Tag Archives: Aries Moonshine Horoscope

Moonshine Horoscopes — Aries New Moon Edition

Dear Friend and Reader:

Sunday, March 30, is the Aries New Moon, exact at 2:45 pm EDT. (View full chart here.) Genevieve Hathaway has interpreted this lunation for each of the 12 Moon signs in her horoscopes below.

Planet Waves

To read Genevieve’s horoscopes, it helps to know your Moon sign (where the Moon was at the moment of your birth), which you can find out by entering your birth data into Serennu.com. Often you can still get accurate Moon sign info even if you lack your exact birth time. You can also read these horoscopes for your Sun and rising signs for additional insight.

For the Aries New Moon, we have the Sun and Moon conjunct (that is, together) in early Aries. It’s the first New Moon of the astrological year, reverberating with a sense of presence in the world and the associated urge to get things moving. Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of drive, libido, desire, physical action and even aggression or violence.

Incidentally, Mars is in its opposite sign, Libra, and is moving in apparent retrograde motion, which can feel like you’re moving inward into yourself or reviewing the past, rather than charging forward, as our Mars energies prefer to do. So in a way, the Sun and Moon are standing in for Mars, at least in terms of giving our self-awareness and emotions some forward thrust as this new season begins.

Sun-Moon conjunctions harmonize our conscious will and emotions, which is an advantage when trying to move forward in life — though it bears noting that such a close alliance between our two ways of knowing can also hinder our sense of perspective. It’s kind of like when you’re standing right next to someone: you can’t see them clearly or fully in your peripheral vision.

That said, perhaps the most exciting feature of this Aries New Moon is that it is aligned with three out of four of the planets involved in April’s incredible grand cross. The Sun and Moon are conjunct Uranus in Aries, and square to both Jupiter in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn.

In other words, whatever inner tension you may feel this weekend around reinventing yourself, or breaking away from some aspect of your past conditioning, or expanding your sense of home and how you feel in it, consider it a preview of April’s big event. This New Moon is an opportunity to identify and align yourself with your most important goals and desires; you plant that seed by taking the first steps toward them.

Come April 23, when Mars enters the configuration, following through may come down to a matter of trust in yourself, as Eric mentioned last week — but it won’t come out of nowhere. You have to begin cultivating it now, in small, tangible ways.

Yours and truly,

Amanda Painter



These Moonshine Horoscopes are written by Genevieve Hathaway. Genevieve is an astrologer and Planet Waves contributor. She is available for astrology readings. You can contact her at genevieve@venusinblue.com.

