Tag Archives: Florence Higgins

Journey Through Space

Dear Friend and Reader:

Lots of astrology happens in March 2014, and that happens to be the month that includes my 50th birthday. It’s also my 20th anniversary as an astrologer. It was on my 30th birthday in 1994 that I walked into Esoterica Books in New Paltz and purchased my first astrological ephemeris, the book that tells you where to find the planets on any given day, making astrology possible.

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My mother Camille pregnant with me in March 1964, about a week before my birth. On the far left is my godfather and great grandfather Mario Cacciatore, then my father Joe Coppolino, and to the right, my aunt Joan Mazza. Not sure who took this photo, but it’s in my grandparents’ house in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn; probably my grandfather Jimmy (Vincent M.) Cacciatore.

In this edition of Planet Waves I want to tell you what led up to that moment and share some of what I’ve learned in those 20 years, but first an announcement.

At 7 pm on Saturday, March 8, I will be hosting an event called Journey Through Space, co-sponsored by Chronogram, at BSP in Uptown Kingston (323 Wall Street near North Front Street). This is my birthday event as well as my anniversary as an astrologer. We’ll have music by Blue O’Connell, my astrology teacher (and improv pianist) David Arner and the electronica ensemble Home Body.

I am planning this as an initiation ceremony in the fashion of a concert at my favorite music venue.

I’ll be playing my first gig as a guitarist, in a duet with David and then later in the evening with my music teacher Daniel Sternstein and the BSP house band (Dan Votke on bass and Mark Ferraro on drums). By some odd coincidence, all of my astrology teachers are not just musicians but composers as well, so I thought a musical event would bring that full circle, or more accurately, full ellipse. (The similarities between music and astrology are a fun discussion; you may be hearing more about that soon, especially on the Music Appreciation Hour program.)

I can barely believe I’m turning 50 (everyone must say that) but it feels even more unusual to look back on two decades as an astrologer. I do mean 20 solid years, plus an approximately seven year warm-up. Barely a day has gone by when I have not done some serious research, chart casting, reading or writing on some astrological topic. If I have missed any days at all, there have not been many. I have a restless, curious, relentless mind. Astrology is always interesting, always new, always offering something useful and alive.

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One day old, looking skeptical about being on the planet.

Early in my career as an astrologer, I became aware of Chiron, a planet discovered by astronomer Charles Kowal in 1977. It was the discovery of Chiron that helped guide astrology from its murky occultist days into the modern era as a healing art. Though many astrologers don’t use Chiron, all astrologers have felt its influence.

Chiron has a 50-year orbit, so when one turns 50, that is their Chiron return. When I was new to this work and its many challenges, both intellectual and human, I always kept a collection of people over 50 around me, that is, a number of Chiron return graduates.

I considered 50 to be one’s coming of age as a community elder, and over the years I have initiated many people into that status at the time of their Chiron return. Now by my own definition, I am about to become a community elder.

Mentorship is a primary theme of Chiron, as is conscious healing process, growing into self-awareness and the integration of diverse talents and gifts. When you think of Chiron, think “holistic” and “whole-system thinking.” Chiron is the point of integration; the junction where microcosm meets macrocosm, especially when it’s in Pisces.

I’ve taken two main approaches to astrology — the healing and personal growth angle, and an integration of astrology with writing about world events.

The spiritual and psychological dimension you’re familiar with in my horoscopes, and in my essays about relationships, therapy and ethical issues. Sometimes this involves the direct use of astrology; the rest of the time the discussion is informed by astrology, which is always working in the background.

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My desk in New Paltz, New York, during the PCB and dioxin investigation era, before taking up work as an astrologer. The cards from Monte Farber’s Karma Cards are the Sun in Cancer in the 11th house, a perfect reading of my journalism career. The guy peeking out is Peter Shipley, my old friend and fellow rabble-rouser.

I believe I’ve made a contribution to my field in this area of the work, especially in developing the use of newly discovered planets that tell the story of the human condition we face today.

However, I’ve gone a lot further with something else — the integration of the personal dimension with world events, and describing the spiritual implications of what we call the news. This has a long history.

When I got my first journalism job in January 1987, I was hired by a newspaper in central New Jersey called the Echoes-Sentinel. The editor, Florence Higgins, was an astrologer. I mentioned her last month — the lady who could shock the staff of all seven newspapers in the chain with rumors of Mercury retrograde.

The day I was hired, I was given the one available desk in the office, which had an astrology calendar hanging over it. This began for me what would become a permanent association between newspapers, news reporting and astrology.

The three writers at the paper would cover town boards, planning and zoning boards, land use and development. As we did that, all day long, we would be given updates by Flo about the condition of the planets. I would study the astrology calendar, trying to make some sense out of it. None of this got into print, but nobody left the Echoes-Sentinel without learning the basics of astrology.

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Self-portrait n Flagstaff, Arizona, spring 2007.

I was also studying A Course in Miracles during this time, which is advanced training in spiritual psychology and healing. Flo read my chart, sold me my first tarot deck and my first set of runes, and basically got me started on the path I am on now. Nearly all of this took place in a newspaper office.

For the next seven years, I learned journalism working as a reporter and editor. I covered American Medical Association conventions, federal agencies like ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms), liquor and beer marketing, education law, the nurse shortage and many facets of business reporting. My second boss at a pro journalism job, Joel Whitaker, had been on the editorial staff of The Wall Street Journal. From him I learned how to write a solid business story; one breakthrough moment was covering the acquisition of Tropicana by Seagrams.

In 1989 I came to New Paltz to do news reporting and poetry, and started a news service that covered the SUNY and CUNY systems and the goings-on in Albany that affected public higher education. All that time I continued with my spiritual and mystical studies, doing my best to reconcile these two seemingly different realities.

Then in late 1991, the PCB accident at SUNY New Paltz happened, and for the next three years I covered the cleanup and the cover-up, and expanded my investigation into Monsanto, Westinghouse and GE, the companies that created the mess. The Las Vegas Sun, the Village Voice, Sierra magazine, The Ecologist and many other magazines carried my articles. I developed a specialty in chlorine-based compounds and the history of PCBs and dioxins, and built a considerable portfolio covering scientific fraud.

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Astrologer in the house of politics: in the European Commission headquarters in Brussels, 2006, with presidential-level press credentials. In Europe, Planet Waves is recognized as an official press agency. Photo by the personal photographer traveling with the Aga Khan IV, a descendent of Mohammed treated as a head of state.

To sum up that message, at the time that I started studying astrology, I did not revere science as a god, nor as a valid religion. It’s not that I inherently distrusted any scientist; all I needed was a good answer to the question, “Where’s your data?” That question is the single most important tool anyone needs when confronted by a scientist with an opinion about something, especially if that something kinda sounds deadly.

At some point in this era, someone suggested that I check out the horoscope in The New York Post. I wish I knew who that was, so I can thank her. I am sure she lived in the Hudson Valley and may be reading.

So I started picking up the Post and reading the horoscope — and I was amazed, day after day, without exception. The writer, Patric Walker, clearly had unusual gifts for both astrology and for writing. His daily entries were maybe 50 words per sign, but he could convey with detail the nuances of my inner thoughts, my environment, and advised me how to handle them.

Patric demonstrated to me that astrology was real. After about two years I could not stand it anymore. I had to know how he created these readings. By any rational logic, what he was doing was impossible. There was no way he could be able to say the things he was saying with such impeccable relevance and wisdom, in a horoscope column. Yet he was actually doing it.

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With Paloma Todd, Paris, 2007. Photo by Dani Voirin.

On my birthday in 1994, I had my deposition taken by the state Attorney General’s trial division. I was in the process of suing SUNY New Paltz in federal court.

I am not sure what they were thinking when they declared me persona non grata for my reporting on their PCB and dioxin problem — maybe that I would suddenly abandon my search for truth and justice for the students who were defrauded into living in those dorms.

What they got was a federal summons and complaint, and a year of litigation that ended with an apology that my civil rights had been violated, and a significant cash payout to me — something that the state does not do. The lawsuit received national press coverage in The New York Times.

Still wearing my suit from the deposition, I walked into the bookstore with my then-girlfriend and collaborator Hilary Lanner-Smith, and bought the Rosicrucian Ephemeris of the 20th Century, purchased The New York Post and that evening started studying astrology. Yes, in the ancient astrology text known as The New York Post.

After my 20-year world tour covering astrology and teaching at conferences, teaching engagements at places like Omega Institute and mentorship with many noted astrologers, studying Patric Walker remains the single most valuable learning experience I’ve had as an astrology student. And I got that information from a tabloid newspaper, for twenty-five cents a day.

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New Paltz, New York, 2007, back to working on the PCB story with a few horoscopes mixed in. Photo by Dani Voirin.

One year later I began writing the Planet Waves horoscope. When I took up astrology, still deeply immersed in my environmental reporting, I did so consciously bringing in a world-wise ethos. I was accustomed to documenting the veracity of my words with thick binders full of research. I put that same depth of inquiry into astrology, digging into its history, tradition and modern practice.

I used my journalistic skill of seeking out knowledgeable people and put that to work, making contact with those who I considered to be the brightest astrologers in the world.

As for my writing, astrology gave me the chance to be personal; to relate to people about human concerns in a very basic way. I learned the most important thing of all from Patric Walker: speak to one reader, not to a group of them. To write a meaningful horoscope, use the same tone as a letter to a trusted friend. It was exactly this kind of personal contact I was looking for when I changed tracks from investigative reporting to astrology.

Almost immediately, I began applying astrology to world events — that is, the charts of news events, people in the news and trends of all kinds — particularly social trends and the cycles of history.

This has been done before, but I have often found it confusing, too technical and lacking in a compelling narrative. So, I set out to tell a relevant story that anyone could understand. I am not sure I succeeded (the first use of the word “conjunction” can scare some people away) but I have done my best.

Planet Waves

Integrating astrology into the news provides several benefits, the main one being context. Astrology allows one to see the connections between events, and to follow a contemporary event along a story-arc into the past and the future.

Using astrology, no single incident stands alone; it’s connected to everything and everyone around it. Astrology reveals the web of life, and the karma that underlies situations. If you know where to look, astrology points to how we can personally take action.

I consider this a model for how to make the news relevant to people, and a new approach to community-based journalism. What we think of as the news has a really serious problem: it’s alienating and usually irrelevant. I challenge you to read any newspaper article in something like The Wall Street Journal, or watch cable news for an hour, and tell he how most of what you read or see is actually meaningful.

