common is guilt. Can you imagine your relationships being free of this emotion? It may be challenging, though think of it this way. Start with the fact that you exist. You belong here, and you have a right to possess your existence. You’re not the property of anyone else — be it a person or an ideology. To act on that takes more strength than most people think they have, yet strength is built through exercise. Learning to be free is an ongoing journey that includes regularly reminding yourself that others are free as well. When this inner process starts to gather momentum, it makes a lot more sense.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Taurus, please go to this link.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — What is so compelling about a certain person with whom you seem to be growing enthralled? In what ways do they challenge you? In particular, how does their presence relate to what you witnessed in your childhood family? One potential is that this encounter is dismantling your early examples of relating, the ones you once thought of as the only kind that existed. The other is that the situation is so similar to the lives of your parents and grandparents as to be indistinguishable. A lot depends on your discernment right now. If you find yourself needing to make decisions you don’t feel strong enough to make, that is a sign to listen to. Remember that you have the faith to live your life your way. Let me remind you how much depends on your doing so.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Gemini, please go to this link.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Consider whether your relationships have had the quality of sacrifice and how that came to be. You grapple with possessing two profoundly different tendencies in your most personal encounters, each of which seems to negate the other. One is attraction to traditional, stable situations. The other has shades of potent individuality and group consciousness, which are closely related (only individuals can be part of a group). Based on the first quality, you crave deep one-to-one bonding, yet the models you’ve used throughout your life are falling apart. Based on the second, you’re likely feeling the need to be absolutely yourself, and to seek others on a similar mission. All of this may be leaving you feeling less than normal — and if so, congratulations. There is no such thing; there never was.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Cancer, please go to this link.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — This will be an easy few weeks to find yourself getting totally wrapped up in the experiences of the people around you. If that works for you, and it just may be perfectly natural, then go for it. If not, I can make a simple suggestion — meditating for a short time every day will keep you centered. Not for long; you need perhaps half an hour of focused time. This will help you open a tap into yourself that’s continually available. And that will free you to do something unusual, which is to be in a space of self-awareness and conscious self-relating no matter what is going on in your environment. Whatever that is, it sure looks interesting, fun and just a little weird. The time you take for yourself will allow you to throw yourself in with full abandon.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Leo, please go to this link.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You seem to be incredibly busy — over the top. And, you may have an idea that you’re going to get results. I would propose that you’ll get the same results with a lot less effort; therefore, you can put the formidable power of your mind onto the assignment of figuring out how to do less, work less and take better care of yourself. You will have some brilliant ideas for how to do this, though I would propose that your desire is what is going to make this real. One of those ways of taking care involves how you direct the high-voltage energy of your mind. You are like a live wire; I suggest you figure out how to ground your energy, prioritize and take action based on the one thing you’re certain you want the most.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Virgo, please go to this link.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You’re about to experience a rare burst of creative energy, and it looks like you’re in an environment where you’re truly appreciated for that. I don’t suggest you concern yourself with the second part, any more than you need in order to be grateful and welcoming. Notice the ways in which the people around you are happy and willing to support you, and get back to what you’re creating. Start while the idea is hot and fresh. As you move through your journey, you will probably encounter various sensations — doubt, fear, inspiration and a sense of release — but remember the sense of mission that’s at the core of what you’re doing. In a few words, I could describe that as making direct contact with the curious, raging child within you, notably, in the healthiest possible way.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Libra, please go to this link.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Do you wonder where your insecurities come from, or what it will take to create a space where you feel safe and welcome? You’re more accustomed to living on the edge of what you think of as safety than in the middle. You’re now being invited to go deeper first into the concept of what comprises a solid and dependable space — and then the reality of whatever that idea is. This does not need to take time; most of the time it does take is likely to be spent in a kind of negotiation about who you might betray by giving yourself what you need and want. I suggest you raise that question to full consciousness, and that you leave no stone unturned — especially the sense that you’re betraying someone by being free.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Scorpio, please go to this link.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — If you have an idea, run with it. It may not be perfect or up to Hollywood scale, but your deeper vision clearly is. Beginning something is the biggest step — and the most significant. You will establish an energetic anchor, spark your creative process, and commence a situation where one idea leads to the next. While you’re doing this, remember that true creative process is really about self-creation. You’re being born along with what you’re making, or whatever vision you’re bringing into the world. This is excellent news, and I am guessing you’ll agree. I can tell you that where you are at the beginning of your experience bears little resemblance to where you’ll be when it’s at full fruition, except that one led directly to the other, and there will be many innovations along the way.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Sagittarius, please go to this link.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Astrology draws a direct connection between wealth and self-esteem. On the one hand you could rightly say that the better you feel about yourself, the more money you can make. Another way to consider the equation is that your life-affirming feelings about yourself are your greatest asset. You have a truly unusual opportunity to tap into this idea in the coming weeks, and in the process to leave many of your old doubts behind. One of your most deeply held values is equanimity; that is, a state of authentic fairness. Events are likely to demonstrate that this quality must include you first; it goes both ways. Count yourself in. In doing so, you will set yourself free from the disappointments not only of your own past, but of past generations. This is a radical gesture. So be it.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Capricorn, please go to this link.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Feminism typically proposes that women must stand up to men. I think there is something more significant, which is the need for women to stand up to their mothers: to the ideas that came from them (particularly about relationships), to the emotional issues passed down the generations, and in particular to mothers’ frequent refusal to allow younger women to be free. This affects all of us, regardless of our sex or gender. A fiery New Moon in your birth sign conjunct Mars (planet of desire) and Ceres (the old story with mom, or mom’s treatment of her daughter) encourages you to blaze the way forward, away from your past and your childhood; to vote for your own independence by bonding with independent women; and to encourage the daughters around you to be free people.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aquarius, please go to this link.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Your deepest desires are stirring; they seem to be coming to life, making themselves known to you as if they had an existence of their own. But they don’t, and they’re not separate from you — you give your desires life, and you may continue to do so a little more with each passing day. What you want often has a feeling of deniability, as if it’s not quite up to existing in the world; that is a form of doubt, and it’s rapidly being replaced by passion. It is true that to experience this passion you have to leave old grief behind, and at the same time you must risk future disappointment. It will be worth taking those chances. Your dreams are wild and you can now set them free, which is to say, you can set yourself free.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Pisces, please go to this link.