Aries New Moon Moonshine Horoscopes | By Genevieve Hathaway

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — This week’s astrology is bringing a powerful New Moon in your Moon sign. As the Sun and Moon align in Aries the energy and focus is shifting to your internal emotional framework. I suggest considering the relationship between your inner world and outer world. How does what you feel manifest in situations around you? Think of this also in terms of projection — taking an internal dynamic or belief and seeing it in your external world. You can project not only what you don’t want, but more importantly, also what you do want. Honor this ability to shape and craft your external life through how you feel. Tend to your emotions like a farmer tending to his crops, with meticulous care and conscious intention for what is growing from your feelings. You are fine-tuning your ability to manifest through your emotional self what you envision for your life. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — The threshold between your conscious self and unconscious space is becoming more permeable. You may be experiencing sensations that feel like an expanding of consciousness, as though you’ve found a room, or many rooms, inside of your psychic space that you couldn’t access before but now can open. Exploring these new spaces, you are making contact with a few old emotions contained in these rooms that you are now re-assessing with a fresh perspective. I suggest taking time to get to know these emotions again. Get inside them, move around and see what you find. What you are making contact with is a backdoor to your desire nature, or part of your wants and needs that can be accessed through your unconscious self. Ultimately, this process is bringing you a greater understanding of the complexity that makes up who you are at your core. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Your Moon in Gemini tends toward more cerebral and intellectual expressions, though I propose that you also bring plenty of passion to how you meet the larger world. At the moment, how you feel in your public role may be quite intense, like the emotions are pushing up inside of you and could boil over at any second. Tune in to yourself before speaking or acting, weighing whether your response is thought out or impulsive. Think of these strong emotions as energy that can be channeled into projects to make considerable progress. I suggest approaching the conversations and projects you share with those in a professional or collegial setting from a position of being grounded in your inherent value. You have much to contribute to the conversations and projects, including the strong energy in your emotional space. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — A few situations are calling you to reexamine how you think of your career. Start with the ways you are feeling called to contribute to groups, individuals and environments around you. Think of the work you do in terms of what you can share with others. Your Moon sign in Cancer is known for its watery, emotional energy, but when it comes to work you can be just as assertive and action-oriented as any other sign. At the moment, the astrology is calling you to apply this focused action to a quickly developing situation in your work. I suggest using your desire — what you feel called by your soul to accomplish or attain — as the basis for any action you take. You are setting patterns for your career direction, patterns that are established through thoughtful decisions and action. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — A few of your long-held ideas and beliefs are feeling particularly malleable. Like a potter re-working a piece of soft clay to create something new, you will be able to shift these old viewpoints to something that better aligns with who you are in the present. Many of these ideas you may have carried around for a long, long time. New Moons come with an infusion of new energy, and in Aries there is the potential for an even greater sense of a new beginning. As you put this energy to work, apply a beginner’s mindset to evolve any old perspectives that are no longer serving you. Making these changes to your beliefs is bringing you more into alignment with your authentic self, which can feel a lot like a moment of arrival into your own life. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Questions are arising regarding resources you share with other people, specifically what you provide them. Consider viewing resources as more than how much is in your bank account — expanding the idea to include your time, energy, love and what you have access to. As others reach out to use what you can offer, take note of what they ask for or are looking to access. Many skills and assets you may not have previously thought of as resources are now highly sought after. They have value to others; I suggest you also place substantial value and worth on those resources. Add them to your personal list of what you bring into any and all negotiations. You are in a moment of expanding the resources you have to draw on and offer to others, giving you greater adaptability in navigating the agreements you are making. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — I propose an idea about your relationships — that they are more about you than the other person. I don’t mean this in terms of narcissism, rather that you access your sense of potential through the act of relating to close partners. At the moment, this potential may feel even more tangible than it’s been in the past. You are moving through a period where your power to manifest your vision is particularly potent. Notice the impact your relationships have on you. Consciously choose who you surround yourself with, using how they support your sense of potential as a barometer. This may involve a process of selection that requires you to consciously choose who to allow into your close tribe. As you surround yourself with people who truly resonate with you, you will continue to feel an increased sense of making contact with your ability to shape your world. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — I suggest blocking out some time to examine how you spend your time. Are your daily routines and what you accomplish each day serving your higher vision for your life? New Moons are good times to change patterns and habits — ending old ways of doing things and establishing new methods of structuring your daily life. With this New Moon in a sign that has a lot to do with direct action, you have plenty of tools at your disposal to make a few important changes to how you schedule your life and where you apply your energy. Consider taking a step back from the flow of your daily routines, instead setting aside an hour or two to take an honest look at how you spend your days. Then assess where you wish to makes changes and follow up those desires with focused action. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — As the week unfolds you are gaining an extra dose of playful, inquisitive energy — particularly around sex. This astrology is focusing on fun and spontaneous interactions, rather than deep, structured relationship connections — though for you intimacy and meaning can be built just as easily on lively, light-hearted exchanges as on interactions that have tremendous depth. I suggest using this energy to operate from a place of openness about who and what comes into your life. Whether or not you are currently in an established relationship, approach sexual exchanges from a beginner’s mindset — as though the sexual relationship is new and part of a discovery process. As you adopt this attitude notice how you interact with your partner and how they interact with you. Ultimately, building sexual relationships based on the ideas of pleasure and authentic exploration is bringing everyone involved a greater feeling of intimacy. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Your astrology is highlighting your inner space — particularly how you derive your sense of having a place in the world. What you are making contact with is a bold, new sense of yourself and your ability to project your vision for your life into your external surroundings. This is changing the answer to the question “How do I fit into the world?” from an external response to an internal solution. You are being called to take an even more active approach in translating your wants and needs into focused action. This begins with knowing what is true and genuine for you and what you need from those around you. Think of this process as a confirmation of your right to exist and an affirmation that there is space for you in the larger world. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Your Moon is located in Aquarius, a sign known for crystallizing and bringing things into form, including your emotions. You often experience your emotions as solid, fixed things rather than fluid, flexible states of being. At times, this may even come with the feeling that you are stuck in an emotion, or like that’s how it will be forever. I propose you have far more control over your emotional state than you may feel at times. Lately, you have been making contact with your emotions’ cyclical nature, working with a new perspective that is grounded in ebb and flow, just like the tides that are influenced by the Moon. Explore the role your thoughts play in establishing how you feel about something. Your mind is a tool that can help establish the kind of emotional patterns and cycles that you desire. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — As a Pisces Moon, you naturally may feel quite different in who you are from day to day, as though you can slip into many skins with different needs and desires. For a while, your astrology has brought deeper contact with all the facets of yourself — more than you may have realized. You are being called to make an authentic exploration of who you are and what you want from your life. This can seem like a daunting task initially as you probe the many layers, nooks and crannies of what makes you tick. As you make contact with more of yourself it may feel like an ocean of complexity is contained within you. I suggest viewing this exploration with a sense of adventure and curiosity. Trust that as you have new experiences and ask new questions of yourself you will gain a clearer sense of who you are. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.