Interconnection and context allow the inclusion of the reader into the scenario, whether it be an understanding of the emotional impact, of the cultural changes implied by a development or how an individual can adapt to the opportunities and the demands of the present moment.

Looking at the charts for spring 2014, I think that news astrology is going to have its moment. There is going to be a lot of news — and a lot of astrology lurking underneath it. The process begins to take shape with the Mars retrograde that starts on March 1 (Mars chose the first day of its own month to station retrograde). And it comes to a peak in late April with a grand cross and a potent solar eclipse a few days later. Look for coverage of that in the April Chronogram and check in with Chronogram’s 8-Day Week or PlanetWaves.net for immediate updates.

And if you happen to be in the neighborhood or feel like making the trip, I look forward to meeting you at 7 pm on Saturday, March 8, at BSP in Kingston.


Section Writing and Editing Credits: News items below are written and edited by a team consisting of Hillary Conary, Anne Craig, Eric Francis, Elizabeth Michaud, Amanda Painter, Susan Starr, Chad Woodward and Carol van Strum. Coordinating Editor: Elizabeth Michaud. Page assembled and coded by Anatoly Ryzhenko. Special thanks to the Fact Checkers List, which goes over each edition on Thursday night — and to our main astrology fact-checker Alex Miller, and Amanda, who goes over all their suggestions. Our editions are also proofread and fact-checked by Jessica Keet.


Planet Waves

Pisces Sun: Encountering Neptune at the Zodiac’s Headwaters

The Sun ingressed Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, on Tuesday. As a water sign, Pisces is the delta that refuses no river or stream, and is the spiritual headwaters of the psyche, from which all creative potential flows.

Neptune, the modern ruler of Pisces, is a long-term visitor in its home sign. Neptune is providing a fresh inflow of watery energy into Pisces.

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Sun and Neptune; Pine Point, Maine. Photo by Amanda Painter.

The Sun will make a conjunction to Neptune this Sunday at 1:11 pm EST, though we’re definitely feeling its effect now. This pairing can feel emotionally and psychically sensitive, wide open and creative. It can also express itself in darker ways as depressive, or given to denial or overindulgence.

With strong Neptune events — and this is one of the most influential — it’s necessary to stay alert and watch for less-than-wholesome influences.

This strong Pisces influence may heighten your sense of empathy or influence you to become more concerned with the welfare of others than with your own. The world could use more of that. If your work focuses on helping others, Sun-Neptune will strengthen this ability.

But for anyone who is already very sensitive — especially psychically — and who struggles with being wide open to the energy, emotion and unspoken agendas of others, Sun-Neptune might feel overwhelming. Being highly intuitive and empathic can be exhausting, especially if your inner/subconscious boundaries are not strong (Neptune tends to dissolve things like boundaries, hence the increase in psychic sensitivity).

If you’re in that boat, consider taking some time for yourself this weekend to meditate or simply gather yourself away from social overstimulation. The urge to escape will be stronger for everyone — including escaping into things like movies, daydreams, fantasy (sexual or otherwise) and artistic play. Neptune rules alcohol and drugs, too, and our culture happens to prize those forms of escape more highly than, say, meditation.

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From top: retrograde Mercury and Nessus in Aquarius; Sun conjunct Neptune, plus Chiron and Juno in Pisces. See glyph legend here.

There’s a real potential to overdo mind-altering substances this weekend; notice whether you’re trying to numb yourself. There are other ways to handle feeling sensitive or ‘too open’ (such as a mini-retreat out in nature), but they’re not as socially popular as getting blitzed. It can take a little gumption to break from the crowd.

Finally, pay attention to your inner honesty meter. Neptune’s negative incarnations include delusion, denial and dishonesty. When the Sun, representing our consciousness, interacts with Neptune (especially via conjunction), sorting out illusions from logic gets challenging. We tend to be more impressionable and subject to both our own wishful thinking and self-delusion, and to that of others.

With Mercury still retrograde for another week, you’ll want to track your thoughts carefully. Notice when you stray from verifiable facts into the realm of wishes or fears. Let daydreams fuel your next screenplay or painting, not your obsessions.

By Amanda Painter and Eric Francis


Planet Waves

Ukraine Government Backs Down from Attacks on Protesters

For several weeks there have been escalating, violent protests in Ukraine. By Thursday night, some estimates said that up to 75 people had been killed — though the number keeps rising and is impossible to calculate accurately. Government forces cracked down on protesters who have been pressuring political leaders to shift Ukraine’s allegiance from Moscow to the European Union.

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During mellower times, anti-government protesters hung out by a campfire in Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square), where most of the bloodshed has taken place. Photo by AP.

Images of Kiev in flames have been dominating U.S. news reports every night, which is unsettling for everyone — especially the people in the pictures. I think that any time protests abroad are plastered across the U.S. media, it’s a message with an intentional shock effect, and stirs up fear of civil unrest in the U.S. They also seem to be covering over what’s going on down in Venezuela — we will have coverage of that soon, unfortunately not today.

The current wave of protests goes back to November, and of course Ukraine has been in chaos many times in the past 20 years. But November 2013 stands out as the midpoint of the Uranus-Pluto square — the revolutionary aspect of our time in history. There are countless manifestations of this aspect, though some of the more memorable include the Occupy movement, Arab spring, the protests in Madison, WI and an obvious state of unrest that is in the air these days.

November was the fourth of seven events between 2012 and 2015, and also the one exact contact of Uranus and Pluto using heliocentric astrology (that is, a chart cast with the Sun at the center rather than the Earth). So this is a kind of global tipping point. If you want some background on the Uranus-Pluto square, read my recent article about The Beatles.

The Uranus-Pluto square seems to manifest in waves, popping up in different parts of the world at different times and in different ways. Sometimes it feels like the different locales become proxies for what is a global struggle. Currently this is being fought in the streets of Kiev, Caracas and Bangkok.

But here is the thing to remember: whatever it may represent in the outer world, it’s really about all of us going through some deep inner changes. Astrology starts inside human beings and extends into the world. That is why it can be associated with such profound personal changes and with global changes at the same time.

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Riot police officers take cover behind shields during clashes with pro-European protesters in Kiev, on Jan. 22. Photo by Maks Levin.

In Ukraine, a temporary truce between the government and the protesters fell apart Thursday during the day. Then Thursday night as Russian figure skater Adelina Sotnikova took the gold medal, the Ukrainian parliament, called the Verkhovna Rada, adopted a law that banned military action against the protesters.

Even before president Victor Yanukovych signed it Friday, police were seen backing off from their positions in Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square), where most of the bloodshed has taken place.

Yanukovych, who has taken the pro-Moscow side in this fight, agreed to stop using lethal violence against the protesters, and also agreed to early elections and a reduction in presidential powers. But Moscow has declined to endorse the accord, and many protesters will not back down until the fantastically corrupt Yanukovych is out of power.

Yesterday, several Planet Waves reporters dug into the issue for hours on end, trying to make some sense out of what’s going on. The story kept changing every 15 minutes, and going back further and deeper into European history. In essence, Ukraine gets described as one country when it’s really several smaller ones. The split is mainly along an east-west divide, with the east speaking Russian and being more loyal to Moscow, and the west speaking Ukrainian and being more loyal to the rest of Europe.

Meanwhile, complicating matters was a leaked phone call between two top U.S. diplomats that seems to indicate the United States is expressing sympathy for the protesters but then manipulating the situation behind the scenes. It’s not clear who bugged the call or who released it, but in the age of the NSA, it’s not shocking that it got out. The intent of leaking the call was to embarrass U.S. operators working behind the scenes.

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Boys, you don’t have to fight like this! A woman addresses Ukrainian Interior Ministry troops who formed a battle line during the clashes. Photo by Gleb Garanich for Reuters via Al Jazeera.

American politicians such as Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and Sen. Christopher Murphy (D-CT) have visited Ukraine to show they stand with the people, but the leaked phone call indicates that diplomats are trying to plot carefully who gets into power, and to get the U.N involved. This gets extremely complicated; you can read about it here.

Now, in investigating the astrology, we went through a number of charts — including two for Ukraine, and then a turning-point moment in its history, the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. All of the charts have one common thread: they have major points aligned with the Uranus-Pluto grand cross that happens in April. There really is enough here to write a juicy book chapter, but the bottom line is that when all of the major charts for a country take a simultaneous shock, you will get a result. In fact it takes far less.

Let’s take a quick look at the chart for the act of Parliament last night. We have good timing on this from our Ukraine bureau (our web developer, Anatoly, lives near Kiev). In reading a chart like this, the first thing you check is the rising sign and surrounding degrees, the planet that rules the ascendant, the 7th house (the western horizon) and the condition of the Moon.

The chart has Mars rising. You might not expect to see that in a chart about making peace, but this at least is Mars in Libra. Mars is especially influential because it’s rising; it’s in detriment in Libra, which is supposed to be a debility or weakening factor, but which can also make Mars stand out; and it’s about to station retrograde. In sum, this is no ordinary Mars. It does not seem very aggressive. It also does not seem very stable, but it’s holding steady.

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Chart for final vote of Ukrainian parliament Thursday night, unilaterally withdrawing military force against protesters. The measure was signed by Victor Yanukovych on Friday. Notice that Mars is rising in the east, on the left side of the chart. One shaky point in the scenario is the Sun, which rules the 10th and thus the government, about to make a conjunction to Neptune. Somebody, as in everybody high up, is not telling the truth.

As for Venus, which rules the Libra ascendant — that we find in Capricorn, in direct motion, about to make a square to Eris. This argues that the whole thing could come unraveled. Or it might just feel that way. Eris can be a chaotic or destabilizing influence. It happens to be prominent in the charts for Chernobyl in 1986 and Ukraine’s independence in 1991 — right in line with the Uranus-Pluto square as it develops.

Now as for the Moon: this is the potentially encouraging part of the chart. We find that in early Scorpio. When checking the Moon, check the very next aspects and then the last aspect that it makes in its current sign. That story goes: Moon trine Jupiter in Cancer; Moon trine Chiron in Pisces; Moon conjunct Saturn in Scorpio — lots of water sign energy here.

This chart looks like people are getting sick of fighting and want some mellower times. But really, to me it looks like this is all getting to be too damned expensive to persist. Saturn is in Scorpio and the 2nd house. There is no better way to say “cheap” than that. But none of this is cheap — it’s costing lives, money, time, fragile alliances are at stake, and while war is good for those associated with the war racket, it’s not good for any other business.