Eric Francis, the founder and editor of Planet Waves, is an astrologer and investigative journalist. He was working in his first job as a municipal newspaper reporter when he discovered that his editor also owned an astrology bookstore. This began a long relationship between astrology and journalism, which has taken Eric through the pages of many newspapers as a horoscope writer, including the Daily Mail and the Daily Mirror plus numerous other venues. Today, Eric covers global turning point events through the lens of astrology. He is a specialist in newly-discovered planets.

Wave Pulse One

Dear Planet Waves Reader:

Most of us are pretty creeped out by all these reports of birds suddenly falling out of the sky and fish turning up dead. It’s been an unusual week in other ways, here in the days following Tuesday morning’s solar eclipse and the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction.

Planet Waves
Map showing recent incidents involving fish and bird kills in the continental United States. To see the world map, and for an explanation of the points indicated, please use this link.

On New Year’s Eve, about 5,000 redwinged blackbirds fell from the sky over Beebe, Arkansas. This happened a day after 100,000 drum (freshwater bass) died along the Arkansas River near Ozark, fairly close by. As this news rippled out, reports of fish and bird kills during the past few days started coming in from all over the world. Collectively, these reports indicate an environment in distress, a fact of which most people are usually oblivious.

Yet this was just one type of incident in a week of certified News of the Weird. The body of John Wheeler III, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (one of those World Manager groups) and a former military advisor to three presidents (Reagan and the two Bushes), turned up in a dumpster in Newark, Delaware, on New Year’s Eve. Press reports say he seemed to be mentally disturbed for two days prior to his death, which has been ruled a homicide.

Scientists in Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates, succeeded in using weather-altering technology to make it rain in the desert. While the story is novel in our era, in truth this is nothing new. The U.S. government was involved in using weather weapons during the Vietnam War under a program described in a 1973 Long Island Newsday article as “a weather arsenal.”

BBC reported this morning that more than 4,700 farms in Germany (most of them raising pigs) were closed after large amounts of animal feed were found to be contaminated by dioxin, the most potent chemical toxin known to science. In a fashion typical of these incidents, BBC reported that “officials insist the levels of dioxin do not pose a risk to humans, and that the closures are only a precaution.” Note that whenever there is a contamination incident, someone from the government apparently has a sacred duty to tell us how safe the poison is.

