Tag Archives: equinox

The Astrology of the Seasons — and a New Era

Dear Friend and Reader:

Remember the controversy two weeks ago involving how the zodiac is allegedly wrong?

Planet Waves
Photo by Amanda Painter.

While on the one hand it’s a complex technical issue describing how the Eastern and Western zodiacs align, the solution to the riddle that astronomers put out has a simple attribute — the zodiac we use here is based on the changing of the seasons. This is a dependable time-measuring tool, and it also tells the story of our lives. This works both as an ‘astrological’ factor (the cycle measurement part) and as a series of physical events that we remember. If you happen to live, or have ever lived, in a climate where there are four distinct seasons, you know the experience of moving through them is poignant.

The equinoxes and the solstices mark the changes of seasons every 13 weeks or so. Each time the seasons change, the Sun enters a cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn, called the Quarter Days). At the midpoints of the seasons there are what you might think of as energy peaks or hot spots. These happen when the Sun reaches mid-Aquarius, Taurus, Leo or Scorpio (called the Cross Quarter days). These are equally potent and are considered among the sabbats (or Sabbath days) of the Celtic year. These two sets of days divide the year into eight manageable pieces of about six to seven weeks each.

Not only are we close to one of the Cross Quarters now — when the Sun is in mid-Aquarius, called Imbolc — we are about to experience a spectacular Aquarius New Moon on Feb. 2. Imbolc is the Midwinter holiday here in the Northeast. It translates to ‘in the milk’ or ‘in the belly’, meaning that we’re held in the belly of the stars, in the deeps of winter (if you’re in San Diego, Key West, Maui or the Southern Hemisphere, please use your imagination!)

Whatever the weather may be, this is a turning point, and it points to many others this month. For example, earlier this week, Jupiter entered Aries. Chiron is about to enter Pisces to stay for eight years, and in March Uranus will enter Aries to stay for seven years. These events usher in a new mini-age of astrological history — what we think of as the 2012 era.

Planet Waves
Photo by Amanda Painter.

The past three years (longer, really) have been dominated by Saturn making challenging aspects to outer planets. This, we experienced as many wrenching events of history that began to morph into signs of progress that you can see if you’re truly perceptive. The astrological mark of the 2012 era is Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn. This is a cycle that evokes the optimism and revolutionary spirit of the 1960s, only we’re getting it in a time when the world situation is a lot more critical.

Fortunately, one factor is working in our favor: literally hundreds of thousands of us are spiritually trained. The holistic movement has been going strong since the 1950s, invisibly at times, quietly at other times, boldly at some moments. But I have every faith that the grounding and self-awareness that a great many people have cultivated has the power to carry us through anything, and to make the positive developments more meaningful.

Uranus square Pluto is part of a well-documented revolutionary cycle of events that shows up with breakthroughs in the sciences, literature, music, art and personal growth. They are always times of rapid, fast-forward change (for historians or those who remember, consider the unbelievable story arc from 1964 to 1969). We are now in the midst of something like that, only more profound.

What some call the ‘quickening’ of consciousness is happening. This is true despite the concerted attempts to resist change that come from some quarters; the goo will always give way to the solvent. What the people who have trained their minds in anything from philosophical subjects to the martial arts to spiritual technologies can do — indeed the most important thing you can do — is help to neutralize fear.

Then, the next step is to embody the creative changes that you know are imminent. We are here not to fix the world but to create the world we want, a world we can live in, learn in and where we can celebrate life.

As ever, I write about this regularly on Planet Waves.

