Tag Archives: full moon

Astrology: Describing The Elements of Progress

Dear Friend and Reader:

Well — not including looking at these charts years in advance, I have been over the astrology for 2012 five times — forward, backward in three layers, and then forward again. I’ve studied the major planets, the asteroids and many of the new discoveries. I’ve gone over the charts for each of the Sun’s ingresses into the signs, as well as key major events such as Uranus square Pluto, the Venus transit of the Sun and the pattern of 29 eclipse-like events we have this year. The main results of this work are the astrology readings contained in the 2012 annual edition.

Planet Waves
My kitchen table desk, where I have written and recorded nearly all of Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. Those are the Voyager tarot cards to the right, and to the top left is Raphael’s Ephemeris, the one used (and published) by the Brits. Photo by Eric.

The audio presentations are done and ready, and I’m close to finishing the written interpretations. With any luck at all, I plan to have the readings available to those who have opted in by Monday night. I am on schedule to finish the written version of Pisces on Saturday, then I’ve given myself two days to go over the signs and tune up the language; plus the proofreading and production team will be putting the finishing touches on the website. Included are numerous articles, useful resources and the key charts for 2012. There’s also a blog that will track the events, astrological and worldly, as they develop.

Yes, 2012 is the year that the Mayan long count reaches the date Nobody is really sure what this ‘means’. Yet I can tell you as a Western-styled astrologer that we are slipping into some extremely rare and exciting aspects, which really heat up in late May. The phase from now until late April is a time of preparation, evaluation and adjustment. Then the real excitement begins. What we saw in 2011 was just the warmup for much more interesting things to come.

Stepping outside of marketing presentations for this project, what I have done with the 2012 astrology is to personalize it for each of the Sun signs and the rising signs. I have meticulously gone through the aspects, and using my gift for developing detailed readings for the Sun signs and rising signs, presented the astrology to you in clear terms, covering the most important areas of your life.

Planet Waves
Zoom H4n digital recording setup with popper stopper. In the background is the full archive (cassette and DAT) of Radio Navigator on WDST Radio Woodstock, 1996-1998.

I’ve prepared these readings recognizing the difficulties that many people are facing, as the pressures of life impact them, and as the world changes. I speak to what is a nearly universal desire to participate in the changes that are happening. And I speak to the fear of the unknown that so many people are facing — which relates to both a sense of something ominous, and some unusual potential.

The audio presentations are as motivational as they are informative. They are intended to get you going. Many people are fed up with the persistent negativity that surrounds us, and the sense that it’s impossible to make real progress as politicians fixate on the uterus and ignore the economy; as companies focus on profits and lay off workers; as banks hog cash and pay bonuses, but don’t lend money to small businesses.

I know — it’s chilly out there, in many more ways than these. However, I blow through all of that and get to the heart of how and why we can take advantage of the raw power and precise leverage offered by the aspects of 2012 and beyond. What we’re calling 2012 is a gateway to an extended era.

I have crafted this work to provide as much information, strategy and clear perspective as I can. I do my best not only to translate, but to put you in contact with your astrology, and your astrology in contact with you. Presented in both written and spoken format, these readings are designed to be accessible and to present the information in a way that will help you work with the incoming energies and, borrowing a phrase, to be in tune with the times.

I am looking forward to wrapping up this project over the weekend and putting it into your hands; you are welcome to avail yourself of my efforts with the subscriber discount. To all those who have signed up already — thank you for your business, and mostly for your trust in my work.

We will send a note out to those who have opted into the 2012 annual when the readings go live on Monday evening.


Eric Francis


Planet Waves

Today Mercury conjoins the Galactic Center in late Sagittarius. On Saturday, Mercury simultaneously sextiles Saturn in late Libra and Neptune in late Aquarius, just before it ingresses Capricorn Sunday at 1:34 am EST. This will be the first time Mercury is in a sign other than Sagittarius since Nov. 2. Also this weekend, Venus is conjunct Nessus in Aquarius and square Sedna in Taurus. Pluto in Capricorn makes a sextile to Vesta in Pisces. Once Mercury enters Capricorn, it trines Jupiter in the first degree of Taurus and squares Uranus in the second degree of Aries. On Monday, Mercury sextiles Chiron in Pisces; Ceres squares the GC. The waxing Moon enters Cancer Sunday; Full Moon (Moon in Cancer opposite Sun in Capricorn) is Monday at 2:30 am EST. For a closer look at this weekend’s astrology, you may check out this article in the Daily Astrology series.


Planet Waves

Monday the Moon is full in the sign Cancer, its home sign. This feels a little like a rising tide of emotions, in effect for days before it happens. At the same time, Mercury is now conjunct the Galactic Center in Sagittarius, which is not exactly given to clear thinking or an accurate sense of perspective. On this theme, Venus is approaching a conjunction to Neptune — one of those things that make it challenging to ground one’s emotions. Therefore, remaining thoughtful and cool is strictly in manual mode at the moment. The first thing to do is slow down, and be mindful of your thought process — in the face of impulses telling you to do the opposite. Simply put, you need to become aware of when you’re not actually thinking, but rather reacting or going into automatic mode. Doing this can mean the difference between getting it (whatever you’ve got going on) right or making significant mistakes; so thought and reflection count for time well spent.


Planet Waves

You may find yourself in a state of constantly trying to adjust to relationship partners of the opposite sex, without ever quite finding a balance that feels right. This setup asks for negotiation — which means making sure both parties get their bases covered, rather than going for ‘all or nothing’. Venus is conjunct Nessus in Aquarius, forming a quincunx to Mars in Virgo. The nature of the quincunx, which is one sign off from an opposition, is that resolution of the tension is never quite attained. So instead of focusing on the end goal with an intimate partner, keep your eyes on the quality of the negotiations. That’s what matters. Mars in Virgo provides an energetic drive to serve, but could get demanding over details; step back and take a breath if so. Venus conjunct Nessus in Aquarius can be the use of sexual attraction as a weapon (often by women) perpetuating social patterns of abuse. That needs to stop, if we’re ever to have healthy relationships. Watch for this potential in your relationship negotiations, particularly in less formal environments. We have the opportunity to use Venus-Nessus to bring light to, and heal, cycles of abuse — no matter how subtle they are.


Planet Waves

Rick Santorum ‘came from behind’ to ‘tie Mitt Romney’ in the Iowa Caucus held Tuesday night. Well, it wasn’t a tie, Romney won by eight votes after spending 18 times more money on his campaign than did Santorum. A former Pennsylvania governor, congressman and U.S. senator, Santorum sets the benchmark for social conservatism, being against birth control, abortion, gay sex, straight sex, pornography, ice cream sundaes and flying kites. Who the heck is this guy and why is he so confused? We have taken a look at his astrology in this article on Planet Waves.

Keith Little, one of the last remaining Navajo code talkers, died in Arizona Tuesday. He was one of about 400 Native Americans who was used during World War II to transmit secret tactical messages in a code based on the Navajo language. He was 87. The program was begun during WWI using the Choctaw language. Little’s family now hopes to carry out his dream of a museum near the Arizona-New Mexico border that also will hold wartime memorabilia and serve as a haven for veterans. Little was 17 when he joined the U.S. Marine Corps, having no idea about the program. Their code helped confound the Japanese and win the war. “My motivation was to fight the enemy with a gun or whatever,” Little told The Associated Press in a July 2009 interview. “When I went into the Marine Corps… I knew nothing about the Navajo code. It was really astonishing to me to get to Camp Pendleton and there were a bunch of Navajos there, and they were working with a Navajo code.” No birth data was available for Little.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

The mysterious blackbird deaths we reported at this time last year resumed in recent weeks — and then the U.S. Department of Agriculture admitted it is responsible for the mass poisoning of tens of millions of birds over the last several years. Natural News reported this week that it’s part of the USDA’s program called “Bye Bye Blackbird,” responsible for the deaths of birds (and many other animals) by intentional poisoning. Natural News published a spreadsheet that documented how many birds and other animals that the USDA killed, intentionally and unintentionally. At the time, Planet Waves reported based on several factors in the astrology that the chart pointed to a cause that was “corporate and/or involves the government.”

Meanwhile, a class action lawsuit against Monsanto alleging that the company is responsible for contaminated homes and schools near a chemical plant in Nitro, West Virginia, heads toward trial next week after mediation efforts failed, according to the St. Louis Post Dispatch. Though Monsanto has created nothing but liability and pollution, it is rare for litigation against the company to go to trial — and interestingly, one of the most famous cases that the company lost involved Nitro. Residents of the town, where a Monsanto plant produced chemicals and herbicides for more than five decades, claim their properties were polluted by dioxins, a highly toxic class of chemicals linked to cancer and other diseases. The plant in Nitro produced, among other compounds, 2,4,5-T, an ingredient in the chemical defoliant Agent Orange, widely used in the Vietnam War. Dioxins are a contaminated byproduct of the manufacturing process. The lawsuit, filed in 2004, is seeking medical monitoring and regular testing for as many as 80,000 residents. A separate class action also is seeking damages. Nitro was also the scene of one of the worst dioxin incidents in the history of industry, reported previously in Planet Waves.


Planet Waves

Finally, we now understand what Neptune in Aquarius (which ends Feb. 3 after some 14 years) was leading up to. It’s obvious, but like most things with Neptune we didn’t figure it out till later — information as a religious sacrament — and this is now official. BBC has reported that the Church of Kopimism has been recognized by the Swedish government. The church, founded by 19-year-old philosophy student Isak Gerson, claims that “kopyacting” — sharing information through copying — is akin to a religious service. The “spiritual leader” of the church said recognition was a “large step.” But others were less enthusiastic and said the church would do little to halt the global crackdown on piracy. The Swedish government agency Kammarkollegiet finally registered the Church of Kopimism as a religious organization shortly before Christmas, the group said. “We had to apply three times,” said Gustav Nipe, chairman of the organization. “For the Church of Kopimism, information is holy and copying is a sacrament. Information holds a value, in itself and in what it contains and the value multiplies through copying. Therefore copying is central for the organisation and its members,” he said in a statement.


Planet Waves

An interview with Eric Francis was published in the December edition of The Artful Mind, the Massachusetts-based magazine. In the interview, Eric talks about how he writes astrology for his readers, his background in journalism, and other topics ranging from photography to music. “Astrology and newspaper reporting have always had a close relationship in my life,” he says. “I started studying astrology with high focus in 1994, at the peak of my investigative work. At the time I was unraveling how Monsanto, General Electric and Westinghouse had polluted the world with chemicals called PCBs and dioxins. This is heavy stuff, and I had been doing it full time for about three years when I discovered my passion for astrology.”


Planet Waves

There is not a regular edition of Planet Waves FM this week. The latest installment of the Top Five Events of 2012 free audio series is a two-part podcast on the secrets of the Mayan calendar. Part One addresses the Mayan calendar systems and what day on Dec. 21, 2012 might ‘mean’. It’s actually a critique on attempts to pin down the meaning of the day. Part Two is an interview with Carlos Cedillo, a daykeeper of the Mayan calendar. A forthcoming Part Three will include my own thoughts on the matter.

You can access both currently available parts of this latest installment — plus all previous Top Five Events podcasts — here. The first four installments cover Uranus square Pluto, the Venus transit of the Sun, planets entering water signs in 2012, and Mercury retrograde on Election Day. This entire audio series is part of Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check.— the 2012 annual edition of Planet Waves, which is also available for purchase by individual sign.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2012 included the written version of the Top Five Events of 2012 (available as audio here). This was the long written horoscope, with extended interpretations for each of the 12 signs. We also published the Inner Space for January 2012, a shorter horoscope that came out one week later. The February extended monthly horoscope will be published to subscribers on the evening of Wednesday, Jan. 25. There will be just one issue that week — the long extended monthly and its introductory materials. There will be no Friday edition. If you are not a subscriber and want to receive all of the Planet Waves horoscopes, you can get a free trial subscription, or you may sign up for up to one year. If you regularly forward Planet Waves materials to friends or relatives, please purchase them a gift subscription. We offer special discounts if you want to sign up several of your friends — if you would like to take advantage of that please call Chelsea at (877) 453-8265 or email chelsea@planetwaves.net.


Planet Waves

Friday, Jan. 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #886.| Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — What at first seems like routine news may turn out to be a lot more meaningful than it seems on its face. Therefore, I suggest you think in terms of the implications of what you learn, and the possibilities of what it might represent for you. You seem to be pushing for big changes, or they seem to be calling out to you. Anything you learn, any information that comes your way, has the power to lead to a sequence of new ideas, and as such may represent a turning point. You will have to listen; you need to pay attention, in particular, to the details. There are two distinct sides to any news that may seem strange or jarring, and I am not saying this as a truism. Look quickly for the silver lining and keep thinking in that direction. It is not a side benefit; it seems to be the whole point.

Aries, your birth sign or rising sign, is getting a transit from the planet Uranus — which is a wild wakeup call, and a bold creative influence. I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and a tarot card reading for you. Learn more by visiting this page.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Remember your negotiation skills. I only remind you because negotiation is not in vogue these days — making demands is, typically in the style of all or nothing. Given that nobody really needs it all, but nothing does not suffice, keep in mind that the essence of negotiation is making sure that everyone gets the basics covered. You can afford to think with a little more foresight than what you might want or need right now. Devise a way of consciously prioritizing. And you will have to be the one who rises above any atmosphere (or perceived intention) of less than pleasant psychology. Part of being a professional is contributing to reducing tensions rather than escalating them. The question to ask is, ‘What if everyone acted this way?’ Many people don’t realize it but they are waiting for someone else to set a good example — you’re the one who would be that example.

I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and done a tarot reading especially for you. It’s information that will help with your relationships, your professional life and your personal growth. Visit this page to find out more.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — At the moment, you seem to be at the mercy of what a partner is going through — and you probably think you have little influence over the outcome. The more appropriate thing to be wondering about is whether you want any influence, and if you did, what exactly it would be. The situation seems more clearly designed as something you will have to adapt to, which is another way of saying you’re dealing with a force much larger than yourself. What you experience may seem on one level like you’ve reached a turning point in a relationship, but what’s really happening is that you’ve arrived at a point of no return in your own life — and the relationship is just a reflection of that. Remember the Serenity Prayer, and remember that the most important part of that is ‘the wisdom to know the difference’ — and I would add: then you have to use that information well.