Ali-Reza Pahlavi, the son of Iran’s former shah, died in an apparent suicide in Boston on Tuesday. His friends and family said he had suffered from depression for many years. The shah was the last secular leader before the theocratic Muslim government took over in 1979, forcing him and his family into exile, leading to the Iran we now know and love.

Planet Waves
If I had a hammer — John Boehner, the ‘tan man’, is now Speaker of the House of Representatives.

And given that all these events surround a solar eclipse in Capricorn, it was a bit ominous that the 112th Congress commenced on the first day after the eclipse, with the ‘tan man’ John Boehner taking charge with his keg-sized gavel. Boehner is famous for being a corporate shill, known among other things for a 1995 incident wherein he distributed campaign donations from tobacco lobbyists on the floor of the House of Representatives.

A New York Times article from September 2010 said Boehner “maintains especially tight ties with a circle of lobbyists and former aides representing some of the nation’s biggest businesses, including Goldman Sachs, Google, Citigroup, R.J. Reynolds, MillerCoors and UPS.”

In an attempted display of patriotism that seemed to fool nobody, members of the now Republican-ruled House of Representatives on Thursday read parts of the Constitution on the House floor. They left out many of the more embarrassing sections, such as the bit about how a slave counts as 3/5 of a person and other things that were later updated by amendment. However much modern legislators deny this fact, they read the part that says that, “The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States.”

One of the first issues the new Congress will have to handle is raising the debt ceiling so that the country can make its payment obligations for things like wars.

Oh one last bit of News of the Weird. Israeli Defense Forces shot down an unidentified flying object from the sky above the Dimona nuclear power plant in the Negev Desert. The air force was scrambled when an object appeared in the no-fly zone that surrounds the plant. The IDF has since speculated that the UFO “could have been a party balloon” and according to press reports, it has not been able to find the debris of whatever it shot from the sky.

And as for all those fish and birds?

The Internet is buzzing with theories as to what happened to those fish and birds in Arkansas. The fact that the dead fish and dead birds appeared within one day and 200 km seems an odd coincidence, and the fact that it was on New Year’s Eve imparts an ominous feeling, even if you don’t follow astrology. If you do follow astrology, the proximity to the solar eclipse and major conjunction is difficult to miss.

Planet Waves
Redwinged blackbird. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.

There seem to be two basic camps on this issue. One proposes that masses of fish and birds die all the time, which is to say that this is a normal occurrence. What is interesting is how few of these sources are reporting actual data, such as toxicology tests. Remember, if a scientist says something but it’s not supported by data, that is not scientific in the true sense.

The other camp is proposing that the die-offs are the result of some kind of atmospheric manipulation, a weapons program or chemtrails. I haven’t covered any of these topics on Planet Waves yet. One candidate for a weapons program might be HAARP. There is also an Air Force base in Little Rock. As for chemtrails, in case you’re not familiar with this term, these are sightings, going back well over 20 years, of airplanes apparently dispersing chemicals in the lower atmosphere. It is not an officially acknowledged issue, but neither is it your ordinary conspiracy theory. Many people are aware that it’s happening, including those who report respiratory symptoms in themselves and their pets.

A third possibility pertaining to the Arkansas incidents that I have not seen mentioned anywhere but Planet Waves involves the presence of many dioxin waste sites in the area around Little Rock. There are many dioxin sites in the United States, but these are some of the worst in history — including a former Agent Orange manufacturing plant once run by a company called Hercules. There are lots of other sites, including an old chemical weapons depot. I’ve detailed some of them here.

George Badley, the state veterinarian with Arkansas’ Livestock and Poultry Commission, says tests on a handful of the thousands of dead birds all showed internal injuries.

“The 17 birds we did a necropsy on had internal bleeding that looks like blunt force trauma — like they ran into something, would be our best guess,” Badley told CTV’s Canada AM Tuesday morning.

Now, potential chemical exposure does not account for midair blunt force trauma, which in turn may have nothing to do with fish underwater. There is no direct evidence available so far that the Arkansas fish incident is related to the nearby bird incident, but that doesn’t mean the evidence doesn’t exist. It’s stunning how casually this is all being taken by public officials and the degree to which many sources seem to be going to ignore any larger issue that may be behind these incidents.

Planet Waves
HAARP facility in Alaska is a device for focusing massive amounts of sound energy into a weapon, capable of consuming a billion watts of power. The system can also be used for weather control and as a sonar device for searching for oil and gas below ground. The array is now comprised of 360 antennae, many times larger than the original size installation.