Yours & truly,

Eric Francis


Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February 2011

Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Do you suddenly have the feeling that you’re living two lifetimes in one? This sensation may have come out of a psychic closet of sorts; it’s been in the background for a while. The sense of ‘two lives’ may involve a relationship experience on the one side, and your experience of your inner world on the other. It could involve two seemingly opposite sets of tendencies that you’re noticing in yourself, such as being bold in certain aspects of your life and cautious in other aspects. Or perhaps you’re operating with two different sets of goals, each of which seems to have its roots in different circumstances. Now, add to this the potential that you’re likely to be embarking on a search for yourself through some social or group enterprise. The setup has the feeling of, ‘if only I could find the right group or the right friends, I would know who I am’. I don’t suggest you take this route. Rather, I suggest you explore the seeming contradiction within yourself. This may be challenging because so many of the factors seem to be external. The thing is, they’re really not; your situation is all about spontaneously discovering who you are in a truly new way. On the inner level, the action piece would include being bold and honest about who you are. On the outer level, it’s about actively being who you are regardless of what you imagine that any social group or relationship partner might think.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aries, please go to this link.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — This may be one of the most unusual months in your career for many moons. It’s not merely that so much is happening; it’s that one especially longterm struggle is making an exit from your life. Or it is if you want it to. It is, if you are willing to let it happen. It’s easy for you to get caught in the traumas and dramas of the past, not quite recognizing when they’re over. Now is an excellent occasion to develop that skill. You have the option to boldly recognize that something you don’t need and don’t want is over; that something involves a lack of confidence in yourself. You don’t merely ‘lose your lack of confidence’; the next step is living with the direct experience of the confidence that was previously lacking. This feeling, experienced from the inside out, is not going to solve all your riddles; that involves choosing from among the many options this world presents. But you would be wise to choose on the basis of who you are, not what you thought you were. The way forward is to make decisions based on the present. In the present you will see specific ways that the world has an opening for just the person you are, with just the gifts you have to offer. In offering them, you will reaffirm that you have them; you will get to participate in a whole new kind of direct exchange. This is not about I can; it’s about I am.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Taurus, please go to this link.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You have a deeper tendency than you like to admit to believe what the people around you believe. This has suddenly become unusually difficult, and you know you’re in a position where you have to make up your own mind about something. So, do what you must, in order to do that. Embark on a fact-finding mission. Allow different people to convince you of their point of view, giving them the benefit of the doubt. Then move on and get another perspective. You will be surprised at all the viewpoints out there. Indeed, you may start to doubt whether there is any such thing as the truth (a condition that is epidemic in our times). Much like the tale of the blind men and the elephant, everyone is wrong, and yet everyone is right. It will be up to you to see the elephant in the room. And that’s precisely what it is — the obvious thing that nobody wants to admit is there. The question then becomes, what do you do with the information you get? You certainly have the option to ignore it. That would be very modern. But what you’re getting is crucial information. And in actual fact, you’re responsible for what you know. The people who only want to see part of the elephant have one thing in common; they have a motive for their point of view. Ask yourself whether you have that agenda, or some other.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Gemini, please go to this link.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You seem to be in line for an inheritance or payout of some kind — and at the very least you have significant business opportunities available that could work out very well for you. Obviously you cannot take up every opportunity that is presented to you. And not all of them are what they seem. Therefore, focus on what you’re the most passionate about. You can trust that. It might be something about which you have subtle misgivings, that challenges you or that leads you to feel vulnerable. The greatest reward, on many levels, might come from the experience with the deepest emotional risk. You may know the one I’m talking about. Focus carefully and you’re likely to notice how your perspective, not only on these opportunities but also on your whole life, changes through the course of the month. There is something profound that connects you to your source on a fundamental level, and may indeed summon you to many new adventures. Faced with so many possibilities, I suggest that you choose the one or two things that take you deep. By that, I mean that provide the greatest inner rewards, creative satisfaction or contact in a relationship. This is a connection that you may be tempted to think about intellectually, but the true basis for discernment is what you feel in your heart. Feel for a while and you will get the message, perhaps not loudly, but certainly clearly.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Cancer, please go to this link.