Even if this situation begins to ratchet down, it will be on the brink of flaring back up again for the next two years at least. Meanwhile, I thought it was encouraging to see Parliament act, to see the president back down a little, to see the paramilitary police backing away from protesters and hey — Putin feels a little better now that 17-year-old Adelina Sotnikova took the gold in women’s figure skating in a surprise upset for Russia.

— Tons of additional research by Hillary Connary-Ghee, Elizabeth Michaud and Amanda Painter, with reporting by Anatoly Ryzhenko in Ukraine.


Planet Waves

Monsanto Watch Feature Going To its Own List

For fans of Monsanto Watch (our obsessive coverage of Monsanto) and those concerned with GMOs and food safety, we will be putting this feature onto its own list, which will be distributed each Friday afternoon. Here is a link to opt-in for that list.

We will also include on this list news about nuclear power, Fukushima and other environmental concerns. Occasionally these items will appear in the member edition but we thought it would be a good idea to give them their own home. You may share this subscribe link with anyone you want.

Readers who want to take part in science and environment coverage can join our assiduous team. If you’re interested, please send us an email here.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Detail from the right-hand panel of Hieronymus Bosch’s medieval acid-trip of a painting The Garden of Earthly Delights, clearly showing musical notation on a naked, damned derriere.

Sun, Neptune, Pisces… and Butt Music

The Sun’s ingress to Pisces and conjunction to Neptune is energizing our creative juices, especially in the realms of music, fantasy and eroticism. So it should not surprise you that some Butt Music from Hell is taking the Interwebs by storm.

You may be familiar with The Garden of Earthly Delights, a triptych painting created sometime around 1500 by the famous medieval artist Hieronymus Bosch. Held in the Museo del Prado in Madrid, Spain, this Early Netherlandish work is notable for its intricately surreal depictions of Adam and Eve in the left panel, damnation in the right panel, and a fantastical panorama of nude humans, curious creatures and hybrid objects in the center panel.

But have you ever noticed the Butt Music and wondered what it might sound like?

A blogger named Amelia, a music and information systems double major at Oklahoma Christian University, noticed one night with her friend Luke the musical notes Bosch had painted on one particular posterior in Hell, and decided to try her hand at transcribing and recording it based on what she knows of Gregorian-era chant. Inspired by Amelia, the blogger at wellmanicuredman.com worked out a full choral arrangement with improvised lyrics (you can hear both versions here) — and Amelia is working with her college’s music department to improve the accuracy of the transcription.

The two recordings might not seem like the perfect soundtrack for a hot night of art making or a quiet meditation retreat, but then chances are you won’t be spending your weekend lying beneath a giant lute, either — unless, of course, you get into some of the more mind-altering pursuits associated with Neptune.


Planet Waves

Sun in Pisces and ‘What is a Transit?’

The Sun entered Pisces Tuesday, and I offer my comments on what that is about. Then I respond to a reader inquiry: What is a Pluto transit? In order to answer that I have to break down the differences between natal planets and transiting ones. Then I put the two together, using the chart of a reader named Claire. My musical guest is Shana Flana, a local psychedelic rocker. For additional resources and the chart, please see the full post.
Planet Waves

Have you ordered your 2014 readings by Eric Francis yet? The Mars Effect (our 16th annual edition!) has just published, and includes in-depth audio and written readings for your Sun, Moon and rising signs. We always receive a flood of positive feedback for these readings, and it shows just how meaningful they are. One customer wrote, “Every minute of Eric’s reading is worth gold.” We’re offering you a special package price of $79 for all twelve signs, available only to current Planet Waves members. Or you may purchase individual signs for $29.95.


Why You Absolutely Want to Take a Class with Geoffrey Cornelius

When I was first studying astrology, someone recommended that I read a book called The Moment of Astrology by Geoffrey Cornelius. It’s a book about horary astrology (pronounced hor-erry), the astrology you do when a client asks you a specific question.

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Geoffrey Cornelius.

It’s usually based on the chart for the time that the astrologer becomes aware of the issue. It’s a weird form of astrology because it’s not based on the ‘birth’ of anything, or anything much happening; it’s the intersection of thought with the cosmos, and then, by some miracle, the chart that’s produced can often be read following a set of guidelines that are more strict than the rules of baseball, but which point to some useful information.

Geoffrey sought to explain horary as the exception that proves the rule — that is, as the basis of all astrology. In doing so, he wrote a book that debunked the pseudoscientists who would debunk astrology as pseudoscience. He unravels the ideas of people who would try to prove astrology’s validity with science. Along the way, he did a fine job of showing the weaknesses in the scientific method. The only thing that survives his analysis is astrology itself, though he makes it clear why most astrologers don’t understand what they do or why it works.

He demonstrates that astrology is a divinatory system that works at the intersection of time, space, symbols, consciousness and some spiritual force that’s not quite possible to define. You get chapters like “When the Wrong Chart Works” (a study in the two birth times of Diana, Princess of Wales) and a reading of a random chart stuck in with an article attacking astrology that’s not supposed to mean anything — but it reads as legibly as a clear photograph.

This is not just one of my favorite astrology books; it’s one of my favorite books that I’ve ever read, as in ever, standing up to The Second Sex, Dubliners, The Grapes of Wrath and even The Lord of the Rings. When I open up this book and start reading, my response is always, holy shit, I cannot believe anyone has written something this good.

As far as astrology is concerned, I consider Geoff Cornelius the smartest guy in the room. (He didn’t quite get why I had to walk up to him and spontaneously hug him when I met him at UAC 2008, but now I think he does.)

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Jonah Kelly Francis uses the Moment of Astrology as a pillow.

And I am completely thrilled that I will get to spend a few days in his class at Nightlight Astrology in New York City from March 28-30, an awesome, donation-based astrology school where I teach. The class will be held at the ARE Edgar Cayce Center in Manhattan (241 W. 30th St). Planet Waves is a co-sponsor of the event, mostly in the form of my telling my readers about it, which I plan to do a few more times. And I get to introduce Geoff to the class as a kind of warmup act. I will try to stay mostly calm.

If you care about astrology or have the vaguest aspiration to being an astrologer, or if you’re curious about the nature of reality, get to this class. Pull together the $250 tuition (sliding scale, cheaper if you need), go through your contacts and find someplace to stay in New York City (or Nightlight Astrology will help you connect), clear your calendar and show up with your notebook.

Then March 31-April 4, there is an astrology, yoga and herbalism retreat with Geoff and Maggie Hyde in the hills of upstate New York (in West Fulton, about 90 minutes from Kingston). This will be a mellower, more diverse presentation, in-residence for a few days. That is also covered on the Nightlight event page about Geoff coming to the U.S.

I am looking forward to seeing you there.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