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This Week at Planet Waves + Your Moonshine Horoscopes

Dear Friend and Reader:

With the Sun now in Aries, the overall emphasis of the sky shifts from imaginative visioning to tangible action. That said, there is still much going on in the subtler realm of Pisces this week to tune into. And if you didn’t get to take some time at the equinox last week to write out a few goals for the next three months, the Aries New Moon this Sunday presents another prime seeding moment for the season.

Planet Waves
Pussy willows at the 2012 Aries equinox, Portland, Maine; this spring, they’re still in hiding. Photo by Amanda Painter.

If you have an Aries Sun, rising sign or Moon (or love someone who does), you’ll be excited to know that Eric is recording your birthday reading today — just in time to make the most of this New Moon. You can pre-order the Aries birthday reading for a significant discount now, and we’ll email you the access info as soon as it’s ready. Once it publishes, the price will increase, so do that Aries thing and act now!

The Aries New Moon is also Genevieve Hathaway’s focus in her Moonshine Horoscopes, available today for all 12 Moon signs.

In today’s edition of Planet Waves FM, Eric will cover the Aries New Moon, which is conjunct the asteroid Ophelia. He will also do an astrology lesson on how to read a T-square in a chart.

News items in today’s edition include a look at the chart for the Washington State mudslide that happened Saturday and a brief comment on the ongoing cover-up around Flight 370.

The edition will be published to Planet Waves FM by about 6 pm EDT.

Tonight’s Daily Astrology column considers the conjunction of the asteroid Juno and Uranus in Aries. What might happen to the concept of marriage if everyone were to establish a sense of completeness within themselves first, and then enter into relationships with others?

Looking ahead to the weekend, Mercury’s conjunction with Chiron Saturday also involves the minor planet Borasisi. We’ve described the scenario in Monday’s Daily Astrology column as “shocking us with the truth — but in a ‘gentle’ way”; most likely it’s a truth you already knew, whether you’ve let yourself admit it before now or not.

Len Wallick looks today at the many aspects Mercury is making from Pisces right now. There is some long-term importance to what you express and how, thanks to the prominence of water in the current astrology. His column publishes on the main Planet Waves blog at noon.

Yours and truly,

Amanda Painter


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Moonshine Horoscopes — Aries Full Moon Edition

Dear Friend and Reader:

Friday is the Aries Full Moon and penumbral eclipse, exact shortly before 7:38 pm EDT. (View full chart here; that link also includes the Scorpio New Moon and solar eclipse chart.) Genevieve Hathaway has interpreted this lunation for each of the 12 Moon signs in her horoscopes below.

Eclipses are pattern-setting events; they are also portals into a kind of accelerated time-space, when your life can seem to move forward by quantum leaps. Therefore standard modern operating procedure for eclipses is to be sure you do things on and around the day of an eclipse that you love and want to focus on for the next 6-12 months. Get your ship pointed in the right direction.