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — This is going to be the month you learn to filter your environment and choose selectively where to focus your attention. There is indeed quite a lot to focus on — many people are focused on you, seeking your involvement. Indeed, it would seem that you’re simultaneously having every kind of relationship that you can have. You need an organizing principle to sort all of this out — and Chiron entering Pisces suggests that principle is exchange. A ‘relationship’ is one thing; what passes between the people involved — the content of the relationship — is another matter entirely. Therefore, choose on the basis of content. By that I mean what you give and what you receive; who you feel benefits the most, and who is the most inclined to be present when you need them. The few people with whom you have mutual energy are going to stand out. You’re not going to have to think about this very hard. Everyone else can wait. That said, there will be people who will strictly be your benefactors. Have no suspicion about this — they are here to provide resources and affirmation. This may be just one person; he or she is asking nothing in return and part of the spiritual exercise for you is to have no sense of obligation. Life is at least long enough that we have the chance to return any sincere favors without worrying about when that might happen.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Leo, please go to this link.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Recently astronomers pulled a hoax claiming that the 12 zodiac signs have the wrong dates, and that there is a ‘thirteenth sign’. I responded with a satire claiming that astronomers had discovered a ‘thirteenth animal’ in the Chinese zodiac — the Mouse, and I compared it to the sign Virgo. I love Mouse because he’s organized and he thinks for the future. He has enough of what he needs. Though we make references to inventions compared to mouse traps, Mouse himself is an inventor. My shamanic teacher, the late Arthur Joseph Kushner, credited Mouse with inventing agriculture — the silo (what we call a hoard). You are in the midst of a powerful surge of energy through your 6th house of your solar chart — the house of applied knowledge. You have abundant information on your hands. You have excellent theories. Now, put these things to use. You also have boundless energy available to do what that might require, and the wits to do it in a fun, inventive way. Remember, as one of my Virgo healer colleagues reminded me at an opportune moment: work smart rather than work hard. I would add that you need to take care of your health on the level of your nervous system. Meditate, take baths and get outside no matter how chilly it may be. Exercise will be twice as good for your mind as it is for your body. Relax and you will be brilliant.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Virgo, please go to this link.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — There’s really only one way to process this much energy, and that is rock and roll. Define this concept as you will: art, music, social activism, passionate sex — anything expressive. That is the opposite of depressive. This is the kind of energy you want to let flow, but there’s so much of the stuff that it’s calling for guidance in truly constructive, creative directions. I only say this because there are other possibilities for how it might manifest, particularly if you’re feeling overwhelmed. And the way to avoid that is to have something better, which is the movement of vital force. This is an excellent time to figure out that you have two basic positions — flow and blockage. It’s the time to figure out from experience, not merely from theory, that energy is energy, and that it is we who turn it dark or light. It happens that, at the moment, plenty depends on your ability to make this recognition real — in that you could easily be overwhelmed by the intensity of the flow; and that you could find yourself with some of the most magnificent creative opportunities on your hands. With this power surge, flowing through the sign Aquarius, you may be inclined to take risks you would not ordinarily take; if you make sure those risks are in a spirit of love and conscious experimentation, you will be safe. Saturn is in your sign, suggesting that you can apply the concept of boundaries in a useful and workable way.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Libra, please go to this link.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Emotional discipline does not necessarily come easily to a Scorpio, but at the moment your peace of mind and much else depends upon it. You may be inclined toward dark thoughts about yourself, at the same time rapidly developing situations in your household or family demand that you be fully present. Clearly, this is a time to leave your suspicions in the past and remember that you’re not the center of the universe. You are, however, capable of being the center of your own life; but only if you’re centered. And that is the position from which you can be most useful to yourself and to the people who are depending on you for love, guidance and a vision of what life is about. I suggest you focus on the positive, and see the opportunity in everything. You may feel that’s not possible, but I challenge you to question how serious what you perceive is wrong actually is. If in the event that you are feeling some form of grief or disturbance, communicate that directly in a way that is not intended to cause additional disturbance. This would only come back to you. The solution you seek starts with you, and that, in turn, starts with being honest about how you feel — and discerning why you feel that way. If you look through polarizing filters, it will seem like a matter of right or wrong. If you look through the lens of psychology, you will see opportunities for healing past hurts and mistrust.