Your extended monthly horoscopes for March are published below in this issue. We published your extended monthly horoscopes for February on Friday, Jan. 24. Moonshine horoscopes for the Aquarius New Moon published Tuesday, Jan. 28. We published Moonshine horoscopes for the Leo Full Moon Tuesday, Feb. 11. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2014, #988 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You seem to be holding onto a lot of energy that you absolutely must express. I don’t mean a modest amount of energy; I mean on a volcanic scale. Energy always finds a way into manifestation. Given what you’re working with you must take up the power of directing it in a constructive way. That’s not a given, and there are no guarantees. The closest you can come is a commitment to yourself to be aware from moment to moment where you focus your mind, particularly in your intimate relationships. You may need some time away from a partner, or space to experiment in entirely new ways. Any relationship is likely to either feel the stress or come along for the journey, though I suggest you not try to push or drag anyone into what is inherently about you alone. If you value the relationship, be honest about what you’re experiencing and negotiate the space you need. At the heart of the matter seems to be an experiment in emotional independence for the purpose of exploring and experiencing life in ways you may have long dreamed of. This will not be a predictable process, and once you admit that it’s happening, you will be on a journey with a life of its own. Or rather, a journey of discovering, perhaps once again, that you have a life of your own.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may feel like you’re trying to fit your ideas about yourself through a tiny opening — as if it’s impossible to have enough context to make a real decision about who you are or what you want. The tight space you’re going through will help you prioritize and focus. Think of what you’re doing as making micro-decisions, and consider any choice or adjustment a microcosm of the whole. It’s not merely that small choices add up to larger direction. Rather, each stems from a larger idea of what you want. There is tremendous power contained in reckoning these details and seeing their relationship to who you are. It’s easy to think that our lives hinge on the huge decisions we make. Yet even the most monumental changes of direction require many small adjustments to make them real. Therefore, you can think of each little observation or maneuver as an affirmation of who you are and what you want. This can involve the details of what you eat, how you spend money, how you spend your time (especially that) and where you invest your emotional energy. Your charts suggest you’re at a major crossroads that may not come across as such. You may have no specific validation — yet. Therefore, live well and live consciously, and trust that you’re coming around one of the most significant turns in many years.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Situations that were puzzling or seemed impossible will start to make more sense — in direct proportion to how weird they seemed before. In particular the last few days of February into the first few days of March may have that sensation of walking on the ceiling, playing music backwards looking for the secret messages or waking up being able to perform magic tricks that you don’t remember learning. Or, alternately, if you find yourself in a crunch point where you feel like you have no clue how to handle yourself, pay attention to how quickly your environment is changing. Then, adapt from moment to moment. That’s your specialty anyway, but usually you do this in autopilot mode. The challenge of the moment is doing everything manually, taking each breath consciously, and noticing the unusual openings that may come in the most mundane transactions. Many of those will be interior. The adventure of Mars retrograde in your 5th house makes possible a creative and sexual self-discovery experience like nothing you’ve ever felt. Your ability to experience life from both sides of the coin, your curiosity about the dynamics of desire and power, and a rare moment when you will allow yourself to say anything, well, it will all add up to a bold few months — as bold as you want. In fact, you may open doors that you’ll never want to close.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — With all the activity now unfolding in Aries and Libra, you may feel like your life is hanging in the balance. Yet you have plenty of influence over which way things go, you are protected by forces that may seem too large to see, and best of all, you are opening up to the people close to you. One theme that stands out in your charts is making peace with women, and if you are a woman, you may include making peace with yourself. There appears to be a trust issue that has been pushed beyond the point where you can ignore it, or live peacefully with the question unresolved. Part of this involves trusting yourself. Part is about trusting people to be transparent about their agendas and true to their own values. Bear in mind that the chaos and confusion so many people are in is not of their own making. It was imposed on them. Yet as a person comes of age and attains both adult power and responsibility, the option to step out of that pain and turbulence opens up. If your life is in the balance, it’s over the question of whether you can admit your deepest truth to yourself. That is, you may cycle through a diversity of desires, ideas and feelings which may at times seem to conflict. Actually each is a different facet of the same truth of who you are.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Your most intimate relationships are in transition, which means you’re being called upon to be especially flexible and resilient. One particular idea comes under the microscope — that of ‘the perfect marriage’. I believe there is such a thing, indeed I have evidence that there is. The perfection comes not from the static quality of the relationship but rather from its ability to grow, to change and to transform with the people involved. There must be a mutual commitment to healing; mutual respect for each person’s physical and psychic integrity. With that includes recognition of free choice in all matters, especially relating to the partnership itself. I recognize this violates most of the commonplace definitions and concepts of marriage, which seem to be focused around rigid concepts and presumption of ownership. That model is not going to survive the onslaught of the 21st century, and your life is too full and too rich to be constrained by any factor not of your choosing. Here is the challenge: when established structures change, there needs to be a new set of ideas and guidelines to replace them. Those are best if driven by what the people involved agree to as their bottom-line, most essential values. Any relationship between two people will either be based on a dominant-submissive model, or based on consensus. Consensus is based on mutual values. That is the starting point and that is the destination.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You must focus on the question of what is real and what is not. This will not be as obvious as it seems. I suggest you not assume you have this one right, no matter how confident you feel. Indeed I suggest you not assume anything, and make careful note of the facts of the situation. Opinions can be deceiving, and it’s essential to recognize them when you experience them. Facts are statements that can be documented and proven true or false. They are not about an emotional rationale or persuasive feeling; whether a fact stands up comes down to the data that supports it, preferably collected over time. The first area of your life to go over carefully is your relationships with loved ones, friends and partners. Do you have any outstanding commitments to them? Is there anything that got lost in the shuffle of the past couple of busy months? Is there anything you need to clear up? If you have made yourself invisible or have gone below the radar, if you’ve left facts out of the story or are avoiding anyone, now is the time to engage with them in a meaningful way. As you do this review, I suggest you consider the way in which your self-esteem may be influencing you. Consider how you act toward others when you’re feeling good about yourself and when you’re not. Your observations may surprise you.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Mars is about to station retrograde in your sign. That spans from March 1 to May 19. The retrograde process actually reaches back to early December, when Mars first entered Libra. So if you notice any shifts, changes or shakeups in the coming week or two, take the story back to late last year. The theme of this retrograde is profound self-discovery, though it may seem at first that others are the forum for what you learn, and you are the forum for their learning. That will work for a while, as you explore your inner dynamics within the context of a relationship. Yet as the retrograde progresses, you may feel the need to have certain experiences on your own. The forces involved are too powerful to cling to anyone or anything. If you feel a need, desire or obligation to maintain a connection or commitment, make sure you proceed in a way that is open and honest, and most of all, that works for you. If your personal needs require you to shift the pattern of relating, do so in a way that preserves trust and your options in the future. Said another way, you can live your life without burning your bridges — something you would come to regret. Your emotional involvement with someone may be intricate and delicate, and that calls for special handling, high awareness and always — always — remembering who you are.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Fear is a fact of life on Earth, the planet of eat or be eaten. How you handle your fear is not a given; you have many options. How you exercise them will make a difference. Let’s start with the basics: fear is a form of energy and it points to a deeper energy source. If you treat it that way, and seek understanding of what is not immediately obvious, you will learn that fear does not need to be debilitating, and that in fact it can be empowering. The first thing to do is let your fear speak. Get the message of what it’s saying. Translate it into terms that are clear, and that lend themselves to decisions. You’re likely to feel the most panicky when you feel like you lack the power to choose. Therefore, information that leads to a state where you can make decisions is what you want and need to have. Indeed, we could call this the theme of the entire Mars retrograde. This is a set of transits intimately linked to you because both of your ruling planets — Mars and Pluto — are so directly involved. When this fully takes shape in late April, you are likely to feel some serious pressure to make progress on many things you have set aside or left for the future. The thing to remember is to get the information you need in order to make an informed decision, and then another.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Don’t worry if you think people don’t like you, or if you’re having some difficulty managing your social relationships. I suggest you take the events of the next few months as an extended opportunity to learn where you really stand with people, and also to learn how to build your overall standing in the community. I don’t mean your popularity — I mean real things like trust, dependability, loyalty and the willingness to stand up for what you believe in, even if it’s going to piss off some people. Though you have it in you to be the supreme diplomat, you are also a Sagittarius, and your sign is equipped with a sharp edge. Still, it may be necessary to err on the side of asserting yourself. Do that firmly, directly and with understatement. Be a keen observer for passive-aggressive tendencies in yourself or in others. The ‘passive’ part is just a ruse for the ‘aggressive’ part, so get underneath that if necessary and suss out the source of that energy. Meanwhile, any relationship or encounter can lead to contact with anyone. That’s a good incentive to say friendly things about people, and a reminder that in your life, the usual seven degrees of separation between you and any other person is about to be reduced to one or two degrees of separation. The world is small, and it’s getting smaller.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You will be summoned to leadership in the coming months, perhaps immediately. Events and your own desire for integrity and achievement will give you the opportunity to exceed your current abilities and expectations of yourself. What you must be cautious of is any moment when you’re doing something that cannot be reversed. This could be applied to many different situations, but I really mean decisions from which there is no going back. Despite that, you will need to be bold, and I suggest you assert that by listening to people you respect and taking what they say under advisement. That does not mean ‘take all advice’, it means consider what people say. This is basic politics and it’s also common sense. Speaking of politics — know who your allies are, and put them to work for you. Seek their assistance, and make sure they know how much you appreciate their contribution. Leadership is not all about the leader — it’s all about the people who surround and interrelate with that person. You want one or two people who are not afraid to disagree with you, assuming you have determined they are intelligent and respectful. When life is coming at you from all corners, make sure you have those corners covered. At the same time, you will command respect by standing on your own and never shrinking from a decision.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — There are those moments when you’re sure it’s the dark night of the soul — when you have no sense of direction, and when you doubt whether you have the strength to go on. But lately, you are experiencing these junctures as something more like a nearly impossible alchemy of transformation. This process goes as deep into you as anything ever has. No matter how challenging your inner life may seem (speaking of the next three months or so), or how isolated you may feel from time to time, you have a truly amazing phase of your life approaching when you can change everything by changing yourself. Or rather, you will be given all you need to make deep inner changes, which will manifest in your seemingly outer life. You may feel like you’re making only slow progress on your journey to self-knowledge and personal healing. Yet with these things, what you have is less important than what you do with them. If you use the self-knowledge you have gained, you will inevitably build on it. If you trust the process of your healing and allow that commitment to guide you in all of the decisions you make, you will advance your healing dependably. As you move through this territory, I have one suggestion. Be bold, and keep no secrets from others. Then be even more daring and keep no secrets from yourself.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — This monthly column marks my 20th anniversary as an astrologer and my 50th anniversary being on the planet. I’m happy to have made it half a century, though I am equally grateful to have devoted two decades of my life to daily study of, writing about and teaching astrology. I’m especially grateful to be a Pisces astrologer, because to me that means I have an understanding of all the rivers (that is, the signs) that flow into the ocean. The Sun is now in Pisces, and is making conjunctions to Neptune and Chiron in our birth sign. That means the waters are flowing freely at the moment, and it happens to be the season of your birthday. This setup means that you have equal access to intellect and intuition; to creativity and healing ability; to your expressive gift and your ability to receive and to listen. Make sure you put all these factors consciously into the mix of your life. Don’t leave anything out. You know you’re on a mission, and I suggest you give this everything you have, and make sure you collect the rewards of your efforts as you go. You are the specialist at long-range planning and deferred gratification. I suggest you adjust that slightly, focus on bringing what you’ve worked on forever to fruition, allow it to feed you and continue to learn whatever you can from anyone who is successful.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.



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An Expert’s Guide to Mercury Retrograde

Dear Friend and Reader:

Three or four times a year, everyone who knows something about astrology goes through a ritual called Mercury retrograde. Everyone who doesn’t know about astrology gets to have the experience, not sure what it is though perhaps suspecting that something weird is going on.

Planet Waves
The Path of My Soul. Illustration by Nina Gabriel.

We are now approaching the first of four Mercury retrogrades spanning between early February 2014 and early February 2015. The upcoming retrograde begins Feb. 6 with Mercury in Pisces and ends on Feb. 28 with Mercury in Aquarius. What I call the echo phase and what other astrologers call the shadow phase began Jan. 22. The after-retrograde echo phase begins when Mercury stations direct and runs through March 20.

Typically the retrograde itself lasts three weeks, but the whole process — wherein Mercury is dancing around approximately the same 15 degrees of the zodiac, lasts for two months. Hence, while Mercury is retrograde just 19% of the time, the retrograde effect can be felt about half the time. It’s the most concentrated around the days when Mercury changes direction. These are called the stationary points, or stations retrograde and direct.

Associated with lost keys, late or lost payments, disk drive failures and communication mishaps, Mercury retrograde does not have a very good reputation. Yet some people love it — if you’re the creative type, or if you have a slightly tweaky mind, if you like the feeling of swimming against the current, you might be one of the people who looks forward to Mercury retrograde happening. If you’re very sensitive to it for whatever reason, you might take a more cautious approach. Other people seem impervious to it, like it’s not even happening or has no effects. By now you probably know where you stand with this.

Every Mercury retrograde has its own unique pattern, and little clusters of three retrograde events tend to have similar themes as well. Each will influence your personal chart in a distinctive way. In 2014, all of the retrogrades start early in water signs, then track back into air signs. That describes scenarios of having some kind of emotional or aesthetic response (the water sign) that is then understood or analyzed (the air sign).

Planet Waves
Mind, Body and Soul. Illustration by Nina Gabriel.

Thanks to the Internet, more people than ever know about Mercury retrograde. The idea is now lodged in popular consciousness as what’s likely the most familiar technical astrological concept. I just searched Google and got 405,000 results for Mercury retrograde (with the term in quotation marks).

Personally, I didn’t hear about it online. In my first journalism job, I worked for The Echoes-Sentinel, a gritty weekly newspaper in New Jersey. Flo Higgins, my first editor as a professional writer, happened to be an astrologer. She was about 65 years old, with long white hair and a fiery point of view, who had probably read the chart of everyone for 100 miles around.