Gemini is one of the most misunderstood signs — and as someone born under this sign, part of your role is to hold a mirror to the world. I’ve recorded an hour of audio for you, plus a 20-minute tarot reading. You can get access to these by visiting this page.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Pay close attention to what aspects of a relationship or partnership situation are working, and which are not. You don’t want to wait around to find out what happens when you’ve got all the information that you need. Meanwhile, there are ways that you can contribute affirmatively toward a positive outcome. Much of what you’re dealing with in one particular involvement are your ‘hidden tendencies’ coming to the surface — tendencies which I would imagine you would let go of, if you could. The time has come to evaluate everything you say and everything you do on the basis of whether it adds or detracts from your quality of life and your quality of work. Many factors are compelling you to rise to the occasion of your life, as it is today — not how it was yesterday, or how you wanted it to be 10 years ago.


I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and done a tarot reading especially for you. It’s information that will help with your relationships, your professional life and your personal growth. Visit this page to find out more.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You need to strike a balance in a relationship situation between idealism and cynicism. That balance would come in the form of ‘none of the above’, which is to say, not trying to form a compromise between the two. Rather, a spirit of working from common ground, common values and a shared vision for what is possible will help you make the most of your situation. I suggest you give this at least a week or two to work itself out, as your emotions are currently under the influence of some form of projection. When Neptune leaves your opposite sign early next month, you will gain a more realistic perspective, and a lot more breathing room. To sum up, you have made a long series of compromises that it’s now time to begin reversing, though this will not happen overnight. It may take years, but it will help immensely if you know the specifics of what you’re working with, and what you have gained along the way.

The 2011 Leo birthday report is 70 minutes of in-depth astrology plus a 20-minute tarot reading for you, exploring relationships, personal growth and your professional life. Visit this page for additional information.

Introducing the Planet Waves All Access Pass for 2012

Last year we offered an All Access Pass for subscribers who wanted access to everything we offer in a calendar year. The response from our All Access subscribers was overwhelmingly positive, and we are happy to once again offer one of our most popular products: the Planet Waves All Access Pass for 2012. One price gets you a subscription to the weeklies and all other products on Planetwaves.net through December of 2012.

Planet Waves

Using one password for everything, which you choose yourself, you’ll have easy access to every product, including birthday reports and special audio recordings, weekly email service, the annual edition, and whatever additional projects we create. It’s a great discount on a year of our work.

We trust that this idea is a fun way to meet your needs, whether you use astrology for daily spiritual inspiration, therapeutic purposes or pragmatic decision-making. And it’s truly a valuable resource for students of Astrology.

With the All Access Pass you’ll receive:

– Tuesday/Friday Email editions of Planet Waves weekly content and horoscopes. Follow Eric’s weekly and monthly interpretations for all of 2012.

– All sign birthday/ascendant audio for 2012. This is almost like getting a personal consultation with Eric for yourself and any loved ones whose astrology you track. Each audio report includes a fresh perspective on current transits and how they extend into the future, along with a special tarot reading for that sign.

– Your choice of the 2012 or 2013 annual edition, all 12 signs. This book-length online publication includes written and audio segments, is accessible by password at any time, and always meets rave reviews by readers who refer to it throughout the year for its long-range, big-picture guidance.

For More Benefits of the All Access Pass, Visit This Page.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — There should be a word for ‘fear of depth’ or perhaps paranoia connected to curiosity. Anyway, neither of those will be particularly helpful right now and either could become a pretty big detriment. Therefore, go deep, and encourage your curiosity. You’ve been on a project the past few years of gradually letting go of your inhibitions. Now is an excellent moment to both take advantage of what you’ve learned, as well as to go deeper and experience something new. Your sense of adventure may be mingled with some questions about whether you’re exceeding your proper boundaries, or some code of decency you’re being held to but that nobody had the courtesy to inform you of. There are no actual rules and regulations, and to the extent there were, Pluto — currently your best friend — has taken care of them. All you need are basic ethics and your ‘common’ sense.

The 2011 Virgo birthday report is ready! I’ve recorded 70 minutes of astrology plus a tarot reading for you, exploring how you’re working through family material, your use of spirituality, some new energy in your relationships and your professional goals. Visit this page for additional information.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — How far will you go for love? You may be inclined to think that you’ll go too far — however, the dream you’re following will soon lead you to a new feeling, emotional experience or depth of healing. This may feel a little like going down the rabbit hole, but unlike the one that Alice discovered, the dimension you’re entering makes a lot more sense and is better suited to your nature than the brainy abstraction (or odd psychological tension) of the past few days or weeks. The theme of your life shifts clearly and somewhat boldly in the direction of healing, though what you may have forgotten is the extent to which that, for you, involves imagination and creativity, rather than some kind of technique. Both you — and your relationships — need space to move in, space that is reflective, sensual and creative, rather than adorned with too many ideas or chilly intellect.

Your Libra birthday audio for 2011 is finished. Created outside next to an open fire, this reading covers the astrology for your sign in about 70 minutes (looking at career, relationship, home life and the many influences to change you’re now experiencing). It also includes a Voyager tarot reading. Visit this link for additional information.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You may be noticing an odd sensation in your life, as your ruling planet Mars slows down to a retrograde. This may feel like the soundtrack is out of alignment with the frames of the movie, or like the air (or your mind) is getting a little thick. I suggest you take the cue and slow down. This is not the time to blaze forward, but rather, for a careful reassessment. Mars retrograde lasts between Jan. 23 and April 13 — which will give you a chance to look back on the past two years, and moreover, to prepare for the astonishing events of mid-2012. Take this opportunity to work out any hangups, disagreements or conflict over the most important thing you can do with your mind — deciding what you want. Remember, you don’t have to make all your decisions at once. You have some time, and I suggest you use it consciously.

Hello Scorpios! Your 2011 Birthday Report is ready. It’s about an hour of astrology, plus a 20-minute tarot reading. It’s hot with transformational energy. I focus on your ruling planet Mars, your imagination and desire nature, and a phase of solid achievement. Please check this page for more information.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You’re about to have an opportunity to develop your financial resources; that is to say, to either make money, get a gig, or tap into some existing resource that has more value than you think. The key to financial success, for you, is grounding. You don’t necessarily like ‘the material world’, and you know that there’s more to life than that — but when it comes to money or wealth in any form, your success will come from a practical, planned-out and in some ways traditional approach. As the next few days develop, I suggest you take any conversations slowly and patiently, particularly with bosses or clients. Small successes can lead to much larger ones, though you must take things one step at a time, no matter how brilliant or innovative an idea or proposal might be. Make no assumptions, and keep a close eye on the timing of commitments.

The Sagittarius 2011 Birthday Report is ready. It’s about an hour of astrology, plus a 20-minute tarot reading. Sagittarius is encoded with a sense of cosmic mystery, and the recent, hot eclipse activity in your sign will continue unfolding for the next 6-12 months as you journey. Visit this page for additional information.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Any secrets you may be keeping from yourself will soon come to light — and you may wonder what the hush was about. However, what you’re about to discover — either about yourself, or about something deeply meaningful to you — has the power to shift your perception of life — and that means, the path of your life. Most of the time seemingly little revelations are forgotten as fast as they emerge; it’s time for you to recognize the power of an idea. Now, the thing about ideas is that they are like seeds (and not everyone recognizes the value of these). In the present case, we’re talking about an idea equivalent to an heirloom seed. It will need to be cultivated and cared for, and this takes time, patience and continuity. The initial excitement of possessing the thing must develop into something more mature — with a focus on continuity and respect for the growth of living creatures.

Happy birthday! There will indeed be a Capricorn audio birthday report! Watch your email or check this space for additional information in the next edition.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You are certainly getting a tour of the light, the dark, the beautiful and the beastly. While I could be philosophical and say that it’s all part of the kaleidoscope of human experience, I am sure you would rather have your life be simpler. I know you’re getting exhausted with spending your days experiencing the kinds of extremes of existence that have characterized not only the past week but the past few months. You are at the end of a long, challenging phase of existence. By long I mean consider that what you’ve been living through is a phase that began in the late 1990s. You will recognize this a lot more clearly once it’s over — which by the way happens in early February, around the time of your birthday. Being a long phase there will not be an abrupt transition; tune in quietly and you will feel the subtle motion, ephemeral though it may be.

To pre-order Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check., your full-length 2012 reading including written and audio segments for Aquarius, please go to this link.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — One thing I know from living through a lot of astrology is that when Venus enters your birth sign, that’s good for you. It’s a moment of not only appreciating the finer things in life, but actually having them be within reach. In a sense they always are, and we’re often too busy or distracted to notice. But this is a special moment, as Venus makes a conjunction to Neptune and then ingresses Pisces, where it will be for a few weeks. Then, Neptune enters your birth sign. No matter how fast you may be going at the moment, or what challenges you may face, this is a moment to slow down and make space in your life for who and what you want the most. Share your abundance with others you care about. Within the madness of life, so much of it unnecessary, take a long moment and feel how beautiful your existence can be.

To pre-order Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check., your full-length 2012 reading including written and audio segments for Pisces, please go to this link.

Relationships From the Inside Out

Dear Friend and Reader:

With the Moon waxing toward full [see Planet Waves coverage of tonight’s Full Moon] the Occupy Wall Street protests spread to many cities and states around the country. All weekend, an Occupy Sesame Street spoof was running loose on the Internet, a clue that the movement has gone mainstream, as protests turned up in many cities across the country. It was fun listening to Mika Brzezinski, co-host of MSNBC’s Morning Joe (the network’s token Republican program) rant about how people were even demonstrating in Alaska, with the implied message: pay attention because this is meaningful. Brzezinski is the reporter who, live on the air, once shredded the script for a story about Paris Hilton being freed from jail, refusing to broadcast the piece, so it makes sense that she might notice.

One theme of this Full Moon is relationships. The Sun and Moon strike a pose across the Aries-Libra axis, stirring up all kinds of tension between the sign of ‘I am’ (Aries) and the sign of ‘we are’ (Libra). There’s usually some exciting tension between these concepts, though the presence of many minor planets aligned with the Full Moon emphasizes the point. There the feeling of restlessness, even fierce independence (Moon, Uranus, Bienor, Eris in Aries), is contrasted with the need for a tight, well-maintained container for fertility (Sun, Saturn, Haumea in Libra).

I mentioned in the recent monthly horoscope and elsewhere that this is about challenging the idea that we can find ourselves in a relationship. At the heart of the aspect is Saturn (structure, form) opposite Eris (personality chaos, identity crisis). Just about everyone has tried to use a relationship, or all their relationships, to feel more like a whole person and even to resolve their inner turmoil, and just about everyone has failed. Of course, after many attempts, we start to figure out who we are, and eventually (with grace and good fortune) we start to find ourselves and choose partners who reflect our emerging state of evolution.

If we cast this in political terms, it’s like trying to learn your personal politics by joining a movement or organization. That’s usually more of a submission of your individuality than it is about finding it. But one interesting thing about the Occupy Wall Street protests is the diversity of viewpoints that are showing up there. It’s not a movement known by its charismatic leaders, or any leaders, really. And it doesn’t have a set of prepared demands. This is being chided in the mainstream media as the lack of a message, but maybe it’s just the lack of a public relations agency.

What the mainstream media is not psychologically equipped to handle is describing the process of people finding their voice and their values. There’s no room for compassion in the script, no concept of exploration, no idea of growth or evolution. Something either is or is not a known quantity that matches their pre-conceived story; if that match does not exist, it’s subject to suspicion and ridicule.

Boston’s Tent City, as seen last week. Authorities in Boston kicked the protesters out Monday. Photo by Kelly Cowan.

Embracing the uncertain and the unknown in ourselves and one another is what this Full Moon is about. There are few perfect matches between people. Part of what we need to do is make space for the imperfections of relationships.

I’ve made a number of comparisons between our current era and the 1960s. Astrologically, the comparison works because the Sixties were under the influence of Uranus conjunct Pluto, and now those two planets are in aspect again. The Sixties were a confrontational time in both politics and relationships. We’re in such an era once again, but the sensation is more of an internal confrontation or perhaps a necessary meeting. We’re starting to figure out how much we have to integrate within ourselves in order to be grounded enough to make any progress together.

Sunday night I was having dinner with soon-to-be Planet Waves contributor James Wanless, the creator of the Voyager Tarot and the Sustain Yourself deck. James was a doctoral student at Columbia University during the late 1960s protests. “It was a war,” he said. Perhaps the energy of direct confrontation is necessary at certain points in both political and interpersonal relationships. It was certainly an issue between men and women in the Sixties, with sex roles changing, women having newfound sexual freedom thanks to the birth control pill and the women’s ‘liberation’ movement. The problem, it seems, is that there was not a corresponding idea of responsibility to go along with the newfound ‘freedom’.

Despite many kinds of confrontations, how much progress did we really make in how we do our relationships? How much did people look at themselves and observe the ways that they could grow and, as a result, facilitate the quality of their contact with others? Was the Baby Boomer generation better and more fulfilled in its relationships than any other generation? Whatever the answer to these questions, we’re now at the next checkpoint — the one where we have to check in with ourselves. There’s a lot of unfinished business from the Sixties that’s coming up for review now.

Today’s Full Moon may be highlighting some of the contrast and conflict in our attempts to make contact with one another. We expect more of ‘them’ than we do of ourselves. The Uranus-Pluto square is calling on us to awaken internally. The theme of this aspect is to make the changes inwardly and then express them outwardly by your actions and your choices. You could say that this is about focusing on our inner relationship first, and our outer relationships second.

This will be a central theme of the 2012 annual edition.