Planet Waves

The Aries Full Moon/eclipse is the Libra Sun (relationships, balance) opposite the Moon in Aries (‘I am’, impulsiveness), with the Earth in the middle. In the mix is the minor planet Eris, conjunct the Moon.

Eris is a marker of our times, representing the identity chaos/crisis society has been struggling with for a long time. (Eris has been in Aries since the 1920s, so nearly everyone alive now has this placement.) Eris in this chart is likely bringing to a head any tension between individual needs and relationship needs, or the ‘individual you’ and the ‘relationship you’.

Have you ever noticed a difference between how you exercise your independence, or how ‘true’ you are to your deepest desires and values, whether you are single or coupled? If so, this Full Moon may turn your focus inward to examine them, and could dissolve a relational deadlock that has been brewing.

The Libra Sun is urging balance in relationships; the Aries Moon could trigger emotions. Mercury nearing its Scorpio retrograde says: stop and think; understand that you’re feeling your thoughts right now; communicate carefully and be flexible with any travel. Eris will draw attention to any ways you’ve divvied yourself up for others — and asks what you want to do about it.

To read Genevieve’s horoscopes, it helps to know your Moon sign (where the Moon was at the moment of your birth), which you can find out by entering your birth data into Serennu.com. If you know your birth time, that will ensure accuracy — but often you can still be sure of its sign even if the exact degree is fuzzy. You can also read these horoscopes for your Sun and rising signs for additional insight.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter
Planet Waves

We are happy to offer once again one of our most popular products: the Planet Waves All-Access Pass for 2014. The All-Access Pass is for members who want access to everything we offer in a calendar year. In recent years our product line has grown considerably, and the response from our All-Access subscribers has been overwhelmingly positive. You can read about everything that’s included with an All-Access pass here. For those who can’t get enough Planet Waves astrology, it’s an unbeatable value. Plus, if you order now, we’ll include the rest of the readings that come out in 2013, and you’ll save $100.
These Moonshine Horoscopes are written by Genevieve Hathaway. Genevieve is an astrologer and Planet Waves contributor. She is available for astrology readings. You can contact her at genevieve@venusinblue.com.

Aries Full Moon Moonshine Horoscopes | By Genevieve Hathaway

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Conversations and situations with close partners that began during the Libra New Moon in early October are coming to a head. These discussions and situations are pushing you to make contact with how you FEEL about them. Your first instinct is to act, but what you are being called to do now is to be in tune with your emotions and let how you feel guide your decision-making and communication processes. I suggest taking a brutally honest approach with yourself — get clear on what you want, then work from there.  Think of this as a process of checking in on your internal state through negotiations and agreements with others. What you are building are patterns that utilize your emotions as a tool for creating the kind of relationships that fit both you and your partners. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Your subconscious world has been a busy place for some time. It may have felt as if there was a room inside of you that you couldn’t always access, and unexpected ideas and emotions seem to come out of this hidden space at unexpected times. The threshold between your conscious self and your unconscious space is becoming more like a flexible boundary rather than a solid wall. In fact, applying a little more energy, you can push right through it. I suggest taking time now to explore what you find in your psychic body. What you are gaining is a better understanding of how to access this hidden space whenever you want to, giving you a greater understanding of your deepest desires, needs and wants. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — At the moment, how you feel about your network may be rapidly changing — as quickly as daily or even hourly. This could come with the sensation of being a small boat tossed around on a turbulent sea, or like there is no solid ground to stand on. It may feel as though the groups you are investing in are quickly shifting and evolving faster than you can connect with them emotionally. Instead of seeing this process as separate, I suggest taking the longer view of your being one of the contributing forces for change. Take note of the ripple effect your actions and emotions have on your large network. You are being called to have a vision for your network and to build that vision through your thoughts, feelings and actions. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The current astrology is highlighting your career angle. What does your highest calling look like? And are you living it? You are being called to do an emotional assessment of your work and to investigate whether it is resonating with your strongest sense of meaning and purpose. As you move through this exploration, I suggest turning to your inward state as one of your most useful pieces of information. Pay attention to which things truly excite you and fill you with energy. Also notice what makes you feel good about being you. These are clues to bring more of it into your work life. Do more of these things that connect you with your highest calling. You are setting patterns for the kind of work you do, patterns that will last many years. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — This week’s Aries Full Moon is bringing plenty of heat and emotion to some of your long-held ideas. Over the past few weeks, you’ve been pulling apart a few deeply held personal beliefs that you’ve carried around for a long time. What you are working through are feelings about your role in the world — feelings that have sometimes kept you from meeting your full potential. On offer is an opportunity to heal and move beyond these emotional blocks. You’ve made a lot more progress lately, more than you may realize. As the pressures build over the Full Moon, an idea stemming from a feeling will help you break through your internal blocks. This may come with the sensation of exploding into your world. You can also think of this as a moment of arrival into more of who you are. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The past few weeks have brought up questions surrounding your shared resources, specifically what others are giving or providing to you. I suggest viewing resources as more than money, rather as anything that helps you accomplish something. Your Moon sign is very resourceful and you are used to being the one giving the resource instead of receiving it from others. As those around you offer things that will help you reach your goals in your daily life and current projects, remember there is nothing lacking in you when you accept what’s offered. I propose instead viewing those around you as another one of the resources in your life that you can draw on. Notice how much further you get when you work together and allow others to bring their resources to situations. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.