The paper was part of a newspaper chain, the Recorder Publishing Co. Nobody believed in astrology, but we knew better when it came to Mercury retrograde.

Flo could, and regularly did, terrify the entire company with this one, sending the vibrations throughout the central New Jersey countryside, even getting the stunned attention of nerdy newspaper reporters trained not to believe anything. Nothing ever got into print, of course. The newspapers were too serious for astrology.

Mercury retrograde meant everything was about to go wrong. Flo was so convincing that even Jim, who ran the production facility and could take apart and reassemble a printing press blindfolded, had a paragraph taped to his office door, copied from Debbi Kempton-Smith’s infamous Secret’s From a Stargazer’s Notebook, warning everyone who visited:

Don’t Sign, Don’t Buy: Mercury is Retrograde.

This was my introduction to astrology. That was the first paragraph of an astrology book I ever read. Soon, newcomers to Echoland took it for granted that the Full Moon had something to do with how the mayor was acting, and when the production facility smelled like electrical smoke, it was clearly because Mercury was retrograde.

“Don’t sign, don’t buy” is the usual advice for the retrograde of Mercury. I’ll explain in a moment why that makes sense. It’s also associated with things getting lost, electronic devices going wonky, and being dissatisfied with what you purchase. Communication often comes under strain when Mercury is retrograde. For someone with a scientific or logical mind, the question is: what do all these things have in common?

Planet Waves
Birds of Paradise. Illustration by Nina Gabriel.

Yet there are more humanistic approaches to the topic. “While delays and misunderstandings do seem to happen, I’ve noticed a magical trend — that people and ideas return, for integration, resolution and more,” writes Molly Hall on About.com.

People returning to our lives out of the mists of time is one potential effect of any inner planet retrograde, one of their more mysterious qualities.

But what is this event really about? And how might it work?

Let’s start with Mercury, the planet. This fleeting little world, the one closest to the Sun, is associated with the mind, with ideas and with communication. Mercury is the messenger of the gods, and also the trickster. It’s associated with, as in it’s the traditional ruler of, Gemini and Virgo, two mutable signs (mentally oriented, flexible, a bit nervous). Both of those signs have signs opposite them that are ruled by Jupiter (Sagittarius and Pisces).

In modern astrology, Mercury picks up many of its ancient associations — for example, the messenger function translates to mail and telegraph. It’s associated with communication of all kinds, communication devices, computing devices, commerce and the flow of money (rather than acquiring wealth — that seems to be more about Mars). Surrounded as we are by all of these devices, and nonstop messaging, and by financial instruments (such as debit cards) that are morphed with communication devices (such as the World Wide Web), we have given Mercury a lot of power in our lives.

Hence, Mercury retrograde is probably more powerful in our lives than it ever was. We swim in an ocean of things ruled by Mercury. Our consciousness is fully immersed in them; in many ways so is our identity. With the advent of handheld devices that go on the Internet, this seems to transcend economic barriers now more than ever.

In English the word mercurial means “sprightly, volatile, quick,” associated with the speed with which the planet Mercury moves, and how fast and how frequently it seems to change directions (that is the retrograde). It can have a sharp wit and seem smarter than you — Bob Dylan has been described as mercurial and he’s also a Gemini, one sign that Mercury rules.

Planet Waves

Mercury is the Roman incarnation of the Greek god Hermes, and these figures show up throughout Western mythology.

In Norse mythology, he gets the role as presiding officer of the gods rather than as messenger — though of course that supposed role as messenger is a disguise for a much more significant function.

In Egyptian mythology he is the mighty Thoth, who was nobody’s messenger, or fool; he was responsible for the development of writing and science, maintaining the state of the universe and assisting with the judgment of the dead. Picking up on the ambivalence theme, Thoth was a mediator between good and evil, making sure that neither had a decisive victory in an ongoing struggle that continues to this day.

There’s also an association to the element mercury, or quicksilver, the only metal that is a liquid at room temperature. Mercury’s androgynous and liquid quality hints at a certain ambivalence. The old astrology books describe the planet’s nature as neither male nor female. Between metrosexuality and the LGBTQ movement, we have some clues that gender roles and relationships are coming under the increasing influence of Mercury.

It’s interesting that mercury the metal is a persistent environmental contaminant, and one that is known to interact with and disrupt the normal action of sex hormones. The element mercury is known to artificially induce androgyny.

Iron, Not Quicksilver: From Astronomy to Psychology

Mercury retrograde happens when the planet Mercury passes between the Earth and the Sun. Because Mercury’s orbit is about 84 days, this happens three times a year. While the retrogrades typically last about 22 days, there is a margin on either side of two to three weeks where the influences can be felt.

Mercury is not made of mercury. It has a huge core with a very high density, leading astronomers to believe that it’s made mostly of iron. In fact Mercury is believed to have the highest iron content of any planet in the Solar System.

Planet Waves
Over the Rainbow. Illustration by Nina Gabriel.

This is all another way of saying Mercury retrograde means a huge magnet passes between the Earth and the Sun, making its closest pass to our planet at the same time. This may explain why devices act weird, but I think that it also helps explain why the mind gets wonky, such as the tendency to lose things, or to perceive problems as being worse than they are — the nervous system runs on electricity. The mind is a device that is, at least on the physical plane, rooted in electricity and magnetism.

In my view, the effects of the retrograde are evenly distributed between a perceptual event and one in the world outside the mind. The combined interaction is powerful, the more so for not being easily discernible as a reality or as an effect of the mind. A purely mental phenomenon seems to be associated with a Mercury retrograde effect, so notice how your mind is handling problems or puzzles when they arrive. I have observed that the approach to a problem really does suggest whether and how that problem will be solved.

With the space remaining I will pass along, in summary form, some of what I have learned about Mercury retrograde. I don’t mean what I have learned from books — I mean what I have observed tracking, experimenting with and doing consulting about every Mercury retrograde since 1994, and some going back to 1987.

I agree with “don’t sign, don’t buy.” That is, when you can avoid doing so. I have experimented with making purchases during or near Mercury retrogrades. Most of the time it turns out I don’t need or don’t use what I purchased. Sometimes it does not work, works strangely or does not do what I intended it to do. So I divide my life into times when I buy things and times when I

I will usually (as in 99% of the time) make major purchases only with Mercury direct and out of echo phase. There are rare exceptions, but not so many. If you buy something during a retrograde, try not to be too attached to it, or expect a break-in period, while you work out the bugs. Sometimes things work out just fine. Really, most things can wait a week or two or three. If they cannot wait, be extra conscious of all the factors involved in the sale, don’t rush the process, keep your paperwork and make sure there is a good return policy. Choose carefully and get a good one, whatever it is.

Planet Waves
The Way of Mother Nature. Illustration by Nina Gabriel.

As for contracts, it’s not always possible to determine when you sign your lease or make the deposit, but I have been known to make landlords wait for weeks before even leaving a deposit. (Hi Stefan!)

Plan ahead and use what flexibility you have. It’s worth finagling this to your advantage when you can. The operative events are the first payment and the signature on the contract.

The problem if you sign with Mercury retrograde, or about to retrograde, is that something is likely to reverse itself — an elementary illustration of what it could mean that Mercury changes directions. Or, you will learn something you wish you had known sooner. Which leads to my second point.

There are legitimate questions of what to do when you have a house closing scheduled for during Mercury retrograde, if you have to start a new job, or you get the bug to have that new car. I plan to write more about this; there are some basic approaches that can be applied, one of which is to understand exactly what is in the contract or commitment and not make any promise that you cannot keep.

If the situation involves significant amounts of money, a real commitment or the potential for a real inconvenience, it might be a good idea to talk to an astrologer who truly knows what they are doing with Mercury retrograde. [I can usually handle this kind of consultation in-and-out much of the year.]

The truth comes out when Mercury stations, either retrograde or direct. Mercury has a way of shaking out information, especially right as it stations. You can count on this. If you’re working on a mystery, or a riddle, or an investigation, or research, or trying to solve any mental puzzle, keep it going till the next Mercury station retrograde. Just to be sure, wait for the second batch of information just as Mercury stations direct. This is one reason you want to wait before signing or buying.

If an item of communication is missed, don’t assume you’re being ignored. Many people shoot off one email and expect a reply. With spam filters, busy people processing hundreds of emails a day and odd errors like emails not arriving, it’s better to give people the benefit of the doubt. Give people a day or two to respond, and if they don’t, send over a friendly one-liner to the effect of, “Hey I emailed you, just want to make sure you saw it.”

Planet Waves
The Music of My Soul. Illustration by Nina Gabriel.

If communication gets dicey, pick up the phone. We are getting better at communicating online, but still, it can be difficult to relay feelings or basic concepts, especially with Mercury retrograde. The moment things get weird, such as if there is a misunderstanding, pick up the phone and clarify — before things get out of control or real misunderstandings happen. It’s better not to conduct arguments by email. It has all the sensitivity of sniper fire. Err on the side of being human.

Resolve the past, plan the future. I have found that the best use for Mercury retrograde is to tidy up what you’ve left unresolved in the past. Clean your desk, organize your stuff, contact old friends, go through your email and see if you missed anything important. While you’re at it, collect your ideas and figure out what you’re going to do next. Plot and scheme. Use the various qualities of the retrograde to refine your plan over time, then plan a launch sometime after the station direct.

If it may not be broke — don’t fix it so fast. One phenomenon I’ve noticed during Mercury retrograde is that things seem broken or like they are malfunctioning but are not really. Or, the problem is one thing but you think it’s another. Or, the problem is not as bad as you think. Therefore, before tearing everything apart, or spending a lot of money, or sending anything back to the factory, troubleshoot carefully and try simple solutions. Break out pure logic and apply that as a tool. Look for temporary workarounds and see if the issue resolves on its own. I’m suggesting you avoid solving a problem that doesn’t exist, or worse, making a bigger problem than you thought you had.

Always remember that Mercury is the trickster.

That means he, she or it can be tricky, and you need to use your mind — not have your mind be tricked. Mercury is a kind of a game. Be a good sportsman and keep your sense of humor.


About the Artist: Nina Gabriel is an artist, poet and writer working from her home-based studio in Los Angeles, CA. She says: “To produce art is the most satisfying experience for me and the results of my work I would like to share with as many people as possible thus spreading my spirit far and wide. It is my sincere wish that my art and poetry bring peace, happiness and joy to anyone that appreciates it. I also hope that it will bring forth many positive feelings such as love, faith, confidence and truly all the good that life has to offer.” Visit her blog here.