The Harvest Moon & the Pegasus Syndrome

Flying Over Tycho. Tycho is the well-known landmark crater of the southern lunar hemisphere, visible here just below the plane’s nose. The crater’s impact rays are believed to extend well into the lunar northern hemisphere. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

Editor’s Note: Gary Caton is a specialist in observational astrology — an earlier kind of navigation by the stars and planets that depends on what you can see. He will be doing our Full Moon article each month teaching this method, telling you about what is visible in the night sky. Anthony Ayiomamitis is our friend in Greece, and he is a photographer-astronomer who often takes photos near the ancient temples that dot the land of his country. I consider him an honorary astrologer. — efc

By Gary P. Caton

Traditionally, the Full Moon closest to the fall equinox is called the Harvest Moon. The idea is that for a few days the light from the Full Moon allows farmers to work later, and helps them to bring in their crops. Because of the shallow angle the ecliptic (the path of the Sun, Moon and planets) makes to the horizon at this time of year, the extra natural light from the Full Moon is maximized. Normally the Moon rises 50 minutes later each evening, but at this time of year it is only about 30 minutes. So, there is no long period of darkness between sunset and moonrise and farmers can continue being productive, bringing in their crops by moonlight even after the Sun has set. Hence we get the name Harvest Moon.

Star chart showing the constellation Pegasus, with Cetus, the sea-dragon, partially shown at the bottom. Andromeda, the princess, is partially shown at the top; it shares its brightest star with the Great Square of Pegasus. The purple line is the ecliptic.

Visually, the most noticeable thing about this Full Moon is that it has passed by the Summer Triangle, and is now shining under another huge asterism (a grouping of stars that may or may not form a constellation) called the Great Square of Pegasus. Pegasus is an easy constellation to find in the autumn sky. The constellation forms a winged horse, which is flying upside down across the sky. Begin by looking for the four stars of about the same brightness that form an almost perfect square or diamond. This is the Great Square, which represents Pegasus’ body. Next, start at the lower right corner of the Great Square and continue your gaze to the right and down along Pegasus’ neck and then slightly upward to a brighter star. This bright star is Enif, which represents Pegasus’ muzzle or nose.

Enif happens to be an integral star in the Sibly chart for the U.S., as it is shining above the Moon in late Aquarius. The Sibly chart is one of the more commonly used birth charts for the U.S., based on the signing of the Declaration of Independence. We’ll get back to the specifics of this later.

The stars of Pegasus shine above the part of the Zodiac that stretches all the way from late Aquarius, through Pisces and past the vernal point into Aries. Anytime we have planets right below the individual stars of Pegasus, this is considered a conjunction. When we see these conjunctions we should be alert for the signs of a psychological complex called “The Pegasus Syndrome,” which is a set of behaviors that echo some of the mythic themes surrounding one of the winged horse’s unfortunate riders.

Pegasus was the offspring of Medusa and Neptune. The winged horse was born from the mix of sea foam and blood when Perseus tossed Medusa’s severed head into the sea. Early in the myth, we see references to three other constellations nearby Pegasus in the sky: Perseus, Cetus and Andromeda. The story goes that Perseus rode Pegasus, who carried the hero over the sea to defeat Cetus, the sea-dragon, and rescue the Princess Andromeda.

After this, the young colt was taken by Minerva (Athena) to Mt. Helicon and his care entrusted to the Muses. He was the favorite of Urania, the Muse of Astronomy (and presumably astrology as they were not separate then). It then happened that another hero, Bellerophon, was called on to slay the Chimera, a beastly mixture of lion, goat and dragon. Bellerophon accepted the challenge and consulted the soothsayer Polyidus, who advised him to procure the help of Pegasus. For this purpose Polyidus directed Bellerophon to pass the night in the temple of Minerva (who was the patron of heroes), and as he slept Minerva came and gave him a golden bridle. Minerva also showed him Pegasus drinking at the well of Pirene, and at the sight of the golden bridle the winged steed came willingly. Bellerophon mounted him, and gained an easy victory over the monster.

Bellerophon riding Pegasus attempts to fly to Olympus. This ceiling fresco by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1696-1770) hangs in the Palazzo Labia, Venice, Italy.

Bellerophon spent many long years and accomplished many heroic deeds in the companionship of Pegasus, but in the end fell victim to the tragic flaw of hubris. Bellerophon attempted to fly up into heaven on his winged steed, but his pride and presumption drew the anger of the gods. Jupiter sent a gadfly, which stung Pegasus and made him throw his rider. The winged steed went on without him to become immortalized in the sky.

From this, we can gather that the Pegasus Syndrome is about people who are, on the one hand, blessed with divine aid and an ability to negotiate difficulties by rising above them. On the other hand, their success carries the danger of overreaching themselves.

In the story, Bellerophon unwisely attempted to fly to Olympus (overreach his potential). After achieving success, which was not entirely his alone, he took himself too seriously and mistakenly believed that Pegasus was subject to his will. However, it was Pegasus who made it to Olympus, and Bellerophon who fell. The moral of the story is that it is unwise to overestimate your abilities or take for granted a partner as the ‘lesser’ person, whom you can control. So, the Pegasus Syndrome is at once the seemingly blessed ability to ‘fly over any situation’, with the caution of reversals or lessons in humility — being ‘taken down a peg or two’.

As mentioned earlier, the brightest star in the constellation Pegasus shines above the Moon in the U.S. Sibly chart. Do any of these mythic themes sound vaguely familiar with regard to the United States as a nation: an heroic figure who achieved many significant victories, but then overreached and got knocked down a peg or two? After WWII the U.S. was the only nation to be both victorious and survive with its infrastructure intact. This put us on the course to become a superpower, both a financial and political hegemon. Since then, however, flying all over the world as a sort of world police has not worked out so well. While technically we can claim victory in the Cold War, we definitely got knocked down a peg in Vietnam, and the jury is still out on Afghanistan and Iraq. It’s a mixed bag at best. In this astrologer’s opinion the U.S. might even be the poster child for the Pegasus Syndrome, and as I have written elsewhere, should consider taking a more cautious approach toward both world relations and resources.

But what does all this have to do with you and me? In my missives on both the June and July Full Moons, I showed how in the summer months the Full Moon is illuminating the Summer Triangle and the mythic journey of the Hero/ine — inviting us to ‘live like stars’. Now, as autumn approaches, the Full Moon is lighting up a part of the sky that warns us of the consequences of taking this heroic journey too far. If the hero/ine doesn’t know when to call it a day, a season or a career, then the victory/treasure may be spoiled or lost. The Tao Te Ching sums up this wisdom in verse 44: To know when you have enough is to be immune from disgrace; to know when to stop is to be preserved from perils.

Depending on your circumstances, it may be time for you to take up one or two last adventures before summer officially ends, but if you venture forth, be aware of the dangers of flying too high or overreaching. If you are tempted to take on an epic adventure which requires great risks, it may be better to put it off until a time when you will have the opportunity to follow up with a second or third chance. It may also be time to simply call it a season and reflect on the lessons in the adventures you’ve already encountered. In either case, the message in the heavens just now is that when living like stars, we must still remain cognizant of our own mortality and fallibility, and not take foolish chances or indulge in self-aggrandizement.

P.S. If you are interested in contributing to the 2012 annual edition, please visit this page.

The Chaos Generator

Dear Friend and Reader:

A few days before Hurricane Irene visited New York and New England, I picked up the I Ching that I keep in my bathroom nutshell library, and opened randomly to Hexagram 18, Disruption. This is a little like The Tower, or the rune Hagalaz, but the I Ching is more philosophical than most interpretations of those symbols. “Disruption leads to great success,” the commentary says, which is encouraging. The time frame is three days before, three days after whatever event. (I got the hexagram about three days before the storm, and I’m writing this article three days after.)

Water over a mountain: Waterfall on the Coxing Kill on the Grandmother Land in Ulster County, New York. The stream is at its highest level that anyone remembers, after about eight inches of rain fell in about 12 hours. This is the same waterfall that I usually depict in its more placid state in other photos. Here is a link to a high-res version for printing/sharing. Photo by Eric.

Wind under a mountain is how the hexagram is described. This might seem a little strange, as wind usually goes over mountains, or between them. Wind under the mountain would either stop the flow of air, or be air moving briskly (and with great focus) through a cave. You can think of this mix of elements as the grounding of an idea. Talk stops and focused action begins. “When disruption leads to great success, the world is pacified. It is beneficial to cross great rivers, in the sense that there is purpose to your actions.” And the commentary suggests: “Cultured people inspire others to develop virtue.”

What is interesting about tapping into ancient sources of wisdom is the association of meaning with worldly events. What happens doesn’t ‘just happen’, with some people shaking their heads at a supposed disaster while others say it’s all good or it is what it is. An event is a contact point; each one leads to the next, as we learn to intervene with awareness and intention. While the I Ching associates disruption with unusual success, for that to happen, change has to be experienced as an opportunity.

That’s the whole thing. That’s the issue, and by that I mean the very issue.

Not only do most of us not see change or disruption as opportunity; not only do we spend most of our time cowering or distracted; we’ve become a society that isn’t especially interested in rebuilding itself. I see this as a lack of vision, which in turn has many roots, pointing to cultural and spiritual problems. In truth it has little to do with the aftermath of a storm. It affects everything else, every day. This is particularly true as even a modest earthquake can cause problems at 10 nuclear facilities, and as the infrastructure of society is revealed as being more fragile every time something happens; then we spend our lives in the anxiety of knowing that everything might collapse at any moment.

On the local level, people have little choice but to put their communities back together as best they can when something causes a disruption, no matter how large. Somebody’s barn can become the Post Office and the church can become an infirmary. But often in the wake of a disaster, it’s too expensive to rebuild easily, and there can be large infrastructure issues that have to be addressed, such as repairs to roads and utilities. That often requires federal dollars, money from the society around us, to which we have contributed all our working lives.

Casket of Pfc. Douglas L. Cordo, age 20, of Kingston as it leaves the Old Dutch Reformed Church, with his mother, Tracy Litts Karson, following behind. He died in Zabul, Afghanistan, on Aug. 19 of injuries sustained when enemy forces attacked his unit with an improvised explosive device. In the foreground is the Rev. Kendra van Houten and retired Ulster Country Sheriff’s Capt. Harry VanVliet. Photo by Eric.

As our country goes through its long series of (more or less) natural disasters, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) currently only has $800 million on hand. This is supposed to be the first-response federal agency that we count on when things get exceptionally rough, providing disaster relief and some money to rebuild. Considering that Hurricane Irene will be one of the most expensive storms in U.S. history (costing between $7 billion and $10 billion), and considering that we’ve had floods, tornadoes and wildfires all year (mingled with various nuclear crises), our emergency agency is down to nickels and dimes.

I don’t mean to make U.S. Rep. Eric Cantor, the majority leader of the House of Representatives, your personal spokesman, but he’s an up-and-coming sadist on the national scene, and lately he’s been on TV telling us we have to make budget cuts in other areas to be able to pay for disaster relief. (Note, after several months, he finally backed off of this demand Wednesday, admitting it would be appropriate for the federal government to assist without this kind of condition.)

At the same time, raising taxes, especially on the richest Americans or the companies they own, seems to be out of the question. Budget cuts means reducing federal services in a time when they’re most desperately needed. Do you understand why we’re fighting in Afghanistan, and why as a consequence we don’t have enough money to help Vermont?

These are not the days of guns and butter, as once proclaimed by Lyndon Johnson. We are now trading food and roads for bombs and drone aircraft. Even if we are not doing this personally, we are not actively resisting. Psychologically, I do understand the problem. What we face as a society (on top of what we must do to keep our individual lives going) seems too large to deal with. It’s for this same reason that our politicians are either thriving on chaos or resorting to cheap end-times mysticism. It’s not only easier and more profitable for them to do so; it’s what they know how to do. This is a violent mentality, and it begets violence. Congress has long specialized in providing money for murder, but we’ve always assumed there would be a little bit left over to rebuild bridges after a storm.

If this philosophy is allowed to persist, we will simply become a nation in decline. By that I mean if there is a bridge you depend on to get places, once it falls into total disrepair or collapses, you will simply have to find a new route.

The Situation in Sagittarius

The Sun is now in Virgo, a mutable sign. There are an additional three mutable signs — Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces. By one useful method of doing astrology, what happens to one of the mutable signs happens to all of them. Therefore, something unusual happening in Sagittarius can influence the other three mutable signs, and in turn ripple out into the many charts that have something potent in the mutables (which is basically everyone and everything).

Chart for Hurricane Irene making landfall at Cape Lookout, North Carolina, last weekend. The chart has 14+ Virgo rising — which picks up on Pholus at 14+ Sagittarius, and the Great Attractor at the same degree (not shown in this chart). See the chart below for the other points that are part of this alignment.

To explain this I will need to go technical on you. But I will make it simple: the number to watch is 14. Let’s start with the Irene landfall chart. That has 14+ Virgo rising. That’s really the 15th degree but since the big number is 14, that’s what I’ll call it. Just remember, once you get past 14 whatever you’re talking about is occupying the 15th degree (this information may come in handy someday).

The first 14 shows up in the ascendant of the Hurricane Irene landfall chart. Landfall is when the eye of the storm reaches the land, and it touched the Outer Banks of North Carolina at about 7:30 am on Aug. 27. That is the stated time, as reported in news coverage. And the ascendant comes up as 14 Virgo 22 (meaning 14 degrees and 22 minutes). You can see that on the far left of the chart. That number is the degree of the ascendant; Virgo is the sign rising. This is where a chart begins.

Now you look for other things that have the number 14, especially in the mutable signs: there is something, right at the bottom of the chart — Pholus, a centaur planet. We keep seeing Pholus show up in big charts — everything from the Fukushima quake to the shooting in Tucson to the hacking scandal at News Corp. Pholus is the planet with the small cause and the big effect. It’s a kind of detonator, or perhaps better said, a catalyst.