Planet Waves

Attention Libras (and those with Libra rising or Moon): We’ve got big news for you: Your 2013-2014 birthday reading by Eric Francis is ready!

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — A relationship dynamic you are working through is helping you connect with a certain emotional need. What you are making contact with is how the boundaries in the relationship have served or not served to support you as an individual. I propose you consider the perspective that for there to be harmony in a relationship, both individuals’ needs as individuals must be supported and respected. This means yours as well as your partner’s. For a while you may need to be the one to state your needs first. As you bring that level of respect to yourself as an individual, partners will follow suit. Hold space for an open, honest dialogue to occur. What is on offer is stronger support for you and your partner’s unique individual natures and desires. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Your psychic body has been a busy place for quite some time with a lot of energy concentrated there. Like a smith forging a sword, your subconscious space has been forged, worked and reworked in the heat, fire and pressure of the astrology we’ve been experiencing. You have the opportunity now to examine what you’ve been crafting one layer under the surface of your consciousness. This may feel like an “aha” or breakthrough moment, though what you are accessing is something you’ve had for quite some time, just not in a form you recognized or could touch. What you are connecting with is how to use your internal space like a finely crafted tool. What you are gaining is an even more diverse tool belt, to craft and shape what you envision for your life. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — As the week unfolds, plenty of unexpected people and situations may show up, particularly regarding sex. I suggest maintaining an attitude of openness, allowing yourself to meet what comes into your life without any expectations. Think of this as holding space for all possibilities to manifest. Operate from a position of letting go of preconceived ideas or requirements. Instead, do what you do best — let your curiosity lead, and hold space for partners to do the same. You are in a moment of making contact with some deeply creative and playful energy that will lend itself to some soul-enriching sexual moments for both you and partners. As you go on this sexual exploration, maintain an open dialogue with partners. Doing so offers greater intimacy both with others and with yourself. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Your emotional space is heating up quite a bit. This may come with the sensation of your inner landscape being erratic, or as though the emotional tether that keeps you grounded has been cut. If unexpected emotions arise, I suggest not assuming that they are linked to current situations in your life. Certain work situations may appear to be the catalyst, but I suggest taking the longer view. Like magma slowly making its way up through a volcano via lava tubes in the Earth’s crust, emotions that were buried a long time ago are rising to the surface of your mind and then bursting forth. As you work through these feelings, sit with what you experience, peeling back the layers to reach the actual root of the feeling. What you are gaining is the opportunity to heal and clear out old, lingering emotions. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Recently, you’ve been working through questions surrounding the role you play in your local community and the larger world. If any frustration arises regarding rectifying obligations in your home town with a larger purpose that is calling you beyond your local area, I suggest viewing it as a motivating factor that is pushing you to apply your creativity. As an Aquarius Moon, you are good at creating solutions that can incorporate seemingly competing ideas or situations. You are able to get around mutually exclusive viewpoints to think so far outside the box that others may feel you are operating in a different reality. In some ways you are — you don’t get limited by the constraints that others believe exist. As you move forward, finding a way to accomplish both what you want locally and internationally, maintain your focus on the idea that your reality is shaped by you. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You are being called to reassess how your internal world interacts with your outer experience. I propose an idea — that your inner emotional state is one of your greatest resources. Feeling good about yourself and your life is a powerful tool you can harness to create the kind of outer world you envision. I don’t mean if you feel good you’ll solve world hunger, rather that feeling good puts out energy on the right wavelength to help you create more of what you want in your life. I suggest starting with the small things around you that bring sensations of emotional joy and grounding. Make sure to do some of what you love every day and channel the feeling that brings into your projects, tasks, relationships and endeavors. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.