Section Writing and Editing Credits: News items below are written and edited by a team consisting of Hillary Conary, Anne Craig, Eric Francis, Elizabeth Michaud, Amanda Painter, Susan Starr, Chad Woodward and Carol van Strum. Page assembled and coded by Anatoly Ryzhenko. Special thanks to the Fact Checkers List, which goes over each edition on Thursday night — and to our main astrology fact-checker Alex Miller, and Amanda, who goes over all their suggestions. Our editions are also proofread and fact-checked by Jessica Keet.


Planet Waves

Inner Planet Retrogrades, One After the Next

We’re approaching the end of Venus retrograde in Capricorn, which happens in one week, on Jan. 31. Venus stationed retrograde just shortly after the southern solstice on Dec. 21, beginning the first Venus retrograde exclusively in Capricorn since the winter of 1802-1803.

Planet Waves
Mercury looks over his home planet. Image from Crystalinks.

Venus will move about one more degree retrograde from where it is today, coming about one degree from Pluto in Capricorn. Venus stations at 13 degrees and 33 minutes — a degree position that will remain sensitive for a while.

Thirteen-plus Capricorn and the themes of the Venus retrograde will come into focus as Pluto moves into that spot over the next few weeks, where it will be for the exact grand cross of April 23. This gives Venus an honorary seat at the table for that event, kind of like Elijah at a Passover seder.

No sooner does Venus station direct than Mercury stations retrograde in Pisces Feb. 6, which will last through Feb. 28. Then the next day, Mars stations retrograde in Libra.

This close sequence of inner planet retrogrades will call for careful planning, having contingency plans for important projects, being mindful of communication in relationships, and careful focus on financial matters.

The Sun is in Aquarius

Meanwhile, the Sun is now in Aquarius, the sign of groups. The smallest group is that of two people, which is challenging because we are a society that believes in ‘majority rules’. In a couple it’s easy to have a split vote. Therefore, some form of consensus needs to be used, which emerges as a theme of the coming week.

The potential to clarify and heal some relationship issues is coming to the fore this weekend, and a simultaneous aspect may grant either the mental stamina to make real progress, or else the pitfall of stuck thinking. The astrology involves asteroid Juno (emotional needs, jealousy, desire for justice) conjoining centaur Chiron (awareness, individuality, healing) in Pisces.

This happens at the same time Mercury in Aquarius squares Saturn in Scorpio. Both aspects are exact Saturday. So we get a potentially complex emotional situation at the same time there is a stressful aspect influencing communications.

Planet Waves
Chart for Juno conjunct Chiron, concurrent with Mercury square Saturn. Notice that the Moon is conjunct Saturn, which could add the feeling of emotional complexity to a situation that is already seeking the level ground of trust. Remember, trust is emotional, not mental.

Juno conjoining Chiron in Pisces suggests a possible rebellion in marriage — perhaps stepping out of your past relationship patterns and the emotional patterns that ground them.

It might also manifest as a healing crisis in the realm of the vision you hold for your intimate partnerships. If so, it might be that you’re recognizing that the old ideas you were given about relationships and marriage, starting from Cinderella forward, are no longer relevant to your existence.

In any kind of interpersonal relating, it’s one thing to hold out a creative, positive vision toward which to aspire. It’s another thing to proceed as if that vision is your current reality, if doing so ignores the ways in which one is still clinging to outmoded or self-sabotaging behavior models and tactics. Those attachments to what is not working anymore need to be seen and addressed in tangible ways.

The asteroid Pallas in Virgo is in the equation; it’s currently opposite Juno-Chiron, representing a kind of standoff. Pallas speaks to the strategy angle of the equation. Pallas is political in nature, and could represent taking a legalistic or warrior approach when such is unnecessary. Don’t overthink your situation, and be careful who you deem an adversary; what you want is a dialog that includes a balance of thought and feeling, and gently working through any obstructions you may encounter.

Mercury square Saturn, which occurs on Saturday in the midst of these aspects, speaks to the theme of trust, particularly trusting oneself. If you reach a block of some kind (an impasse, a mental obstruction, a sense of being emotionally jammed, or a block to communication), pause and take up the question of trust. You can only trust someone else when you trust yourself. That is the place to start.

It’s not possible to have a relationship that is actually loving, without actual trust. I don’t know how this gets left out of the talk about the birds and the bees, but it’s never too late to figure out.

— Eric Francis, with additional writing by Amanda Painter.


Planet Waves

No More Uncle Sugar to the Rescue

Mike Huckabee unofficially announced his presidential candidacy yesterday when he revived the reproductive rights issue in a speech before the Republican National Committee’s winter meeting.

In his speech, at the “Lunch with Mike Huckabee” event, he described women desperately seeking out their next birth control fix, wanting the government subsidies given to them by “Uncle Sugar” Democrats.

Planet Waves
Planets from left to right are: Chiron, Juno, Nessus, Venus, Pluto, Ceres, the Moon and Pallas Athene. Not shown is Taurus rising.

Here’s what would-be Pres. Huckabee said to his fellow Republicans, in a meeting that was open to the press, revealing just how much he knows about birth control and women’s reproduction. Get ready.

“Our party stands for the recognition of the equality of women and the capacity of women,” Huckabee told his audience at the Republican National Committee’s winter meeting in downtown Washington. “That’s not a war on them. It’s a war for them. And if the Democrats want to insult the women of America by making them believe that they are helpless without Uncle Sugar coming in and providing for them a prescription each month for birth control, because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government, then so be it.”

No, The Onion did not write that. It almost seems like they did. It’s just as funny. But I don’t think the humor was intentional — unless there is a subversive on the speech writing team. Which is starting to seem like a possibility.

Not like there is anything else important happening in the world, for example Fukushima leaking plutonium into the Pacific, inflation rivaling the Lira, the planet heating up despite a chilly winter, genetically modified corn leaping out of your cereal bowl, chemical spills, ‘bomb train’ wrecks and political corruption from the ground to the top floor? No worries about wars and famine and the oil running out? No mention of banksters and Wall Street? Why bother with those criminals when you can go after women?

Huckabee’s presentation was scheduled for 12:30 pm Thursday. A few minutes ago, I gave up chasing employees of the Renaissance Hotel (where the presentation happened) to get the time he started, and went with the stated time. It’s a very interesting chart. Here is the relevant portion.

Note that the ascendant is in Taurus, 27+ rising. Centaur Nessus, which often reveals the theme of sexual and emotional abuse, is exactly square the ascendant (which is the horizon). Nessus is directly overhead when the event starts. Making matters more interesting, the Moon, significator for all things feminine, is conjunct Ceres, the planet of mothers and daughters, and it’s exactly trine Nessus.

Planet Waves
Video image of Huckabee’s remarks. Full video here. Sorry about the 30-second advertisement. Whatever it is, you don’t need it.

So the combination is Taurus rising, Moon, Ceres and Nessus — all aligned to within one degree. It looks like this chart was cast by an astrologer for a good fee. Said another way, it reveals the Republicans’ disdain for women and total lack of empathy for the female human condition on the planet.

He simply does not get it. I am loathe to deny consciousness, but if he does get it, who is this message supposed to reach, except for a bunch of men who also don’t get it? Or a bunch of women jealous that some other woman might want to use birth control (i.e., be sexually active)?

The presence of Nessus is evidence of intent — and a hint that this is going to come back to him, as events involving Nessus almost always do.

There is one other aspect pattern in the chart — the Juno-Chiron-Pallas pattern mentioned above in the SKY section. Pallas, which addresses politics, is inserting itself into the deeply personal Juno-Chiron conjunction — intimate matters of relationship and marriage. Also in the same pattern is Venus, which rules the chart, about to station direct close to Pluto.

Do most women get it? Almost. This chart says: not all the way. It still seems like legitimate political discourse. Over time, and not much time, that seems poised to take a step in public consciousness. One last political note: the political argument against birth control is that Griswold v. Connecticut, the Supreme Court decision that guarantees the right to contraception, is the precedent for Roe v. Wade, the decision that guarantees the right to abortion on demand.

There is a political strategy at work here.


Planet Waves

As I Live and Breathe: Water Vapor Detected on Ceres

Scientists have observed Ceres, the largest asteroid (classified as a dwarf planet), giving off puffs of water vapor every once in a while — conveniently giving the Dawn spacecraft another item to study when it stops by Ceres next year around this time.

Planet Waves
Ceres is almost round like Earth, suggesting it may have a rocky inner core, a thick water-ice mantle, and a thin, dusty outer crust. Image: NASA/ESA/A. Feild (STScI).

Although the amount of water vapor being released is very small, it hangs around just long enough to create a modest atmosphere around Ceres — but only part of the time. Seems perfectly fitting for the planet named after the goddess of agriculture (among other things), in whose mythology we find the creation of the seasons.

The presence of water on Ceres has been suspected since 1978, when certain observations combined with the planet’s strikingly round size suggested that an icy exterior formed after the core softened and separated into layers eons ago.

According to Sky and Telescope, the team at the European Space Agency’s Herschel observatory, led by Michael Küppers, hypothesizes two possible mechanisms explaining the watery exhalations:
“The interior of Ceres could still be warm enough to drive a little bit of water outward through deep fractures. Or maybe the surface occasionally warms enough for a little ice to sublimate and escape, carrying away loose dust and exposing fresh material.”

Dawn will have two different instruments at its disposal when it reaches Ceres, fresh from studying the asteroid Vesta. The goddesses should be pleased.


Planet Waves

Dirty Deeds: This Week in Corruption

While the far right wrings its collective hands over marriage equality and marijuana legalization, examples abound that an aspect of morality some may consider a bit more, uh, fundamental is being routinely ignored — that pesky bit about greed and hypocrisy. Profiteers are hoping we’ll all keep paying attention to Justin Bieber’s latest misstep while they quietly line their pockets. Here, for your outrage and entertainment, are some of this week’s examples:

As the Midwestern and Northeastern parts of the United States struggle through the roughest winter in recent memory, you might think it good news that propane production is at an historic high — even though the increase is partly a byproduct of fracking for natural gas, at least people will be able to keep warm inexpensively, right?

Planet Waves
Video still from The Daily Show gets the point across, with a nod to the movies — but you just can’t make up some of this stuff.