For example, the affected area along the Arkansas River was never closed and fishing is still being encouraged. “Right now it’s fine to fish. If you go out there you can still fish for bass and crappie, catfish, it will be fine. Obviously don’t eat the dead fish,” Badley said. Of course, never mind all the dioxin in the area, which tends to hang out on the bottoms of rivers. Bass are bottom feeders, and will therefore concentrate dioxin in their bodies. It’s amazing that they’re legal for consumption.

The Christian Science Monitor reported in an article this week that, “The United States Geological Survey has noted 16 incidents in the past 30 years where more than 1,000 blackbirds have died at the same time, usually the result of tightly-packed flocks flying into bad weather. What’s more, more than 5 billion birds die of natural causes in the United States each year, so it is, in a way, unusual that Americans don’t witness more major bird kills.” Of course, many of these mass deaths happen in remote areas where they cannot be observed.

However, Greg Butcher of the National Audobon Society, said that, “Birds can be really good indicators of environmental problems, so I’d hate to think that 5,000 would die and nobody would care. It’s worth investigation to find out what happened because there is potentially something we should worry about and it’s potentially something that has an odd, but benign cause.”

One potential way to explain this is as a phenomenon of awareness. The Internet has turned every local story into a potential global story, and allows people to compare notes and reports of far-flung incidents rapidly. In this way, unrelated events can seem to be connected.

The Arkansas Bird Incident Chart

Once you remove the need for scientifically proven causation, other possibilities emerge. All of these events are related; they happened around the same time on the same planet. But what we observe and group together is always a matter of consciousness. Remembering that, let’s take a look at the bird incident chart.

Using the time reported by CTV News, I cast the chart and the Aries Point came up on all four angles. You can see that because the early degrees of the cardinal signs (Libra, Capricorn, Aries and Cancer) are on the ascendant, and the cusps of the houses are directly vertical or horizontal. Take a look — even if you can’t read charts, it’s easy to see. Remember, it’s called the “Aries Point” but the first degrees of any of these signs count as part of the same energy structure, and placing them on the angles of the chart emphasizes their role.

Planet Waves
Blackbird Incident, time from CTV-Toronto. The chart emphasizes the Aries Point, which means the first degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn — all of which occupy the mundane angles of the chart — the horizon and the meridian. The presence of the Aries Point says to look for larger connections, and the ones that are the most personal. The solar eclipse appears in the chart’s 4th house, and the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction on the right side, below the horizon.

The eclipse appears in the 4th house, down on the bottom of the chart. The Sun is in Capricorn, close to the North Node (the orange horse shoe); the Moon is close behind in Sagittarius, about to complete the eclipse. So much Capricorn in a chart does hint at a cause that is corporate and/or involves the government. But the 4th house is the homestead.

The South Node is up in the 10th house — another indicator of corporate or government involvement, but ‘hitting home’ in that the sign involved is Cancer. We find the Moon in Sagittarius in the 3rd house. Sagittarius says global and the 3rd house says local. So we have an overlay of local and global themes, of government and corporate themes, reiterating through the chart.

Based on the available data, I am not yet seeing the numerous wildlife events reported the past week as causatively related to one specific source. But I am seeing them as factors of the same global environment, which includes two things: an overload of toxicity that goes back several generations (see Silent Spring by Rachel Carson), and the awareness phenomenon that is accentuated by the feedback system of the Internet. This is turning human thought into something that moves like plasma through what we are discovering, with the help of computers and other devices, is the collective mind. What we are seeing is nothing new — but the fact that we’re noticing it is new.

One last aspect — and a takeoff point for another article. Notice the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus, exact to the degree — that’s on the right side of the chart, close to the horizon. In fact, the conjunction has just set, and all the major planets are below the horizon when this event happens. This conjunction suggests the need for honoring science. Jupiter-Uranus almost always arrives with scientific breakthroughs, though we don’t always notice them at the time.

The conjunction, combined with the eclipse, marks a transition in astrological eras, conveniently happening the first week of a new decade — one of those things some future astrology student may look back and marvel at.