Pholus is at 14 degrees Sagittarius. It is closely square the ascendant, triggering the whole chart. That happens to be the degree of the Great Attractor. That is a fixed point (like a star, only much, much bigger, and not emitting any light) that is way beyond our galaxy. The Great Attractor is a power source, literally broadcasting on every frequency except visible light. It’s one of the largest and heaviest known objects in space, probably consisting of a massive amount of dark matter. It’s pulling more than a million galaxies toward it at an incredible rate of speed; ours is one of them. Basically, everything is moving in the direction of 14+ Sagittarius. And Pholus is sitting right there, right now, condensing all that power.

This calculation from Serennu.com looks at the minor planets aligned in the mid-mutable signs. Note how many points have the number 14, which are aligned with the Great Attractor — a magnifying energy source in mid-Sagittarius.

Pholus is not the only thing there. To see what else is in the neighborhood you have to use a more powerful tool than what comes with most commercial software; this we find on a website called Serennu.com, programmed by Tracy Delaney. The graphic at left is a sort for everything in the mid-mutable signs. Not only is there a lot — there is a lot piled up right in mid-Sagittarius. Not everything on this graph is in Sagg however — it includes all four mutable signs, but they are all working together. But what is in Sagittarius per se is really interesting, because to me it describes the underlying psychology of our time in history, and more significantly, the spiritual crisis. Here is why.

All by itself, Sagittarius is the sign that relates to things that are visionary, spiritual and exotic. That would include educational, so if you’re ever inside a really, really amazing library, you’re standing inside the concept of Sagittarius. It’s also concerned with justice, but on the level of the highest courts, such as the United States Supreme Court or the UN’s International Court of Justice. We all have Sagittarius in our charts. We all have an energy flow coming in from this direction, whether we use it or not.

What aspects the Great Attractor takes on part of the energy — especially a conjunction. People who have natal planets in aspect to the Great Attractor can have an odd kind of charisma, where they seem untouchable. It’s as if they have an invisible boundary around them, that makes you keep your distance but want to get closer at the same time. The word attractor is used because everything is rushing toward it, but nothing can ever keep up.

It can also have a magnifying effect on whatever is there, like a cosmic repeating station that might take the relatively subtle theme of a planet or asteroid and broadcast it outward. Remember, the Great Attractor is the mass of many thousands of galaxies; it’s positively enormous. Then things come along and line up with it, and that’s exactly what we have going on now.

One of them is Pholus, a centaur planet (small, potent, weird orbit, demanding awareness). With Pholus, you don’t need any other factor to have a magnifying or accelerating effect, but it’s sitting smack on the Great Attractor right now. If the best key phrase of Pholus is ‘small cause, big effect’, add the Great Attractor and you might say, ‘very small cause, very big effect’. Pholus also covers the theme of how we react to famous people, and it’s all about intoxicants (from alcohol to Prozac to video games). And the thing about Pholus is that it can unravel several generations of buried or previously encapsulated karma. When Pholus is on the scene, you’re dealing with stuff your grandparents and great grandparents did not deal with, be it family karma or that of society. And we are getting a big blast of this right now. We are dealing with a society that has not been building itself up for the next generations, and which has not been dealing with its problems.

Note: If you have a point in your natal chart at or near 14+ degrees of any mutable sign (Gemini, Virgo, Pisces or Sagittarius), it’s taking a long transit from Pholus, and is likely to be a central point in either your healing or growth process.

Because there are several planets conjunct the Great Attractor, we can get an idea of the themes that are involved, as this multi-generational bubble is burst and lots of stuff comes gushing out. I won’t be able to cover all of the points — there are a lot of them, but I will prioritize and cover the ones that strike me as the most significant.

The Cry of the Poor, Amorality — and a Narcissistic Society

Of the many points involved in this configuration, three others stand out in Sagittarius. Note, all are objects orbiting our Sun. They are all in Sagittarius, a sign associated with spiritual matters, and a region of consciousness where we would draw the perspective that helps us acknowledge that we’re all in this together. You can think of Sagittarius as collective soul.

In Western society, arrogance and vanity are considered the privileges of success — and also how you get there. This is an advertisement for Bentley automobiles, which cost up to $500,000. What exactly is he saying here?

The first such point is Hylonome, a slow-moving centaur, which has been working over the Great Attractor. Hylonome is a female centaur who commits suicide when her partner is killed. This has been associated by astrologers with a theme of senseless grief, and sati, the (supposedly outlawed) ritual practice of women in some parts of India who choose or who are compelled to self-immolate on their husband’s funeral pyre (this association was made by Melanie Reinhart).

There is a related theme, which is ‘the cry of the poor’ (noted by Juan Revilla). On a planet with the kind of resources that ours has, in a society as technologically advanced as ours is, poverty is a manufactured product, inflicted on people as a matter of policy. Hylonome can be associated with mass expressions of protest or grief (such as during the funeral of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, during which it was precisely conjunct the Scorpio New Moon).

At the moment, an asteroid called Narcissus is conjunct the Great Attractor. I keep seeing this conjunction. Then every time I tap into Washington, DC politics, I notice how it’s a bonfire of the vanities, to borrow Tom Wolfe’s phrase. The players on the stage are involved in a big ego drama that gets them a lot of attention and happens to influence the economic and military fate of the country and in many ways, the world. But it’s totally disconnected from reality. It’s also a comment on a society that is driven by narcissistic values — from the big star you’ll be if you wear these pantyhose, to the Army of One that will supposedly win the war against the terrorists.

On both the political and social levels (that is, what they do in DC and how we conduct ourselves driving through an intersection or in line at Panera Bread), it is this narcissism that is the state of mind that can ignore the cry of the poor. Someone with a job can feel a sense of smug superiority over someone who doesn’t have one; people with pious religious views (a Sagittarian theme) can feel superior to the unsaved. In Sagittarius, this is the perfect image of the fundamentalist Christian movement that is yielding a bumper crop of politicians who conflate their own smug piety with the birthright to political power.

“Ixion Plunged into Hades” by Jules-Elie Delaunay (1828-1891) is an example of the Neoclassical tradition revered by the French Academy in the nineteenth century. The scene depicts the fate of Ixion after insulting Zeus’s wife, Hera, at an Olympian Banquet — an endless succession of days in the underworld attached to an eternally revolving wheel of fire and attacked by serpents. While this version of events involves the painter taking some poetic license on the original mythology, we have at least an image of the pain that may be one consequence of amoral action.

Also close to the Great Attractor, and part of this psychological grouping, is Ixion. This is a planet out near Pluto, discovered in 2001. Ixion, an early human king, was the first murderer and later, the would-be rapist of Hera, the Queen of Heaven. I associate this point with amorality — the lack of any moral sensibilities at all. To me this represents what appears to be a potent, even prevailing value, grossly inflamed at the moment, of not caring what is right or wrong. We expect, and in a sense endorse, our leaders making disaster relief after a hurricane into a political issue.

There is one last gem in this alignment — Borasisi (an outer planet discovered in 1999). This is the planet that reminds us of the human personality trait, ‘If I believe it, then it’s true’. Borasisi is in Pisces, square the Great Attractor and all these points. I think of it as a denial factor (‘if I don’t believe it, then it’s not true’). I covered this planet — which has associations with global toxins issues, the nuclear crisis and General Electric in particular — the week before the quake and meltdowns in Fukushima, in an article called With Love from Borasisi.

And as if this were not enough, the Sagittarius group is opposed by Chaos (an outer planet discovered in 1998). Judging from this alignment, remembering that all of these points are ramped up to an exponential degree of influence by the Great Attractor, it would seem there is no escaping our warped perspective on life. And these are all located in the heart of Sagittarius — where we really could be drawing our highest impulses to embrace our soul’s mission on Earth.

By this I mean that the point in our charts where we could be inspired to express our highest vision is at the moment — and it’s a long moment, because these are nearly all slow-moving points — where we must contend with self-obsession, overwhelm and the desire to zone out. Or looked at another way, right at the point where we draw some of our deepest inspiration is a kind of chaos generator, making focused awareness seem impossible.

The Full Moon of Sept. 12

As I mentioned earlier, what happens to one of the mutable signs happens to all of them (this also works with signs on either of the two other crosses, cardinal or fixed). As the Sun moves through mid-Virgo, it’s going to make a series of squares to all of these points, basically lighting them up. These squares from Virgo to Sagittarius are coincidental with the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 incident. This culminates with the Pisces Full Moon on Sept. 12, 2011.

Simplified chart for the Pisces Full Moon, showing how the Sun-Moon axis crosses the lunar nodes. (Clue: the glyph for the Sun looks like the Sun and the one for the Moon looks like the Moon; the nodes are the vertical axis formed by the orange things.) This links the Full Moon to the potent solar eclipse of June 1. The many points on the mutable cross, which are shown in the table above, align with the planets shown in this chart. And all of the points in Sagittarius are gathered around the North Node, the orange horseshoe at the bottom.

As the Sun and then the Moon make squares to this whole grouping of points during the next week to 10 days, you may notice yourself, the people around you and the media environment go through a strange, seemingly unconscious process that appears to be associated with grief surrounding Sept. 11. That is the surface layer; what we’re getting is a chance to observe the layers of feeling, fear, denial and exaggeration behind the political pathology of the past decade. We are getting to see the results of the logic, ‘If I barricade myself in and declare the whole world dangerous, I will feel better’.

Many of the factors involved (in particular centaurs Hylonome and Pholus) suggest that deep healing is possible, including of the multigenerational issues implied by Pholus (for example, misdirected patriotism, addiction to a war mentality, and the belief that there is a pill to cure every problem). But the prerequisite to that experience of healing is awareness — and dealing with the fear that is currently inherent in paying attention — at least at the moment.

The Pisces Full Moon also makes a square to the solar eclipse in Gemini earlier in the year (both are mutable signs; we are now about three months or 90 degrees of solar movement past that eclipse). This will add public resonance — eclipses have that sensation. This is another way of saying that the Full Moon of Sept. 12 is square the lunar nodes: it’s a potential turning point, which includes all of the themes associated with the planets in Sagittarius (which are condensing around the North Node).

The simplest way to say this is that unless we take our political problems to a higher level, what you might call a spiritual level, we’re going to be caught in the same game endlessly. The issue is evolutionary. We might ask ourselves not about when we’re going to come up with a solution to our political problems, but rather to the problem of politics.



Planet Waves FM: News Roundup and Mars Square Eris

This week’s edition of Planet Waves FM considers how well the Mars-Saturn square — and how Mars aspecting two planets that embody the principle of the ‘shadow feminine’ — describe our current cultural climate. The Mars-Saturn square had many of us feeling frustrated as our authentic drive came up against the conceptual container of ‘who we’re supposed to be’. There is a message here to feel your own motivation, rather than any sense of purpose dictated by others; this is historically sensitive material for many women. As Mars in Cancer makes an aspect to Black Moon Lilith and Eris, the forbidden and castaway parts of our feminine sides are being energized. Literal examples of forbidden and taboo women in the world need the voice activated by these energies; indeed, all women do, as the political landscape keeps manifesting the likes of Michele Bachmann and Christine O’Donnell.

To listen to this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM in the old player, or to view the archives going back more than a year, check this link. If you listen to Planet Waves FM in iTunes, please check this letter to iTunes listeners.



Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Sept. 2, 2011, #873 – BY ERIC FRANCIS

Revised and Updated! Click for Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Aries (March 20-April 19) — If you’ve learned anything from the past month, it’s to choose your battles. This would include the struggles you face within yourself; most of the emotional turmoil you’ve been through was unnecessary. I say that knowing you’ve learned a lot, including the way in which conflict can feed on itself. In any situation you find yourself in, remember that there is an easy way and a hard way. The easy way is likely to involve some form of expressing yourself constructively. The hard way is likely to have a tense emotional pitch and be fraught with angst. You will know which path you’re choosing by your emotional state. Either way, you’re making contact with energy. One way will come with confusion, emotional chaos and pressure; the other will come with a grounded sense of work well done, and the experience of easing tension. The choice should be easy, that is, if you choose.

Aries, your birth sign or rising sign, is getting some of the most potent transits of them all right now. I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and a tarot card reading for you. Learn more by visiting this page.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Artists are at a significant advantage over many other people in that the work they do gives them the opportunity to embrace many facets of their being, and to use conflict in a productive way. It would seem like every cell in your body is reaching for this way of being in the world. The Sun and Venus are in one of the most creative, dynamic angles of your chart. Yet as they make their way through this territory, you’re likely to encounter many layers of old resistance, dysfunctional beliefs and pain that seems to be coming from somewhere beyond you. I suggest you allow this material to come up and out, rather than trying to deny it and push it back down. By approaching these experiences with curiosity and some passion, you will take pressure off of your relationships, and off of yourself. The beauty is that right now you’re in precisely that spot where creative process and healing process intersect — a place there is little use for judgment or guilt in any form.

I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and done a tarot reading especially for you. It’s information that will help with your relationships, your professional life and your personal growth. Visit this page to find out more.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — As Mercury is making its way across Leo in direct motion, you can now tap into some of the energy that seemed to get lost in so much chaos over the past few weeks. You still seem to be caught in some controversy over what you want the most, or what is the most important to you. You might ask yourself why that is controversial — and how it got to be that way. A controversy implies that there are two sides to the issue, competing for who is right. Who exactly are you fighting, and why? One clue I can offer is that this may have something to do with how you think you’re perceived by others. If you’re trying to make a point, impress anyone or control your image, you can be sure that you’re not really focused on your own values. Part of what you may be going through is the need to be yourself among people who would have you be some other way. In any event, I suggest you put the whole situation into words — it will make a lot more sense when you do.

Gemini is one of the most misunderstood signs — and as someone born under this sign, part of your role is to hold a mirror to the world. I’ve recorded an hour of audio for you, plus a 20-minute tarot reading. You can get access to these by visiting this page.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Mars making its way across your birth sign since early August has come with many challenges. It’s as if you’ve had every fight you can ever have. This will be true for a while — until the next opportunity for conflict arises, in which case you get to make a conscious choice based on what you’ve learned so recently. We could sum up the underlying question this way: How can you relate to your environment in such a way that allows you to state what you need, but without having that become a point of contention? The question you might ask yourself is, why do you associate your own needs and desires with guilt? This is a question with an answer, which I suggest you investigate. Making contact with this deep-seated conflict will help you live in harmony with your environment. You don’t like to be told what to do, especially in your own home. Yet you have some commitments to others that call on you to share your physical and emotional space. If you experience this as a potential source of pleasure, you’ll have a lot more fun.