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Scorpio, please go to this link.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — In the midst of many other truly positive developments and activities this month, certain factors may provoke your deepest insecurities, your fear of abandonment or difficulty with endings. You may be inclined to stuff this feeling back where it came from; initially that will be easy enough, because you will have so much else to distract you. I don’t, however, suggest that you succumb to that particular temptation. Tapping into your deepest emotions, no matter how shadowy, will go a long way toward releasing pent-up emotions and give you energy and strength to pursue your most vital dreams. I propose that you view this as an emotional healing process, which has the goal not merely of removing something toxic but also creating something beautiful for yourself. You are tapping into some deep waters that reach back into your ancestral past — quite literally processing the delusions and negative emotions of previous generations. If you can get clear about this, you will see that purging yourself of their fears will allow you greater access to your own dreams, desires and the subtlety of your surroundings. On this note, now is an excellent time to remove aggravating factors from your environment, be they emotional or physical. This gesture would be more than symbolic: these ancestral ghosts I’m talking about take the form of toxins and disruptions that you would in truth be a lot happier without. And you will develop a skill that will come in handy — moving on from what does not serve you.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Sagittarius, please go to this link.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Your emphasis for many months has been on guiding yourself to a better place in the world, though this has involved mustering up discipline and warding off pervasive anxiety associated with change and responsibility. What these all have in common is that they address seemingly external factors. The missing element is reaching for your interior reality; that is where you will get perspective. There is only a limited degree to which addressing externals, be they goals, responsibilities, issues or the concerns of others, can help you feel better. Ultimately you need to understand yourself, and not allow what you think of as ‘your life’ to get in the way of that. The challenges you’ve had living from the inside out are dissolving, however. For one thing, the benefits of bringing your focus inward are now more obvious than ever. Yet as these weeks and months progress, something else is likely to take over: a passionate curiosity about yourself. This looks like a deep and unsettling restlessness, which is on the one hand a desire for knowledge, and on the other, a quest to reinvent yourself. While this will clearly reach into the work you do and how you interact with the people around you, the sensation that’s driving you is the desire to break out of any familiar self-concept. Indeed, I would say your real quest is to go beyond any concept of self and straight to the real thing.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Capricorn, please go to this link.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Before you can stop making a mistake you have to notice what you’re doing. Of course this also works for making choices — you must see your options. Your perception of a mistake, a pattern of them, or for that matter any creative choices you have, depends on your state of mind. Beware of a tendency to believe that some past action is going to come back to you. The false logic goes, ‘I’ve been a bad person, therefore I deserve to be feeling all this fear’. If you’re experiencing any permutation of this idea, figure out where, or from whom, it came. I don’t think it’s your original thought; it’s a psychic pathogen that was passed onto you down the generations, or that you picked up in your environment. In these times, we must keep an eye on such factors, as a primary fact of both healing and happiness. Our society is struggling with boundary issues, and right now most of them are psychic. Your planets are calling on you to do two things: recognize the toxicity of guilt, and let it go. The other is to walk a straight and narrow path that calls for keeping your priorities in balance. This directly means assessing everything on the basis of what hurts or helps you. If you can do that, you will also be acting in the best interests of the people around you.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aquarius, please go to this link.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Experiment with the notion that none of your worst fears are true, and that your boldest visions can come true. This may be challenging, given how much is going on inside that mind of yours, and how many inner voices may be suggesting that you have something to worry about. You may feel as if something is ‘about to emerge’, and this has you nervous. Any negative pre-judgments are wedded to one thing only — your level of fear. This in turn is related to any internal pressure you may feel. Whatever may be the passing astrological weather, you’re at the beginning of a new cycle of experience. This is true on many fronts, but the most telling are that Jupiter, the planet that traditionally rules your sign, has entered Aries, the first sign of the zodiac; and that Chiron is about to enter your sign. Your edgy sensation is about embarking on a whole new phase of your life. This fact will present you with decisions, so do your best to have a clear head when you make them. Know which of your beliefs doesn’t support who you are or what you want. Know that you have a choice in the matter and — as someone once wrote, ‘A belief is a thought you keep thinking’. The solution is not to unthink, but rather to think about what you want, what you value and who you love. Keep your focus. This will be easier than you think.