As I mentioned in my podcast of Wednesday, Jan. 5, we are leaving a lot of truly challenging astrology behind us and entering entirely new territory. A decade of Saturn making oppositions to outer planets started phasing out in 2010. These included Saturn opposite Pluto (Sept. 11, the commencement of the multi-front war and the Enron/Arthur Andersen scandal), Saturn opposite Neptune (hurricanes Rita and Katrina destroying much of the southeastern Gulf Coast, entering the peak of the Iraq war, the bird flu lie) and Saturn opposite Uranus, also square Pluto (involved with the vicious partisanship in Washington, the banking collapse, the housing bubble collapse and the recession). Gee whiz, it’s been an exciting decade, hasn’t it?

A whole category of astrological events that loomed in the background of all of these worldly events is behind us: Saturn opposing outer planets. These events always portend big changes, and are part of cycles that basically spin the world in their fingers. Three such oppositions, all historically documented to be associated with the kinds of effects we’ve seen, are now behind us.

Planet Waves
Saturn-Neptune conjunction came with the twin hurricanes that flooded the entire Gulf Coast, temporarily calling attention to climate change. Photo: Vince Laforet / New York Times.

I am aware that Saturn is approaching an opposition to Eris in late October, though I have a different theory about that one — that it’s a more internally focused event. I plan to give this plenty of coverage this year; it’s one of the first stand-out aspects directly involving Eris, since its discovery.

With so much tumultuous astrology behind us, we are left to clean up the damage and take advantage of new opportunities. This places us directly in the vortex of 2012 astrology, as the biggest event on the horizon is the gradually accumulating square of Uranus and Pluto. While this one has been showing its colors for a while and was part of the wild ride of 2010, it now has a chance to stand on its own, without so many tense aspects from Saturn. These constant oppositions to outer planets, and the recent square of Saturn to Pluto, have come with a sense of constant instability, both inner and outer. That is, the feeling is internal and we also experience it as outer events.

Uranus square Pluto is an aspect of revolution. It is one of the most dependable harbingers of progress of them all, part of a cycle that is known to topple empires. That aspect builds to its first exact contact on June 24, 2012, with five exact contacts spanning through April 2014. It is the guiding star of the 2012 era, and we are now looking right at it.

Catch you with a short edition Tuesday (possibly on audio, to save writing and editing resources) and the weekly horoscope will resume Friday. The horoscope below is Inner Space for January.

Yours & truly,

Eric Francis


Ron Kurtz, Founder of Hakomi Therapy, Dies

Ron Kurtz, the founder of Hakomi Therapy, died in Ashland, OR, Tuesday morning. He had what was described as a massive heart attack. He was 76 years old. About a year ago he had suffered another smaller heart attack and cut back his travel and seminar schedule, and concentrated on organizing his writings and recordings.

He was a native of Brooklyn and educated at the University of Indiana. He began his first Hakomi Therapy practice in Albany, NY in the early 1970s, eventually settling in Oregon.

Planet Waves
Ron Kurtz, founder of Hakomi Therapy.

Kurtz worked tirelessly to develop his therapy method, training thousands of people over the years. Kurtz’s first book was called Body-Centered Psychotherapy, published in 1990. He co-authored The Body Reveals: An Illustrated Guide to the Psychology of the Body, which came out in 1976 and more recently, The Body Speaks Its Mind.

Hakomi is one of several offshoots of Gestalt Therapy, which was created by Fritz Perls and others in the 1940s. While Gestalt has a confrontational quality, Hakomi is mellower, designed to penetrate the ego’s defenses rather than encounter them directly. Kurtz described the process as “applied Buddhism,” using mindfulness, nonviolence and the holistic relationship between ‘mind’ and ‘body’ — concepts that are often separated in the theories of more traditional forms of therapy. Though I don’t have his data available now, I’ve done Kurtz’s chart, and his therapy method reflects his deeply Piscean nature.

The word Hakomi came to Kurtz in a dream one night during an early training session when an anonymous person handed him a small piece of paper on which it was written. At the time, the therapy process had no name, and he did not know what Hakomi meant. It actually shows up in many languages with different meanings; in Hopi it is said to translate to “who are you.”

Compared to traditional talk therapy, Hakomi sessions are minimalist. Therapists are trained not to get involved in the client’s narrative, instead making contact with the emotional movements on deeper layers of consciousness. Hakomi also discourages the asking of questions, instead using gentle probes — or simple statements such as ‘you are welcome here’ — to which the client then responds intuitively.

The method teaches therapists to track the client, monitoring their speech and body movements and assessing the ways in which their words and gestures relate to one another — a technique that has roots in Gestalt.