I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and done a tarot reading especially for you. It’s information that will help with your relationships, your professional life and your personal growth. Visit this page to find out more.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Now is the time to shift the emphasis of your career from achievement to the financial rewards involved. You’ve accomplished a lot the past few months; if you ease back on that particular drive, you will see more ways that what you’re doing — or what you’re planning — can be financially rewarding. I say this knowing that most people do what they do for the money, and the deeper rewards are usually considered secondary. You seem to have the opposite tendency, and could afford to be a little more motivated by feathering your nest. This will inspire you to do more that’s of service to the world around you, not less. For the next few months I suggest you go over old plans, projects you set aside and goals that got sidelined to other activities. Many of those have embers that are still burning, and are points of creative contact with people who could be valuable creative partners. Cultivate those relationships and everyone will benefit.

Hello Leo! Your birthday report is now available. I’ve recorded 70 minutes of in-depth astrology plus a 20-minute tarot reading for you, exploring relationships, personal growth and your professional life. Visit this page for additional information.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — For many people it’s a long way from their vision of what they want to the reality of manifesting it. For others, it’s a long way from their faint notions of what life could be to any focused idea. For you, the door to both your highest vision and your ability to manifest it is wide open. Yet you have to cross the territory of one particular paradox to get there. I would describe that as how the problem-solving mind and the intuitive mind work together. You’re often a mental, logical person, but at the moment that particular gift is being overtaken by an intuitive gift. Problems and puzzles that will defy your intellect will be transparent to your intuition. You don’t need to labor over having every step in the mental process organized or thought out. You already know the way through the maze.

Eric is working on your birthday audio — we plan to have it available by this time next week. Please stay tuned!

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Pay close attention to your anxiety level, and don’t let it run away with you. I recognize that there is plenty to worry about. Yet most of that fear rushes in where your sense of yourself is missing. Therefore, when you encounter fear, focus on who you are. If at that moment you distinctly feel a lack of any concept of who you are, check in and see if you’re using an elimination process, that is, trying to figure out who you are not and hoping that the remainder tells you something. I don’t think this will work very well; the statement ‘I am not’ does not translate directly to ‘I am’. Focus on any affirmative desire, goal or purpose that you might feel. Now, what happens when you do that? Do you feel any more confident? When you notice your own presence in the world, do you feel more vulnerable, or less? Do you feel more in harmony with your environment, or less? Work with these equations for a while and you will regain your sense of orientation.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Libra, please go to this link.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — There are many people angry at God right now, and I dare say that God is getting blamed for many things that are clearly of human creation. With Mars moving through the angle of your chart associated with your spiritual identity, I suggest you investigate the role of anger in this relationship. My question for you is, if you’re angry, who exactly are you angry at? You might be inclined to say yourself, but I would propose that self-directed anger is misdirected. You’ve been through a series of inner skirmishes the past month. Some of these may have stressed your relationships, and sent one particular person into retreat. Once you understand who you’re angry at and why you feel that way, you will stop inflicting it on yourself and get out of the thought loop that you seem to be in. Go patiently, and notice when you decree any particular possibility as being out of the question.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Scorpio, please go to this link.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Your solar chart suggests that you feel every possibility within you of what a person can be, and like you can actually express any of it at will. The interesting thing is you feel bigger than all of your different properties combined, which is a fine thing to notice. You will need to draw on each flow of energy and use them for a productive purpose. At this stage you can work with the idea that there is no such thing as ‘negative’. Rather, there are merely things you notice going on, within you and in the world around you. Each has a purpose; each can be put to good use. Everything you notice not only can support your goals and objectives, you must draw from it as an energy source in order to have its creative potential accessed, and to siphon the energy off of potential sources of conflict. That said, you will soon reach that moment where certainty runs out and when it’s time to take a chance based on your best instincts. Part of how you can trust those instincts is by being in harmony with all the light and dark within you.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Sagittarius, please go to this link.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — There’s a lot of tension between the religious ideas that our culture offers, and its ideas about sex. In order for religion to get any traction, it has to define something as evil, and with extremely rare exceptions, that something is sex. We can see examples of this every single day as various ‘presidential’ candidates wage war on anything and everything erotic. At the moment, the spiritual angle of your chart (Sun in Virgo, 9th house) is in perfect harmony with the erotic angle (Jupiter in Taurus, 5th house). This works well with your long-term program of dismantling all of the sources of guilt in your mind. At times this may feel like a process of forgiveness; at other times it may feel like the discovery that you never did anything wrong, despite the shrill cries of those obsessed with death. That really is the question: the whole issue of sin comes down to whether it’s okay to be alive, and if you decide that it is, then the obvious thing to do is celebrate.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Capricorn, please go to this link.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Does working to improve yourself actually make you a better person? I guess it depends on what we mean by the words working, improve, better and person. Life is for the living; there is a relationship between theory and the practical experience, and at the moment I suggest you emphasize the latter. Inner process gets you so far; placing yourself in environments where you can explore your ideas about life, and about yourself, is how you discover what is real for you and what is not. All knowledge is contextual. Self exists in the context of community, of relationship and the expression of creative purpose. In all these aspects of existence right now your chart is bursting with energy. I can also see that there is a perceived risk involved in stretching into new experiences. That risk factor is precisely the difference between theory and practice — though there is another word for it: potential.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aquarius, please go to this link.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — This is one of those moments when the doors in your relationships can swing open mysteriously. This follows a phase of some turbulence and frustrated potential. Since Pisces is one of two signs that has its partnership angle ruled by Mercury, your relationships come under the influence of Mercury retrograde three times a year, and that can churn things up. The planets in their courses are presenting you with opportunity; what you must bring is trust. Trust would not be so meaningful had it not been an issue in the past, so this is a significant contribution on your part. What exactly are you trusting? The first thing is your own perception. The second is that the people around you are in fact devoted to directing their energy in loving and creative ways. There are no guarantees of these things, and I remind you we live in an exceptionally challenging time for any relationship because so much is changing so fast. Therefore, trust your flexibility. It’s one of your greatest assets.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Pisces, please go to this link.

On the Shores of Scorpionic America

Dear Friend and Reader:

If ever there was a week during the past nine years and 11 months to wonder what is happening in the United States charts, this would be the week. The debt ceiling hostage game that ended less than two weeks ago led to a reduction of the U.S. credit rating, which in turn set off a week of madness on world stock exchanges. The United States lost 30 of its most elite troops in Afghanistan on Saturday, including members of the Navy SEAL team that we were told assassinated Osama bin Laden in May (not the same guys, just members of the same group). And a slate of Republican candidates are vying for the presidential nomination, each one more driven by apocalyptic religious values than the next.

Uncle Sam, who is the Aquarius rising face of the United States: compelling, serious, traditional but somehow still friendly.

The probable Republican nominee, Rick Perry of Texas, held a revival meeting at Reliant Stadium in Houston last weekend, wherein he prayed for guidance about things like fixing the federal deficit. This might be meaningful — prayer often is — but it’s worth noting how many of his guests that day were rapture Christians (properly called dispensationalists) obsessed not with the God of love but rather with the end of the world. This segment from The Rachel Maddow Show explains that they are all part of one religious movement, which has vowed to take over the United States government for the purposes of hastening the end of the world. I know this sounds like science fiction, but it is neither scientific nor fictional.

Meanwhile, the Republican campaigns this year, while temporarily backing away from openly banning being gay or female, are focused on the issue of slashing what they call ‘entitlements’ — that is, the Social Security and Medicare payments of people who have paid into the system their whole working lives. Personally I remember being paid $2.90 an hour to work the deli counter at Foodtown, and seeing FICA deducted from my paycheck. I am sure you have a similar memory. Somehow making sure that nobody collects is going to save the country from the fantasy of ‘socialism’. But we seem to be suffering from a kind of antisocialism, and I think I have figured out where it’s coming from in the astrology.

Last week I introduced an alternate chart for the United States, called Scorpionic America. Most astrologers use a chart for the signing of the Declaration of Independence, called the Sibly chart. Scorpionic America is the chart for the Articles of Confederation, which were signed and sent to the colonies for ratification in 1777. Due to a technical error, I got the time of the chart wrong; I set the zone for local time in Pennsylvania, instead of Greenwich Mean Time. The Moon and planets are all in the same signs; changing the time in this chart mainly changes the ascendant and house positions. I read a chart with Gemini rising. Cast for GMT, the chart has Aquarius rising.

Once I saw that, I remembered my prior work (in the 1990s, mostly covering the impeachment of Bill Clinton for Rob Brezsny’s website) with the Aquarius rising chart. But that Gemini ascendant, with Uranus right there stirring up everything, all the time, describes a fickle country with no stable sense of identity. Uranus in Gemini rising reveals a mentally obsessed nation, over-identified with its concept of technology, that cannot decide whether it’s a Mac or a PC. That placement also describes a country obsessed with driving itself forward, while negating or destroying the past.

Scorpionic America, with its time zone corrected. The chart now has Aquarius rising. The Capricorn alignment shifts to the 11th house, where the United States fits into the community of nations — as a force obsessed with dominance. This also describes the population (of corporations that profit from war, and the wealthy who resist paying taxes). And it describes our supposedly puritanical culture that revolts by constant indulgence in excess.

What’s interesting is how the ‘wrong’ chart provides a picture of the United States that’s so accurate as to be disturbing — for example, that Capricorn 8th house, illustrating money and sex as a power trip, and an unaddressed obsession with death. The current Pluto transits to the 8th house of that chart describe our system of values crumbling, and the flourishing of an ‘end of the world’ mentality that is in something of a heyday right now.

But it’s not the ‘right’ chart. This has happened to nearly every astrologer: they cast a chart based on incorrect data, yet the chart provides useful information. The phenomenon of when the wrong chart works was documented by British astrologer Geoffrey Cornelius in his landmark 1994 book The Moment of Astrology. He uses examples of the wrong chart providing good results (in particular, analyzing the birth time discrepancy of Diana, Princess of Wales). In his view this demonstrates that astrology is a divinatory art. It’s closer to tarot cards than it is to scientifically documentable causation.

It’s a little spooky when the wrong chart gives a strong, accurate reading, and we also get a kind of reality check. It’s weird enough that we’re expecting any results at all following the orbits of little balls of ice, tracing imaginary lines in space and telling stories of long forgotten gods and goddesses.

However, what I’ve seen when going through a ‘wrong chart’ scenario is that even when it works startlingly well, the ‘right chart’ provides additional information and always has a surprise. As I mentioned, when you look at the chart drawn from ‘accurate’ data (remember that all of the national charts for the United States have speculative or reconstructed times), the chart comes out with Aquarius rising. The identity of the United States with Aquarius rising is Uncle Sam, that friendly personification of the government who wants you to join him — fighting wars.

Nessus Crossing the USA Ascendant

Specifically, the chart comes out with 22+ degrees Aquarius rising — and at the moment, there happens to be a minor planet right there, one that keeps coming up in charts over and over this year: Nessus. It’s transiting (i.e., going over) the Scorpionic America ascendant, a temporary (albeit very slow-moving) presence that is now dominating the identity of the United States.

This is a close-up of the ascendant of Scorpionic America. Though it’s not shown in the chart, Nessus is transiting the ascendant of this chart, currently at 21+ Aquarius; it will be in this range of the zodiac for another year, and in the first house for many years. The two brightly colored small glyphs (Pholus in green, Nessus in blue) are natal positions that strongly influence the character of the United States.

Nessus is a Chiron-like centaur planet — a small, potent thing with an erratic orbit, taking about 122 years to go around our Sun. All the centaurs have keywords such as healing process, focus, intensity and awareness. Nessus addresses the issue of consequences. It’s about the cycle of karma, what in Western thought translates loosely to the law of cause and effect. With Nessus, that cause and effect can relate to the themes of revenge, toxins and potentially inappropriate sexual behavior. This is a theme dominating sex-obsessed American politics, which seems to posit that all sex and discussion of sex is inappropriate. The logical outcome of this whole discussion — check my work, but this is what I have observed — is that women should have no right to control their bodies or their reproductive process. The gay question forces the issue into the paradigm of mental illness but of existential crisis. (For some evidence of this, watch this music video while it’s still available on You Tube, but I caution you, it’s distressing.)

Nessus has a distinct feeling tone to it, perhaps best described by Alice Miller in her books about multigenerational abuse patterns. Aquarius is a sign that speaks about patterns, often social, mental and psychological ones. And now the energy of Nessus is dominating the identity of the United States. We are not only seeing the mean streak of the United States emerge in a new way, it’s being sold to us again and again as the coolest thing ever. For example, people who paid in to Social Security their whole lives are being blamed for bankrupting the government — by collecting benefits with which they’re barely able to buy food.

There is currently a war being waged on women’s reproductive rights, which means women’s rights in general. There is a war being waged on public employee labor unions, and we’re being told that it’s somehow a good thing to reverse a century of progress of workers getting organized and having some collective bargaining power with the government. I could go on.

On one level this seems like a kind of drawing out of a toxic substance. But like most toxins it seems to be making the patient a little woozy. I’m noticing a lot of people waking up to how ugly the political situation is, and how much it’s influencing life, mainly because it’s suddenly being thrust into everyone’s face. If you’re in this situation, this may not be an easy moment for you. Fortunately you’re waking up at a time when many others are doing so, and when there are resources available to help you get informed and direct your energy constructively.

Capricorn Moves From the 8th to the 11th

In the version of Scorpionic America that I came up with for last week’s issue, I pointed out that Capricorn is in the 8th house, a region of the chart dealing with matters of power, money, death and sex. This resonates with what the United States is going through, particularly repeated crashes of various financial systems at the same time there is a mania for suppressing and controlling all forms of sexuality. That sounds a lot like a Pluto-8th house transit taken on an unconscious level, and it describes the obsession with power at all costs in current Washington politics that would make the Nixon administration envious.