To pre-order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Pisces, please go to this link.


Eric Francis, the founder and editor of Planet Waves, is an astrologer and investigative journalist. He was working in his first job as a municipal newspaper reporter when he discovered that his editor also owned an astrology bookstore. This began a long relationship between astrology and journalism, which has taken Eric through the pages of many newspapers as a horoscope writer, including the Daily Mail and the Daily Mirror plus numerous other venues. Today, Eric covers global turning point events through the lens of astrology. He is a specialist in newly-discovered planets.

The Mighty Equinox

Dear Fellow Traveler:

What a year it’s been. I am personally grateful to have astrology as a metric to understand history, and to see where it intersects with my own life trajectory. Some might say that I’m using astrology to force a measure of sensibility onto random events that really make no sense. But long before I had ever opened an ephemeris, I had read and loved these lines of T.S. Eliot, from the poem Burnt Norton: “We move above the moving tree / In light upon the figured leaf / And hear upon the sodden floor / Below, the boarhound and the boar / Pursue their pattern as before / But reconciled among the stars.”

The September equinox of 1994, the crew of the shuttle orbiter Endeavour recorded this image of the Sun poised above the Earth’s limb (where the curve of the earth meets the blackness of space). Photo: Astronomy Picture of the Day.

All year long we’ve been living through astrology called a grand cross, taking place in the cardinal signs. As described in prior columns, this is made up of many different events, some of which are in the past (a series of Saturn-Pluto squares; a series of Saturn-Uranus oppositions) and some of which are currently unfolding (the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction; the Chiron-Neptune conjunction). This has brought the ever-escalating feeling of tension, drama and near-madness that some people are thriving on, that others are confused by and that others are simply being worn down by.

Kudos to anyone who has the courage to stand up and try something new, to experiment with manifesting a dream, or to make a decision based on something they authentically desire.

While we could say ‘this too shall pass’, that is only part of the point. Mostly, when we go through an extended spell of high-tension astrology like this (the current astrology is rooted in events of 2008, and extends well past 2012, so it counts for ‘extended’), the alignments and what they represent leave us as changed people. It may be nice that what doesn’t kill you leaves you stronger, but only after it’s over. While you’re in the midst of the changes and the challenges, you get to make up the story as you go a long. To the extent that you don’t feel that way, you have the meta-challenge of shifting your perspective from that of passive to active participant in your own life.

We’re about to go through another peak of energy during the next week. This is a fast set of moves, mainly by the Sun and the Moon, which activate, or precipitate, long-standing patterns in the slow-moving planets that make up the psychic backdrop. I’ll go through both for you and give examples of how they might feel in both an individual and collective context.

Next week, the Libra equinox arrives on Sept. 23, simultaneously with a Full Moon in Aries. This is a combination of a solar event with a lunar event. Both involve the Aries Point, the intersection of the individual and the collective. Notice the tenor of the news. Notice the amazing extent of how the political rhetoric is going down everyone’s pants. The party identified with supposedly small, unintrusive government seems more interested in private policy than public policy.

Christine O’Donnell addresses supporters after winning the Republican nomination for Senate in Delaware on Tuesday. She is one of five candidates currently running for Senate who opposes abortion even in the cases of rape and incest. She believes that masturbation is adultery and considers herself a “secondary virgin.” When this kind of purity mentality is injected into political discourse, that has special meaning. AP Photo by Rob Carr.

Here is where we need to put our finger on the pulse of our own responses and reactions. Is it in some way comforting to see someone rise to a position of national attention who has recently admitted in an interview that she would stop all unmarried people from having sex, even with themselves? If you think through what this would mean, brought to the level of national policy, what do you get? And why is this coming to the surface now? What is the feeling behind it?

Now once again we have the Aries Point back in the spotlight. It’s been quite a year of this, and many of the major planets are in the process of ingressing cardinal signs, which emphasizes the phenomenon. The equinox, by definition, is an Aries Point event because the Sun opposes the first degree of Aries. The simultaneous Full Moon is occupying the first degree of Aries as well. We have the clue that something is up, something extra just out of the line of sight is brewing. This equinox-Full Moon is an impressive synchronicity: and it’s a textbook example of the kind of astrology that shakes out things that have been building, accumulating and waiting in the cosmic wings. I am sincerely happy that Dick Cheney is not in power for this one.

In the days before this double jackpot, the late Virgo Sun opposes a rare event in late Pisces — the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. We’ve heard of this one, though we met it last June when it happened in Aries. When slow planets align in conjunctions, they typically meet three times in a little cluster. Jupiter and Uranus meet every 14 or so years. But these meetings come in unusual patterns. The current cluster of three started in early Aries and then is moving back to nearby Pisces. There hasn’t been a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction there since 1334. This is happening when Jupiter is making a close pass to the Earth — great for people with telescopes or even powerful binoculars.

Jupiter-Uranus in Pisces is some of the most creative, inventive, beautiful astrology anyone could dream up. Many brilliant ideas that manifest over the next decade will have their genesis in these weeks. I would love to know what is being invented and what patents are being filed. I would love to know who is meeting for the first time — some of these encounters will result in collaborations that change the world. On one level this is a source of the madness and insanity in the political landscape: the ongoing invention of a fantasy world because the reality we’ve created is too painful. At the same time, there is an idea in there that works: the only thing that’s going to get us out of the bind that we’re in is creativity. Creativity, however, demands clarity. Looking to late Aquarius, we see that Chiron and Neptune are making a near-exact conjunction right now. That is about filtering out delusion and leaving the essence of an idea.

Passengers on the Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island ferry, summer 2010. Photo by Eric.