Nope. Home users are struggling with short supplies and record high prices, largely because oil companies can make more exporting to other countries. Gotta love that Invisible Hand of the Free Market, especially when it’s pulling the blankets off you on a frigid night.

But systemic corruption is not just an American illness, or even just a capitalist problem. The Guardian reports this week that Chinese fat cats are equally busy plundering the populace and stashing the proceeds in offshore accounts. Meanwhile, 300 million Chinese survive on less than two dollars a day.

Systems, of course, are built and used by individuals. Cases of individual corruption tend to look stupid and mean-spirited in the light of day, as witness the indictment of Virginia’s former First Couple, Bob and Maureen McDonnell. The McDonnells are accused of promoting iffy health products peddled by a good buddy who happened to give them a lot of fancy presents.

At stake for ‘regular folk’ would be a million-dollar fine and decades of lost freedom — unlikely here. Although the indictment may sink McDonnell’s chances for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination, as Dana Liebelson and Tim Murphy point out in Mother Jones, “If recent history is an indication, he’ll probably get a reality show.”

To end on a slightly lighter, or at least more ridiculous, note, Toronto’s conservo-fabulous and insanely libertine (how do you even be that?) Mayor Rob Ford slipped and fell back into the headlines this week. He was caught on video ranting drunkenly about his troubles; seems it’s everyone else’s fault. His reality show got canceled after the first episode this fall. Shocked?

And that, dear friends, is how they operate.


Planet Waves

Time Takes Its Toll at Fukushima and Beyond

Fukushima Daiichi is not the only nuclear power plant dealing with problems. In addition to a new leak discovered at Fukushima, two operating plants in the U.S. have announced issues with faulty equipment in the past week.

News of a water leak in Unit 3 at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has surfaced, less than a month after the plant’s operator (TEPCO) reported steam seen rising from the same building. Unit 3 experienced a total core meltdown of used fuel containing plutonium.

Planet Waves
Radioactive waste will last a lot longer than the nuclear plants that produce it, as depicted in this viral image.

Highly radioactive water has been seen pouring into a drain inside of the Unit 3 building on the first floor of the destroyed reactor, the utility said. The water flow was recorded by a camera installed on a remote-controlled robot that was being used to clean up rubble from the damaged reactor building on Saturday. The water is flowing toward the basement, where there is already a large accumulation of radioactive water.

video of the water flow was released by TEPCO and posted on its website. As of Tuesday, the company released a statement stating that it thinks the water flow has reduced, and has posted an updated video.

In the U.S., two nuclear power plants are now dealing with their own problems. The Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant in Wake County, North Carolina, went offline last Saturday morning when smoke was detected coming from a transformer that powered the turbine. Duke Energy Progress, the operating company, said in press reports that no flames were seen and there was no threat to public safety.

This same plant was shut down twice last year by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the federal agency that oversees nuclear power. It was shut down once in May due to signs of corrosion, and then again last month because of a crack in the containment vessel that is supposed to hold in radiation.

Monday, the Perry Nuclear Power Plant in Ohio, alongside Lake Erie, reported that radioactive material had been found in the water from a leaking steam pipe. The plant says tritium was detected in a groundwater monitoring station, and they are working on repairing the leak.

This is the second leak of radioactive steam from this plant since the first was discovered in June 2013. FirstEnergy Corporation, the plant’s operator, says that none of the contaminated water ever left the plant and, of course, there was never any risk to the public.

Equipment malfunctions will continue to be a problem for the nuclear industry as power plants deteriorate with age. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the average age of nuclear reactors is 33 years. A study done by the University of Munich reports that half of the 104 nuclear plants in the U.S. have been operating for more than 30 years.

As we know that radiation dispersed by nuclear power plants has deleterious effects on all biological life forms, it may be taking its toll equally on the buildings that keep its contaminants at bay. As old and outdated nuclear power plant facilities approach their decommissioning phase, a whole new set of risks and challenges emerge, proving just how dangerous and unsustainable nuclear power truly is.

‘Bomb Trains’: Crude Oil Transportation a Deadly Roulette Game

In the wake of the most recent major derailment of a train carrying oil from the Bakken shale, the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board and its Canadian equivalent have issued a joint call for stronger safety standards.

Planet Waves
A firefighter walks past a burning train on July 6, 2013, in Lac-Mégantic, Quebec, where most of downtown was incinerated. Philly got lucky. Photo: Mathieu Belanger/Reuters.

The latest derailment occurred at 1:00 am on Jan. 20 in Philadelphia. A 101-car CSX train was crossing the Schuylkill Arsenal Bridge when seven cars derailed, six of them loaded with crude oil. The bridge crosses both a river and a heavily trafficked expressway and runs through a densely populated area with two university campuses and a children’s hospital.

No one was injured and no oil was spilled — this time. But the same cannot be said of other recent derailments involving what crews have taken to calling “bomb trains.” A December 2013 derailment near Casselton, North Dakota, caused an explosion and intense fires. A 20-car derailment in early November sent flames shooting 300 feet into the sky over rural western Alabama. And what happens when derailed cars explode in populated areas was made horribly clear last July, when a derailment in Lac Megantic, Quebec, killed 47 people and destroyed 30 buildings.

Even without immediate fatalities, spills are environmentally devastating. Bakken crude is loaded with volatile toxic chemicals, and the railroad industry plans to start handling it like toxic waste. Meanwhile, early data indicates there were 400,000 rail cars full of the stuff rolling in 2013 and 137 “releases,” compared to just one in 2009.

The railway industry estimates that retrofitting the problematic DOT-111 freight cars often used for crude will take about 10 years. New safety requirements are expected to be published sometime next year.


Planet Waves

Improved GMO Detection Test Released; Anti-GMO Law Challenged

By combining two existing tests for GMO identification, a Chinese research team has developed a comprehensive test that they claim is 97% accurate for “known commercialized modification” of crops developed up to 2012. They claim this test is twice as accurate as any other, and that it is expandable to include future genetic modification.

Planet Waves
Kauai resident Monica Arnett protests controversial GMO bill in front of County Building. Photo: Leo Azambuja.

Welcome news to farmers owning conventional fields, who face the constant menace of crop contamination from windborne GMO seeds landing them in legal and economic difficulty, through no fault of their own and without much recourse.

“Despite strict regulations, unauthorized GMOs have been occasionally released into the market. There is thus an urgent need for high-capacity monitoring of GMOs,” wrote the research team, led by Li-Tao Yang from Jiao Tong University, China.

Meanwhile, in Hawaii, the residents of Kauai might be wishing for this method of “high-capacity monitoring” to prove their points in court. Dupont, Syngenta and Agrigentics Inc. have filed a federal lawsuit, claiming that the island of Kauai’s anti-GMO law is unconstitutional. The three companies collectively lease 11,500 acres on Kauai for test farms and research facilities. They grow a mix of biotech seed crops, including corn, soybeans, canola and rice.

The anti-GMO law requires large agricultural companies to disclose pesticide use, report genetically engineered crops, and create buffer zones between pesticide-sprayed fields and public areas like schools, hospitals and homes. Planet Waves last reported on the bill on Oct. 11, 2013; it was subsequently passed in November and is set to take effect in August.

Councilman Gary Hooser, who co-introduced the bill, said the lawsuit is an attempt to bully the residents of Kauai and maintain secrecy around what pesticides they are using.

“These companies do not want our county to set a precedent that other communities are going to follow,” he said.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Video still from “Limitless,” showing the mural “Open season” by Fintan Magee in Brisbane, Australia.


What do Mercury in Aquarius and graffiti art have in common? For one thing, both have to do with the eruption of some new, sudden expression of individuality in the midst of what has become solid, concrete and seemingly unchanging; yet those unexpected outbursts of thought and communication themselves crystallize into permanence as the paint dries. At least, until the next street artist comes along with a new idea and some fresh spray cans.

In “Limitless,” a time-lapse video shot and cut by Selina Miles and produced as part of a film series by spraypaint-maker Ironlak, four graffiti artists (going by the handles Sofles, Fintan Magee, Treas and Quench) are let loose in a massive, abandoned warehouse with astonishing amounts of paint.

Mercury may slow down as it nears its retrograde and direct stations, but the rest of the time it’s moving in fast-forward — just like this video, brought to you by the oh-so-Aquarian Internet.


Planet Waves

The Mars Effect: Audio Previews and Featured Articles

This week’s broadcast of Planet Waves FM features an audio overview of the entire the Mars Effect project, in addition to previews of individual signs. Please give it a listen — especially if you have never purchased one of my annuals; the richness indicated in the previews is only the tip of the iceberg compared to the full readings. By the way, the featured articles in The Mars Effect, which have been written by about a dozen colleagues of mine on various themes related to the upcoming Mars retrograde in Libra, are free to anyone to read. Please check them out and let us know what you think.



Planet Waves

Have you ordered your 2014 readings by Eric Francis yet? The Mars Effect (our 16th annual edition!) has just published, and includes in-depth audio and written readings for your Sun, Moon and rising signs. We always receive a flood of positive feedback for these readings, and it shows just how meaningful they are. One customer wrote, “Every minute of Eric’s reading is worth gold.” We’re offering you a special package price of $79 for all twelve signs, available only to current Planet Waves members. Or you may purchase individual signs for $29.95.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

Your extended monthly horoscopes for February are published below in this issue. We published your extended monthly horoscopes for January  on Friday, Jan. 3. The Moonshine horoscopes for the Capricorn New Moon were published Tuesday, Dec. 31. We published Moonshine horoscopes for the Cancer Full Moon Tuesday, Jan. 14. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space usually publishes the following Tuesday.


Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes for February 2014, #984 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Give partners and loved ones extra time and wiggle room to hesitate. Give them extra space to be self-centered. While you’re at it, give yourself that space as well; once you figure out you need these things, you’ll be more understanding of why others do as well. Over the next few weeks, you will gain a better understanding of where both you and partners are coming from. Remember that a partner or loved one’s lack of confidence may be associated with a memory that long predates your association. People will often allow their own past impressions to influence or even dictate what happens in a present-time situation. Ideally we would not do this, however, it’s more likely that the first step is learning to notice when it’s happening. This is the theme of the year for you — to know and understand the nature of projection, perhaps the most common psychological phenomenon. Projection is when you see something about yourself existing exclusively outside of yourself. As a clever writer recently pointed out, projection can only happen in the dark. So the first step is to gradually turn up the lights so you can see what is happening. The second step is to keep asking yourself what belongs to you and what belongs to someone else, and not to be satisfied with an answer till you have several points of documentation.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Venus will soon complete a rare retrograde (nothing of its kind has happened since 1803), which has taught you many things about the social conditioning that helped shape your character. One theme is the extent to which people who influenced you as a child were serving their own interests but tried to make it seem like they were doing you a favor. While this helped make you into the gritty and self-reliant person that you are, it’s taken a cost — and you seem determined to reclaim what you’ve given up. When the retrograde ends on Jan. 31, you may be left with the feeling that you’ve come close to some profound truth but could not break through to the core idea. The barrier between how far you’ve gone and what you actually want to possess is thin enough to push your hand through. It may not look that way, but it will feel that way if you use your tactile senses. In practical terms, when you encounter a belief about yourself or about the world, notice how you feel. Anything involving guilt can be considered suspect. Same for obligation you feel that does not have something productive in it for everyone, or where you come out on the short end of the deal. Question any form of any equation that includes, “You should dislike yourself because…”

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Current aspects may have you rethinking a career or business plan. That’s actually a great idea. You seem to have a good idea, though what you need to do is balance your idealistic concept of what is possible against a diversity of practical concerns. Give yourself time for this — you seem to be involved in a thought process that will take about six weeks. My first question is not ‘is this thing too idealistic’ but rather, are you reaching for what you know would be the very best goal? However, before you get there, I suggest you strip your plan down to its most basic elements — what you want and why, what you need and why, what you want to accomplish. Consider how you manage your reputation. To what extent is your strategy defensive (laying low, protecting your supposed image) and to what extent is your strategy proactive (carefully cultivating the reputation you want, and deserve, for what you’ve accomplished)? Gradually, your logical mind will take over, and I suggest you run all your ideas through this particular mental filter. Keep reducing your idea till you’ve arrived at the bare essence, and understand every element of your plan or idea. Then toward the end of the month, you’re likely to rethink it yet again, only this time with greater clarity. At that point you will find the missing piece, the creative gem, the love in the dream.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — I suggest you concern yourself less about how you are perceived by others and use that energy to focus on the substance of your goals. We live in a time when appearances are dangerously overtaking reality, and when glamour as a metric is prevailing over the quality of someone’s character. You could say this has been going on since the first motion picture was released, yet in truth it’s something that is happening from moment to moment. You continually get the choice which to feed, appearance or reality. Meanwhile, in a similar vein, you seem ready to question a belief that until now you’ve taken for granted. This belief is influencing a relationship. It’s not showing up as definitively helpful or unhelpful, but rather as something that you need to understand thoroughly. The belief is influencing the way you make your agreements with others, in a sense, biasing you. It will indeed be helpful if you know what that bias is, and you will soon have the clarity and mental tools to do so. This is a matter calling for careful analysis, of your own thought patterns as well as the specific elements of your commitments. What do you expect of others and what do they expect of you? How realistic are those expectations and what are they grounded in? You will have happier relationships for knowing these things.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You seem to be seeking a compromise on a matter involving shared finances, or perhaps more accurately, a question about sexual values in an intimate relationship. The scenario seems to be going in the direction of someone’s fantasy of how things can be, though leaving out some of the more obvious practicalities. This is definitely a scenario that deserves to have logic, data or some form of science prevail, rather than any form of make-believe or let’s see what happens. And logic will indeed prevail, so I suggest you hold the line and be patient while the planets shuffle around in a pattern that describes the renegotiation of the relationship in a more holistic way. In other words, the discussion is likely to start on one topic, and then expand into other topics that are related on the level of shared values. This comes down to understanding the values you have in common, and those that you do not. I would remind you here that you’re in a somewhat vulnerable position when it comes to others overpowering you. It will not work so well to resist forcefully, so instead, I suggest you use persistence. Time is on your side. What is obvious to you will become obvious to others as the discussion moves along, and the result will be a new understanding of your relationship, built on level ground.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — If you’re hesitating about a relationship commitment, I would remind you that there is no rush. You may sense that you’re heading for deep water, or like you’re gradually being drawn into a situation that you don’t fully understand. When you are ready, this may be fully appropriate. Yet if you’re uncertain of yourself, slow down and observe your environment. The first thing to listen to is your intuition. If you suspect that you’re not being given full information, or if you have a hunch that you’re in any way being deceived, then pause and begin to look more deeply into the facts. You don’t need to do this in an accusatory way, but rather in a way that seeks grounding in objective information. Consciously seek the truth, and make sure that you actually understand what you learn. Address any denial factor that may be present; be mindful of what you ‘don’t want to know’ or ‘refuse to believe’. This process will take a bit of scrupulous honesty with yourself, though there may be clues that get you closer to the heart of the matter. I suggest you investigate with extra care any situation involving alcohol, or the influence of mood-altering drugs, be they prescription or otherwise. The question to ask is: how is this influencing your relationship to reality? How is it influencing intimacy? You want to know.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — The past five weeks of Venus retrograde seem to have been designed to help you understand the impact of your family history, and your complex emotions. The two are related; partly why your emotions are so complex is because you filter them through so many past impressions and memories. Yet many of those are not your own; they are habits and values you picked up from various people who influenced you. Take the time to sort out what belongs to you and what does not. Once you claim what is your own and let go of what belongs to others, you will feel a lot less lost, and be able to call yourself more fully present. This does not necessarily involve severing ties to anyone, though at times that is necessary. But it will help you immensely to know when someone else’s emotions became a point of orientation for you more important than your own feelings, and to see the distortion that created. That may go in two directions at once — being overly self-centered at times, and not being able to find your center at others. Understanding why you are the way you are is a theme that persists through most of the year. You’re likely to continue your review of the past, which is for the sole purpose of helping you know yourself better. That, in turn, will help you have clearer, more trusting relationships.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — It’s essential for your wellbeing to sort out what influences in your life are nourishing and which are depleting. This is not as easy as it seems in a society where it’s considered normal for people to eat unhealthy food for the sake of ating, to have relationships for the sake of relationships and to purchase many things that they don’t need and barely even want. Since that is the cultural standard, it’s necessary to take the time to figure out whether something you take in — be it food, entertainment, information, family influences or emotional contact — actually sustains you. It would be worthwhile to consider this question in the context of any sexual influence as well. I think the concept of ‘addiction’ is overused and misunderstood, but it begins to have meaning when there is the quality of some influence potentially controlling your life. If during the next few weeks you find yourself at a full stop, or feel like you can no longer effectively negotiate with yourself, that’s the time to take some time and inquire about the issue of control. There is often an associated question about whether you want the responsibility implied by self-determination. The most common reason I’ve seen people abandon their power is because it seems to offer liberation from the consequences of their own mistakes. That’s one form of liberation that will never serve you.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You could have things be a lot easier than they currently are; you seem to have figured out that allowing yourself to be involved in complex situations is a way of learning about yourself. You seem to be in a scenario where your connection to someone else is like a personal development laboratory, or where you’re seeking self-actualization in the context of a relationship. You may have also figured out that such a thing does not work for you, and are resisting being so immersed in someone else, or anyone, with every cell in your being. There does seem to be a question lurking behind all of this, which is the extent to which you allow yourself to feel your feelings, and whether you need the assistance of someone else who resonates with you. This is a good question, with many implications — though the main theme is that of emotional independence. You would do well to ask, especially under your current astrology, whether that is possible, and if it is, what it means. At one extreme of the spectrum is the loner, with no emotional investments. At the other is someone codependent, whose emotional state is totally invested in what others think. The balancing point is healthy interdependence. That is built of mutual respect, self-reflection, communication and honoring for yourself and for everyone else what measure of freedom we have here on Earth.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Something seems to have happened to you over the past couple of months, involving coming into deeper contact with your creative gifts and your sexuality. You probably know or can guess that I consider these elements of humanity to be closely related, stemming right from the same source. To develop one, it’s essential to develop the other. Venus retrograde in your sign beginning at the solstice, spanning through the end of January, has done something magnificent for you: you have embodied something that was previously abstract or that existed in potential. You have taken steps to reclaim gifts that may have previously made you nervous, that you took for granted or considered something that only had relevance when you were younger. Here is the ongoing challenge: Devotion to artistry and the arts of erotic love requires self-focus. Even in our narcissistic culture, that can be considered suspect, and it can certainly be an irritant (or threatening) to people who have never considered any such quest. You need courage to persist on this mission, and you need to be willing to wrap your whole life around what will seem like a form of over-focus. Yet the idea is not to get lost in yourself — in order for your work or your discovery to have relevance, it’s necessary to find yourself. You are well on the way. Keep going.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Something is shifting for you on a deep inward level, which may feel like the healing of a kind of isolation or loneliness that has followed you around for a while. This has taken you a step closer to your soul, just when you were wondering if such a thing was even possible. Pay attention and you’ll notice that this keeps happening, with a slightly different feeling each time, though each time feeling like you’ve seated yourself in your own existence a little more firmly. It helps to make peace with the solitary nature of existence, or at least the compelling sensation of that effect. It’s the feeling of being alone in the universe that is a step in the awakening of every spiritually conscious person. That sensation of isolation does two things — it can come with the choice to give up looking outside yourself for what you can only find within; and it’s what opens the space to have the awakening of how alone you are not. That awakening is the dawn of authentic selflove. Nearly everyone who arrives there has earned it. They have faced their own darkness, to some real extent, and the mystery of their own existence. You are not done, but if your charts mean anything, you’re working with many more resources than you had just a few short months ago.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You may feel like you’re dancing around the choice to immerse yourself totally in who you are — as if you’re playing a game of approach-avoid. Let’s assume that is true for a moment. When you feel any kind of approach-avoid, the first thing to check for is guilt. Fully soaking in your own reality implies that you will be yourself, and express yourself, without any reservations. Approach-avoid might show up as hesitancy with people knowing who you actually are, as if hiding it from yourself could in some way prevent them from finding out. That almost never works. People already recognize you and most are grateful for the example you provide. Some don’t seem that way, it’s true; you make some people nervous. I suggest, however, that you not underestimate the influence you have even on their lives. That said, it does not matter what anyone else thinks. Rather than avoiding anything, you actually seem to have come close to a discovery that you want to investigate, or have made an observation about yourself that you want to verify with some additional inner questing. I believe you’re about to discover how much sense you make; that is, that your seemingly most unworldly dreams, when subjected to logical analysis, actually make perfect sense. My saying this matters little, though — when you figure it out, it’ll rock your world and boost your confidence.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.



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