United States of Corporations flag. This used to seem like a comment on our pervasive marketing culture; today it’s a comment on our actual political structure, particularly after the Citizens’ United v FEC decision of January 2010. That expanded the ‘personhood’ rights of corporations, many of which are as large as countries. They are also immortal — clearly these alien beings are not ‘people’, despite a series of Supreme Court decisions that make them out as such.

With the time revised to the original, that Capricorn material goes to the 11th house. The 11th is usually a much happier house than the 8th — the house of hopes and dreams. It’s also the house of one’s social group, as well as public benefit. I think of the 11th house as being about all of us here. With a cluster of Mars, the South Node and Eris there, the United States wears its hopes and dreams like a crown of thorns. And we can see a distinct paranoia of socialism. In the odd, modern version of that paranoia, we don’t want to help, but we expect to benefit from others — which is shown if you take a look at Jupiter in this chart.

The 11th house has two special meanings in the chart of a country. One meaning is that it’s the house of the government’s money. As the house that comes right after the 10th house, that money comes from the public. That public would include corporations (especially with Capricorn involved), and many of them don’t want to pay taxes — and get away with not doing so.

With Mars in that house, particularly on the South Node (obsession, past karma), we see an image of how much conflict this country has on the issue of taxes, particularly now with Pluto running through that house (which will be happening until a little past the end of 2023).

The second meaning involves the 11th as self in context of a group. The 11th is the role of the nation within the world community. It describes how we’re perceived. It’s an important house in the chart of a nation that used to control the economy of the world, and that still does control the world militarily, so much as that is possible.

You may not sit around wondering whether, or when, judgment day is going to happen, but it’s something of a national pastime for much of the United States. Further, rapture Christianity is now the dominant force in the Republican party and a significant — if unacknowledged — force in the Democratic party.

Bombing another country in the name of freedom — something that the United States does regularly — is a demented version of this house. Whipping up ‘freedom fighters’ in Central America, motley bands of CIA-backed rebels who bombed schools, churches and farming cooperatives during the 1970s, is another. I would describe that Capricorn cluster as cynical.

There used to be a term tossed around — Pax Americana. This refes to the peace established after the end of World War II in 1945. The term refers to the military and economic dominance of the United States in relation to other nations. It’s a derivation of Pax Romana of the Roman empire, the Pax Britannica of the British Empire and the Pax Mongolica of the Mongol Empire. I have always thought of it meaning, “We will carpet bomb you into peace.” If you’re one of those people for whom this policy of endless the bombing of others in the name of loving kindness never made sense, good for you.

This is a cynical way for a country to be. It’s time we started calling all of these wars out for what they are: crimes against humanity, for world domination and for the incalculable profit of the companies that supply the military with everything from weapons to food.

Full Moon in Aquarius

Now, this degree of Aquarius shows up just in time for a Full Moon this weekend. As we described in Tuesday’s edition, that Full Moon happens in Aquarius, closely conjunct Nessus — and conjunct the ascendant of Scorpionic America. So this degree is really in the spotlight. Indeed, the United States is in the global spotlight, and everyone is starting to figure out that something a little strange is going on. But I’m not sure many people know where, based on certain historical factors, this could all be heading if we don’t sober up and get involved.

Thirty years ago this would have been a fun little joke in National Lampoon. Today it’s a promo for a kind of ‘rapture central’ website, one that asks questions such as, “Is hell constantly expanding?”

I think if there is one thing suggested by a Full Moon in the Aquarius ascendant of this chart, it’s an eruption of public opinion — or at least public awareness. To me that Moon suggests we can taste the bitterness of who we have become as a country, an experience that just might influence some people to choose to be something else.

The question isn’t limited to public identity — it’s a personal matter with the Moon so closely involved. I suggest that’s the level we take it on — personally. National identity is a matter of pride for many people who have benefitted from what their country has to offer, or who appreciate their freedom. It’s also a matter of false pride for many who are willing to turn the other way on the conduct of their government.

We are entering a time of no illusions, when we must see our world for what it is, even if that means a revolution of consciousness. It’s time to see our culture and our society for what they are, even if that means we have to feel like hypocrites while we figure out what to do about it. This awareness will be thrust upon some; others will choose to change their perception consciously; for others it will be a gradual awakening. True, there are always some who remain asleep, or rather, who pretend to sleep. I doubt that’s your agenda; it does not serve your growth.

I would note, however, that hypocrisy plays an important role in the dominant political framework. The whole thing seems to be addicted to hypocrisy. The rage at ‘socialism’ seems to be rooted in fear about how we might all be equal — that a bank executive and his family might have more in common with an ‘illegal’ Mexican immigrant family than he thinks. There are actually people who experience this as terrifying.

Awakening often involves waking up in the middle of a paradox. How we can adjust to this new state of awakened consciousness, and what we might do with our awareness, are questions I want to leave open for now. Meanwhile, I suggest you tune in for a wave of consciousness as this Full Moon peaks Saturday. And follow the Planet Waves daily series this week — we’re about to enter another very unusual spell of astrology, which we’ll be covering day by day.


Additional research: David Arner.


Planet Waves FM: Mars and our Moment of Revolution

In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I look at Mars setting off the cardinal cross (currently square Uranus and opposite Pluto), as well as the Epoch of Revolution aspect Uranus square Pluto.

Eric on WDST Radio Woodstock – 1997.

When we reach one of these movements, we seem to have less to lose, and more to gain by experimenting, flexibility and not honoring the old, intractable and boring way of doing things. We might be feeling some instability — and that is the invitation to explore. The revolutionary activity — mainly the personal revolution in your own consciousness — is being set off by this weekend’s Full Moon in Aquarius. I also cover how Mercury retrograde is influencing all this adventure.

In the second segment I talk to Liz DiNovella, the cultural editor of The Progressive, who was on the scene of one of the recall elections yesterday in Wisconsin. For our musical guest, I reprise the Grateful Dead one more week, extending Jerry Garcia’s birthday celebration.

I have another special edition podcast — featuring a conversation with Gary Caton, and a short introduction about what happened in Wisconsin on Tuesday (Dems took back two of the four Repub senate seats that were up for recall). Note that because this happened with Mercury retrograde, the whole matter is still up for discussion.

If you prefer the old player you can listen by that method — and also have access to the full archives from the past 18 months.


PS, Note to All the Signs: We’re still offering the Mercury Retrograde Report (one of my favorite 12 sign reports ever; this one came in on a beam of light) and the Midyear Report also offers 12 signs of useful, in-depth astrology for one low price.


Special Edition Planet Waves FM, featuring Gary Caton

This is a special edition Planet Waves FM covering the Wisconsin recall election, and the current astrology — the Full Moon, Mercury retrograde, and Mars getting into the Epoch of Revolution aspect, which is Uranus square Pluto.


Now Playing: Planet Waves Mercury Retrograde Report

Dear Friend and Reader:

The Planet Waves Mercury retrograde report is done. I’ve recorded an introduction and about 25 to 35 minutes of audio for each of the 12 Sun signs and rising signs. The audio introduction to the Merc Rx phenomenon in general is available to all readers, in which I give a primer on Mercury retrograde and describe key details of this one. The product itself is the sign-by-sign interpretation, which I offer in clear, easy-to-follow language. As you may know, I am always reaching for the point of sanity in the astrology, the solution set to what seems like an overly complex puzzle. I trust these readings will bring you some comfort, clarity and a few good ideas to work with in these wild and unusual days.

Analemma & the Tholos, Delphi, Greece. Photo: Anthony Ayiomamitis.

Mercury retrograde is a challenging event for many people. I do my best to counter those challenges with creativity and the intelligence made available by a careful reading of the charts. Whether you’re looking for work, sorting out your relationships or trying to turn a corner in your life, I trust you will find these readings helpful.

I’ve had an amazing time creating this report all week in the midst of much other activity — it seemed to create itself as the days went on, and I was a little wistful letting it go as I finished the 12th sign, Pisces. Now it’s in your hands — and I’m happy to offer it to you. If you’d like to hear the general introduction, you may listen to the audio above. (Please note one correction — when I say that the retrograde is 88 days, I mean the full orbit of Mercury around the Sun; the retrograde is usually 24 days.)

One thing about this particular Mercury retrograde is that it crosses the line between Leo and Virgo. We got the first such crossing in direct motion on July 28. Then we got another in retrograde motion on Aug. 8, and the third is in direct motion again on Sept. 9. Some astrologers describe the Leo/Virgo line as the sphinx point — where cat (Leo) meets human (Virgo). The crossing of house/sign cusps blends themes and helps us navigate unfamiliar territory. There are planets hanging out here — Transpluto on the Leo/Virgo line, and Neptune on the Pisces/Aquarius line. This adds some intrigue and depth to the circumstances surrounding this retrograde.

Leo/Virgo is the line where play meets work; where self-expression meets service; where passion meets the details of creative process. For each of the 12 signs I explore that relationship. You will find out what this means in your chart — whether you know your birth time (and hence your rising sign) or not. This report is brimming with personal guidance, strategy points and hints that will help you benefit from this retrograde, based on my experience covering (as in writing about) the past approximately 51 Mercury retrogrades.

If you’re vaguely interested in studying astrology, all 12 signs will be worth listening to because I go over all of the house cusps in one place. The house cusps are each a special zone of their own, each having unique qualities (like an extra 12 houses).

This is a one-purchase-gets-all-12-signs product, so you can read your Sun, Moon and rising sign — and those of your friends and loved ones. You may download or listen as many times as you like. There are some special offers included on the project’s homepage, in case you want to expand your self-inquiry. We’ve also included last year’s audio and the prior year’s written report (The Electric Tide), for the super-curious.

Here is how to get instant access. Or, listen to the free introduction.





Weekly Horoscope for Friday, August 12, 2011, #871 – BY ERIC FRANCIS

Revised and Updated! Click for Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Aries (March 20-April 19) — It’s always interesting how people who are, on their own, well-meaning and ethical, can form themselves into a group that ends up being scheming and nefarious. I suggest you make a note of anything like this happening in your social environment or any company you find yourself in, and do the Aries thing and stand away from the crowd. Note also that this may involve the collective mass psychosis of our society. You don’t need to play along with that, especially if you can see it for what it is. Take this opportunity to find your true friends: people devoted to clarity, healing and nonviolent communication. An environment that’s healthy for you is one that responds to you, and that offers a vibe that you recognize as creative and friendly. You may have to be brave and declare your independence in order to do this, and you may fear you’ll be lonely — but you won’t be for long.

Aries, your birth sign or rising sign, is getting some of the most potent transits of them all right now. I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and a tarot card reading for you. Learn more by visiting this page.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — So, about your reputation — what do you think it is, what do you want it to be, and what is your worst fear of what someone will discover about you? You might want to make peace with that being known, so that you don’t fear being seen for who you really are. I’ll say this a different way. If you fear something about you being known by others, you may translate that into the fear of being seen at all. So make peace with your fears, and then let yourself shine. I would especially encourage you to put your ideas out where people can see, hear and read them. Be bold about your philosophy of life; challenge yourself and others to think; challenge others you don’t agree with; and don’t fear being challenged. Most people cower because of their own lurking sense of guilt, usually about nothing. Throw that into the flames.

I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and done a tarot reading especially for you. It’s information that will help with your relationships, your professional life and your personal growth. Visit this page to find out more.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — There is something trying to get your attention right in your local environment. I know, things rarely seem worth it if you don’t have to drive for at least an hour, but you may not need to drive anywhere to take advantage of this opportunity. You may not even notice that it is an opportunity; you will have to use your imagination. In support of making contact with whatever this thing is that I’m seeing, I suggest you spend time on your feet, walking around, visiting neighbors, friends, local businesspeople. Get to some kind of outdoor event this weekend. Don’t be afraid to drop the small talk and delve into real subject matter. Mercury is retrograde, which means invoke curiosity and ask questions. If someone puts something into your hand, look closely at it — it could be a gem of some kind.

Gemini is one of the most misunderstood signs — and as someone born under this sign, part of your role is to hold a mirror to the world. I’ve recorded an hour of audio for you, plus a 20 minute tarot reading. You can get access to these by visiting this page.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Friday’s Full Moon happens in your 8th house — the house of deep exchange and sharing. It happens in the sign Aquarius, which is about groups and the reality we all agree exists. The thing is, there are several main formats of reality going around lately. Some are friendly, some are not. I suggest you look for friendly, and if you happen to land someplace else momentarily, keep going. Friendly, for you, is going to mean friendly to sex. Many are figuring out that this is possible and even healthy. You seem to have your own healing work to do around your sexual values, and how they manifest in relationships; it’s as if you’re unsure whether you trust the whole erotic thing or not. It’s certainly led plenty of people to misery, and it’s also led many people to authentic liberation. Remember: ideas are involved. This is territory where intelligence is greatly rewarded.

I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and done a tarot reading especially for you. It’s information that will help with your relationships, your professional life and your personal growth. Visit this page to find out more.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — I have a friend whose partner is one person around her, and another person when others are involved — and the difference is not nice. You’re more the kind of person to be who you are all the time. What is the point of acting? You may have some opportunities this weekend to stand tall in your own beliefs and, more to the point, your own desire to be a benefactor to the world. Try not to be too shocked at the prevailing state of self-centered and superficial; you may be witnessing people acting out their injuries on one another. The place to draw the line is when this gets too close to you. How your direct partners and associates relate to others is indeed your business, because their conduct, and their beliefs, influence your immediate environment. Set the example of integrity, and the value of honest self-questioning.