Here is where the Sun and Moon come in. The late Virgo Sun opposes the late Pisces conjunction between Sept. 21 and Sept. 22, shining some light on the whole circus, or sea of potential, that it represents. At the same time it makes a quincunx to the Chiron-Neptune conjunction, calling for a series of refinements and adjustments as part of the creative process. Then the equinox-Aries Full Moon comes on like a storm the next day, just after the Moon passes through late Pisces and turns Jupiter-Uranus into a triple conjunction. Does something happen? Well, this Full Moon represents a peak of tension and then a sudden release. We don’t get a lot of those lately; more often it seems the tension just builds like a thunderstorm that won’t let go and rain.

Or is that who we are becoming? The times we’re in demand that we hold it together. It’s like we get to fall apart for an hour at a time, at best — then we have to get back on the job. Adults who are managing to pay the bills and parents who manage to attend to their kids have a lot of responsibility on their hands, and everything seems so dire; so crucial.

There rarely seems to be a time to let go, to experiment with moving with the flow. Our relationship to time seems to be increasingly packed into a linear format, even as we hear of new dimensions opening up. For many, their day planner is packed tighter and tighter; everything is planned and there is no room for spontaneity. This is the thing we have to watch: our relationship to time and to potential. Basically, we need to exercise choice in every single moment, and at every opportunity we have.

The planets that are stretched out in this cross in or near the cardinal signs are bringing that tension into each and every one of our natal charts, which means our mental sensation of life. There is a feeling, perhaps in the background, not so distinct or identifiable, but a feeling. There is some sense of urgency implied, and it takes many forms. One of them is a sense of uncertainty about the future.

Whatever you may believe about 2012 or the Age of Aquarius or the rapture, humanity knows that we are passing through a series of energy checkpoints that address issues like sustainability, the ability of our systems to hold up, and our relationship to the Earth and to one another. We need a revelation, but more to the point, we need to allow that revelation to change our relationship to existence.

The simultaneous Libra equinox and Aries Full Moon and the events that immediately precede them are a flash of awareness, to those who are willing to look and see.

Yours & truly,

Battle of the Dueling Narratives

By Judith Gayle | Political Waves

The Democrats are in a lot of trouble, depending on whom you talk to. The Republicans will sweep the midterm election, no question about it. The President is a one-term failure, an enemy of the business community. Anger with the establishment has hit a crescendo, and the Tea Baggers have seized the zeitgeist, running the board of primaries and positioning themselves to take over the Congress. Obama’s big-spending government is targeted by those who will stop the hemorrhage of money in unrestrained entitlements, turn back the clock on wasteful programs, and bring back “America’s honor” as Glenn Beck would have it. The Baggers are the wave of the future.

Really? Is all of this true? Is any of it true? Are we destined to be a nation led by those who want a repeal of the 14th amendment and absolute adherence to the Ten Commandments, who believe communal bike paths and community gardens lead to socialism and that Girl Scouts are fledgling feministas preparing themselves for abortions? Does the rise of the Tea Party signal the advent of a social order reminiscent of the John Birch Society, or is it just a typical backlash against Democratic politics? In short, is this as bad as it looks?

Backlash yes, but typical, no. We’ve discussed the astrology often enough that you know how critical is this period in history. It’s true that the Tea Baggers are leaving traditional Republicans in the dust at their primaries, which reflects growing disdain of both the establishment and incumbents, considered political insiders. The GOP, who funded the movement to start with, has had to embrace these radicals as their own, leaving their moderates behind. Having fostered the Bagger anger, Republican old-timers are scratching their heads at having lost control of the narrative. They’ve been forced to jump on board this moving train and, as Bill Clinton said recently, this new group of candidates makes George Bush look liberal.

It’s also true that Wall Street has issued an energetic “you’re dead to me” memo to Obama, despite his relatively gentle handling of their corrupt dealings. When progressives curl their lips at the weakness of Obama’s reforms, they should read between the lines of that memo. Obama has pissed off Wall Street. The joyous news that he will appoint middle-class advocate Elizabeth Warren as presidential advisor to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau should make big bankers tremble as well. Installing Warren in an advisory position allows Obama to bypass a congressional stonewall of her appointment, putting her to work immediately. If that doesn’t encourage you, my progressive friend, nothing will!

Continued at this link…


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We really appreciate it. Thank you!



