Tag Archives: Communication

The Day of the Group Representative: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is July 4
The Day of the Group Representative | Order Your 2019-20 Cancer Reading | All Other Signs

You were born on Independence Day, and for you, the only meaning of that word comes from having your own resources, control of your finances, and the motivation to be a success. You simply must tap your drive, and at the same time, you must be wise with your resources. There’s the clear potential for having plenty of motivation and desire for success, and then making bad choices financially. This is not necessary. You must fully inform yourself, and triple-check your sources; and put a delay in between you and any major moves you want to make.
Hear Eric describe the impressive eclipses involving your Sun sign or rising sign in your 2019-20 Cancer Astrology Studio Reading — now available for instant access.

Written in the Planets

We’re now entering the ‘storm’ phase prior to Mercury stationing retrograde on July 7. This is the 2-3 days on either side of a station retrograde or station direct, when communication, technological gadgets and life in general can often seem especially disruptive. If you can slow down your general pace of thought and action, you may find it easier to navigate any hiccups you encounter in the next several days. If you’re in the U.S. and celebrate Independence Day, please be especially careful with fire, alcohol, travel and your temper.

Several of today’s exact aspects appear to describe a certain theme: how you experience and express caring, especially when you meet challenging situations. For one, Venus in Cancer is making an opposition to the centaur Pholus in Capricorn. When faced with a potentially out-of-control situation, what do you do with your concern about it? Do you let yourself spiral off into worry, or do you figure out how to meet it with empathy-in-action? The same questions apply if you’re confronting the result of generations’ worth of cause and effect that have rippled down through the years to this present moment. You have a choice in how you channel your emotional responses.

The Cancer Sun opposite the centaur Hylonome suggests a similar dynamic: some form of caring self-expression in response to a “cry of the poor,” particularly when that cry is emerging as a result of institutional (such as governmental) systems, policies and structures. If you’ve been watching the news, you know there are very real opportunities for this. Meanwhile Mars, newly in Leo, is conjunct Varuna — an object that carries the keyphrase “the great equalizer.” True courage — which, like the word’s root, comes from the heart — may be the greatest equalizer of all. As Bayard Taylor once wrote, “The loving are the daring.”

Partial Lunar Eclipse: Dec. 31, 2009. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

Partial Lunar Eclipse: Dec. 31, 2009. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

New in the Special Readings Series
Magnum Opus on Eclipses, Now Through Late 2020

Eric’s new 90-minute discussion of all things related to eclipses, in any sign — with a focus on Cancer and Capricorn eclipses, from the current pair through 2020 — is available now for instant access. Part audio reading, part astrology class, it offers you a lot of help processing the solar eclipse on July 2 and the lunar eclipse on July 16, and features original music. Hear it as part of the 2019-2020 Astrology Studio for Cancer, or purchase the Eclipses Reading separately for only $33.

Written in the Planets for Thursday, July 4

We’re now entering the ‘storm’ phase prior to Mercury stationing retrograde on July 7. This is the 2-3 days on either side of a station retrograde or station direct, when communication, technological gadgets and life in general can often seem especially disruptive. If you can slow down your general pace of thought and action, you may find it easier to navigate any hiccups you encounter in the next several days. If you’re in the U.S. and celebrate Independence Day, please be especially careful with fire, alcohol, travel and your temper.

Several of today’s exact aspects appear to describe a certain theme: how you experience and express caring, especially when you meet challenging situations. For one, Venus in Cancer is making an opposition to the centaur Pholus in Capricorn. When faced with a potentially out-of-control situation, what do you do with your concern about it? Do you let yourself spiral off into worry, or do you figure out how to meet it with empathy-in-action? The same questions apply if you’re confronting the result of generations’ worth of cause and effect that have rippled down through the years to this present moment. You have a choice in how you channel your emotional responses.

The Cancer Sun opposite the centaur Hylonome suggests a similar dynamic: some form of caring self-expression in response to a “cry of the poor,” particularly when that cry is emerging as a result of institutional (such as governmental) systems, policies and structures. If you’ve been watching the news, you know there are very real opportunities for this. Meanwhile Mars, newly in Leo, is conjunct Varuna — an object that carries the keyphrase “the great equalizer.” True courage — which, like the word’s root, comes from the heart — may be the greatest equalizer of all. As Bayard Taylor once wrote, “The loving are the daring.”

Empathy, Honesty and Power Struggles

By Amanda Painter

As you head into the weekend (for many U.S. readers, a long holiday), you’ll want to know that the astrology has some things to say about power struggles and confrontations. Mercury and Mars, both in Cancer, are opposing Pluto in Capricorn. At their best, this pair of oppositions can be leveraged to get beneath the surface of things.

Photo by Amanda Painter

Photo by Amanda Painter

Mercury opposite Pluto, exact at 8:36 pm EDT tonight (00:36 UTC Friday), is especially good for deep research into a topic or uncovering a secret. With the sign Cancer involved, this could easily mean getting to the underlying emotions that are driving an interpersonal situation or reaction.

In its most productive expression, Mars opposite Pluto (exact July 2 at 8:02 am EDT / 12:02 UTC) can be used to make positive, creative changes in your life. Again, with Cancer involved, that might mean giving yourself an ‘attitude adjustment’ if your emotional reactivity has been swinging to extremes. What’s really bothering you?

Or it could relate to overdue updates to your actual home environment, just as one example. The main idea is to use the energy constructively and consciously in some way, so that it does not end up using you.

What would that look like? Think power struggles, manipulation, obsession, and trying to control the emotions and actions of others. Remember, you can only ever truly control your own actions and reactions, not anybody else’s.

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