Hello Leo! Your birthday report is now available. I’ve recorded 70 minutes of in-depth astrology plus a 20 minute tarot reading for you, exploring relationships, personal growth and your professional life. Visit this page for additional information.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Looking within is one of the most fearsome things that a modern person can do. Yet at the moment, your chart is all about an introspective journey — an honest quest to discover who you are. Part of why we’re so discouraged to do this is because we fear that we’ll be as wrong as others have tried to make us out to be. But what really happens is that we take on the role of the accuser — and the only way to get out of that role is to actually investigate and to prove oneself innocent. While this exists as a superficial issue, we can carry around a lot of tension, self-doubt and low self-esteem. There is only one way out of this, which is to proceed inward — past your doubts, past your fears, past the layers of judgment, and into a dimension of yourself you may have never encountered. Yes, as you travel, you may see shadows — but that’s all they are.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Virgo, please go to this link.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — If in your immediate environment you’re noticing that the views of certain people are too narrow to give you any room at all, you can surely find someplace where they are not. I suggest you make your assessment based on where you feel like you can be entirely yourself, which means free to express any opinion, including taboo subject matter. Now, there’s something encrypted in Friday’s Full Moon chart about your relationship to your mom — and your parents’ relationship to one another, and how this in turn influenced your childhood environment. To sum up, you may have ended up in a condition where you believed that being creative was dangerous because it shook up the people who were taking care of you. It’s time to let go of that fear — and that means taking a creative risk of some kind.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Libra, please go to this link.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — If you haven’t already figured it out, you need to keep your emotional management skills on full alert. If you don’t, certain disagreements you may be involved in could easily spiral out of control. I suggest you be very careful of your surroundings, especially if your family is involved, or some kind of household situation that you know in your heart is not healthy for you. You’re not one to walk away from a fight, but especially as the Full Moon peaks the next few days, discretion is the better part of valor. You happen to be in a phase of life when things can go amazingly well for you, if you keep your emotional energy clear and life affirming. Therefore I suggest you consciously surround yourself with positive influences, people who support you, and whose philosophy of life is in harmony with your own. I mean that starting immediately.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Scorpio, please go to this link.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Make sure you don’t take on someone else’s karma unwittingly. By karma, I mean responsibility for their conduct, or their less-than-wholesome intentions. There are lots of ways that karma is exchanged, which range from financial transactions to sex to catching cold in someone’s house. Therefore, I suggest you raise the bar on your psychic hygiene practices. Exchange energy only with people whose lives you affirm. I am aware that we’ve all been so injured by betrayal that we barely have any capacity to trust, even though we need to dearly. When trust is injured, it doesn’t go away; instead, it gets misdirected and invested in situations that don’t work out. So what you really have is an opportunity to select who you trust and why. At the basis of this whole growth process is having faith in yourself, because without that you have nothing — so please start there.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Sagittarius, please go to this link.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — If there is some kind of business deal imminent, I suggest you delay developments long enough to get the facts. You may think you know everything, but I would propose that you still have a few key bits of information coming to you. Overall it’s a potentially workable situation, however there is a liability that could change everything if you don’t address it. Be especially careful if you seem to be coming from a place of lack and others are coming from a place of abundance or power. It’s precisely that sense of lack where your vulnerability comes from. It’s not merely financial; attitudes about money are closely related to self-worth. Nobody is any better than you for seeming to have more — it does not make someone right, and contrary to popular belief, it’s not certification of their integrity. Therefore, I suggest you do your homework.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Capricorn, please go to this link.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — This weekend’s Full Moon in your birth sign will test your capacity to be objective, and to tolerate all points of view. You may also have the challenge of making peace with many of your inner viewpoints, including some of the darker ways you feel about yourself. I suggest you go through this process boldly, while at the same time doing your best to suspend the belief in judgment. It simply does not work, as a practical matter. If you’re doing an assessment (of yourself or of others), look at the actual consequences involved in any situation and make your decisions based directly on those — not, for example, on your own emotional reaction or that of anyone else. This is often a challenging lesson for many humans to learn, but if something does not matter, it does not matter. Once you understand that I suggest you quickly give up trying to convince anyone else.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aquarius, please go to this link.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Your imagination is likely to be extremely active these days, though I suggest you be conscious about this and choose what movie you run. I also suggest you get out of your head and go for direct experience. The angles of your chart that describe actual exploration of the world are getting strong aspects right now (for example, energetic planets in Cancer and Leo), and you’re certainly free to experiment in real life. Be aware that doing so can have a guilt blowback, which is a typical psychological response that anyone who finally sets him or herself free has to learn to address. You’re in one of those moments where ‘the brighter the light, the darker the shadow’. Remember that shadow is not a substance, and it’s not energy. It’s based on lack of consciousness. Therefore focus on awareness, movement, activity, on direct encounters with people — and stoke up your most creative passions.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Pisces, please go to this link.

The Dog Moon & Cygnus the Swan: Ex Ovo Omnia

By Gary P. Caton

This Saturday, Aug. 13, is the Aquarius Full Moon, at about 2:58 pm EDT. Traditionally, the Full Moon of August is sometimes called the Dog Moon. This is a reference to the “dog days” of summer, which were named after the star Sirius, of the constellation Canis Major (Latin for greater dog). Sirius is by far the brightest star in the sky and was also known as “the scorcher.” Sirius’ proximity to the Sun at this time of year was thought to be linked to the hot weather.

Selene Rising at Sounion, 2011. The Moon emerges from behind the Temple of Poseidon (450-440 BC) at Sounion, Greece, south of Athens. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

Note that the Full Moon will be building its tension through the week, which can result in an exaggerated emotional effect. It’s doing so while Mercury is retrograde, making rational thought slightly less accessible. And we’re currently experiencing some unusual Mars aspects that might be stirring up the emotional level of experience. There is a fair amount of conflict in the sky right now — be sure to apply awareness and discernment so that you don’t get caught up in it.

Visually, this Full Moon is still near its lowest appearance in the sky all year. As we noted last month, when the Sun reaches his highest appearance in the sky during summer, the Moon is making her lowest appearance and is closer to the horizon when full. At midnight the Full Moon will be in the south, but only a little more than halfway up in the sky in between the horizon and zenith, or point directly overhead. Higher up, above the Full Moon and towards the zenith, can be seen Deneb Adige of the constellation Cygnus the Swan. This constellation is also known as the Northern Cross because of the large cross formed by the lines of stars representing the Swan’s wings and body.

Cygnus the Swan is one of the three constellations whose stars make up the huge asterism called the Summer Triangle. An asterism is a grouping of fixed stars that are not part of any one constellation, but which are clearly recognizable as a grouping of some kind. These three are mythically associated with the Stymphalian birds of the sixth labor of Hercules. Darrelyn Gunzburg also notes that Cygnus the Swan is associated with the myths of Krishna and Zeus, who both took the form of a swan. The Egyptians for their part saw this region of the heavens as the birth canal of Nut, the great starry sky goddess whose body was the Milky Way, and from whence the Sun god, Ra, was born anew every winter solstice.

The Full Moon is lighting up a part of the sky related to myths concerned with such complex themes as human sexuality, birth, re-birth and shape-shifting. The story of Leda and the Swan has been the subject of many artists including Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Cezanne and Yeats. This story is the subject of much erotic art, presumably due to the ironic fact that it was easier to get away with depicting a woman copulating with a swan than with a man.

Aquarius Full Moon, conjunct the centaur planet Nessus. The axis of the Full Moon — across 20 Leo to to 20 Aquarius — divides the Uranus-Pluto square exactly. You can see this if you look. Uranus is the blue H to the lower right; Pluto is the red golf tee to the lower left. The Moon is a gray crescent toward the bottom of the chart, located halfway between Uranus and Pluto. Therefore the Full Moon conjunct Nessus is ‘setting off’ our current moment of uprising, tumult, chaos and loss of faith in leadership. Events going on this week are part of a much longer era in history we’ve recently embarked upon.

In this story, Zeus took the form of a swan and seduced Leda on the same night she slept with her husband King Tyndareus. In some versions, she laid two eggs from which four children were hatched. In this way, Leda bore Helen and Polydeuces, children of Zeus, while at the same time bearing Castor and Clytemnestra, children of her husband Tyndareus, the King of Sparta.

This story can also be seen to incorporate motifs of many earlier myths. In cultures whose religious practices put them into contact with other realms of existence, it was common for shamans to wear a cape of swan feathers, because ‘swan medicine’ is associated with the power of shape-shifting. We can see this survive in the modern tale The Ugly Duckling, by Hans Christian Andersen. Over time, the ugly duckling grows into the most beautiful bird of all — a magnificent snowy white swan. This is a familiar tale for children, reassuring them that beauty comes from within, and that when their time comes, they will be transformed and have the grace, beauty and elegance of a majestic white swan.

Jamie Sams tells a similar tale in her Medicine Cards where Little Swan flew into the Dreamtime, looking for the future. She found a swirling black hole and Dragonfly told her that to enter there she had to accept whatever the future holds without trying to change the plan of Great Spirit. Little Swan agreed to do so and through her faith and acceptance was transformed into a state of grace and beauty. Sams says: “[Swan] ushers in a time of altered states of awareness and of development of your intuitive abilities.” It relates to our ability to see the future, but also to the act of surrendering to the power of Spirit, and accepting and trusting the healing and transformation available in our lives.

Yes — transformation, the theme of the hour, and of the era. As we enter the Epoch of Revolution of the Uranus-Pluto squares (2012-2015, but active right now), the Aquarius Full Moon is directly involved in this as well. The Full Moon occurs at 21 degrees Aquarius, which is close to the midpoint between Uranus and Pluto. Anything at that midpoint comes under the spotlight of the Uranus-Pluto theme, which is about crisis bringing about deeply necessary structural change. There happens to be a slow-moving minor planet right there, conjunct the Full Moon and right at the midpoint: Nessus.

Leda and the Swan, commonly attributed to Pontormo, 1512-1513. It hangs in the Uffizi Gallery, Florence, Italy.

Planet Waves has covered this planet a lot recently; it keeps showing up in charts of world events. Nessus has a very long orbit that crosses the orbits of Uranus, Neptune and occasionally Pluto. It’s like all of the outer planets wrapped in a bow. Nessus has a theme of the cycles of karma, or as author Melanie Reinhart puts it, ‘the buck stops here’. One other attribute of Nessus is ‘potentially inappropriate sexual conduct’, a theme that shows up in the Leda myth. Nessus is, on many levels, about responsibility coming home to roost. We can use the wisdom of Swan to navigate the entry into the powerful combination of Uranus, Nessus and Pluto, which will have effects well into the end of the current decade.

Another theme brought up by the mythology of Swan is that of the World Egg. Leda’s eggs are related to many older creation stories that involve an egg. Indeed all animals, even mammals, come from an egg. English scientist Charles Harvey expressed this as: Ex Ovo Omnia — everything from an egg. In mythology, birds are often related to deities because of their access to the upper air. Athena can exist in the form of an owl, Artemis is depicted with wings and so is Nike. Perhaps the story of Leda and the Swan relates to the union of the primordial elements of sky and water via a bird deity, in order to re-create the World. On this note, one wonders if Helen, with her beauty, could be seen as the first woman of a New Age.

This idea that the World is going through a re-birth is really what is at the heart of 2012. Mayan scholar John Major Jenkins sums up the message of the galactic alignment thus: “Cosmic Mother Gives Birth to The First God.” This is a natural consequence of the Expanding Universe theory. As the Universe, our World, and our Selves expand and grow we periodically come up against crystallized barriers to that growth. It is as if we are continuously pecking though our egg (ego) shells, growing into a new version of ourselves and then reaching the next shell to peck through. If you are feeling yourself coming up against barriers to growth, then perhaps as our friend Len Wallick put it recently, “it’s time to get peckin’ peeps!” But remember also to surrender your expectations of the future, like Swan, and accept the future unconditionally — so that you may be truly transformed.

— Additional research by Eric Francis

Note from Eric to All the Signs: We’re still offering the Mercury Retrograde Report (one of my favorite 12 sign reports ever; this one came in on a beam of light) and the Midyear Report also offers 12 signs of useful, in-depth astrology for one low price.

The Thunder Moon & the Hero’s Journey

Full Moon rising above Cape Sounion, Greece. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.


Editor’s Note: Gary Caton is a specialist in observational astrology — an earlier kind of navigation by the stars and planets that depends on what you can see. He will be doing our Full Moon article each month teaching this method, telling you about what is visible in the night sky. Anthony Ayiomamitis is our friend in Greece, and he is a photographer-astronomer who takes many photos near the ancient temples that dot the land of his country. I consider him an honorary astrologer. — efc

By Gary P. Caton

The Capricorn Full Moon is exact Friday, July 15 at 2:40 am EDT. One beautiful thing about the Full Moon is that more than most of the events astrologers write about, it’s almost always visible. Even if it’s not, Full Moon energy is so obvious that everyone who is vaguely sensitive, or who deals with the public, can feel its energy.

Traditionally, the Full Moon of July is sometimes called the Buck Moon or Hay Moon. This is because after the flowering of the Earth in May, and the subsequent growth spurt in June, it is now time for farmers to make the first cut of hay. When this is done, animals such as deer have much less hiding space and can be seen more readily in the open fields. A glimpse of a male or buck deer at this time of year shows a dramatic transformation as he has sprouted horns on his head much like fields have sprouted hay and grain — and their furry texture matches the color of wheat.

Another name for this month’s Full Moon is the Thunder Moon, because thunderstorms are most likely during the warm summer months. Visually, the most noticeable thing about this Full Moon is that it is at its lowest appearance in the sky all year.

Summer Triangle. From Wikipedia.

From the perspective of the Earth, the Sun and Moon are about the same size. They alternately illuminate day and night, and they form a dichotomous pair in other significant ways too. As the Sun reaches his highest appearance in the sky during summer, the Moon is making her lowest appearance and is closest to the horizon when full. Conversely, in wintertime when the Sun is low in the sky at noon, the Full Moon passes almost directly overhead.

So, while you will see the Sun rise more toward the northeast at this time of year, the Moon rises toward the southeast. At midnight she will be in the south, but only about halfway up in the sky between the horizon and zenith, which is the point directly overhead — that is to say, a little lower than you might expect. What you will see near midnight if you continue looking up, until you are gazing directly overhead towards the zenith, is a huge asterism called the Summer Triangle. An asterism is a combination of stars that form a pattern, but which is not designated a constellation; the Summer Triangle is composed of the three brightest stars of three different constellations. Because of its position in the night sky (during Northern Hemisphere summer) it’s one of the easier things to identify.