He is survived by his wife, naturopath Terry Toth, and their grown daughter, Lily Kurtz.

Toth said Kurtz’s family and work were the passions of his life. “He never stopped learning, expanding his theories and helping people, teaching them to heal,” she said.


Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope for January 2011

Mercury’s station direct and the solar eclipse we just experienced marked the end of a tense and chaotic holiday season, providing the sensation of a surge forward. I suggest, as we move on from these events, that you let the cosmos provide the momentum, while you provide the vision.

Rather than pushing, or attempting to manipulate the flow of events, I suggest that you strive for clarity. That would include knowing what you want, what you want to accomplish, and being clear how you feel about the people in your life. Notice the way that what you believe is possible can be distorted by believing emotional matters are dictated by pre-existing structures. When you put your authentic values and desires first, and allow your true vision for yourself to come forward, seemingly intractable ideas and structures can change before your eyes.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You must know intuitively that astonishing changes are just around the bend. Yet to make the most of what is truly a once-in-a-lifetime moment, I suggest you muster up all the trust you can. It’s true that your professional life may have felt like a shambles these past few weeks, but that will soon be behind you, and I suggest you slough off any energy of frustration as soon as you can. Invest your emotional energy two places: in what is working for you, and in what turns you on the most. I recognize that nearly every message ‘the world’ is sending runs contrary to this idea; we’re supposed to hide under the bed until the recession ends. You have another, far more exciting path forward, and by the end of this thing we’re calling 2011 you won’t recognize your life.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aries, please go to this link.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — It is amazing how fast it’s possible to change your beliefs. I know that they can often seem petrified, then suddenly they turn to living things. You could make a long list of the old beliefs that don’t work for you, and you could make another list of how each one represents a loyalty to someone (generally, a spouse or relative) who expects you to subscribe to that idea. The result can be a psychological maze that seems impossible to escape. Then one day you get some perspective. It’s like you fly above the maze, you see the pattern, and notice that you choose what you believe. You choose who you are loyal to and why, and you can decide not to carry around the burden of what others believe. There are days when this can seem like waging a revolution, and on other days it feels like a miracle. Have your pick.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Taurus, please go to this link.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, which is your relationship zone, has potentially sent the signal that there is someone you must give up — though I would encourage you to take a more positive outlook. What seems in order in any event is creating a relationship where you actually have the freedom and space to discuss your mutual needs and desires. You may have a tendency to think that relationships are all-or-nothing arrangements where power and obligation trump love and freedom. It’s likely that everyone and everything in your life is negotiable right now, no matter how dominant or powerful someone may seem at the moment. There are situations, particularly financial, where the kind of give-and-take suggested by the concept ‘negotiation’ will be helpful. Yet in matters of the heart, remember: it’s more about give and receive.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Gemini, please go to this link.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — An eclipse of the Sun in Capricorn, your relationship house, may feel like an ending, but if you open your eyes and look, you will see that it’s really an opening. The world is a different place every minute, and (even despite ourselves) people are changing, growing and evolving as the days progress; that is the definition of ‘alive’. While our culture advocates ideas of relationships that are prefabricated and supposedly based on tradition, your ideas of and the circumstances of those you are with are evolving, progressing and opening into new potential that you had never dreamed of before. I recognize that it can be disorienting to have no choreography or script to follow. I suggest you relax your expectations and forget what your mother told you is the only way — and let the adventure begin.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Cancer, please go to this link.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The solution to a financial problem may surprise you, but I suggest you have faith in what develops. For years, you’ve been fighting a kind of economic instability that overtakes your life from time to time. You’ve likely been trying to get that instability to go away; but what you can do now is make it work for you. Your charts suggest that there is some unusual potential for creating a source of income that most people would consider risky or uncertain. The difference in your situation is that this method is close to your most deeply cherished values that manifest in your relationships and your inner life. Though most people don’t care where their money comes from, you surely do — or at least, you’re learning how much this fact matters. Focusing on that process of discovery, with a wide-open mind, will be lucrative.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Leo, please go to this link.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The thing about sex is that when the energy is right, and we’re paying attention, it draws us deep into our psyches. We may think we’re being drawn into the experience of ‘the other’, though I believe this is secondary to what we experience in our minds and feelings; and that would be everything. What has been coming to the surface these past few weeks has been all about you: your history, your relationship to yourself, your karma. It would be too easy to say that this is about someone else — and it would deny the rather amazing potential that your current relationships are offering to you. Said another way, as you take responsibility for your own issues, the potential of your relationships reveals itself to you. And in that process you are likely to discover the healing and the pleasure that you seek.