PS, I also have a personal page and you’re invited to “friend” me. I promise not to get sucked into Facebook! But it would be great to see you there.

PPS, In this recent edition of Astrology News, I publish an interview with one of the big gaming websites about my feelings on Facebook. I thought I would share it with you — it’s the second article down, at this link.




Weekly Horoscope for Friday, September 17, 2010, #831 – BY ERIC FRANCIS

You may not understand what is inspiring or motivating you, but I suggest you go with it. Over the next few days, the sky heats up to a fast boil as Jupiter and Uranus form a conjunction in the angle of your chart associated with your dreams and your imagination. Then comes the annual Full Moon in your birth sign. The result feels like a lightening of a heavy relationship situation that you have vowed many times to adjust or move on from but which has been more persistent than you imagined it would be. You can create a hybrid of honoring the responsibility and commitment of relationship while opening yourself up to the potential that comes with authentic contact. The catch, if you want to call it that, is that this might not arrive in the form that you think, or with the person you think. Plenty of things work better than expectations.

Aries Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information. 

Several developments next week will bring some relief from the convoluted mental and emotional experiences you’ve been through for the past month. The good part is that you got a look at where your creative energy goes: into needless obsession. Part of this was obsession with the past, or involved getting waylaid in some of your less-appealing childhood traits. You actually do have the power to be forward thinking, but I suggest you ask yourself if you really want to be; that is, if you think you’re sacrificing anything by letting go of what you believed yesterday or this morning. It won’t be your beliefs alone that make you feel better, but they will help; as the Sun moves into the health, well-being and work angle of your chart, you will shift your attitude and remember that responsibility is something that actually turns you on.

Taurus Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

For now, your thoughts come from your feelings; your ideas are the result of emotional impulses, and those impulses are not always correct. For that reason, you need to be careful — the translation process will happen fast, and have results that extend beyond anything you were expecting. For the next few days, I suggest you be especially careful what you say or do where alcohol is involved in any way (including merely being present in the environment). Don’t be fooled by the notion that you already thought things through carefully — many factors call not only for rethinking but also for reinvention. Even as the pace of certain events picks up radically into the early part of next week, I suggest you take this rethinking/reinvention process slowly. There will come a moment where you think you’ve ‘got it’ and then you’ll need to run it through the hopper one more time. So — steady as she goes.

Gemini Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Next week’s Aries Full Moon reveals something that has been hidden — for example, how much you’ve accomplished, most of which you forgot about or decided was not important. You chalked it up to experience without quite recognizing that it was actually a work in progress. Meanwhile, events seem to proceed on two fronts: one is some potentially dramatic development, revelation or recognition; the other is a subtler, more introspective breakthrough of thought that is actually more potent than anything that happens visibly. Remember this; while outer developments will no doubt be welcome and bring some recognition for all that you’ve done, the more significant matter involves the way you direct your mind, and how you process your ideas into action. Good things are happening, but the best is yet to come.

Cancer Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

You are starting to set certain things in order that have been resisting your best efforts and your lack of awareness. You’ve learned to pay attention, and to take action when you notice something needs attention. The decisions you make this week, particularly about your finances, will have effects that reach far into the future, and influence things you’re barely aware of today. So it’s vital that you make those decisions carefully, consciously and most of all, applying the full power of your intelligence. You cannot see all the potential repercussions or outcomes; you can only work with what you know, though your intuition might be telling you something. One missing factor has been a level of cooperation with those who have more resources than you do. You hold one piece to the equation, which is a concept. Someone else, or a group of others, has another piece: resources of a certain kind. Remember that the two are equal, or at least equivalent.

Leo Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Mercury, which recently turned direct, will be in your sign through early October; this will add up to more than two months of your ruling planet in your sign, including one of the most psychologically challenging retrogrades in recent memory. For the next three weeks, Mercury is going to cover the territory that it has already covered twice — first in direct motion, then in retrograde motion, and now again in direct motion. This is a layering process. That is how nearly all discovery, learning and healing proceed. They are less about moments of huge, dramatic breakthrough and more about gradually penetrating to the core. In a similar way, establishing new patterns, goals and a vision for our lives also happens in a way that resembles layering — the gradual building and development of what you might call inner technique. So take the time to build and grow carefully, intentionally, beautifully.