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Aries Full Moon Eclipse — and your Moonshine Horoscopes

Dear Friend and Reader:

If you’re feeling a little like this week is packed to the gills full of some kind of edgy anticipation (whether creative and positive or stressful and negative), yet it’s been tricky to get traction on all the things you must do, you are in tune with a busy sky. It’s a sky that continues to find at least partial expression in the deadlock in the U.S. government. Chances are you can see and feel it in your personal life, too — and everything is about to shift.

Planet Waves
Old apple tree at Gilsland Farm, Falmouth, Maine. Photo by Amanda Painter.

We’re covering the astrology for you on several fronts. First up, Genevieve Hathaway has written this week’s Moonshine horoscopes specifically for the Aries Full Moon eclipse.

Eric sifts through these events and more in tonight’s broadcast of Planet Waves FM. He will cover the astrology and the religious issues associated with the budget showdown, looking closely at Friday’s Full Moon eclipse and Mercury retrograde.

For an overview of this week’s primary themes, check out Monday’s Daily Astrology column. Covering Mars entering Virgo and opposing Neptune, this Mercury shadow phase and more, the column outlines some of the reasons you may feel ready to take action — and the reasons why doing so with extra mindfulness, attention to detail and careful communication matters.

Today’s Daily Astrology column considers the Libra Sun opposite Eris in Aries. This is a ‘proving moment’ for Eris — and a great reason to consider the “individual self” versus “relationship self” dilemma so many people find themselves in.

If you check back on the blog around noon today, you can read the latest from Len Wallick. In today’s column, he’ll be outlining how to prepare for the “whirlwind trip” of our upcoming eclipse season.

Finally, we wanted to let you know that Genevieve is teaching an hour-long workshop on Mercury retrograde tonight, Oct. 15, from 7-8 pm PDT at Shift Massage in Seattle, Washington. She will be covering the basics of Mercury retrograde, how to avoid the setbacks and delays generally associated with Mercury retrograde, and how to use the astrology to your advantage — plus specifics about the upcoming Mercury retrograde, which begins Oct. 21. If time permits, she can answer participants’ questions about how Mercury retrograde affects their natal charts.

You can register here and contact Genevieve directly at genevieve@venusinblue.com.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter

Planet Waves

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Aries New Moon and Moonshine Horoscopes

Dear Friend and Reader:

Wednesday is the Aries New Moon, in a conjunction with Venus, Mars and Eris. This is a big event — a significant turning point, especially in relationships. We have a diversity of coverage for you today, including the Moonshine horoscope. Eric will also have Planet Waves FM for you later today, which will cover the New Moon, the North Korea situation and Maggie Thatcher.

Unlike most New Moons, which tend to emphasize a sense of winding down and completion, the lead-up to this one feels more like it’s building up to a point of release — thanks to a potent grouping of personal planets in Aries.

Eris is the centerpiece of the grouping. As a result, this lunar event is a ‘proving moment’ for Eris; it’s an opportunity to watch the themes that emerge and see what they tell us about this planet whose discovery resulted in Pluto’s reclassification.

Genevieve Hathaway introduced the Aries New Moon in Monday’s blog post. Eric and I have expanded the coverage with today’s Daily Astrology, which explores even deeper the presence of Eris in this New Moon event.

Genevieve has also written a sign-by-sign interpretation of the Aries New Moon in her Moonshine Horoscope, available here.

Finally, Eric will be back later this evening with a new Planet Waves FM broadcast.

Yours and truly,

Amanda Painter

Planet Waves

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