Just about directly above the Moon you will see Altair, the brightest star of Aquila the Eagle. Altair is the 12th brightest star in the sky, brighter than any of the ‘royal stars’ which used to mark the seasonal points in the sky. Further above and to the left or east is Deneb Adige of the constellation Cygnus the Swan. Deneb is the 20th brightest star in the sky and is actually one of the most remote stars visible to the naked eye from Earth. Above Altair and to the right or west (as you are facing south) is Vega of the Lyre. Vega is the 5th brightest star visible from Earth, and the 3rd brightest from mid-northern latitudes. With any distance at all from a major metropolitan center, you should be able to see and recognize the beautiful stars of the Summer Triangle shining above the Thunder Moon.

Altair, the bright star closest to the Moon, and its constellation Aquila are mythically associated with the eagle favored by Zeus, the God of Thunder. So we have another association with the thunder present here for this Full Moon. Altair is a star of boldness and action, not just for oneself but also for others. This brings up the larger theme of the Hero’s journey — a mythological telling of the path of self-development. Historically, the three bright stars of the Summer Triangle are mythically associated with the Stymphalian birds of the 6th labor of Heracles, who was one of the heroes of Hellenistic Greece. The labors of Heracles are a metaphor for all of the hard work we have to do in order to grow and evolve. It always seems like another massive growth project is on the way, and these are represented by the labors.

Harder than it looks: the Stymphalian birds were man-eating birds with beaks of bronze and sharp metallic feathers they could launch at their victims. Heracles was sent to take them out. From Wikipedia.

During summertime, the Summer Triangle appears in the east at nightfall, high overhead around midnight and in the west at dawn. Because the stars of the Summer Triangle are visible all night long on a summer night, some see the Summer Triangle as symbolic of a giant V (for Vacation!), with Altair marking the point of the V.

Certainly vacations are great and everybody should take one whenever they can, but there is another way to see a summer getaway, and the season of summer generally, which is framed more toward the processes of growth and self-actualization. Symbolically, Light translates to awareness. So in the summer, when the Sun is at its highest in the sky, the awareness of our urge to shine, lead, create and individuate (yang) is heightened. Conversely, the Moon is at her lowest at this time. So the need to receive, to be safe, to nurture and be nurtured and to change moods (yin), is relatively low. We can afford a little adventure because the Earth is so fertile now, nurturance is not an issue. You can sleep outside if you want or need to; even having shelter is not strictly necessary.

The Moon is your capacity to find safety and to nurture growth. The Moon refers to your past, your heritage, your habit patterns, and your comfort zones. So the sign and house of the Moon is an area of life where you are comfortable and return to for solace, healing and restoration (night-time/yin). The Moon appearing low in the sky is telling you that you can afford to relax your awareness of these issues at this time. Simultaneously she is pointing to a group of stars high above her which are about undertaking the Hero/ine’s journey.

Being willing to take this journey is the willingness to undergo the development of self-awareness and self-actualization. Self-awareness in astrology is most succinctly symbolized by the Sun, our closest star. So the Moon is basically delivering to us the same message as last month, though in a little different way. That message is to remember that you are a star and it is the time of year to live like a star. How do you do this? There are many ways to undertake the Hero/ine’s journey and live like a star, but perhaps the simplest and most practical is to BE-come your Sun sign. Followers of astrology are often given an idea that they are supposed to be like their Sun sign, but often it works the other way around: the Sun sign presents us with a kind of objective, and we can gradually develop into that as we live and grow.

The Sun symbolizes your capacity to self-actualize your potential through the Hero/ine’s journey. The Sun is present- and future-oriented, because you are engaged in the process of becoming. So your Sun sign and the house of your Sun (these are two different things; for the house of your Sun, you would need to cast your chart, with your correct birth time) represent an area of life you are actively exploring (daytime/yang) and in the process of developing and refining. Summertime and the Thunder Moon are calling you to let loose the reins and freely express your Sun sign in the journey to actualize all your best attributes.

Honey Moon: Make Life, Not Death

This is a photo of the Parthenon on the Acropolis in Athens, taken the night of a lunar eclipse. The photo is by Anthony Ayiomamitis, who meets up with the Moon all over Greece. He said he “almost did not go to his proposed shooting location that day. Also, this was probably the fourth attempt (at least) to get this shot just right.”

By Gary P. Caton

Traditionally, the Full Moon of June is sometimes called the Mead or Honey Moon. This is because after the flowering of the Earth in May, the hives are now full of honey at this time of the year. The honey can be fermented and made into mead, a kind of wine. Traditionally, mead was taken after wedding ceremonies, and weddings were often held in the month of June because it is the month sacred to Juno — goddess of marriage and sacred contracts. Thus we have the derivation of the term “honeymoon” to denote the period of blissful retreat or escape from normal duties following a new union. Of course, this would also have been a traditional time for making babies.

The stark lunar surface around the Eratosthenes and Copernicus craters. This photo was taken as the Apollo 17 astronauts orbited the moon in 1972. Image Credit: Apollo 17, NASA.

Astrologically, the most noticeable thing about this Full Moon, besides the fact that it is also a lunar eclipse, is that it is near the Galactic Center. Eric has done a great job of paying attention to this very sensitive and powerful point, which basically looks into the navel of the Milky Way. The technical terminology for this area of the sky is the intersection of the Galactic Equator, the imaginary line running through the length of the Milky Way, and the Ecliptic, the imaginary line that the Sun, Moon and all the planets move along. Intersections like this are a big deal in astrology, forming a kind of crossroads which have the potential for a lot more action than other quieter stretches of the celestial highways.

Another such intersection is where we find the lunar nodes. The lunar nodes represent the intersection points of the path of the Moon and the path of the Sun. This is why we have eclipses when there are lunations near the nodes, because the Sun and Moon are perfectly aligned in three dimensions. Currently the nodes are transiting through the signs of Gemini and Sagittarius, so the eclipses are happening when the Sun and Moon transit these signs together. This lunar eclipse is happening with the Moon near its own North Node, also known as the ascending node, meaning it’s where the Moon crosses the Sun’s path in an upward fashion. Think of this as something like when the Sun crosses the plane of the horizon at dawn — it represents a new beginning.

Another way to think of it is in terms of input/output. The lunar nodes have been called “the head and tail of the dragon,” for in myth eclipses were seen as the result of a demonic serpent swallowing the heavenly orb. The North Node represents the head of the dragon, and therefore something being taken in or ingested, as opposed to something being released or excreted at the South Node, or tail of the dragon. Thus, it is the nature of a North Node eclipse to bring something new into awareness.

When we put these two things together, the Galactic Center and a North Node lunar eclipse, what we basically have is two different kinds of intersections coming together. So this is like one of those huge intersections near a big city where you can go many different directions. We all know what that feels like. It can be confusing and stressful if you haven’t been there before or don’t know what to expect. The good news is that we have been here before and it wasn’t that long ago at all.

A color mosaic of Earth’s Moon created by the assembly of 18 images taken by the Galileo spacecraft imaging system. Galileo surveyed the moon on Dec. 7, 1992, while on its way to explore the Jupiter system in 1995-1997. Image Credit: NASA/JPL/USGS.

Remember the total lunar eclipse that happened near the previous solstice? Well that eclipse was basically the polar opposite of this one because it happened in opposition to the Galactic Center, in the last degree of Gemini. Then when Mercury crossed the degree opposite that eclipse, near the Galactic Center, we had the media circus around Ophiuchus. I’m sure everyone remembers that nonsense about your sign changing. To briefly re-cap the fundamentals: constellations are not signs. They are different systems entirely. The constellations move in the backdrop of the sky; the signs remain aligned with the Earth. Therefore, unless you have raptured and/or died and been instantly reincarnated, your sign cannot and will not change. These obvious facts were obfuscated in an attempt to generate a media frenzy. And it worked. There is a really powerful lesson in understanding why it worked so well. Basically it was an appeal to our anxiety around death.

If we look at the constellations surrounding this patch of sky near the Galactic Center, they are all about different forms of death: the archer is our power to deliver death, the scorpion is our powerlessness over death, the snake handler (Ophiuchus) is our power to transmute deadly energy, and Aquila the eagle represents the power to soar above and see beyond death. As I noted before, unless or until you literally die and are reincarnated, then your sign is not going to change (and even then, your sign and chart for this incarnation continue to work). So to suddenly up and tell people that their sign may have changed is just another way of saying you may be dying or the world may be coming to an end. I doubt that those who pulled off the hoax analyzed it this way. It’s sensationalism, pure and simple, but it works because it triggers the fears lurking in the darkest depths of our psyche. What happens when we die? No one knows for sure. It is an unanswerable question that we nonetheless desperately crave an answer for.

I believe the source of this craving is that deep inside we do indeed know the answer, but like children we simply aren’t confident enough to be with this knowing without having some external validation. And we are constantly confronted with the boogeyman in various forms to keep us from this knowing and in a place of fear where we can be manipulated. The truth is that from the earliest documented writings on clay tablets, every civilization which Western astrology comes from — the Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Greeks, Arabs and Romans — all share one simple idea: the stars and wandering planets are our links to the gods and immortality. If you accept the basic tenet of modern astrology, that your chart is a map of your psyche and/or your soul, then it takes only one small step further to understand the truth. We do not have stars, we are stars.

As Joni Mitchell reminded us in her song about Woodstock, we are quite literally made of stardust. All the heavy elements, including carbon, are created in the last gasp of a star’s life and then strewn across the Universe in a supernova explosion. Billy Corgan of Smashing Pumpkins wrote another great song about this on their last album, Zeitgeist. In the song Starz, he asks: “Born of love and cast in light, don’t you know we cannot die? We are stars. We are.” Corgan not surprisingly is into astrology. I saw on his Twitter feed that he knows he is triple mutable with Sun in Pisces, Moon in Gemini and ascendant in Virgo. One theme of the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) is endings and transitions. Right now here in the Northern Hemisphere, the spring quarter is about to end as the summer quarter begins. As we arrive at this great celestial crossroads, the question then is: What attitude toward endings do we bring with us? Do we view them as completions, which all contain the inevitable beginnings to follow?

What if, when confronted with death anxiety in any of its various forms, we responded not as timid sheep, easily manipulated, but rather as if we are stars? What if we understood the eternal nature of existence? What would that look like? Rather than clinging to the past and resisting or denying change, what if we dove into the cycle of existence, saying essentially: What’s the next adventure? What will I create myself into next? True, this involves making friends with the unknown; seeing the potential of the unknown. That’s a good thing to do because there is so darned much of it to go around. In this sense, the fear of letting go and of change translates to the fear of life and of existence, and embracing movement and curiosity about the future translates to diving into existence, and trusting it. If we could see that, then the choice would seem obvious.

Aries, Taurus, Gemini 2011 Birthday Reports Available

Dear Friend and Reader:

I’m happy to let you know that birthday readings (also called solar return charts) are available for Aries, Taurus and Gemini. These are approximately one-hour readings that cover the astrology of 2011 and into early 2012 in depth. These are entirely different readings from those you may have read in Light Bridge, but they build on some of the themes I introduced in the 2011 annual.

Then each sign gets a tarot reading, which gives an alternate take on the information, speaks a more intuitive language and provides a cross-check with the information that came out of the astrology. These are spiritually rich, practical, easy-to-grasp readings that offer the best of my astrology knowledge in a personal format.

Here are brief descriptions of the three signs:

ARIES — This is the first full solar year with Uranus in your birth sign. With this you have some amazing opportunities for personal reinvention, as well as special challenges in your relationships. You may be growing faster than the people around you; certainly you feel more restless and eager to meet the challenges of life. Also at the time of your birthday there was an astonishing alignment of planets in your sign. All of this speaks to unusual new potential — and a lot of energy. This reading offers suggestions for how to be in your relationships, whether personal or working, with all of this energy charging up in you like a battery. Purchasing information is here.

TAURUS — Jupiter has entered your sign and will be there through mid-2012. This is big news for Taurus, allowing you to broaden your perspective, providing many fresh ideas and opportunities. Jupiter is making contact with many planets, which gives you the ability to access those energies and bring them into your consciousness. The Taurus New Moon around your birthday was on fire, one of those events that spun the world on its finger. Between such a potent solar return chart and the presence of Jupiter, you have the ability to create anything you sincerely desire. This reading guides you to a depth of understanding of your potential, and offers suggestions for how to manifest it in reality. Purchasing information is here.

GEMINI — Eclipses have moved into the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, which is about you and the people close to you. Eclipses in your sign and opposite sign present special challenges, opportunities and the need for balance. This is an unusual time in your life wherein you can resolve old karma, let go of old patterns of thought, heal any inner divisions that have been slowing you down, and come into balance with those you love. An eclipse in your opposite sign, Sagittarius, allows you to let go of what some call ‘ego’ or personality baggage and be especially clear in your relationships, as well as in harmony with yourself. Purchasing information is here.

Each comes with a photograph of the tarot spread, using the Voyager Tarot by James Wanless. These tarot readings were one of the most popular features of the birthday audio series last year, and I love doing them — a rare opportunity for me to do tarot at Planet Waves. James, by the way, is a friend of Planet Waves and will soon be a guest on my podcast. He will be introducing his new deck — it’s called the “Sustain Yourself” deck and handbook. You can read about it on his homepage. In addition, in each of the birthday reports there are links to discounted offers for Light Bridge (the 2011 personal readings from Planet Waves, all 12 signs), as well as discounted links to last year’s solar return in case you missed that.

I trust that you will find this information helpful and useful. I recognize these are not personal readings, but I bring the best of my talent and communication ability to tell the story of your sign in a way that is personally relevant: a kind of mythical fiction that weaves a story I trust you will relate to and draw nourishment from.

Thank you for doing your metaphysical shopping at Planet Waves.


PS: Each report comes with a copy of Light Bridge: The 25-Year Span, an e-book collection of my favorite articles since 1987.