What do you love about yourself? You have some discoveries at hand. Qualities that in the past you may have doubted or thought of as weaknesses you can now consider to be some of your best assets or strengths. Other qualities that you may have previously considered to be your most redeeming assets may be the things you doubt the most. Yet in truth, all of these things make up who you are. The opinions you hold of yourself will change, and it’s helpful that they do; shifting your viewpoint about yourself will help you observe who you are in a holistic way. To be a whole person you need to be friends with all the different aspects of your psyche, or at least be aware of them and at peace with their existence. This is a learning process, and you’re in it now. I can tell you this: at the end of the day, and for that matter first thing in the morning, inner harmony is more important than popularity.

There is a fantastic dance of Venus and Mars going on in your birth sign right now. Okay, fantastic to some — those who love to visit with their seeming contradictions, for example, or who are curious about the inner exploration of gender. Beneath every discussion of sex, sex role, marriage preference, relationship style, gay or straight, dom or sub is the truth that we contain all of those polarities within ourselves. You don’t hear about this on the news, like you hear about the wild controversies about who in the minds of some should be allowed to get married, and who should not. But many of us know it’s true: a human being is inwardly multivalent. We’re all part man and part woman. We can all experience desire in the form of estrogen, or in the form of testosterone; and more often as is the case, a sublime mix of both.

Your fantasies say a lot about you. One thing they reveal is how emotionally driven you are. Nearly every description of Sagittarius that you read will defy this idea; Sagg is supposedly the sign of ‘don’t crowd me, give me my space’, and ‘I’m so detached, I don’t need you’. Which works fine, as long as you forget how prominent Scorpio and Pisces are in your chart — creating the deepest elements of a vast, oceanic sub-personality that is all about feeling, sensation, closeness and contact. These signs are brimming with energy right now. You have Venus and Mars in Scorpio, the angle of your chart that describes your deepest erotic drives, your dreams, your vehicle of escape. And there is a conjunction involving Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces, right on the line where your emotional security meets your desire to take the greatest risks. The planets suggest that this is the time to explore, to envision and to experiment.

This week, Pluto began to move forward again in your sign, after being retrograde since April. One implication for you is the opportunity to see what you’ve accomplished in your most intimate personal growth. For a while you get to go over territory you’ve covered before, but to experience it in a new way, with considerable experience. Then at a certain point you will enter new territory; you will open up inner subject matter that you haven’t considered in this lifetime, or anyway not for a long time. Remember that you’re setting the agenda as you go, and I suggest that agenda include honoring the pleasure-seeking aspect of who you are. That’s the part that will feed you, motivate you, and inspire you. Pleasure is what nourishes you, and allows you to have something to offer others. So when you think of growth, think of fun. I know this can be a challenge. But it’s a good one.

The Capricorn Audio Birthday Report is now ready. This is more than an hour of astrology for Capricorn and Capricorn rising, covering the cardinal T-square from a personal perspective. I’ve also included a 20-minute tarot reading using the Voyager Deck. For instant access, order here for Capricorn and Capricorn Rising. Only $14.95, this also makes a meaningful and economical gift.

You live in a moment of relative freedom and flexibility. Freedom is always relative; it’s always a direct function of how we feel and what we think, not whether we can physically walk out the door. So what, exactly, is holding you back? Well, I would propose that you’re spending more time trying to understand what isn’t true than you are celebrating and taking advantage of what is true. You may also be trying to strike a compromise, but there is no such thing as ‘partial integrity’. So my question is, what would you need to consider yourself in full integrity? There seems to be a question involving a very specific point in a relationship. Not the relationship as a whole, but something precise and challenging in a specific way that you have not necessarily named, or if you have, you come in and out of awareness of the issue. My question is, how much more awareness do you need, and how do you want to get it?

Aquarius Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

We are now on the verge of an event that has not happened in Pisces since 1334: the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus. For our world, that is unprecedented. I suggest you let this be a reminder that extremely rare things happen, and that they can happen to you. There will be an element of surprise with this development. But from the dimension of metaphysics, here is something I can offer you. Whether you feel ready for an improvement in your life will count for a lot. Readiness is not about being desperate, but being open. It’s not about feeling you deserve something but rather knowing with all your heart that it’s available. And it’s not about ‘having’ or ‘getting’ but rather about being. So I suggest you practice being the change you want in your life. This can be challenging if you’re feeling challenged, so I suggest taking any steps you can to set that feeling aside and embrace a space of being open and receptive.

Pisces Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.