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Virgo, please go to this link.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Your life lately has been an extended, perhaps enforced, study in getting to know yourself. I trust you’ve noticed certain ways you work against your own interests, and you have made adjustments to cooperate with yourself more actively. It’s as if you’re in a process that I could describe as settling into yourself; though there has been a layer where things seem uncertain or like the ground of your being is constantly shifting, events in the first week of the year have a feeling of slipping into your confidence. Emotional independence is one of those things that makes you an authentic adult, and many people will tell you it’s one of the most challenging things to learn. But you seem to be getting the hang of it just fine, even if some days are more challenging than others.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Libra, please go to this link.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — If your mind and emotions are simmering in chaos and anxiety, what does that tell you about your life? You clearly need to make some adjustments. Those come first as revelations, then as decisions. Yet one of the things you’re adjusting and deciding about is your mental approach to reality. It seems you’re figuring out that attempts at exercising control, whether over your own mind or your circumstances, do little other than burn you out. Worrying does not guarantee that you have something to worry about, though you do seem to be trying to get a grasp on why things have developed to the point where your life seems out of control. When the revelation about why that is comes, and it is indeed on its way, let the information settle in, then decide what to do about it.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Scorpio, please go to this link.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — I’ve written many recent horoscopes focusing on the relationship between your emotional state and your ability to access your creativity. It is possible that financial concerns have influenced your mood lately more than your imagination or inspiration. I suggest you do your best to set economic concerns aside, and focus on what you are creating. It’s not merely that anxiety does not bring in cash. It is that focusing on your ideas, your vision and your desire to create beauty (in whatever form that takes) opens you up to the flow of abundance. Now more than any time in recent memory is a vital moment to keep your mind focused on what you want to create rather than on trying to solve problems. Solutions will indeed come — from your devotion to what you love.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Sagittarius, please go to this link.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — There’s a fine line between asserting will and raging against yourself. Or at least the line has been thin lately, and you’ve sure been exploring it. Since Mercury shifted direction the last week of the year and we are still working through its shadow phase, make sure you shift your emphasis toward being in harmony with yourself. I don’t suggest you go through a list of grievances you have with yourself; rather, resolve to let go of one phase of your life and commence another. I know these are words more often spoken and less often embraced, though with the recent solar eclipse in your birth sign on Jan. 4, your intentions carry more energy than usual. For this to work, you will need to reach that spot where you just let go of the frustrations of the past month, and decide in your heart you want something better.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Capricorn, please go to this link.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The solar eclipse that’s right around the corner seems designed to release you from a wad of karma that’s been bogging you down very nearly forever. Before you get there, you may feel backed into a corner, either by your circumstances or by your state of mind. This may be a prerequisite to your embracing your desire to break free and let go of whatever situations have held you hostage to the past. You may feel hesitant to act from a point of frustration, though I suggest you let it inform you of what you don’t want, and let that inspire a taste for freedom. Remember that freedom is only partially the ability to move at liberty in the world around you. This time, freedom begins from the outside and transforms into a new perspective on the world.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aquarius, please go to this link.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Pisces is often described as a laid-back sign. Yet clearly that is no longer true for you, if it ever was. The astrology of January brings the peak of a long process of personal re-creation (which connects directly to recreation) This process goes back about a year, and has come in a series of stages, some of which have been extremely challenging. Yet these are challenges past and in most ways resolved, learned from and grown from. Open your heart to the truth that new adventures are ahead, though I can tell you that there is nothing random about this. What transpires next is based on your creative devotion to who you are becoming: you are becoming your own invention, and you are committed to shining in the world. Open up, face each day like its potential is new, and let the love in your heart shine. This you know — it’s time.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Pisces, please go to this link.


Eric Francis, the founder and editor of Planet Waves, is an astrologer and investigative journalist. He was working in his first job as a municipal newspaper reporter when he discovered that his editor also owned an astrology bookstore. This began a long relationship between astrology and journalism, which has taken Eric through the pages of many newspapers as a horoscope writer, including the Daily Mail and the Daily Mirror plus numerous other venues. Today, Eric covers global turning point events through the lens of astrology. He is a specialist in newly-discovered planets.